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World Bank Document Revised Procurement Plan for PMGSY RRP-II project 95065 Punjab as on 29th Dec 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized This is an indicative plan prepared for RRP-II PMGSY Punjab. The project shall update the procurement Plan annually or as needed throughout the duration of the project in agreement with the Bank to reflect the actual project implementation needs and improvements in institutional capacity. The Project shall implement the procurement plan in the manner in which it has been approved by the Bank. I. General th 1. Bank’s approval date of the procurement plan - 29 Dec 2014 Public Disclosure Authorized 2. Date of General Procurement Notice issued for Consultancies only : September 14, 2010 3. Period covered by this procurement plan: Full project period II. Goods and Works 1. Procurement Methods and Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions shall be subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement. Public Disclosure Authorized Expenditure Category Procurement Prior Review Threshold Comments Method US $ GOODS, EQUIPMENTS & MACHINERY Public Disclosure Authorized 1. Goods and Equipments ICB All contracts World Bank SBD will be used estimated to cost equivalent of and the procurement will be as US$ 3000, 000 or more per per procedures described in contract World Bank Guidelines. 2. Goods and Equipments NCB All post review All post The NCB bidding document estimated to cost less than review agreed will be used and the US$ 3000, 000 and greater procurement will be as per than US$ 100, 000 equivalent procedures described in the per contract Procurement and Contract Management Manual 3. Goods and Equipments Shopping All post review estimated to cost less than procedure with US$ 100, 000 or more per at least three contract quotations from qualified bidder in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.5 of procurement Guidelines. Procurement through DGS&D rate contracts will be considered equivalent to shopping procedure. 4. Goods and Equipments that Direct DC < USD100000 Post meet the requirements of Review and All others prior paragraph 3.6 and 3.7 of Contracting review procurement Guidelines CIVIL WORKS 5. Civil works contracts ,Each ICB* All contracts World Bank SBD will be used and the procurement will be as per procedures greater than US$ 40,000,000 described in World Bank Guidelines. or equivalent per contract 6. Civil works contracts ,Each NCB First contract for works for The procurement will be done as greater than US$ 50,000 or each State, irrespective of per procedures described in the equivalent and less than US$ value and all contracts procurement cum Contract 40,000,000 per contract estimated to cost more Management Manual and using than US$ 15,000,000 SBD cleared by the Bank. equivalent per contract will be subject to prior review by the Bank. All other works contracts will be subject to post review. *As per current planning, no ICB contracts are envisaged for civil works. 2. Pre-qualification. Not applicable 3. Proposed procedures for CDD Components (as per Paragraph 3.17 of the Guidelines: Not Applicable 4. Reference to (if any) Project Operational/ Procurement Manual: A Procurement cum contract Management Manual has been prepared by NRRDA. The manual has been received by the Bank and clearance of the manual given by the Bank. All Procurement in the project will be done as per procedures described in it. 5. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangement: The Following provisions constitute additional provisions applicable for purpose of National Competitive Bidding (NCB). NCB will be conducted in accordance with paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the Guidelines and the following provisions: Only the Model Bidding Document for procurement of works through NCB agreed with the Bank (and as amended for time to time). Shall be used for bidding; Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one widely circulated national daily newspaper (or on a widely used website or electronic portal with free national and international access along with an abridged version of the said advertisement published in a widely circulated national daily inter-alia giving the website/electronic portal details from which the details of the invitation to bid can be downloaded), at least 30 days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids. No special preference will be accorded to any bidder either for price or for other terms and conditions when competing with foreign bidder, State-owned enterprises, small scale enterprises or enterprises from any given State; Except with the prior concurrence of the Bank, there shall be no negotiation of price with the bidders, even with the lowest evaluated bidder; Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank (i) for the first request for extension if it is longer than four weeks; and (ii) for all subsequent requests for extension irrespective of the period (such concurrence will be considered by Bank only in cases of Force Majeure and circumstances beyond the control of the Purchaser/ Employer)Re- bidding shall not be carried out with reference to Contracts subject to Bank prior review without the prior concurrence of the Bank The system of rejecting bids outside a pre-determined margin or “bracket” of prices shall not be used in the project; Rate contracts entered into by Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals will not be acceptable as a substitute for NCB procedures unless agreed with the Bank on case to case basis. Such contracts will be acceptable however for any procurement under the Shopping procedures Two or three envelope system will not be used (except when using e-Procurement system assessed and agreed by the Bank)However, as exception in this project, two part bidding for NCB works (as described in the model bidding document) has been agreed by the Bank subject to appropriate fiduciary safeguards (e-procurement system and complaint handling mechanism acceptable to the Bank) All procurement of works through NCB will be done through a standardized e-procurement system acceptable to the Bank. As per paragraph 1.14(e) of the World Bank’s Procurement Guidelines the associations’ right to inspect the accounts and records of bidders, suppliers and contractors will be included in the bidding documents. III. Selection of Consultants 1. Selection Methods and Prior Review Threshold: Selection decisions shall be subject to Prior Review by Bank as stated in appendix 1 to the Guidelines Selection and Employment of Consultants: Expenditure Value threshold per Procurement Method Prior Review Category contract Threshold Consultancy Each contract estimated to -Quality and Cost Based All prior review. contracts to be cost US$ 1000,000 selection (QCBS) awarded to equivalent or more per -REO: to be published in consultant firms contract UNDB on line including selection of Each contract estimated to -Quality and Cost Based All single source training institutes cost less than US$ (QCBS) method selection of consultants by 1000,000 equivalent per with estimated cost of -Quality Based (QBS) NRRDA/SRRDAs contract more than US$ method of selection in 100,000 equivalent per accordance with ht contract will be subject provisions of paragraph 3.1 to prior review. All to 3.4 of consultant’s other contracts will be Guidelines. subject to post review but with TORs subject -Consultant’s Qualifications to prior review by the (CQS) method. Bank. -Least Const Method (LCS). -Fixed Budget Method -Single Source Selection All Individual Consultant -Through comparison of All cases subject to contract qualification of at least post review but with three candidates. TORs subject to prior review by the Bank. All contracts for single -Single source Selection source /selection of individual consultant with estimated value more than USD 100 000 will be subject to prior review 2. Short List Comprising entirely of National Consultants: short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than US$ 500,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: NIL. i) Procurement plan with Method & Time Schedule -- for WORKS Phase IX Expected Reference GOI Sr Contract Length Contract Procurement Review Bid Package Amount Comments No. ( Description ) ( Km) Amount Method by Bank opening No. ( In Lacs) date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Awarded on Work 1 PB-0138 Manj to Bachiwind 7.86 370.02 441.04 NCB Post 17-09-2012 Completed Amritsar Wagha to Amritsar Awarded on Work 2 PB-0139 16.98 951.79 1031.04 NCB Post Chabal Road 17-09-2012 Completed Amritsar Ajnala road to Awarded on Work 3 PB-0140 19.92 945.72 894.96 NCB Post Chetanpura 02-11-2011 Completed Gaggomahal, Chamiari to Awarded on Work 4 PB-0141 13.55 650.97 750.79 NCB Post Khatrai Kalan 17-09-2012 Completed Burj to Lahori Mal Bhakna Awarded on Work 5 PB-0142 12.16 583.14 585.68 NCB Post Road 31-10-2011 Completed Awarded on Work 6 PB-0144 Bandala to G.T.Road (NH-I) 24.00 1033.25 1125.31 NCB Post 14-11-2011 Completed Awarded on Work 7 PB-0145 APK road to Jandiala 9.72 464.03 447.54 NCB Post 31-10-2010 Completed Amritsar Ajnala road to APK Awarded on Work 8 PB-0146 15.72 726.69 767.63 NCB Post road 31-10-2011 Completed G.T. NH-I (Khilchian) to Awarded on Work 9 PB-0147 15.75 671.09 540.32 NCB Post Amritsar Mehta Road 02-11-2011 Completed Mallanwala to Fatehgarh Awarded on Work 10 PB-0533 11.42 576.80
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