The Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States in 1893
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While any one, so disposed, could have gathered the same facts, yet, as far as the writer's knowledge goes, it has never been attempted, in this form, and so he claims, at least, originality, though there may be no particular ability displayed. There are, as a matter of course, some inaccuracies; it would not be possible to have it otherwise, such is the manner of making some of the Convention Journals. The Communicants are not separated, in many instances, and two, and often more Churches are connected by a bracket, and the communicants mentioned in gross. But by the "law of compensation," it is probable that, in the end, the Communicants belonging to each Church named, are in the main correct. To those who have not looked into this matter, there may be some surprises. The writer has given the names of the Churches in every Diocese and Missionary District, except some in South Dakota, which will be spoken of, under that head, later on. Where there are dashes [— ] opposite a Church name, it signifies that no communicants are reported. There are scores of Missions with no names, as will be seen. The writer believes that, as before mentioned, there will be some surprises. In the nomenclature of the Churches, it is a singular fact that there are but one of a name, in many instances, in the whole country. Take, for instance, "Church of the Advocate," While 4 The Protestant Episcopal Church. there are numerous "Redeemers," " Mediators," etc., there is but one of that name, and that is in Philadelphia; but one "Reformation" (Brooklyn), and so on. The writer has taken a great deal from Whittaker's admirable Church Almanac for 1894, which, by the by, should be in the hands of every Churchman. A great many of the details have been culled from Convention Journals of 1893, and the writer hereby thanks those Secretaries, who have courteously sent their Journals to him. To sum up, the writer has done the best he could with the data in his possession, and if any errors have crept in, he sincerely asks indulgence, for this little work has been written under most painful conditions, almost helplessness and nearly (and soon will be) total blindness. It has been written, too, in the hope, and with the most earnest prayers, that his fellow-churchmen will feel a hearty sympathy for one who, in this effort, is trying to bring aid and comfort to those dearest to him, and make his life, now drawing near its conclusion, end in peace. CHARLES F. HURLBURT, Brooklyn, August, 1894. PART I. DIOCESES. There are, in the United States, fifty-three Dioceses, and seventeen Missionary Districts including Alaska. The Dioceses will be treated of first. Within the last twenty-five years there has been a great increase in their number. The State of New York has now five (5); Pennsylvania, three (3); New jersey, two (2); Maryland, two (2). Virginia, two (2); North Carolina, two (2); Florida, a Missionary District beside the old Diocese; Texas, two (2) Missionary Districts beside the old Diocese; Missouri, a Missionary District, in addition to the old Diocese; Ohio, two (2); Illniois, three (3). Michigan, two (2) also a Missionary District; Wisconsin, two (2); while Nebraska, Colorado and Calfornia has each a Diocese and a Missionary District; in the case of the State of Washingtion there are two Missionary Districts within its limits. The General Convention of the Church is held triennially and consists of the House of Bishops, and that of the Clerical and Lay Deputies. It is not the province of the writer to enter into any extended notice of the workings of the Church, except as he has commented upon the subject on treating of the several Dioceses. Suffice it to say that the Church has under its fostering care a vast number of Educa- tional and Charitable Institutions, and that the members of the Church are among the most eminent in all walks of life, and that the Church is increasing rapidly all over this favored land, its Bishops and Clergy conveying the Gospel of Glad Tidings into its most remote sections. With these preliminary remarks the writer goes into the details of the Dioceses. 6 The Protestant Episcopal Church ALABAMA. ORGANIZED 183O. Bishop, Rt. Rev. Richard Hooker Wilmer, D.D. Assistant Bishop, Rt. Rev. Henry Melville Jackson, D.D. This Diocese shows evidence of growth ; its increase of communi- cants over 1892 being about one hundred There are many Missions, and they are constantly increasing. Bishop Wilmer, on account of ill health cannot do as much as he used to do ; but his able Assistant is a strong and able man, both in mind and body, and is doing great work. The largest Churches are: Com. Com. St. John's, Mobile 689 Christ, Mobile 458 St. John's, Montgomery.... 615 Trinity, Mobile 410 Advent, Birmingham 590 St. Paul's, Selma 325 Contributions, $126,628.87; Communicants, 6287; Ratio, $20.11. No. Church Names Ccm. No. Church Names Com. 6 St. John's 1387 4 St. Mark's 76 5 Christ 738 1 St. Stephen's j^ 5 Trinity 695 1 St. Thomas' 60 9 St.