Joint Humanitarian Update NORTH EAST |

JAFFNA, KILINOCHCHI, , MANNAR, and TRINCOMALEE DISTRICTS Report # 18 | 16 - 29 January 2010

Displacement after April 2008 IDP situation as reported by the Government Agents as of 22 January 2010


Between 1 April 2008 and 22 January 2010

Vavuniya Camps: 101,646 107,258 people are accommodated in temporary camps. Mannar Camps: 1,950 Camps: 3,662

RELEASES & RETURNS 29,008 people have been released from temporary camps into host Releases: families and elders’ homes as of 20 January 2010. The majority of these people are elders, people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Returns to places of origin: 159,495 have been returned to Jaffna, Vavuniya, Mannar, Trincomalee, Batticaloa, Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi, Ampara, Kandy and Polonnaruwa districts between 5 August and 22 January 2010.

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I. Situation Overview & highlights • The 2010 Presidential Elections concluded on 26 January, with official results announced on 27 January. The incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa claimed victory with 57.88% of the votes, while the opposition common candidate General Sarath Fonseka received 40.15%. Out of a total of 14,088,500 registered voters, 10,495,451 (74.50%) exercised their right during the elections. • On 29 January, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon expressed relief that Sri Lanka’s Presidential Elections concluded relatively free of violence and he reiterated his call to the country’s political parties to abide by the official results and to pursue any concerns peacefully. • From 18 and 20 January, the UN Resident Coordinator / Humanitarian Coordinator (RC / HC) visited Vavuniya and Killinochchi. He held meetings with the UN District Team, the Inter-Agency group, military authorities and the Government Agents of Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya. Furthermore, the RC/HC visited Nedunkerny, Puliyankulam (Vavuniya north) and Poonakary (Killinochchi), where he observed the current conditions of returnees, the progress of humanitarian demining operations and existing basic services. • Funding shortfalls from February for agencies operating in Menik Farm is expected to affect provision of services, including water bowsering, maintenance of sanitation facilities, provision of complementary food and education among others. Some services provided by the government may also be reduced, especially those supported by agencies. • The pass system continues in Menik Farm. It is estimated that approximately 20,000 persons are out of the camp at any one time. Mobility of IDPs has significantly improved with more than 270,000 passes issued between 1 December 2009 and mid-January 2010. Procedures for obtaining passes continue to vary between zones of the camp. • Some 527 adults suspected of association with LTTE have were released from government rehabilitation centres in Vavuniya in mid January. Of them, 191 individuals joined their families in Menik Farm and have been included in the ongoing assistance programme for IDPs. Others have proceeded to areas where their relatives have already returned. A release document with a three-month validity is issued by the Police on release, both confirming their release and serving as a proof of identity. • Returns to the were suspended during the election period. The first post-election convoy took place on 2 February to Poonakary, . • The Government Agent (GA) Mullaitivu carried out consultations with returnees in Thunukkai, Manthai East and Oddusudan Divisional Secretariat Divisions (DSD). The humanitarian community was also invited. Most returnees expressed satisfaction being able to restart their lives in their areas of origin, although several challenges were highlighted including: insufficient basic services; transportation limitations; damaged or destroyed properties and shelters; the need for cleaning of wells and secondary road cleaning, etc. Some returnee families reported that dependants were sent to more populated and serviced locations, as a result of the difficult conditions. The significant army presence was also highlighted. Indications of tensions among communities arriving at different stages of the return process had surfaced with the civil administration indicating that it would strengthening its role to support resolution of disputes. • Mine action operations continue across the Vanni through non-technical surveys and demining, with the Ministry of Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure Development continuing to allocate areas of work to agencies. Residential areas are being given priority to help expedite resettlement. If hazardous areas are identified in villages or immediate surroundings, mine clearance is initiated, whereas other areas may be demarcated for clearance in a later phase. The District Mine Action Office, supported by UNDP, carries out Quality Assurance throughout the process and the release document is signed by the Government Agent. Agencies have started pilot initiatives to establish community liaison focal points to strengthen mine risk education and risk management capacity at village level.

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II. Sector Overview & highlights


Return Areas: • IOM and UNOPS are engaged in provision of temporary and semi-permanent shelters in areas of return. The capacity for shelter construction in return areas is limited, and the need for more partners to support returned population in the sector is becoming more urgent. The most vulnerable across the return districts are being prioritized. The Vavuniya Protection Working Group finalised recommendations on selection of beneficiaries for transitional shelters. National guidelines on beneficiary selection are also under discussion at the Colombo level, to ensure that that criteria for beneficiary selection for different programs (UN-HABITAT, World Bank and Asian Development Bank) for construction of permanent shelters is in line with other shelter projects. Implementation of UN-HABITAT projects is due to start in February 2010.

Mannar: • Partners are preparing for IDP returns to Madhu. Access remains a challenge in providing shelter assistance, particularly in Manthai West and Musali and broader agency involvement is needed to meet the urgent needs of returnees.

Vavuniya: • No maintenance of tents and shelters was done in the reporting period. Only two agencies have funding through the end of February. An assessment of shelter maintenance needs is scheduled for February. • Over 700 IDPs who were transferred at the end of November from the Pulmoddai Camp in Trincomalee remain in Zone 5, pending release for return to their places of origin. The Shelter sector has requested the zonal commander to transfer them to empty shelters in another zone, and include them in the regular distribution of relief items. • The zonal commander for Site 7 has requested agencies to decommission shelters in 2 of the 5 blocks. It is expected that this site will be used for hosting IDPs suspected of affiliation with the LTTE. • Discussion with the camp authorities is ongoing on progressive closure of zones, as return progresses. The Vavuniya Inter-Sector Group recommended that – after the Zones 0 and 1 - Zone 3 would be the preferred location option because of shelter conditions, WASH and other services availability. If an additional zone is required, Zone 4 is being recommended. Tents in Zone 4 are approximately one month newer than those in Zone 2 and, generally, in better condition. Continued monitoring and support to ensure no overcrowding as well as adequate service levels for health, water and sanitation, etc. as well as for other priorities such as child-protection and psychosocial support is required. • The Shelter sector has discussed assistance to IDPs staying with host families with local government authorities. In cases where IDPs do not have a separate room in the host family’s house, it was agreed to provide an initial basic shelter similar to those in Menik Farm. For IDPs unable to return home in the near future, subsequent assistance, in the form of an extension to the host family’s house or a transitional shelter, was suggested. Three hundred and sixty six basic shelters have been constructed for IDPs staying with host families. • NFIs for IDPs in Menik Farm were replenished in November 2009. Ongoing provision of hygiene kits, normally issued every two months, has become a potential gap as only UNICEF has indicated that they will continue hygiene kits after May. The frequency of distribution and the contents of the hygiene kits may be revised unless other actors come on board in time. • There is also a gap in baby kits, which were provided by three agencies, which have indicated that funding shortfalls.


Jaffna District (including return areas): • Agencies planning for latrine construction in return areas include UNICEF (Velanai DSD), IOM and Child Fund (Kayts DSD including 36 pre-schools); NRC and DRC (Tellipallai DSD) and UMCOR, which will cover the gaps in WASH facilities and complement the shelter response. • As at 18 January, the National Water Supply and Drainage Board (NWSDB) together with WASH partners cleaned 580 wells in the Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Mannar and Mullaitivu districts. In addition, 66 boreholes were repaired and 17 boreholes drilled in these districts.

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Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Unless new funds become available, the majority of agencies will need to stop operations at the end of February. Significant gaps in water bowsering (only 20,000 IDPs covered inclusive of government bowsers), toilet maintenance and decommissioning, waste management, hygiene promotion and hygiene kits have been highlighted. • With existing funds, agencies are coordinating distribution of hygiene kits until the end of February. A total of 10,897 hygiene kits were distributed across all zones in the last two weeks. The Children’s Hygiene and Sanitation and Training (CHAST) programme has been scaled up, including the training of volunteers. • Bowsering over the election period continued, with emergency back-up sources prepared on site as a contingency plan. A newly relocated Water Treatment Plant is now operating close to Zone 3, reducing bowsering distances. Although several agencies have increased bowsers capacity to address emerging gaps, this is unsustainable unless fresh funds are secured. • Bathing spaces are needed in Zone 0 and 1, but are dependent on securing additional funds. Ongoing maintenance requirements in Zones 0 and 1 will be allocated among several agencies with capacity until the end of February. • A total of 2,070 toilets have been decommissioned across the zones following the return of IDPs to the Vanni.


