5816 Federal Register / Vol
5816 Federal Register / Vol. 84, No. 36 / Friday, February 22, 2019 / Rules and Regulations ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION some information is not publicly B. What facilities are not subject to the AGENCY available, e.g., CBI or other information final rule? whose disclosure is restricted by statute. C. Scope of Hazardous Wastes Addressed 40 CFR Parts 261, 262, 264, 265, 266, Certain other material, such as by This Final Rule 268, 270, and 273 D. Wastes Generated at Healthcare copyrighted material, is not placed on Facilities That Are Not Included in the [EPA–HQ–RCRA–2007–0932; FRL–9988–26– the internet and will be publicly Scope of this Final Rule OLEM] available only in hard copy form. VIII. What terms are defined in this final Publicly available docket materials are rule? (§ 266.500) RIN 2050–AG39 available electronically through https:// A. Definition of Pharmaceutical www.regulations.gov. B. Definition of Hazardous Waste Management Standards for Hazardous Pharmaceutical FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Waste Pharmaceuticals and C. Definition of Reverse Distributor Amendment to the P075 Listing for Kristin Fitzgerald, Materials Recovery D. Definition of Potentially Creditable Nicotine and Waste Management Division, Office Hazardous Waste Pharmaceutical of Resource Conservation and Recovery E. Definition of Non-Creditable Hazardous AGENCY: Environmental Protection (5304P), Environmental Protection Waste Pharmaceutical Agency (EPA). Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, F. Definition of Evaluated Hazardous ACTION: Final rule. Washington, DC 20460; telephone Waste Pharmaceutical number: (703) 308–8286; email address: G. Definition of Household Waste SUMMARY: Some pharmaceuticals are Fitzgerald.Kristin@epa.gov, or Brian Pharmaceutical H. Definition of Non-Hazardous Waste regulated as hazardous waste under the Knieser, Materials Recovery and Waste Resource Conservation and Recovery Pharmaceutical Management Division, Office of I.
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