Violence Hits Cambridge
Today: Special State Tercentenary Salute Edition Weather DISTRIBUTION 7 sum. temperature 60. Mostly TODAY fair today, Ugh 70. Cloudy to- BED BANK night, low In the 50s. Tomorrow, 23,925 chance of scattered showers, high 70. Thursday, gradual clearing, cooler. See weather, page 2. I DIAL 741-0010 diUr, Monday through FrMir. Second Clu« Pettaft PAGE ONE VOL. 86, NO. 225 t Rd Bi ud Mi Aatltiaui Halliac OBICM. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1964 7c PER COPY In the Wake of Wallace Speech Violence Hits Cambridge CAMBRIDGE, Md (AP)-An Democratic primary and was sent to the hospital for treat- which were called out at the outburst of violence in the wake Applauded more than 40 times ment of minor injuries. height of similar violence in of a presidential campaign during a 45-minute- speech at- Deputy Atty. Gen. Robert Cambridge last summer. A to- speech by Alabama Gov. tacking the civil rights bill pend- Murphy said charges to be filed ken force of 10 had been as- George C. Wallace left this cen- ing in the Senate. against some of those arrested signed to the uneasy city Use Tear Gas still were under study. throughout the winter, but there ter of racial strife in the grip had been no curfew or other re- of new tensions today. Balked by guardsmen wearing "It may be foolish, if the cli- gas masks and holding rifles mate stays as it is, to turn strictions similar to those im- Two demonstrators and five with fixed bayonets, the integra- them loose in this inferno down posed after an outbreak of National Guardsmen were in- tionists squatted in the street here," he said.
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