Trident Jan 12 2008

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Trident Jan 12 2008 Winner 2008 CCNA Better CompetitionNewspapers Call or visit our website for details. VOLUME 43, ISSUE 1 • MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2009 434-4100 GT QUILLÉ, CANADIAN FORCES COMBAT PAZ CAMERA Griffon Helicopters from 438 Tactical Helicopter Squadron located at St-Hubert, Québec, arrive at Mirabel Airport, where they will be shipped to Afghanistan. Home for Aviation MFRC Hoops Halifax and region the holidays award programs for the heroes HMCS Ville de Québec returns HELAIRDET from HMCS Halifax team wins regional INSIDE PAGE 3 whole family Charlottetown wins trophy PAGE 9 PAGES 14-19 basketball tournament PAGE 23 2 TRIDENT, JANUARY 12, 2009 FDU(A) continues Christmas Daddies tradition By 2Lt Dave Bowen they canvassed their first person JTFA PA and were out of the gates on their way to an excellent run, raising f you ask any runner what the $12,235.34. Then there was the auc- Imost miserable conditions are tion of the Mark V replica diving in which to run a marathon, the helmet, a perennial favourite item answer will usually be, cold and in the charity auction. Again, Big wet. So it was no surprise that when Leagues won the right to display the members of FDU(A) hit the road for helmet for a year for an astonishing the 2008 50km relay for the Christ- bid of $38,640. Over the years this mas Daddies telethon it was very tight-knit unit of fewer than 100 cold and very wet but this did not men and women has answered the deter the runners. Families and call and raised $731,975.34 for friends may have found it a bit Christmas Daddies. uncomfortable but for the divers Each Atlantic winter you can HALIFAX IMAGING SERVICES, PTE JOHANIE MAHEU, FORMATION who work in the cold waters of the count on seeing this unit running to Atlantic it’s another day at the raise money that Maritime families office and a great chance to hit the need. The dedication of this unit has streets to help families in need. had a profound impact on its com- “Over the years, all the support munity and it shows how much can that we received from the popula- be accomplished when people get tion has been incredible. Participat- involved. By doing something to ing to Christmas Daddies gives us benefit others, no matter what, it the chance to give back to our com- can deeply benefit your community munity and to help families in need. and enrich your life. Families are very important to us,” FDU(A) would like to thank Tim stated Sgt Bernie Sevigny, FDU(A). Horton’s on Caldwell Road, Gold- These sailors proved it by taking en Silk Screening, RCMP and action to help their community. HRM, McDonald’s Bedford, Garri- The enthusiasm in the runners son Breweries, Basha Pizza, Royal was palpable as the run began. Bank Tacoma St and CTV for Before they had even left the base their support. Fleet Diving Unit (FDU) head off for the annual Christmas Daddies run. The 2008 run took place on December 7. INTERESTING AND VARIED EMPLOYMENT FRIENDLY AND REWARDING WORKPLACE OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT COMPETITIVE WAGES CHECK OUT COMMISSIONAIRES. We’re Canada’s premier security provider, protecting people and property from coast to coast. Our complete range of professional services offers diverse employment opportunities that integrate our highly trained people with today’s technology. We offer opportunities for training, advancement and excellent wages, with flexible full and part-time work schedules. If you’re thinking about a change, check out Commissionaires. For immediate job opportunities go to or call 902 429 8101 today. TRIDENT, JANUARY 12, 2009 3 PHOTOS: MCPL CHRIS CONNOLLY, FORMATION IMAGING SERVICES, CFB HALIFAX IMAGING SERVICES, MCPLPHOTOS: FORMATION CHRIS CONNOLLY, Ms. Rendell Witzell (far right), along with numerous families of the crew of HMCS Ville de Québec, shows her support by holding a "Welcome Home" sign. Ms. Witzell is the fiancée of LS Dominic Ratelle, Sonar Operator. HMCS Ville de Québec—home for the holidays By Lynn Devereaux “This has been an incredibly cally on August 6, when in response Trident Staff fantastic trip for the Ville de Qué- to the climbing piracy rates, it was bec and I think for the Canadian reassigned to provide escort duties last minute schedule change Forces quite frankly,” said Ville de for the UN-led World Food Pro- A for HMCS Ville de Québec Québec’s commanding officer, Cdr gramme (WFP) ships off the coast resulted in 225 sailors arriving Chris Dickinson. of Somalia. home one day early, and a little On July 17, Ville de Québec The World Food Programme pro- more holiday cheer for their family left for a five-month deployment vides food on average to 90 million and