Return areas: • Assessments are underway in schools in Manthai West (), Vavuniya North (), Poonakary and Karachchi (Killinochchi District), and Thunukkai () to launch school feeding programmes.

Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • During the election period, food distribution took place – for all zones – on 25 and 29 January. • Almost all NGOs have run out of funding for the provision of complementary food. WFP will supplement the food basket with Corn Soya Blend (CSB) for IDPs in Menik Farm to provide an additional nutrition element beginning next week for one month – 750g per week per family. • On 8 Monday, 3,000 Anagi stoves will be distributed in Zone 4 of Menik Farm on 8 February.


Return areas: • The Ministry of Health care & Nutrition, the Provincial Ministry of Health (North) and health partners conducted an assessment of ten selected in Mullaitivu & Kilinochchi districts. The assessment included evaluating the facilities’ structural integrity including water and sanitation facilities, and needs in medical equipments, supplies and human resources. • In the return areas, transportation limitations are hampering access to health services, especially during the night-time. There are cases of needing to be referred to Jaffna Teaching or Vavuniya General Hospital, as the secondary and tertiary medical facilities such as Mallavi and Mulankavil Hospitals are being rehabilitated. • The MOH with support from the health and developmental partners are working closely to address the equipment and medical staffing needs to provide basic health care services for the resettled population in the Vanni. • Additional ambulances are needed to strengthen the emergency referral capabilities of base hospitals to district hospitals, including the need to supplement the MOH mobile medical currently operational to serve remote resettlement areas.

Jaffna District: • Therapeutic and supplementary feeding for undernourished children under five years of age continues in Ramavil camp and the host community. • The dengue control committee comprising local government authorities, UN agencies, NGOs and community based organizations organized clean-up campaigns and awareness activities aimed at reducing the high number of dengue cases and minimizing the spread of the disease. Public announcements, posters, household awareness visits, drama and newspaper articles are currently underway in the district.

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Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • The dengue situation in Menik Farm has improved, with only three cases reported from 16 to 22 January. Agencies have increased hygiene messages on dengue prevention and developed promotional material to support the Ministry of Health both in the camp and among the general population. • More cases of mumps were reported in January 2010 than in December 2009, with most of the cases in Zones 3 and 5. None-the-less internal transfers of IDPs between zones may spread the infection to other zones. Most mumps patients are accommodated in Poovarasankulam Hospital and Menik Farm MSF Hospital.

PROTECTION (including Child Protection)

Return Areas: • In Mullaitivu District, local authorities held consultations with returnees. Despite a general satisfied with being back in their districts of origin, challenges with regard to basic services, including access to health and education and facilities, rehabilitation of shelters, well-cleaning etc. were highlighted, especially for the most vulnerable. There was note of some returnees sending dependants to more populated and serviced locations as a result of the difficult situation. The need for additional deployment of civilian police, including women, and other government service providers, such as social services officers and probation officers to raise concerns with and to follow-up security and vulnerable cases was noted. Community tensions were noted, including reported allegations about misappropriation of cattle and disputes over common water resources. The civil administration emphasized their role in the resolution of such disputes.

Jaffna District • The identification and follow-up of vulnerable IDP children continues. • 2010 work plans for interventions with the returnee population and other target groups were discussed at the 28 January working group meeting.

Vavuniya District / Menik Farm: • Mapping of protection-related activities and services in Menik Farm indicates a significant decrease in psychosocial activities for children as well as for assistance / support for vulnerable groups including disabled persons and monitoring of Sexual and Gender based Violence (SGBV) from the end February. • Some NGO medical services, including the MSF-F hospital are being phased down. Given the sizeable population expected to remain in Menik Farm for the next months, maintaining sufficient capacity to address health care needs, in particular those with specific needs is crucial. • On 16 January, authorities confirmed that nearly 200 of the over 500 adults released from rehabilitation sites had arrived in Menik Farm. Post-release monitoring indicated that these persons were not subject to additional movement restrictions and that they would be included in family assistance provision. However, advocacy continues at different levels on legal, procedural and institutional aspects related to the separation of persons with suspected affiliations with the LTTE and former combatants. • Meetings of the SGBV Working Group and the periodic case conference took place with the participation of relevant authorities (including Probation, Ministry for Social Services, Women-Children Police Bureau, National Child Protection Authority etc.). While progress was noted on the proportion of referred clients seen, ongoing effort is required by the Police to collect evidence and investigate cases, including of domestic violence. Priorities include strengthening services and institutions in areas of return, while maintaining the referral network system at the Vavuniya / Menik Farm level. • The new Women and Children Police desk in Zone 2, Menik Farm, was provided with equipment and furniture.


• Since the start of the school term on 5 January, 79 of 299 schools re-opened in the Vanni. In Jaffna, 10 of the 112 displaced schools re-opened, with another 2 opening planned for the next month. Mapping of schools in the Vanni is ongoing to determine accessibility for support and monitoring. Many students have also stated attending host schools in Vavuniya, Manner, Trincomalee and Jaffna.

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Jaffna District: • On 20 January, Education partners discussed plans of support to the school system, particularly in the return areas. To date, 16,517 returnee children have enrolled in the five zonal schools. A mapping exercise is being conducted to assess the current capacities and funding available within the sector.

Vavuniya District: • During the second week of January, the Rehabilitation Centre for adult separated IDPs at the Gamini school was closed. Nine schools continue to be used as premises shared between teachers and students, on one side, and adult surrenderees, on the other. The reduced space is a hindrance to the smooth functioning of school activities,


Vavuniya District • Inter-agency assessments were carried out in the resettlement villages of Paranaddakal, Nochchimoddai, Nampankulam, Omanthai, Vepankulam, Arasamuripu, Rangethgama, Ganeshapuram and Salambaikulam (Vavuniya North DSD) and in Cheddipulavu, Moontrumuripu and Poovarasankulam (Vavuniya DSD). • FAO, UNHCR, WFP and UNDP have signed a Letter of Understanding to work together in the return areas in the Vavuniya, Mannar, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and Jaffna Districts. Accordingly, joint technical needs assessments have already taken place in the Paranadakkal (Vavuniya DSD) and Kanakarayankulam North (Vavuniya North DSD) villages. • In line with the decision taken during the Livelihood and Early Recovery coordination meeting on 5 January, a special working group has been formed to develop standard livelihood assistance packages.

LOGISTICS • Plans are being finalized to establish a common UN base in Killinochchi, with agency office containers. Capacity needs will be re-evaluated as the compound is developed in order to best accommodate operational needs of UN agencies in the area. • Registration requirements at Medawachchiya checkpoint have been lifted which has eased movement between Colombo and Vavuniya Districts. • The Logistics Sector has completed an inventory of vehicles which remained or were handed over to the government, when agencies relocated from the Vanni in September 2008. OCHA is supporting liaison with the Government to facilitate handing back or destruction of the vehicles.

