Nonprofit Webster’s Community and School Newspaper Enhanced Carrier Rt. THE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Webster, WI 54893 Permit #5 POSTAL PATRON Publications Class Webster Senior High School Business Department Webster, Wisconsin (715) 866-4281
[email protected] November 2009 Webster School District Issue 2 Automatic Winter Webster: A School of Promise Phone System Sports Christina Becker WHS Senior Preview Although there have page 15 been several modifications to the Webster schooling system this year, one that may have a large impact towards convenience is Holiday the new automatic phone system that has been Survival installed. This device has several uses: notifying Tips! parents/guardians within the page 7 Webster school district of school closings and specific grades can be informed of important events, such Overflowing as sophomores getting Schedule? class rings, or seniors with graduation information. Get Help! Only administration page 12 staff members can use this device. Also, depending Inclement Weather on the code that is entered, School may be closed due to only one group of students inclement weather. If such a and guardians will be closing should occur it will be announced over the following notified of an event, instead radio and TV stations: of the whole school. This • WCCO-TV (4) device is also programmed • KSTP-TV (5) to redial phone numbers • KBJR-TV (6) SUPERIOR- DULUTH that receive a busy signal • FOX 9-TV (9) twice.This helps to ensure • KARE 11-TV (11) that students and families • WCCO-RADIO (830 AM) Top: Laurie Kriegel and Martha Anderson receiving the Wisconsin School of Promise get the message that is • WCMP-RADIO (1350 AM- Award from State Superintendent Tony Evers on behalf of the Webster Middle School.