friends. with the Standing NATO Maritime people per year, and more than 2.4 On Sunday, December 21, the Group 1 (SNMG1) in the Mediter- million Somalis rely on food aid (80 frigate, racing a winter storm, ranean, between Tunisia and Malta, per cent arriving by sea). With more returned to Halifax under its own as part of the counter-terrorist mis- than 70 shipping vessels attacked steam, which seemed a fitting end sion ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR. The by pirates off Somalia’s eastern and to an exciting deployment. frigate’s mission changed dramati- northern coasts in the past year, Following a five-month, high-profile deployment, HMCS Ville de Québec returned to Halifax on Sunday, December 21, 2008. escorting the ships carrying the over the Thanksgiving weekend, the food has become a popular mission ship also traveled to Tanzania and with Navies around the world, Dar es Salaam, for some major engi- including France, Denmark, the neering on the 5,000-ton frigate. Netherlands and now Canada. The ship’s crew was proud to According to Cdr Dickinson, it make a difference, said Cdr Dickin- was the first time Canada had been son, and take on a mission that was to that area since 1993, and on its described by Gen Natynczyk as first visit to Mogadishu the ship’s highlighting Canada’s flexibility crew was able to see first hand the and determination in supporting devastation in that city and the international relief efforts. importance of bringing food to Canada is the third largest con- those people. “The ships that we tributing country to the World Food were escorting in ended up feeding Programme, so Cdr Dickinson said about 180,000 people over the the ship’s crew knew Canadians year—that was the amount of supported the mission. “They knew food—so it was just an incredible that Canadians were behind them, Helping those at home mission,” said Cdr Dickinson. absolutely behind them,” he said. In addition to the escorts, Ville de “This is what Canada does well, Lt(N) Chris Gabriel (left), of HMCS Ville de Québec, presents a cheque for $8,336.65 to Roxanne Robinson Québec (right), Executive Director of Christmas Daddies campaign, immediately following the ship’s return to its was able to do some com- and you could see that in every sin- home port of Halifax. The funds were raised by the ship’s crew in support of the annual regional campaign munity relations work, including gle sailor here in Ville de Québec. during the deployment. hosting INS Godavari while along- It was fantastic. I am so proud side in Mombassa, Kenya. Then of them.” 4 TRIDENT, JANUARY 12, 2009 Community calendar Reunion and event notices must be submitted by mail, fax or internet, attention reporter, (902) 427-4231 • [email protected] and include the sender’s name and phone number. Publication schedule A notice will not be published if the event is to happen more than one year from publication date. Submissions may be edited. for 2009 December 15, 2008 Events at the Public Libraries tory in this hands-on, informative and January 12, 2009 — MFRC On Sunday, January 18 at 2:30 p.m. at humourous exhibit. Check out the 615 (Bluenose) RCACS January 26, 2009 — DND Discounts (Winter) the Keshen Goodman Public Library, jaw-dropping activity station and play welcomes new air cadets February 9, 2009 — Valentine’s/MFRC experience traditional Greek dance with the crushing game that compares the 615(Bluenose)Royal Canadian Air February 23, 2009 — Special Report on Afghanistan the Romiosyni Dance group. Formerly strength of different animal jaws. Learn Cadet Squadron currently is enrolling March 9, 2009 — Home and Garden Special/MFRC known as the St. George’s Greek Ortho- about teeth and their fascinating con- youth age 12 to 18 years. If you are March 23, 2009 — Posting Season dox Dancers, this group is sure to enter- nection to various cultures, prehistoric interested in learning more about fly- April 6, 2009 — DND Discounts (Spring)/MFRC tain the whole family with a variety of life, literature and forensics. Find out ing, leadership, sports, music, and April 20, 2009 — Battle of the Atlantic authentic dances. Monday, January 19 at about Dentists Without Borders, an many more exciting activities, join 615 May 4, 2009 — MFRC 7 p.m. is Scrabble Night at the Keshen organization that brings smiles to chil- Squadron today. We parade every May 18, 2009 Goodman Public Library. Meet other dren around the world. This exhibit is Wednesday evening from 6:15 to 9:15 June 1, 2009 — Family Days wordsmiths and play a friendly game. presented in English and French at the at the Stadacona Drill Hall (Building June 15, 2009 — MFRC Bring your board. At the Tantallon Pub- Museum of Natural History.
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