RULE Ihatirljwtfr Leuttiing Hrralli Richuaw Contract Seven Are
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'V ••• r ■' T-* • r / • ■ , . ‘-•7’T m TWBNTY-POUR THURSDAY, OCTTOBBR 19, 1967 A m iB IkUijr Net FkMB Roi iKattrlii^Bter lEopnlng Ilm U i NVir The Week Ended The Weather ‘ October IM 1, 7 Fair DoiAgWt tMOominir pw t- The Buckley Schott PTA will ’The French Club of Manchest V dkwidty. ’IknipemtuKii In up conduct a fair at the school er will sponsor a whist and set Poster Paintiiig About Town b grounds on Vernon St. Saturday back csud party Monday at 8 15,375 iHatirljwtFr lEuTtiing Hrralli per 30 . TamkMow ptaiiit$y sun / WwldtU School PTA wUl apon- from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Refresh p.m. at Orange Hall. Refresh For Halloween CARPET and ny. H$gii uununl 60. ■or a food Bale and gift boutique ments will be sold throughout ments will be served. ’Tickets MancheUer— A Ciiy of Village Charm tomorrow froth 12;S0 to S;S0 FLOOR COVERING the day. The public is invited. may be obtained at the door. Set Next Week VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 17 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) In the school auditorium. 308 MAIN STREET (ACROSS FROM BOURNE BUIOK) MANCHESTER MANCHESTER, C0NN„ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1967 (Ofaunlfled Advertlalng on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS SCn. Paul Cox and Mrs. Uoyd The Women’s Ouild of Trini World War I Veterans Bar A Halloween Window Paintiog Barry, condiairmen of the event, ty Covenant Church will meet racks and Atixiliary will meet Contest, sponsored by the Re ONE OF THE LARGEST MAGEE CARPET STOCKS If4 THE AREA. J have announced that after-school tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the for the. election of officers Sun tail Division of the Chamber of ► ■nacka will be available for the church. The Rev. Norman E. day at 2 p.m. at the VFW Home. Commerce in cooperation with ALSO ONE OF THE LARGEST ARMSTRONG FLOOR COVERING SE- ^ children. Swensen, pastor of Trinity, will the Recreation Department, is ^LECTIONS IN NEW ENGLAND. d speak. Hostesses are Mrs. Ena. Francis Richard Dixon, HUlatown Orange wil^ spon open to all Grade 7 and 8 stu James Anderson, Mr^. Fred son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. sor a public Monte Carlo whist Schaefer, Mrs. Beds Walrath Dixon of 37 Packard St., has re dents in Manchester. RichUAW Contract party Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the and Mrs. Esther Birge. Mem Seven Are Found Guilty The Halloween Window Paint Orange Hall, 617 Hills St., East cently been assigned to the staff bers are reminded to bring a ing Contest posters will be dis mX-UPFOR FALL* of the Ninth Naval District as Hartford. Refreshments will be harvesd offering for the chil communications officer and played in the windows of busi served. dren’s Home in Cromwell. Message Center officer in the ness firms throughout Man Appears Locked Up District Conununcations Office, chester area. ’The Chamber of ’The Elks Club will serve Commerce provides the paper, SAVE 20% to 50% Great Lakes, 111. cherrystone clams, steamers, the paint and the brushes for was expected, however, Uon lines could roll again in its contest. ^ tentative until ratifying UtUe as two hours In most BAKED HAM clam chowder, baked stuffed Mrs. Irwin Kove of 202 Henry A first, second and third ON FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS - LINOLEUM - TILE hold-probaWy places u at-tho-plant clams and shrimp cocktail to St. will assisrt: at the program Civil Rights Killings HARVEST SUPPER prize will be awarded in each ^ ®*“ “**y—" “ * then a com- agreements are reached. morrow from 7 to 9 p.m. at the of the Connecticut Podiatry Spooaored by Engaged grade and Judging will be based iL to r Industry’s In 1664, after settlement ot na- club. ’The event is open to mem Association Auxiliary at a re Veterans of Foreign Wars bers, their families and their on originality and workman UiUtoa tourtti longest strike-m ay not Uonal contract bargaining. Ford Ladles Auxiliary ~ gional Podiatry Scientific con The engagement of Miss Kar ship. Workers remained be In sight. was shutdown f o T f ^ b y T friends. clave Friday, Nov. 3, to Sunday, SArrURDAY, OCT. 21st en Gustafson of Honolulu, Haw Judges for this year’s contest closeted in marathon bargaining Most recent settlements in the cal strike. ^ Nov. 5, at the Hotel America, Special Offer aii, daughter of the late Mr. and are Mrs. Norman L. Dutton of T^i , Industry have been followed by It was learned that top union MERIDIAN, Miss, (i^ ) Serving from S;SO on ’The British American Club Hartford. VFW HCKME will have its annual Christmas Mrs. Clifford Gustafson, form Bolton, art teacher; Mrs. Lau ^ walkouts