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Feeding in marine : An integration of evolution and ecology through time

Annalisa Berta and Agnese Lanzetti


Marine mammals are key components of aquatic ecosystems. Feeding strategies identified in extant cetaceans, , sirenians, marine otters, and polar bears are associated with anatomical specializations of the head (rostrum, palate, temporoman- dibular joint, teeth/baleen, mandible). Genetic and ontogenetic evidence of skull and morphology provide the mechanisms that underlie patterns of feeding diversity. Based on a comprehensive diversity data set derived from the Paleobiology Database, we considered feeding strategies (suction, biting, filter feeding, grazing), prey type (squid, fish, benthic invertebrates, zooplankton, tetrapods, sea grasses), tooth pattern and cusp shape (homodont, heterodont, pointed, rounded, edentulous), and habitat (marine, riverine, estuarine) in and extant marine mammals. These variables were then tested for correlation and their changes through time examined in relation to productivity and climate variables. We provide an integrated analysis of the evolution of feeding and trophic structure in marine mammals and explore the origin and timing of particular feeding strategies over the last 50 million years. In agreement with earlier reports, updated generic counts reveal that the greatest diversity of pinnipedimorphs and cetaceans occurred during the late (), following the Mid-Miocene Climatic Optimum. These historical data are used as a framework to inform past and present structure and trophic interactions and enable predictions about future marine ecosystems.The driv- ers of diet and feeding patterns are both environmental (sea level fluctuations, climate change) and biotic (anatomical specializations, competition, predator-prey). The influ- ence of these processes on paleodiversity varies depending on taxonomic group, tim- ing, and geographic scale.

Annalisa Berta. Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182, USA. [email protected] Agnese Lanzetti. Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182, USA. [email protected]

Keywords: marine mammals; diversity curves; feeding strategies; biotic and environmental drivers

Berta, Annalisa and Lanzetti, Agnese. 2020. Feeding in marine mammals: An integration of evolution and ecology through time. Palaeontologia Electronica, 23(2):a40. https://doi.org/10.26879/951 palaeo-electronica.org/content/2020/3136-feeding-in-marine-mammals

Copyright: August 2020 Paleontological Society. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which permits users to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, provided it is not used for commercial purposes and the original author and source are credited, with indications if any changes are made. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ BERTA & LANZETTI: FEEDING IN MARINE MAMMALS

Submission: 7 December 2020. Acceptance: 11 August 2020.

INTRODUCTION ecology of feeding in marine mammals. We begin by examining feeding strategies in extant and Marine mammals comprise a diverse assem- extinct marine mammals by associating these blage of at least seven distinct evolutionary lin- strategies with anatomical specializations of the eages that independently returned to the sea and head. We next consider genetic and ontogenetic spend the majority of their time in water. They evidence of skull and tooth morphology, which occupy aquatic ecosystems ranging from the poles underlies the evolution of feeding types. Finally, to the equator and riverine, estuarine, and a variety using key morphological features, we performed a of marine environments from shallow coastal to comprehensive analysis of the evolution of feeding deep sea. Across this diverse range of habitats diversity and trophic structure in marine mammals. they occupy almost every trophic level from top Also incorporated in this framework is evidence predators to primary consumers. In addition to the from diatoms diversity, stable isotopes (e.g., δ18O, three major extant lineages that include pinnipeds δ13C), and sea level changes which track changes (seals, sea lions, and ), cetaceans, odon- in productivity, diet, and the environment over geo- tocetes [toothed whales], mysticetes [baleen logic time. whales] and sirenians ( and ), other marine mammals include sea otters and Feeding Strategies and Prey polar bears plus several entirely extinct lineages: Marine mammals have evolved multiple feed- desmostylians, aquatic sloths, and an aquatic bear ing strategies to capture and consume food or prey (Berta, 2017). underwater. We have adopted the three feeding Today marine mammals include 130 living categories of extant aquatic predators identified by (Committee on , 2017). Marine Kienle et al. (2017): biting, suction, and filter feed- mammals have been on Earth for a little more than ing with the addition of a fourth category, grazing to 50 million years, and their past diversity includes include sirenians (Figure 1). It should be noted more than 450 genera (Paleobiology Database, that, like most , marine mammals are see Materials and Methods). All of their ancestors opportunistic feeders and capture prey as effi- had well-developed limbs and feet and lived in ter- ciently as possible, which may require them to restrial environments. The transition from land to switch between prey types depending on their sea involved the acquisition of many diverse adap- availability, and they also employ combinations of tations including the ability to capture and consume these strategies (Hocking et al., 2013, 2017a, b; prey in the marine environment. Environmental Kienle et al., 2017). Furthermore, many species pressures involved in foraging in water, such as show variation in foraging strategy that can be increased pressure, density, and viscosity, have related to age, sex, season, and prey type (Kienle resulted in morphological specializations related to and Berta, 2016). locomotion, prey capture, and food processing. Biting. Biting (raptorial) feeding, a common marine The objective of this study is to provide an feeding strategy, can be divided into three integrative analysis of the anatomy, evolution, and

FIGURE 1. Feeding strategies of extant predators (from Kienle et al., 2017) with the addition of graz- ing (sirenians, authors’ work).


subcategories: crushing, grip-and-tear, and pierce swim slowly through dense patches of prey with feeding (Kienle et al., 2017). Crushing is performed open mouths, and prey passively enter the oral when prey is fragmented by the teeth during inges- cavity (Werth and Potvin, 2016). This strategy is tion and intraoral processing. This strategy is best exemplified by balaenid whales (bowhead and exemplified by sea otters (Enhydra lutris) using the right whales). Intermittent filter feeders actively molars to break down hard shelled prey (e.g., sea engulf a single mouthful of prey and remove water urchins, crustaceans, and molluscs). Grip-and-tear using various filtering structures during a distinct feeding defines animals that hold prey with the water removal stage. Intermittent filter feeding can jaws/forelimbs, shake prey and/or rip off smaller be further subdivided into lunge and suction filter pieces during ingestion. This strategy has also feeding based on the method of ingestion (Hocking been documented in some pinnipeds (e.g., leopard et al., 2017a; Kienle et al., 2017). Lunge filter feed- seals Hydrurga leptonyx), some odontocetes (e.g., ing (also called intermittent ram filter feeding, gulp- killer whales Orcinus orca), polar bears (Ursus ing, and ram gulping) is best exemplified by maritimus), and sea otters (Adam and Berta, 2002; balaenopterid whales (e.g., minke, fin, humpback, Kienle and Berta, 2016). In pierce feeding, animals blue, and sei whales also known as rorquals) that bite prey during ingestion, often swallowing prey swim rapidly at a prey patch while opening their whole with little manipulation or external process- mouths to draw in prey (Goldbogen et al., 2010; ing. Suction can be used in combination with both Werth and Ito, 2017). In suction filter feeding, ani- pierce and grip-and-tear feeding to pull prey inside mals such as some phocid seals (e.g., crabeater the mouth. Pierce and suction feeding are seen in seal Lobodon carcinophaga, and most pinnipeds (e.g., Leptonychotes Hydrurga leptonyx) use suction to pull prey from weddellii, Hawaiian the water (e.g., Adam and Berta, 2002; Hocking et schauinslandi), and delphinid odontocetes al., 2013; Kienle and Berta, 2016; Kienle et al., (Stenella, Delphinus, and Tursiops spp.) (Werth, 2017). Lateral suction filter feeding (also called 2006a; Kienle et al., 2015). benthic suction feeding) is a specialized strategy Suction. Suction feeding is the most common seen in the gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus). It feeding strategy seen in aquatic vertebrates includ- involves gray whales rolling laterally onto their right ing fish, sea birds, turtles, and some marine mam- sides and sucking in prey, primarily amphipods, mals (Werth, 2000; Kienle et al., 2017). Suction expelling water and sediment through the baleen feeders generate negative pressure within the oral (El Adli et al., 2014; Kienle et al., 2017). cavity, which draws water and prey into the mouth Grazing. Sirenians, the only extant herbivorous (e.g., Marshall et al., 2008; Kane and Marshall, marine mammals, graze on marine grasses and 2009). Most marine mammals, including some pin- algae. Manatees feed on the blades, leaves, and nipeds (e.g., Erignathus barbatus, stems of a variety of aquatic and terrestrial plants, Cystophoca cristata, including grasses (e.g., water hyacinth and water- Mirounga spp.) and some odontocetes (e.g., thyme Hydrilla), sedges, forbs, herbs, and man- beaked and sperm whales, ziphiids and physet- groves. Dugongs graze on offshore and intertidal eroids, and globicephaline delphinids) use some seagrass beds, plowing through mudflats to dis- form of suction to get prey in the mouth (Kienle and lodge anchored vegetation or stripping leaves from Berta, 2016). Beaked and sperm whales are profi- taller stems, targeting the rhizomes of sea grasses cient squid feeders (Heyning and Mead, 1996; (Werth, 2000; Domning and Beatty, 2007). Werth, 2006a). Bearded and hooded seals employ Anatomy of Feeding suction feeding to prey on shrimp, and the diet of elephant seals is primarily composed of squid Feeding strategies involve a number of spe- (Marshall et al., 2008; Churchill and Clementz, cializations of the head including both osteological 2015; Kienle and Berta, 2016). Suction feeding is and soft tissue structures. Major osteological fea- also used by highly specialized feeders. The mod- tures associated with feeding strategies in various ern , Odobenus rosmarus, employs this extant and fossil marine mammal lineages include strategy to feed on benthic mollusks (Kastelein et size and shape of the head, palate structure, as al., 1997). well as tooth number, shape, and size. Quantitative Filter. Two main subcategories of filter feeding examination of morphological features in both have been defined behaviorally: continuous and extant and fossil marine mammals has been lim- intermittent (Hocking et al., 2017a; Kienle et al., ited (e.g., Jones and Goswami, 2010; Jones et al., 2017). Continuous filter feeders (or skim feeders) 2013; Churchill and Clementz, 2015, 2016; Kienle


