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New York Timescorrespondent Roger Cohen to Speak At Washtenaw Jewish News Presort Standard In this issue… c/o Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor U.S. Postage PAID 2939 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, MI Oh Jewish New Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Permit No. 85 Chanukah! Book Fair Cookbook Photo Album by Aviva and son Aric Page 12 Page 24 Page 31 December 2011/January 2012 Kislev/Tevet/Shevat 5772 Volume XXXVI: Number 4 FREE New York Times correspondent Roger Cohen to speak at U-M Hillel to honor incoming Kimberly Kunoff, special to the WJN director Tilly Shames n the evening of Sunday, February 5, your history, 2001, and foreign editor six months later. and outgoing director at 7 p.m., Roger Cohen, columnist end Jew ish Since 2004, he has written a column for The Michael Brooks O for the International Herald Tri- meekness and Times-owned International Herald Tribune, bune and New York Times, will speak at the humiliation, first for the news pages and then, since 2007, Michael Spitulnik, special to the WJN University of Michigan. His talk—“Israeli the acquies- for the Op-Ed page. In 2009 he was named The Ann Arbor Jewish Spring? The Enduring Jewish Question”— cence that took a columnist of The New York Times. community is invited to will ask how close, 63 years after the found- your forbears Cohen has written Hearts Grown Bru- a Chanukah celebration ing of the Jewish state, has Israel conformed to the ditches tal: Sagas of Sarajevo (Random House, to welcome Tilly Shames to its founding ideals. and the gas: 1998), an account of the wars of Yugosla- into her new role as ex- “Israel,” explains Cohen, “by giving Jews that was Israel’s via’s destruction, and Soldiers and Slaves: ecutive director of the at last a small piece of earth, was supposed message.” American POWs Trapped by the Nazis’ Final University of Michigan to create what Ben Gurion called ‘a self-suf- The lesson Gamble (Alfred A. Knopf, 2005). He has also Hillel. The event will also ficient people, master of its own fate,’ rather of strength, co-written a biography of General Norman Roger Cohen honor Michael Brooks than one ‘hung up in midair.’ This was to be coupled with Schwarzkopf, In the Eye of the Storm (Farrar for his 32 years as ex- Tilly Shames the resolution at last of the Jewish Question. that of tolerance declared in the Founding Straus & Giroux, 1991).n ecutive director as he After the millennia of marginalization,” he Charter of 1948, are what Cohen will discuss transitions into his new position as Director of continues, “after the pits in the Lithuanian during this talk. This talk is part of a two-day symposium on “Israel Today,” organized by Sarai Aharoni, Institutional Advancement at U-M Hillel. forests and Auschwitz and Dachau, it was Roger Cohen joined The New York Tilly, the current associate director of U-M supposed to end Jewish precariousness, Times in 1990. He was a foreign correspon- the Schusterman Visiting Lecturer at the University of Michigan. For more informa- Hillel, is originally from Toronto, Canada. Be- Jewish annihilation angst—the inner ‘exile’ dent for more than a decade before becom- fore coming to Ann Arbor in 2008, she worked of the Jew. Know your history, be proud of ing acting foreign editor on September 11, tion, email or visit at the Hillel of Greater Toronto first as the di- rector of Israel Affairs and then as the associate director. She also spent a year in Nairobi, Kenya, working for the United Nations Environmental Chanukah Wonderland opens at Briarwood Mall December 20 Programme (UNEP), where she coordinated David Alpert, special to the WJN the implementation of environmental curricu- lum, and assisted in the collection and review of n any given day, Briarwood Mall Wonderland and oversees all activities. Her contributions from around the world to GEO- goers spend hours shopping for inspiration, she says, is the possibility of 2000, UNEP’s leading publication. Another one O the latest fashions and accessories transforming a store into a “fully immersive of her valuable experiences was the Interna- on display at the popular mall in Ann Arbor. Chanukah experience, where we offer an tional Groups Coordinator at the Ben Gurion But this Chanukah, many shoppers will find exciting destination for families during the Heritage Institute where she coordinated and something different at a Chanukah-themed Chanukah festival. The message of Chanu- led educational programs for visiting interna- store located in the Sears wing. kah is the triumph of good over evil, so it tional youth groups. She received her bachelor’s Chabad of Ann Arbors’ Chanukah Won- is gratifying when people of all stripes, not degree from York University in Environmental derland begins with the