III. Contact Details of Cluster Leads in Colombo, Jaffna, Mannar, Vavuniya, and Trincomalee

Lead Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Cluster Agency Colombo Jaffna Mannar and Vavuniya Trincomalee Agriculture / FAO Patrick Evans A Sivanandan Hillary.A.Arulgnanam S. Vijinthan Food [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Shanmugalingam.Vijinthan Security 0773 187360 021 2228097 024 2224556 026 222 0777 Early UNDP Beate Trankmann K.V.Nishanthan Mr. Nagarasa Kamalathas Refinceyaa Patterson Recovery / [email protected] [email protected] nagarasa.kamalathas refinceyaa.patterson Infrastructure 0777 260581 021 2222277 0242220610 026 2227747

Education UNICEF Brenda Haiplik Rathigadevi Velupillai Ariel Solari K. Kulendra [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 011 2768555 021 222 2276 0774 338996 026 2224946 Food WFP Giancarlo Stopponi Devesh Shankhdhar Francis Abanzi Kaniz Khan [email protected] Devesh.shankhdhar [email protected] [email protected] 0773 679653 024 2221781 026 2222603 021 2222086 Health WHO Dr. Edwin Salvador Dr. N. Sivaraja Dr. N.P. Sumanaweera For Health / Nutrition: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. M.S.M. Faiz 011 2502319 021 2226067 024 2225427 [email protected] 026 2224946 Logistics WFP David Allen Devesh Shankhdhar Mads Vejlstrup [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0772 662024 021 2222086 024 2221086

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Lead Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Contact Person / Cluster Agency Colombo Jaffna Mannar and Vavuniya Trincomalee Nutrition UNICEF Diane Stevens Kathirgamadasan Rathikah N. Sutharman For Health / Nutrition: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Dr. M.S.M. Faiz 112768555 021 2222276 024 2223485 [email protected] 026 2224946 Protection UNHCR Elizabeth Tan For Protection: For Protection in Vavuniya: For Protection / HR [email protected] Liz Peters Elisabetta Brumat David Bugden 011 2683968 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 021 2222005 024 2222550 026 2221845

For Protection in Mannar: Jessica Skinner [email protected] 023 2222380

For Child Protection: For Child Protection in Maha Damaj Vavuniya and Mannar: 021 2222276 Saji Thomas [email protected] [email protected] 024 2223485 Mine Action UNDP Roshani Yogarajah Vartharajah Murugathas Kapila Perera Project Officer [email protected] Mine Action Officer [email protected] rg [email protected] 021 2223886

Shelter and UNHCR Laurent Raguin Shelter: For Shelter in Vavuniya: For Shelter / NFI: NFI [email protected] P. Balakrishnan Brian Povlsen Inge Colijn 0777 377111 021 2222005 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0772 343142 026 2221845

NFI: For Shelter in Mannar: K. Mugunthan Martin Dwan [email protected] [email protected] 021 2222005 023 2222380

For NFI in Vavuniya: Francis Muwonge [email protected] 024 2221509

For NFI in Mannar: Martin Dwan [email protected] 023 2222380 WASH UNICEF Abdulai Kaikai Yoganathan Thayaparan Nicola Hahn J. Jeyamaran [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0773 166528 021 2222276 077 235 4934 026 2224946 Focal Points at Carrie Howard Sugirthan Alaganantham R.E. Shantheep Croos R.E. Shantheep Croos OCHA Offices Information Officer Field Coordination Assistant Reports Associate, OCHA Reports Associate, OCHA 011 2504434/5 021 2228836 Vavuniya Vavuniya [email protected] [email protected] 024 4922044, 024 2224873. 024 4922044, 024 [email protected] 2224873. Nicola Perera [email protected] Reports Associate 011 2504434/5 [email protected]

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IV. Humanitarian Activities from 16 to 29 January 2010 Jaffna District Organizat Location Activity Sector ion Shelter IOM Velanai D.S. Division Allaipiddy, 130 Nos transitional shelters completed Mankumban Oxfam Velanai D.S. Division Semi Permanent Shelter - 30 Nos UNOPS Velanai D.S. Division Construction of Temporary shelters up to 300 in J/12 – J/22 divisions, Velanai. 24 shelters completed and all required materials for 26 shelters have been distributed to the beneficiaries and in progress. NFI FORUT Delft D.S. Division A set comprising 10 pieces of cooking utensils and a steel cupboard were provided to the 6 pre-schools in the division. NRC Kopay D.S. Division Distributed 472 kitchen sets, 197 Hammers and 472 hurricane lamps for returnees from Manic farm, Vavuniya in coordination with UNHCR. 472 families (1354 individuals) benefited from the distribution. WASH UNICEF Velanai D.S. Division Supporting improving WASH facility for resettling IDPs in the Velanai Island. The following progress was achieved in this reporting period: 12 out of 65 new toilets planned have been completed, and work on the rest is in progress. 20 out of 50 toilets planned for rehabilitation have been completed, the rest are in progress. 50 out of 50 wells have been cleaned 35 out of 50 well renovations have been completed and the rest are in progress. Chavakachcheri D.S. Division UNICEF continues to support improving WASH facilities in the Ramavail and PRI IDP camps. During this reporting period: 1028 hygiene kits,10 Toilets cleaning kits, 1045 Plastic bucket issued 4000 lit water storage capacity provided to Ramavil 2 bathing facilities including 10 showers repaired UNICEF continues to support the decommissioning of WASH facilities in the IDP camps and TLSs. During this reporting period out of 54 planned, 30 toilets have been decommssioned and another 24 are in progress. FORUT Delft D.S. Division A Land Master with cans was donated to the Pradesha Saba to provide safe drinking water and transportation of good/services to the 6 pre-schools. UNICEF Velanai D.S. Division, Construction of New semi Permanent toilets- 10 Nos. with Sewa Mankumban Renovation of Toilets- 13 Nos Lanka Renovation of Wells- 35 Nos Cleaning of wells -31 Nos Velanai D.S. Division, Mandaitivu Cleaning of wells - 8 Nos Renovation of Wells- 06 Nos Construction of New semi Permanent toilets -07 Nos Renovation of Toilets- 08 Nos Chavakachcheri D.S. Division Wash Maintenance of WASH facilities at Ramavil IDP camp Food FORUT Karainagar DS Division Distributed complementary food baskets for 779 returnee families comprised 2324 individuals (above the age of one) in Karainagar Division. Each basket contents chillie powder, gram, tamarind, soya, dry fish, garlic, red chillie, onion, coconut, turmeric powder and fenugreek. Chavakachcheri DS Division Distributed complementary food baskets for 2904 returnee families comprised 8652 individuals (above the age of one) in Chavakachcheri Division. Each basket contents chillie powder, gram, tamarind, soya, dry fish, garlic, red chillie, onion, coconut, turmeric powder and fenugreek. Health & UNICEF Jaffna District Therapeutic and supplementary feeding for undernourished children is Nutrition ongoing for children remaining in Ramavil Camp and the therapeutic feeding is ongoing in host community; Dengue fever out breaks in Jaffna. 19 people died up to 31st of January 2010. Ongoing awareness activities includes public announcement, posters, household awareness visits, drama, news paper articles are ongoing. FORUT Delft ands Maruthankerny D.S. Children attached to the 12 pre-schools received morning and Division afternoon meals. Mine Action UNICEF Chavakachcheri, Point Pedro, As per the MRE activities done together with SOND and Sarvodaya, Tellipalai, Sandilipay, Chankanai, 63 programmes were held that reached out to 2220 individuals (1228 Kopay, Velanai, Kayts and males, 992 females). Karainagar D.S. Divisions Child UNICEF Karaveddy and PPD D.S. UNICEF, through UNHCR shelter grant registration, continues to Protection Divisions screen child protection issues/cases. Chavakachcheri D.S. Division, UNICEF has identified young people who are underage surrendees at PRI Camp PRI, and continues to lobby for their release and appropriate processing as minors. FORUT Delft D.S. Division Teachers from 6 pre-schools received training on UNICEF’s guided

