

Table of Contents




1. The Background of the

1.1.Structure of the gospel of .1.1.Prologue 1.1.2.The Book of Signs 1.1.3.The Book of Glory 1.1.4.Epilogue

1.2.The Literary Style of the Gospel of John

1.2.1.Linguistic Style

1.2.2.Narrative Style





1.3.The Authorship of the Gospel of John

1.3.1.John Mark



1.3.4. External Evidence Internal Evidence

1.3.5.John the Elder

1.4.Place and Date of Writing of the Gospel of John

2. The Occasion of Purpose of the Gospel of John

2.1.The Religious and Historical Context

2.2.The Purpose of the Gospel of John

2.2.1.The Supplement of Hypothesis

2.2.2.The Replacement of Hypothesis

2.2.3.The Polemical Purpose of Hypothesis

2.2.4.The Didactic Purpose Hypothesis

2.2.5.The Proclamatory Purpose Hypothesis

2.3.The Jew Background

2.3.1.The Use of Old Testament in John

2.3.2.The Background of Qumran Judaism

2.3.3.The Background of Rabbinic Judaism

2.3.4.The Hellenistic Background AUTHOR – HENRY NAWL THANG BIK

2.3.5.The Hellenistic-Jewish Background

2.3.6.The Christian Background of John’s Gospel

2.3.7.The Proposed Gnostic Background

3. The Background of Johannie Use of Logos Concept and Its Meanings



3.3.Understanding the Concept of Logos in Greek Philosophy

3.3.1.Logos and Heraclitus

3.3.2.Logos and Plato

3.3.3.Logos and Aristotle

3.3.4.Logos and Stoic Philosophy

3.3.5.Logos and Philo of Alexandria

3.4.Understanding the Concept of Logos in Judaism 3.4.1.The Logos in the Old Testament 3.4.2.Logos in the Septuagint (LXX) 3.4.3. Logos in Targum 3.4.4. 3.5.The Use of Logos Concept in John’s Writings 3.5.1.The Logos in his Pre-existent States 3.5.2.The Logos as 3.5.3.The Logos in Flesh as Mediator



1. A Brief Historical Background of the Chin Community in Myanmar AUTHOR – HENRY NAWL THANG BIK

1.1.The Geographical Background of the Land 1.1.1. The Present Land 1.1.2. Climate 1.1.3. Tribe or Clan 1.1.4. The Minung (people) 1.2.Origins and Early History of the Chin 1.2.1. The Chin Concept of the ‘Sernak’ (Creation) 1.2.2. The Origins of Chins (Thawhkehnak of the Chin) 1.3.Migration (Pemnak) 1.3.1. Sojourn in the plains of Burma 1.3.2. Sojourn in the ‘Lai Tlang’ (Chin Hills)

1. The Socio-Cultural Significance/Life

1.1.The Village (Khua)

1.2.The Zawlbawk

1.3.The Head-hunting




1.7.Legendary Stories

2. Political System

2.1.The Ram-Uk-Bawi/Lal (Chief)

2.2.The Upas (The Council of Elders)

2.3.Other Village Officials

3. Religious Life and Practices

3.1.The ‘Bia” (Logos) Christology from Chin

3.1.1. Etymology of the Bia.

3.1.2. Thiang Lo (The Taboos)

3.1.3. Khua-Zing (the Supreme God and Creator)

3.1.4. The Khua-zing Nu (God as a Mother)

3.1.5. The Nature of Khua-zing

3.1.6. Khua-hrum (The guardian god)

3.1.7. Khua-vang (the Shaman) AUTHOR – HENRY NAWL THANG BIK

3.1.8. Khua-chia (the Concept of evil spirits)

3.2.System of Sacrifice (Raithawinak or Sakhuabiaknak)

3.2.1. The Tlangbawi (Priest)/ Bawltu and Sathattu (the Priest and Who kills the offered animals)

3.2.2. The Raithawining Cang (The Sacrificial System)

3.2.3. Raithawinak (the Sacrifice)

3.2.4. Worship

4. Life After Death in Mithi-khua

4.1.Funeral Rite (Ruak Hngah)

4.2.The Concept of Thihnak le Nunnak (Life and Death)

4.3.The Chin Concept of Mi-thi-khua (Village of the Soul)

4.4.The Chin Concept of Thih-Hnu Nunnak (Life after Death)



Introduction 1. The Logos in Chin Traditional Religion 1.1. The Logos in Ceremonies and Sacrifices 1.2. The Eschatological Logos

1.3. The Logos as the Traditional God

2. The Logos in Chin Tribal Culture

2.1. The Logos in the Festivals

2.2. The Logos in the Myths

2.3. Christ and Culture: -The Logos Christology AUTHOR – HENRY NAWL THANG BIK

3. The Logos and the Chin Tribal Ethics

3.1. Logos as the Mover of Morality

3.2. Cosmic logos: The Ethical Principle of Organism Relationship

3.3. The Dormitory: A Praxis of Ethics

4. From Pre-Temporal to Active Everpresence 4.1. From Traditional to Modernity 4.2. From the History to the End-Time 4.3. The Final Hope



Appendix I

Appendix II



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