FIGURE 2. Anatomical features associated with biting (pierce, grip-and-tear, and crushing) feeding. 1: Crushing in (Enhydra lutris skull, from Lawlor, 1979), 2: Grip-and-tear in leopard seal (Hydruga leptonyx skull, authors’ work), 3: Pierce in Southern , (Otaria byronia skull, authors’ work) and in Amazon river (Inia geoffren- sis skull, authors’ work). and Berta, 2016, 2019). We describe below ana- 2000; Adam and Berta, 2002; Johnston and Berta, tomical features associated with feeding strategies 2011). Prey is swallowed whole if small or torn in both extant and fossil marine mammals. apart. Polydonty, significant increase in tooth num- Biting. Pierce, grip-and-tear, and crushing biting ber, and homodonty, presence of simple, conical, strategies are associated with slightly different cra- tooth crowns, are characteristics of modern ceta- nial and dental morphologies (Figure 2). Prior ceans and pinnipeds and differ from the ancestral workers have described pierce feeders as having mammalian dental pattern of heterodonty (Armfield elongated orbits, enlarged pterygoid bones, and et al., 2013; Churchill and Clementz, 2015). unequal but limited tooth spacing (Adam and Berta, Extreme cases of polydonty and homodonty are 2002; Churchill and Clementz, 2015; Kienle and documented in oceanic , which can have Berta, 2016). Grip-and-tear feeders have long more than 130 conical teeth (Jefferson et al., skulls with wide bases and elongated orbits, audi- 2015). Long mandibles and toothrows have been tory bullae, palate, and parietals, and additionally, associated with raptorial snap feeding characteris- they sometimes have enlarged canines and long, tic of river dolphins (e.g., Inia, Pontoporia), which sharp postcanine tooth cusps (Adam and Berta, developed convergently to gavials (Werth, 2006a; 2002; Kienle and Berta, 2016). In contrast to most McCurry et al., 2017). biting marine mammals, polar bears exhibit sharp, The sea otter is the only extant marine mam- shearing carnassials, characteristic of terrestrial mal that employs a crushing biting strategy. In the carnivorans. past, the durophagous niche was occupied by the In addition, marine mammals that employ phocid Hadrokirus (Amson and de Muizon, 2014) pierce and grip-and-tear biting strategies typically and aquatic bear/pinnipedimorph Kolponomos possess numerous slender pointed teeth to retain (Tseng et al., 2016; Paterson et al., 2020). Marine and grasp prey (Heyning and Mead, 1996; Werth, mammals that employ a crushing biting strategy


FIGURE 3. Anatomical features associated with suction feeding in walrus (Odobenus rosmarus skull, from Jefferson et al., 2015) and North Sea (Mesoplodon bidens skull, authors’ work). typically possess massive skulls and broad, low suction feeding in the walrus (Adam and Berta, crowned flat molars. The canines are often 2002). This enlargement has been correlated with rounded in cross section and the shovel-like inci- an expansion of the m. velum palatini in the walrus, sors are inclined anteriorly to extract soft inverte- which is presumably related to reinforcing the soft brate prey from their shells. In comparison to palate for large intraoral pressure changes during suction feeders, cetaceans that employ biting strat- suction feeding (Kastelein et al., 1991). Similarly, egies rely more heavily on lingual shape changes the enlarged pterygoid hamuli on the crania of for prey capture, ingestion, and transport (Werth, ziphiids have been associated with suction feeding 2007). and tentatively correlated with deep diving Suction Feeding. Many suction feeders have wide (Heyning and Mead, 1996; Ramassamy et al., skulls, reduced dentition, and large, arched palates 2018). (e.g., beaked and sperm whales and the extinct Suction feeders are also characterized by bizarre cetacean Odobenocetops (Adam and reduced dentition and complete tooth loss in some Berta, 2002; Churchill and Clementz, 2015; Kienle lineages. The walrus and bearded seal have a and Berta, 2016; de Muizon and Domning, 2002) reduced number of postcanine teeth lacking cusps (Figure 3). Experiments, simulations, and biome- (Churchill and Clementz, 2015). Sperm whales and chanical models have shown that a blunt head and most beaked whales exhibit a reduced tooth count a short, wide rostrum facilitates the formation of a associated with their typical teuthophagous habit. small, circular oral opening characteristic of suction For example, most beaked whale species undergo feeders (Werth, 2006a, 2006b). An arched or eruptions of only one or two pairs of teeth in males, vaulted palate has been associated with suction and these are likely involved in sexual selection feeding as it provides the tongue with an extended and species recognition rather than feeding (Dale- space in which it can be rapidly depressed and bout et al., 2008). protracted prior to being retracted to produce suc- A fused mandibular symphysis seen in the tion (Kastelein and Gerrits, 1990). Palatal rugosi- walrus has been identified as a characteristic fea- ties (ribbing), which function to hold slippery prey ture of suction feeders (Adam and Berta, 2002). By such as cephalopods, have also been associated providing a solid foundation, it contributes to an with suction feeding (Heyning and Mead, 1996; overall increase in mandible robustness, which Werth, 2000). Another palatal structure – large would allow little or no mandibular deformation pterygoid hamuli – has also been associated with accompanying tongue retraction during feeding.


FIGURE 4. Anatomical features associated with filter feeding in (Lobodon carcinophaga skull, public domain image), and gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus skull, authors’ work).

Blunt mandibles have been correlated with dental egy and diet (e.g., Williamson, 1973; Werth, 2000; reduction and associated with suction feeding in Young et al., 2015; Jensen et al., 2017). The high many odontocete lineages (e.g., some ziphiids, rostral arch of balaenids accommodates their some physeterids, and globicephaline delphinids) exceptionally long, fine baleen laminae (250 to 350 (Werth, 2006a, 2006b; Bloodworth and Marshall, laminae, some exceeding 3 m in length) that are 2007). used to filter tiny copepod prey in skim feeding. Soft tissue structures including the tongue, The baleen of balaenopterids that feed mostly on hyoid apparatus, and associated musculature are fish and krill range from 181 to 402 laminae for specialized in various ways given their different engulfment feeding. In contrast to balaenids and uses in feeding. Enlarged hyoid apparatus and balaenopterids, gray whales possess fewer baleen musculature, providing more surface area for laminae (130-180) that are shorter and coarser, for tongue muscle attachments, are associated with suction feeding on benthic dwelling amphipods and suction feeding (Reidenberg and Laitman, 1994; mysid shrimp. Heyning and Mead, 1996; Werth, 2006a, 2006b, Several features of the lower jaw facilitate 2007; Bloodworth and Marshall, 2007; Johnston expansion of the oral cavity during bulk filter feed- and Berta, 2011). ing. The unfused, ligamentous lower jaw symphy- Filter feeding. Most suction filter feeders sis exhibited by modern baleen whales permits have morphological adaptations for this strategy independent rotation of the jaws (Lambertsen et that include a long narrow skull, a narrow palate, al., 2005). The mandibular symphysis of rorquals an elongated toothrow, thick mandibular symphy- possesses a gel-like cavity hypothesized as a sen- sis, and proportionally large postcanine teeth sory organ that coordinates lunge feeding (Adam and Berta, 2002; Jones et al., 2013; Chur- (Pyenson et al., 2012). The mandibles of rorquals chill and Clementz, 2015; Kienle and Berta, 2016, also exhibit a prominent, laterally deflected coro- 2019). The crabeater seal uses its highly special- noid process, which serves as an attachment point ized, multi-cusped teeth as a sieve to filter krill from for the m. temporalis, an important muscle in lateral the water, and prey become trapped by the inter- rotation of the jaw during engulfment feeding (Bro- digitating teeth (Adam and Berta, 2002) (Figure 4). die, 1993; Lambertsen, 1983). Several other mor- Large heads and mouths have been associ- phological features of the mandible are associated ated with lunge filter feeding in balaenopterids with engulfment feeding in balaenopterids. Later- (e.g., Goldbogen et al., 2010). All modern baleen ally bowed mandibles contribute to the expansive whales lack teeth and employ baleen, a series of gape of balaenopterids (Lambertsen et al., 1995). keratin laminae arranged transversely in two racks A fibrocartilaginous temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that erupt from the gums on either side of the upper was found to facilitate alpha (longitudinal), omega jaw, as a sieve for filter feeding (Figure 4). The (transverse), and delta (vertical) rotation of the number, length, and texture of baleen plates of mandible (Lambertsen et al., 1995). By contrast, modern mysticetes vary according to feeding strat- balaenids possess a synovial joint typical of mam-

6 PALAEO-ELECTRONICA.ORG mals. The TMJ of the gray whale represents an blade-like, self-sharpening tusks developed in intermediate condition, modified from the some later diverging dugongines (e.g., Bharatisi- balaenopterid condition, with a vestigial joint cavity ren, Rytiodus, Corystosiren, Domniniga, Kutchisi- lacking a fibrous capsule, synovial membrane, and ren, Xenosiren, and Dioplotherium) were likely articular disk. In gray whales, this results in an employed for digging up rhizomes of larger sea increased importance of alpha rotation of the man- grasses (Domning and Beatty, 2007). dible while limiting the degree of delta rotation The cheek teeth of most grazing marine mam- (angle of gape) of the lower jaw, an important fac- mals are typically bilophodont, arranged in two tor in suction feeding (Johnston et al., 2010; El Adli long ridges, with rounded cusps and thick enamel. et al., 2014). The teeth of extinct desmostylians exhibit a distinc- The flaccid and floppy tongue of lunge filter tive morphology consisting of closely bundled feeding rorquals permits ingested prey and water columnar cusps. Both extinct desmostylians and to extend the throat pouch. This sac-like structure the aquatic sloth possessed anteri- holds the water engulfed during a feeding event orly extended, wide premaxillae and wide mandib- (Lambertsen, 1983; Goldbogen et al., 2011; Werth ular symphyses, indicating the development of and Ito, 2017). By contrast, the muscular free-mov- strong lips that presumably facilitated grasping ing tongue of the gray whale (Kienle et al., 2015) marine vegetation (de Muizon et al., 2004). likely plays an important role in generating the suc- Although sirenians lack expanded premaxillae, tion forces used in the unique lateral suction feed- their wide upper lips and horny pads on the maxil- ing employed by this species. Bulk lunge filter lae function similarly. In addition to grazing, the feeding rorquals expand the gular cavity by numer- vaulted palate of desmostylians has been sug- ous longitudinal throat grooves (70-80) on the ven- gested to enable suction feeding (Beatty, 2004; tral throat pouch (cavum ventrale), extending to the Uno et al., 2008). The elongate jaws and expanded umbilicus in some species. Ventral groove blubber facial region of some later diverging desmostylians consisting of tough ridges separated by deep chan- (e.g., Ounalashkastylus) likely facilitated extensive nels of elastic tissue permits the extraordinary development of hyoid, facial, and adductor muscu- extensibility of the engulfment apparatus (Goldbo- lature, which supports this feeding method (Chiba gen et al., 2010; Pyenson et al., 2012). In the et al., 2016). mouths of rorquals, a tendinous part of the m. tem- Ontogeny and Growth of the Skull and Teeth poralis, the frontomandibular stay, provides a con- tinuous mechanical linkage between the skull and Skull growth. The feeding apparatus of marine serves to optimize the gape of the mouth during mammals is driven by developmental changes in engulfment filter feeding (Lambertsen et al., 1995). the morphology and growth of the skull and teeth. Suction feeding marine mammals typically exhibit Skull growth in pinnipeds revealed that ontogenetic smaller throat grooves that aid in tongue retraction. shape changes in otariids are greater, due to The gray whale possesses two to three throat dimorphism, than in phocids although sample sizes grooves confined to the gular region (Berta et al., were limited (Jones and Goswami, 2010). Brunner 2015), and both sperm and beaked whales also et al. (2004) found that the rostral and palatal possess gular throat grooves (Heyning and Mead, regions in otariids required significantly longer peri- 1996). ods to complete growth than the neurocranium Grazing. Grazing marine mammals like sirenians (Brunner et al., 2004; Tarnawski et al., 2013). The possess cranial adaptations allowing them to feed primary importance of the postcanine teeth in feed- at various depths in the water column. The degree ing is reflected by their more rapid development of rostral deflection is correlated with degree of after weaning compared to growth of the canines in specialization for bottom feeding (Figure 5). otariids (Brunner et al., 2004). Skull ontogenetic Dugongs exhibit extreme rostral deflection (70 studies in pinnipeds suggest that life history vari- degrees) associated with their bottom feeding ables (e.g., gestation time, weaning time, growth habit, consuming mostly sea grasses. Manatees rate) are more influential than environmental vari- exhibit less rostral deflection (26-30 degrees) and ables (e.g., latitude, temperature, productivity, and feed on aquatic plants throughout the water col- seasonality) in phocid cranial evolution (Jones and umn (Domning, 2001; Vélez-Juarbe et al., 2012). Goswami, 2010; Jones et al., 2013; Randau et al., Similar to this last group, stem sirenians (e.g., pro- 2019). Future studies are needed, comparing feed- rastomids) possessed undeflected rostra, indicat- ing components of the skull (e.g., tooth size and ing that they likely fed on aquatic plants. Enlarged shape, postcanine tooth length) across larger sam-


