Planning Committee
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Planning Committee Date: 8th October, 2008, 2:00 pm, Place: Room 77, Guildhall, Hull Present: Councillor J.L Fareham (Chairman), Councillor P.M Ellis (Deputy Chairman), Councillor K Branson, Councillor M Bristow, Councillor N Fudge, Councillor J.A Hewitt, Councillor S.J. Hull, Councillor R.M. Jones, Councillor T McVie, Councillor J Nicholson, Councillor R.F. Welton, Councillor D Woods, Councillor H.R. Woods and Councillor C.C. Woolmer. In Attendance: Mr. A. Codd (City Planning Manager), Mr. D. Harris (Development Control Manager), Mr. G. Hall (Group Manager (Highways and Open Spaces)), Mr. P Dearing (Solicitor) and Mrs. L. Scholes (Democratic Services Officer). Apologies for absence: Councillor M.D Taylor. Item Description/Decision PROCEDURAL ITEMS Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd September, 2008 159 Agreed - That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held at 10.00 a.m. on 3rd September, 2008, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.� Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd September, 2008 160 Agreed - That the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held at 2.00 p.m. on 3rd September, 2008, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Chairman.� Declarations of Interest Councillor Fareham declared a personal interest in minute�164, 5 St. 161 Ninians Walk insofar as he lives at the far end of Ella Street.�Councillor Branson declared a personal interest in minute 166, 382 Priory Road insofar as his sister lives on St. Francis Court.�� NON-EXEMPT ITEMS Appeals Lodged The Head of Regional Development submitted a report which detailed the appeals lodged and decided in September, 2008.�� 162 Appeals Lodged September 2008 �Agreed -�That the Committee note the appeals lodged and decided, in particular the good results.� Malet Lambert School, James Reckitt Avenue, Kingston Upon Hull, HU8 0JD, Report details Agreed - �That the above application be conditionally approved as detailed in the Planning Schedule with the addition of the following conditions:-41.� Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority there shall be no vehicular�or pedestrian access from�Birklands Drive, in the interests of residential amenity and to comply with policy CF1 and M1 of the Local Plan.42.� Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority all new parking areas shall be constructed to a permeable design, to protect against 163 flooding and to comply with policy CF1 of the Local Plan.43.� Before development begins a scheme to provide public art within the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.� The scheme shall include an implementation schedule.� Unless otherwise agreed the approved details shall be carried out in accordance with the schedule and thereafter retained.� In the interests of the amenity of the area and to comply with policies CF1, BE1 and BE15 of the Local Plan.That the applicant's attention be drawn to the need to carefully consider the design and size of the food hall; the position of the access and its impact on railings at the front, and the level of car parking should not exceed current levels.(Mr. Morfin (interested party), Mrs. Stones (neighbour) and Mr. Martin (applicant) addressed the Committee on this application.)� 5 St Ninians Walk, Kingston Upon Hull, HU5 3BQ Report details Agreed -That the above application be conditionally approved as detailed in the Planning Schedule with the inclusion of a Section 106 Agreement, 164 and with additional conditions relating to the size and position of replacement trees, use of renewables, and any conditions recommended by the Environment Agency;the Committee express their concern and disappointment of the felling of the trees on the site. (Councillor Fareham declared a personal interest in the above application insofar as he lives at the far end of Ella Street.)� 165 Land To The North-West Of The Priory Inn, Priory Road, Kingston Upon Hull Report details Agreed - That the above application be refused for the following reasons:- It has�not been satisfactorily demonstrated that the proposed access arrangements provide safe and convenient access and egress to the public highway, to the detriment of highway safety contrary to policy M29 of the Local Plan.the proposal would result in the loss of trees which make a positive contribution to the amenity of the surrounding urban area contrary to policies BE6 and H1 of the Local Plan. � 382 Priory Road, Kingston Upon Hull, HU5 5SX, Report details Agreed - That the above application be refused for the following reasons:- �The design of the proposed building would, by virtue of the proportions and variety of details used on the elevation, have a detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the surrounding area contrary to policy BE1 and H1 of the Local Plan.The proposed building would appear 166 unduly dominant from, and result in a loss of light to, the surrounding residential properties on St Francis Court and Colwall Avenue contrary to policies BE1 and H1 of the Local Plan.There would be no amenity space and limited space for landscaping at the site.