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------_._.. ---- r------~~------, 'They're

NO. 32 IN OUR 41ST YEAR MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1986 RlJIOO~~O. NM HH34'J Hospital $3.75 million name may Airport gets be changed

SOIuelinle before January 1, HUldoso-Hondu Valle} Hospital federal funds ( KHVH , Ina)' h(:ivea new ni:iITle. The hospital rnay soon be called by FRANKIE JARRELL .... ~lld Buchanan the Lincoln County MedH.'al Center. Nt'ws Strlff Wrltt'r tit· .-;~lld th,' IHlrdl'II lit glOIlti I Airport \\ ork Ifl HUHJIISII nl1SSlOners had apprlJ\,pd a IllotlOn I SBKA I ., I do 95 percent of Iny Dll.'HneSS Ul to change the naI11e of I{Uldoso­ Tht> Sierra Blanca Airport ('OII!­ the Village of l{uJdoso," said Hondo Valley Hospital to I,lI1coin IIllSSlOIl 1 SBA(' t, after )'l'ars of Buchanan, who represenb HUJdo~o County Medical ('t>ntpr worklIlg to C!rq U1 rp a s.aft' replact.'­ I )owns on the conurusslOn He Said Howevt'r, last 1"r1(11ty, I.UH·olrl IIlt'fll f~H'J1lty fur tht.' Huidoso although he IS III tht' gas and tire bU."'iiIlt'S~ ('ounty Manager SUl.arult' ('0' "-,~lId :v1uIl1clpal Alrpor-t. got th,' word last bu.smess a Ulat could bt· the [.JncoIn ('.(JWlty ('011111 llSSlOllt' I'" w('('k froIll tht' Fpdt'r;t! :\\'Idllon Ad­ adverst:'ly t·fft'dpd by tounsL'i turn· had 0111\ discussed thl' n~j(ll\' rIUJl1stratlOIl I F:\.'\ :';1 $1 rnltholl Ing to air tr.H·I·! ht' feels the air­ 1 " I port Will prr,\,'Jdl " r1t'L-'ded boost to change ,t 1 d ! TH"ptmg on .J HIll' 1H Ttw grant dUflIlg f1..... c .. r 1986, and a ~rtlflt ('(HIUIUS~1[jJ1t r" WPfl' WtlltlTlg for $2.75 IIulllon I Ir fiscal year the overall t'C'(IrJOIIl} by gettlng 1~m \1oorl' tCI dIS('uss trw trustl'I'S' ,- Illure pt'oplt' into tht.' area. S)l~okin' ~osker f{'('OITU1H'rIlLltlons ...\lthth'·TII. ('()\ gun SB ..\l· ( ll;lInllall Kt'Jl all­ III .I "l.lll·lllt'rtt IIl.idt· clftt'l 01 Stlld rlllUIl<"l'd tt1l' fl'(it'ral '.dlo("atlOIl dur­ h ' II ~ t IJ .\ I' X \ '{" UtI \'t· Sl's s I un. '\ I 1"1 k I' I \\'tH'n HH\'Ji trlJst\'I'~ \ \llt-<1 t" Ing ;1 rl'gulttf rIll't'LlIlg Thursd;t y H(, '"lId ttlt· SBAC will flut Iw ,d,It, I" ttll' ~)I-" f"J'I~)I'r. -./Vlt~1 J()(,kl'Y AII')( ~).tl,lfllf·.· III i, ,~ 0 I .() t )() 'vA,; I f ~ f 1I 'r " I t 1I ' ( , ~ f r ) r I) WI) r •r • , llffll'l(dl~ chdngt· HII' narIll' II! ttlt' s;lId he also 'vi. as flllt1fll'd that tht' $1 ,'1I11tllllh' as fast d." ,' h.ld dll rl", Illd)', trc)t', t(J ttlf' Ntf1fll'!', I Ir; !I' Jdn{' PtJillll)', ,If HI MlnlH,' Wo()d ,J1 Thl1r~dd ~ Il1llIJOIl l1t.'t'dt'(,l to pay '\;t'w \1t·xlt·u till I' hospital Lt:-,l ...... 1 II lit' (1f ttll ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~-. tlllp;llt'd until IIt·l.:.IlI\ ,1ftt'l 1/'.,IlrPllr1Cl ttlt> $8')/ ')fJh All AfTlf'r!(.dfl F- r I S ( eJ. T t • X (i ') I F) ( I f j f )I 'r t r , t I I) ( , (j t ) y Ull'~ Stat(' l~m\,'l'rs1ty fOf ttw T1ll'sa land !·dt'rl·llCtuIIl h "'t'Ull'l! tru.'.,tt'l·:-' loid \1\1llr(' dId Illit ~ ~ ~) [ )! • r !)t ~-' l jf 1I j, t 'l d t H LJ I( 1( I' > () [) I I W r 1 ' ) 1 r 11 • [)W <. i Y f 1 f ' (. If't . ; I 'y (..i I II , r , ( itt1 t ! { , IT 1( ) r ( . twlll'\'" ttl,· l·ount.\ 1·llrIl1J1I...... l l llwr" ha ..... bet'll a ppn )\.( 'd With ttlt· prt·... '·fll $~ Ii !lUI:111I, :' I' ( ~ I r , i I. I r ) (~ I ) I' V.,; "-, () I If)' te )1 ' " ~) A. 1 II( j -, A , . f 'd y q I J ,..; r t I' r tl () I <',1 ) I ( )( ) h If T1(' ,I .I thlIlk ttl.. t WI' should lw dated h ;I d I IffH . I, III ~ ;q )p r lj\' ( .f! tt It' T1 d III, qlll'."tIlJlI Wt' dOIl't kno ..... what'" L.:II ~lld ( hang!' 1)\ th;Jt rlI'W",' ...... :'\oskt·f. afkr III~'. til happl'n.· ht· ddd"d \10llf{' ...... tld II" ..... 111;!'! Ll'i] tlH' r'lllll rt'at!lrlg tht· t ..... ll ;JllI1I1WH'I'Illt'nt It't­ III 1W t •\- (. f. ()I H' {' ( III U I 11 -.,S 1() Tl t· r W.l" kr~ "llr~)rl:---('IJ ~lll(t TIlhSllIllt'r" ttl(, lru...... Lt·t·" had "fItI'd LI' slglH'd l'\ SuuthWl'st Hl'glwl (11"'III,lyt'cl lJ\ 1)lrt'deJr ( !\ \1('luglll,rr st~llt'T1lt'r,L~ dldngt· ttl" Tl;UIIt' Ilf nil' ho...... IJltal ttl Ruidoso Village Council sets meeting ...... I"'k(·r· .... .Jft,'r Uw t"lll" I.lrH'oIIl ('oullty \1"<11(,<.11 ('l'nll'f But :'\oskt'r Ltlked Sl'v"I"al tllllt' .... I,d .... l'~:-.IOll Ht, Illlt"t\ thttt ~IISkt'l ' 'hrln~' ~,l ~ ('(lX ">cild :---tw f(·lt rilu:-.t lit ttw ('(Jl1I1 thf' f,\,'t'-hnur n'''f''IrW of hl.­ r t '111 d r k.'. d Idn.t . ll't ' \ 1:, rt'''' ,., U \!' !\lJ1do,,,," \,Jllort on [,ot h, ('onslCh'ratIOIl Ilf I)let..... III I ;1 [' I' P I d (., • t hi' ,' LJ I' r (' ntH \11 d (I S (j kI]l.t~ dl~HI~t'd !)I·C·;IlL..... '· tht' hosplLtl ... I·n of p(lrtlllrl \If thl' rJll't'Llrlh. H('I J tt'rI1:-. lln ;t gt'nda IIH'I Hlock :~, ]rd AddltlOn to ('n't' ..... tandb gl'n('r;ILor for tht, HLJlllrl"-,o "11 thl' t'ntlrl' iill1Itl\ .lnd lWI·.III"I· I Ld I tht, UOt· y \1UllIe'lp;t! '\lrJH1rt I"t'rTlJlll!t'd th, l·lIIlIlll ...... llIll th;d It ( .II n sId t • T ; It I rl 11 (lf l'Il!l(11 t I 0 n;t 1 ~hL" VISI(ln I)lIlwt' I)ppa rtITlt' n t 1- til ~)(,I-f(lrTTllln rbt' t!lJ ... pILd 1,'( 1'1\I'd 1111;-\"\\ fidld \1t'adows Hel SubdJ if Hllldll"I' ,1lJI!' ..... 111 tdk(· $14 Illllllilfl til L.:1'f tIlt' .Ilr ~()rns froIII!tIf" IllmL'. ll..... l· rt'queskd b;.- TI'rf! I A'l' Houk Ht'port by Tun (;11 thl' t Ill'Ire dIll L.,' "t I' I r • w (,. 11 t W d hIt· t ( I port llpt·f.ltlCllldl Ikl'krll'1I1 "'lId h.· PlanHln~~ Sll'rf~1 ('onlJll1~SI f';Xf'(·utl\·t· "t·.~sJ(,n fl'(llH· ... tt-d h~ t.·nCl p~lIldlp drtd I pt.·ndmg ('JtlZI'I1~IJf ('IlIl~r""""~llIrldl dt'll·~.l IIlt'fll \'>lth 101\'11 \.. llidl Ill( ;I.,k~ plan ..... t(l boat Opt'fa­ H"('Il'atlOn J)f'partrnE'nl d1rt'c­ lit· ft'('IIIllIllt'ndl'c! that :'\('w \-.1t,'xJ("o \~ ~) t I, r . I I I f' (. t I I .1 I:I f 1 ttl I' I { I I f I I " I) >- r I II g .... r t h.. E ;11..: I n'('k Sport..... !{uldoslI (Hit ;hldt· dlf!t'I"!'TH·I· ...... ;Illet tlllll tu help , ( '1I11Ipll'X \1 t't'tlIlg:-. I)f ttlt' V l!lagt' ('IIUIll" II t(l~:dllt'r III.ldt· .1 1'1,· .1'." .' ,. H () S Pit ..::I I. pit q e ,'-) I It ,<\ 1" \ ,ll III pull . .IT}!I pll'a thdt v..'tlilt' ht' s.c 11 d It\'> I il11 d tW PI 1":--- I I d I :\PP~';I: (~rf'('IHng tllct~(, ;trt' open l(1 tilt' pullll(' th('~ 12A h\ Hltllnll ,If H,'port 1)\ \, t'nglnt'tT thl'\ think n';d h;lrd tH'fllf(' t .. ,-:11 tl' tHd fOf;1 par-t uf tht· pflll,·t ~ I 1"'<11,' .111\ fllllfl' rllddblll( k" .. , .. It h tilt' ('uITt.' n t fund Jrl g , hi' .... ,II I In prdl"'lTn~ I .lfwnln ('IILJllt\'S ,'(1[\­ $h 1 Illlllllln I ..... IH'I'dt'd for 1':\1 ()llt :mo ..,I}.!ll;!lurt'" "tt1l'r f)lt'dil" ht· ..... h11\'> r1,. .' ,"I t IH' I()ca I pt'IlPII' .tpprll\ t't! 'it'Lllh of ;t I()~il ('ontt'st tl' \'11Lj~1' cll'rk IplIn L~l:11,,,tll/l h,l\t, ..... I~:rl',d tht· lH'tltl 1 )fl "ppost' dTl~ IIlC !"t'ast' .I fl' I' '-PI ·rt. .. rt'nlarkt'd d('qulr,' ,H\ 'lif\('I,tl "'~Illblll thl' rI I I.... 1 I) t ')~ ~ I, j til thl' L)r rpn'ntl~ t,l\. IlllTI·d ..... I' Tht' OfOlnciTlCl' p;l"sed ...\;t.., F d a ,\ t d ffleuItt Pr () J,', t r"pIJrtf'd th;d Ju,..... t U.-) Ht'ckrlldll b~ )~'all the tax Ill! fj'ase w1l1 nl't 10 th,· ;'1 1 '­ SB}{:\ :-'lgJlature~ \()ter~ df(' T hI' F I' Ii t' r d I :\ \, l.ll 1«) [l .\ d ­ Ln·(lred (·(Juncllior<., Hay I of reg1stcfl'd COIll.1Ill~~lUllt·; I ,'[d ,td Buchanan ~ I ~ CClrp~nter. sent "yoro economy." but the l :u U 1 III 1 :-. I J r Ll' r 1" 1 III 1u r r 1 :.. P('tlt\Cm~ rntmstrClttnn I Vi\/\ I h<1~ told thf' .Jerry Shaw and l.arry needed for thl' til tH' \'alJd wurried that a nt'gdt ]', .' rf'fpr('ndurn lh.stnouteu l'0IJIt.':- (If fule:-. and an­ \'l11a gf" ('OlJnCl1 that rnntributinc Sirnon \ouncillor Elmf"r Pjrelh hAS vlllag(' ('ould make about $560.000 d .Tungf'. who placpd Iwtltl(Jn:-. at thf' pdition beine n["{'\Ji;J!,'d lIn thp lax nllUJH'ed tht' ('nrl1t'~t l~ 111)('11 to ~t'\' the nll;q...:t'·s shan' In thp Slerr;t s;t1d rppt>aledly that he opposes elI1 y \, l' petitlOn lS valid and a negative P/Pdse Sf>(" Airp0r't, page 12A -";lIP~lllf"t by Village ('oun('Jllor Vidor Alonso ('oUneJ1lrlfS Aionso and WJ1haln rl' f ('fendurn IS canducted. E ~- :---;dl'. lllt l • HUIc!us() teJ tll'lp it'


H,\i I' q Wrrl.puP 2A ~A F'f'(lplp 41\ (.dl'ltiirl Hd1lql' 1 1 1\ Foot t),111 f)1\ 7 A () pi '1. Or) IF-3 Sportc"~ HA ql\ Cld~'~lfIPd ?R t1B fhf> Drp

Sunday's high c •• _ •••.••• ., , 71 Monday's low , , . . , ' , .. 49 A full moon glows through tall pines as Monday's predicted high .. _ _ __ near 72 dusk descends on the Tuesday's predicted low _...... -.,near 43 Ruidoso area. Cloudy Tuesday's predicted high , _ ,.. near 78 skies last week gave way long enough for a glimp­ The National Weather Servkein Roswell predi('L~ partly cloudy se of the luminous skies today with WIdely scattered showers and thundershowers" Brief sphere. (Photo by Shari heavy rainfall is possible this afternoon. Winds will be southerly at Lewis.) five to 15 miles an hour. Tonight. look for widely scattered showers and thundershowers with brief heavy rainfall possible. Winds will be light and variable except near the stonns. Tuesday, partly cloudy skies will continue with widely scattered afternoon thundershowers. Winds will be southerly at 10 to 20 miles an hour. Chances of rain are 20 percent today, tonight and Tuesday. The extended forecast for Wednesday through Friday calls for partly cloudy skies with widely scattered afternoon and early night­ time thundershowers. Temperatures will vary with highs ranging from 70 to 80 and lows ranging from 42 to 50 degrees.

, - .... - ...... ------"7 - --._ 44 ..i:=~~ ·'WiN .. W:". Wi"':"'ll". ,:*.PM '*. ~ "'.:*," '~L" • "''',' ,; z:;:; ~~,q#~. ~ we., l4!l' if . . . . " .. . . • • . , 2A I The Ruidoso News I Monday, August 25.

, RUJDOS() DOWNS a.B~1 On ~ (Gel'man11 UO RACE IU;:SULTS ~·1,ou.3,l\l8Cl 'llIIl ~~_,IHi<>_ FOR SATURDAY, AUGUST 23,1986. Fa1taI, 100a_J>lIIJf, Iiihlttij'4T!>1. "FQll!'P_ j Jo'IH.ST: 3 & 4yeor-olds. Mclm $3,600, 5 1 2 DIIIJlCe. 0.8111er UP,. 7-oct1ovlano. Q!!1gIelll (1-1) .', furlongs. Pl,lrse $3.500. paid $53.00. Dai4' DOIlble (401) paI<1l103.20. Ruidoso DO\Nns r$sults I-Lit'! Renegade l Cogburn I 7.60. 4.80, 3.60 , THmDI 2y...... ldo. -_den. toO YIII"Is.Purse , ;l-Tihs Gal IArteaga) 29.80, 13.80 $2,500. . , IO-Quick Robl}ery IPowell} 4.80 I.M.nc..tllo (lIlcUnllerl 4UO. 17.30, MO Time· 1:07. Also ran: 6-Stoney Broke,5-Dr 16-P1eaIan1 Day 11:W1IU_1 ~.20, 5.20 RUIDOSO DOWNS 7-Mal"th,u Six Moons (lLayton) 3.40, Tlme - 1:12.1. AlIIo ran: l-The Paki Prince, TffiRD: 2 yeaNllds. Maiden. 400 yards. Purse Millet. 2-Able King, &earmel Apple, 7-Vnzapped, 6-J.ovUer 1.10... (BrooJral 3.80 , RACE RESULTS I-Bunny Rockette (Nicodemus) 2.40, 2.20 3-StyU8h Doctor. 4-Clneo Sob; 2-Fun To Sing, $2,500. ...·Annihilation. 9·Miss Morethought.. Tinl•• 30.30. AIlIO ,1lJ11 .."..<1.. Go1d sis. , FOR WEI>NESDAV, AUGUST 20, 1986. 6-Flyin Fols (JWi1llams) 2.20 . 7.sp1rity Of the South. Quinie1a (5-8) paid $10.40. 5-Shawne Time Bomb (Payne) 53.80, 22.80, 13,00 SECOND: 3 year·olds &: up. Clm $'2,500. 5 12 8sSpeelai Sla. 7· ChaIn.,.pe N Ploi_, H'oat fo·lRST: a & ... year-olds. MClrn$4,OOO. 5- ..... I"urlon~s. Purse $2,500. , Time - 21.625. AJsoran: 2-TeUerMoon, &-Cuh Of SEVENTH: 2 year~ds. Allowance. 360 yards. 7·Maestro Gates (Martin) 4.00, 3.00 4~80 Bunny,. +Cover Of D!1rlm~, • We41f.7 wUma, , furlongs. Pun>e $2,600. Cash. 5,- Lucky SpW"S, 8-BIOQdy MartJee, 4-MOBtly Purse $3.000. l·Mighty Fighter (Lambert) 4,60 j·Lad}· Lender IBuiJ 14.'-.00. 9-Fran CaaoI<1y. Quinlela (1-10)..,.1<1 $180.40. , ~Hunting , A Kiss fBlevinsl 12.80, 5.20. 4.20 Dark, 3-Native NIta. QUlnlela (1-1) paid $3.80. Pic· 5--Mr Macho Jet (MartIn) 2.11), 2~20, 2.80 Time -20.35, Also· ran: 9-So Youre Perfect, :1·Whipplng It Up (Rivasl 6.00, 4.00 FOUIITHI 3 yea.MI.... 'ClaImIng 110.000. D , I-LJttleBuUy (Coomb.l!ll 4.60,3.40 Six: 168 tickets with 6 winners paid '198.00. 1,234 6-Bold ChampiQn (Byers) 3.00, ~.40 6-Dark Ocean, 2-HI Vtctory, llJ.Geo, ;J-Handsome l-Hlmry's Girl IBenitez) 3.40 furlo_. Fune $2,110O. , 8-Heza: Heartbreaker (Lidberg) 4.40 tickets with 5 winners paid '12.80, I-Witchy Wrangler (Blevins) 2.80. Valentine, 'I-Plum Gold, 8- Sunrise 'Native. Time - 1:07.4 Also ran: 5-Tanna Joy, 4...sUltsie. ...Unfurl·. Prlncess (Blevl1!sllo.lIO, Uo. 4.40 Time-, L06.4 Also Ran: 3-Hudsbuddy, la-liard ELEVENTIi: Time - 17.56. Also Ran: 7..Qut. In Orbit, QuinIela (5-7) paid $133.60. 6-:'w1isstus Justice, 8-Lekabob. 9-Dream Bend. 1·1ndIan I;:.gle (Coombol 8.60. D.IIO , LUl"k Angel, 4- Fiyin Byem. a-Ashley's Play Boy, 9--Million Dollar Bug (Martin) UKI, 2.80, 2_20 3--Barbara Gayle. 8- Dance Leader, 9--Unrequlted FOURTH: 2 year-oldB. Maiden Clatrning 2-SlstemaU". Qulniela f3- 7·1 paid $63.00. Dally ~ulb PadY1 0.00, 3.30. . ~ool 5-SikkemSweet (Martu]) " lJ-Lil Bit Shiney (JWilliams) 2.10,2.10,2.10 Time - 1:05.3. Also ran: ·~Masterp1an,lo.Fancy lO-Helen's Twist. Quintela (s-;B) paid $60.40. 8-Sparky Native, 1- Native Dreams, Spot, a.Luv V_ T. (aul) 3.00 . . 3-Dashul Linda ( Pilkenton I 3.00 2-Paa Lei (Martin) 2.10. 2.40 Threads, (;. Joe Sanders, l-Broadway Prospect, FJ;FTH: 3 year-olds. Claiming $4.000. 550 yards. lO-High On Ufe, ~cruUnlze, 7- Real Good Time. Tim•• I :0Il, ,\Iso ran: ~tan Tell All, 6-Scouto Time - 21.90& Also ran: Absolutely DynamiC', 4-Hooked On Cash CPUkenton) Hilt 2-Bold Itobert. 5-Vasl. Scratched: 7-FinIsh With Pur.. $2."'. Quiniela (2-4) paid $200.40. First Lady, 4-Prlncess In Haste, I-Palsana RodE•. -(~ year~lds. 7-The B1B"k Pirate; &-Jelly Jubilee, 9-Credenee, Time - 21.600, Also ran: 8-Oh My Gee Whiz. Pride. Trifeclal4--U) paid $223.00. lD-Quite Awesome j Martin) 4.40,2.80, 2.80 fiIOURTH: 2 Maiden. 6 furlongs. Glnny. I·More Pay. _lobed: 7_1e 2-Ms Super Romance, 4- Bugs Bar Day. 1-1o'lna1 3-Maple Sugar Man, 7-Graniteer, 9-P.-1ncess NINTH, 4 year-olds & up, Clrn3.500. 7 It!.J J..Our Vlct.ory (Asmussen) 3.00, 2.80 ..rt'"urse $2,600. Arago._tQuInI.1a (1Is10) paid $39.40. , lJepot. QUlluela (5,.1O) paid $64.20. Daily Double Solemn. I-Dashing Te. 6-Jli$t Dashing By, l()..Pass furlongs. Purse $2,600. 8-JetlIner Express (Arteaga)· 6.20 IO-Good Kittens rLowry. 7.20, 6.20,3.00 SIXTH, 3 y.._ ..up. CIm P.3lO. toO yards. 16-101 paid ,$fJ20.20 Em Grade (Burgess). Trifeeta. (&-2-41 paid $125>.00. 6-Poppin Pepper (Martinez) 5.20, 3.2n, 2.60 Time - 27.20. Also ran: 7·Truckin N Gear, 7-81000 Shot (Paynel 4.20. 2.80 Purse $2.500, . THIRD Tra"k - "fast". Weather - ·'clear". 3-Locomotive Breath (Sorenson) 4.40, 3.40 t.-s81ldhW Gator, 9-8t Burton, 6-lma Vikingson, . I-Autobahn (Sorenson) 2.60 I·Noble Rohn. (Fuller) 9.60, 5.30,.3.30 6-lrlSh Moon Las.s,1.Brooksl 10,80, S60. 4.00 Handle· $396,183. Attendance - 3.m. G-Martin Man (LambertI 5.60 4-Bright Bunny Boone. l-Ms ColUnsvUle,2-No Time - 1:13.2 Also ran: 5--panclng DUgWl, 9-~ker Bar (C!la:veZ) 1t.lO, 0..... 8-De La Cruz (Burgess) 8,20. 6,20 RUIDOSO DOWNS Time - 1: 33,2. Also ran: 3-Country Moonshine, Boast. Quintela (3-10) paid $9.80. 8-CharUes Boot, 4.., Jemez Streaker, 9--Hopl. &-ChI ChI Do..(COgbum).2.lI0 7·Master Bryon I Pilkenton) 13.20 RACE RESULTS 2-Proper selection. l..call American, 4--Benign, SIXTH: 3 & ,000. 400 yards. 7-vtk1ng F ..I...... 6-DrIvinFln1aII. 3-Tlipo Prlnce. J..l.u{·kgay Chlc-dehte, fl;..R.ays Effort•. 2-Dees Joan Purse $2,500. Purse $2,500. • • 5-'Catch Gold (Powell) 28.00, 11.60 Purse $3,000.. 16--8~ QuInIela (1-91 paid '10'1.40. Dale. Qut1Ul..la paId $48.40 g...Last Lock ~McC1ahahan) 14,40,7.20,5.60 G-Returnto Native (Bui I 14.60,7.00,5.60 8-Speedy John (Hartnett) 8.m 7·BluladY.c:l'.i.ick (Martinez) 1:40, 3.40, 3.00 sEvENTH, 3 year-olda. CImP.200. 6 .. Jt'OUHTH 7.CJ.oud Cover (Powell) 9.60, 6.20 1-Knish Knack (Benitezi Time • 1:36,3 Also ran: 7-Fort. Phantom, lo-Ye Gads (Martin) 3.00. 2.60 furlongs. Purse $2,500. ~,40 6....Ioilre-ak It To Em I Uolphusl 33_60. 8.80, 3-Muy Pronto ~ Rivas) 2.80 7-Banner Scout. (Coombs) 11.60 4-O'Brlen, lo..Low Beam, 2-Plt Passer, 6&uthern 3-D~ncing]n The Rain (Lidberg) 4.00 6-W'o PrIze (Beni...) 9.110, 6.20, 3.110 ~2.60, IJ..Makl- An F.ffort I Byers 2.40 Time - 1: 13.4. Also Ran:6-Charger's Bid, Time· 1:12.2. Also ran: HonQrs Express, 8-On Classic, 9-Whal A Spirit., 1- C7.ar. ViDo, QuInIela Time - 19.95. Also ran: I-Lady Bug .D.ancer, 9nHonors 1;:_(StedlngIIUD, UO 7..str:al·kly Wicket rBilldiUt.>Z J 3.20 S.Exchisive Chala, lQ.-Shjrlee's Girlee, 2--Ed's Cool. Blitzen, 4- Pride Of Tyrant, 5-Raise A QuiUo, j 3-:i) paid $399.80, 8-Rennbahn. A Great Thought, (;.My Lucky Bugs, ..Drac:ack (ClarkI 4.110 Time - 21 770 Abo ran 2-Easy Delta Jel. SpJrlt. I-Dancer l.oom. Classy N sassy. Scratch­ 9-Secret DynaniIte, Slip SUck. QuIn1ela 11-4:i I paid SEVENTH: 3 year-oldB. Claiming $10,000. 400 g.Handmaid Bug, S.Tex A Room. Quinl,ela (7-10) Time -I:06.2 Also ran: a-SltabJoe,J-8tephanie's l-Klddm N Slreakm. 9-Stradtn Lily. J-Pokey ed: +Casey Court Land. $127.00. Plc-81z: (~) No tickets with 6 win­ yards. Purse $2,700. paid $8.80. Star, 3- Slrawmoon, 5-B1c:a·Roja. a.WlU BeA Pari­ PI!ol:t'un. 4-Bug l·onunandcr. 5- Deals SIS. Scratch­ SECOND; 3 year-Qlds & up. Clm3,mo. 870 yards. ners. 7 tickets with 5 winners paid $556.60. CDr­ 7-Pass N Play (Martin) 7.40. 4.20,2.80­ SIXTH: 3 & 4 year aids. Maiden. 5 Ya lurlongs. n.r. 7·nayetta. Qulnlela (NI paid $58.40. l"d ID-Vlwll>ash, QUlmcla c6-8J pSld$19.40. Purse n,500. ryover for Friday· $3,890.00. IO-Master Sky (Myles) 9.40, 5.40 Purse $2,500. EIGHTH: 3..4y...... Ids, 7"furlongs, C1ahn· Jo'WTH I()..Redblooded lSorenson) 11.00,6.40,3.60 EL.EVENTH: 3 year~lds &: up. 350 yards. 9-Banana Bug (Fuller) 2.80 4-A Thorn (Roller),3.60 Ing ",OlIO. Purse 12,500. 7-Jet OJ 1WUlt'TS ~ 700. 3 60, 'l 60 6-Mito Dandy Dancer I Uriegas, 14.60, 6.40 Allowance. Purse $3,700. Time - 19.82. Also ran: I-Tef, 4-MOOJiteeser, 2-Willy Gent (PoweU) 3.40, 3.20 f.Aggarlva (Bul) 4.10, 3.60, 2.80 &-Spel'lal Hi rPilkenton 1 2.80. 2 20 4-Music Maker Man IUdberg) 2.80 3-Oh My Dash {Balc:411ez 1 6.31, 3.60. 3.60 i-Blade Seeker, 3-Bring Six, 6-Sass)' Victory. 7-Gettin On Bay (Blevins) ",80 ZoFanlasUlco (Lowry) 8.00, ••40 . lO-Runnm~ Maskt"d j Myles' 3 20 Tlme - 46,22. Also Ran; &-Plenty Swinger, 7·ResUess Squaw ICoombs 13.60, 3.00 6-WestheUnet, &-Jeweled Hands. Qulnlela (7-10) Time - 1:08. Also ran: 3-Nutmeg Lady, I';Fran l.Judg. Jac_ Frool (ClarkI UO . Time ~ 21.62.5 Abo ran. 2~'1.reHklO Rampage, 9-M1Stletoe Depot, 8-Ticket Master, l-Miss Sorrell B-BiscultB And Gravy rBrooks) 5.80. paid $27.60. Chris, 10- Cindy's Command, 8-Vldory Velena. Time· 1,36.1. ,\Iso ran: ~ GIIebe.lJ.Greel' 9'-('lassy Jil!'un.s. 3-{'owboy Serenade. 5-Love In: The Moon. 3-Hand Built. 7·Dandy Arrival. 2-Native Time'" 17.55. Also Ran; 5-Snnzzy Native. EIGHTH: 3 year-olds. Clatmtng $5,000. 5 I,.;r, 6:-Mlssy Master, 9-TulJo's Blue Moon. 5-8werve Myrtlewood, a. Sword Banier, 7..Braz08 Plue, Jo'asUane, 4,strwkly Spe<·t.al. l,Dired Credit, Arts. UaUy Double (9-10) paid $85.40. Quiniela 2-Flying Arky, 4- State Of Mind, I-Mr Lalco Bird. furlongs, Purse '2,600. Along. IQuinlela '12-4) paid $12.60. 9-Vorgo ~. 9-P... Ronny. flo Bendir. 8-Hand Mt' A Rug QUintela (6-7~ paid $5.00. (6-10) paid $BJ.4O. SEVENTH: 3 year--olds &: up. 870 yards. CIm _I 6-New Dime, QUIDlela 13-7) paid $16.40. 9-Crocked Dr, (Gennany) Trlfeclll (..a.1) paid $149.00. SIXTH THIRD; 3 yea"'~lds. Maiden. 400 yards. Purse TWELFTH 4 year-olds & up. Clm2.500. 7 """ 3-1 'm For Patch ILowry) 4.60, 3.40 $8.000. Purse JI,IOD. NII'lTH'3y...... 8furlonga.C1.lmlllll",000. I-Jet Gu ("tuck 1 Bustamante J 6,20. 320, 260 $2,fi(l(I. furlongs, Purse '2.600. 7.cat Man Rellc (BenJlezl 3.80 S-Fols Bid (Rodriquez) 7.40, 4.00, 3.20 Purse $2,500. 6-WIIl Rt' E.a!lY I Nll'odernw>! 2,80, 240 4-Flrebreather 1Payne' 4.40. 3.00, 2.60 ~]nfa1ible ISorenson) 19.00, 6.40,4.60 Time - 1:05.4. Also ran: ].I.estor Quea:t. l·Double The Angle (Myles) $.80. 4.60 7·NI..GoIng (Burg..) lIUO, 10.20, 7•• >l-tambhnl( l-:fforl I Kmght 1 2.40 I-Nlrnltz (lambertI 3.60, 3.m 6-Dale'sTiJrn ! CoombsJ 4,40, 3.60 &.Barron Von Yates. 2--Tumtotherlght, 1000woon 4-Megaforce (Coomba) 4.40 6-Hobson'. _ .. (lJdbergI4.ou. 3.40 Tmu,· . 21470 Abo ran 7·The Quarwr Miler. 7·800nsie Native CLowry, 5.60 I-Paso RoM}' f Arteaga, 50.20 Time, B-Ht Turf. 6-Lions Rage, ... MlssPeguus. Time· t6.03. Also ran: 7-Bozart, 3-Pie Eyed, 2-K :lslmast Epper (Murphy) IlI.oo. 10-<.0 I.lttle fo·lreb~. 2-Homas MagiC. 8-Amerll·an Time - 20.08. Also ran:2-Sir Tambjen. TIme . 1:34 .1. AlSo ran: 7-GIgs SUpply. ~Tribute Trifectn (9-3-7) $462,40. Rig, 6- Jaton Jamaica. 3--Tum A TrIck. QulnIe18 TIme - 1:13.3. A1Io ran: 4-Gran Raton, Jet Jo·la.sh, 4-Plwn Spe("lai. 9-Tanager. J-Josles Vu·· 6-Rwmers Baby, $-Rose Royce Too. 9-Fois Native To Honey. 7·Kauai Kannon. 2-F'ancy Turn. NINTH: 2 yea.--old!. Clai.mJng $I~,OOO. 6 1J~} paid '17.80. 5-Dellul~ lIs_r'. Draconic, lloForeIgn SaInt, tory QUlnll'la I 1-6 ~ paid $8 60 Jet, &-Gallant Lady Bug, ID-Stx Super Sounds. la-Primo Primero. 5-Rushing Silver, 4-Roman furlongs. Purse $3,300. EIGHTH: ... year-olds &: up. CIm 12.500. 7 ~ Ulplnooa Spy, 1-Gol<1I. Gatij. QuJnleIa (6-" paid SEVENTH J-Expcrteez.e Me. Qutniela (I... , paid $6.20. Silver. Trifecta 13-6-11 Paid $599.60_ Track· "fast" 6-Smoktn Elatne 1Sorenson I 6.40. 3.00, 3.00 furlongs. Purse 52,600. $68s40. 4-Some Powel" Play I Martm I 7 00, 360. 2.60 FOURTH 2 year-olda. Maiden. 5 a., furlongs. Weather - "dear·' 8-Jazz TonJght (Lidberg 1 2.80, 2.40 3EUawas Vel()("lty, 7-Gardy UJo (Coombs, S.60, 3.80 RACE RESULTS Sweet Tool Toot, 7·Reyes Trevino, $.No Rain. Time - 1:36. Also ran: 2-8000'. PrInce. 7·Pyromonlac (Chov..) 4.60••.00 9-HI·nl"'(·llon.~ Of 8('1It', 8-Bld To WID. J-TeltaS 3-Pen In Hand ISorenson I 3.80 FOR F1UDAV. AUGUST 22.1986. QU1D1ela 16-81 paid $5>.20. ID...stonny Kingdom, Ii- BaffieYou. 6o-Matrosa, I·Dash S _dow (Myl..) 5.00. 3.20. 3.60 Tumblt:"r. 2-Tru Errort. 6-Fasti'r For Cash Timl' '. 1:06,4 Also ran. 8-Looking Bay, FIRST 1 year-Qlds & up l1aurung $2,~ 6 TENTH: 3 year-olds. All Amerlcnn Derby 2nd s.Pop's Derby. loGot. Alot To Give. SCratched: Time • 21.17. Abo ran: z.....OUow The Fo., (Julludn '4·i J paid $S 00 >Plnchol.S. Io-Oebbys Lustel". 4-Wolf Patrol. furlongs Purse $2,500 Consolation. 440 yards. Purse 183,772. 7-Heart Beat. Trifecta I~) paid 1114.80. 3-,/"'es Su_ Sound. 4-!leach Tollelila', lI-VUllng EIGIfTIl &; I·Paso Dean, 2-Hope For The Wire. g.. Cody F B-Tricolor I Germany J 1020. 5.20. 3.10 9-Raptd Dash (Lackey, 8.00, 4.80, 4.40 N]NTH: f year-olds up. 1 mJIe. Clm 15.000. Royale, NbezaDanda, 0-DubinSaInt, "Bombay 2·Horul..~ HYlln ,Nll-udemu..'1 2,80. 2 2O.:Z lO Qwruela 16-71 pmd '12.40, 7·Bravo Willie {62O. J.2D l-8parkling sands IBustamante1 11.40,8.20 Purse 13.000. Nauve. QuInI.1a (1·7) paid '11.(10. P\coSlo: No 4....whd Polu')' •Pllkl'nton I 2 40. 2 ZO Flf...... 3 year-olds. Clm4.fXII. 400 yards. Purse 5-Try To Fool/KennedYI 2.60 7·Pancho Native 1'IWllliamsl 6.00 Sflala Club (But) $.40. 4.40, 3.20 Uckets w11b 8 wInnera. 4 lIckell w11b , wInnero &- Tho.'W,· I.),n Jo:)'!"fi I BaidlUez I 3 40 12.... Time . I 13 J Also ran lD-South H.ounder. TlOle • 21.6:1. Also ran: 6-Ms Hill City, Wim·s Notebook (Blevins) paid 81.456, Carryov.r for T1luroday. $6,IIH. ~ Tum· 21 600 Also Han 9-.';trenkm hilt'. WeU J..Streak1l1 Silk rBaldillez J 1780. 9.20, 3.80 6-Zorb, 4-5ununer SlIver. J..('rOWVUIa. I'(o-ee Faw 2-0utcashem, a-Six Aces, 4-Real Duck. +Sexy Soc:laUte (Clark) 3.00 ELEVENTH, 3 year_ .. up. Allowance. I Bu~ Prll-l"d. a-Mr Hn'ndo BUI(. j·l..ady AC"l', l·"·lyrn 6-Meet Thl' Piemnn 1KnIght I 16.80, 5.40 fo"wn. Believe A Lady. 9-I.ovmg Hands. H~Bltavike. s.-chargmg Wrangler. Scratched: Time -I :41,1. Also ran: &-Slatter Dab. lOoSMU. mJle. Purse $4i.1OD. 2~ Effort. J-NavulUX Tnfl'<"ta I IPOld $67 20 100Me Fast Too IBustamante' 2.60 SErOND 3 year-eilds (1Burung $3,200 J50 J-Oolutno,QutnjeIa (1-91 paid $161.00. Ple-Sis 9-Mi Dewan. J.Colorado Bush, 7-l\Idan Chic. ...11Iala _bl. (Coombe) 5.31. 2.10, 2.10 NINTH Tlme . ZO, IS Also ran :7-Gwen ~l1ght. yards Purse $2.500, 110-3-7-9-6-91 No tickets with 6 winners. I Ucket fJ..Single Bakony. l-Uz's Bubbles. QuInIela 'WI IIsMa1nlm Trimble (Gennony) 2.10. 2.40 7~PtnC'S (·ontlnUl.od ,Martin I 6 60. 4 00. 2.40 8-Slnashed Double. 2- Tammys Wrangler. 9-Power 7-Mlghty Nallve (MartJn' 4.60. 3.00. 2.60 with 5 winners paId rt,006.80. CarTyover far Sat.ur­ paid PUO. ~UonoI (Clark) 3.40 )·Lndy Of Subsiann' I Pl(kt"nlon I J 80, 280 PIan, l..st Bar Kid, fl;..Love Kingdom, 4-Laughlin 4-TUnely Decision IBrooks I 3.80. 3.40 day - '10,897. TENTH: 3 )"ear-olds. AU American Derby 1st TIme· 1:41.1 AIIo ran: I·K.Jac:k.5-Adden<1um, 8.."'oml' SUPl'r Jl't I I.Laylon 1 300 LoWS8 QuIntela 1306 J paid 1220.&0. 3-JovaOl Oh IRodrlqut'Z' 400 ELEVENm: 3 & 4 year-olda. Allowance. J Con5oIaUon. 440 yards. Purse "60.931.41 6slm _. 3- FoIouedo, 7·Lady RaY.. :J.Some Tlln!" 21820 Al.'l;O ran >WlId Af,tam. 9--Hebels SIXTIi 4 year~lds & up Clm2&Ol 6 furlongs. Tlml' . 1719 Also ran 9-Jose Picacho, 2-Wash mile, Purse $3.800. "'DIggIng For Gold (Lack.y) 3.40? 2JIO. 2.60. Other 6_.QuJnI.1a (UI paid ••40. <'Mh. 3 Stonn Mn...lt'r. 4-Mr Trophy Hunter. Purse S2.:JOO Te Pie. 10- Bold MIMi. Jan. B-AmenC"an SalOt. 7-Curtwince (Sorenson) 11.20, 2-Viclory Dash (Pilkenton) 4.40, 3." TWlilJrl'H: • y...... up. CIaImInlin,500.1 2: Pl"'lnl"r Truddl'. 6·' Got Il C"luIOll'la 11·71 paId &-Sunny's SUI d~uU 7.80. 3.40, 2.40 I·Beal A fo'ulJ Housl', &-Pay The Bounty.50-Master I-A Rulers Cinch (Uriegas) S.20. 3.80 3-Juno1mgood (Hartl $.20 _ Purse n.soo. '12 00 5--Plpaaure Lad ISorenson 13,40.:120 SUIte QUiOlela 1...7 I paid S9 20 Dady Dou:bll' (ft.7! 3-Champ A Tab (Martinez1 3.20 Time-ll.eo. AJsoran: 9-Runnln Roro,lG-PJease li-Why MIke (Coom..) t.IO, alO,3.00 TJ-:~nf &-Garlleld Ked! LambertI 2.40 paid 128 00 Time· 1:40.1. Also ran: 2-Rene's Queen. My Man. lis Did.. Passero. l>DuIlerina. I·Hlgh +Soutbern S1dp (61evlno13.4O, I!.IO 4-1..acombe. Scratched: &Glory Rain. Qu1nl.ela stakes Lady, 5-ZircOn, 5- ZircaJ., 7...Jetsle NaUve. 7·PrIme TIme Star (RoDer) 5.:11I (1·71 paid '23.20. Qulnl.1a (2-4) paid "lI.20, P1c-8Ia, r7z4.6s3.H) 9 Time - l:fU Abo ran, t-Coupr The Co~ 1WEL.FTH: 4 year~lds & up. Claim1ng $2.500. 6 Uckels with G winDers paid 12.31l..80.. 81 Uckeb 3-ShIp'. Shady LIldy. 1-CorIEy'. KooI. IoAjimQra. furlohg.!l. Purse $2,600. with & winners paid '112.60. . I·Tw1IIlt _~lo-Coplaln Cool, foDayOver. 8-Kaksi I PoweU) 20.00, 4.80. 4.60 ELEVENnf: 3 year.-olds. M1aa New Me&ican Trlfeclll (r.+7) paid $19UD. f.1..aru.sh 1Rodriquez) 4.00. 4.40 H8ndicap.•furlongs. Purse '16.400. Trade. .. '·,DOd". Weather· "cloudy". Ruidoso Dovvns Entries &-See Impression fVaUeJo) 8.:20 &-Flamed fSorenson) 3.80, 2..8D, 2.20 Handle· $673.... AU_ - 5,57D. Time· 1: 13.2, A1so ran: Z.HlwaySeven, 9-Vel 4-Cu1Un A Rug (Powell) 7.00. 3.• Time. 7·He·s A Buz:zen. 3-Lord Of The Reins. I'Nlghl Girl (Renteria) 3.20 ~EUte Mystique. Scratched: I· Impressive Beam. Time -I:12.3. Also ran: li-Lady Arran. a.cJasIlc RUIDOSO DOWNS ENTRIES :>-Ship's Shady Lady (NB) 116 Claiming $2.500. 6 furlongs. Purse Trlfecta (~J paid '1.010.80. QuaUly. :Is SoIl8 Far A Lady. 7sCupl... Proope-Swift Twist (Rainey) 112 9-Count Hot Stuff (Clark) U2 RACE RESULTS Flamed drew off to an Impressive II-Dust And Gas i NB) 117 6-TuJlo's Blue Moon (Lambert) l0-8treaking On (NB) 117 THE FIRS'r~:"~:~~~P~oOo~furlongs. margin in the co-featuredMiss New 9-Dawn Juan (Benitez I 120 117 Purse $2,500. Mexican Handicap. Io-Maid Ann (Sorenson) 120 7·What A Spirit (Sterling) 121 +-Just Hun")' (aull 7.00. '.00. 3.00 Jockey James Lackey fired back SECOND: 3 year-olds. Clm 8-Czar Vino INB) 121 6-Whyarotl1er (Murphy) 12s20.7.00 off a daylight victory in Friday's 7..strawberry Lace (Lowry) 4.3:1 2nd!ati f th All Am • $6.250. 400 yards. Purse $2.500. 9-Hard luck Angel (Clark) 109 Selections TIme • U2. Also ran, I,Lawton MIss. I6-P... conso on 0 e encan I·No Extra Cost (Martin) 120 IQ.Charger's Bid (Lidberg) 117 _.. :Is Think Gold. 9-a,u. SlUes MIss. Derby to !lave his picture taken 2·Tef ITWilliamsl 120 EIGHTH: 3 year-olds & up. Clm SELEcrIONS FORTHURSDAY; 5-malclrM. Now. 2sIma _ ... IIsT..... Waltz. again on Saturday after pulling 3-Macs Eighty Jet rJWilliams, $3.200. 550 yards. Purse $2.500. AUGUST 28 SECOND, • y...... lds. CIm $2.500. 5"furlongs. away for a half-length win aboard 120 I·Plenty Swinger (NB) 118 I-Dust And Gas, Coul And Fluffy, ~:Q",sy(aul) 36.60. 9.80, 5.20 Digging For Gold in the first con- 4-Laughin louise (Payne) 115 2-Foreign ConsullCoombsJ 118 Maid Ann. 4-OIerokee}llade (Lidberll) 3.60,3.00 solation of the·-stakes·race.-·'.- _..s._ :;"Pukka Up (NB) 11S 3-Ticket Master (Blevins) 118 sutTel, No Extra Cost, Strlmkin "'Si~:::!:!~~~::ii:~i:i::i~::iiiZi<.:i=s;!!L_ -.,.._~~.:..=~==~:....:....:-:':;,;::::'::==":::''':::''':::'===::::====-=,C======. , . 6·Streakin Silk (Baldillez) 115 4-Miss Sorrell Moon(NIl) 113 7·Tammys Wrangler 5-Native Arts (Rodriquez) 115 3-Nimitz, Nashuasix, Rose Royce 1Bustamante I (116 6..Qquinns Shamrock (Arteaga) Too, 8-Sassy Victory (Blevins I 120 122 4-Title Role, Featureful, Attaway 9-Crickets Pie (Burgess I 115 7-Longleat (NB) 118 Truck, THIRD: 3 year-olds. Maiden. II-Plead Away Truck (Sorenson) 5-Will Lead, Como Se Uama, Purse $2.500. 400 yards. 119 Bold Drifter, I-Streakin Go Go (Brooks 1 120 9-Peerless Deck (NB) 118 &.Lord Of The Reins, Lord Beau­ NEWSHOUND PICKS 2-Boonsie Native (NB) 112 I~Ms Collinsville (Baldillez) 115 mont, Left Eyed Lottie. 3-Nashuasix IDolphus) 115 NINTH: 3 year-olds. Clm $5,000. 7-Fort Phantom, O'Brien,' Czar 4-Jess Burner (Martinez) 117 7 ¥.. furlongs, Purse $2,600. Vino, • 5-Minitz (Lambert) 120 1-Netatreat (NB) U7 &.Plead AWay Truck, Ms Col­ 6-Jet Line Queen (Short) 112 2-Viva RidRe (Sorenson) 117 linsville, Foreign Consul. MaidAJln Port Phantom 7'Rose Royce Too IMyles) 115 3-Deepershade Of Blu (Ger- 9-Dare A Knight, South Padre, She'sA Shoe HardLuckAngel II-Isa Voter (Blevins) 120 many) 107 Viva Ridge, . 1 Coot And Fluffy 7 O'Brien FOURTH: 3 year-olds & up, 870 4-Road Of Success (Lidberg) 117 I~Miss Pecos County, Secret yards. Clm $3,500, Purse $2,600. :>-Stack 0 Green (Clark) 107 Hank, Schroll Lock, . l'Attaway Truck IShort) 118 6-Dare A Knight (But) US n-Sparkling Blade, Dance No Extra Cost PleadAway Truck 2.Qlympic Truck IMartinez) 122 7-Saffle (NB) 112 Trainer, Sam's Wish. Tef' MsCo1linsville 3-Runners Baby (Rodriquez) 115 &.Better Than Money (Coombs) 12-Gila Gold, Count Bot Stuff, 2 8 PlentySWinger 4-FeaturefuJ (NB) 122 120 Streaking On. StrealdnSilk • 5-Best Review (NB) 118 9-South Padre (Lambert) 120 6-Title Role (Asmussen) 116 TENTH: 3 year-olds. Allowance, Nashuasix Viva Ridge 7-Rock It Sally IBenitez) III 5 ¥.. furlongs. Purse $3,480. Rose Royce Too SouthPacire II-Tooters Son (Lidberg) 122 I-Gallant Pass (Hartnett) 120 3 .9 FIFTH: 2 year-olds, MClm 2-Victory Halo (Asmussen) 115 Streakin GoGo BetterThanMOlley $10.000, 5 ';, furlongs. Purse $2,500. 3-Miss Pecos County (Bu1) 105 1-Soy Uno INB) 118 4-EI PasoDancer (Gennany) 110 Olympic Truck Victc)ryHalo 2-Como Se Uama (Martinez) 118 5-Medieval (Coombs) 120 Title Role MissPasoCoUllty 3-Left Eyed Lottie (Clark) UO 6-Secret Hank (Murphy) 120 Featurefut 10 SecretBaIlk: 4-Raise Sand (Kennedy) 113 7-8croll Lock (Lambert) 120 Lillie·s Restaura..t • 5--Gutlty Spirit (NB) 118 &.VMerchiliaire (Sorenson) 115 Pete and Lillie Vs.si ELEVENTH: 3 year-olds. Road &-Council Table (Benitez) U8 Since 1960 ComoBe lJama SparklingBlade 7-Bold Drifter (But) 113 Runner Handicap. 6 furlongs. S8m'sWJsh s.sara Silver (NB) 115 Purse '16,725. Speclalizlng.n M••ican FdOd, RaiseSand 9-Royal Cad (Rivas) 118 l-Sparkling Blade (Udberg) 121 5 11 capitanSmokey k. Will Lead, I~Will St•• An" S.n....lch•• Lead (Sorenson) 118 2-Capltan Smokey (NB) 114 OPEN 11 :00,9:00 EXCEPT SIXTH: 4 year-olds & up. Clm 3-Dance Trainer (Powell) 117 , $2,500, 1 mile. Purse $2,600. 4-Damascus Champ (Bui) 110 TUESDAY LordOfThe Reins • ,1' 1.1-.' • ''',. L _ J I-Lord Beaumont (Rivas) 121 5-Sam's WiBh (Sorenson) 118 ...' "p.~¥r#u#" ~~ T",~~ 6 LordBeawnont 2-Stylish Doctor (NB) 118 &-Song For A Lady (NB) 114 .'7,...u."" !Pdl'u ~ .7UI~./uw •• StylisbDoctor 12 • 3-Dale's Turn (Coombs) 121 7·Unfutl's Princess (NB) 115 2553 Sudderth Phone 251·7844 4-Lord Of The Reins (NB) 121 TWELF'lB: 4 YeaNllds '" uP. • v· 'll _~_·"",","Ih '~·."._· '~"'" • __ 'I••,_ -.., .. • ·" __ _.__,,_ -_.",,-. _ ....__._...... -...... ~ ... _.. ~ hd. rt·# On en...... _. __ " " '.' ", . ,.' , . . . ',<.' ".' . ',' ',' " , , , ; ". .' • . , .. " , -" ",--,,;,,,, -i ,,' ~\-. ." " " " . "',. '""" ;. ~. • ',' , '.' .'< .•,' , ' , , ," "," " ',-, , ." '~. , .. :"'." , .j "::, " <". , '. '; , " , . "" , " ,', ' . " ,'. '. .;' " I, , ,',.' . " '. , , I ';~. " .' , , , ... . :. :'," "" ,,', , ", 'J"." , , Monday, August 25, 19861 TheR"ddolllO News I SA .. ,

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" , . " . ,,' " . ' , ' . ' ,. ,<\ . • ''-< ~ , , , : : " ," \ ' , ,", , . : ".-(' , ." .." .. ,,' '. " ," , .:~, '" ,', " '. ';, " .. , ,,' -< " :', " '. , " " " :-

, .' -- , ,',' , ".,' , :'" '.' .",,__ ' i . . :"" h, " ' , ' -..~' , ' ," ; Gol~~nh~nting , , , ;

'" -' .' ,. ;'" , ,.' \. . " "'!est Coast rider James Lackey pilot::; (~o. ove~ ,' D19.91n9 For Gold 4) a ·muCldy , . .' raemg surfaCEl'to post a half.length WI.n . , In the $160,~31 All America'" ·Derby 1st Consolation 'August 23 at ,Ruldo,so ,, Downs. The .Vlctory Stride colt went pOlil~ward 'as the Overwhelming 3·5 , chOIce to Win the 440·y.ard contel'lt for No. 1 trainer Blane. Schvaneveldt. He stepPed off thequartermlie course In " 21.60 seconds to earn,$::!4.250 for owner' , Ray, Hoover of Okl.a.homa CHy, • Okl,ahoma. Victory Dash (No.2) with" Bruce Pilkenton aboard, ran down , , Junoimgood to ,collect se,cond·place ~,-- money of $'19,841. JunolmgQod was ' ."...... ,. I - ' .. another half·length behind for third I under rider Kenneth Hart to earn t .. $18:739. ,.' ' , ,.

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f ,"•• , ,h' . Flame in front Jockey Danny Sorenson cruises across the wire to post a 1 1/2-length Victory aboard the speedy Draconic filly Flamed in the Miss New MeXican Handicap. The 6·fl,lrlong sprint, which ·offered $16;400 In prize money. w~ the·third stakes win of the summer fqr Flamed, who Is own:; ed by Sam Henderson of Odessa, Texas. Trainer G.R. Howell saddled the swift. miss Who stepped off the three·quarter mile course in 1:12 three-fifths. Hendel'­ (;Ion earned a non's share of $9.840. Cut­ tin A F\ug nippe~ Night Girl on the final stride to finish second. .

--_.- -_._~_. --- -_.._------~--'.... __ .".- --'-' -_._~._. - .- "

• !" I, , Flamed. . takes third stakes win ,,' f Don't RACE,' • , Me~i<~an: t Miss ,RESU£TS" inSatqrday's Miss New Crim.e Clilltornia trainer' Blane, KenneihBart. Another Cascio ,/t!' SChvaneveldt made it two-tllr-t\yo' trainee.. ~unOlmgood is owned' by with Digging.For Gold's vietory,n Nancy MCCOy of,WichitaJKansas. • saturday's ,tel,GOO All American Third~ptace was worth $111,739. , ' Stoppers • Derby Consolation at Ruidoso '" In saturday'S co-feature. jockey a'del Downs. whlle track-record holder DannySorenso,n badlittletroublein 'THE .. EARLIEST" , MOST_. COM,PtETE.'~. - FIanied dtew oU to an impressive downing a goodfield of tllnut111S • margininthe co-featuredMissNew aboard~acK-reeordh()lderF1i!Med ' , ,WEEKEND WRAPUP , 257-4545 Mexican lIattdicap. ',." , intheMiss NewMexicanBsndicap. , .1(l(!keyJam~LaekeyliredbackS'()rellS()n~ueledwith-Night Gitl to . , off auylight vic::tory in Friday'S the lowet bend before taking corn- , -' EVBRYMONDAY'n • , .. 2ltd con$Otationof the All American mandof tI1eG-furlong sprintto dtaw , Derby to have blspicture taken . away fora HMengthwin in1:123. " ~ again on saturda after pulling Flamed is trained by G.R. t~·. POOL 'awayfora haU-IeJ'gtb wi!i'abOllrd , Bowell for Sam, Benderson of ,Digging Flit Goldin the fitstcon- Odessa, Texas,who took. hOrne TOURNAMENT , solation of thelltakest8ce., $9.lI4ll frorn the $16,400 gross purse l~l -Newsstand·Or Ove..~T"e·CoUnier sales 'At More thon 50 Areo loeotions • ".' DiggingFm- Gold went ~al'd' .£01' the Miss .New Mexican. Itwas Dellve.-y~. EVERY as the 3'Sfavorite tcJ. wid thetl\ethird stakes widthis-sesson lol' :," li2J..Hoine ' I!2J Moil Suflsedition" .' qlWier-lnite dash in 21.G0 seconds, Oie DtacoJjie fl,lly whO'll;ecounted ,. '. . . • •••••••••4 ••••••••••••••~•••••••••••••• TUESDAy. over a muddy tl'\cingsurface.for llOththe A$J)I!n ahd FIrst LadY , 6:30P.M. .. . TrainerSChvaneveldtwllO llltddled ,BsndfcaJ!S. ' . • RUIDOSO DOWNS RESULTS - THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY , Ft'lday1S Derby.Conso'nition wiMerCuttlrt A Rugclo!ledSUt' ownerRlly BOQvet well hlld.the riding \~~ue, $242liO winner's check."- , ,USIgnrnentfor trainer Williarii A\st) \n 't\\e Mantia'} .••• , Victory Das1t; It &-1 sbI'Itridden ' Leach. Roger Seas-IllY and Leach , MO.... CoMjlLft& TV LISTINdS by Bruce Alkenton, finillhed_ own the daughter of Blade. Nflht '0," TN. Alii.... condo Charles CIlscie eonditiOll$ the -...... __~,._I.L""'_"""04_~" .._.,~~"'''-!''- __ """,~"~''''''''',,,._.....,_ ...... ~_...... il..oiII;;".,,;;".1"."l1li ., ."

.',o . , . . ... "'. • , .. " 4A I The R4idQ$Q NeW$; I Monday, August 25, 19SEi ~~---~------..,;...... _.:_....,;-.,.,.".------_...... :.------_...... ' ...' ---...,.: P eop.•••• /Ie .. ·· Comirit(up , .poliC?y

Deadlines~ol' submilillions to "CoIJ,ling Up" are Thursday at 1 p.m. ~or the tOlloWing Mondayedi­ niittee will meet at 10 a.m. tion, and 'l'Uesday at 1 p.m. tor the Today, Saturday, , folloWing Thln'sdayedition. . 'August 25 .August 30 ' SUbmissions by telephone are RUIDOSO FA.MILlll:S IN AO·' W ~dnesi:lay, ,, welcome but written submislliOnl3, 'l'lON will meet lit 7 p.m. tllday August 27 ." . , delivered or maUedto The RuidollO (Mllnday), Augl1llt 25, at the' The' 1976. GRA,J>UATES OF News, are' pJ:#erreq. public. meeting room !'It Ruidoso. ROlDOSO' mGa SoaoOLwill HighSchool. Guest spealtel" . The RUIDOSO SURIN,E CLUB conduct a class 'reunion Satur­ , . Franlt Potter wUldiIiCUSIl'· will conduct their r.egular day, Augl1llt 30, at aonito Lake. developing a Qenter for meeting at6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Tbere will be signs at Bonito to •...•.•, ,'., . .f':'-.• Augl1llt 27, at Orc::e MeadOWS . direct people to the reunion site, , , 'lJ Ruidollo's teenll. All. are en· ,."::: ERA 1.' E J> Dudgeon and Rqberts REPUBLWANWO.MEN OF ~ ',' Dlsn" Btl""!,, lind Tsrls '.' ~ FallSeasons...from , , . . LINOOLN OOUNTY will meet at o 11 a.m; 'fuesdaY,Au8l1llt 26, ,at The Bullringon Highway 37. U.s. fl)e'iparmled Maqe '~'.' Representative Joe. Slteen will wed in June 14 oeremony begin the meeting with a Ilpecial , 0 ItJ ""1ftI1I8 address. A luncheon and ~ wi'" "'gnk 'K . Barbara Lotaine Dudgeon o~ Los neckline with puffed sleeves. The businesll meeting will follow the o fD, II'''tlt 11/",,,,.,1 Alamos and Matthew SClltt Roberts sltirt was gathered at th.e waist, program. Republican candidates, .of Ruidoso were wed in a ceremony wrapped and fulllengtl!. . arid guests are invited to attend. . ] NiNe II gtNJd "'Ills' 11M "".1tJ June 14 in LQS Alamlls. , Martha Dummer of LIls AlamllS, Members of the executive com- t I'f1llltH s.".,. usrol/ .glll/1 netlll/m",.,f ~57-t419 The bride is the daughter o~ Mr. Robin Blankenship o~ RUidoso !'Ind oo~oe $d '-=:rop~"" and Mrs. Willard Dudgelln o~ Llls Mich.ele Rlleh.ling of Fort Wayne, -'-.. te ,'ff2 " Alamos. Indiana, served as maids Ilf h.onor. ----~ The grllom is the son o~ Mr. and · Tim Roberts, broth.er o~ the - ===--.... Mrs. Larry Rllberts of Ruidoso. groom, served as the best man•. The bride wore a white format . Groomllmen were Larry Reese of firU/!!/#I//g!./df~j/~. f/{/lYT.JIbS gown of crisp tissue ta~~eta styled Phoenix, Arizona, Stephen with a fitted 13asque bodice, Blanltenship o~ Ruidoso and Milte salerina neckline and lllng fitted Clarlte o~ 13eeville, Texas. sleeves, all adorned with. French Becca Bergquist served as alencon lace and seed pearls. The · ringbearer. . full gathered skirt ~ell· to a Flower girls were Janna Berg­ Cathedral length train edged in lace quist and Meredith. Medleclltt. . and with,a rUffle of ta~~e.ta at the The reception was cllnducted at waist. She also wore an old fashilln­ •.Trinity..sites Restaurant. " ed lace and satfn picturebat with. a The bride will a receive a low crown and wide brim. One side bachelors in computerscience with was turned with silk rqsebuds and a minllr in math in,December at water~all pearls. It had a double New Meldco State University. veil of sparkle ilIl1Ililln to complete The grllom will receive a HAGGAR® the ensemble. ' bachelor of business arts in ClASS1CS The bride carried a cascade bou­ bl1lliness computer systems and a quet of white roses, orchids ~nd bachelors in management in Priced, At· 535 stephanotis. December in New Meldcll State ----- The maid Il~ honor was Laura University. • Dudgeon, sister o~ the bride, 1l~'IAs The .couple will honeymoon in ...thePant-Maker Alamos. She wore a powder blue Calgary: Canada~ for all Seasonsl gown of tissue taffeta willi a tucked They willmake·their home in Las asymetrical botice with. a bllw at Cruces while they are' attending 2609Sudderlh • 257..5918 th.e hip. The dress bad a Sweetheart college. . •


FOR RUIDOSO AND CLOUDCROFT VACATION, HOMES* (Special Rates'.Being Offered Now Th"ruLabor Day)

Take Advantage of Our For More Information Visit Our Ruidoso Office Low Interest Rates •• Located In Avaiiable.On Our Fixed Rate CASATESORO And Adjustable Rate Loans. 1400 Sudderth Drive

WE CAN FINANCE YOUR SECOND HOME IN THE COOL PINES! For Your Convenience Phone Joan Olson DISCOVER T~~:IFFERENCE OTERO SAVINGS AND LOAN (505) 257-7170 OTERO~SAVrNGS--&-I;OAN------_._--.---;ASSOCIATION-. ---,- MORTGAGE SERVICE COMPANY . A FEDERAL ASSOCIATlON 'Condos E:xcludi!d From Thesl! Low Interest Rates• .Competitive Rates, Fast Financing, . MORTGAGE SERVICE COMPANY , Professional, Friendly Service. . 1400 SUdderth Udve' . ..' . Ruido_o. N.lIf.8S$45 (505) 251-1170 , . , .. 8th &. New York· O..aw.... P - Ala...ogor~o. N.M. 88311-1713 . (505) 437-0095 ; FULL MEMBERSHIP I DISTRESS SALE ,. 'LOT IN I .California Own'er Must Sell Now.. ALTO' LAKES I 9 .. 78% Assumable Loan and Owner Financing.. GOLF &COUN"I"RV A0 ' " l!!!..,ce\\,eC\t ",0-~;'\. SOi~ CLUB i . . &u'Y . I --- 'EHVlABLE F'EATURES I -- L.ot sits offof'the 15th greeh I ahd gently slopes to Tahgle­ I • wood I.ahe• G Trees galore. . I II . G ApprOXimately 1/3 ofah acre. \ .NEWER ALTO CREST RESIDENCE WITH UNOBSTRUCTED G Paved, eSIlB:Y· access .year- I I tOUhd. . ;'\ I VIEW OF SIERRA BLANCA,. RUIDOSO VIL",AGE, CAMELOT '._.;.1 I AND MORE. . .' , G . A steal at $28,.500 with OWh. er fihahcihg avaifable. 1142 Mont Blanc on Hwy. 37 (across Hwy. from Swiss Chalel') . . . I , . OPelhDaily Fr,om 9:00A. • to 6:00 P.M. .. I. . IW CALL (5051257.7110 3~1~9~~~~~'t::::::~~~~ I • .. PhoheOWher at 258.. 3;;;;,..... 1 ~'. , . t, . o . , • , . . .' • I . • MQnd,ay, August 25. 19a6 I 1'he Ruidoso News I SA : , • Celebrities to serve fundraiser dinner The " The EQldO$O Yalley Greeters are , G~es~ w!:t(l have been CQntacted rutllers «(lr IIrepresentative), Tillie sP(lnsoring a Euidoso Centennial by a celebnty lire urged t!I call tile Daubs. Mayor Lloyd Davis. Jlanquet,featuring celebrity ''Chamber of,Commer(le, t

or' the sate, the ltind!J from. Dald snIt> shaU be IIp-­ LEGALNOTICE pU~d in the m:mnerspecilltd below. NOW. TUEREFOttE.noU(''C J.n. £1.;;en Um.t.Um . TWEl.FTII JUOlClAL DlS'l'RICT counT .~ underpinned. -M~peeial Ma~er. on$t'plembt'f 2.0• C(lUNTY (IF LINCOLN 19M."tthe hour of2:00 p,m. atthe front etltrnnec BTA'l'E OF NEW MEXICO to The TCJ:8!J Club. 140 Mdz Drive, Rt1Id~. N~'" LEGALNOTICE INVE$'1'MEN'l' pnOPEI~'l'1ES. L"lC•• Mexico. wm offerforsale tlnd ~U.at. public-sale to a New AlcxJt"O CorporalloD, the- hir,besL btdder for ('am the tGllO"N!"" dt"sctJb- PlamiUl. edreal estate!Ocated m lJnt'olnC'curt1y. New Mex~ IN 111E OlS'1'RICT COURT·OF VI. Il'Q. to-wit ~ , l.INCOLN COUNTY. NEW MEXICO No. CV~85-48$ Lol140 of the Rt'plal ufInre;btObk VJlloftc DONALDJAnREtLand. J Divisionur AddiUon to theVillaRi:' of Ruidos-o. Unl'oln • SHIRLEY CLTFF' C01UllY. New M.xi.o; I.ESS A.'ID EX, DETTYJARU.ELL,IdswHet J JIAROLD;;G CLIFF ., eRPT a. tract.{If land In [.(jt 140. n ...plnt of Plnltlllff., ) nlE WOODCLlF'JO" CORPORATION. a: . Inn.~"~k ".It-.f•• lluld",••t.mcolri (",(jun. v•• ) N'ewl'Iexlco CorporaUoD; FUlSJ' ....u.IO-.,.. UWb R(lBERT COIIONAon~ » NATIONAL BANK 0 ..... LtNCOLN CO~; ly. New 1t!exico. moreIWly desrnbM by, MIlS. ROBERTCOII01';I\. bl3"il., ) THE INTERNALREVE."'''VE: SERVICE; DU:~k'SandbounW!i9tollows: ne~nlllg nt Od(!Qd.llnb. ) EOn: RODEnTS; 'tilETEXAS CWB. the SoUlbWI'Sil ('omt!i" or $lid 1.01. 140.; •• I _v'~CL"lI LTD thcoCC"Sa9"'16' Eatung theStJutbboWl~ NO.CY.D~I•••In881 alk a.~ , 'U • , •• a .I ..... ~.. I..ot 1'"0 II -di5t.3nre- uf J3llGt • • COrpel",U."l ••~ ALL UNKNOWN d.-., • ~.". • ~ SUMMONS AND NlITlCE OFSvrrPENDI!\lG PEllSONS cLAIMING ANY l.IEN. lee': thonce N 00· 44' E 3 di5toa."0, 61,~ - ~- OR~ETOl1lg led. lheneeS8!)Oo 16"Wa d15tanC'C of131,00 STATE OF NEW 1"fEXIC0 TO: IN u:.-RrA7 .., ...... f~tli tht'Dt'e SOlo U· W .nlonglhc Wt'si MR. A.'l0 MRS. ROBERTCOIlONA, PLAlNTlFF, ~-.....-"...idtotI40"mstaJlcco!6l211 GRIlETINGS, ,1'010._", ~~."., •• d 1 ' d Y(JtI and each or yOu arc hereby i10titled that No.CV085-4tJ {ertto Ute 531 p aCt! 0.. ~6U ,mgnn ""0- there h~S beenmed In theDistrictCourtof Ltn~o1n IllvJJlon III toiniitg rUM acres more dr II!!S!I; and CoMty; New M(!xlco.d. certain callse of ',action N011CEOFSALE . All furnllure.llxwrE'a: and equtpment. C'X" "ho",lnD.nald JlilTelI3n~BetlyJarrell.bl.Wll.. NOTICSIS HEREBYGiveN lhatnn Aul\USt 12, copl leased "'!wpm.a!, 10<31"" on lbe t th 1986. in causeNo. CV08S4&31tl UteDistddC-ourlof prem.iS(!sdeS{rlbedhe~lnobove~Ati51.o! are the PInInUII,$* nnd yeu and eath 0 you are . e . 1 d· l'.nv tin t Ule furniture. flxttlrelland eqmpment t·.:w Vefendaills, the same being cause No. C'V-M-l68, \lJi1coln counb"t NewMexieu,sl)' e as:. (OS en he "b'"in·· lro- th. Law OffiC'eS o!.Uon Diy. III. on (he civil docket. Properties, Inc.• a New Mexico CcrporaUol1. OJ.... t:U alii" S'-.I R d N ihe!'t£rtetal obJed. c! said action is to to~close Plumtil:f. w. HlU'Otd G~ Clift. Sb!t1ey CUff. '!"he E. Duttvn., 229 "0 "",>i;. WBSO. ew PltlinW{1s iJlPrtgagl! "liland to the following 'WoodcliffCorporation. a NewMeXIco corporation, Mexico. 883-15. pnOT tit the dateofStile- a.-tll described n-P'ftpertK: FirstNational Bank ofllicatn. COunty* The Inler.. a list will be available to h:dt!~M on tile ··"B'I k IS .. U ~ bel' •, nol R.,·-u. ~·_J... "Edie tlotK!rts.. The. Texas -da.leo!sale nl the we t[)t'.ilti01'/;. to ~U .0;.0' -'.S~'" ~~'M.~.r.~ t...... ~un'yDc '0 tinM·~",8 ej lV1S10I1. ~~a ;;)1:.1'\1. Ii ..... ~ ~ N~... II·_lIotl..,.-..ttosellth~.~ •• •···-In ~ N - ' •• shown by Club. - Tens Club. Ud.. a COrpora .n. O,w .u p~rt). ••,~te ~111 JAUI.:V "-A.I .. e... It:a.lOO-l1O>- alA rUen Interest pe·rsona and .reDl as ont? the plat thereof filed in the oftice of the AU Unknown Persons ctalirW1gAny ..en. .... ~ ~c~.ge, If'··r,-. hiJ- ore <-1""-.1. Ute S..--w ~. I C1.rk d'" -offici· n_corder of or Title lathe PIalnWf. a Judgment. ~e ~l IkI n.... ua '<' ...... ~ ...... tin~' Caunt;.nAPrii4. 100,;. nt: Foreclosute and Order of sate wMrendered In !Jasttrshall sell the reat estate arill perscnal pro-- Said lands being mote fully described in the favorofthe Plaintiff,Investn'it!ilt Properties. Inc.. perty separately. . :I Complalnt torForeclosure olime herein. in the total sum of $233,563.al plus: InterestIIi the Sald sale thereby beitig 1n:ade to sabs!y mw You and eaCh of )·Oll are lurther notuied that iiniollDl of $115.18 per day from Bnd after August judgment.~or:suit.. ~ttornt!yf~5ro;td ih~~ unlesgYOii enter)"'OUr' appearanceot' plead herein l2., 1986 until paid and tor Court costs. attorneY of sal~ m o.rderofprionly asscl. fotlh ifi e u 101" on or before October" 13'. ]986. Plaintiff wiJl make feesandanysurrtsexpendedinkeepJng thepropEr· ment iii t.his caUSe. application to the Court£OI' judgment by deCault. ty ftee from 'W~eunWM.le; and in fnvor of DATED\his 21'Sl-day fit AUgust" 19a6. J. td and' judgment by deFault will be nmdered against FDle-c a~ liquidatoT of to'"itst NaUonal Ba~.of ~~i:i you. and each ofyou, as pra)'oo in!laid complalnL Lincoln COunty in the amount of $2!J1,20U15 in"' .SP '" . ' « 'Thenameoftheattome)''SforPJtdntiff'Is:Henry eluding Jnt.ert!sl througb June '24. 19tI6•. pll.iS itl- 'f~~'~·~;:fu( ~ C. HGstord. DJamond. Basb; Leslie &I SInlth. 'l2a wrest thereatter at the rate- of 15% aMwn• p 0 Do 256st 1"1 • Ci'y Noll -_. B -~Bldd '1:'1 Paso Texas plusattotrt-feesintht!an\ollDto£$15.000.00.PlUS ~ •.. x ~ ,/) rs.... OIlCU aUA c;.' ~, . oss reeeitts tax inlhe attlouol ttl $731.25; tbe Albuqtu~rque.Ne"'Me..id«(J81!25 .. 'i~TNF.ssMY HAND AND SF"AL orthenistrict ~lure of the aeliah being to ret01/er SIUdgment """ TeIt-ph0!le:(~J ~9 ~ __OJ_ut'l_.ur_LiI1_·coin county.-New Me)ti~o-_ . .. onpl'~'II\iW)tYnatts~t\\!tu((lt~(:iO!leT~ ~t:a~, A l:fO:::;'~:~~ .Ls1Margo.J:J:adu.}!__.l::ccllnt)tto1"-t.be.~entofStud hntf':.J!.IldJPJ!at ~._""--"'"-~..._~-~ ----.~tl9 "Kf'",street- 0 -DlSTRfcrcOURTCLERK action it was orete-ted and decreed thal said rea] - .. lro. 'I sJ SS3iS , • /s/'SlzabetbLliertisesl.ate-mortgage held by Plaintift andbbY F1DIYC K~:t~~;~~rJsl ~~ I, 'DI!:PUT'VC1.oEl\K be {oreeIos.e

i: " : ,I: I

I 1iiIlll'.·IIIIIiI''.iI:' .. ,." "'," "'" ... . 14;'::' • g. CA, k·''''-'4· W'4; ,4"At'•••4 ALe ijR 44. A,••"'. :;;''''i'.''W 1.:4· '+ """AN" P '*'.... ' ...·""""HIi.., ..'.... '''' """'.,'+if ...... , ;.@jii' r.W ·W Ii.... IM¢u.'''iif'''''''4' ""'. ..+ , , , , ". • • (

. .. . ~ 6A I The R ....c;lo$Q NeWEl "/ MQnd;ay, August 25, 19Se . , • .. • " • , . , '.

.. ..


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RUIPOSO HIGH SCHOOL • 198/10 FOOT,ALL ROSTI'R . ~. ~_ NCime q,rad.e Posi:tion Numbl\Eir L..- ',,'" ""..IU..... L --(" .".' Jeff ''WlItinshcnn 12 BACK 1<05 lQ Rod W'rlght 12 BACK 170· 11 LF~:i Philip Wright . 12 MGR 13 .. ,:' David OrC);!;ioCO I 1 . E;NO 12<0 IS ~L='::i~: Michaat SWQnnQr 10 ,BACK 1.47 17 - " ~~~~. OU$fy Beav~r51 10 BACK laS 21 • • MQtf Griego II aACK 140 22 '198e, RobbiQAndo("son 11 'aACK lAS 25 THIS WEEK'S Kirk Taylor 12 BACK 157 27 Garret Honson '12 E;NO 90 2a RUIDOSO WAR,RIOR. Ch~ck ' . .."GAME . Daniels 12 BACK 195 30 Chorlo5 Sn:1ith lQ BACK 152 31 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE , Colby DQY 12 BACK 155 32 Daniel Co.ndolariq 10 BACK 130 33 Varsity RuIdoso l3iUy Harrison , 12 BACK 1 SogurQ. Miko Spoe::k. Rldgo B01ol'lofdQn. Clondon kirkpatrick". Ro~ky VVjlJin9harn~ Torry Whorton. JarnoQ. HorrorQ.. .Jhn HofGtod ~nd Harmon FO)l(.



ASPEN PHARMACY , . '~~~' 257-0171 "All foUr The Warriors entalll:..f.....s.-.. . IfDspital Siock C.:-_==-==-L"'-\#UIlml.. -t"'1UI1VGood Luck 25~·91S2 FOUR SEASONS Stand Up And Holler!" ~== ~ 51: of the West TIriI SeaM 1-·-"--- -- =: "", __-_· A_"_w:_e tlo_!s]IJ.'!t!It!_ln,! IoJ.5...smtdmIL ~_. .______.. ~-=~~I..~.!l~.t-'~~~Pt.O'fER "_. ~ __ RUIDOSO TRAVEL -r.>~ 251-1361 .Good Luck _Warriors! 2S24 SUddeirb Orin' • A.Uidrt\o. Ntliit MUltO B8H'S - • . RUIDOSO OFFICE' SUPPLY _. NEW MEXICO GLASS CO. 1. Eunice at Capitan uWe'RE BEHIND YOU ALL THE WAYP' WE'RE FOR T"E WAIlRllJJI$I • - 1'-05 ...... PhD". 251·2211 1140 Mechem 258·5300 SiRVING CONCRnE, SAND" GUYlL .~ GoodLuckWa....iors! . . . I 4. NMMI at Hagerman' • ::;::::D050 ARlA I-B88 S Higl,auray 70atthe "Y" GO Blllel SrEAmlOtrSE 378-4747, I ·IUIDO$O STATE BANK # - CIICLIM I • ...... • Cupfta.. • G.atewuy - Carrixoxo 3. Moriarty a.t Silver City I Member FDIC ,nIMEMIATS. .. (hOVlOI! Jenhings 011 Compatly, '60 ... . SHAVER TIRE & AUTO 2. Taos at Espanola === Gasoline and Groceries .' ~O~t::>\ CollI"". Automo.l"e S...-Ic•.. Op...""".,r ..... , ....~~ . _ MIdtownMdrt t dnd 2 "f'4 ~~ .. . _ . Go Warriors! Hlc::lhwoy 70 . and "Y" Mort . 257,2621 t1itl1••, 1...... w... iN..' ...... 205 lllliEtchem , ~ "GOOD WeK" WAltfUORSI" Grand Junction, Colo., , from your hothefOWnPluiI H..... 26'1.'1678 i . I I!~ - atf='armington . 1.t5 SUdderth 1201 Medulm . , ;Uuts~ 257·5161 25a.3033 ."GO, WARRIOASln '''", -- . - ." - - , ,

•. <" -" .' ~. ~ ." ~. '. .. / .. . . " ., , ,

'PRIZE FOOTBALL CONTEST' Use your skill il1trying to prediqt the winners of the 20 game$ listed' on. these two pages. The contest is open to everyone except the employees of The ,Ruidoso News and their families. Entries must be, . ""0" . in .The R~idoso News offiqe by 5:00 P.M. on Friday. Find the 20 .. " . ~:,,' gamc:s-hst the tea':'ls y~u th~nk will win below an~ piqk the score on the tIebreaker. If a tie stIll eXIsts. the prize money will be split. Each we~k . , . the winner(s) will be notified to pick up the prize money at The This is the 1986 Ruidoso High School foot· Front r9w (from left)'are head coach Cooper RUldos~ News offic"e.Only those entries clipped from The Ruidoso ball staff. Back,row {from left) are assistant Hend'1lrson, assistant coaoh Rocky Will­ News WIll be accepted. ','. coach Ronny Maskew,' assistant coach ingham' and assistant coach Clendon , Gene, Segura, assistant cOOlch, Ridge Kirkpatrick. ~ , 1. _ Bowden and assi~tant coach Mike Speck. 11. -'- -'-_

.. 2.__'-'-~-__,.__-_-_... '12. ~ ...... • 3. --:-__ 13. _-=,...... ------'-'----- 4. --:.__' __'_'-- _ 14. _, "._._._

5. -'----_-,- ..... 15. _;;--~------~,,~~_.. _ .' ""

The .1986 RuidosO High 'School cheerleaders do a cheer. At the top Is Amy Thornton. Below her is Anne Cull. In the middle row (from left) are L1n<;ler Rad, Jennifer • H,amilton, Mitzi Ferguson, Trlna Martin and Mickie Walsh. In front Is Karansa 10. _~ .. _ Blanchard.

N arne , "' :.. ". Ti'eb'reaker . Ad.dress ' Pick the score in case of a tie: . ' , Phone jII...... t:=tu idoso .'Artesi a ~=o~,


.~ UGooa Luck/ Warriors!" BLA['iCA .. 257·2495 11.Cloudcroft at Animas BRUNELL'S ;t~~ Highway 31 . • IlLet's Play Football" • , VIDEO USA 6.Durango, Colo., at Aztec "Go, Warriors!" 16.Louisiana Tech at TUlsa 2812 SUDDERTH DRive RUIDOSO, NEW MEXICO 88345 1·505·257·7111 •

, ' .D & D BEAUTY SALON BENNEn's SHUR·SAV "We Need Your Head In Our Business" 12.Tatum at Jal Mechem Drive/Highway 37 Ruidoso, NM 1 Block West Of Middle SChool Phone 251.2744 "GO, TEAM I"

• 7.Clovis at Portales GOOD WCK, WARRIORS! 17.Toledo at Florida State~ Dr. Lynn Willard

--'~~--1=-=-=' =- ::::::====~~-_ ='--'='==-=-=- ===='=-""='='-=--===-=--:1='=-=--.;:''=-==-=-:;:-,==.,======1====,=====,::::::::::::::::::':::;--:::;' .. ~.. 1...aMI! CllNT__1 Win, Wl:Irritlul 13.Hawaii at Air Force 37'·4494 . 106 Highway 70 , .. '. HUGHES BODY SHOP . •

8.Goddard 'at Deming "Our WarrlClrs Are The Best!" 18.Prairie View at Texas Southern.. Highway 70, Ruidoso Downs Phone 378·4764 ,

. 'C& L lUMBER & SUPPLY' . " .. , , ruidoso ...i ..t center <[0 POtn> , "You're The Createst, VIIattiorsl'" i4.Angeto State at NMSU' 1308,$udaerth .. 257-7447 . _;,._.~ .. Coronado "Good Luck Teornl" , Au~o~otjve .HighWaV 70 East . Phone 378·4488 Point , finIshes . . ..

.9.Lovington at Hobbs .19.Miami, Florida, at South Carolina.....,J.-... • ALL ·I·RIWAY, 8LU·II , • , , SIERRA BLANCA MOTORS AlGO, WARRIORS!" is.Northern Michigan at UTEP (oinplete5"election (JM, ' ". Subaru and Jeep Vehicles HighwClY 70 We.t Phone 257.4081 Dub and Kathryn Williams . ..'

. INC~ , WGH COUNTRYMOTORS, . 20.Southern Utah . 10.St Michael's at 8100mfield 0 ChrysleroPIYm.0uth Dodge at Northern Ar~ona 1056 MECHEM "GOQD LU~Kf 'l'EAMl" "" 25~55

• .. • 2.Q;;:W''''';i4Q,--Q;:;;''''fIIIiii4¥ 44'4,,;:::;( 41,".4". Qt. '*;;.. 1, .... 'fI;- i ... "4<3«','QFW ·4.-.' , ••• ' , ' , . ," "",' ,'''=-''''1'''', ~,. '""' ....,"~... -"!"·""""' ...... ".....--",: ...... """!I',r.-'OI!''',... ·r'... ·'W'..,f,4,iijPi:;,t\i*iif"l'+t...... ,....!""'!'ii .. ""!+ 'F.. 1M "II ,IS '41 #, *'" ';';4,. "'.n ,.. &:;q,,"t;:W,'t.,.:e;;a(A, iIjf'''''''

" , , " ~ . .; " . . , . I .. f1.AI The. Ruid<>$<> N'!'JWs I Monday, August 25,1986 I, '_,' ,5 "I t; I ports I

- . 4, -- " I I . I Flamingo Club defeatsFi~e,·'19-6t I I. . . ' . I I forwolllen's slo~pitch softball title I . .

by GARY BROWN of fO\lr games. However, they went Earlier in the one-ilay tourna­ Sport~ Writer ,on to win2Q straight ~s for a ment, tile Flamingo Club dumped 22·2 regular-season' recor

. Ruidoso High· School quarterback Jeff Will­ mage in Roswell. Willingham soored one of ingham (dark jersey) eViildes a Clovis player , RUidoso's two touchdowns In the during Thursday afterl1Qon's'footbali sorim. scrimmage.

" . . .Ruidoso impressive THE LIGHT TOUCH

• I. , in· grid scrimmage By by GARY J;iROWN enro11rtlent comRared to ours,we Ron McWitliaDis News Sports Writer did pretty good. One thing about making a bank I Ruidoso had some trouble runn­ . Ruidoso High School's defending ing the ball against the quick, big loan··at least I know someone I,' state AAA-division champion varsi· Clovis defense. But the Warrior Is gOing to call me. ty football team will get ready tl1is defense also containedtheWUdcats o. • J/I .' week for Friday'S (AUgUst 29) down well. I have always thought that season-opener With Artesia. ' Now \he WarriQfS win get ready Nostalgia as life In the PAST I The Warriors are coming off an for Friday's battle with visiting lane. . ilIlpressive scriimnage perfor­ Artesia. Ruidoso beatthe1984 state •• • mance against defending state AM-division champions, 14-13, in Some people can carry a tune AAAA-division champion Clovis last season's opener, /lnd the alright but they seem to stagger last Thursday in Roswell. Bulldogs figure to be looking for under Ihe load. Ruidoso. scored two touchdowns revenge thistime around. .. ,. ,.

" in goal-iine offense on 1G-yard runs "They scrimmaged the institute :rhlngs haven't changed much. by Kirk Taylor and Jeff Will­ (New Mexico Military Institute) People still grow up, leave lrigham. The Warriors added a last Friday and looked pretty. home, get married and have 30-yard field goal by Gar:ret ~ood;' Henderson sald of Artesia. Henson. . 'They: had a running back who kids. Only difference is, today Clovis scored on a 10-yard lookeJl tough. they do!)'t always do It in that '. quarterback keeper and a 1G-yard "I think they looked stronger order. ' ... 4i • '. .. '.- - I • .f pass, both coming in goal-line of- than they did at this time last .,.~. ,.~- ~ . fense plays. season." "Business is great!" said the ~~~ ~ The Warriors came out of the Against Clovis, Ruidoso was scissors grinder. "Never saw ..... 0 scrimmage without any injuries without the services of guard Sid things so dull", 0' •_:.,"-.'';'<....I ,..rtt.... and the coaches were pleased with Garcia and second-string .. .- , , the play.. " quarterback-Unebacker Rod However, we're pretty sharp at r' "We were real pleased Qverall," Wright. the HOUSE OF ., said Warrior head coach Cooper Both were out with injuries but, KELIlAM. See us for all your Henderson. "Oltt defense perfonn­ should be ready for the Artesia • ed realwen. contest. gift needs. "We saw some areas where we The Warrior freshmen will start • 2325 Sudderth The Flamingo Club's Susan Ruch (left) Sunday. The Flamingo Club won, 19·6, for needto improve onbothoffense and practice. at 1 p.m. today (Monday), Pbone'25"7-2492 scores a run In the Lincoln County Its third straight tournament title. Team ~efense: But we hope to keep August 25. Most of the players pro­ Women's Slo,Pltch Softball League Tourna­ photos of the Flamingo ClUb and Fire will nnprovmg. bably will be from RUidoso Middle ment championship game with the Fire appear In Thur~day's ~uldoso News. "Considering Clovis and its School's 3-3 team oflast season. '. f~ Fishing report CUSTOM CASTING and "'Hello, I have a veryleaky faucet Rio Ruidoso: The fishing is fair. , Some trout are being taken on mar~ and I sawyour adinthe Contel shmallows and fireballs. The river was recenUy stocked. dEWELRY REPAIR Alto Lake The fishing ls fair. John Foster is here again with his Yellow Pages...... " Some trout are being taken on mar­ handmade .14k ,gold'and sterling silver shmallows and fireballs. The lake was rece¥~stocked, jewelry, at very reasonable prices. • • ,~ -~-'--S-~~~jjt/l~:6~~i~ngo~:~~: ----ORNA.'ENTA~-- shmallows and fireballs. The lake· ..·- - -,.. was recently stocked. BRASS , , Factory Direct Savings 40% To 75% HAND CAOCHETEDITEMS•••PER~ECTGI~TSI 10.. 5 DAILY THRU LABOR DAY ~... ~' at the . , - ~~ • .••i1i • SWAPM'ART ; .R. _ '. ~~ · :1 . "- _.. • 1 . " ~ ~. - • BUFFET, , . , .-::. n. BREAKFAST.$.a..65/adult . . " .. Whispering Mon." Fri. - 6 AM· 11 AM Pines, Sat. . Sun. ...:.. 6 AM . 11:30 AM - NEW PAVEl) ~OAD ...... Q IiEstAURANt -Drinks, cereals,' sweet rolls extra- . cOnte} Sales RepreSe,:,tatives . , Great Amerlcan~. AreNoWIn'{'own· . , Land and LPNCH $4.10/adult . . Mon.. Fri. - 11 AM • 2 PM .Cattle Company\: , , ~ Sat. < Sun. - 11:30 AM . 2 PM and -Drinks Extra- They'n turn to you. Redmen Club § N1GIJTBtJFFET $6.. 50/adult , featuring . ' . {May 15 . September 1} When people need helpin a hurry, they turp most K£VIN Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sundays Only oftento tbl! Contel Yellow Pages, And don'tyou Southwest's finest > -Drlnks Extra- , want to beright where they'll look tti'st? entertainer SUNOAY LVNCH BUFFET You want yOUi' ad easy to trod. Youwant • the directory tum to ~ . Dining and Dancing 11:30 AM· 2 PM $6.50/adult more pc;:ople -Drinks Extra- 'theContel YeU~w Pages. All begfnningat I 5:30 p.m. dail¥. You Are Welcome T(Ji 'Ret....uTo The Buffet For Contactout . FR.EE SECONDS · £===~=-===s =;'L"":, BusinessOtlice'at ., Directly across C" ==- ' ... 257-7474. from racetrack . . R 'h MUl! Wl!ilt Of tbe PQst Offite IJppetCad1l0d . ., em/I/lle/lltd 1Wepbm/e .\)".<1<'//1 '...... NEW, PAVEl' ROAD ...... ~ t , ) , , I· .' • I '" ".'" ,...,'~~.,...... ,....-'I""!"'" II"""''''''''~....,.-II!''''"''""..,-,.....,,..,,.~''r---,...-_I''''''''.l''''''''' ~ '~',... p, P,FF,...... , ... ":"'" ...... ,---I'''''"''''"-''''''''''"',...,.,...... ,,.....,,.--.,.....---.7,T'r ..... r .... , " . ' ., .", . . . ''',1' I.

, ' . • .,. . ... , • • " Monday, Avgust 25',1.9Se '-The Ruidoso News I 9A .. , v~lleyball , ",. Around " , " ~ - Warrior team , 'porte ,prepares for scrimmage • ~ .. . . . \Nlth Gary Brown by GA.RY BROWN AugUl>t 2~, the playerl> will work out Spo,rts Writer from 1 to 3 p.m. .' Ruidol>o will have both varl>ity LlIbor'Oay weekend shot,l1d be II big sports weekend in the Ruidoso . Ruldol>o High School'l> volleyblIll lind junior varsity tel\ffil> in the por- IIreli. , . . team will prlIctice ,thil> week for tales I>crl=ge. ' Besid,es the openiJJg of the high /lchool football I>ell/lon; the Lincoln • SlIturday's (August 30) I>crimmage Freshmen Tarll Miller lInd County Men'l> Softball League mIl hllve a big open tournament Fri· at P9rtllles. '. ' Chlll)tel !'l0wen wHl join the junior ~agle Cree~ ""',,',,,,' The .,Warriorl> ,wIll compete varsIty Uneup. Complex. ,',_. ",c .:' : . , Atleaste,ghtlocal teams probablymllcompete m the tournament. , 'againl>t several othertellIDI>bel>i4es Ruidoso will open the season Tourrnunent organizers are hoping for as many al> 40 teaID$ to'par- the host Rl\m$. Roswell, Artesia Thursday,September 4, lit ticipate in the competition. ' ., , lind Portl!les also will participllte in Tulllrosll. The Warriors' wm play, .'l'hiS hilS been a strong season in the men'/lleague.' ". ; ',., ' , the scrilIU'ntlge. " both Vllrsity lind juniorvarsity.mllt- There are 19 teams competing against each other. Five of the '~",~,'---- Ruidoso will work out from 9 lI.m. ches IIgainst theWildcllts. ' '--,'"".:' <:... , ,:" ,, ~ to 2 p.m. todllY (Monday), August' The WlIrriors' home I>eason will teams competed in the state toumament. Some other local ,teaID$ , also qualified for it, but could not compete for a variety ofreasons. 25, lind Tl,1el>day, August 26. begin SlIturday,_ September 6, The Open tournament should offer local /loftball fllnl> a chance to WednesdllY, August 27, the WlIl'- against Artesill.There will be var­ watch some o( the state'/l best teaml> go at it; ,. '. ,. riorl> will work from ,1 to 3 p.m. I>ity, junior varsity and frel>hmlln . FollOwing the open tournament, the Lincoln County Men's Softball Thurl>dllY, AUgul>t 28, lind FrldIlY,· mlltchesagllinst the Bulldogs, ,' League will have its leaglle,tournament Tuesday through Saturdll;Y', . SepteQ:lller 2-6, at Eagle Creek Sport:> Complex. ' It should be a good ending to the local I>oftball season. , "******** Sports activities this week High School football and Volleyball won't be the only spOrts Ruidoso High School will have thiS fall. I Monday: League bowling at Ruldol>o Bowling Center, continuing The'Warrlol," cross-country tellID,will start soon with the ijegin\ling '. through week. ,' of school. .. Tuesday; Lincoln. COWlty Men's Softball League games at Eagle Senior Gllbe Tam leads the returning runners. ' Creek Sports Complex, starting at 6:15 p.m:, ' Tamtook /lixth in the state AAA-division cross-country champion­ Wednesday; Lincoln Gounty Men's SoftbaU,Leagu!l gamel> atEagle ships la/lt fall. :lie also finislJedthird in the state track 1,600 meters Creek Sports'Complex, starting at 6:15 p.m. ' and fifth in the 3,200 meters.ll\$t spring. , . There should be plenty ofexcitln.g action like this In the 'l'hul,"sday: Lincoln County Men'/l Softball Lellgue games at Eagle :lie should be one of the top runnerl> in the state this faU. Leagu~ Creek Sports Complex, starting-at 6:15p.m. ' ' , Ruidoso has some other returnees who also could do well this "Lincoln County Men'S Softball open tourna­ . Friday; Ruidol>o High School varsity football team to !l.ost Artesia, I>eason. ment this weekend, I>tarting at 7: 30 p.m. Capitan High School varsity football team to host Eunice, starting at 4:30 p.m. Lincoln County Men':; Softball .. .. League Tournament at Eagle Creek Sports Complex, starting in the , ...... eV~~day: Ruidoso High ~hool ~arsity and junior varsity ...... volleyball teams in scrimmage at Portalel> High School,all day. Lin- .. coln County Men'/l Softball League Tournament at Eagle Creek Sport:> Complex, all day. Ruidol>o Soccer Association matches at WhIte Mountain School, starting at 9 a.m. . •


Get the ballcarrier!

Some Ruidoso High School defensive players (dark football scrimmage. Rvldosow'ill open the season Fri­ jerseys) tackle a Clovis player during last Thursday's day against visiting Artesia.

Corne inaddsee the great new looks in Petty, Masseywin Colts and Fillies tourney our selection offall casual clothes• .' ' by GARY BRoWN flight's secend round was best-ball '. were second at 203. Kodi Thomas 2716 SUDDERTH PHONE: 257-4695 Sports Writer andthe third round was scotch. arid Allln Thomas finshed third at • "We both played good," Massey 206. ' Mike Massey .aJ'ld Karon Petty saidaftertile competition. "Wejust A total of 68 golfers competed in shot a 184 to Win the cbampionsmp kepttheballinpltly allthetimeand the three-day tournament. ., ' ofthe first fiight in the annul:l1 Colts stayed dose." ,. NOTES-Alto Lakes Golf and and Fillies Golf Tournament at Alton McEver and Polly Ellis COuntry Club will dominate local • Cree Meadows Country Club were the second flight winners, golf competition thiIl week. Today Space+Style Sllturday. ,shooting a 189.5. , (Monday), August 25; the Pro­ Massey and Petty won. !>y 12 Dorothy Burgess and Clyde. Em- Member Tournament will be strokes over second-l?1ace finishers mons were second at100. played at Alto•.•The Alto LlIdies Wally llnd Sue HaiTis, who had a Andy Pipkin and Juanita Pipkin Club Champiouships will be played 196. took the third flight With a 195. Tuesday throughThursday, August SU 'ARU@ 3 Door Oave Krezer and Cathy Rairston Bob Palmer and Debbie Palmer 26'-28. finished third at 197. 4"Wheel Drive -"--~assey-and"-Petty-shot-a-'G5 -in--·------,-.----.------"~----"--- Thursday's liM.round scotch'com­ petition. They came back with a 57 111 thesecond t"Ound Friday anda &Z in the final round Saturday. Thesecondllnd third roundswere best-ball competition in the first and second flights., The third

- . • Aoorn for five people • Soft·grip tilt steering wheel .39.8 CUbic feet of cargo space .AM/FM MUltiplex 4-speaker BETTER with rear seats down stereo systam .5-speed transmission with '. , . ,. ~ , -Split fold-down rear seat SERVICE" . , .... , ...... ~. t...... ,.. '* . - Rearwiper and defogger • Hill-Holder'" or automatio FOR '!' ..~~ # ~i ,transmission . 1 I')1.... _ '. .... "'.~... -'" ~ . YOUR ., _~< ...... :_....~.,.~ d~.-. ,. .ct..,', THE .,SaS SUSARU: JiIit~~-"'-' ..""'11: ' ...... ~ HEARING AID •.. ~~ ~ l"· .~ ,. ~_ __ _ _ ... MEANS SEHER Inexpensive. And built to stay that way. Opening August 4th :-- HEARING FOR VOU. Be sure to visit our next LA RINCONADA GALLERV l3eHone Service Center. featuring works by ~SIJ.ARU.1:FI I • . 'Rl/ltJUfJ iWI'ltilltT MItHtJlf , . CING. ...clay, a.....t 27 Peter Hurd, Henriette Wyeth, Michael Hurd, • 3,...f05p••• Carol Hurd, and Peter Rogers. ,SIERRA, " at ~signed prints ~ limited edition prints - or!ginals works ~. , PlAZA DEE JEWELRY watercolors- BLANCA, PLA%A SHOPPIHG (EHYER For more informotion, Or Call, .' $~. Please write, . SpS-653-4331 Santa Ana Editions 505-653-4542 MOTORS 824( North Main P.O. Box 100 By Appointment Highway 10West-257·4081 Roswell, New Mexico 88201 Diona Badger " 1·622·0375 San Patrieio, NM B83'48 Ii, ,

- . " , i',_ <~, •••-,,~. ,",",,~,: ,..." ".... ~,,..., :""""'17":"""''''''''''': ':""10' _ ...... , ...... ;su; ""i ....Yf4. ;q ":1.•'*' .... AVqzP4. f4.FH """'+9 f':;;;" ¥ .' $A 9*:'J54.\O.4M44#UC;; i4 q is 2 4' $.) 44:: ; 44, l!! tAla,.

~ .' .

, . ,, , 10A 'The R~ldQ$Q News I Monday, August 25, 1986 _" ' '" _" ,', " ,_ , ;f . r. ·. , .. , . , ·r

S·•· •. uslness- - . ", .'.. -'.. .' ,

'. '. -, . ' ..

. " '. ;: " 'What is itcalled?- HOlDe supplies Dave Pfeffer's restaurant. A .Good Place ,reasonable prices.. Celebrating the rib" The Home Supply Center, 1500 sud· lighting fixtures. fans, vanities, a large to Eat, opened for business AUgust 4. bon cutting are (from left) Ruidoso derth Drive, celebrated its grand open· selection of fluorescent light bulbs and The restaurant. at 451 Sudderth Drive In Valley Greeters Nancy Radziewicz, Nan­ ing last week. The center opened July 1 more. The store opens at 8 a.m. Monday the Gateway Center, Is open from 6

The Ice Cream Churn / ~ .. ~'. opened August 13 in The ~,.~ , Paddock shopping ~, . center. The natidnal ice

cream franQhise is own· ..... ~~ ed by Barbara· and Jack ~ .. ': DIPaolo and features 15 old fashioned ice cream " flavors, sundaes, shakes and more. Shop hours are from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. "COMETOMAMA" by PeggyJones seven days a week. "EM·ERGING ARTISTS SHOW" Celebrating the -ribbon cutting. are (from left) .\'lUgust 30. 1986 Ruidoso Valley Greeters Reception & Open House 6:00 •9:00P.M. Jackie Rawllns, Shirley Artists Will Be Present McCormack. manager Featuring works by the following: {n:~.3,688 sq.ft. warehouse on large lot. Prime forstorage facl1lly. chambers or the Municipal Building in ltuidoso freight bre.:lk point, Midland.Texas, .. Downs. Ref. 365356.3010·3020 Kermit Hwy. Odessa. Texas. approx. 5.66 acre!r.:let· $ 171,500 /5/.10 Aiii:tJ'enklnS '. Clei'klTrea~u.rer . Approl\. 33.000 sq. fl, ofbuilqings. .' ..- Legol1l4695 21 (8) 25. 28. . MultifamilyI Townhouses Ref. 365269. P.:lrtlallY complete 73·unit condo development onapprox.7.1 acres plus $ 1,20P,OOO approx 3.1 acresexcess. (Jse your imagination.Midland, Texas. Ref. 36s()()S -Casa Cawo...southwestem style27·unit apartment complex. close to $148900, -'. ~hoto Shoppe business 1 industrial districtS. Midland. Texas. Rer. 365052 ·11 IownhoThl!S. some Incomplete and 40 additional lots. Investmentpotential $ 75p.000 and excellent location. Midland. Texas.' . . , and. Ref. 353268 • WiUowTree Condomin'l'ums. 4Gl units c:on!io project with potential to $ 483,090 expand 10 200units. Some units need repairs, Approximately 14.8 .. .:leres. Interstate 20 frpntage. Ruidoso Gems ..

Closing Out! • VIDEO TAPE AVA1LJ\BLE}"OR $25. TIllS AMOUI'IT .. IS CREDITED TO PURCHASE PRICE OFANY SUBJECT pROPERTY. 0 .. . "". 20 to 50 /0 Off Everything , " ,Photo Equipment at Wholesale . "SlddlngTerms and Conditionsof ~ale" (Offers other than cash will no! be considered.)· ~ .. ,. Includes= '. - . ..". . ." . 1)PropertY to besold ()n ,,""as is. cash basis:' 2)rIVe percent EamestMoney(Cashiers Check or Lenses, Filfers; Tripods and Bags Money Order). 3) Sealed bids will be.:la:epted untJI 3 pm. CST, September22. 1'986. • . 50%) Off All Jewelry . F'or bid packages and property inspections contact: - . the o"med Real Estate Dept.atMidland. Texas 915 1665·6524 or w rile to.: Betty Byrom Sale goes thru Labor Day-Or Sooner·lf All Sold .. The Federlll Depo81t tn8tiraneeCo...... ratlon . P.0.8ox3146 Midland. Texas 19702 '.. . . "ncludes Fixtures and Supplies • '1011 Mechem' . . . "ThePa~dock"

~ , • ~ ~ lioii;;.llil.o'..,;.,.~liro,,; ~' -4ioro,.~~~ "'"'~.~...; .-#«;;. '-.:. · .. liiliic.JIiio!,..iioio,.· ...·:iiiio,o...... ' ...... b ';f'.' .••,p).th ...... '4iIIO,:,,'...... _ ....,...... ' 'IIii, ....: ...... ~ ...... --'''' .~ • • • ., ..I"

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Monday, AUgUflt• _ 25, 1986n The RUidoso News I 11 A', Commission hears sheriff report·on department stat\ls , .' .. ' . - , - .' ., , ' . bYl..!N'PA PONPi:Fl tinue,d, "but if itwere,to happell, we with very littl~ ~lctra elq~ense tQthe l4,064gallons of gas in CQunty, 94.6 commissioners: mittee to inspec,t road closure reo.. News Capitan. e,ureau mUllt be prepared. This unit will be county," SullIVan elCplamed. "The gallons of gas Qut of county, 12.1 , --Received final budget approval quest for pa.rt of road A.Q04, request utilized for all types of rescue majQr elCpense was offset with con­ average mUes per gallon, 261 cases from New MelClco Department of made by AnthQny E. Treat. LinColn County ,Commissioners ,Qperations. The depl1ties', volunteer fi,scation Qf equipment as a result Qf cleared, 46 percent-cases aative Finance ,and A<:lmi.nistration, -Received permission from heard a silC month statistical report ' fQr assignment tQ this unit and con- . narcotic seizures...' ,, solve ratio, 71 accidents, 211 animal -Approved Sun Valley Sanita, Phelps Anderson to use a building' frQm the Sheriff's Department and tribute extra time and effQrt tQ this" ,Sheriff SulliVan also tQld comn'Lis. calls, 118' training sessi9ns, 332 "tion District, pelldinginvestigation on hiS property to bouse tbe Hondo conducted rQutine business at their ' program." ' siQners Bill Elliott, Ken Nosker and 'hours in court, $24,776 vehiclee~­ Qf proper procedure. , Ambulance. regular meeting Tuesday. The, Sheriff's Department has a A.W. "Gnat" ,Gnatkowski "the pense, 90 narcotic CaseS, $5,036 ~Approved New Hor,izons ~Accepted resolution 011 Lincoln Sheriff Tom Sullivan asked com­ mobile crime l;lb' now, SulliV;lll dollar ;lmount of, n;lrcotics con- value of narcotics' seized. $97,231 Developmental Center agreement. County Special Assessment District missioners· to especially note a '. reported. The lab is set, up' in;l tiscated'is down, however,narcotlc reported stolen property, $48,733 , -Directed the road superinten­ One. _ recently created' "Tact .Unit" camper trailer confiscated as;l cases ;lnd arrests are up, because recQvered stolen property; a 50 per~ dent to inspect Capitan School bus '-Approved an agreement with within the department. ' result Qf a n;lrcQtic ,seizure. The lab our efforts were directed tow;lrd cent recQvery rate, 18 elctrac:Iitions. ' route road that crosses Magado. Lincoln Heritage Trust. ' "This unit is be~g trai,ned by allows the investigator to take the the 'persQns selling and dealing Dispatcb statistics reported in­ Creek and to begin work on it, --Awarded Sierra Blanca Airport Deputy Rex Skellett who has had crime lab to the scene of all major drugs. An undercover oper;ltion' cluded fatal wrecks-3. injuries~22, ~Granted that $100 from Road study to, Bobannon'liuston, prior experience' aJld i's crimes and have all the supplies netted 49 persons amI 97 narcotic 1'10 injuries-53, ambulance caUs-l48, Lodgers' Ta~ Fund be 'ldded to, .Albuquerque. pending contract knQwledgable Qf this type of 0R.era, and equipment to properly process rcl;lted ch;lrges being filed. The _wrecker callS-80, fire calls-32,' prize money for Sierra'Blanca Air­ negQtiatiQns. Wilson and Company, tiQn," Sullivan elCpllifned. " This the crime scene. In conjunction undercover operation resulted in phone caUs-21,215, ,adto port Commission Logo Contest. . 1\.Ibuquerque, is ne>ct choice if con- ' unit has trained in rapelling off of withthis lab an electric generator, the largest narcotic bust ever in calls-36,379, number, of walk­ """;Approved cooperative agree­ tract is not satisfactory 'with high objects, buildings, et cetera. confiscated on another narcQtic Lincoln County...' , . ins-3,633, hours of training-5, ment with RuidQSQ Downs for Spr' Bohannon-Huston. The unit has trained in hostage seizure, gives investigators the use In the sheliff's statistical report schools attended-2. lng Road. situations and is capable of coping of 110 volt electricity at a crime the department had 150 total ar­ Jail statistics were as follows: ,-Awarded bid for repairs to, Car­ -Nosker requested CiluntyClerk with potential terrorist groups, scene. Flood lights have been made rests, 117 citations, 1,403 traffic total man days;2,671, meals rizozo and Ruidoso County Fran Siddens begin taJQngall which ,are. on the increase, Qn portable stands to light up the stops, 1,063' calls bandled, 536 civil sel'Ved-7,959, C.S.B. plisoners-28, Buildings to Baun CQrporation; minutes at Sierra Blanca Airport worldwide." scene -and for nighttime road papers sel'Ved, 699 Qffense reports, juvenile prisoners-24, alien Alamogordo. 1"our liids were Committee meetings and to file all "We. never want any of these blocks. ' 172,959 mile.s traveled in thecounty, prisoners-166, local prisoners-130. received., . reconlings of tbose meetings for the situations to occur," Sullivan con- "This has been accomplished 8,?01 Inlles traveled out of county, In other business tbe; -ApPDinted a road review com- public.' , , ...

, I I II •" •

, • Grady Eldridge (adult at left) helpfl his Shirley Goodloe (adult at right) With young , The top two steers wait patiently during honors. McKibben is from Oorona and granddaughter Aflhley Martin and several Patrick and Bryan Hightower. The two to six Judging at the Lincoln Oounty, Fair. First Oopeland hails from Olaunch, Copeland otherentrants In the lead c,laflfl competltion year aids showed sheep and goats. Martin. and Grand Ohampion heavy weight market also won Grand Ohampion and Reserve at the Lincoln Oounty Fair-Stewart Barry, took top honors as Grand Champion, but all steer WaS Alvle McKibben's steer (right) Grand Ohampion with two of her breeding Melissa Proctor and Mary Beth Bond-dur­ entrantfl were declared First Places. followed by Sandra Oopeland's entry (left) stock heifers. Ing Judging in that clafls. Also helping out is which took Reserve Grand Ohampion • • Cqunty fair winners are announced

Lincoln County' Fall.' Junior Market Steer-Sandra'Copeland, Johnna Patterson. ,Award and Trophy Winners -Seef Showmanship-AIvie In the open class, awards were ." include: MCKibben. presented to: ' -Special Lead Class-a~es two to . -Grand Champion Market -Best Garden Exhibit-Sid fivc-AslJley Martin. t.amb-Johnna Patterson. ' Goodloe. . -Special Lead Class-ages six to -Reserve Grand Champion -Adult Flower Show-Fred nine-casey Cunningham. Market Lamb-Warren Russell. Pfingsten. " -Outstanding Leathercraft -Grand Champion Dairy Goat- -Adult Art Show-Gwenda Exhibit"Paul Zinno Renee Roper. McDaniel. -Outstanding Clothing Exhibit- ..,..Reserve Grand Champion -Best Photography-Frankie Candice Byrd, Corona. . Dairy Goat-Ronnie Aragon., Jarrell• ...:...outstanding Exhibit by first, -Champion Pen of Broilers- -Clothing Department-Betsy year .f.H member-Stacy Erwin. Tracy Stone. .' Martin. • ...:...outstanding Exhibit by second -Champion Rooster-Tracy , -Baking Department-Ruth" year 4-H member-Brett Barham. Stone. Shannon. ...:...outstandingFoodExhibit-Leah -champion Hen-Tracy Stone. -Canning Department-Dorothy Patterson, Carri20ztl. -Champion Pen of Three Talley. ~pecial Effort in 4-1I lIome Rabbits-Nathan Fuchs. -Be'st Knit Article-Linda Economics-eandice Byrd: • -Reserve Champion Pen of Ponder. -Best 4-H Garden Exhibit-Tracy Three Rabbits-Tycie Traylor. -Best Crochet Article-Linda .Stone. -Champion Buck-Dawn Ponder Q. k t n -Grand Champion Market Stricker. ,. -BeSt Rug-Elsie Keyes.UIC " carpe ,Ina Swine-Ronald Joiner. , -~eserve Champion Buck-Casey -BestQuilt-Nancy Bowen.,. . • ---'---"=-'=Res'erve~~Grand~,Champion~,~CUJlninghmp:;, .' ~Best-Ne~dlepolnt-:Dollte~-~-~JOeArmstrong-~has~ope-':"'n~e~d--"-Cightn. a specialty. Ca1J354·2714for fre~. Market Swine-Kerry Clements. -champion Doe-Tycle Traylor. Proctor. Ings" carpet and upholstery cleaning estimates. -Swine Showmanship-Gail,-Reserve Champion Doe-Ronnie V' -turBest Woodcraft-John Paul service in Oapitan, Water removal also is Aragon., Aragon. " en a. ' -GrandChampioil MarketSteer- , ...:...outstanding Farm Mechanics AMe MclGbben. . Exbii?it-Kelly Rachel.'. •' . -Best Weaving EldJibit-Bessie . . , -Reserve Grand Champion .....JIm Rachel.' Traveling Trophy" Jones. '

, , Did '1011 know P&Z handles The Ruidoso News Trustees consider water law change now ..eaches MOte ,subdivision, than 1;600 ..eade.... by LINDA PONDER Ohl delinquentbill'will be sent to must do. Ifthey are not, proposals • News Capitan Bureau the renter andthe property owner. Will belettohire a GOB engineer. It by LINDA PONDER ,Iler week in the , ,Underwood advised. llccording to isa state requireme,nt to have a News Capitan Elureau fi Capita'n :Board of 1'rustees law; thepropertyowner is ultimate­ GOB engineer overseeing the The Lincoln County Planning and , . '-'-:p' .~ discussed guidelines fOt an l\II1end­ ly responSible for the bill and a lien ~~ect. , , ~-<{i~, I , ment to the village water ordinance can be placed against the property., , --'Agreed to pay necessary ac­ Zoning (P&Z) Commission award­ ~\\;~" .. Ca~ifan ,II· in a speclll1 meeting Wedil.esday. It was formerly believed proper­ counts payable, ' .' ed a preIiminaryfinal platapproval "~ AttorneyJohn UnilerwOOd wasin­ ty owners could sign a statement­ for Mon Jeau subdivision at .their a..ea?! ," structed to begin legal proceedings relieving them,of obligations incur­ mee~g 'I'hurllday. . _. • I Engmeer John Shaw was gJ.ven for the proposed ordinance. red by renters. That is not so. ac­ approval with a stipulation that the documents and publication. cordlrtg to village officials. , '. • , Mayor :Benny Coker and trustees Coker instructed Village clerk Soil Conservation ServiCe. mUllt Kelly Beavers, Norm Renfro, Virginia Spall.to send notices to all review the subdivision' site' and· Most of these readers' ate clistomers DaVid ROUleaU and Dave propert:\!' owners who have signed Around Town assure P&Zthat soil erosion will be . Strickland agreed the proposed or~ such a statement, that it is invalid, ., - controlled through terrain shop in comm~nity. , Trustees believe the, proposed managemel!t. who regularly your dinance wotildbe' made up lIf' Ja:zzerciseOpen HOUSe will begin The commission's concern'stems several proVisillnS: ," water ordinance will be lleneficial at 7 p.m. Wedriesday, August 27. at. from the location of the proposed Shollldd't YOII' be. telling the... ,abod ---water bills not paid by the 15th ,'to both the village and property the old drug store, Firstand Nogal. subdivision, which is comprised of of each month woul(l be delinquent. owners"since it will not allow three Everyone is invited to ,get ac. steep terrain and rough country. -on the, 15th a second notice or more:months of bills to ac­ quainted with Jazzerclse, a top cumulate. In most cases the $SO P&Z members Mack Bell, Sid yO,lIr husinest' Indthe services you would'besent to'water user.' fitness program in the U.S. ABa Goodloe, E.J. Fouratt, LaMoyne '-in 30 days the meter will be water deposit 'will cover one or two special offer new students who disconnected " , months' bills. ' Peters, ,Betty Schrecengost and *. register at the open house will Alton Whitaker agreed to two road oHer? --at that time the meter will be In other business, trustees: , receive a 20 percent discount. For If , "-'"Agreed to investigate project variances in the subdivision' moilitored. water is still passing more information call Karen becaUlle of terrain and since the AT354~2288 through the meter it will be taken llians ' by Dennis Engip.eer~ng. Reimann 336-4118. CALL LINDA out at a charge of $SO. An interest Socorro, and,Atkins Eng1l'leermg, rOad is not a county road aM will rate of10 percentwillbe charged on Roswell, to assure they are not Capitan Chamber of Commerce never be a school bUll route. Fo" I"FO"III"TI08 ABOUt /UlVEfrfISIMC 08 tillS PACE all'31 day delinquent bills. duplicating the work a Ge!,eral :Bingo will begin at 7, p,m. }h\U's­ A fire escape route was also in- day, August 28, at the fair bwldlng. cluded in the final plat. ,'. ---if the ptoperty is rented, notice Obligation•.Bond (GOB) engmeer , , . , .. '" ,. . "-'. -. . • "'" '.. ..,. , - -- .,." ,.~.~- -,. , ---o:","~ '.1 If""'".";,,. ".,'.11I. ,", .•• '' ',,(,••, .. f '.'~! q44= 'H-" '."'¥4*!II(Cfi\' ;.; ,1.1.4" t,.".#; :; . Ii; .It A 4 :; 4 ¥' All 44.1 .4 A;

" .. \ 7A I The ~uidoso News I Monday, August 25,1986

H0 SPi tal-~-~-I-n~ot-h-er-'-b-u-si-n-es-s-,-t-he"';,''"'b-o-ar-d"'":'""o-f~G-h-O-s-t'-R-a-n-ch-, -ne-a-r-;\..-b-i-qW-·-u-.~-'-"-, I' trustees: -E1eard, a report pn the hQspital Continued from page 1A , ~Hear

they cannot refuse medical care to needed more continuing education' a treasury balance of 77,000 from, " "i any county resident. Cox said. hours to be completely Certified to auxiliary president Sally Avery. ~' MOQre told the board the propos­ rUn the clinic io Carrizozo himself, .: ed name change did represent a' , -Discussed a conference for -Heard the hospital 'awdliary , compron'ltse among the hospital administrators, which is shop would be close

Airport ris's, plan to'act. as a judge, ,and' at the meeting that Sanders has a Morris agreed to coordinate the three-year contract at $75 an hour , Continued from page 1A contest rather than act as a judge. that can be terminated by the coun­ village. , In' other business Thursday, the ty after 30 dllYS notice. 'Business after hours " Commissioners voted during a re­ commission: " '-Unanimously approved a pro­ . cent special meeting to award a -Welcomed COUllty Clerk Fran posal b.y tne JJniversity of New Area business people enjoy the relaxed sponsored Business After Hotlrs: Pic­ $500 prize to the winner of the'logo 'Siddens to the meeting. Nosker MeidcoDepartment of ContractAr­ atrTlqsphere at Guaranty Abstract 8< Title,' ,tured are (from, left) chamber Executive contest. It was decided at that thanked the County Commission for chaeology 'to complete the, en­ vironmental process on the airport Co. Tuesday. A group gathers once a ' Dlrector,John Jeffers, Pat ,Breedlove an'd meetillg to ask each governing body 'apprpving Siddens' offer to 'record month for the Chamb,er of Commerce Bethany Delling. member of the five-member group . SBAC meetings and keep.official land. "This,is a prerequisite to any , to prOVide a contest judge and $100 records. # constructioll that we can start out toward the prize. ' there," sai

Bear visits for dessert U.S. Hepresentative Joe Skeen ,of Lincoln County at 11 a.m. at The Later that evening, Skeen will . will visit the Ruidoso areaTuesday. Bullring restaurant, then visit the conduct a town meeting in the by FRANKIE JARRELL The Bauers had beer and melons cd in theirUpper Callyon home. But 'fhe congressman will address Ruidoso Rotary Club at Cree Capitan School Cafeteria froin 6:30 News Staff Wroter stored intheextra refrigerator they it was the closest encounter. the r-'ederated Republican Women Meadows Country Club for lunch. to 7:30 p.m. keep on the patio, but the bear ap­ "That was a show and three­ ,A brown bear that visited Roland parently is "on the wagon" and quarters," chuckled Bauer. and Babe Bauer's Upper Canyon preferred the sweet fruit to beer. He said five years ago the game home Thursday is "smarter than Bauersaid he and his wife watch· warden set up bis rolling bear trap your average bear." ed from inside their home as the on the property and caught two .. Roland Bauer laughingly called hear devoured the already cuthalf· bears. but tbis' year has seemed to • his story a "believe it or not" ex­ melon, and then ehewed a hole in a bring more bears into ,the Nob..·Hill school sets registrq.tion perience. Bauer visited The News whole cantaloupe. neighborhood than ever before. Friday to recount a tale of 'a large E1e said the bear ate just a small • bearthat came onto his patio, open· amount of the cantaloupe after And the forays Into populated Nob Hill Elementary School will 'areas of vision, hearing, motor, All students who attended Nob ed his Kelvinator refrigerator and chewing through the rind. areas aren't necessarily limited to have a registration/screening 'from fine-motor speech and laIiguage. Hill last year are already enrolled. dined on a haU watermelon. The mscriminating bear didn't after dark. Bauer said one young­ 9 a.m. until noon Tuesday, August Requirements of eligibility for New first-grade students are re­ "I wasn't about to go out and say eatany ofthe rind,Justleaving iton looking bear was seen walkirig 26, at Nob Hill for all students who ltindergarten as set by the New quired to be registered prior to you can't have m}' wat!!rmelon," the patio and h~adfug for the hills. down his gravel road about 6:30 will be in ltindergarten tbis school Mexico State DepartJ;nent of September2. thefirst day ofschool. quipped Bauer. He also didn·t ques­ "He could have at least shut the a.m. four days ago. yearand who didnot pre-registerIn Education: a child must be five The school office is open Monday tion his large dinner guest as to its rrefrigerator) door," remarked the spring. years old on orbefore September 1, through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to noon age. Babe Bauer of the somewhat rode "I like to watch them." said Students will also be provided a valid birth certificate and'an im­ and 1 to 3:30 p.m. Class rosters will Bauer held his hand a little above bear. Bauer with a twinkle In his eyes. He munization record. be posted Wednesday, August 27. waist-high to indicate the bear's Thursday's visit wasn't the first said he'll bekeeping a close eye out free developmental screening In size--a size that indicated to Bauer encounter the couple has had with for hungry maraUders raiding his the bear is older than a yearling. bears in the 11 years they have liv· refrigerator. . • 'Golden voice'Dudich marks 25 years of callingthe ponies --- _. -bY"'S'1'EVfH:rfEtN------illg-wbloid.-- them,-- --taces,-which-wer_recorded-iil-whcn.-in~the-l9'U-AJ1-Amcrican--"But-thEl-owner-oIcll-horsc-that-- News Staff Writer , He has been a correspondent for ,But, he did admire an announcer English on laser' discs at a Futurity, he called Easy Date a wins a $2.500 claimer is just as ex- the "Daily Racing Form" for 31 he filled in for' and eventually Hollywood studio, for a special Winner by a nose over Tiny's Gay cited as a stakeswinnerin a million The man with the golden voice is consecutive years. replaced atSunlatJd Park. " " comp~ter game company. 'on national te.levision, and was dollar race, andmyjob'callsfor me celebrating his silver anniversary One day about 25 years ago, near In 1983. when Harry Henson. Tlle company only told Dudich later proven tight by videotapes to make every'race exciting," in the announcer's booth at Ruidoso the end of the racing season. the al10ther legend of track announc- who they wanted to win in a race and track photos. Dudich said. '. Downs. track annoUncer SUddenly disap- ing; retired at Sunland' Park, and the entrants, but gave bini no , Bob Dudich. a man'referred to as peared, Dudich said. ' Dudich took bis place. script. '" "1 can't say some races don't get And the iron,man with the golden one of the legends of track announc· "With his back against the wall, "I consitle1," E1arz-y E1enson one of Dudich said one of his greatest me more excited than others," voiCe goes on In his sUver year at, ing by many horse racing industry Gene Hensley (then the owner of the greatest,race announcers we moments as atJ announcer came Dudich said. Ruidoso Downs. experts. has never missed calling a Ruidoso Downs) asked me to just have ever 'had in the country," :....__:....__...... ::·:.... --. 1 race at Ruidoso Downs in the last25 fill in for one day," Dudich said, 'Dudichsaidin a reflective moment. years: Never: "E1eck, I did it as a lark that day, Dudich said he has had a career Dudich describes himself as a hut it turned out all right, so I did it jam packed with excitement and. very healthy person. until the season ended," Dudich greilt memories. ' But when he has had a couple of said. . , ,Movie, stais ,Robert Mitchum, relatively minor problems which "Then at the end of the season, Robert' Taylor, ,Linda Darnell, • have put him in the Ruidoso-Hondo the manager of the track, 'Tex' AudieMurphy and Desi Arnaz (who , Valley Hospital for treatment, he Barron, anqE1ensley called me into wanted tips) have alt visited has been released to call the races. an office and offered me the job Dudich ,In the announcer's booth "The nurses usually listen for the permanently, and I took it with no. which overlooks' the beautiful last race and then prepare a regrets," Dudich said. mountain track in Ruidoso Downs. painkiller orsedative for.me when I DUdich said froIP the first day he ,Sports legend Jobrtny Unitas has . It ¥ <$"~' . get back. usually lasts until the called a race until the present, he also visited Dudich up above the , " next race day, and then I'm back has never used a setformula to call crowds. ii.11- ...,'"'" '.' .. ~A".' , ...'." ->,." out here (at Ruidoso Downs J," a race. Dudich is an active member of ..' " . ~ " '~ Dudich said. "Sure 1 have my own ,style like the Screen Actors Guild and has ap- • . ~. . " .,' , So how did the man who has call­ when I say 'they're all In line,' Or 'a peared as a track announcer in two' ... . ~, . ~. .~ , ed nellrly 40,01)0 races in his career driving ,.finish,' ,but it i5a11 movies, Casey's Shadow and Tiger. " . get started? automatic with me," Dudich said. By The Tail. , , \ "I was drafted out of college to "1 have helped people who want Hebas announced or appeared In Korea (where he was awarded two to be, track announcers with their more than 60 television shows; battle starsI, am! then joined the tapes or presentation, but'I can't ffis voice has also been Used In navy for four years,.. DudialJ said. teach them my method because I two cotnltiercials that concerned "When I got out of the navy, S9me .Jt¥lt go to the mike and callthllhorse racing. fOJ:! the RCA Color friends of my family in California race:' Dudich said. 'television division.' ' \' got me set up with the "Daily "Usually 1: l(jOk, for the colors ' , ~.'",;,..,.. , Racing I<'onn" (the most well- (numbered silks on each hOrse) in a Dudichsaidheis "mostproud" of ~~.~.,..: race, but 1 can't say I have a set a Las Vegas sty!e cOpiputer hor~e _ , known daily newspaperof the horse racing industryJ," Dudich said. routine for every race no " Dudich race game whi~h IS played In " d " gambling establishments in the Bob Dudioh; who is celebrating his sliver track. He has called about 40,000 races Dudich still writes an ar;ticle and commente .. "U.S., Japan, Australia,- New anniversary with Ruidoso Downs this " from the announcing booth located high acts as the "Trackman," OJ:' the in­ , Dudich sald he listens to many zealand, England; Ireland, Wales, seaspn, 'has never missed announcing a above the rest of the track in his 25-year sider who handicaps the races at track annOlUlcers' to hear their Scotland, France and Spain. race since he Has been at the mountain career at f'luidbso Downs. . Ruidoso Downs,forthefamous raC" styles,but never copies any of' Dudich called more than GOO , . , .. • • " , - •, • • • •

Editorial • . . ~ini· . Is it possible that /School storts for Rvido$o sfvdents a .-... on week from 'tomorrow?' . , I ,_

• The sVr11mer has been fleeting. Gone soon will be the , thinl;ls .svmmer brings...... horpero'Cirig, t~eyecir's bil;l-' gest cro\ll(ds of visitors Qnd cool thvnderstorms break­ , , , ' ing the heCltof on afternoor.l in ,the pines. • At, the 'door'step is f~lI-fvll ,of activities svrrovnding .Qur schools• . ' " " • , . The Ruidoso News will present its annual speclo( s¢c­ . ' OOJJS! •.' ti,a!1s.f:overing theschool$ Clnd $chool $port$ in' the Thursday, Augu$t, 28, edition.

1.~"" , .. ~l . The schools special will' indude~verything from bU$' schedules to: $upply lists, p,ersonnel rosters to the_ , snow doy procedure. • , The SpoTt$ s~eciol 'previews what 'surely will be on ex· citi!"g football "seoson , ot Clil lev.els. of ploy. Last yeor's 12-1 Ruidoso Worriors.ore favored to again capture the District 3-AAA crown this seClson . • '. '\ - The fall season storts in a week. Read the special schools. and sports sections in ThursdClY's edition. They'll help prepare you for Cl fall full ofoctivity.-DJP

letters.. to the editor

DEAR EDITOR: mitted in his jurisdiction. It's nice I would just like to say a few to see this kind of cooperation , words in' behalf of the /laid. among public servants,'but too bad ,"VICIOUS, GRIZZI,Y type bears." it couldn't have been in a more con­ in the area. I think it is sad that structive vein. some of the people in the area feel .. I,'rom all reports the Supreme they have to call in .the Game and Court hearing in this matter was In's,ide tlie Capitol Fish Depal·tment to have the bears more in the nature of a kangaroo 1986 Ruidoso Sl'Wfi. JI1(', , caught and taken over to the court t\1an what one would e~pect , USPS No. 472-800 Capitan Mountains. These brown from the highest court inth\! state. and black beaes in the area won't and sending the case back to Judgl! . by Fred McCaffrey J. ,. . Published each Monday and Thursday by Ruidoso News. Inc., Kenneth hUrt you unless you hurt or corner Paj;sons and the District Attorne)' Gre~n, President; Waller L. Green. Vice President, at 104 I'ark Avenue, and them. I know it is a nuisance to to presentto a grand jury was about entered as'second class matter at the Post Office at Ruidoso, N.M. 88345. have to pick ui> the garbaJ,:e.every like hiring the fox to guard the Ken andMary Green . • . Publishers henhouse. With the sheriff "gagg­ SANTA FE-Curi'ent rumors tell going' grand jury investigation is Rolland Ramos.. : Business Mgr. day after the bears raid all of the us our Governor will resign his of­ the Anaya family's taxreturns. Itis tt'ash dwnpsters, but you have to ed" and evidence sealed, one can Darrell J. Pehr .. Editor" guess about'what might "--or might fice before'the year is out. also clear from the Gomments of Carmen Edwards.... Adverlising Mgr. remember that they are onl)' Throughout the Anaya term, such those subpoenaed to testify that a nod Flanagan..". .ComposinJ,: Supervisor. hungry and it ill their natural in­ not be presented to the grand jun'. rumors have flourished-always training program promoted by the stinct to huntfor food, Ifwe haveall Makes one wunder what seif­ there,. somewhere offstage,' like Governor on behalf of an Israeli of the bears llhipped out ofhere, we respecting public servants would jungle drums throbbing in the company he said wanted to build a SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE arc taking away from the nature of alIow themselvesto be used in such night. lo'ew merit the serious con­ plant in New Mexico is being the mountains. , a manner. Some people must' sideration they would get from be-' scrutinized. Si.ngle copy My parents bro1Jght me up here HEALLY be afraid of what might ing printed in·.a newspaper of The arrangement with that firm, from Texas for 12 years before the)' be uncovered by a proper general circulation. Ynu may be called Pegem System... I.td., Mail Delivery Only, moved up here and the highlight of investigation. . - . assured thatyou readthemhere on­ resulted from that 1984 trip Anaya ('omlng to Uuldoso was to see the Perhaps if the Digtril't Attorneys • . ly when they meet this depart­ took to Israel, all in the interests of Single copy by Mail $1.00 bears. My husband and I go out late did moreprosecutinJ,:, and the ment's two te/Sts of seriousnes/S and economic development. Out of it 1 Year Out Of County ..$30.00 inthe e\'enings during t.he sumrnCt', Judges more sentencing. Ruidoso plausibility. . ·have corne accusations that more 1 Year Wi thin County $27.00 with our spotlight, just to maybe wouldn't be getting its reputation as ,. . Santa F,e, being a kind of "com­ 6 Months Out Of County $28.00 get a glimpse of a bearin the Upper .a cocaine <'apital, and if the sheriff than half a mUlion dollars may 6 Months Within County $25.00 pany" town, with /State government · have been expended on training • Canyon area. These 4ig, furry was allowed to do what he is paid to creatures are -fascinating to watch do, we wouldn't have Linsolved as the "company," is always full of 'unemployed and disadvantaged Home Delivery Only: fri.volous /Stories about who got citizens.to operate the Israeli·made I at n distance and with caution I murders in ourcounty"·,and we tax­ and I just wish the people in this pa)'ers might even !let something such-and-such a 'contract by sleep­ computers without it being possible Monthly Rate: $3.50 : Minimum Three Months $10.50 ing with whom, andthe like. Stories to point to any individual as having areacouM corne to appredate them out. of all the dollars we pour into of tbat kind don't deserve to be completed that training. Call 257-4001 Jo'or Horne Delivery for what tfley are. oUl'lellal and jUdil'ial system. passed on. Others, .. however, may To mention the exlstence of these Give the bears a <,hance and don't JACK O.I'OGl-7Jo: be of sufficient impOrt to merifbe- inquiries is not to ptejudge their The Ruidoso News reserVes the right t9 reject advertising and edil copy hI' afraid of them, bl.'!(!ause t . ,- ing handlld'along, if, that is, they outcome. It is clear, however, that that itconSiders objectionable. Liability for any errorin advertisingshall not guarantey. they are a lot more affio show evidence of being firmly a more than ordinary amount of exceed the value of the actual space in which the etTor occurs and shall'be. llfraid of you than you think. . based on fallt. study is being focused on matters in satisfied by correctioll in the next issue. The enUre contents of the Ruldoso GRACIE WILSON DI-:An I~DlTOlt: As regards this one, we do know which our Governor is concerned, News is cop)Tighted, and no portion may be used in any manner Without the We would like to express our deep , that there is activity behind closed possibly at least in part, because of express, written consent 01 the publisher. Postmaster send all changes of ad­ appreciation to all our friends and doors, in the quarters of a federal that unusual request he made that dress to the nuldoso News, P.O. Box 128. nuidoso. N.M. 88345. DJo:An Jo:DlTOn: neighbors for their kindness during district judge and the chambers of the feds either get on with his case As a. taxpayer and dtizen of this our recent loss. a federal grand jury, that eVidently or.get off it. . <'ounty, I continue to be amazed by It is comforting to know just how impacts in SOme serious faShion on This, as we have indicated • would go so far as to say they con­ out. on balance. to come true. this case. It would appear that the much love and supportis being sent the career of Toney Anaya. The before, is a continuinll storv. . sider these writing tendentious, These have been times that have District Attorney, District JUdge. our way. nature of that a~ivity may not be In connection with the that is, ailrled at stirring up trouble taught normally optimistic New State Attornev General, State May God be with each and every clear, but there is no doubt that it . paragraphs above, it may not be for its own sake. Mexicans that, when it comes to Police. State Supreme Court and one of you. exisffi. amiss to admitthatsome seeinthis In response, we would remind state government, worst-case who knows who else have been Jo'rom papers filed with tile column a tendency to interpret readers that during these years scenarios have ineVitably tended to cooperating to keep one poor little . SinCl'rl'ly, federal court in Denver, we know events in state government in the almost every downbeat prognosis be 'correct estimates of what we county sherifffrom doing his sworn THEFAMII.YOF that one element involved in an on- gloomiest manner possible. Some we have sharedwith you has turned Were going to see. duty~investigating a crime com- REVERJ:o:ND G.T.PERRY Letters to the editor

I _ DEAR E:DITOlt: had to spend some $2,000 for a maintenance crew (I preswneJ did repair since July 1st! J His hill for pay the $60. If that is truly the case. paved streets. lous)' water, floodin!l Let's set the record straight, as special waterproof skirting and a "deposit a load of dirt, filled with three hours' work was a conser- . so be it. But, if you have any cons­ and erosion. I am reasonably sure was perhaps erroneously printed in recent three-foot concrete retaining roots and rocks, irito my backyard, vativ~ $60. I spent the entire day cience. at all, you should dig into we have laws and ordinanl'es .to The News on August14, 1986. Your wall for self-preservation. But, the some .forty feet from the eroded, throwmg out the rocks and roots· your own pockets. After all, hasn't -cover the' follOWing, but, unfor­ report stated that Mayor Harris August 9th cloudburstsent a wall of a~ea. Their fore.man told me at the from the "top soil." . your inaction. over eleven months' tunately. we also have un'enforced had implied that 1 was unhappy water over their wall like Niagara Village haJI that the truck almost r gave the bill to Mr. Buchanan,' time, really been thecrux of this en­ sewer compliances. junk-littered - . with the work done by anindividual . Falls! I was so frightened, that 1 got stuck in the mud. fIt hadn't fully e.xpecting thepowns to pay for tire fiasco? and' unkempt yards everywhere, who performed community service thought all of the .extraordinary rained for over.a weekI) I replied, what lts' own employees were ap- I have no thanks for Barrett eternal animal waste ansi control worl{ assigned by Municipal Judge precautions, i.e" sandbags, :cor- "Well, now you know what a terri-' 'parently incapable of ~oing. I hl!ve Atkins,. tbe village engineer, who problems. fA sheep has been freely Valenzuela of Ruidoso DoWns. rugated steel attached to the back ble flooding problem 1 really do been told by several "m the know" was quoted in a local newspaper as roaming Park Avenue 'for over a Nothing could be further from the of a sm·foot chain·link fence set have." pc 0 pIe .th at. the D·o wn s' having said, "The Village hasmore week! So I'd better make room in truth! • deep in concrete, tons of dirt piled 1 really "saw red" when r arrived maintenance crew actually works 1mportant problems than the 'freezer for lamb chops. I, and . This 'hard-working man brought . high against it, were all going to horne from work that day and saw 'about three hours a day. That is on- Wheatley's flooding to worry dust, ..thanks".to ineffectivelY his wife arid two other male friends corne crashing into my mobile where the "top soil" had been Iy "hearsay" infl/rmation, 'but about." Itisthat you were probably patrolled and controlled vehiCUlar from the raCetrack on Thursday, home. at any second. (1 just wish dwnped, and that the crossties would probably stand up in court. misquoted, 'right? 'Mr. Buchanan' speed. August 7th, and on Friday, the that the mayor, trustees and Mr. were at least an inch BELOW the . Ruidoso Downs' elected officials asked you last September to corne Our chance to enjoy 001' other two wives joined in to corn. Atkins, nuidoso Downs' engineer, others. 'Anyone with an ounce of ha've not acteq positively to up with asolulion, and I can guess beautiful, natural' geographic set- plete an effort to try anlj prevent had been forced to stand out there bt"alns should krlow that newly set alleviate River Park flooding. EX- that Mr. Buchanan is just as upset . ting is constantly spoiled by, a further flooding of my property. at the time!) My landlords' chain- ones, in dry dirt, should be at least cuses, (Eleven months to get With you llS I am. . spineless administration Which Their. most' difficult and muddy .link fence .had severe erosion of an inch ABOVE the others, to allow owners' permission to clean out an But, to 1',11':...,-, your wife and four somehow manages to'seldom get ~ll;bor did, in fact,saye the newly post footings. 'but my yard'escaped for "settling. , .. already existing irrigation ditch!) friends, my humble thanks, for in a much posilive accomplished. It is a seeded lawn, garden and mobile severe damage, thanks to the ef- I found Mayor Harris and'· he and rhetoric fail to accomplish few hours you did with your hearts. shame that our tax dollllrs are.not from additional damage. The next forts of the six wonderful people reluctantly agreed to ride'with me much. Incidentally,' since r have hands, Shovels and sandbags, what more frUitfully spent! Voters, "day'a torrential rain and hail of mentioned previously. . and inspect what r was angry already spent over. $1,000 on this the Downs has been unable and un- please rerill~mber these facts when some three inches fell in less than . River .Park ·resldents have either about. I asked him if that is where ·:yard, the $60 was.not the realissue. willing to do in eleven months: to the next election rolls around. an hour. not demanded alleViation, or they the load of dirt is to remain? He, My chie£'gripeis the non-caring at- stop the flooding of this lot. The River Park hits been the dumping have become discouraged because said, "We agreed to deliver it; it's titude on just about every responsi- • ham dinner I prepared for you on ground for mdst of the excess tun- their pleas have gone unanswered, your· problem to put it where it's' ble person's. part. I've made' Sunday, the 10th, can never fully' . Is'there a competent lawyer in off· from Palo Verde Subdivision as have mine since september, needed." I then asked that if .he nwnerous phonecal!s and personal mllke up for your hard work. Jo'or­ the area 'l\illingto take on City Hall and the highway, "thanks" to the '1985. This attitUde ofaffected :River. were paying someone to re-Ievel visits. How many of them have tunately, insurance will partially. and the Highway Department? Are New Meldco Highway Depart-· Park residertts reminds me some .railroad ties inhis own yard,would . telephoned or S1'OPPE:D (hot just cover the re-leveling of the mobile there any other :River Park.,. ment's stupidity. Further, accor- that of the boxer being.poundedby he pay them. if they did the job' drive.n by) to inspect the area, horne. 'Unfortunately, no amount of residents ready to get involved? ' ding to River Park residertts, the his opponent, who allegedly, is to similarly? "No" was his reply, and, especially during the crises of the money can .ever make up for the Highway Department has have said, "Oh, that feels so good, incredibly, the Dowt\sdid nothing past ~ix weeks? NONE! anguish I have experienced. Finally, you· people responSible repeatedly refused to correct their please hit me some more!" . further to hl!lpl " RUidoso Downs' trustees and Also to Judge Valenzuela,. my for creating, and those of you who poor plannlJ:lg of years ago. The As was earlier reported in both Itookofffromworkthenextday, mayor, you used bad judgment on gratitude ·for !ieing the ONLY are. responsible for' helping solve I run-off has created serious flooding local newspapers, nuidoso Downs . and hired a man with a scoop on his August, 11th, and I trust that we nuidoso Downs official who. "got HiverPark'sflooding, might justas and damagllfor us unfor4tnate ones . had agreed to bring a load of top tractor to move the dirt where it voters will let you know about it in tl).e job done.". Keep up the con­ wel! take your "ostrich heads" out whO;happen to live in its path soil to filltheflood"caused trench in was needed, to re-Ievel the back the next election. We are tired olstructiveworkl... . ot the sand. My "sandshovel" may toward'the river.. . 'my back Yard, and to straighten yard for grass planting (third time "no results;" we want and deserve To all Ruidoso lJowns voters: We be bent, but it is ,FAR from being My landlords, Who liVe here only and level the railroad ties that had due to flooding), and to help re-set a better corntnunity in which to have the second highest tax rate 'broken! '. occasionaIiy, also own the lot and a . been dislodged. After severlll . the ties. (I've lostfour days ofvaca- live. As \Vas reported in The News, (by far) inUncoln county. What do m.obile horne next door. They have rem i n d e r s, the Dow n s ' tion because of flood watching'and perhaps the Downs cannot legally' we have to show for it? We have un- JOEP.WHJ:o:ATLJ:o:Y ,~ .- ~ - • • '-' -...... , -.~ .....- .':'"'" .,...... -'"';"0 ""'!"".,.,..,-'...... ow = .,...... 44 Wi.'. ~ ... ,_'_"1,","" ""!' _ ... PlIIII "* '4 ....-..... "'!N is.',,, ,W .. '1M CIlli _ ...... ,' 4S44MW .""'.' A' *?#!il