FIGURE 5. Anatomical features associated with grazing in African (Trichechus senegalensis skull, from Werth, 2000), Desmostylia (Paleoparadoxia skull, public domain), and aquatic sloth (Thalassocnus sp. skull, modified from de Muizon et al., 2004). ples of phocids, otariids, and odobenids, to eluci- itive and negative feedback loops to regulate not date growth patterns as well as the factors driving only morphogenesis of individual teeth but also their development. tooth number, shape, and spatial pattern (Bei, Little is known of the ontogeny of cetacean 2009; Jernvall and Thesleff, 2012; Lan et al., cranial morphology during fetal growth (Klima, 2014). 1995; Armfield et al., 2011; Lanzetti et al., 2020). Armfield et al. (2013) investigated the genetic Investigations of skull growth changes suggest pathways that cause characteristic homodont, that, compared to odontocetes, mysticetes begin pointed tooth shape in dolphins. They discovered developing larger mouths in the early fetal stages, that, in the early developmental stages, a caudal presumably related to their filter feeding strategy extension of the expression of a specific growth (Armfield et al., 2011; Lanzetti et al., 2020). How- factor (Bmp4), normally expressed in other mam- ever, while the rostrum approximates the adult mals only in the anterior portion of the jaw, is shape and curvature only at late stages of gesta- responsible for the observed adult tooth shape. tion, the mandible seems to reach its definitive pro- Modern mysticetes instead lack teeth postnatally, portions and curvature earlier (Lanzetti et al., but they still develop tooth germs that are resorbed 2020). before birth (e.g., Ridewood, 1923; Karlsen, 1962; Tooth development. The developmental controls Fudge et al., 2009; Thewissen et al., 2017). Sev- of tooth differentiation and tooth number have been eral molecular studies revealed that only some of little studied in marine mammals. Four conserved the putative enamel and tooth genes are inacti- signaling pathways, including the bone morphoge- vated or deleted in mysticetes (Deméré et al., netic proteins (Bmp), fibroblast growth factors 2008; Meredith et al., 2009, 2011, 2013; Springer (Fgf), sonic hedgehog (Shh), and wingless-related et al., 2016). Thewissen et al. (2017) found evi- (Wnt) pathways, play important roles in tooth dence for the presence of Fgf4, known to be impli- development in mammals. Recent studies show cated in tooth growth, during baleen growth. This that these signaling pathways interact through pos-


suggests a partially shared genetic pathway for able to use the published references as a starting both teeth and baleen formation. point to assign genera to the different categories. Among marine mammals and most other Diversity plots were obtained by counting the valid mammals, tooth development in modern manatees genera for each time bin in each group or family is unique. The cheek teeth are replaced horizon- after the categorization was completed. tally; the new tooth erupts from the rear of the tooth Feeding strategies and ecological adaptations row, pushing the anterior tooth out of the tooth row through time. To interpret patterns in the evolution (Domning and Hayek, 1984; Beatty et al., 2012). of feeding adaptations through time in marine Tooth replacement is similar in elephants although mammals, we categorized each taxon using four the latter have a limited number of teeth (Domning parameters: prey capture, tooth and cusp shape, and Hayek, 1984). Little is known about the molec- diet, and habitat. We first defined the categories for ular mechanisms behind this mode of tooth each parameter in extant genera and then applied replacement. It is possible that in the future a them to the . It is possible that fossil taxa mouse model could be used to study this process, presented completely different adaptations not as the formation of supernumerary molars might present in any modern genera. By using broad cat- employ a regulatory pathway similar to the one egories, we aim to characterize trends and possi- responsible for the ever-growing incisors of rodents ble climatic drivers in the evolutionary history of (Jernvall and Thesleff, 2012). A better understand- these lineages that would not be obliterated by the ing of tooth development in various marine mam- incorrect categorization of single taxa. Categories mal lineages will provide important data that can were assigned to valid taxa only. The categories then be correlated with major shifts in diet and food assigned to each taxon, along with its taxonomic processing. placement, justification for the exclusion of invalid taxa, and all literature sources used are reported in MATERIALS AND METHODS the Supplementary Information that can be found in the Dryad repository (https://doi.org/10.6086/ Data Compilation d14671) subdivided by group (, Pinnipedi- Diversity through time. Raw taxon counts for 61 morpha, , Desmostylia, and Thalassoconus, extant and 374 fossil marine mammal genera Other Carnivores). recorded at the level of geological stage were We started by assigning categories to extant downloaded from the Paleobiology Database marine mammals to then use this information to (PBDB, www.paleobiodb.org). The search was per- better categorize extinct taxa. We divided marine formed separately for the following groups: mammals into four prey capture categories: biting/ “Archaeoceti, Cetacea”, “Pinnipedimorpha”, “Sire- crushing, filter, suction, and grazing, as described nia”, “Desmostylia”, “Thalassocnus”, “Ursus mariti- above. Prey capture types for extant taxa were mus, Kolponomos”, “Aonychini, Aonyxini, Enhydra, compiled from primary and secondary sources Enhydrini, Enhydriodontini, Lontra, Lutra, Pteron- (e.g., Adam and Berta, 2002). In an effort to further ura, Siamogale” (sea otters). Occurrences for each categorize prey selection accurately in the fossils, group were downloaded for each time bin (geologi- we examined tooth pattern and cusp shape (tooth cal stage), starting from the Ypresian (early presence/absence, homodonty, heterodonty; Eocene), using the “major (default)” time rule. Only pointed, rounded, or bilophodont cusps). Type of occurrences with certain generic assignment were dentition and cusp shape in extant taxa was deter- considered (“genus_certain”). The data include all mined based on photographs or personal observa- occurrences entered up to 12/31/2017. Since geo- tions of the authors. Diet was characterized using logical stages in the Pleistocene and Holocene the five distinct dietary categories of Pauly et al. result in time bins that are of much shorter duration (1998): benthic invertebrates, fish, squid/soft-bod- than any of the other stages, creating few occur- ied pelagic invertebrates, zooplankton, and tetra- rences in each of these time intervals, we followed pods. We included an additional dietary category Peredo and Uhen (2016) in binning the Pleistocene for multicellular primary producers (sea grasses stages along with the Holocene series in the Qua- and algae) to characterize herbivorous taxa. Diet of ternary, which at 2.6 Ma, is comparable in length to carnivorous living species was categorized based earlier time bins. Accessory data were also down- on data from Pauly et al. (1998) and additional liter- loaded for these records, such as depositional ature sources for taxa that were not included in this environment and published sources, to allow verifi- study. If two categories were indicated by Pauly et cation of each occurrence individually and to be al. (1998) for at least one species, both were con-

9 BERTA & LANZETTI: FEEDING IN MARINE MAMMALS sidered to categorize the if neither made up microwear (Thewissen et al., 2011; Fahlke et al., more than 80 % of the diet, but only one was cho- 2013) provide clues about prey types that have sen if it accounted for more than 80 % of the diet been consumed, enamel microstructure (Loch et alone. If three or more categories were indicated al., 2016) reveal information about tooth behavior by Pauly et al. (1998) in a least one species, the (i.e., resistance). By far the most commonly used first two or three prey items that made up at least method for inferring the diet of fossil taxa employs 80 % of the diet were used. Finally, we considered functional morphology and analogy with living the environment(s) occupied by marine mammals. forms. By examining the morphology associated Six habitat categories were based on environments with a particular method of capturing and handling used by extant genera: marine pelagic, marine prey in living species, both in terms of skull mor- coastal, marine benthic, riverine, estuarine, and phology and tooth and cusps shape, inferences of lacustrine, and were compiled by relevant second- feeding behavior and diet can often be drawn for ary literature (e.g., Jefferson et al., 2015). fossil taxa with similar morphologies (e.g., Kol- Based on prey capture categories, tooth ponomos and sea otters – Tseng et al., 2016). Sim- shape, diet, and habitat data for extant marine ilarly, habitat preference in fossil was assessed mammals, we inferred relevant groupings for fossil based on modern taxa displaying similar adapta- taxa. When any hypotheses about feeding and tions in skull, limb, and tooth morphology. Deposi- paleoenvironment for a taxon were reported in the tional environment of the fossil was considered but literature, these were used to determine the cate- not used exclusively to determine the habitat of the gory assignment. When these data were not avail- taxon, as sedimentation, sedimentary outcrop able, we based our assessment on a variety of availability, and preservation bias potentially make factors. Soft tissue feeding structures (i.e., lips, this parameter unreliable (Uhen and Pyenson, tongue, and hyoid muscles) typically do not fossil- 2007; Marx, 2009). ize. However, it is possible to infer feeding strategy Statistical Analyses for Environmental Drivers in fossil marine mammals from the presence of osteological correlates. For example, the presence Using this dataset, we performed statistical of lateral palatal nutrient sulci and foramina in analyses to explore the correlations and changes some toothed mysticetes (Aetiocetidae) has been through time of patterns of generic diversity and interpreted as bony correlates for the presence of category distribution. We also examined the cor- baleen (Deméré and Berta, 2008; but see Peredo relations between this dataset and productivity and et al., 2017). These structures have also been climatic factors that have been used to explain observed in fossil stem baleen whales, although diversity patterns in previous work. Specifically, we they still retained a full dentition (Deméré and used δ18O values that reflect both temperature and Berta, 2008). It remains unclear whether these global ice volume and δ13C values that serve as a vessels are the same that feed the developing proxy for changes in the global carbon cycle teeth and are later co-opted for baleen, and if they (Zachos et al., 2001). Values of δ18O and δ13C can be used to assess the presence of baleen in were taken from Prokoph et al. (2008). In particu- fossils (Deméré and Berta, 2008; Ekdale et al., lar, data originally published by Zachos et al. 2015; Peredo et al., 2017). Observations on in situ (2001) from benthic foraminifera and deep sea fossilized stomach contents of associated skele- locations were used, as they represented the most tons and bite marks on bones provide a direct and complete record for the time interval considered. accurate method for predicting diet (e.g., Boesse- The values are reported using absolute age; we necker and Perry, 2011; Collareta et al., 2015). selected the ones belonging to each time bin and Another method is to catalog potential prey that averaged them to get a single value representing occur in the same geologic horizon and locality as that geological stage and creating a comparable the predator (e.g., Lambert et al., 2015) although dataset to the taxa occurrences. In addition, previ- care must be taken to ensure that the carcasses of ous studies suggested that an increase in diatom predator or prey have not been transported prior to species diversity, which suggests an increase in fossilization (Adam and Berta, 2002; Lambert et primary productivity, has driven cetacean diversity al., 2015). In this case, further confirmation came (Marx and Uhen, 2010), and therefore we also from fish remains that were actually found in the included this measure in the analyses. The diatom whale. Diet and habitat can also be assessed using species data were downloaded from the Neptune isotope analysis of fossil tooth enamel (e.g., Clem- Database on 03/05/2018 (NSB, www.nsb-mfn-ber- entz et al., 2006, 2014). Whereas analyses of tooth lin.de). The species present in each time bin were