where bargainers officers in Detroit contacted lo- — Seven Mississippians ejq>ect it will be after an an- have been unable t o ' reach at- cal party for club members’ chil rence J. Spencer, president of CERAMIC presidents ’Thursday to were convicted and eight 608 £ . Center St. James M. Golden, son of Mr. erly of Manchester, to David nouncement,” said a bargain! dren Sunday, Dec. 17, at the the Manchester Fine Arts As the-plant agreements. Sources check on progress of local Manchester and Mrs. John J. Golden of 130 E. Stewart of Piqua, Ohio, has taWe source, caught In a hr others acquitted by an all- Donation gl.TS clubhouse. ’Those planning to at sociation; and Mrs. Robert TILE BATHROOM said today that the majority of bargaining and were told in Porter St., has recently been in been announced. Scheflsch, past president of post dawn recess. these local agreements have not some cases that compoi^ white federal court jm y Children under 12, $1.00 tend are reminded to register Asked If he meant an Friday on conspiracy ducted into Theta Chapter, Miss Gustafson is the niece the Fine Arts Association. Judg Installed—up to 100 sq. ft. an- been reached. negioUators had appeared un- 2 at the clubhouse before Nov. 4. Delta EJpsllon Sigma, national nouncement of settlement, the charges stemming from of Mrs. John Robinson of 708 ing of posters will take place Material and labor. Malntenonce crews have been willing to move until the na- honor society of Catholic col on Friday afternoon, Oct. 27. source said "Yes ” at work throughout the strike tlonal pact is settled. the 1964 backwoods slay Center St. and Harry L. Gus leges and universities, at Provi Whatever a greem en t Is and the company said produc- The UAW also faces the knot ing of three young civil tafson of 33 Hackmatack St. Her ◄ dence (R.I.) College, where he rights workers, fiance is a son of Mr. and Mrs. ty problem this year of a veto HI . HO — COME TO THE is a member of the junior class. U.S. Dlst. Court Judge Harold James Stewart of Piqua. School Library power given skilled workers FreD ◄ adio are pressing for a big wage Cox declared a mistrial In the Miss Gustafson is a gfraduate — FAIR — Past Chiefs of Memorial Tem Could Cripple Economy boost over whatever is given cases of three of the 18 on trial. of the University of Connecti Dedication Set ple, Pythian Sisters, will meet Estimates ’The 12-story Ford headquar ’The jury of seven women and Sponsored By cut School of Nursing, Storrs. ◄ tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the The dedication of the Nathan ters In . suburban Dearborn, five men, which deliberated W.SX1.S. and METHODIST MEN Petty Officer l.C. Stewart at home of Mrs. Gladys Gamble, SHOP AT scene of the talks, was a bustle more than 14 hours and at one 0 tended Miami University, Ox Hale School Library will be SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH 431 Lydall St. ' of activity In the predawn hours point declared itself "hopelessly ford, Ohio. He is serving aboard Tuesday from 8 to 9 p.m. in the ◄ Strike on Railroad Saturday, October 21 HOME and it was learned that a free deadlocked,” convicted Neshoba the Polaris submarine USS Tec- William J. Minney, son of Wil school. The dedication will be lance broadcaster had been County Deputy Sheriff (3ecU R. Starts at 10:00 A.M. umseh at Pearl Harbor, Ha liam Minney of 250 W. Center to honor the memory of Miss DIAL ◄ roused out of bed shortly after Price, 28, and Sam Holloway Games, Handmade Specialties, Country Store, Aprons, waii. Bowers, Jr, 42, identified by the Holiday Items, floral Fancies, Plants, Baked Goods, Used St. returned to Beverly Hills, Mary C. Taylor, kindergarten Threatens Britain midnight to record ad Calif, last week after a visit A December wedding is plan FBI as the Imperial wizard of Artlclea, Sna<dc Bar and Sapper. and Grade 1 teacher for 40 643-6662 vertisements for Lincoln- with his father. Minney is a ned at Emanuel Lutheran LONDON (AP) — Britain was gaunUet,” said Albert Griffiths, Mercury saying the strike was the White Knights of the Ku FUN FOR ALL years at Nathan Hale, who NO OBLIGATION hair stylist in California. Church. threatened today with a national general Mcretary of the Asso- over the 1668 models would be Klux Klan. died suddenly last June. OUT OF TOWN doted Sodety of Locomotive Identtful. Others convicted were Alton . _______________L The program will open with railroad stoppage that could CALL COLLECT Engineers and Firemen “Ihls None of the commercials had Wayne Roberts, 28; Jimmy Arl- a flag salute led by Cub Scout. deal a crippling blow to the Is tantamoimt to threatening a been aired. edge, 29; Billy Wayne Posey, Pack 143 Color Guard; an in country’s already ^ k y econo lockout.” 30; Jimmy Snowdon, 33; smd vocation by the Rev.