attractive Chanukah- only Jewish people, stop by the Chanukah Studies and Political Science. Her masters de- themed decorations in the front display. Step Wonderland to learn about this wonderful gree is from the Norman Paterson School of inside and into a virtual, fun-filled Chanu- holiday,” she adds. n International Affairs, Carleton University, with kah experience. Children can build their own a specialization in water scarcity and conflict in For more information, call Shternie Zwiebel at dreidels with arts and crafts and compete in a Israel and the Middle East. 994-9832 #5. competition for the best Lego menorah. Ven- Sallie Kochin Abelson, U-M Hillel devel- ture deeper into the store and slip into a full- opment director, says, “It’s been a joy to work blown costume of Yehudah Maccabee, and Chanukah Wonderland dates and hours Tuesday, December 20 — 1–7 p.m. with Tilly. She has brought so many innova- record the moment with a photo. In another Wednesday, December 21 — 1–7 p.m. tive ideas and programs to our Hillel that I am corner inside the store, visitors will learn Thursday, December 22 — 1–7 p.m. excited for where Tilly will take U-M Hillel in how to manufacture oil with a special inter- Jackie Shapo, a lawyer in Ann Arbor Friday, December 23 — 11 a.m.–3 p.m. the upcoming years.” active presentation featuring a functioning brought her family to enjoy the Chanukah Saturday, December 24 — closed The dessert reception will take place on olive oil press. celebrations at the Chanukah Wonderland Sunday, December 25 — closed Wednesday, December 21, the second night A menorah-building event will be held on last year. “I’m a long-time shopper at Briar- Monday, December 26 — 1–4 p.m. (“Cha- of Chanukah, at 7:30 p.m. at Hillel, 1429 Hill December 27, in Briarwood Mall in the area by wood Mall, and I just wanted you to know nukah On Ice” at the Ice Cube at 5 p.m.) Street. R.S.V.P. by December 15 to Chris at 769- JCPenney. Fueled by Chanukah music, latkes how much my kids enjoyed the Chanukah Tuesday, December 27 — 1–7 p.m. (Jelly 0500 or email her at Park- and doughnuts, kids can help build a ten-foot Wonderland festivities there,” she said. Bean Menorah event at 5:30 p.m.) ing on Hill Street is permitted from 7–10 p.m. menorah made out of hundreds of jellybeans. Shternie Zwiebel runs the Chanukah on the night of the event. I Chanukah 2935 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Giving the gift of tikkun olam voice: 734/971-1800 By Suzanne Kurtz fax: 734/971-1801 e-mail: WASHINGTON (JTA)—If the thought of Barnert Temple in Franklin Lakes, N.J., says spending too much Chanukah gelt on lavish the home-based aspect of the holiday lends gifts for friends and loved ones seems a little itself to an ideal opportunity for families to dim this year, adding a little tikkun olam to also reinforce traditional values like learning, the presents can give your Festival of Lights humility and acts of loving kindness. Editor and Publisher a memorable glow. During the lighting of the menorah, Susan Kravitz Ayer The Religious Action Center of Reform Ju- Frishman encourages families to take the Calendar Editor daism has assembled a Social Justice Chanu- time and ask questions: Who are these can- Claire Sandler kah Gift Guide with gift-giving ideas suitable dles for? What matters to us as a family? Who Happy Holidays! for all the do-gooders on your list. Buying fair might we think of tonight? Advertising Manager Join us for New Years Celebration trade products, adopting a U.S. serviceman or If children in need of books come to Gordon White servicewoman, donating blood or joining the mind, Reading Village, a nonprofit organiza- National Bone Marrow Registry are just a few tion that promotes literacy in impoverished Design and Layout Dennis Platte of the suggestions that can be found easily on villages in Guatemala, has created a family their website. There’s an idea for each of the discussion guide geared to Chanukah. Staff Writer eight nights of Chanukah. Sandor Slomovits The organization created the guide two years ago, says Naomi Abelson, the social Contributing Writers action specialist at the Union for Reform Aura Ahuvia, Halye Aisner, David Alpert, Roann Altman, Barbara Bergman, Dasee Berkowitz, Judaism, “when we realized no such re- Robert D. Blackwill, Miriam Eve Borenstein, Henry source existed” to help those interested in Brysk, Tyler DeJong, Rabbi Robert Dobrusin, Ruth giving gifts for Chanukah with a social jus- Eglash, Uri Fintzy, Eileen Freed, Karla Goldman, tice bent. Rabbi Aharon Goldstein, Shoshana Jackson, Ron Some rabbis and synagogues go even Kampeas, Sybil Kaplan, Dan Klein, Kimberly Kunoff, further in aiding their congregants with Hillel Kuttler, Sala Levin, Rabbi Robert Levy, Fran non-commercial gift-giving ideas.
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