counted to determine the diversity in that interval. results confirm earlier reports of diversity changes We also considered how changes in sea level through time (e.g., Marx and Uhen, 2010; Peredo might have affected diet and diversity of marine and Uhen, 2016; Boessenecker and Churchill, mammals. Estimates of sea level were taken from 2018). The herbivorous taxa (Desmostylia and Miller et al. (2005) and the mean value for each Sirenia) appear to maintain a low but constant stage was calculated as it was done for the isotope diversity throughout their distribution, while Ceta- values. Correlation between diversity and category cea and Pinnipedimorpha present wider fluctua- distribution with climatic variables for each group tions. We confirm previous observations (Peredo was tested using linear regression analysis. Best and Uhen, 2016) of large drops in marine mammal model including one to four climatic variables was diversity at the end of the , Miocene, and chosen based on Akaike’s information criterion (Figure 6). The late Oligocene diversity (AIC) score if a significant correlation was found (p drop has been explained as the result of poor sam- < 0.05). Correlation between Sirenia and Desmo- pling (Marx and Fordyce, 2015) but a rapidly stylia diversity and climate variables was tested improving record from this time interval may using Pearson’s correlation test due to their low require revision of this observation (e.g., Fordyce sample size. All statistical analyses were con- and Marx, 2018; Peredo and Pyenson, 2018; Tsai ducted in XLSTATS (2017). Raw data used for the and Fordyce, 2018). The late Miocene drop in analyses can be found in the Supplementary Infor- diversity was influenced by the Salinity mation in the Dryad repository (https://doi.org/ Crisis, a geologic event during which the Mediter- 10.6086/d14671). ranean Sea went into a cycle of desiccation result- ing in deep, dry basins (Krijgsman et al., 1999). Ancestral State Reconstructions Phocids, cetaceans, and sirenians in the Mediter- To expand on the evolutionary significance of ranean were particularly affected beginning about these data, pinnipedimorph and cetacean phyloge- 6 Ma (Bianucci, 2013). The Pliocene drop in netic trees were assembled using previously pub- marine mammal diversity has been associated with lished phylogenies and ancestral state the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (Marx reconstructions (ASR) were performed by coding and Fordyce, 2015) and loss of habitat by sea level the taxa according to the categories described. fluctuations (Pimiento et al., 2017). Whether these The topologies are assembled for the most recent fluctuations in diversity represent real biological work on each group in order to include the highest signals will require integrated comparative studies number of confidently assigned taxa in the analy- of potential biases of the record (Kelley and ses and represent all major groups. The phyloge- Pyenson, 2015). netic position of some taxa is currently debated in Pinnipedimorpha. Pinnipedimorpha is a mono- the literature, and different phylogenetic placement phyletic group within (i.e., dogs, felids, might alter the results of the ASR analyses. How- bears, otters, etc.) that originated 30.6-23 Ma ever, it is beyond the scope of this paper to weigh (Berta et al., 2018). Pinnipedimorpha includes sev- in on these debates, and therefore we chose to use eral stem taxa (e.g., , Pteronarctos, recent and comprehensive topologies that are best Pacificotaria, and Pinnarctidion) in addition to suited for ancestral state reconstruction. Combined crown pinnipeds composed of the extinct Desmato- topologies and sources used to assemble the trees phocidae and three extant clades: Otariidae (fur are reported in Appendix 1. All analyses were con- seals and sea lions), (walruses), and ducted in Mesquite v3.5 (Maddison and Maddison, Phocidae (seals). With the exception of phocids, 2018) using maximum likelihood. The matrices the pattern of pinnipedimorph diversity docu- used for the ASR analyses are available in the mented by Boessenecker and Churchill (2018) for Supplementary Information on Dryad (https:// the North Pacific is in agreement with our results. doi.org/10.6086/d14671). Early diverging stem-Pinnipedimorpha, also known as ‘enaliarctines’, represent the earliest diversifica- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion of pinnipeds, originating in the late Chattian, peaking in the , and becoming extinct Diversity through Time by the end of the (Figure 7). Desmato- Updated generic plots of marine mammal pal- phocidae appear during the and gradu- eodiversity reveal that cetaceans and pinnipedi- ally increase in diversity during the Burdigalian morphs achieved greatest diversity during the late before declining in diversity and apparently becom- Miocene (Tortonian) (Figure 6). Generally, our ing extinct in the Messinian (Figure 7). Otariids


FIGURE 6. Generic level diversity of marine mammal groups through time. Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch bound- aries; gray, age boundaries. All silhouettes used in Figures 6-20 are the authors’ own work.

appear in the Burdigalian (but lack a Serravallian in the (~15 Ma) and is followed by record); they diversify in the Messinian and Plio- decreases in diversity along with colder tempera- cene and mostly maintain that diversity until the tures (Figure 7). Previous work suggested that sea Holocene (Figure 7). Walruses (Odobenidae) were level changes could affect pinniped haul-out areas, somewhat diverse in the Burdigalian and remained which provide breeding areas. A rise in sea level at low diversity through to the Serravallian, gradu- may have been involved in the Mio-Pliocene ally increasing until their peak in the Messinian, of phocids in South America, resulting in with their diversity decreasing sharply in the Plio- the decrease of sandy beach haul-out areas cene and Pleistocene (Figure 7). Phocids appear favored by phocids. Beginning in the Plio-Pleisto- in the Burdigalian and quickly diversify, reaching cene and continuing at present, rocky shore habi- peak diversity during the Tortonian, and continue to tats predominated in South America and elsewhere be the dominant living pinniped group, even after a in the Southern Hemisphere (e.g., Africa, Ocea- reduction in diversity in the Pliocene (Figure 7). nia), areas exclusively occupied by otariids Several ecological explanations have been (Valenzuela-Toro et al., 2013, 2016). This hypothe- given for these diversity changes. Vélez-Juarbe sis of ecological replacement of phocids by otariids (2017) suggested possible competitive displace- is difficult to confirm at the present time since ment of desmatophocids by walruses and Boesse- marine mammal fossils in South America are rela- necker and Churchill (2018) noted that the tively poorly known and not well sampled during extinction of desmatophocids appears to be fol- this time. Examination of habitat preferences in lowed by an increasing diversity of otariids, per- several extant otariids and phocids off the coast of haps as the result of niche filling. The suggestion Baja California, Mexico, revealed overlap in habitat by these latter authors that several Tortonian odo- although phocids (harbor and elephant seals) pre- benids (e.g., , Pontolis, and Gompho- ferred sandy beaches and cobblestone beaches, taria) lacking benthic feeding specializations may which may be associated with their postcranial have exploited similar prey (i.e., fish) by employing morphology (i.e., inability of rotating hind limbs for- a generalized biting strategy like desmatophocids ward) and terrestrial locomotion (Arias-del Raza is in agreement with results of our study. and Heckel, 2016). The effects of climate and environmental Cetacea. Cetacea are a monophyletic group changes on pinnipedimorph diversity allow the fol- nested within Artiodactyla (i.e., pigs, deer, camels, lowing observations. The peak in phocid diversity hippos, etc.). Stem cetaceans, or archaeocetes, and increase in odobenids and otariids during the the paraphyletic group ancestral to all other ceta- Tortonian (11 Ma) is probably a result of the mid ceans, evolved during the Eocene (Ypresian) Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) that occurred approximately 53.5 Ma. Stem cetaceans evolved in


FIGURE 7. Pinnipedimorpha stem taxa and familial level diversity through time. “Stem-Pinnipedimorpha” includes all stem taxa that are not included in Desmatophocidae and the three extant groups. Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch boundaries; gray, age boundaries.

fresh water and later in the Eocene transitioned to explain the ecological context of cetacean evolu- marine environments, which is supported by dental tion are lacking (Pyenson, 2017). stable isotope values (Roe et al., 1998; Clementz Late Miocene diversity of mysticetes (Figure et al., 2006). Crown Cetacea (or Neoceti), defined 8) appears to be driven dominantly by an increase by the common ancestor of all living mysticete and in diversity of extinct Cetotheriidae (Figure 9 – odontocete cetaceans, originated approximately Marx and Uhen, 2010; Marx and Fordyce, 2015; 36.4 Ma at the end of the Eocene (Gatesy et al., Slater et al., 2017). Balaenopteridae and Balaeni- 2013; Pyenson, 2017). Absolute divergence dates dae instead reach their peak diversity in the Zan- calculated using molecular data are mostly in line clean before sharply declining (Figure 9). with evidence from the fossil record (Figure 8). Odontoceti also increase in diversity in the late The origin and diversification of crown ceta- Miocene (Figure 8). This distribution is driven by a ceans near the Eocene-Oligocene boundary has simultaneous peak in diversity of four of the five long been explained as the result of establishment extant groups of toothed whales (Figure 10). The of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and large- four living or recently extinct river dolphin taxa, Pla- scale changes that accompanied it. Global cooling tanistidae (Asian river dolphins), Pontoporiidae (La fed Antarctic ice expansion and Southern Ocean Plata river/coastal dolphins), Lipotidae (Yangtze upwelling that resulted in an increase in productiv- river dolphin), and Iniidae (Amazon river dolphins), ity (e.g., Fordyce, 1980; Steeman et al., 2009). The belong to two distinct groups that appear to have role of this process in the evolution of Cetacea has transitioned from marine to freshwater inde- been debated given that the origin of crown ceta- pendently at least twice, in the Aquitanian (Pla- ceans in the late Eocene, recovered both in the tanistidae) and Serravallian (Iniidae/Pontoporiidae/ fossil record and in phylogenetic analysis using Lipotidae) (Figure 10 – Cassens et al., 2000; Geis- molecular data, actually precedes the estimated ler et al., 2011). The explosive radiation of delphi- onset of the current, which likely occurred right at nids during the last 3.5 Ma (Figure 10) has been the epoch boundary at 33.5 Ma (Hassold et al., explained as a response to global climate cooling 2009). As previously noted, testable models that and the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere gla- ciation and related changes in sea level (e.g., Whit-


FIGURE 8. Cetacean stem and Neoceti taxa diversity through time. “Archaeoceti” includes all stem taxa that are not included in the two extant groups. Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch boundaries; gray, age boundaries.