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Jaffna District Organizat Location Activity Sector ion group activities for children. World Chankanai and Chavakachcheri Daily evening classes and recreational activities are going on at the Vision D.S. Divisions Child Well-being Centers in Muthalikovilady and Sarasalai south. Lanka Chankanai D.S. Division ,Vaddu 133 children participated in the evening classes. south J/165 The six children out of seven school dropout that are identified in Dec, rejoined in Vaddu Central College. - 59 children of Muthalikovilady CWC participated in exposure visit. 27 Children & mobilizers participated in a Training on time management at Muthalikovil Chankanai D.S. Division, Child Rights Convention (CRC) and Human Rights awareness Tholpuram West J/169 programme was held at Veerawaththai. 40 beneficiaries participated. Chavakachcheri D.S. Divisions 30 children participated in the evening classes. Kaithady West J/293 Provide 2 green boards and other items that are required to conduct the evening classes, to Kaithady west WRDS. Chavakachcheri D.S. Divisions, 92 children participated in the evening classes. Navatkuli west J/294 Chavakachcheri D.S. Divisions , 31 participated in Training on time management. Sarasalai South J/316 Around 250 peoples including children, parents, teachers and Government officers participated in Preschool children’s cultural programme 102 children participated in the evening classes Education UNICEF Jaffna District UNICEF continues to provide school furniture to schools where there are not enough furniture to meet the demands of newly registered former IDP students. Furniture distribution should be completed by end of February 2010. UNICEF continues to monitor the TLS that is still functioning for IDP children in Ramavil camp. Approx. 450 IDP students are attending the TLS. Shortage of teachers was observed and advocated with ZDE either to have more teachers to the TLS or to arrange facilities to send the students to regular schools. FORUT Delft D.S. Divisions ECCD standard educational pack (with additional building blocks, story/work books, indoor play materials, etc) to the children and teacher’s kit were provided to the 6 pre-schools in the division. Capacity World Jaffna District Computer training classes for mobilizers (13) are going on well. Building Vision 66 youths were selected for the skill development training from both Lanka divisions. They start the courses form 1st of Feb. Infrastructure FORUT Tellipalai DS Division, Renovated Navakkiri, Vithagapuram internal road (430m).through Vithagapuram, Valikamam North Pradeshiya Sabha. Vithagapuram, Tellipalai D.S. Renovated Pannalai – Keerimalai Road 2.100 – 2,250 km through Division Road development Department, Jaffna Vithagapuram, Tellipalai D.S. Supported for Electricity connection of Vithagapuram Navakkiri road Division through Ceylon Electricity Board. World Chankanai D.S. Division – Vaddu The construction of CWC at Muthalikovilady completed. Vision south J/165 Lanka Tholpuram East J/168 Construction of building for market has been completed. UNOPS Chavakachcheri D.S. Division Vahaiyadi lane in Chavakachcheri UC area, due to the delay in aggregate supply the construction was not yet started and necessary action taken to urge the material supply. Allikarai lane in Chavakachcheri UC area, due to the delay in aggregate supply the construction was not yet started and necessary action taken to urge the material supply. Velanai D.S. Division Athisayavairavar road in Velanai PS area , due to the delay in aggregate supply the construction was not yet started and necessary action taken to urge the material supply. Kanthankadavai road in Velanai PS area. Physical progress – 30% Valikamam Murunkayappulam Paththupanai cemetery road in Valikamam PS area.Physical progress – 25% Jaffna D.S. Division Widening and deepening of 20.53 km of drainage channels and re.const. of 10 box culverts of in Jaffna Municipal council area . Physical progress of drainage channels - 63% and culvert – 1.5 %

KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Shelter IOM Kilinochchi District: Completed the construction of 106 transitional shelter and another 44 Poonakary transitional shelter construction is underway Kilinochchi District: Beneficiaries selection for transitional shelter construction is in progress Karachchi Mullaitivu District: Thunukkai Vavuniya District: 80 fire points were installed in zone 5 and 6A Menik Farm

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity UNHCR Killinochchi, Shelter cash grant continues to be distributed. See updates under NFI. Mullaitivu Districts and Vavuniya North ZOA Vavuniya District: 105 unoccupied Shelters (All GI Pipe Structures) have been Menik Farm decommissioned in Zone 3 and Zone 6. Vavuniya District: Out of 105 Decommissioned Emergency Shelters, 25 shelters have been Vavuniya DS reused with Cadjan for the same IDPs who are with Host families. Division Vavuniya District: • 40 emergency shelters and 4 common shelters(dormitories) have been Katpahapuram constructed newly for disabled people those who transferred from VAROD Home for Mannar hospital Disabled People • 1 communal Kitchen has been constructed Don Bosco A semi permanent kitchen cum dining hall have been constructed for this Orphanage orphanage. NFI DRC Kilinochchi District: 260 returnees from Pallikuda received Kitchen sets on 19 Jan 2010, Poonakary DS distributed with UNHCR Division 265 returnees from Varavil, Kiranchchi, Vallaipadu received Kitchen sets on 20th Jan 2010, distributed with UNHCR 347 returnees from Maduvil Nadu East, Maduvil Nadu West, Ganamadam, Gowtharimunai received Kitchen sets on 22nd Jan 2010, distributed with UNHCR UNHCR Killinochchi, • UNHCR is distributing return NFI packages, hygiene kits and return Mullaitivu Districts forms (which allows for access to the balance 20,000 rupees shelter and Vavuniya North cash grant) to the families returning to Killinochchi, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya districts. • A total of 913 returnee families corresponding to 3,342 individuals were issued with cash grants, NFI core kits, hygiene kits and children clothes. • This brings the total number of families served so far since the beginning of the returns to 9,604 corresponding to 32,457 individuals. A total of 12,263 NFI core kits, and 12,130 hygiene kits have been issued to the said families. ZOA Vavuniya District: Clothing items have been distributed for 51 families Katpahapuram VAROD Home for Disabled People Don Bosco • Undergarments and inner garments have been distributed to 125 Orphanage orphan children Vavuniya District: • 304 Hygiene packs and 15 Baby kit for new born have been Menik Farm distributed. • 100 replenishment cleaning tools kit(Hoe, Shovel, Wheel Borrow, Rake and Garden Broom Stick) have been distributed. • 700 Toilet cleaning tools kit have replaced (Harpic bottles, Long brush and short brush) WASH ACTED Vavuniya District: Bowsered over 48,000 Liter drinking water per day Menik Farm Zone 2 DRC / CSA Mannar District: • Construction of Over Head Tank & pipe lining for rural water supply is Thampanaikkulam ongoing • Construction of Retaining wall completed • Construction of Drainage lining completed • Construction of Dug well is ongoing DRC / RDF Vavuniya District: • Location has been selected for construction of 2 wells. Katkulam IV • RDF requested to water board for the hydro geological survey. Foundation for Vavuniya District: Water Bowsering to Manik Farm Zones 1,2and 4 Co-existence Manik Farm Vavuniya District: Distribution of 10 water tanks each with the capacity of 5000Litter Vavuniya South Tamil, Sinhala and Vavuniya North Pradeshiya Sabha IOM Mullaitivu District: 84 semi permanent toilets are under construction and Thunukkai beneficiaries selection is under way for construction of another 76 semi permanent toilets. Kilinochchi District: Beneficiaries selection for semi permanent toilets construction is in Karachchi progress. Mullaitivu District: Thunukkai Vavuniya District: 1204 hygiene kits have been distributed to Menik Farm Zone 4; blockA2, Menik Farm A3,, B5, C4, C5, D2, D5, E3 ZOA Vavuniya District: • 10 semi permanent toilets have been constructed. Katpahapuram • 2 Bathing spaces have been constructed VAROD Home for • 2 water tank (2000L ) with stand have been installed

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Disabled People Vavuniya District: Bowsering drinking water Blocks Q (502Families consists of 1748 Menik Farm Zone 1 members) and R(509 families consists of 1548 members) and distributing 15,000 L per day JEN Kilinochchi District: JEN is providing 2 water bowsers (3,000 liters capacity) to resettled Karachchi DSD areas. Bowsers are operating in cooperation and instruction of NWSDB. (Kanagapuram) Mullaitivu District: Thunukkai DSD Oxfam GB Vavuniya District: Purified 3694 m3 of water from 2 treatment plants Menik Farm Distributed 2,572 m3 of water in various Zones 06 latrines decommissioned in Zone 2. Mannar District: • 144 nos open dug wells were cleaned and chlorinated Manthai West • 100 nos existing latrines were rehabilitated in Illupaikadavai for returnees. • 28 nos wells were renovated. • 693 m3 lit [49,500 lit /day] drinking water distributed during the reporting period, • Vidathaltivu tank cleaned by cash for work with the support of returnees. Swiss Labour Vavuniya District: • Payment for running and maintenance costs of 17 tractors (Including Assistance - SAH Menik Farm Zones driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, • Payment for 100 Labourers for Solid Waste Removal Veerapuram and • Payment for 31 sanitary labourers for Solid Waste Removal. Dharmapuram • Payment for 6 supervisors for Solid Waste Removal. • Payment for running and maintenance cost of 1 JCB (Including driver payments and fuel for Solid Waste Removal. • Payment for running and maintenance costs of 2 compactors (Including driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal. • Payment for running and maintenance costs of 25 Gully browsers (Including driver payments and fuel) for Liquid Waste Removal. • Payment for 2 gulley labourers for Liquid Waste Removal. • Payment for running and maintenance costs of 1 dump truck (Including 2 driver payments and fuel) for Solid Waste Removal. • Payment of any major repairs to above equipment World Vision Vavuniya District: • Providing totally 280,000 L of drinking water per day for 25,000 people. Menik Farm Zone 2, • Water is supplied using 3 Tractor Bowsers & Averagely 6 numbers of 3, 5 & 6 ‘12,500 L’ truck bowser’s working per day.