� It is therefore considered that the proposed development would represent an over-development of the site contrary to policies H1 and BE1 of the Local Plan. (Mr. Ellis, Mr. Murphy (neighbours) and Mr. Kendall (agent) addressed the Committee on this application.) �(Councillor Branson declared a personal interest in the above application insofar as his sister lives on St. Francis Court.)� 1040/1046 Holderness Road, (Land To The Rear Of), Kingston Upon Hull, HU9 4AH Report details 167 Agreed - That the above application be refused for the following reason:�The proposed dwelling by reason of its height, massing and detailed design would be out of character with the surrounding area and would be contrary to policies BE1 and BE3 of the Local Plan.�(Mr. Gunn (neighbour) and Mr. Boaden (agent) addressed the Committee on this application.)� Land To The North Of 12-18 Bideford Grove, Kingston Upon Hull Report details 168 Agreed - That the above application be deferred at the request of Councillor Fareham to enable the Committee to visit the site as the proposal could not be fully visualised from the information provided.� Land To The North Of, 87A - 97 Church Street, Sutton-On-Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 4TG Report details 169 Agreed - That the above application be deferred at the request of Councillor J. Hewitt to enable the Committee to visit the site as the proposal could not be fully visualised from the information provided.� Hull Marina, Kingston Upon Hull Report details Agreed - That the above application be conditionally approved as detailed 170 in the Planning Schedule, subject to no objections being received from the Highways Agency with the addition of the conditions relating to toilet position, disposal of waste, design of gangways, and position of vehicle servicing area, details of these to be reported back to Committee for approval.��(Mr. Morfin (interested party) addressed the Committee on the above application.)� 17 Highfield, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 4TW, Report details Agreed - That the above application be deferred at the request of 171 Councillor Fareham to enable the Committee to visit the site as the proposal could not be fully visualised from the information provided, andthat a letter be sent to Councillor Hepton regarding him not attending the Committee meeting when he had asked for the application to be determined by Committee. The Retention of Buildings in the Fruit Market Strategic Development Area The Head of Regional Development submitted a report which identified buildings within the Fruit Market area which should be retained to provide a steer for Hull Forward in the preparation of a development brief for the Fruit Market.� Members commented on individual buildings in the Fruit Market area including 29 Humber Street and Lock Keepers Cottages.� 172 Report Agreed - That the buildings identified within paragraph 5.3 be designated for retention in the development brief with the inclusion of 29 Humber Street;that only�where further detailed investigation is undertaken, that satisfies the tests in PPG15 (paragraph 3.19), will demolition of the buildings listed in paragraph 5.3 and those of positive value identified within the Old Town Conservation Area Character Appraisal (November, 2006) be considered, andthat in relation to Lock Keepers Cottage, if the building is demolished at a future time a plaque be erected to commemorate the building. Hedon Road/Marfleet Lane/Church Lane, Former Humbrol Works, Kingston Upon Hull, HU9 5LY Report details Agreed - That the above application be refused for the following reason 173 and the Committee re-affirm the inclusion of condition 2 in the approval granted:-�The fencing by reason of its design is not considered an appropriate permanent form of enclosure given the absence of any redevelopment proposals and the location partly within the Marfleet Village Conservation Area and to comply with policies BE18 and BE19 of�the Local Plan and Joint Structure Plan policy ENV6.��(Mr. Powell (agent) addressed the Committee on the above application.)� 55 Hall Road, Kingston upon Hull, HU6 8QW Report details 174 Agreed - That the above application be refused as detailed in the Planning Schedule.�(Councillor Randall (ward councillor) addressed the Committee on this application.)� 2 - 6 Church Street, Sutton-On-Hull, Kingston Upon Hull, HU7 4TT, Report details Agreed - That the above application be refused for the following reasons:- �The location of the proposed access in close proximity to a busy 175 roundabout would constitute a significant threat to highway safety on the adjacent road network contrary to policy M29 of the Local Plan.The proposed development makes inadequate provision for off-street vehicle parking and would lead to parking congestion on the public highway contrary to policies M29 and M30 of the Local Plan.