FIGURE 9. Mysticeti stem and familial level diversity through time. “Cetotheriidae s.l.” is a paraphyletic group including all taxa that belong to crown Mysticeti but are not grouped with any of the four living families. Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch boundaries; gray, age boundaries.


FIGURE 10. Odontoceti stem and familial level diversity through time. The group “” includes Delphini- dae, , and Phocoenidae, as well as extinct members of this crown group of uncertain phylogenetic placement. The “river dolphins” closely related to these taxa (Inioidea and Lipotidae) are plotted separately to empha- size their diversity in the fossil record compared to the present. “Ziphioidea” includes Ziphiidae and closely related stem taxa as identified by Bianucci et al. (2016). Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch boundaries; gray, age boundar- ies.

more, 1994; Fordyce and de Muizon, 2001; early to middle Eocene (late Ypresian to early Lute- McGowen et al., 2009; Steeman et al., 2009; Ama- tian) of Africa and Central America (Benoit et al., ral et al., 2018). This increased diversity of the late 2013), reached their peak in diversity during the Pliocene Mediterranean marine mammal assem- Lutetian (Figure 11). Appearing at about this same blages (i.e., cetaceans, pinnipedimorphs, and sire- time were dugongids, the most successful and nians) was hypothesized as possibly due to rapid diverse sirenians, that typically inhabited warm, colonization of this region after the Messinian salin- nearshore waters, with a worldwide distribution. A ity crisis (Bianucci, 2005). More specifically, the cold-water adapted lineage, first known in the mid- diversification of delphinine dolphins (e.g., Stenella dle Oligocene in the eastern Pacific, culminated in spp., Delphinus spp., Lagenorynchus spp., and Steller’s sea cow ( gigas) and Tursiops spp.) in the tropical Atlantic and Indian evolved large body size as an adaptation to cool Oceans has been related to pulses of diatom pro- climates beginning in the Miocene (Pyenson and ductivity during the late Pliocene and early Pleisto- Vermeij, 2016). Dugongid diversity dramatically cene (Mannocci et al., 2015). decreased in the late Pliocene and at present they Sirenia and Desmostylia. Sirenians are members are represented by a single species found in the of (i.e., elephants, hyraxes, tenrecs, etc.) Indo-Pacific region (Figure 11). The evolution of and include several stem taxa (i.e., Prorastomidae manatees (Trichechidae) began in South America and Protosirenidae) and one crown clade encom- during the Miocene and is tied to paleo- passing Trichechidae (manatees) and biogeography, notably uplift of the Andes, which (dugongs). The stem sirenians, known from the created erosion and runoff into river systems that


FIGURE 11. Sirenia stem and familial level diversity through time. “Protosirenidae / Prorastomidae” includes all taxa that are not included in the two extant groups. Dashed vertical lines: black, epoch boundaries; gray, age boundaries.

resulted in an abundance of abrasive grasses other lutrine otters and distant from the sea otter (Domning, 1982). Trichechids adapted to this new we included it in our study since recent fossil evi- food resource by evolving thickened tooth enamel dence suggested that Enhydritherium occupied and smaller, more numerous teeth that were con- freshwater environments in addition to estuarine tinuously replaced. The particular set of adapta- and coastal environments (Tseng et al., 2017). The tions that characterize this lineage might have oldest record of Enhydra sp. from the Pacific is contributed to their low but stable diversity (Figure Middle Pleistocene in age although an earlier rep- 11). resentative of this lineage (Enhydra reevei) arose Sirenians appear to have replaced desmosty- in the North Atlantic during the early Pleistocene lians during the late Miocene (Tortonian) as the about 2.2-1.7 Ma and presumably dispersed into result of competition for the same food resource: the Pacific though the Bering Strait (Boessenecker, sea grasses (Vélez-Juarbe et al., 2012). Desmo- 2016). The extinct sea mink Neovison macrodon stylia are a completely extinct, enigmatic group of known from the early to Late Pleistocene in marine herbivorous aquatic mammals, exclusively distrib- and estuarine habitats along the coastal islands of uted in the North Pacific, likely related to either the Gulf of Maine was hunted to extinction, a victim Afrotheria, Perissodactyla, or Paenungulatomor- of the fur trade in the late 1800s (Mead et al., pha (Matsui and Tsuihiji, 2019). Evidence for their 2000). replacement by sirenians is provided by the The polar bear Ursus maritimus diverged from decrease in diversity of desmostylians after the brown bears probably less than 500,000 years ago Tortonian followed by their disappearance in the (Liu et al., 2014). Polar bears have a fossil record Messinian, which coincides with the appearance of limited to the Late Pleistocene. The oldest remains Hydrodamalis and other dugongids in the same of a polar bear are dated at 110-13 ka (Ingólfsson localities and habitats they occupied (Figure 12). and Wiig, 2008). Stable isotope analyses of fossil Additional data on the paleoecology of these lin- polar bear teeth indicate that by at least 110 ka eages and climatic changes of the region need to they had acquired a feeding strategy quite different be conducted in order to test this hypothesis. than that of brown bears, having adapted to feed- Other marine mammals. In the most recent com- ing on fish and marine mammals (Lindquist et al., bined phylogeny of otters, the extant sea otter 2010). Enhydra lutris and its sister taxon Enhydriodon Aquatic sloths (Thalassocnus spp.) evolved in spp. are embedded within the river otter (Lutrinae) the Southeastern Pacific during the Miocene (e.g., clade (Wang et al., 2018). Although this same phy- de Muizon et al., 2004; Amson et al., 2015). There logenetic analysis placed Enhydritherium with is some evidence to suggest that they occupied the


FIGURE 12. Hypothesized ecological replacement of desmostylians (circles) by sirenians (squares) in the North Pacific Ocean. On the top, map of the localities of Tortonian age (11 Ma) where desmostylian and sirenian were recorded. On the bottom, map of the localities of age (5 Ma) where sirenians were recorded. Desmostylia disappear from the fossil record by the end of the Tortonian (7.2 Ma) when sirenians, particularly Hydrodamalis spp., start colonizing this region, likely feeding on the same resources. Only one occurrence per genus is reported in each locality. Locality data for each occurrence of Desmostylia and Sirenia in the Tortonian and Zanclean were downloaded from PBDB (https://paleobiodb.org) using the search parameters described in Materials and Methods and then plotted on the map.


TABLE 1. Linear regression analyses for Pinnipedimorpha and extant families’ diversity through time against climate and productivity variables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (variable B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Diversity of each group is considered from the time bin of first occurrence (Chattian for Pinnipedimorpha, Burdigalian for extant families). Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only data (R2, p-value, AIC) for the best model for each group are reported, for complete results see Appendix 2, Table S1.

Pinnipedimorpha Phocidae Otariidae Odobenidae R² 0.909 0.775 0.993 0.906 AIC 29.199 22.052 -14.018 -1.180 p-value 0.008 0.087 0.001 0.016 Best model A+B+C+D A+B+D A+B+C+D A+B+D

sea cow niche (de Muizon et al., 2004; Amson et level oscillations, and other oceanographic alter- al., 2015). The similarity of these marine sloths to ations (e.g., changes in productivity and ocean cir- extinct desmostylians in the North Pacific in terms culation). By the end the Pleistocene, the loss of of diet raises the possibility that they may be the shallow foraging areas utilized by molluscivorous ecological homologues of desmostylians in the odobenines was an important driver of extinction South Pacific, a hypothesis that requires more rig- for walruses and other megafauna (Pimiento et al., orous testing. 2017). We also examined whether habitat selection Biotic and Environmental Drivers of Feeding and prey type changes in this group were inde- Diversification pendently associated with climate and primary pro- Pinnipedimorphs. Pinnipedimorph diversity was ductivity variables. The distribution through time of most strongly associated with all four climatic vari- the three predominant marine habitats for pinni- ables considered – δ18O, δ13C, diatom species pedimorphs (pelagic, coastal, and benthic) as well diversity, and sea level changes (Table 1, Appendix as the three main prey types they feed on (fish, 2). The link between specific climatic indicators squid, and benthic invertebrates) were each cor- and pinnipedimorph diversity has not been previ- related with at least two of the climatic variables ously indicated, although research on modern eco- (Table 2, Table 3). This confirms the role of climate systems has associated these variables (Hirons et change and primary productivity on habitat and al., 2001; Fréon et al., 2009). In particular, when prey choice in pinnipedimorph evolution and sug- the three modern families of Pinnipedimorpha are gests that the diversification of this group should be examined separately, Otariidae (fur seals and sea considered in the context of global environmental lions) appear to be driving the correlation, with the changes. diversity of this group being strongly associated Cetaceans. Diversity of cetaceans as a whole, and with all four climatic variables (Table 1; Figure 13). both odontocetes and mysticetes separately, is This might be the result of habitat and ecological correlated with diatom species diversity and δ18O, differences. For example, extant otariids are con- a proxy for global ocean temperature (Table 4; Fig- fined to regions of high upwelling and cool water ure 14). These results for Cetacea confirm the find- temperature usually less than 24°C (Deméré et al., ings of some previous studies that linked cetacean 2003), which confirms the importance of climate and mysticete evolution to climate change (Marx and temperature on their distribution. By contrast, and Uhen, 2010; Marx and Fordyce, 2015). Recent phocids are found in a wider variety of environ- fossil discoveries show that the timing of diver- ments including tropical, oligotrophic waters (Chur- gence of both mysticetes and odontocetes is ear- chill et al., 2014). Odobenidae (walrus) diversity lier than previously reported, thus raising questions was also found to be correlated with three vari- on the role of the establishment of the Antarctic Cir- ables: δ18O, δ13C, and sea level changes. This fits cumpolar Current in the evolution of these two with a Messinian peak diversity of fossil walruses groups (Pyenson, 2017). For Cetacea, we ana- and the evolution of more specialized feeding sys- lyzed the possible correlation between habitat and tems (i.e., tusks and molluscivory) (Magallanes et diet changes through time, as well as prey capture al., 2018). The drop in walrus diversity beginning at strategy given the high variability in this group the end of the Pliocene is associated with the onset (Table 5, Table 6, Table 7). For the habitats (Table of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, large-scale sea 5), riverine taxa diversity appears to be correlated


FIGURE 13. Comparison of Otariidae (fur seals and sea lions) diversity with diatom species diversity (productivity), δ18O values from benthic foraminifers (mean ocean temperature), and sea level changes. Diatom species data: downloaded from Neptune database (https://nsb-mfn-berlin.de) on 03-05-2018; δ18O values: from Prokoph et al. (2008) (raw data from Zachos et al., 2001, “benthic foraminifera” and “deep sea” series); sea level data: from Miller et al. (2005).