Vavuniya District: Hygiene Kit distributions done to 1608 Families during the reporting Menik Farm Zone 2 period – Blocks 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 18, 19, 23 & 27 Sri Lanka Red Vavuniya District: • Daily distribution of approx. 250.000 litres of purified water to several Cross Society / Menik Farm Zones and water distributing agencies. German Red • Two 4.000 litre water bowsers operating every day of the reporting Cross (SLRCS / period GRC) • Two gully suckers with 4.500 litres capacity each were operating every day of the reporting period. UNICEF Vavuniya District: • Continued to undertake monitoring and assessment missions to return Menik Farm areas where UNICEF is funding the water board and ACLG to clean Mullaitivu District: wells and also deal with sanitation issues respectively. Due to the Thunukkai demining process, that has covered only a small area of a vast Mannar District: contaminated area, WASH response and monitoring is still l limited. Rice Bowl • CHAST activities have been scaled up, with training for volunteers being conducted by the CHAST Trainers. • 14 cases of Dengue have been reported in zone 1 mostly among IDPs that had been out of the camp. Agencies have been involved in disseminating Hygiene messages on dengue prevention and developing promotional materials to support the Ministry of Health both in the Camp and Vavuniya district. • A total of 10,897 Hygiene Kits have been distributed across all zones in the last two weeks. All hygiene kit needs until the end of Feb have been allocated to agencies. • A total of 1,724 latrines were decommissioned as of 11th January 2010 • Supported by UNICEF, NWSDB completed the water quality testing exercise for Manik Farm tube wells – in zones 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. A total of 146 wells were tested for bacteriological contamination using the H2S method and membrane filtration technique. Only those samples that tested positive with H2S method were subjected to the

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity second test for E. Coli. The results show that: (1) Out of 95 samples that tested positive with H2S test, only 6 were confirmed to be positive using E. Coli test (2) Only 6 out of 146 wells were confirmed to contain E. coli. The affected wells were recommended for bathing and washing purposes only. • Three field monitoring and assessment visits conducted to resettlement areas to ascertain on-going supported interventions such as well cleaning in resettlement villages by water board. Emerging issues identified were:- „ Need to focus on WASH facilities in schools and health centers as they seem to have been excluded in many rehabilitation plans prepared by local governments. „ Pradeshiya Sabhas are getting involved in well cleaning in many areas and construction and rehabilitation of latrines remains as a major need in resettlement areas. „ Small piped water supply schemes may be a viable solution for water problem in coastal areas with saline ground waters

Hygiene Promotion: • UNICEF supported training of 95 trainers for CHAST. Activities to reach out to children in CFSs have commenced and partner agencies have been provided with 75 CHAST kits containing different educational materials. • The Trained CHAST Trainers started conducting training for volunteers at CFS who are directly involved in working with the children. • CHAST review meeting was held on 12th of December 2009 with some Vavuniya Zonal teachers who received the CHAST training. Teachers requested UNICEF to look into the possibility of rolling out CHAST into primary schools • PHAST toolkits for IDP camps and for resettled communities are being finalized by RDF under UNICEF funding. Health Education Bureau at Colombo level has approved the use of the toolkits • Hygiene Kits distribution coordination and monitoring has been a major responsibility of UNICEF, since January the number of Agencies involved in HKT distribution has reduced, however, UNICEF has ensured distribution coverage to all the operational zones till end of February. • A total of 580 wells have been cleaned in the 4 districts (Vavuniya 156, Kilinochchi 132, Mannar 248 and Mullaitivu 44); 68 repaired; 5 tube wells re-drilled; and 12 new tube wells drilled and fitted with hand pumps. Food WFP Various Distribution of 1,500 MT of food to around 230,000 IDPs and resettled families (Menik Farm, Vanni, Manthai West) Mannar District: 5 MT of assorted food commodities to 500 students for 65 days of Madhu schools meals Mannar District: 12 MT of CSB for MCN programme RDHS ZOA Vavuniya District: Initial works have been started for large scale home garden and poultry Katpahapuram VAROD Home for Disabled People SEED/Cordaid Vavuniya District: Blanket feeding pack distributed for 7150 beneficiaries Menik Farm Zone 2 , Blocks 3, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 Vavuniya District: Blanket feeding pack distributed for 2230 beneficiaries(Hosted family) Poovarasankulam, Sekktipulavu Food & Mannar District: • Distributed among 3500 Bushels seed paddy in Manthai West area Agriculture Manthai AGA’s during this reporting period and upto now 15500 Bushels seed paddy Organization Division villages were distributed in Both divisions. especially in the rice • 5 varieties of OFC were distributed those divisions it’s covered 750 bowel area and HHs in 4 AIs ranges. Another 4,000 Bushels seed paddy distribution Musali DS Division yet to be finished within a week. villages. WFP Mannar District: Distribution of 1,500 MT of food to around 230,000 IDPs and resettled families (Menik Farm, Vanni, Manthai West) Mannar District: 5 MT of assorted food commodities to 500 students for 65 days of

Madhu schools meals Mannar District: 12 MT of CSB for MCN programme Mannar RDHS

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity World Vision Vavuniya District: • During the last 2 weeks of reporting period, Complementary food was Menik Farm Zone 3 distributed to 9,163 Individuals – Distributions done with 2 weeks complementary food packs • (Planned to cover the whole Zone up to end of January) • (1 Individual Complementary food pack contains the following food items - Chilli powder, Gram, Tamarind, Soya meat, Dry fish, Garlic, Red chilli, Onion, Coconut, Turmeric powder, Fenugreek (Totally 541 Kilocalorie)) Vavuniya District: • During the last 2 weeks of reporting period, Complementary food was Menik Farm Zone 2 distributed to 5,875 Individuals – Distributions done with 2 weeks Blocks – 1, 2, 4, 5, complementary food packs (totally planned to cover 18 blocks in Zone 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2 up to Jan end) 14, 15, 26, 36, 37, • (1 Individual Complementary food pack contains the following food 38, 39 & 40 items - Chilli powder, Gram, Tamarind, Soya meat, Dry fish, Garlic, Red chilly, Onion, Coconut, Turmeric powder, Fenugreek (Totally 541 Kilocalorie)) Health & UNICEF Vavuniya District: • In total 11 Training programs conducted in 11 IDP locations on Infant Nutrition Menik Farm and and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) with special reference to breast Mannar district feeding support to the public health midwifes through family health bureau, Ministry of Health.85% coverage as some of the trained PHM left the camp. • Nutritional surveys conducted in IDP camps in March, June and September 2009 with technical and financial support to the Medical Research Institute. Further two major campaigns implemented in November and December where data was collected. 95% coverage recorded for Vavuniya. • During the period from May 2009 to Dec 2009 with UNICEF and other partners support, SAM was reduced from 8.8% to 1.3% and MAM was reduced from 28% to 12.1%. • Continued to provide required supplies for implementation of response interventions. Supplies delivered included:- „ Plumpy nut 77 cartons for 136 SAM Children in Menik farm IDP locations „ High Energy Bicuits-264 cartons for 1254 MAm Children in menik farm IDP locations „ Two 15KV Theree phase sound proof, skid mounted Denyo japanees diesel generators provided to Veravil Hospital and Mankulam Hospital in the return areas in Kilinochchi and Mullaithivu districts. Each hospital has an average 75 OPD attendance and at least 2 emergency medical cases handled on each day. IOM Vavuniya • Treated a total of 2,650 in PHCs District: Menik • Four ambulances provided transport assistance for medical referral for Farm 172 patients. • Facilitated 83 ambulance missions to escort returnee convoys. • 2-day Training program conducted for health volunteers in Zone 3, 4 and 5. This training programme is being replicated to all functioning Zones. This will benefit not only the IDPs in Menik Farm but also in areas of return when the volunteers will return back to their original locations. • IOM PHCC converted to Mental Health in Zone 2 Block 26, have attended to about 41 patients needing medications and counseling. • Northern Health Sector Recovery: There are (7) IOM ambulances provided to the Provincial Health Authorities in the areas of return for Medical Referral and also for Mobile Health Clinic, two (2) vehicles to support the health staff working in the site and one (1) lorry facilitating distribution and delivery of medicines and medical supplies. IOM/RDHS Mullaitivu Preparation of Mankulam and Central Dispensary Unit District: Thunukkai IOM / Terre Des Vavuniya Provided ambulance for the Children Sports festival in Zone 1. Hommes District: Menik Farm ZOA Vavuniya • Continuously providing trainings and awareness programs to 127 District: Menik volunteers and 600 user groups (First Aid training, Dental Care, Farm Zones 1, Chronic Patients Care and Family Planning. 2, 3 & 5 • Planning for a certificate warding ceremony to those who have completed Hygiene promotion training. SEED / Cordaid Vavuniya Garbage cleaning activity going on for the dengue prevention District:

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Rasenthirankula m and Nelukkulam GS divisions Helpage Vavuniya • Medical checks for 590 persons Srilanka/Cordaid District: Menik • Eye testing for 713 persons Farm Zone 2, 3, • Spectacles Distribution for 268 persons 4, 5, 6, 7 • Cataract Operation for 44 persons Tharmapuram Oxfam GB Vavuniya District: • Oxfam distributed totally 180 camp cleaning kits for the Menik farm Menik Farm Manik zone-1. Farm • Garbage bags distributed MF Zone 2, 1& 3. • Latrine cleaning kits MF Zone 1. • Conducted 5516 tent to tent visits • Conducted 176 hygiene promotion competition • Conducted 154 health education sessions • Conducted 181 environmental cleaning campaigns • Conducted 185 Children Hygiene promotion activities • Conducted 204Training/workshops/CHVs’ discussions • Conducted 21 user group discussions • Conducted 104 Story telling events, • Conducted 21 User Group Vavuniya District: • Oxfam supported Dengue Prevention Campaign in Vavuniya MOH Vavuniya MOH division. Mass level Garbage collection activities was organized in divisions M.O.H area. - Pandarikulam 04 tractors involved. - Sithamberpuram 02 tractors involved. - Nocchchimoddai 03 tractors involved. • During the period 24 billboards, 1000 desk calendars containing dengue prevention messages were distributed communal places, 35 no wall banners were hanged in urban area message carrying denude preventions. MOH Vavuniya carried this out. • Home visit: 65 volunteers are visiting houses to educate the population. • With Oxfam support, health education video networking system has started in General Hospital in Vavuniya. All people who come to hospital including ward patients will aware of the health messages. It is functioning from 9.00am to 4.00pm. • 9 CHAST programme for children who are under ages of 15 has completed in Zone 1 by the partner NGACDO.80 children participated • As planned with the support of Oxfam, Anti Malarial campaign unit is continuing the special dengue prevention programme through house to house visit, removal of garbage and fogging in Vavuniya. World Vision Vavuniya District: • Supplementary Nutrition Food distributions for 750 Individuals Menik Farm Zone 5 everyday. • (Distributions done to a target group which includes Children under 5, Pregnant Mothers, Lactating mothers & Elderly) • (WV plans to cover additionally another 3000 beneficiaries in ZONE 3 from Feb 2010.) Ministry of Health Vavuniya District: No. of cases of priority diseases notified during January 16 - 22, 2010: care & Nutrition, Menik Farm all Hepatitis - Nil; Dysentery – 6; Diarrhoea - 52; Chickenpox – 08; Mumps – Health zones 14; Dengue - 03 Coordination Centre, Cheddikulam, WHO Ministry of Health Kilinochchi & Overall activity: assessment of ten selected hostitals in Mullaitivu & care & Nutrition, Mullaitivu Districts Kilinochchi which included structural damage, Human Resources Provincial Ministry situation and Equipment and other needs of Health (North), MTI, CECB, AkSA, USAID, WHO MSF Holland Vavuniya District: Supplementary feeding program with CSB for 8,751p beneficiaries per Menik Farm zone 2, day; target benef. < 5y.old, pregnant and lactating women; elderly and 3, 4, 6a, specific needs. Tharmapuram Distribution 6 days a week

Vavuniya District: Team of Doctor, nurse, physiotherapist and care-taker giving Pampaimadu Rehabilitation to 63 patients 54 of them with SCI; 28 are currently in Ayurvedic Hospital rehabilitation. 7 patients have been discharged. Vavuniya District: • Team of nurse, MD, physiotherapist and 42 care takers continue to

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity Vavuniya GH support the hospital mainly in surgical/orthopedic wards 9, 10, 11. Hospital Average of 80 patients per week 70 of them receives physiotherapy. 290 dressing + Pop / week was done and support given to Orthopedic clinic. • MSF continued supporting VGH with management of Dengue outbreak. Vavuniya District: ITFC: Nutrition assistant working with MOH, UNICEF/Salvadaya inside Vavuniya GH the Therapeutic Feeding centre in the pediatric ward – 6; SAM in VGH Hospital, new admissions = 6/week and11 discharged. It’s of concern that some of Cheddikulum the patients discharged are not referred to any OTP since most of the hospital patients are no longer in the IDP camps. In Cheddikulum admissions=8/week. Protection UNHCR Vavuniya • Donation of equipment to the newly opened Woman and Children District: Menik Police Bureau (Zone 2) Farm • Monitoring/ support to camp management authorities. Return areas Monitoring visits (Palinagar/ Manthai East, Karachchi/ Killinochchi, Poonakary/ Killinochchi, Vavuniya North) SGBV Partners Vavuniya District SGBV Working group (25 January) and authorities UNHCR Vavuniya District Delivery of 25 NFI/ domestic items kits for persons with specific needs (largely IDPs in Host Families in Vavuniya and returnees from India) Danish Refugee Vavuniya • 18/01/10- got D.Ss’ approvals for phase 3 villages under Council District: community based protection project Tharanikulam • 18/01/10 youth peer group – strengthening of problem identifying (Asikulam) and solving skills • Women peer group- got further recreation needs from them and discussion on planning of HR day celebration. Vavuniya 19/01/2010 individual protection assistance delivered to PWSN District: Easwaripuram Vavuniya 20/01/2010- Done community protection assessment and need District: assessment for community. Kudakachchako Awareness raising programme on abuse of alcohol ddiya – Vavuniya South Katkualm I-III Vavuniya 21/01/2010- community protection assessment and need assessment for District: community. Katkulam IV Vavuniya 21/01/2010 Awareness raising programme on HIV and STD and STD’s District: clinic Katkualm I-III Elders’ home- 22/01/2010- support to elderly home and individual elders Vavuniya Town Vavuniya 25/01/2010- HR day celebration District: Easwarypuam & Kaddaiyarkulam Tharanikulam 28/01/10 - HR day celebration (Asikulam) UNHCR Vavuniya Donation of equipment to the newly opened Woman and Children Police District: Menik Bureau Farm Zone 2 Vavuniya Monitoring/ support to camp management authorities. District: Menik Farm Return areas Monitoring visits (Palinagar/ Manthai East, Karachchi/ Killinochchi, Poonakary/ Killinochchi, Vavuniya North) SGBV Partners Vavuniya District: SGBV Working group (25 January) and authorities UNHCR Vavuniya District: Delivery of 25 NFI/ domestic items kits for persons with specific needs (largely IDPs in Host Families in Vavuniya and returnees from India) World Vision Vavuniya Monitor and bring the protection issues to the cluster attention District: Menik Farm Zone 2, 3 & 5 Child World Vision Vavuniya • Conducted a 2 day’s Leadership Training program for 60 Youths in Protection District: Menik Zone 3 (Block 13 & 15) Farm, Zone 3 • Conducted Child rights awareness program for 120 parents from Zone 3 (blocks 13 & 15) • Continued with other Child protection regular activities in WV CFS’s and TLS’s (Zone 3)

