Conceptual Metaphor and the Cognitive Foundations of Mathematics: Actual Infinity and Human Imagination Conceptual Metaphor and the Cognitive Foundations of Mathematics: Actual Infinity and Human Imagination* Rafael E. Núñez Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, USA
[email protected] The Infinite is one of the most intriguing ideas in which the human mind has ever engaged. Full of paradoxes and controversies, it has raised fundamental issues in domains as diverse and profound as theology, physics, and philosophy. The infinite, an elusive and counterintuitive idea, has even played a central role in defining mathematics, a fundamental field of human intellectual inquiry characterized by precision, certainty, objectivity, and effectiveness in modeling our real finite world. Particularly rich is the notion of actual infinity, that is, infinity seen as a “completed,” “realized” entity. This powerful notion has become so pervasive and fruitful in mathematics that if we decide to abolish it, most of mathematics as we know it would simply disappear, from infinitesimal calculus, to projective geometry, to set theory, to mention only a few. From the point of view of cognitive science, conceptual analysis, and cognitive semantics, the study of mathematics, and of infinity in particular, raises several intriguing questions: How do we grasp the infinite if, after all, our bodies are finite, and so are our experiences and everything we encounter with our bodies? Where does then the infinite come from? What cognitive mechanisms make it possible? How does an elusive and paradoxical idea such as the infinite structure an objective and precise field such as mathematics? Why do the various forms of infinities in mathematics have the exact conceptual structure they have? These, of course, are not simple questions.