TABLE 2. Linear regression analyses for Pinnipedimor- TABLE 4. Linear regression analyses for Cetacea and pha habitat preference through time against climate and Odontoceti and Mysticeti diversity through time against productivity variables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (variable climate and productivity variables: δ18O (variable A), B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level δ13C (variable B), diatom species diversity (variable C), changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, sea level changes (variable D). Best model, including three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC one, two, three, or all four variables, is selected based on (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Only prevalent cat- its AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Significant egories (with at least one time bin with a count > 5) were values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only data (R2, p-value, AIC) considered. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only for the best model for each category are reported, for data (R2, p-value, AIC) for the best model for each cate- complete results see Appendix 2, Table S4. gory are reported, for complete results see Appendix 2, Table S2. Cetacea Odontoceti Mysticeti ² 0.674 0.667 0.706 Marine Marine Marine R coastal benthic pelagic AIC 90.967 84.175 58.829 R² 0.914 0.847 0.885 p-value 0.001 0.001 0.001 AIC 28.844 0.387 -7.244 Best model A+C A+C A+C p-value 0.004 0.004 0.036 Best model A+C+D A+C A+B+C+D on dissolved carbon for their shells (Byrne, 2011). The correlations of the habitat preference to cli- TABLE 3. Linear regression analyses for Pinnipedimor- mate are confirmed by the strong associations pha prey type preference through time against climate between these same variables and prey type. The and productivity variables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (vari- most common prey types (fish, soft-bodied free- able B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level swimming invertebrates/squid, and zooplankton) changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, are correlated with primary productivity (diatom three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC diversity) and ocean temperature changes (δ18O), (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Only prevalent cat- with free-swimming invertebrates again showing egories (with at least one time bin with a count > 5) were significant correlation with carbon isotopes fluctua- considered. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only tions (Table 6). Benthic invertebrates were most 2 data (R , p-value, AIC) for the best model for each cate- strongly correlated with δ13C and diatom diversity, gory are reported, for complete results see Appendix 2, again showing the importance of carbon fluctua- Table S3. tions and primary productivity in the distribution of Squid/soft this prey type. Tetrapods are the only prey type that bodied Benthic does not present a significant correlation with cli- Fish invertebrates invertebrates matic variables. This might be due to low counts, R² 0.896 0.982 0.969 but also by the possible opportunistic nature of this AIC 27.725 -9.734 -4.775 prey type choice and other constraints on this prey p-value 0.011 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 type (size, dentition). Finally, the three main prey capture strategies (biting/crushing, suction, and fil- Best model A+B+C+D A+D A+B+D ter) present throughout cetacean evolution appear to be associated as well with diatom diversity and δ18O, with suction also being associated with δ13C with δ18O and sea level changes, while we did not (Table 7). This is due to the fact that the preferred find any significant correlations between estuarine prey type by suction feeding extant taxa are free- habitat preference and changes in climate or pri- swimming invertebrates (e.g., squid), and this prey mary productivity. These correlations might be type is in turn associated with all three climatic vari- influenced by the low counts of fossil occurrences ables. with adaptations compatible with these habitats, Sirenia and Desmostylia. When Sirenia and Des- but more research needs to be conducted on the mostylia taxa are analyzed together, to account for causes of re-invasion of freshwater and estuarine the overall low taxonomic diversity of these groups, habitats by river dolphins. All marine habitats we found that their diversity is correlated with (pelagic, coastal, benthic) instead were correlated changes in global ocean temperature (δ18O) and with δ18O and diatom diversity, with marine benthic sea level changes (Table 8; Figure 15). This also being correlated also with δ13C. This is expected implies that their prey type (sea grasses and algae) since benthic invertebrates like mollusks are reliant and grazing habits are correlated with these vari-


FIGURE 14. Comparison of cetacean, mysticete, and odontocete diversity with diatom species diversity (productivity) and δ18O values from benthic foraminifers (mean ocean temperature). Diatom species data and δ18O values are from the same sources as in Figure 13.


TABLE 5. Linear regression analyses for Cetacea habitat preference through time against climate and productivity vari- ables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (variable B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only data (R2, p-value, AIC) for the best model for each category are reported, for complete results see Appendix 2, Table S5.

Marine Marine Marine Riverine Estuarine coastal benthic pelagic R² 0.601 0.240 0.676 0.906 0.710 AIC 7.083 40.692 79.988 -14.579 89.199 p-value 0.004 0.193 0.001 < 0.0001 0.001 Best model A+D A+D A+C A+B+C A+C

TABLE 6. Linear regression analyses for Cetacea prey type preference through time against climate and productivity variables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (variable B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only data (R2, p-value, AIC) for the best model for each category are reported, for complete results see Appendix 2, Table S6.

Squid/soft-bodied Fish inv. Zooplankton Benthic inv. Tetrapods R² 0.663 0.743 0.698 0.837 0.036 AIC 89.536 73.845 59.565 6.252 27.313 p-value 0.001 0.001 0.001 < 0.0001 0.500 Best model A+C A+B+C A+C B+C C

ables. This is consistent with previous work show- TABLE 7. Linear regression analyses for Cetacea prey ing that sirenians (with the exception of cold capture strategies through time against climate and pro- adapted hydrodamalines) and desmostylians are ductivity variables: δ18O (variable A), δ13C (variable B), primarily subtropical and tropical and associated diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level changes with seagrasses (Vélez-Juarbe, 2014). When per- (variable D). Best model, including one, two, three, or all forming a Pearson’s correlation test to account for four variables, is selected based on its AIC (Akaike’s the low counts and check intergroup relationships, Information Criterion) score. Significant values (p < 0.05) 2 we found that, while no single climatic variable is are in bold. Only data (R , p-value, AIC) for the best model for each category are reported, for complete correlated with the diversity of these taxa, the tem- results see Appendix 2, Table S7. poral distributions of these two groups are cor- related with each other (Table 9). These Biting/ correlations support the hypotheses of the extinc- crushing Suction Filter tion of Desmostylia being mostly driven by the colo- R² 0.490 0.762 0.703 nization of the North Pacific by Sirenia. By looking AIC 72.148 74.033 59.146 at distribution maps of the main genera for these p-value 0.018 0.001 0.001 groups in this area, it appears clear that the appearance of the genus Hydrodamalis in the Tor- Best model A+C A+B+C A+C tonian (~11 Ma) coincides with the decline of des- mostylians, which went completely extinct by the Ancestral Reconstructions of Feeding end of the Tortonian (7.2 Ma) (Figure 12). While Strategies and Trophic Structure other variables connected with changes in climate and primary productivity (e.g., δ15N) might be cor- Pinnipedimorphs. Extant and fossil pinnipedi- related with the diversity of herbivorous groups, morphs use multiple strategies to capture and con- their relatively low and stable numbers point to the sume prey underwater. The ancestral feeding fact that they occupy a specific ecological niche strategy of pinnipedimorphs was a biting strategy and are particularly vulnerable to competition. (Appendix 3) employing a heterodont dentition in agreement with previous studies based on skull


TABLE 8. Linear regression analyses for Sirenia and eages exhibiting variable loss of cusps and tooth Desmostylia diversity through time against climate and simplification (Boessenecker and Churchill, 2013). 18 13 productivity variables: δ O (variable A), δ C (variable This pattern is best exemplified by Odobenidae, B), diatom species diversity (variable C), sea level where in conjunction with the evolution of suction changes (variable D). Best model, including one, two, feeding, the teeth were not only simplified but also three, or all four variables, is selected based on its AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) score. Diversity of Des- greatly reduced in number (Figure 16). mostylia is considered from the time bin of first occur- Ancestral state reconstruction analysis sug- rence to the last (from Rupelian to Tortonian). To account gests that the ancestral prey type for pinnipedi- for their low diversity, these groups were also considered morphs was fish (Figure 17). Among phocids together (“Sirenia and Desmostylia combined”). Signifi- several extant monachines (e.g., Monachus and cant values (p < 0.05) are in bold. Only data (R2, p-value, Neomonachus) feed on fish and benthic inverte- AIC) for the best model for each group are reported, for brates. Mirounga (elephant seal) is a specialized complete results see Appendix 2, Table S8. squid and fish feeder. The fossil seal Hadrokirus is Sirenia and hypothesized as a benthic invertebrate feeder Desmostylia based on mandibular and dental morphology Sirenia Desmostylia combined (Amson and de Muizon, 2014). Cystophora R² 0.243 0.603 0.460 (hooded seal) and Ommatophoca () are specialists on fish and squid, Lobodon (crabeater AIC 27.978 5.200 37.158 seal) feeds primarily on zooplankton and Hydrurga p-value 0.189 0.158 0.025 (leopard seal) consumes seals and penguins. A Best model A+C B+D A+D diet of fish and squid apparently evolved twice among otariids, once in Callorhinus (northern fur and dental morphologies (e.g., Adam and Berta, seal) and again in the common ancestor of sea 2002; Churchill and Clementz, 2015). Phocoids lions and arctocephalines (southern fur seals). (phocids + desmatophocids) are biters with several Ancestrally, odobenids fed on fish. A specialized taxa having evolved specialist strategies (Appendix diet of benthic invertebrates evolved twice among 3). The extant phocid Hydrurga (leopard seal) walruses, once in some dusignathines (e.g., Dusig- employs biting and filter strategies, and this is pre- nathus) and again in odobenines, the lineage that dicted for the fossil seal (Homiphoca). Lobodon includes the modern walrus. (crabeater seal) is the only extant pinnipedimorph Pinnipedimorphs occupy diverse habitats, that is a specialized filter feeder. Mirounga and Eri- including both marine and freshwater environ- gnathus (bearded seal) employ a suction feeding ments. Stem pinnipedimorphs are mostly recon- strategy. Although we reconstructed the extinct structed as having had an ancestral coastal marine phocid Hadrokirus as having a biting/crushing diet habitat as is characteristic of most extant taxa largely on the basis of robust, well-worn teeth, (Appendix 5). Since the fossil Puijila is now identi- Amson and de Muizon (2014) described this taxon fied as a pinnipedimorph (Paterson et al., 2020) a as having a more exclusive durophagous habit. lacustrine ancestral habitat is also indicated. The Otariids uniformly employ a biting strategy with the stem otariid Eotaria is reconstructed as having had exception of some species of that a pelagic marine habitat. Benthic marine habitats are more generally classified as biting/suction appear to have been colonized several times, in feeders. Odobenids have been hypothesized as the extinct seal Allodesmus, some monachine pho- exhibiting a biting strategy ancestrally (Boesse- cids (Monachus, Neomonachus, and Leptony- necker and Churchill, 2013), and this pattern is chotes), and odobenine walruses (Protodobenus, also seen in our analysis (Figure 16). The charac- Ontocetus, Valenictus, and Odobenus). teristic suction feeding strategy of the modern wal- Cetaceans. Archaeocetes hunted and caught prey rus apparently evolved twice, once among using their teeth (Appendix 6). This inference is dusignathine walruses (e.g., Dusignathus) and supported by the large teeth with multiple cusps again among odobenine walruses (e.g., Protodo- and fossilized stomach contents of basilosaurids benus). (Uhen, 2004; Voss et al., 2019) and bite marks on Reconstructions of tooth shape indicate that small archaeocetes (Fahlke, 2012). The stem mys- ancestrally the teeth of stem pinnipedimorphs are ticete Coronodon was reconstructed as having heterodont with pointed cusps (Appendix 4). Crown been a toothed filter feeder indicating that the ori- pinnipeds are characterized by the development of gin of the filter feeding niche characteristic of homodonty with stem taxa in all three major lin- extant mysticetes had an earlier history than is


FIGURE 15. Comparison of Sirenia (manatees and dugongs) and Desmostylia diversity with δ18O values from ben- thic foraminifers (mean ocean temperature) and sea level changes. δ18O values and sea level change data are from the same sources as in Figure 13.


TABLE 9. Correlation test (Pearson’s coefficient) for other stem taxa (e.g., aetiocetids) employed a fil- Sirenia, Desmostylia, and “Sirenia and Desmostylia ter/suction feeding strategy (Deméré and Berta, combined” diversity through time with climate and pro- 2008, but see Marx et al., 2016 and Peredo et al., ductivity variables: δ18O, δ13C, diatom species diversity, 2018 for alternate interpretations). Beginning 30 sea level changes. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in Ma, stem edentulous mysticetes (e.g., eomys- bold. Cells for auto-correlated variables are grayed out. ticetids) exhibited bulk filter feeding that was P-values for the correlations are reported in Appendix 2, retained by all crown mysticetes (Gatesy et al., Table S9. 2013). Our analysis recovers this transition and Sirenia and also highlights that the switch to bulk filter feeding Desmostylia was likely mediated by intermediate forms that Sirenia Desmostylia combined were capturing prey using a combination of filter Sirenia 0.040 and suction feeding, in line with previous hypothe- Desmostylia 0.040 ses described above (Figure 18). The split Sirenia and between skim feeding balaenoids and more Desmostylia diverse generalized and specialized filter feeders, δ18O 0.252 0.207 0.168 the thalassotherians, was completed by early Mio- cene (20-18 Ma) (Berta et al., 2016). Among tha- 13 0.353 0.068 0.128 δ C lassotherians, some cetotheriids (e.g., Diatom diversity 0.870 0.660 0.742 Herpetocetus – Gol’din and Startsev, 2014; El Adli Sea level 0.823 0.379 0.554 et al., 2014) display a continuous suction feeding mode as early as 11-10 Ma (Berta et al., 2016). The specialized intermittent suction feeding that generally reported (Geisler et al., 2017), although characterizes Eschrichtiidae, may have occurred this reconstruction has been challenged (Hocking as early as 5 Ma. The balaenopterid record et al., 2017a; Fordyce and Marx, 2018; Peredo and extends into the late Miocene (12-10 Ma), which Pyenson, 2018). Other stem toothed mysticetes likely marks the origin of engulfment feeding, (e.g., Mammalodon,Mystacodon) are recon- although the advanced lunge feeding behavior structed as having been suction feeders and still seen in living rorquals (i.e., characterized by

FIGURE 16. Ancestral state reconstruction of prey capture strategies and tooth pattern and cusp shape in Odobeni- dae. Topology follows Berta et al. (2018). Details on the tree can be found in Appendix 1. All data matrices and com- plete trees with branch lengths can be found in the Supplementary Information uploaded to Dryad repository (https:// doi.org/10.6086/d14671).


FIGURE 17. Ancestral state reconstruction of prey type preference in stem and crown Pinnipedimorpha. Topology fol- lows Rybczynski et al. (2009), Dewaele et al. (2017), and Berta et al. (2018). Details on the tree can be found in Appendix 1. All data matrices and complete trees with branch can be found in the Supplementary Information (https:// doi.org/10.6086/d14671).


FIGURE 18. Ancestral state reconstruction of prey capture strategies and prey type preference in stem and crown Mysticeti. Topology follows Gatesy et al. (2013) and Fordyce and Marx (2018). Details on the tree can be found in Appendix 1. All data matrices and complete trees with branch lengths can be found in the Supplementary Information (https://doi.org/10.6086/d14671).

greater degree of mandibular alpha rotation and ridae and Kogiidae) and beaked whales (Ziphiidae) lateral expansion of the mouth) developed later have been suction feeders since their first appear- (Berta et al., 2016). The evolution of specialized fil- ance in the fossil record, although the teeth and ter feeding modes allowed mysticetes to feed on skull morphology of some extinct genera closely different prey types, as highlighted later in the anal- related to the modern taxa (e.g., Acrophyseter, ysis of prey preference. , and Ninoziphius) support the hypothesis Odontocetes exhibit more diverse prey cap- that ancestrally they were able to feed via biting ture strategies. Ancestrally, stem odontocetes were and/or suction on different kinds of prey (Bianucci similar to stem cetaceans in their employment of a et al., 2016; Lambert et al., 2016). As characteristic biting/crushing strategy (Figure 19). Although of opportunistic feeding, ancestral Delphinoidea some stem taxa (e.g., Archaeodel- (Delphinidae, Monodontidae, and Phocoenidae) phis,Xenorophus,Cotylocara) are reconstructed as are reconstructed as having employed a biting/ using a combination of biting/crushing and suction crushing/suction feeding strategy. feeding. Crown odontocetes exhibit a greater diver- Fossil stem mysticetes and odontocetes are sity of feeding strategies and cranial morphologies similar to archaeocetes in exhibiting heterodonty (Figure 20). The ancestor of crown odontocetes (Figure 19; Appendix 7). Beginning 30 Ma, edentu- was likely employing the ancestral biting/crushing lous stem mysticetes (e.g., eomysticetids) are prey capture mode. Living sperm whales (Physete- characterized by their lack of functional teeth and


FIGURE 19. Ancestral state reconstruction of prey capture strategies and tooth pattern and cusp shape in stem Odon- toceti. Topology follows Gatesy et al. (2013) and Boessenecker et al. (2017). Details on the tree can be found in Appendix 1. All data matrices and complete trees with branch lengths can be found in the Supplementary Information (https://doi.org/10.6086/d14671).

presumably possessed baleen (Appendix 7). A estuarine/coastal marine environments (Appendix homodont dentition evolved among Physeteroidea 9). There is isotopic evidence to suggest that the (Kogiidae and Physeteridae) and is retained earliest cetaceans inhabited freshwater (Clementz among all later odontocetes with the exception of et al., 2006). The protocetid-basilosaurid transition ziphiids which feature a reduced dentition (Figure corresponds to the rise of the first fully aquatic 20). cetaceans. Some of these later evolving stem ceta- Inferred diets are a direct result of these feed- ceans occupied more variable marine habitats ing adaptations and tooth morphologies. Ances- including both pelagic and coastal environments. trally, cetaceans fed on fish (Appendix 8). Some Most stem and crown mysticetes are characterized archaeocetes (e.g., Basilosaurus) fed on fish and as having occupied these same environments. The tetrapods. Most stem mysticetes (e.g., Coronodon extant gray whale Eschrichtius and its close fossil and Llanocetus) likely fed on fish and zooplankton relative Eschrichtoides are reconstructed to inhabit whereas several others (e.g., Mystacodon and marine coastal and pelagic as well as benthic habi- Mammalodon) consumed benthic invertebrates. tats; the latter is a consequence of their suction Stem taxa at the base of odontocete divergence feeding strategy. Additional isotopic analyses and are reconstructed as predominately having fed on other methods of investigation are needed to more fish. Ancestrally, a diet composed of fish/squid narrowly define the habitat of extinct cetaceans, as evolved among some stem odontocetes (e.g., Cot- the depositional environment of the fossils is not ylocara, Archaeodelphis) and is characteristic of all always a reliable indicator. crown odontocetes. A diet composed of fish and Other marine mammals. We did not perform tetrapods evolved only a few times among crown ancestral state feeding reconstructions for sire- odontocetes: in Orcinus and in some Physeteridae nians, desmostylians, marine otters, aquatic sloths, (e.g., Livyatan – not represented on the tree). In and bears given their relatively low generic diver- support of this result, diversity of delphinine dol- sity and categorical data with little variation. Rele- phins (e.g., spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, vant feeding and habitat data collected for these common dolphins, etc.) in the early Pliocene has taxa (Supplementary Information, https://doi.org/ been related to phytoplankton groups most abun- 10.6086/d14671) allow a few general comments. dant in the tropics, which in turn supports high fish Since their first appearance in the Eocene, sire- abundances (Amaral et al., 2018). nians have been identified as herbivores feeding With the exception of Pakicetus which occu- on aquatic plants. Prorastomids possessed low pied a riverine/estuarine habitat, the ancestral hab- crowned, rounded tooth cusps and were probably itat for cetaceans is reconstructed as mixed browsers that fed on floating aquatic plants and to


FIGURE 20. Ancestral state reconstruction of prey capture strategies and tooth pattern and cusp shape in crown Odontoceti. Topology follows McGowen et al. (2009) and Gatesy et al. (2013). Details on the tree can be found in Appendix 1. All data matrices and complete trees with branch lengths can be found in the Supplementary Information (https://doi.org/10.6086/d14671).

a lesser extent sea grasses, the primary food of dence to suggest that this region served as the ori- modern dugongs (Domning, 2001). Later dugon- gin of kelps (Laminariales) (Pyenson and Vermeij, gids evolved tusks and bilophodont postcanine 2016). Another herbivore, the aquatic sloth (Tha- teeth for feeding on sea grass rhizomes. In lassocnus spp.), evolved in the South Atlantic response to cooler climates, members of the (Peru and Chile) and fed on sea grasses in marine hydrodamaline lineage are hypothesized to have coastal habitats (de Muizon et al., 2004). The fed on kelp which replaced (to a large extent) sea aquatic ursid/pinnipedimorph Kolponomos occu- grasses (Pyenson and Vermeij, 2016). Since the pied a specialized crushing/suction feeding guild oldest known sirenian locality in Africa consists of consuming various hard benthic invertebrates (e.g., lake deposits, sirenians like cetaceans may have sea urchins, clams, and abalones) during the Mio- first evolved in freshwater (Clementz et al., 2006; cene in the North Pacific (Tseng et al., 2016). More Benoit et al., 2013). Based on isotope data, Clem- recent occupants of this niche are the otters entz et al. (2003) concluded that desmostylians Enhydra and Enhydritherium and the sea mink were aquatic herbivores that, like sirenians, for- Neovison. Paleoenvironmental evidence indicates aged on sea grasses in estuarine and coastal that they occupied a broad range of habitats includ- freshwater systems. Coincident with the evolution ing freshwater as well as estuarine and coastal of large sirenians in the North Pacific there is evi- marine environments.


Evolution of Feeding Guilds differences in the occupants of this niche. Aquatic sloths were restricted to the South Pacific while Results of this study allow preliminary infer- desmostylians occupied the North Pacific. Sire- ences about the evolution of feeding guilds in nians were more broadly distributed in the past, marine mammals. Most fossil and extant marine especially in the subtropical tropical western Atlan- mammals fall into one of four feeding guilds: biting/ tic and Caribbean regions, with the large bodied crushing, suction, filter, and grazing. By far the hydrodamaline lineage occupying temperate to most common method of feeding for both ceta- sub-polar waters. ceans and pinnipedimorphs was a biting/crushing Several previous studies of feeding guild evo- strategy using pointed teeth to consume fish. For lution in marine mammals have shown the impor- pinnipedimorphs, this strategy evolved during the tance of body size as an important variable (e.g., late Oligocene. Most stem taxa lived in coastal Churchill et al., 2015; Pyenson and Vermeij, 2016; marine habitats, which is also the dominant habitat Slater et al., 2017). The next step involves the of extant pinnipeds. The distinctive suction feeding incorporation of quantitative data (e.g., cranial mor- habit of the modern walrus feeding on mollusks in phology) with dietary and feeding mode data as a benthic habitat evolved in later diverging wal- has been done with other marine vertebrates ruses beginning in the late Pliocene (3 Ma). Earlier (Friedman, 2012; Motani et al., 2015; Kelley and stem walruses were more generalist feeders con- Motani, 2015; Pyenson and Vermeij, 2016). Only suming fish and employing a biting strategy. Extinct then will it be possible to identify patterns in skull desmatophocid pinnipeds exhibited varied diets, and tooth morphology and better discriminate tro- with Allodesmus possessing adaptations associ- phic groups among clades. It is also important to ated with specialized suction feeding and Des- consider these patterns in the context of the geo- matophoca spp. identified as more generalized graphic and temporal distributions of marine mam- biting/crushing/suction feeders. The filter feeding mal faunas. Mapping these patterns onto niche is primarily occupied at present by a single phylogenies will enable testing of previous hypoth- pinniped species, the crabeater seal Lobodon car- eses of trophic convergence, niche diversity, and cinophagus, which employs multi-cusped teeth as replacement. a sieve to filter zooplankton from the water. The biting/crushing feeding guild strategy is The Future: Marine Mammals and Ecosystems exhibited by stem whales (archaeocetes) approxi- By analyzing the past and present feeding mately 50 Ma. Early whales inhabited riverine and diversity of marine mammals, we can make predic- estuarine environments and later dispersed to tions about the future. In addition to changes in occupy marine coastal and pelagic habitats. One of global climate and ocean productivity, human inter- the more interesting results of the ASR of prey cap- actions since the Late Pleistocene have strongly ture in whales is that filter/suction feeding in whales influenced marine mammals and their ecosystems. appeared early in the evolution of mysticetes (e.g., Several marine mammals, notably Steller’s sea Coronodon), at approximately 30 Ma. The shift cow (Hydrodamalis gigas) and the Caribbean toward bulk-based filter feeding as the sole feeding monk seal (Neomonachus tropicalis) have been strategy began with eomysticetids that employed hunted to extinction (Turvey and Risley, 2006; baleen to filter fish and zooplankton. Odontocetes Baisre, 2013). The extinction of other species such are characterized by several feeding strategies as the Yangtze river dolphin, Lipotes vexillifer, has including biting/crushing/suction, biting/crushing, been attributed to habitat degradation (Pyenson, and specialized suction feeding. Specialized suc- 2009). Historical records document the extensive tion feeding evolved multiple times in extinct stem hunting of manatees, Trichechus spp., by early col- odontocetes (e.g., Inermorostrum), physeteroids, onists in the Americas and dugongids by Aboriginal ziphiids, and some delphinoid odontocetes (e.g., Australians (Estes et al., 2016). Anthropogenic cli- Monodon, Delphinapterus). mate change and resultant expansions and con- The specialized crushing/suction feeding tractions of habitat are responsible for distributional niche was occupied by the extinct aquatic carni- shifts as well as changes in feeding ecology. For vore Kolponomos in the Miocene and the extant example, Pyenson and Lindberg (2011) showed sea otter Enhydra and its fossil relatives in the Plio- that changes in Pleistocene sea level cycles cene. Marine herbivores (desmostylians, sirenians, resulted in fluctuations in available benthic feeding and aquatic sloths) filled the grazing feeding guild areas. These scientists suggested that gray whales with stem sirenians appearing first in the late survived Pleistocene glacial maxima by feeding Eocene (50 Ma). There are strong geographical


outside of the Sea of Okhotsk and Bering region in among Miocene cetaceans and pinnipedimorphs. the North Pole, which were ice covered, employing Other feeding styles, notably the specialized crush- a more generalized feeding strategy. Given this ing of hard-shelled invertebrates, had various change in available habitat, gray whales likely fed occupants in the past, including a phocid seal and on fish during the Pleistocene, rather that benthic an aquatic ursid, and this niche has been repre- amphipods consumed by the living gray whale. sented since the Pleistocene by sea otters. The fil- Changing food web dynamics, such as the historic ter feeding niche appears to have originated interactions between killer whales and sea otters or perhaps as early as the late Eocene although baleen whales (Estes et al., 1998) and Stellers’s details of the tooth to baleen transition remain con- sea cow-sea otters and kelp (Estes et al., 2016), tentious as does the broader ecological context. would benefit from further exploration in the fossil Large marine herbivores (desmostylians and sire- record. nians) were continual occupants of the grazing Another area of investigation with important niche with the addition of aquatic sloths in the implications for modern marine ecosystems is the South Pacific. evolution of fossil marine mammal communities, lit- Understanding how drivers of past diversity, tle studied thus far. A notable exception is identifi- both biotic and environmental, continue to operate cation of the co-occurrence of species, or today helps shape our efforts to conserve and sympatry, among dugongids evolving in separate manage these remarkable mammals of the sea. time periods and geographic regions, the late Oli- Major changes in productivity of the world’s oceans gocene in Florida, the in India, and was a primary driver of feeding diversification in the early Pliocene in Mexico. Resource partitioning both pinnipedimorphs and cetaceans. The peak in among fossil sirenians was examined in these diversity of major lineages of marine mammals communities defined on the basis of dugongid occurred during the mid-Miocene and has been body size and ecomorphological differences such associated with the Mid-Miocene Climate Opti- as rostral deflection and tusk morphology (Vélez- mum. Later changes in diversity can be related to Juarbe et al., 2012). the Messinian salinity crisis, especially for those Also worthy of consideration is the decline of taxa occupying the Mediterranean, and to Pleisto- marine mammals that have been attributed to cene sea level changes that affected habitat and predators, such as the decline of Pliocene mys- prey availability for coastal dwelling pinnipeds and ticetes that has been linked to the appearance and cetaceans. Ecological replacements are more diffi- diversification of their likely predators, carcharo- cult to recognize in the absence of a good, well- dontid (Lindberg and Pyenson, 2006). sampled fossil record. Perhaps the best example is These examples point up the importance of replacement of desmostylians by sirenians in the collecting fossil data as fossils provide critical, North Pacific that occurred in the late Miocene. Evi- unique reference points for understanding changes dence for trophic convergence during this same in marine mammal communities and diversity time comes from sea grass feeding aquatic sloths through time. in the South Pacific that appear to be the ecologi- cal homologue of desmostylians in the Pacific. Dis- CONCLUSIONS entangling the effects of ecosystem changes requires the development of rigorous hypotheses Marine mammals have evolved four feeding that incorporate biotic as well as environmental strategies to capture prey underwater: biting, filter, drivers of ecosystem change. Additionally, further suction, and grazing. Distinct skull and soft tissue study of the prey of marine mammals would enable morphologies have been identified and associated understanding of the co-evolution of predator-prey with each feeding strategy, and future studies communities through time. would benefit from more comparative and quantita- tive approaches to the study of feeding structures, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS styles, and performance. By analyzing the evolu- tion of feeding in marine mammals, we confirm that We greatly appreciate the discussion of data the earliest feeding guild in the late Eocene was and assistance of E. Ekdale and M. Uhen. Several occupied by both herbivores (grazing sirenians) anonymous reviewers and the editor A. Souron and carnivores (biting/crushing archaeocetes). improved the quality of the manuscript. Thanks Morphological and paleoecological evidence indi- also to editor A. Bush. This is Paleobiology Data- cate that a biting feeding mode was predominant base publication 380.



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All appendices are grouped in a zipped file available at https://palaeo-electronica.org/content/ 2020/3136-feeding-in-marine-mammals.


Details and sources trees for Pinnipedimorpha (1a) and Cetacea (1b) used for ASR.


Complete results of statistical analyses.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of prey capture strategies in Pinnipedimorpha. Tree topology as in Appendix 1a.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of tooth pattern and cusp shape in Pinnipedimorpha. Tree topol- ogy as in Appendix 1a.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of habitat preference in Pinnipedimorpha. Tree topology as in Appendix 1a.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of prey capture strategies for Cetacea. Tree topology as in Appendix 1b.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of tooth pattern and cusp shape in Cetacea. Tree topology as in Appendix 1b.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of prey type preference in Cetacea. Tree topology as in Appendix 1b.


Ancestral State Reconstruction of habitat preference in Cetacea. Tree topology as in Appendix 1b.