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity UNICEF Vavuniya District: • At total of 81 CFS are functioning, 23 have closed down, of these Menik Farm, 15 structures were vandalized by the community. During the Mullaitivu District: reporting period, a total of 5 CFS physical structures from zone 4 Thunukkai were decommissioned. Mannar District: Rice • Due to the recently concluded Presidential elections, there was Bowl very limited resettlement of IDPs in the past two weeks. Therefore the turnover of volunteers and community based structures remained at 194 volunteers, of which 124 were replaced. There are current 291 volunteers in Manik Farm supporting CFS activities. • There were limited child and community led activities due, to increased political activities in Manik farm, building up to a presidential election. CFSs mainly focused on; continuation of CHAST to children attending CFSs, “I can” which is psychosocial guided group activity, awareness on child rights and play and recreational activities. A total of 41 awareness programs, 13 child led activities and 3 trainings to Child Support Groups were reported within this period. • Relief International conducted an exhibition at the Vavuniya Play Park. The exhibition featured works of children from different parts of the world, including Sri Lankan Children. The organization, with support from IOM, brought a total of 400 children, from the different CFS, to watch the exhibition. The children interviewed appreciated the visit; it got them to learn how other children of world expressed themselves. It was an opportunity to them to see a new environment beyond Manik Farm.

Child Focused Units • 46 volunteers were trained in basic child protection, and identification of children with child protection concerns. This included 20 new volunteers in Zone 3. The activities remained low due to the political activities in the two camps. Coordination • UNICEF held meetings with the key Government Child Protection actors in the district of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu. The meeting aimed at getting greater insights of the situation in the two districts, understand the ongoing activities, mapping out human capacity and logistical needs, to facilitate the reintegration of women and children in areas of return. Resulting from these meetings, a three months priority plan has been developed to kick start establishing child protection systems. • UNICEF facilitated a meeting of key child protection organisations, under leadership of NCPA to develop a detailed plan for assessment in the areas of return in Mannar. The UNICEF team together with NCPA met the GA, Mannar who fixed the first DCDC meeting, to be held on 23rd February, 2010. The meeting is hoped to discuss the issues emerging from the assessment and the 2010 DCDC work plan. • Couple of meetings were carried out with Rural Development Foundation, one the partners, with a PTF approval to implement programmes in the Vanni. Main focus of these meetings was to finalize assessment tool, prior to undertaking the assessments. Mines and UXO • Funded by UNICEF, CTF conducted MRE sessions for an estimated total of 5,371 (637 from Vavuniya, 1,081 –Mullaitivu, 378 –Kilinochchi, 675 – Manic and 2,600 – Mannar). In addition, a total of 103 (teacher and principals (35) and SriLanka Red Cross Society Staff (88) were trained as trainer of MRE and oriented on MRE respectively. • A total of 02 mines and 15 UXOs were identified. The Sri Lankan Army and the demining agency (FSD) were informed and appropriate actions of removal/diffusion implemented by SLA/FSD. • A total of 2 people who lots one of their limbs are a result of the war were identified (01 in Vavuniya North and 01 Manthai West) and were referred to Mannar Association for Rehabilitation of Differently Abled Persons (MARDAP) for assistance • Mine Sign Garden (MSG) in manic farm was officially opened on 22nd Jan 2010, in block 3, Zone 05. A total of 614 people that included 300 children have accessed the MSG and awareness rising on mines done for all. • Facilitated by UNICEF, an additional 5 children (2 girls and 3 boys) (child soldier surrendees) were released from the rehabilitation centre during the reporting period. The children were given the full court order, 4 were immediately reunified with family, and the 5th

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KILLINOCHCHI, MANNAR, MULLAITTIVU & VAVUNIYA DISTRICTS Sector Organization Location Activity child is temporarily accommodated in a children's home until the family can travel to collect him after the election. The children release are from the districts of Jaffna – 2, Trinco – 1, Mannar – 1 and Vavuniya - 1 Education UNICEF Kilinochchi District Continued to monitor progress of schooling in return and manic farm Vavuniya District areas including distribution of require supplies as detailed below. • 4076 Leaning kits and 41 recreational kits were distributed to Killinochi students • 476 Learning kits and 6 recreational kits were distributed to Vavuniya North Resettled Schools • In partnership with CTF and UNICEF Child Protection 42 teachers from Vavuniya North resettled schools attended a two days ToT on Mine Risk Education ZOA Vavuniya District: 4 TLSs have been decommissioned so far and taking steps to put up Menik Farm again in Kilinochchi through LEADS our partner. Vavuniya District: 2000 Students Kits(Exercise books, pens and pencils) have been Vavuniya DS distributed to IDP students. Division World Vision Vavuniya Learning Pack Distributions done to 1250 children during the last 2 District: Menik weeks. Farm, Zone 4 Blocks A, B & F2 Vavuniya District: Learning Pack Distributions done to 4119 children during the last 2 Menik Farm, Zone 3, weeks. Blocks 1, 6, 9, 16, 17, 31 Livelihood / DRC/RDF Vavuniya District: Providing Home Gardening Package for 86 families. Early Recovery Vavuniya DS Division / Katkulam IV DRC/FOSDOO Vavuniya District: Providing Home Gardening Package for 15 families Kudakkachchakodiy a / Vavuniya South DS Division UNDP Vavuniya District: Perennial crops distributed to 51 beneficiaries in Manipuram new village. Vavuniya DS Twining programme has been conducted with student from Thalikulam Division GTMS and student from 10 schools in Suriyaweeva zonel division in Hambanthota. Vavuniya District: 6 days residential training programme on Participatory Learning Action Vavuniya & Approach has been done and 22 participants received training (9 Vengalachcheddikul community mobilizers, 3 government staff and 10 NGO staff). am DS Divisions Vavuniya District: 115 youth selected for International Computer Driving License training Vavuniya & programme and the training will be commenced soon. Vengalachcheddikul am DS Divisions UNOCHA, FAO, Vavuniya District: Joint Assessments have been done in Cheddipulavu, Moontrumuripu and ILO, IOM, WHO, Vavuniya DS Poovarasankulam. UNDP, UNHCR Division WFP, FAO UNDP Vavuniya District: Joint technical assessments have been conducted in Paranadakkal Vavuniya and (Vavuniya Division) and Kanakarayankulam North (Vavuniya North Vavuniya North DS Division). Division DRC / CSA Mannar District: Community grant for income generation is provided to 152 families. Thampanaikkulam DRC / FOSDOO Vavuniya District: Purchasing of Implements (tools) is in progress for the home gardening Kudakkachchakodiy a DRC / RDF Vavuniya District: Purchasing of Implements (tools) is in progress for the home gardening Katkulam IV DRC / CSA Mannar District: Construction of Triple raw Culvert completed Thampanaikkulam DRC / RDF Vavuniya District: Location has been selected for preschool Katkulam III DRC / FOSDOO Vavuniya District: • Bridge Desk work is in progress Kalmadhu • Construction of Preschool completed Food Security ZOA Vavuniya District: • 5000 home garden seed packs have been distributed in Zone 0,1 and & Menik Farm 4 to IDPs who have registered to return to their villages. Another Agriculture 15,000 packs are in pipe line for distribution. • Planned to promote kitchen home garden in camps to IDPs who will remain in camps for next few months. Our target is 10,000 families. • 15 families from Puthukudiyiruppu and Karaithuraipaddu AGA divisions have been selected to start large scale home garden in Zone1

