The London Gazette, 18Th December 1970 13845
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18TH DECEMBER 1970 13845 The Order as made becomes operative on the date the River Brent on the A.5 and to the west of the on which this notice is first published, but if applica- A.5 (all owned by British Waterways Board) (8, 8z, tion is made to the High Court under paragraph 15 10, 10A, 10AZ, 10u, lOz, 13, 13z, 23, 25, 25A, 25n, of the First Schedule to the Acquisition of Land 25c, 25sz, 25cz, 25z, 84, 84A). (Authorisation Procedure) Act 1946, within a period Part of forecourt to Licensed Premises known as of six weeks from that date by any person aggrieved Upper Welsh Harp ; half-width of the AS adjacent by the Order the Court may, by interim Order, to the Upper Welsh Harp ; (owned by Benskins suspend the operation of the Order either generally Watford Brewery Ltd.) (1, lz). or in so far as it affects any property of the Land, car-park and Licensed Premises, known as applicant, and may, if satisfied that the authorisation the Old Welsh Harp ; half-width of A.5 adjacent to granted by the Order is not empowered to be granted the Old Welsh Harp; (owned by Ind Coope (London) or that the interests of the applicant have been Ltd.) (9. 9z). substantially prejudiced by any requirement of the Parts of car park at junction of AS and A.406 said Schedule or of any regulation made thereunder opposite Brent Sidings; part of forecourt to Brent not having been complied with, quash the Order Buildings; part of A.5 adjacent to car park and part either generally or in so far as it affects any property of A.406 opposite Brent Buildings (owned by the Post of the applicant.
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