The Offertory collection last weekend Mass Intentions this Week amounted to €1,215.00 `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Sat. 30, March Ascension Parish This collection is for the ordinary day-to-day 6pm. Mark Horgan, RIP (22nd Anniv) Gurranabraher, Cork. running of the Church at Gurranabraher. Sun 31. st 9am. Masie & Eileen O’Callaghan, RIP. Sunday, March 31 2019. 11.30am. Mary, Frances Murphy, RIP (90th Birthday) th Monthly Building Fund collection this 4 Sunday of Lent (C) Sunday for Church Renovations Mon 1, April. 8am. Novena Mass 1. Parish Office – 021-4303655 (If Urgent: 085-8041951) 10am.Dommie Myers, RIP (5th Anniv) email:
[email protected] Donations for Church Renovations Tue 2. Website; www: gratefully accepted at Parish Office - 8am. Peter & Mary Rennie, RIP or they can be lodged directly into: 10am. Mary & Paul Horgan, RIP Priests of the Parish: Fr. Tomás Walsh, SMA. Tel: 021-4303658. (
[email protected]) Ascension Church Building Fund A/c at Wed 3. Fr. Aidan Vaughan, OFM, Cap. Tel: 021-4397472. (
[email protected]) AIB Bank 8am. Nora Horgan, RIP IE65 AIBK 934194 32642064 10am. Denis Aherne, RIP Weekend Masses – Saturday 6pm (Vigil) & Sundays – 9am & 11.30am. Thu 4. 8am. Helen & Jim McDonnell, RIP Hell is Real – and lasts forever SUNDAY DUTY ROTA 10am. Eleanor O’Callaghan, RIP (7th Anniv) The doctrine of hell is so frightening that numerous heretical sects end up denying the Fri 5, March 31, 2018 reality of an eternal hell despite numerous scriptural references. In recent decades, this 8am. Novena Mass 2. decay has even invaded mainstream Evangelicalism - and a number of major Evangelical A priest can be contacted if required this 10am.