17 United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Sri Lanka | Joint Humanitarian Update | 2010 | Web site:

Joint Humanitarian Update NORTH EAST | SRI LANKA

TRINCOMALEE DISTRICT Sector Organization Location Activity Food WFP Gomarankadawela Seven metric tons of food commodities sent to support 15 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme. Kantale • One metric ton mixed food commodities sent to support 63 vanni returnees for the month of January. • Eight metric tons of food commodities sent to support 61 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme. Kinniya • Three metric ton mixed food commodities sent to support 204 vanni returnees for the month of January. • Four metric tons of food commodities sent to support 60 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme Kuchchaveli • Five metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support 36 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme • 24 MT mixed food commodities sent to support 2,205 vanni returnees for the month of January. Morawewa Nine metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support for 832 resettled population under vulnerable group feeding programme. Muthur 136 MT metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support for 9,690 resettled population under vulnerable group feeding programme. Nine metric tons of mixed food commodities dispatched to support 176 participants in four vocational training programmes. Seruvila • 14 MT metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support for 1,015 resettled population under vulnerable group feeding programme. • One metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support 13 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme Town & Gravets • 12 MT of mixed food commodities dispatched to support 207 participants in eight four vocational training programmes. • 30 MT of mixed food commodities sent to support 2,200 resettled vanni population under vulnerable group feeding programme. Thampalakamam 20 MT of mixed food commodities sent to support 1,305 resettled vanni population under vulnerable group feeding programme. Thoppur 69 MT of mixed food commodities sent to support 4,057 resettled population under vulnerable group feeding programme. Eachchilamapattai/ • Two metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to Verugal support 161 resettled vanni population under vulnerable group feeding programme. • Four metric tons of mixed food commodities sent to support 16 health volunteers under Mother and Child Nutrition Programme Early Recovery / People in Need Verugal DS division • Conducted training on effective communication & effective Livelihood meeting skills for members of Fisheries societies of Seenanveli & Uppural Villages • Construction of fishing storage houses at Seenanveli, Uppural & Ilankaithuraimuhathuvaram are in progress • Completed the construction of small scale ice factory building at Ilankaithuraimuhathuvaram • Supported to 17 families for value addition production activities • Construction of 2 ovens for Maldives fish processing is in progress • Distribution of fertilizers, weedy cides & pesticides for 14 IDP families from North was completed Seruwila DS division • Supported to 24 families to initiate value addition of food products • Distribution of fertilizers, weedy cides & pesticides for 09 IDP families from North was completed

18 United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Sri Lanka | Joint Humanitarian Update | 2010 | Web site:

Joint Humanitarian Update NORTH EAST | SRI LANKA

Abbreviations of places Jaffna (Jaf) Sirupp - Siruppiddy Nana - Nanaddan KP - Koralai Pattu (**Valachchenai) Pala- Palameenmadu Alank - Alankulai Tell - Tellipalai Umana - Umanakeri EP - Eravur Pattu (**Chenk) DS Kok - Kokkuvil Chank - Chankanai Then - Thenmaradchi Rasool - Rasoolputhuveli KPC - Koralai Pattu Central Panich- Panichchankerny Chava - Thiru - Thirunagar Trincomalee (Trinco) Kalu - Kaluwanchikudy Mank - Mankerny Chavakachcheri Udu - Uduvil Each - Eachchilampattai Padd - Paddiruppu Paddip – Paddipalai Guru - Uyara - Uyarapulam Kuch - Kuchchaveli Vavuna - Vavunatheevu Ampara (Amp) Kara - Karaveddy Vada - Vadamaradchi Kilive - Kililveddy Valach - Valachchenai Akka - Akkaraipattu Karai - Karainagar Valik SW - Valikamam South Batticaloa (Batti) Kodu - Koduwamadu Kal – Kalmunai Karan - Karanavai West Thampa – Thampalakamam Panku - Pankudaveli Thiruk - Thirukkovil Maddu - Madduvil Vatha - Vatharavathai Batti - Batticaloa Mara - Marapalam Maru - Kilinochchi (Kili), Mullaitivu Aray - Arayampathy Ontha - Onthachimadam Maruthapuram (Mullai) Chenk - Chenkalady Kuru - Kurukkalmadam Navan - Vavuniya (Vavu), Mannar KPN - Koralai Pattu North Sahaya - Thalv - Thalvupadu (**Vaharai) DS Sahayapuram Achch - Achchankulam Sandi - Sandilipay

Acronyms ECE - Early Childhood Education ACLG - Assistant Commissioner Local ECE - Early Childhood Education ECHO - Humanitarian PHI – Public Health Inspectors Government Aid Department PS - Pradeshiya Saba ADGM - age, gender and diversity mainstreaming EHESP - Emergency House Hold Economic Security QIP - Quick Impact Project AP - Anti-Personnel Programme RDA - Road Development Authority ASC - Area Security Coordinator EHI - Essential Household Items RDHS - Regional Directorate of Health Services AWF - Affected Women Forum EOD - Explosive Ordnance Disposal RDS - Rural Development Society BAC - Battle Area Clearance EVI - Extremely Vulnerable Individual REERDO - Rural Economic, Education, Research and CBDRM - Community Based Disaster Risk FDL - Forward Defence Line Development Organization Management FFE - Food for Education RSG - Representative of the Secretary General CBI - Classroom Based Intervention FFW - Food for Work RCTMS - Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School CBO - Community Based Organisations FSA - Field Security Advisor rwh - rain water harvesting CBSM - Confidence Building and Stabilization FSD - Swiss Foundation for Mine Action SAA - Small Arms Ammunition Measures GAA - German Agro Action SAC - School Attendance Committee CCHA - Consultative Committee on Humanitarian Assistance GND - Grama Niladari Division SAM – Severe Acute Malnutrition 3CD – Coordination Centre for Community GP - Guiding Principles SBM - School Based Management Development GRC - German Red Cross SCC - Shelter Coordination Cell CF - child friendly GS - Grama Sevaka SCiSL - Save the Children in Sri Lanka CFA - Cease Fire Agreement GTMS - Government Tamil Mixed School SDF – Social Development Foundation CFE - Child Friendly Environment GVC - Gruppo Volontariato Civile SDS - School Development Society CM - Camp Management HALO - Hazardous Area Life Support Organization SFP - School Feeding Programmeme C&M - Care and Maintenance HEO - Health Education Officer SLF - Sewa Lanka Foundation COC - Chamber of Commerce HRC - Human Rights Commission SLLRDC – Sri Lanka Land Reclamation and CRADA - Centre for Rehabilitation of Alcoholics HSZ - High Security Zone Development Corporation and Drug Addicts JEN – Japanese Emergency NGO SLMM - Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission CRC - Child Rights Convention LEADS - Lanka Evangelical Alliance Development SLRCS - Sri Lanka Red Cross Society CRDO - Community Resource Development Service SM - Social Mobilization Organsiation LOLDDL - Land O’ Lakes Dairy Development Lanka STF- Special Task Force CSB - Corn Soya Blend ICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross SOND - Social Organisation for Networking for CTF - Community Trust Fund MA - Mine Action Development CWBC - Child Well-Being Committee MAM – Moderate Acute Malnutrition SIYB - Start and Improve Your Business) DAPH - Department of Animal Production and TCCS - Thrift and Credit Co-op Societies Health MCN - Mother and Child Nutrition TDDA – Trincomalee District Development Association DDG - Danish De-mining Group MMIPE - Milinda Moragoda Institute For Peoples’ Empowerment TDH - Terre des hommes DMAO - District Mine Action Offices MN - Manmunai North TLS – Temporary Learning Space DDMC - District Disaster Management Coordinator MoD - Ministry of Defense ToT - Training of Trainers DDMU - District Disaster Management Unit MoH – Ministry of Health TS - Temporary Shelter DMU - Disaster Management Unit MOH - Medical Officer of Health TMVP - Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal DoA - Department of Agriculture MRE - Mine Risk Education TP - Transition Programmeme DPDHS- Deputy Provincial Dire ctor of Health Services MSF - Doctors Without Borders VEP - Village Emergency Preparedness DPU - Deep Penetration Unit NECORD - North East Community Restoration VGF - Vulnerable Group Feeding Development DRMU - Disaster Risk Management Unit VOSD - Voluntary Organization for Social Development NPA - Norwegian People Aid DRR - Disaster Risk Reduction WC - Welfare Center NRC – Norwegian Refugee Council DSD- Divisional Secretariat Division WHH - Welthungerhilfe NRP - Nutrition Rehabilitation Programmeme ECCDC - Early Childhood Care and Development WV - World Vision Centers NWS&DB - National Water Supply and Drainage Board WWDF - Working Women Development Foundation PPCC - Professional Psycho-social Counseling Centre ZEO - Zonal Education Office PHM - Public Health Midwives

19 United Nations Office of the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator Sri Lanka | Joint Humanitarian Update | 2010 | Web site: