Joint Humanitarian Update NORTH EAST |


Displacement after April 2008 IDP situation as reported by the Government Agents as of 29 April

IDPs During the period 1 April 2008 to 29 April 2010

Vavuniya Camps: 73,0221 76,568 people are accommodated in temporary camps. Mannar Camps: 1852 Jaffna Camps: 3,3613

RELEASES & RETURNS 214,227 people have been released & returned in Vavuniya, Mannar, Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Releases & Returns: Ampara, Polonnaruwa and Kandy. As of 2 May 2010 In place of origin: 119,706 With host families: 93,329 In institutions: 1,192


Resettlement update • Return movements from Menik Farm and host families resumed on 16 April after a temporary suspension at the end of March over the general election period. During the second half of April, 4,804 people were returned as follows:

To : 9 On 16 April, 1,071 IDPs from Menik Farm to Karaithurappattru in Maratimepattu District Secretariat (DS) division 9 On 18 April, 907 IDPs from Menik Farm to DS division 9 On 20 April, 987 IDPs from host families to Karaithurappattru in Maratimepattu DS division 9 On 22 April, 787 IDPs from host families to Oddusuddan DS division

To : 9 On 27 April, 1,052 IDPs from Menik Farm to Vavuniya North DS division

Replenishment of tin sheets for returnees required • Government authorities are working to replenish stocks of tin sheets. They are distributed as immediate shelter assistance to returnees, and will be particularly critical to have in place before the upcoming monsoon season in the Northern Province. Families continue to receive shelter assistance kits (tarpaulins and rope).

1 Source: Government Agent Vavuniya 2 Source: Government Agent Mannar. 3 Source: Government Agent Jaffna

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Returnees to Skanthapuram and Selvanagar moved following mine hazard concerns • In Kilinochchi District, Government authorities acted quickly to transfer twelve families to the Akkarayan School, after confirmation that their homes in Skanthapuram and Selvanagar (in Karachchi DS division) were located in a mined area. Although IDPs receive MRE in IDP camps and upon return to their areas of origin, families may place themselves in danger to assert ownership of their lands. Local authorities are introducing safeguards to prevent the reoccurrence of similar situations.

Land documentation • Many returnees are facing difficulty to claim their properties in the absence of land documentation lost during their displacement. Clear land policies and procedures to resolve conflicts are required to avert community tensions when several parties stake a claim to the same lands.

More surrendee sites in school premises decommissioned • In Vavuniya District, the surrendee sites sharing premises with the Vavuniya Hindu College, Poonthottam and Vellikulam Schools were vacated and decommissioned.

Internews media services for Jaffna District returnees • From April, access to information for displaced and returning persons in Jaffna District improved through the distribution of the Internews weekly newspaper Lifeline and radio shows on the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation Tamil National Service and the Yal FM Jaffna service. Internews services now extend to the IDP camps and resettlement areas across the Northern Province. Internews provides information services for IDPs and returnees in partnership with Government, UN, I/NGO, the private sector and others.

II. Sector Overviews & highlights

Shelter / NFI

In the Vanni return areas: • Shelter and WASH sector leads are working with partners to ensure complementary support in the areas of return.

• The Ministry of Resettlement has decided the following allocation of 400,000 cement bags donated by the Indian Government for returnees. Each resettled family will be provided eight bags of cement to construct shelters on their own lands. Resettlement Coordinators and Assistants will assist the respective Government Agent offices to carry out the distribution.

District # cement bags allocated Jaffna 152,000 Mannar 64,000 Vavuniya 64,000 Kilinochchi 72,000 Mullaitivu 48,000 total 400,000

• NFI distributions in the return areas resumed on 20 April after a two week gap due to the general elections and Tamil / Sinhala New Year. Between October 2009 and 22 April 2010, 20,537 returnee families in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts as well as Vavuniya North have received 25,272 NFI core kits, 20,225 lanterns, 23,107 hygiene kits and 15,623 tool kits.

In Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Shelter agencies distributed polythene sheets for 950 tents and completed maintenance on 500 shelters in Zones 2 and 3.

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In the Vanni return areas: • Sarvodaya, Oxfam, FSD, IRD, JENS and LEADS received PTF approval to support WASH interventions in the resettlement areas. Local authorities have prioritized support to community areas, schools and health institutions.

• Status of well / toilet cleaning and rehabilitation in the return areas as of 25 April

District # Cleaned # Rehabilitated # Toilets built # Toilets repaired wells wells Completed Completed Completed Completed Mannar 333 445 188 864 Kilinochchi 985 7 295 13 Mullaitivu 847 0 299 0 Vavuniya 469 0 0 0 Total 2,634 452 782 877

• Water bowsering operations continue in areas where well-cleaning is ongoing.

• In Mannar and Vavuniya Districts, Zonal Education Directors are currently carrying out an assessment of WASH needs in priority schools. WASH agencies will collaborate with government authorities to plan operations on the basis of assessment results.

In Jaffna District (including return areas): • The ongoing dry season has increased the need for bowsering water to the Ramavil camp. The National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWS&DB) continues provision of water to the camp, with financial support from WASH partners, which has been extended for six months.

• The second phase of a scheme to provide piped water to the Ramavil camp will commence soon with sector support.

• The NWS&DB will implement a water supply scheme in Mandaitive with support from the WASH sector. The scheme will benefit approximately 1,700 people, including around 720 returnees, in the water-scarce Mandaitive area.

• On 27 April, WASH sector lead UNICEF organized a knowledge management workshop on Participatory Hygiene Promotion and Transformation Series (PHAST) for 16 project staff from partner WASH agencies. Important points covered in this workshop included; 9 Practical problems and issues related to hygiene promotion in the Jaffna context were discussed, facilitated by a resource person from Regional Directorate of Health Services (RDHS). This discussion included the recent outbreak of dengue fever. 9 An overview of a hygiene promotion framework and implementation strategy was discussed.

In Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Water bowsering services have increased from 7 litres / person to an average supply of 10.3 litres / person in line with Sphere standards. Despite improvements, inequalities remain in some zones.

• With the return of IDPs to their places of origin and reduced levels of needs, 49 toilets in Zone 5 were decommissioned. As of 23 April, a total of 4,123 toilets have been decommissioned across Menik Farm. Toilet maintenance in the remaining facilities has been collectively prioritized by agencies.

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In the Vanni return areas: • People in return areas receive WFP food rations for 6 months as follows:

District # Returnees

Kilinochchi 60,071 families (228,423 individuals) Mullaitivu 8,623 families (5,861 individuals) Mannar 8,365 families (30,165 individuals) Vavuniya 28,501 families (126,226 individuals) Total 105,560 families (390,675 individuals)

Food ration distribution

• The Government Agent offices are collecting CBO proposals to implement WFP-sponsored Food for Work and Food for Training (FFT) programmes to extend food assistance in resettled communities beyond the six-month timeframe.

