Medical Diary for the Ensuing Week. BAILLIRE, TINDALL, & COX, London
713 BOOKS ETC. RECEIVED. Medical Diary for the ensuing Week. BAILLIÈRE, TINDALL, & COX, London. Transfusion, its History, Indications, and Mode of Application. Monday, April 23. By C. E. Jennings, L.R.C.P.L. pp.69. ROYAL LONDON OPHTHALMIC Practical Lessons in Elementary and HOSPITAL, MOORFIELDS.—Operations, Physiology Physiological A.M. each and at the same hour. Anatomy, for Schools and Science Classes. By D. M’Alpine, 10} day, F.C.S. pp. 23. With 12 Plates. ROYAL WESTMINSTER OPHTHALMIC HOSPITAL.—Operations, 1P.M. each day, and at the same hour. BOGUE, DAVID, London. METROPOLITAN FREE HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. New ROYAL ORTHOPÆDIC HOSPITAL.—Operations, 2 P.M Series, Vol. I. 1881-82. pp. 174. With Charts. ST. MARK’S HOSPITAL.-Operations, 2 P.M.; on Tuesday, 9 A.M. HOSPITAL FOR 2 and on J. & WOMEN, SOHO-SQUARE.—Operations, P.M., CHURCHILL, A., London. Thursday at the same hour. The Student’s Guide to Dental Anatomy and Surgery. By MEDICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON.-Dr. Robert Lee, " On the Relation of Henry Sewill, M.R.C.S., L.D.S. Second Edition, pp. 228. Spinal Deformity and fragility of Bones to Insanity (postponed)."- With Illustrations. Mr. Hugh Smith, "On a Case of Foreign Body in the Pterygoid."- Clinical Lectures on Diseases of the Urinary Organs. Delivered Dr. Day, " On a Fatal Case of supposed Pyaamia in a Child, asso- at University College Hospital by Sir Henry Thompson, ciated with extensive changes in both Kidneys and Bladder." F.R.C.S.
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