• Students in reopened schools receive midday meals under the WFP school feeding programme as follows:

District # Schools # Students

Kilinochchi 35 5,227 Mullaitivu 37 4,144 Mannar 18 3,137 Vavuniya 26 1,899 Total 116 14,407

• In Vavuniya and Mannar Districts, approximately 22,000 pregnant and lactating mothers and children under five years received Corn Soy Blend (CSB) through clinic programmes.

In Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Around 9,400 pregnant and lactating mothers, children under five and elderly people receive supplementary feeding.


In the Vanni return areas: • Following a needs assessment, health agencies are supporting the Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition to procure basic and essential equipment needed for hospitals in Mannar, Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi Districts.

• Health agencies plan to complete refurbishing of the maternity and paediatric wards in the Kilinochchi General Hospital (GH) by 30 June 2010. Further refurbishment is ongoing in different wings of the hospital.

• On 25 April, the Governor of the Northern Province declared open the Nedunkerny Hospital in Vavuniya North DS division (Vavuniya) District. This hospital provides outpatient / inpatient care with three doctors appointed. The Adampan, Vedithalathivu and Vellankulam hospitals in Mannar District are due to be opened shortly.

• In Kilinochchi, Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya Districts, agencies are supporting the Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme (NRP) for returnee communities.

• Agencies supported the first capacity-building workshops for 85 public health staff involved in the Nutrition Rehabilitation Programme in Mullaitivu (20-21 April) and Kilinochchi (22-25 April) Districts.

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In Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Between 19-23 April, the Director IDP Healthcare carried out a targetted ‘mini’ nutrition campaign to treat children suffering from severe and moderate acute malnourishment (SAM / MAM), with support from Health/Nutrition agencies.

• After the public holidays during the first part of April, health services and disease surveillance activities in Menik Farm are again fully functioning.

• The incidence of chickenpox among Menik Farm IDPs is decreasing, with three cases reported from 10 – 16 April.

• An outbreak of mumps was reported in Menik Farm from the second week of April. Cases began in Zone 5 and spread to Zones 0, 2 and 3. About 300 suspected cases have been reported but only 74 patients have sought treatment in health facilities. The remaining patients were identified by field health workers during home visits. Patients indicated they were hesitant to go to the Poovarasankulam isolation hospital, as they did not want to be separated from family members.

• Sector partners are conducting health education and awareness programmes, including health messages announced daily in all zones through the public address system. In addition, agencies supported the printing and distribution of Tamil language information leaflets on mumps targeting mainly school children. Volunteers continue to support active surveillance to identify new cases. The Epidemiology Unit is exploring possibilities of conducting a mumps immunization programme for groups at risk. (The national immunization program currently does not cover mumps.) Isolation units in or near Menik Farm have been identified to accommodate suspected patients who do not want to leave Menik Farm. The situation is being closely monitored.


In the Vanni return areas: • In Mullaitivu District, some returnees in Odusuddan DS division have gone back in order to reclaim their lands. They face various challenges, including;

9 Urgent shelter needs (The UNHCR shelter grant scheme resumed on 30 April with additional funding from the CERF and the Australian Government); 9 A lack of income opportunities; 9 The need for proper fencing to prevent animal intrusions into home-gardening plots; 9 The need for rehabilitation / cleaning of their wells; and 9 The need for ongoing / additional MRE

A significant portion of IDPs who had stayed in host family accommodation have depleted their savings and are anxious to resume livelihood activities. The community is attempting to re-establish Rural Development Societies and Women's Rural Development Societies (WRDS), with support from the Rural Development Authority (RDA) and Grama Sewakas.

• In Vavuniya District, IDPs in Samalankkulum, Maharambaikulam, Vairavapuliyamkulam and Nelukulam villages await the completion of mine clearance operations to return, with the following challenges highlighted:

9 Transport difficulties in sending their children to schools in Vavuniya town in some villages where they had not been accommodated in the village schools; 9 Short supplies of water due to current dry season; 9 Some transport obstacles to access health services at the Vavuniya Government Hospital; 9 IDPs in Nelukkulam have not received food rations since their arrival which took place between September and December 2009. There are also issues in obtaining food stamps and food distributions; 9 While IDP families want to access village lands, many depend on irregular work as labourers for income (both skilled and unskilled). Typically men earn around SLR 600-700 from unskilled work, while women earn only SLR 300. In the meantime, most families remain reliant on the monthly food ration.

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9 Many IDPs have lost their National Identity Cards (NIC) and/or birth certificates. According to local government authorities, they have to be resident in the return villages for a minimum six months to qualify for NIC applications.

Some landless families are reluctant to return to their villages of origin as they have no means to reconstruct their houses and properties without assistance. Some have indicated they prefer to remain in the host communities, where relatives can provide support to rebuild their lives. Family separations remain a key concern among IDPs.

• In Mannar District 78 individuals, who were moved to Athimoddai on 20 March, after the Sirukandal Welfare Centre was closed, await the completion of mine clearance to return to their homes in Koorai.

• Another group of returnees in Vamathevapuram are waiting for humanitarian demining to be completed in residential areas.

• In Eachchalavakkai, around 313 people released from IDP camps have been in transit for nearly a month as demining is still taking place in their home areas of Pallamadhu and Sannar.

In Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Twenty new volunteers have been identified to support Child Friendly Units (CFU). Volunteers are fulfilling the staffing gaps resulting from the return process.

• One children's home was closed down and the IDP children staying there reunified with their families, following new directives from the Government Agent and the Commissioner for Probation concerning these homes.

• A three-day training programme was conducted for Probation officers from the Northern Province on case management, family reunification and reintegration. The workshop supported ongoing work by the Commissioner for Probation to monitor and support the reintegration of children associated with armed groups.

In Jaffna District (including return areas): • The Child Protection Working Group is compiling the latest draft of the newsletter on Child Protection issues, targeted for both adult and young audiences.


• Several areas were released for resettlement following the conclusion of mine action operations:

District DS division Areas released Mannar Madhu Periyapandivirichchaan West and Iranai Illuppaikkulam Maratimepattu Kokkilai East and West, Silawaththai, Karunaddukerny, Mullivaaikaal Central, West, North and East, Kovilkudiyiruppu, Selvapuram, Manalkudiyiruppu and Mulliyawalai Central Vavuniya Vavuniya North Paddikudiyiruppu and Kulavisuddan Vengalacheddiculam Periyathampanai • In Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar and Vavuniya Districts, close to 10,000 people received MRE conducted jointly by partners including the SLA Humanitarian Demining Unit (HDU).

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• In Vavuniya and Mannar Districts, there are 7,385 IDP students in host community schools. Priority needs to support their education include: 9 The construction of 21 Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS) for schools in Vavuniya South DS division; 9 Improved WASH facilities in 12 schools in Vavuniya North DS division, 20 schools in Vavuniya South DS division and 5 schools in Mannar District; 9 Provision of at least 3,000 pieces of furniture; and rehabilitation of another 1,000 pieces; and 9 Social Cohesion and Psychosocial support for 10 schools and Catch-up Education programmes for at least 5,000 students.

Government and sector interventions are urgently required to meet these needs.

Jaffna District: • The Zonal Directors of Education have provided the following update of displaced children in Jaffna District host schools.

Functional Total Total IDP Education Zone Schools enrollment Children Vadamaradchy 68 19580 2734 Valikamam 130 38746 4669 Thenmarachchi 56 14131 2602 Island 53 11866 2114 Jaffna 100 44562 4176 Total 407 90,139 16,295


• In Vavuniya District, partners have completed a joint rapid assessment of early recovery needs in 22 Phase I resettlement villages indicated by the Government as priorities. Preliminary findings in Vengalachcheddikulam DS division indicate gaps in food distributions (both dry rations and supplementary food), NFI return kit distribution, as well as access to shelter and WASH facilities. Shelter / WATSAN needs are particularly severe among IDPs living with host families.

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III. Contact Details of Cluster Leads in Colombo, Jaffna, Mannar, Vavuniya, and Trincomalee Lead Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Cluster Agency Colombo Jaffna Mannar and Vavuniya Trincomalee Agriculture / FAO Patrick Evans A Sivanandan Hillary.A.Arulgnanam S. Vijinthan Food Security [email protected] [email protected] Hillary.Arulgnanam Shanmugalingam. - 024 2224556 [email protected] Early UNDP Zoe Keeler K.V.Nishanthan Mr. Nagarasa Kamalathas Refinceyaa Patterson Recovery / [email protected] [email protected] nagarasa.kamalathas refinceyaa.patterson Infrastructure - 0242220610 Education UNICEF Brenda Haiplik Rathigadevi Velupillai Ariel Solari Varathaseelan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sinthathurai 0774 338996 [email protected] Food WFP Giancarlo Stopponi Devesh Shankhdhar Francis Abanzi Kaniz Khan giancarlo.stopponi Devesh.shankhdhar [email protected] [email protected] 024 2221781 Health WHO Dr. Edwin Salvador Dr. N. Sivaraja Dr. N.P. Sumanaweera For Health / Nutrition: salvadore [email protected] [email protected] Dr. M.S.M. Faiz - 024 2225427 [email protected] Logistics WFP Devesh Shankhdhar Mads Vejlstrup Devesh.shankhdhar [email protected] 024 2221086 Nutrition UNICEF Diane Stevens Kathirgamadasan N. Sutharman For Health / Nutrition: [email protected] Rathikah [email protected] Dr. M.S.M. Faiz [email protected] 024 2223485 [email protected] Protection UNHCR Elizabeth Tan For Protection: For Protection in Vavuniya: For Protection / HR [email protected] Liz Peters Elisabetta Brumat David Bugden [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

For Protection in Mannar: Jessica Skinner [email protected]

For Child Protection: For Child Protection in Maha Damaj Vavuniya and Mannar: [email protected] Saji Thomas [email protected] Mine Action UNDP Roshani Yogarajah Vartharajah Murugathas Kapila Perera Project Officer vartharajah.murugathas@ Mine Action Officer roshani.yogarajah [email protected] Shelter and UNHCR Laurent Raguin Shelter: For Shelter in Vavuniya: For Shelter / NFI: NFI [email protected] P. Balakrishnan Brian Povlsen Inge Colijn [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

NFI: For Shelter/ NFI in Mannar: K. Mugunthan Martin Dwan [email protected] [email protected]

For NFI in Vavuniya: Francis Muwonge [email protected] WASH UNICEF Abdulai Kaikai Yoganathan Thayaparan Nicola Hahn J. Jeyamaran [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Focal Points at Carrie Howard Sugirthan Alaganantham R.E. Shantheep Croos R.E. Shantheep Croos OCHA Offices Information Officer Field Coordination Reports Associate, OCHA Reports Associate, 011 2504434/5 Assistant Vavuniya OCHA Vavuniya [email protected] 021 2228836 024 4922044, 024 024 4922044, 024 [email protected] 2224873. 2224873. Nicola Perera [email protected] [email protected] Reports Associate 011 2504434/5 [email protected]

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IV. Humanitarian Activities from 16 to 29 January 2010 JAFFNA DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity NFI UNHCR Chankanai, Tellipalai, NFI distribution to the IDPs at old Welfare centre: Uduvil and Sandilipay Children clothing, Plastic mat, Slippers, Jerry can, D.S. Divisions Hurricane lantern, Sarong, Women underskirt, Sanitary napkins, Menstrual clothing were distributed to 525 IDP families at Neethavan, Kampanai Samuthra, Pillaiyar, Aalady, Thalir, Ilanthaiyadi, Neethavan, Coir factory, Pillaiyar kovilady , Alaveddy East, Kaddudai I, Kaddudai II , Kaddudai III, GTMS, Companipualm, Kaththivedduvan, Iyanar Kovilady welfare centers. Velanai, Kayts, and Backlog distribution to the Vanni returnees: 2,051 Sandilipay Divisions released/ returned families were received the NFI tools. Jaffna district NFI Kit for refugee returnees: 7 refugee returnee families from India were received the UNHCR standard return kits. Chankanai D.S. Division 7 Solar lanterns were distributed to Pandaveddai relocation site for children’s studies.

Karainagar D.S. Division 258 Jerry cans were distributed to 140 Vanni returnee families in Thoppukkaadu & Shanthapuram villages in Karainagar AGA division to collect drinking water. WASH UNICEF Jaffna Out of 33 schools proposed by ministry of education in Jaffna for WASH facilities in 2010, only 15 were found to be accessible. A joint rapid assessment on WASH needs in 15 schools completed and outcome shared with ZDEs and awaiting for proposal for UNICEF support. Velanai D.S. Division UNICEF support NWS&DB to implement a small water (Mandaitivu) supply scheme in Mandaitivu resettlement area Near 2600 people including 720 resettles will be benefited from this project. During the reporting time proposal approved and first advance will be released to NWS&DB soon. Chavakachcheri D.S. UNICEF support NWS&DB to continue browser supply Division (Ramavil) to 2600 IDPs in Ramavil and PRI IDP camps for another 6 months. During the reporting period proposal approved and first advance will be released to NWS&DB soon. Health & Nutrition UNICEF Jaffna Therapeutic feeding for undernourished children is ongoing for children remaining in Ramavil Camp all the children across the peninsula and the supplementary feeding ongoing for the resettled children.

Protection UNHCR Tellipalai D.S. Division, Arranged an introduction session for the SGBV core Neethavan welfare center group members in Neethavan welfare center in Tellipalai DS division with JSAC to introduce the GBV desk activities and making linkage with government stakeholders and SGBV core group members GBV Desk at Jaffna Mapping the SGBV activities by SGBV coordinator teaching hospital Reporting SGBV cases come to the hospital and direct them according to the referral system. Conduct SGBV working group meeting and SGBV management committee meeting Mine Action UNICEF Chavakachcheri, SOND & Sarvodaya conducted a total of 20 Tellipallai, Nallur, Jaffna, programmes that reached out to 2813 individuals (635 Velanai, Kayts, men, 865 women, 623 boys and 690 girls). Karainagar and These included street dramas, Community liaison Maruthankerny. D.S. programmes, and house to house MRE programmes Division Child Protection UNICEF Jaffna, all divisions One girl surrendee was released from PRI on 14 April 2010. Two male and one female surrendee were released from PRI on 22 April 2010 by the Chavakachcheri magistrate. There are no more young surrendees at PRI, but 5 are reported to have been sent to Palaly. Chava Magistrate and Police OIC are investigating this. World Vision Lanka Chankanai D.S. Division Evening classes are continuing with 510 children, Totally J/165, J/168 and J/169. 210 children of grade 5, 10, 11 benefit from the catch up classes. Shoes distributed to 54 IDP children. Chavakachcheri D.S. 404 participated in the evening classes. 376 children are Division studying at the catch up classes J/293, J/294, J/315 J/316 Sports meet at Nobel community center for children of child well being center

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JAFFNA DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity Education UNICEF Jaffna Fortnight meeting with ZDEs is been conducted to review the progress of the 3rd & 4th quarter activities and support them to expedite the activities in qualitative manner. JZO has monitored the CFS workshop in Island zone. 25 primary teachers gained knowledge on CFS concepts, and dimensions. Primary ISA of Island zone agreed to do the follow up monitoring at school level and submit reports to UNICEF. UNICEF and focal person also plan for follow up monitoring. Capacity Building UNHCR Jaffna District Conduct an interactive session with the social services officers and women development officer to focus on information sharing on available services within the province and challenges faced in accessing these services by the vulnerable individuals and work towards a best way forward. A session was also organized on the “Domestic Violence Act”. It was conducted by the magistrate of the Jaffna Magistrate Court

KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Shelter CARE International Vavuniya District: Provision of timber rafters to install tin sheets provided Kalmadhu and Paliyavadi by government for 48 families. Vavuniya District: Kitchen construction work ongoing. Vavuniya North DSD NRC Vavuniya District: Roof repairing work ongoing (1-Completed) Katkulam phase 04 relocated village Vavuniya District: Activities proposed and awaiting for PTF approval(Construction of Core houses/Transitional Shelters, Livelihoods, Construction of Preschool with furniture and repairs /renovation of wells ) UNHCR Vavuniya District: UNHCR has procured polythene for tent maintenance in Menik Farm Menik Farm and this is currently being implemented by three agencies. Killinochchi, Mullaitivu Shelter cash grant continues to be distributed. See Districts and Vavuniya updates under NFI. (Vavuniya North) Districts UNOPS Kilinochchi District: UNOPS carried out the beneficiary assessment and Poonakary DS Division identification process for construction of transitional shelter based on lists provided by the AGA GN divisions: Paramankirai Alankeni Gowtharimunai Gnanimadam Madduvil nadu east Maduvil nadu west Chettiyar kurichchi Kollankuruchchi

NFI CARE International Vavuniya District: Menik 192 Hygiene packs were distributed. Farm - Block 8 Zone 3 Vavuniya District: Menik 189 Hygiene packs were distributed. Farm - Block 22 Zone 2 Killinochchi District: 142 Return packs were distributed. Kandawalai DSD – Paranthan, Umaiyalpuram, Korakkankaddu and Kumarapuram Killinochchi District: 124 Return packs were distributed. Pachchilaipalli DSD – Puloppalai West, Palai, Puloppalai East and Mullaiyadi DRC Killinochchi District: On 19 April, DRC distributed return kit to 5 families with Karachchi UNHCR. Mullaitivu District: On 20 April, DRC distributed return kit to 274 families Oddusuddan with UNHCR.

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Killinochchi District: On 21 April, DRC distributed return kit to 530 families Poonakary with UNHCR. On 22 April, DRC distributed Push bike to 45 students.

Save the Children in Killinochchi District: In coordination with NFRI cluster and UNHCR, (SCiSL) Sri Lanka (SCiSL) Karachchi DSD - provided 2,380 sets of children cloths to returnee Ambalkulam, children as per the request of the Karachchi DS office Kirishnapuram, and Kilinochchi GA. Vinayagapuram (Ambalkulam K/13,Kirishnapuram KN/11GN divisions) Swiss Labour Mullaitivu District Procurement process for 1,100 Bicycles and cargo Assistance SAH boxes has been initiated. UNHCR Killinochchi, Mullaitivu UNHCR is distributing return NFI packages and hygiene Districts and Vavuniya kits to the families returning to Killinochchi, Mullaitivu Districts (Vavuniya North) and Vavuniya districts.

During the reporting period 615 returnee families in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts received 736 NFI core kits, 615 lanterns, 615 hygiene kits and 615 tool kits from UNHCR. In the meantime UNHCR distributed 535 sets of tool kits, ropes and plastic sheets to the returnee families in Kilinochchi district through DRC

A total of 20,537 returnee families received 25,272 NFI core kits, 23,107 hygiene kits and 15,623 tool kits in return areas since October 2009 in collaboration with different partners such as SAH, WVL, DRC ,SCiSL and CARE WASH CARE International Vavuniya District: 46 wells cleaning completed. Kalmadhu, Paliyavadi, (6 common wells, 40 private wells) and 39 latrine renovation completed in Puliyankulam and Ramarpuliyankulam Ramarpuliyankulam. Vavuniya District: 7 private wells renovated. Suduventhapulavu GND - Pavatkulam Vavuniya District: 3 Common wells renovated. Pampaimadhu GND- Katpagapuram 6 water tankers (4000L) supply clean drinking water in Vavuniya District: Menik allocated IDP blocks. Averagely 100,000 L of water is Farm – Zone 0, 1 and 3 being provided daily. CTF/Cordaid Killinochchi District: Well cleaning and renovation activities on going. Poonakary DSD- Kollakurichi

DRC / RDF Vavuniya District: Internal plastering is in progress for open dug well. Katkulam IV ZOA Mannar District: Manthai 2 wells renovated in Vellankulam. West DSD 6 wells cleaned in Ganesapuram Water bowsering in 04 villages continues (Ichchalavakkai, Ganesapuram, Kovilkulam and Sewa village

Killinochchi District: 32 wells cleaned. (16 wells in Kariyalainagapaduvan and Poonakary DSD 16 wells Pallavarayankaddu). Water bowsering in 2 villages continues (4th mail post and Pallikuda) Swiss Labour Vavuniya District: Menik Management and payment for running and maintenance Assistance SAH Farm - Zones 0, 1, 2, 3, costs of 19 tractors (Including driver payments and fuel) 4, 6, IDP hospitals for Solid Waste Removal. (Cheddikulam, MSF, Management and payment for 128 sanitary labourers for Menik farm hospitals and Solid Waste Removal. the Menik farm health Management and payment for 4 supervisors and for 6 care centres), supporting staff for Solid Waste Removal. Maruthamadhu and Payment for running and maintenance cost of 2 JCB Muthaliyarkulam (Including driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal. Management and payment for running and maintenance costs of 14compactors (Including driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal.

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Management and payment for running and maintenance costs of 20 Gully browsers (Including driver payments and fuel) for Liquid Waste Removal. Management and payment for running and maintenance costs of 2 dump trucks (Including 2 driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal. UNICEF Vavuniya, Kilinochchi Menik Farm Mullaitivu, Mannar (Rice - Continued Cluster Coordination and Monitoring of Bowl) Districts Menik Farm. - Funding of 6 NWSDB Bowsers. - Funding of 4 x 5000L Muslim Aid bowsers. - Funding of the UNOPS WASH decommissioning and maintenance program. - Funding of Zone 3 Water Treatment Plant and new potable water supply line in Zone 3. - Small scale funding agreement has been signed with Muslim Aid to continue water bowsering in Menik Farm commencing 1 May.

Resettlement Areas: - 64 Water tanks were distributed in Madu and Mussali divisions in Mannar district to utilize in the schools and resettled areas. - Under UNICEF funding, Water Resource Board and Water Board continued with cleaning of dug wells in return areas across the 4 districts. - Joint visit made (Hygienic and Nutrition, WASH, Building department and Killinochchi hospital) to assess the WASH needs in Kilinochchi hospital and waiting for BOQ from B/D. - Small scale funding agreement was signed with RDF for construction of water supply distribution system in Mallavi hospital. - Cost estimation for 48 m3 over head water tank construction in Mallavi was received from Buildings Department and sent Colombo for review. - All 5 zonal Education directors in the resettlement areas were coordinated and requested to submit the school WASH estimations. UNOPS Vavuniya District: Menik • 51 toilets decommissioned in the period under Farm – Zones 1, 2,3,4 review and Site 6A • 496 toilets repaired in the period under review

Kilinochchi District: UNOPS carried out the beneficiary assessment and Poonakary DS Division identification process for construction of semi permanent toilets based on lists provided by the AGA GN divisions: Paramankirai Alankeni Gowtharimunai Gnanimadam Madduvil nadu east Maduvil nadu west Chettiyar kurichchi Kollankuruchchi

Food DRC / RDF Vavuniya District: Home gardening pack distribution completed. Plans are Katkulam IV also there to distribute 2 more seedlings. DRC / FOSDOO Vavuniya District: Home gardening pack distribution completed. Plans are Kudakkachchakodiya also there to distribute 2 more seedlings. FAO Vavuniya, Mannar, FAO through Department of Agriculture (DoA) and Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi Department of Animal Production and Health (AP & H), Districts has distributed Seed Paddy (Mullaitivu – 3,088 bushels to 1,029HH, Vavuniya- 750 bushels to 250HH, Mannar – 1,500 bushels to 500HH, Killinochchi-1,634 bushels to 545HH), Home garden vegetables (Mullaitivu – 500HH, Vavuniya- 500HH, Mannar – 500HH, Killinochchi- 300HH) and OFC seeds (400HH in Each district) for the upcoming Yala season. Target groups are recently resettled, affected & most vulnerable families. FAO received Seed Paddy (6,972 bushels) and delivered to DOA Mullaitivu (3,088 bushels), Kilinochchi (1,634 bushels), Mannar (1,500 bushels) and Vavuniya (750

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity bushels) for the distribution.

Purchasing of one month old back-yard poultry chicks for 1800 HH, (Mannar 500 HH, Vavuniya 300 HH, Mullaitivu 500 HH, and Kilinochchi 500 HH) is in progress. ZOA Mannar District: Mannar 80 home gardening packages distributed: (32 packages- Town DSD Pattim elderly home and orphanage, 10 packages- Holy family convent , 3 packages- Franciscan Missionaries of peace and 35 packages -Siththivinayagar hostel Health and Nutrition D-IDP Health/WHO Vavuniya Districts: Menik Provision of 8 PHIs for communicable diseases Farm surveillance system in Menik Farm Printing of health education leaflets on Mumps in Tamil language, and distributed to all zones Health awareness and other education activities to control the spread of Mumps Handicap Vavuniya Districts: Physical rehabilitation services to persons with International Cheddikulam Base disabilities and injuries including physical and Handicap Hospital and Vavuniya occupational therapy, prosthesis and orthotic device International Town production and repair and the donation of assistive devices. Vavuniya Districts: Training in disability treatment for 2 MOH volunteers Vavuniya Town DSD attached to Kilinochchi General Hospital IOM Killinochchi, Mullaitivu, Pre-hospital Care: two IOM ambulances in Menik Mannar and Vavuniya Farm provided transport assistance for medical Districts: Menik Farm referral for 71 patients. Assisted Return Program: This reporting period, IOM have facilitated the free convoys returning a total of 2,966 IDPs from Menik Farm and Vavuniya District. IOM facilitated 161 ambulance missions to escort the convoy for Returnees. Northern Health Sector Recovery: IOM provides a fleet of 17 Ambulances (15 for return areas including convoy assistance and 2 for Menik Farm). IOM health Programme Manager, Health Field Assistant and Mannar HSO met health authorities of Mannar district. IOM handed over one fogging machine to speed up vector control activities. IOM health team suggested uniformity on data collection of mobile clinics, periodical epidemiological reports on communicable diseases and channel of information to address EWARN in case of epidemics and regular updates by partner agencies. Another meeting was conducted on mobile clinics to prevent duplication and overlapping of health activities chaired by Deputy RDHS with partner agencies IOM, CHA, MSF France and PSL. Geographical demarcations were assigned among partner agencies. IOM Health has monitored mobile clinics in Mussali and Manthai west. Gaps and shortcomings were addressed to provide much needed health services in returnee areas. IOM equipped the labour room of Mallaavi hospital with a spot lamp for suturing of episiotomy cuts, in addition to the assistance provided earlier with episiotomy and delivery sets. Mental Health: Block 26 Professional Psycho-social Counselling Centre (PHCC) in zone 2 is continuously serving as a mental health clinic. IOM is providing volunteers in assisting the Medical Officers and in the follow up activity done in the centre. Capacity Building: Preliminary meeting on development /drafting of Patient’s Health Record was conducted by Dr. Susie Perera. The health record needs to be reviewed by different line ministries, pre test will be done before conducting a pilot program. Rehabilitative Health: IOM support/ assistance on rehabilitation hub in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Indian High Commissioner were appreciated and Emergency Health Response Officer of IOM attended the closing ceremony in Colombo.

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity IOM assistance and support for People with Disability during the Artificial Limb Program by the Indian High Commissioner: OM health programme manager at Vavuniya had a meeting with a representative of Handicap International on possibility of collaboration for people with disabilities. Support to vulnerable groups IOM is continuously supporting provision of transportation to the elderly groups. During this reporting week 25 cases for cataract removal done in Puttalam hospital under the Help Age Sri Lanka program. IOM also supported transport to patients with spinal cord injuries in collaboration with MSF Holland request. IOM agreed to facilitate movements in monthly basis. Promotive Health: IOM Field Medical Coordinator attended hygiene promotion capacity building meeting chaired by UNICEF at Vavuniya. Assistance for psychosocial activities: IOM provided two ambulances for the New Year festival celebrations conducted at zone 0 in collaboration with SLA and government. IOM planned to provide ambulance service for the spots meet 2010 requested by GA office Vavuniya. Ministry of Health/ Mannar District: Needs assessment in the Hospitals in the different WHO/ UNFPA Silavathurai, and districts to assess the needs of the essential Adampan equipments; beneficiaries will be the returnees population Mullaitivu District: The Puthukudiyirippu Hospital was also visited. It is Oddusudan, Mallavi, completely damaged and needs new buildings. Mankulam, Nedunkerny and Mullaitivu District General Hospital (DGH)

Kilinochchi District: Kilinochchi General Hospital, Dharmapuram, Vatakachchi Hospital MSF FRANCE Mannar District: Mobile Clinic conducted. Manthai West DSD- Aathimottai, Anthonyarpuram and Moonrampatti Mannar District: Mobile Clinic conducted. Madhu DSD- Parasankulam, Villathikulam and Tachanamaruthamadhu RDHS/ D-IDP Health Vavuniya Districts: Menik An outbreak of Mumps occurred in the zones, care/WHO Farm specifically in zones 0 and 1 the active control measures were taken by the PHII in the zones under the direction of the D-IDP. SEED/Cordaid Vavuniya Districts: Menik Orthopaedic treatment for 14 beneficiaries. Farm - Zone 2 UNFPA Vavuniya Districts: Menik Mobile Reproductive Health Services; 6 in Menik Farm, Farm Killinochchi District: 2 in Killinochchi MOH area, 6 in Mallaavi MOH area; Mullaitivu district: beneficiaries were the IDPs in the zones and returnees. Mallaavi Mullaitivu district: Distribution of Hygiene packs 1,365 and Maternity kits Mallaavi 15; beneficiaries were returnees. UNICEF Vavuniya Districts: Menik Mini Nutrition campaign on treating severe and Farm moderately acute malnourished Children held from 19- 23 April. Mullaitivu district: RDHS Training of 27 public Health staff on Nutrition area Mullaitivu. Rehabilitation Programme during held on 20-21 April. Training has been arranged at Mallavi Base Hospital. Killinochchi District: Training of 58 public Health staff on Nutrition RDHS area Kilinochchi Rehabilitation Programme during 22-25 April. Training arranged at -District General Hospital Kilinochchi. Progress review and assessment of the refurbishment work of the maternity, paediatric and obstetric theatre units funded by UNICEF for the General Hospital.

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Protection NRC Vavuniya District: Civil documentation and legal assistance activities Arabaanagar, including mobile outreach and technical assistance Santhaisolai, conducted. Kurrukalputhukulum, Selvanagar and Puthiyakovilkulam

Mannar District: Rasenthirankulum, Thalaimannar and Manthai West DSD UNHCR Vavuniya District: Monitoring and referral in IDP Camps, Welfare Centres, Vavuniya and Menik and Host Families ongoing. Farm Killinochchi, Mullaitivu Returnee monitoring ongoing. and Vavuniya Districts (Vavuniya North DSD) Vavuniya District: Total of 56 cases visited UNHCR office during the reporting period, out of which 30 potential PWSN cases were interviewed and 10 were assisted with NFIs while 3 cases were referred to FOSDO for assistance. Most of cases are former IDP residents of Menik Farm who have been released under special categories (disabled, elderly, female headed household with small children). 14 families returning from India supported. Child Protection Save the Children in Vavuniya District: Provided two sets of play and recreational materials Sri Lanka Vavuniya North DSD- with the support of Vavuniya North DS office to Muththumaary Nagar 43 returnee children. Retuned children became more enthusiastic on play and recreational activities with the provision. Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) made a significant platform to children to build up their friendship and sense of unity as well. Vavuniya District: Provided two sets of CFS materials kits with the support Vavuniya North DSD - of Vavuniya North DS office to 55 returnee children. Puthur Junction Returnee children became keener to attend the CFS activities with the CFS provision. Sinnadampan(Sinnad Provided 02 sets of play and recreational materials in ampan GN Division) collaboration with Vavuniya North DS office. 42 return In Vavuniya North DS children were benefited with the provision. Children got division in Vavuniya an immense opportunity to spend their leisure time in district meaningful way with provision of CFCs materials. Vavuniya District: Two sets of CFS materials were distributed in Vavuniya North DSD - collaboration with Vavuniya North DS to 55 children. Periyakulam Provision of CFS materials had resulted to ensure the certain child rights such as opportunity for play and sports games , associating the friends etc. Vavuniya District: Two sets of play and recreational materials were Vavuniya South DSD provided in collaboration with Vavuniya South DS office to 45 returnee children. Kilinochchi District: Two sets of CFS materials were distributed with the Karachchi DSD - support of Karachchi DS office to 50 returnee children. Vivegananthannar Kilinochchi District: Two sets of CFS materials were provided in Karachchi DSD - collaboration with Karachchi DS office to 45 returnee Uthayanagar East children. Mullaitivu District: Two sets of play and recreational materials were Thunukkai DSD - provided in collaboration with Thunukkai DS office to 60 Iyankulam returnee children. Returnee children were encouraged to attend the CFS s regularly through the provision of CFS materials. Mullaitivu District: Two sets of CFS materials were distributed in Thunukkai DSD - collaboration of Thunukkai DS office to 70 returnee Koddaykaddiyakulam children.

Mullaitivu District: Provided two sets of CFS materials in collaboration with Thunukkai DSD - Thunukkai DS office to 45 returnee children. Ambalaperumal Mullaitivu District: Provided two sets of play and recreational materials with Thunukkai DSD - the support of Thunukkai DS office to 95 returnee Therankandal children. Mullaitivu District: Provided two sets of CFS materials in collaboration with Thunukkai DSD - Thunukkai DS office to 60 returnee children. They got an Yogapuram centre opportunity to engage with play and recreational

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity activities with the CFS material provision. The children’s presence and the activities at the CFS had resulted to strengthen the friendship among the return children. Mullaitivu District: Provided two sets of CFS materials with the support of Thunukkai DSD - Thunukkai DS office o 70 returnee children. Anichiyankulam Mannar District: Manthai Four sets of CFS materials were provided in West DSD- collaboration with Manthai West DS office, respective Veddaiyamurippu GS, and Rural Development Society to 120 returnee children. Mannar District: Mussali Four sets of CFS materials were distributed with the DSD- support of Mussali DS office, respective GS and Rural Pichchavaniyankulam Development Society to 140 returnee children. Play and recreational activities, carried out at the CFSs, helped to develop the life skills of the children in return areas. Save the Children Vavuniya District: Menik Supported to displaced children by partner officials and with FIRM Farm- Zone 2 (Blocks 7, volunteers on school home work and learning activities 12, 23, 34 and 39) in the evening time through the CFSs .350 displaced children were attended the evening educational activities. Especially slow learners got an immense opportunity to become more comfortable on educational activities at their schools due to above assistances. Vavuniya District: Menik About 710 displaced children got an opportunity to Farm- Zone 2 (Block engage with play and sports games, singing, dancing, 7,12,23,28,34 and 39) drawings, paintings, storytelling at the CFSs, established at the IDP sites. Above activities were carried out in collaboration with respective camp management. Children became more enthusiastic and cheerful due to the active participation of the CFSs activities. Save the Children Vavuniya District: Menik About 530 displaced children became more relaxed and with FOSDOO Farm- Zone 04 (Block D1, cheerful due to the play and recreational activities at the D3, F2, F5) CFS s under the supervision of partner officials and volunteers. UNICEF Mannar, Vavuniya, Menik Farm: 20 new CFU volunteers identified and Killinochchi and Mullaitivu trained in Zone 3 by CRPO. In Zone 1, the CFU Districts volunteers received 4 child protection reports (including 1 case of SGBV and one abandoned baby) which were referred to police (hospital authority), counsellors and other relevant actors.

During the period, counsellors from MOSS responded to 272 various types of protection cases that needed psychosocial support. As of 26 April, they have provided support to 4,190 people including children, through 1340 interventions including individual, family and group counselling sessions, school counselling courses, play and art therapy. MRE: MRE sessions in the districts are continuing with UNICEF support. CTF jointly with HDU reached 10,000 individuals with MRE messages in four districts. The cumulative number reached in all four districts is 71,409 individuals, breakdown being Killinochchi 25,701, Vavuniya 6,037, Mullaitivu 14,101 and Mannar 23,643.

Social and Legal Protection: Action taken by the GA against children’s homes which do not meet minimum national standards, following an assessment of children’s homes by the Home Monitoring Committee earlier in the year with UNICEF’s support. One home has been closed and the children are reunified with families. A case of abuse has been identified and is now being dealt with by the police.

As a result of advocacy and support from UNICEF and UNHCR, the district office of NCPA has agreed to coordinate the case management of SGBV cases, leading case conferences with relevant actors to ensure effective referrals and response.

33 Probation Officers, Voluntary Probation Officers and Programme assistants from across the Northern

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Province, took part in a three day training on case management, family reunification and reintegration of vulnerable children. The workshop was organised by the Department of Probation and Child Care Services, with support and facilitation from UNICEF and Save the Children. Work plans for each district have been developed, including monitoring visits and supporting the reintegration of released child surrendees. Education Save the Children in Vavuniya District: Establishment of 2 Learning spaces (12x30) with the Sri Lanka Kothondanochchikulam support of Zonal Education Office - Vavuniya North. 45 Government Tamil Mixed Children benefited with the provision of learning spaces. School (GTMS)

Vavuniya District: Established 3 Learning Spaces (12x30) with the support UNICEF Omanthai Central College of Zonal Education Office - Vavuniya North. 90 children benefited with LS. This helped to ensure the access to basic education for returned children in resettlement areas. Vavuniya District: Provided an Early Childhood Care and Development Muththumary Nagar (ECCD) Kit (preschool materials) and one ECCD teacher’s kit to 18 Children and one ECCD teacher. This was implemented in collaboration with Zonal Education Office - Vavuniya North. Vavuniya District: Puthur Distributed an ECCD Kit (preschool materials) and one Junction ECCD teacher’s kit in collaboration with Zonal Education Office - Vavuniya North. 18 ECCD children and one ECCD teacher benefited. Vavuniya District: In collaboration with the Zonal Education Office - Sinnadampan Vavuniya North, provided an ECCD Kit (preschool materials) and one ECCD teachers’ kit. Ten Preschool children and one ECCD teacher benefited with the assistance. Vavuniya District: With the support of Zonal Education Office - Vavuniya Periyakulam North, provided one ECCD Kit and ECCD teacher’s kit to 25 preschool children and one ECCD Teacher. Vavuniya District: Menik Provided 16 ECCD Teacher’s kits to 16 ECCD teachers Farm- Zone 03 with the support of Zone commander and partner organization FOSDOO. Mullaitivu District: With the support of Zonal Education Office – Thunukkai Therankandal GTMS established one Learning Space (12x30) and 27 children were got opportunity to get access to basic education.

Mullaitivu District: Established one Learning Space (12x30) with the Ampalpuram GTMS support of Zonal Education Office - Thunukkai. Some 25 Children benefited with the learning space. Kilinochchi District: Established one ECCD/CFS centre and provided two Uthayanagar East ECCD Kits and two ECCD teachers’ kits with the support of Zonal Education office -Kilinochchi. 38 preschool children benefited with the provisions. Kilinochchi District: Two ECCD Kits and two ECCD teachers’ kits were Periyaparanthan distributed in collaboration with the Zonal Education Office – Kilinochchi. Some 35 preschool children benefited with the provision. Kilinochchi District: Established one ECCD/CFS centre and distributed two Vivegananthanar ECCD Kits, two ECCD teachers’ kits with the support of Zonal Education Office - Kilinochchi. Some 30 returnee preschool children got an opportunity to engage with pre school activities enthusiastically. Kilinochchi District: Established one ECCD structure in collaboration with Periyaparanthan Zonal Education Office - Kilinochchi. Access to ECCD education was ensured for 35 returnee preschool children. Kilinochchi District: One ECCD /CFS was established in collaboration with Kariyalainagapaduvan Zonal Education office - Kilinochchi and Rural Development Foundation (RDF). Some 16 preschool children benefited with the provision. Kilinochchi District: Established one ECCD centre with the support of Zonal Iranaimathanagar Education Office - Kilinochchi and RDF. Some 237 Children were benefited with the intervention. Kilinochchi District: Established one ECCD centre in collaboration with Paramankirai Zonal Education Office - Kilinochchi and RDF. Some 162 returnee children benefited.

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KILLINOCHCHI, MULLAITIVU, MANNAR &VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Mannar District: Manthai Provided one ECCD Kit and one ECCD teachers’ kit in West DSD- collaboration with DS office Manthai West. Some 35 Veddaiyamurippu preschool children benefited. Mannar District: Mussali Provided one ECCD Kit and one ECCD teachers’ kit DSD- with the support of DS – Mussali. Some 20 preschool Pichchavaniyankulam children and one ECCD teacher benefited. Mannar, Vavuniya, In Partnership with Child Protection, Education cluster Killinochchi and Mullaitivu section visited 4 Children Homes and held focus group Districts discussions to follow up Education needs for children. 3, 486 IDP students attending host schools in Vavuniya South were benefited from learning kits distribution.

Upon request of Mullaitivu ZEO, UNICEF distributed learning kits to surrenderees in Ponthotam Cooperative Centre Surrendees site benefiting 170 ordinary level (O/L) students. Assessment of facilities and mapping exercise of schools are ongoing. Already 40 schools have been visited during the reporting period. Resettlement Coordination Meeting took place on 23 April, Chaired by Vavuniya North ZDE and facilitated by UNICEF. Mannar Coordination meeting took place on 19 March Chaired by ZDE Mannar and facilitated by UNICEF.

Education agencies Coordination meeting Chaired by UNCEF took place Friday 16 April.

Early Recovery CARE International Killinochchi District: Some 100 push bicycles were provided for resettled Kandawalai DSD families. DRC / CSA Mannar District: Repayments and process of loan application forms are Thampanaikkulam in progress. Sarvodaya/ Vavuniya District: Some 81 hosted families received livelihood assistance. Cordaid Cheddikulam DSD Salambaikulam, Pavatkulam unit 4 and 5 UNDP Vavuniya District: 48 youths received training on leadership. Vavuniya, Vavuniya South and Vengalachcheddikulam DSD UNOPS Kilinochchi District: UNOPS carried out the beneficiary assessment and Poonakary DS Division identification process for small infrastructure works and provision of income-generating activities based on lists GN divisions: provided by the AGA. Paramankirai Alankeni Small infrastructure works identified through AGA and Gowtharimunai due to start shortly: Gnanimadam • Improvement of Pookkulam – Kokkudaiyan Madduvil nadu east Rural Road (1.70 km) - Alankeni Maduvil nadu west • Paadody Salt Water Exclusion Bund (2 km) - Chettiyar kurichchi Gowtharimunai Kollankuruchchi

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Acronyms ECE - Early Childhood Education ACLG - Assistant Commissioner Local ECE - Early Childhood Education ECHO - Humanitarian PHI – Public Health Inspectors Aid Department Government PS - Pradeshiya Saba ADGM - age, gender and diversity mainstreaming EHESP - Emergency House Hold Economic Security Programme QIP - Quick Impact Project AP - Anti-Personnel EHI - Essential Household Items RDA - Road Development Authority ASC - Area Security Coordinator EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal RDHS - Regional Directorate of Health Services AWF - Affected Women Forum EVI - Extremely Vulnerable Individual RDS - Rural Development Society BAC - Battle Area Clearance FDL - Forward Defence Line REERDO - Rural Economic, Education, Research and CBDRM - Community Based Disaster Risk Development Organization FFE - Food for Education Management RSG - Representative of the Secretary General FFW - Food for Work CBI - Classroom Based Intervention RCTMS - Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School FSA - Field Security Advisor CBO - Community Based Organisations rwh - rain water harvesting FSD - Swiss Foundation for Mine Action CBSM - Confidence Building and Stabilization SAA - Small Arms Ammunition Measures GAA - German Agro Action SAC - School Attendance Committee CCHA - Consultative Committee on Humanitarian GND - Grama Niladari Division Assistance SAM – Severe Acute Malnutrition GP - Guiding Principles 3CD – Coordination Centre for Community SBM - School Based Management GRC - German Red Cross Development SCC - Shelter Coordination Cell GS - Grama Sevaka CF - child friendly SCiSL - Save the Children in Sri Lanka GTMS - Government Tamil Mixed School CFA - Cease Fire Agreement SDF – Social Development Foundation GVC - Gruppo Volontariato Civile CFE - Child Friendly Environment SDS - School Development Society HALO - Hazardous Area Life Support Organization CM - Camp Management SFP - School Feeding Programmeme HEO - Health Education Officer C&M - Care and Maintenance SLF - Sewa Lanka Foundation HRC - Human Rights Commission COC - Chamber of Commerce SLLRDC – Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and HSZ - High Security Zone CRADA - Centre for Rehabilitation of Alcoholics Development Corporation and Drug Addicts JEN – Japanese Emergency NGO SLMM - Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission CRC - Child Rights Convention LEADS - Lanka Evangelical Alliance Development SLRCS - Sri Lanka Red Cross Society Service CRDO - Community Resource Development SM - Social Mobilization Organsiation LOLDDL - Land O’ Lakes Dairy Development Lanka STF- Special Task Force CSB - Corn Soya Blend ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross SOND - Social Organisation for Networking for CTF - Community Trust Fund MA - Mine Action Development CWBC - Child Well-Being Committee MAM – Moderate Acute Malnutrition SIYB - Start and Improve Your Business) DAPH - Department of Animal Production and MCN - Mother and Child Nutrition TCCS - Thrift and Credit Co-op Societies Health MMIPE - Milinda Moragoda Institute For Peoples’ TDDA – Trincomalee District Development Association DDG - Danish De-mining Group Empowerment TDH - Terre des hommes DMAO - District Mine Action Offices MN - Manmunai North TLS – Temporary Learning Space DDMC - District Disaster Management Coordinator MoD - Ministry of Defense ToT - Training of Trainers DDMU - District Disaster Management Unit MoH – Ministry of Health TS - Temporary Shelter DMU - Disaster Management Unit MOH - Medical Officer of Health TMVP - Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal DoA - Department of Agriculture MoE – Ministry of Education TP - Transition Programmeme DPDHS- Deputy Provincial Dire ctor of Health MRE - Mine Risk Education VEP - Village Emergency Preparedness Services MSF - Doctors Without Borders VGF - Vulnerable Group Feeding DPU - Deep Penetration Unit NECORD - North East Community Restoration DRMU - Disaster Risk Management Unit Development VOSD - Voluntary Organization for Social Development DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction NPA - Norwegian People Aid WC - Welfare Center DSD- Divisional Secretariat Division NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council WHH - Welthungerhilfe ECCDC - Early Childhood Care and Development NRP - Nutrition Rehabilitation Programmeme WV - World Vision Centers NWS&DB - National Water Supply and Drainage Board WWDF - Working Women Development Foundation PPCC - Professional Psycho-social Counseling Centre ZEO - Zonal Education Office PHM - Public Health Midwives

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