. ~ '.. • • " • • . . .26: I ThE! Rl!idoso News I Mond·ay, August.25, :1986 ~9 WP:fIDS ; : .•4.61 PREGNANT. NEED HELP? - call MAID NEEDED - inquire in person SUMMER YARD CI,EANING: ­ LEGAL NOTICE .. LEGAL NOTIP:E ilO WoRDS ,, 4.77 '31 WORPS.••...... , $3 ,-.;-;B:;;i;;;rt~h;;;..r;;ig!:;h:;;t';;T;(9;;;I;;o5~~533.181~, 'S-78-tfc . at Whi§pering ·PillesCabins. lawn ,moWing, weed cUttlDg, ·rak· 32 WORDS •••...... , ..•. , ...... •..•...... •..5.09 WAITERS, WAITRESSES - black . ... W·30-tfc ing.hauling· tr.ee trimming, IN HIE DlsTRIC'r COURT 01' TWE;LF'!:ll JUDICIAL mS'tRIOT 33 WORDS.•. .' , 25 fuE-V~IL~.LAG~OF LINCOLN coUNTY, NE;W Ml'il(ICo COUNTY of LINCOLN . slacks white blouses and shirts iWlDOSO -Is removal, painting, minorca.rpen- TWELI'TR JUI'l!CIAL mSTflicT STATlilol' NE;W ME:lQCO 3'1 WORns , MI available, Country .Time Westel'l1 accepting app.lications for the posi­ •trywork. 257·2266. . A-Z7-tfp -IN TlIEMAT1'I1JROJi'T"~ ESTAl'EOF : '.. ) .ELLONNl;; MARIEWILSON. » 3. WORDs.. " : 5.07 36 WORDS M2 Weal', The Paddock, Highway 37, tion ofStreetSuperinteDdent, Must DO }tOll NEED - a' dependable per­ l,ILLIE V. BA.RFOOT. nko_.LILLIE . t - 'Petttloncr, ~elated' VIOLA OSflORNEl. D~c\'~$e{l. ) VII, } 37 WOROS; •...... • :,•...••.•..••.• , .•.5.88 . , C.{l8-tfc . bave 5 years ·of job con­ son to cleall Yollr bOllSe o~ of.flce? . ~ No, .,11-.11-4. GENEJUSTINWILSON, ) 36 WORDS : _ 6.0'1 STOP SMOIONG with hypnosis. struction and management· ex­ · Call 257-1i915 or25,8-58!l2, W~25'10tp. ¢' Diy. In Re~poQdentl. ) 3D WORDS , 6.29 Wanita T. Morin, RN, 257·2723. '. perience. Salaryis $2,040 monthly, NOTiCETO CflED!TOI\S . CII~e No. DR.~105 40 WOflDS.., , , :: 30 Completedob announcement is Ol,..ijlTA BISHOP has b~en ppp()intecl~ Pf;trsQnnl . - D!Yi"lo~ m aUnd BQn' ee. _ ~ ...... •,.1.59 Health Matters, . H-91-tfc Repre.!lelltnUve of the Est~to of UlLlE V. BAR.. ol\Dl'R BINGO·.~ posted at ,.Village of Rwd01l,Q.,313 FOOT, OeceP.sed. AU persom having elaim/i, .nus MATTER having come before th~ Court Elk's Lqdge. Highway 70 CreeMeadows Drivll, P,O. Drawer MISCELLANEOUS against this estate are required .to preiSent their _Upcln tlu; Motion ,o'f the Petitlon(!1;" seekhig JU1 Order' . West, Tuesday at 7: 30 p.m. Spon­ 69, Ruidoso, New Mexico, 88345. mont~,arter tb~ dat~ THE RUIDOSO, , NEWS,, - claIms within two (2) qf the aUowmg aervtQe bypUblication andthe_issuance of SOred by Rwdoso Noon Lions and Applications will be aCl'epted UlItll . 1979,28 FOOT - t~avel trailer, dual first publleation of thl.\l Notiqe OJ;" the cJalms wlll1)e Q; Notice.of ,Pendency of Action~ sald Mallon being Lionesses Club, R-I02-tfc forever barred. ChHms IDtUit ba presented either ""pp.rtOd by Alfldavlt, lUldthe CO"I'I baing in all 5:00, p,m" September 8. 1986. axel, electric brakes, ale, in. ex­ to tbo Personal Representative at Route 1, Box ·47. things, fl,l1ly Qdvise~. :F.INIJS: . 257-4001 ELK'S LODGE BINGO- every Fri· .. . . V·31·2tp cellent condition. $4,500, Can .be Tennes$ee Colony, TX 7~a61. or filed wUli' the ,to That good ca~., e~l$ to beUeve that J,lespon.. ~tate day night, 7:30 p.m. Highway 70, seenatTheRockShnp, Carrizo Ca­ District Court of J,.Incoln County 1 P .0. ao~ 725, dent cannot be' per.aonlilHy se.rved withIn fue .THE VILLAGE OF RUIDOSO - is' Cnrrlzozo. NM 8&301. ' - ..of New Me:dco.. ' .. 'E·2-tfnc now accepting applications fOr one· nyon Road;, W,-32c2tp DATED: August 15, 1986. ; 2. That good C8uae exlsta: to believe that the FIREWOOD -.. Pinon and Juniper, lsi Clem lIl,hop J;Wspondent J.a deUb¢rately concealing h.inl$Qlf -,to ANNOUNCEMENTS NEUROMUSCULAR. THERAPY ­ cashie.r in thewater billing depart­ Pcrlioual Rcprf;r:;:cnw(ivc' avoid' servl~ of p((lce,ss. for relief of pain. pavid C. Morin. ment. Must be'experienced. in $115 pel' cord picked up. Delivered , 1'$1 Mel B, O'Reilly NOW TliERIl:I'ORE;{ IT IS ORDll:f\Ii1D that·the HOSPITAL AUXILIARY - Tbritt LMT, Licens.ed Massage handling money and makmg .. and stacked, $145, PJij\!$90 .and . MEL. B. OlRE:ll.LY, P.C. C1er~ of the Oist:rict Coun -bsue ,a Notice pf Shop. 140 Nob Hill Drive, Sununer Therapist, Health Matters, change. Must ·be able to deal $115,3364524. '. P-3;l-2tc P.O. Jlo" 2295 Pendency Qf ActlQnand t~t thesamebe p.ubllsb~ hours: Tuesday afternoon 1:00 257-2723,· H-5-tfc courteously with the public. ::;alary RpldoliO, NM 88345' in the manner provided by law. ;.. _ p,m. ·~:OOp.m.•Wec\nesday thru FOUR JOCKEy CLUB - seats ,for (;0.) 257o!i035 . lsIRichard A. Parsons Saturday, 10:00 a,m.4:00 p.m, 'ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING ­ is $1,119 per month plus benefits, . sale. (405)332"5773. 257·5778 work, Attorney for Pcrs()lIal Jtepresenhltlye DISTRICT JUnGIl: Complete job· announcement is 2:;74401 borne. .. B-32-4tc. Legal 114692 2t (8) 25, (9) 1. TurD off Sudderth at the signal . .custom home plans, additions, TWELF'TIl JUDICIAL mSl'RlCT light in the Gateway a,ea, Nob Hill reasonable rates. Sierra Blanca posted at the VlIlage of Ruidoso, · HARVEST TABLE - with benches, COUNTY OF LINCOLN . Drive is'the first street to the left. Designs,258-5812. L-21-tfc .313 Cree MeadoWs Drive, P,O. · wainut nnish. 258-4153, V-32-2tp STATE Ol'NEW MEXICO ~ . . Drawer69, Ruidoso, NM 88345. AI>': LEGALNOTICE E;LLONNE; MARIE; WILSON, ) H4Hfnc CARPOOL TO ALAMOGOROO .. plicatioDs will be accepted until FOR SALE' - 1986 Southwind. 28 ft" p~mloQer, )1 FORANY PERSONAL CRISIS - call wOjJld you like to join. or form, a 5:00p,m. August 26, 1986. V-31-2tp elean as a pin, low mileage lOad· , < va. carpool from Ru:idoso to IN THE DIS-m,ICT COURT OF GENE;,JUSTlNWU..80N, I t1;le MeDtal Health Hotline at MATURE. RESPONSIBLE - hard · ed, generator. Sellinl: for health LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO . Respondent, j . 1437-8680 (collect), M·55·tfnc Aiamogordo? Weekdays, arriving . reason. 3784264. . W-32-6tp TWELF'TR JUDICIALOISTRICT \ -- . CauR~ No. DIt-af;-lOS: in Alamogordo' at 8 a,m, .leaving workiDg maid, year.round posi­ THE BANK OF RUIDOSO I Dlylsilln In YOU CANGrVE _.. the gift of sightbY . Ahimogordo 4;-5 p.m. Will share ex­ tion. 336-4321. ' H-31-3tc FOR. SALE .:... JockeY club table· 4 Plaintiff, I NOTICE01' . being an eye donor, Contact any, penses and drIVing, Call Darrell at POSITION AVAILABLE· - 'for · chairs on finish line for Labor day. . vs. I · pIl:NnE;NCY OF ACfloN ' Lion or call 257·2776 for details and . 2574001. D-29-tfnc energetic licensed_ nurse with weekend; 3'184264.. W·32-2tp GARY R. HALLand Mli:L1NDA K. ) TIIIl: STATE; OF NEW MEXICO it HALL, ' ) TO: Gene Justin Wilfion .' a dODor card. Do now; there is a stroDg organizational skills for · FLUTE FOR SALE .:... Call Carolyn. Defl'lldu1l1~. ) You ar-e hereby notified that there: has been fUed tremendous need tor ey,e tissue: DNSposltion at 88 bed long term 2574051 or after 5 p.m., 2584141, No.·CV·6B-250 against lOU, in the DJstrict Court of Lincoln Coun.. .. L-87·Unc B-32-2tp , Dlv. III ty, New Mexico. IUHlctlon, the object of wh-Jch X!3 CONSIGNMENT BARN .. care facility, Interestednurses ap­ NOTICE 01'SPECIAL MASTER'SSALIl: the dissolution of marriage and the equitable djvi~ VILLXcfE"MIDWIVEis"=homehirth ply with resume to D. TlIbor, Ad· FLOOR COvERINGS - light beige NOTICE IS HEREaV GIVEN that the undersign­ sion of'conununity properly and indebtedness•. withstatelicensedmidwives, com· 30 Day C;:onsignment . min., P.O, Box2214, Rwdoso, N.M. ed Splwial Master will, on the 2lfth day of The. Petitioner's attorney is Rich{lrd A. , vinyl remnant, new, 8'x 10'. $40. Hawthorne pt P.O. BQx 1960. RUldo,so, IiewMexico plete prenatal care and .childbirth 10%.;....15% Commission (505)257·9071, .' R-31-2tp Light brown carpet, .9'h' 12', 2 September. 1986, at 10:00 a.m. at the_ South efl­ 257~2890 x trance to the VUlag-e of Ruidoso Municipal: 1lB345. education, or 257.2723. WAITRESS - apply in person. vears old, $40. 336-8204, M~32-1tp Building In Ruidoso, New Mexico, lieU and coovey ThIs Notice sha-U be p\1ptished once ~. week fOf V·72-tfc For More Information that Whispering Pines Restaurant, all right, title and interest of the above-named four con!l«Utive weeks. In the event )"ou do CALL 257·5296 D A CANNONBALL BED - frame with Defendants in and 10 the following described real not tile an responsive pleading afa Mollon prior to YOU AsKED FOR 1'1" - We got it: W-31·2tp .mattresses, chest/night' stand. properly located in I.incoln Comty, New Mc"Jco: September 4, 1986. a Default Judgment will be potted green plants, the live ones! SITTER -watch children liliring .$~00.257-6097, A-29-8tc I..bt 11, Block 3, Young Heights, Ruidoso, rendered against rou.· , Root candles too, At Jacque's, 1409 -= fa -Lincoln County, New Mexic.v, as shown by ,lsIMargo Ji:;L1i1d-say church services. Please call SEARS'lO" TABLE SAW"':' and ac­ the pial thereof moo in the OffJce of the­ CLER" OFTRE Sudderth.. J·31·2tc HELP WANTED· -~- ._-- ~---- · FatherStampley, 257-2356, G-31-tfc cessories, $350. Two 3' x 4' thennal ,. County (1erk and Ex..()fficJo Recorder of. . nISTRICT COURT Lincoln County, February 9, UMO. lsI ElizabetbLueras ALAMOGORDO BUSINESS - for THE RUIDOSO NEWS - is now ac­ oPEiifYEAR.:ROUND - position fill' Windows, $35' each. 19' Btw TV, Said sule will be conducted pursuantto the'Judg· . Depuly sate, Established full-service print cepting applicatiilns for a compos­ dependable maid Dr teen. Apply m $~O..2Osq,ft. cultured stone, $40. mcnt enteredAugust 19. 1966, In the nbove-enmled Lf:gal 11'4660 4t (8) 4. U. 18, 25. shop, Good sales volume, 1985 ingroom position. Apply at The Person Tiarra Del Sol. 3QO Ex­ 2574143. W-31-2tc and numbered cause. which was a Buit to collect operating profit was 83% of asking Ruidoso News, 104 Park Avenue. promissory noto .nnd for(!'(.'losc the- mortgu"c held caliber Drive. Ruidoso, New Mex· FOR SALE - PJnon 'pine firewood. b,Y Plaintiff. wherein PlaintJU was adjudged to . price, A real money maker In a R-87-tfnc ico_ '. T-31·2tp Unsplit, $50/cord, picked-Up. have a valid first lien upon the real property fn the growing city, Call for price- and THE SWISS CHALET INN .:.:: POSITION'OpJijiif-='--for-Licensed sum of $10.797.18. plus inlerest at the rate of 2% terms, B,J. Dunn, Broker, needs 257·9830 or257-5599. 0-3o-tfc per nnnum above the basic lending. rate Dr The (505)257-2870. D·29-8tp . weekendroaids. a'part-tJme relief . . Charge· Nurse shift. Call 257·9071 FOR SALE - new 'Bellone hearing Bank of RUidoso trom December 31, JOBS through desk clerk and part-time weekend for information. R-31-2tp August 6, 1986 in lhc .sum of $859.93. plus Interest hostess, Please apply in person, aid. Priced $500, Will sell fOr $350. accrued through the date of $ale in tho swn DC Classified Highway37 north, 258-3333,,&31.2tc Phone 257-5973. . B-3l!:3tp $11]4.59, with intcl"C$t to 'l('erue as spedUed in the .RuldolloSelf ·Storage ASPEN AIRE - carpet care. Your Judgment, plus court cosls of $162.50, plus at· . Unit·s Now Available MEDICAL ~ Registered Nurse. torneY fecs of $750.00, plus the expenSeS of the Camp Sierra Blanca. a minimum . upholstery and drapery cleaning foreclosure sale to accrue after entry DC Judi;. DEADLINES FOR 8X12--$37 6X24--$47 specialist. 257·7714, A-llO-tfc menl. Said sale wlU be made to the highest bidder securitycorrectlonalfacJlity of the WORK WANTED fpr cash. CLASSIFIED READER 10X12--$42 10X24--$64 New Mexico Corrections Depart­ ALFALFA - and quality oat hay. [)A1'l':n thiS Z15t day oC AUgWit, 1900. , ADS ONLY: Friday, 8:30 MATURE, DEPENDABLE ­ 1-585-2365. . . R-8-35tp 151 Sbt-rl NoUe. 257-4747 ment. has' an. opening for a childcare, All ages, central loca­ SpecialMaster a.m, for the Monday Across from airDorl entrance ,Registered Nurse. Primary duties tion, references available. COMMERCIACSTORAGE UNITS -. I hcrcby ceriify tbata (rueDud Issue; Wednesday, ·8:30 inclUde triage of patients and 257·5582,258-5816, V-l9-tfc tor rent, 375 sq.ft. and 750 sq,n. correct COP)' of1be lorcgoJng was a.m. for the Thursday referral to community physich,ms. ..-. - --- ...... ----~~~= .... Gavilan Canyon and Meander. 120 mailed 10 DUll E. Dutton 1h's21st Will consider full or part-time. JARVIS HAULING AND FIX-IT ­ day ofAugustt J986. issue. .- ' We Buy' yard work, Will watch your home ft. roll up doors, insulated. 257-7014 '" Mel n, O'llellly .Contact Ken Warner, Director, Of­ or257-2365, S-8S-tfc Attorney lor PlalntiU CLASSIFIED READER O\l\lnerFinanced fice of Health Services, Santa Fe, while you are gone. 258-3045. Ltogul 14693 41 (8) 2.5. (9) 1. 8. 1$. ADS are scheduled only in New Mexico, at (505)827-8704. • J-42-Uc · RAILROAD CROSSTIES - sWitch . consecutive IssueS or on REAL ESTATE CONtRACTS Q-29-4tc MAN:"::'~i>8Gttini700f­ ties; high line and meter poles. SMALL JOB Price negotiable, Call 1-653-4557• LEGALNOTICE a one time basis. NEWS - Reporter/PhOtographer. ing, remodeling, deck repaIr, con- . N-90-Uc DEADLINES FOR ALL Call Gary 336-403! The Ruidoso News Is acceptln~ ap­ crete, carpet raying and restret­ ching. References. 15 years ex-. NOVrOPEN . WfTH~ALL NEW NOTICE01'.,VOLICSALE DISP.LAYADS: Thursday, plications for the full·time posltJon =­ To Whom 1t Muy Concern: of .news ·reporter/photographer. perience. Call257-5831. A-17-17tc stock, oak roll top desk, a Hoosier 5 p.m. for the Monday APPLIANcE·REPAIR~-all cabinet,pinecupboard,oaktables, Notice IS berebrnlven thaton9-9-00 at 4:00 P.M•• issue; Tuesday, 5 p.m. for Some experience in news repor­ makes, a public :ODic wJl be held at Ruidoso Stnte Bank. ting and writing is preferred, Call all models. Service isour business. primitive glass and chlnat slIver Ruidoso. New Mexico, loseD (oreash thefollowing: the Thursday Issue_ . and miscellaneous. Come oy and rollalerol. 10 wit:' Darrell J. Pellr at 257-4001. Bullock service, 122 Wingfield 1973·It~rejRhtlJnerTruck. IDlI 02650 DEADLINES FOR ALL R-29-tfnc Ave.2574157.· ~12-tfc visit with Kathy, 349 CoUlltry Clllb A 20 Ft. Alwninwn "Pup" Grain Trailer ' SHOWPROOF ADS­ Drive.257-2500. R-IS-tfc Said coUateral being held tosecure o.n ob1i~QUon TAKING APPLICATIONS - for . EXPERlENCEDMArDSERVIcE':'" JOCKEYCt.UB~SEATS-~'::' for-lease arming under U SC,turtty nnre(!ment heJd by REAL ESTATE OR housekeeping positions at Lookout and yard· maintenance. Call Ruid050 Slate Bank. Said publil' sale Is to be con· bytheweek. Call378-8253. E-I6-tfc CLASSIFIED: Thursday, 3 Estates_ 257·5064. L-30-tfc Sharion or Sandee. 257-5831 or ,=-~~ ...... ~ - - ducted DC'eordmg to tlle laws oC the State of New 2574576. A-32-8tc WE SERVICE: - all brands of televi­ Mexico, Ruidoso Stale Bank resen-"I:'.S the right to p.m. for the Monday nECEPTlONIST - Immediate open­ '- - ~ .~ -'~~~-'"--"'"=~'=''''-~'' bid at tins sale. issue; Tuesday, 3 p.m. for ings for receptionist and contract . HOUSEPAINTING-Wespray.oilor sIons andmajorappliances. Aspen The ('0Ilatt"r<11 IS prt"senU)' stored and may be persons. Neat aj1pearance and Appliance and Television Service, seen at Bob Wlutakcr Trucking. west of RosweJl. thel Thursday Issue. latex. Protect and beautify your 257~147. A-21-Uc RUlDQSOSTATFJOANK , outgoing personality a must. Call home. Linseed oil With (ire retar­ RuIdoso. New r.lexIco Shirley Armstrong, 257-9232. dant keeps your cedar shingles ROSWELL COLLE;G-E .::: of Legal f'4G:88 6t (8) 21, 25.28. (9) 1,4.8. Publisher assumes no T-3Q.4tp from spliting and turning up; Free Cosmetology has hair styling financial responsibility GIRL WATCHERS ~ and boy wat­ estimates. Please call 257-4398, classesfom1ing for August. Finan­ LEGALNOTICE for typographical errors in chers wanted for pUblic relations 257-2273. Q-27-6tp cial aid available,Come by o~ call advertisements except to work, Part-time or full·time work. HIGH sCHooi.-dRADUA':fE::" 6'4" our Ruidoso office, 2415 Sudderth, publish a correction in the can earn$250 to $500 a week. Snund Ski West center, 257-5841. Contact NOTICE is hel"t'b,y.J:iven that on June 13.1986, (". 200 Ibs., needs job, Welding and. JoKellyorSharonHobbs. R-29-Uc Frank Davis. MOO Montana AVt'J1ue. EI Paso. next issue. easy? It is. If interested call construction work, truck driving, Texas 79925 med app'lIcaUon numbered 4029 with FL'IINfJ J RANCH. Ro\jertat 2574530. T-3Q.4tp bus driving, other qualifications, ORIENTAL FURNITURE -=:-a the STATE ENGINEER tor pennit to oppropriate also experienced With children. . ba'rl;lain! Beautiful teak wllOd din: 6.0 at"r~reel of surface \fater per llnnum Irom . EXPERIENCED - waitress and ing ·table, seats siJc. Also buffet lJeather Spring and (~nnel Spring both located breakfast cook. The Garden Club Call257·1200. Go3D-3tc within the NE1-tSW1..NW1" of Scc-UOh 8. TownslUp CLASSIFIED RATES. OPEN NIGHTLY With soap figures. Both have glass ; South. ltangc 13 East. N.M.P.M•• and triblit.ary One TimeRate Ouly . restaurant at The PaddOCk. Apply tops. Dark teak wllOd bar With to Water c..anyon of While Oaks Canyon of the at 10:oo·a.m, Go32·2tp Tularosa drainage basin. (or till! Irrigation or 1.0 (Sales TaxIncluded) (Except Sunday) RENT-A·MAID carved wllOd figures, Call Jess acre of land located inNEl..SW1..NW1... ofsaidSee­ 16 WORDS OR LESS $2.54 POSITION AVAILABLE - foi- the Is your housework too much? 257-7373 or257-9752. P-23-Uc Uon tl and tor domestic usc. 11 WORDS 2.70 fulletime position of Activi­ HIGH QUALITY ALFALFA HAY ­ Any J)e'tson. [inn or corporaUon 01' other enmy 10 WORDS U6 ty/Social Service Designer at 86 Expecllng guesls? Or haVing a party? appU~atinn CHUCKWAGON SUPPER $2.50 per bale, $70 per ton, less for objecting that the granting o[ the will 10 WOIIDS. 3.02 bed long-term care facility. Call 354·2B68 after 6:00 p.m. be detrimental to the objector's water right shaD 20 WORDS_ 3.16 lower quality, Roswell 1-624-0008. have standing to file obJeclions or pro~. Any 21 WORDS 3,34 Qualifications Include 2 years ex­ Free esllmales, person, finn or corporation or other entity objet.'- _ · . W-25-12tp 22 WOltDS 3.00 & WESTERN. SHOW! perience in working With elderly also light mainlenance. p Ung that the granting of the appUcaUon wilf be 3.66 people in a long-tenn care setting. FOR'SALE - 'M:exican1iiUlci carved contrary to the conservation of wale%" within the 23 WORDS dlnlnl{ state or detrimental to the public we1tare or the 24 WoRDS ·3.02 Please apply Witb resume to P.O. round oak room table, 2 stale nlld showing that the objector will be 25 WOltDS 3~.9a 336-4330 Box 221~, Ruidoso, N.M., or call leafs, 6 chairs, WIth china doset, substantiallyandspedficallyaffected bythegran-­ 26 WORDS 4.l3 257-9071. R-32-2tp HONDO VAUIEY KENNELS Mediterranean bedroom set, With ling of the applicaUon shah have standing to rile ~WOJlOS ~,29 HWY37 NORTH dnuble bed and frame. 336-8294. obJectionsorprotests. Provided, however. that the 2ll WoRDS . 4.45 Quality boardlll!l state of New Mexico or any of its branches. ageil'­ and graaming Q-26-tfc cies. departments. boards. instrumentalities at in· • TIARA DEL SOL HOUSEFOLL-of furnit~eforsate. stllubons. and aU politicalsubdiviSions ofthestate 3780C047 and their agencies. insttuinentaliUes and inslitu· Ha.s immediate opening's for Living room, dining room, lions shall have standing to file objections OJ' pro­ persons with outgoing per­ for appCllntment bedroom, wall units, bOOk cases, tests_ The protest or objection shall be in writing console TV, rOCkers, twin beds and shan set forth all protestant's or objector's sonalities. Excellent pay and With headbOards, mattress and reasons why the awlieation should not be approv'" 33G~t94. ed and must be filed. in tripli~ate. with S.E. wo*ing conditions for t.h!,! right box springs, lamps. Re}'llbttk, Statew~~meer. G3tl SouQ". Metentlti!s. people, If you feel you would IlOtDOSO READY MIX . 0,.". fc f--_~N.· _.saoos._~-l11l.L. --'rEiEPHONR-wIiUN~ ·-i:ereiihiine---­ days after the date nf the last publicatian of this _.. 1Ike-tq-be-parCof-the:-frnest· - COncrete·:;sancf-·Gravef Notice. " . resort in Ruidoso, coli Dill at extensions. Mike Malis, Rocky Leg8II4&8Z~3t (8) UI, 25, a,. 1. Fully "ome Owned & Opemed Mountain Wiring. 257-9142, PROFESSIONAL T.EE CARE 257-9232. 257·7729. M-27-tfc Phone 37....91 I NEW MOBILE HOME pARK:"':' now LEGALNOTICE . anel PEST CONTROL renting spaceS. Half price first month, One blk. south of.ltuldoso NonCE is hereby given that On April 30. 1986. SITE PREPARATION Downs Municipalbwldlng. Phone Donald Frank McKnight. P.O. :aox 55. Pieseho. Friends, New Medco 8834-3 filed appJimtion n'umb€!'r Spruce 'free$- Gire turnIng at this time and you Footings. Excavation, Driveways. 3784396. H-29-Uc 01291M-A into OI299-A-A-A with the STATE £NGINEER for pertnit to change place of USI:!! of might hav4' problems: with moths or cate"~ GENERAL CONStRUCTION 6.415 acre-Met,pet annwn of sin'face waters froin Jililors. I ·tlm sur~ you know thot spruc:e frees Fun'& ,. Foundotions. Block Work the RID aondo, trlbuUlry of the Pecos Jtlver. at a , are very valuable hi this area and should be • . . Froming & Trim . point In the NW:I,d'4E:I,... Nt!:.1.4 or 8ectlort 18. egularlv~. Room Additions. CU510m Home5. Township 11 Soutb, ltange 18 East, N.M.P.M.• and chacked .. ,. a river pump located -m the :NE::t4NW"~NE:l,-4 of Aphids winter in your spruce tr'e~$. Normatly ·Flexible .••• ·...... _T•• Seclion 17. To'WitShlp 11 Sout!), Itartge 18 East. ,N.M.P.M., by ceasing the irrigation of 1.85 aCres of they move to fir trees during the summEtr. but Moel Bowley Coltsfructlon SERVICE if the tips at new growth on ybur sprUCE! tire Over' 30 Years Experienc~ land described as foHows: . Lit::,N210SO, _ SUBOIVISlONSIl:CTlON 'tOWNSHIP - Mo!,!fhly turnlng brown. which a lot ore In this area. Hours·, Fronrparls of: they need to be sprayed.· 25704i30 '336·8242 S~S.l,zSE,l.4NW1.. and - Weekly S~r~, a job arMeDri~ald's is work. :NIJ.l:N~~:I;"SWI,4'at'ld If your Pin~ trei3$ 'o're turning brown this ear­ Bul U's also achance to meet ·peo. N~NWt,;..S:E:J,.4. and -One Time Iv·, it could mean some kind of beetle infe$''a­ S~S~SEt4NE:l... 16 11 S pie, make lots of friends, and take fioM. If you heYlEi' Yellow Pines and ,the limbs part In MeOonald's·sponsOred ae, RUIDOSO LAWN CARE. .sUBDIVISIoN RANGl'i ACRES ore brown, you could havc; tll'1l~P IIi~esti::ltion" From paris "or: •. tlvltles. And. while mosl companies "Professional. lawn services Sl~S~g~.NWJ, .. and Pine or Pinon Ileedle scale storts on you,. I make your SChedule to ·llt their 'N-'kN~:N1'::S,4,SWL4and browJi~ ev~iythlng 10 arid cO!llpletehonie core. N~NWl,..SE1,-4 and ~. needles. turning tips cau$ing d 'lot of needs, we'll do we can S~S'kSE\.NIl:'" IRIl: 1.85· shedding. It seems this yeo.. needle scale is give you hours Ihat are best for you. Year around. and 'conunen~ittg the use: orsaid6.475 ~cre--feel pel:' • ,more prevalent than in previous yeor~. In addition. Wa offer. . R~gular ESTABLISHED QUALITY annwn Ilf surface waterS of the Rio .Hondo l tot' the or Pinon need's we'cke:ns tresSi, 91Y· - Wage Reviews irrigation ot 1.850 acres of'latid located in Part of ·Plne scale SWI,"NW\-;, 'Or Section 18, 'township 11 SOuth. ing the beetle a chance to enter. - 112 Price Meals . WORK!!! Range 18 East. these ffeEfS need to be checked resulor,Iy.. •• -FREE Uniforms 257-7399· Ai'1Y person- linn or corporation: « oUier entity c:all-u~ friond~ objecting thlit the grantingl of the aWUeation Will' . please-. for a Professional.. Diagnosis:. SO,if you'd like to put some .. be detrlfuenlal In the .hlecto.... water tight .haU fun aIId flexibility ihto your life, stop , have standing to fUe ob actions or protests. Any . into McDonald's. Talk to Ihe store , FOR SALiS person, firm or:"t:'o~ra~liJl'I ~r other .e~tI~y obJec­ JIM WOOLDRiDGE GINIRALCON~CTOR manager and lind .UI more abOuI RBC ting that the granting of the appll(!ation wilf be, Ruidoso BUilding corporation PLUSH, burgundy sofa CIild layeseat, COntratY to thi! cortset'Ystiod Of w~tei" WiUiln the­ L1C 618.410 our openings on Ihe Crew team. state br detrlniet'tal to thel>u'blIc' wellate, :o( the Auctioneer Always, An Equal Opportunityl - Ramodallng tOp to bollom new, $450. New oak bedroolll set, ' state and s!lowlIlg that Ille .bJeetorwll1 be ALL TYPES BUILDING.. TREE REMOVAL Affirmative Action Employer. substantiallyand' speci!i(:aUyaffected. byUleg-tan­ - ALL TYPES * * .' No job too small queen headbaard, bureau, dresser, ting of the appUcation shall have standing to rue • HOUSEHOLD * DIRTWORK * LANbSCAF'ING • Difficult ..,modeling is our speCialty ndrrClrand nightstand, $500. Three objecUons orprotests. ptovlded.however. that the SACK HOE . HAULING .• Commeroial and resldehllal Can· ~t, state ot New Mexico' or atiy of ItS brarlches. ageJ1. • EQUIPMENT, .E'tC. * * struolion oak blarstools, custOlll $'75 elM, depai1ments,boards ltistrIlntentallUes or I~ McDonald's • Contemporary in-house archlteot each. Pol1able .t-k 1Hl1'. with 2 .titutl....hall ""'" standh1g to file oble.U...or , , 144 Sudderth >. ·f IHlrSfoals, "ery'ilI1,que, $450, "tw. ptOlE.2~7-702'"night~~~_D-2lJ.-4~p ElND OF SEASON SALE - at Con. ment, all bills plus cable TV paid; preferred. Alto area. 3364958. .' .. ICO. Twenty lOch thick adobe walls, . bedroom, 2 bath, rustic cabin with, $2~5/month. ~ I HAVE -.commercial property at . adobe waUed courtyard, 200 sq..ft. , sunporch and deck on 3 lots. nie's CollectibleS, 20% off all 257-4462, afterFf-8tWc' ._...... N.::30-3tc . the wye for lease or sale, or will . .coveredporch. One bed~o,?m w~th R e c e n t I Y.1' e mod e 1 e d . · glassware. 502 Suddreth. C-31.:ltp _._~_.--"'"~ _ .... THREE BEDROOM - unfurniljhed, consider trades. Will remodel to ~orner flrel!!ac<;, large bvmg/dm- (505)257-2470. R-31-2tp PULLETS FOR SALE - white leg- BY DAY OR WEEK - or long term in Capitan. Garage, barn, fences, gers, $3 each. 1-354-2631. S-31"2tp lease available. Two hedrooms, 2 horses ok. 257-7467. J-27-tfc ~~i~70i4~f~~~s. Clill 257-~:~94~~ ~:lIah6~s:'~t~rfi%~~e't~~kf~~~ BY OWNER :.::.: Alto Lakt!s Goll and 'ICE ;,.. helow boo.k', 8X29, baths, fully furnished~27-5493. 50%-OFF. DEPOSIT '=larg", .. ,.~-...., --.--_._'-'-'-"'~ . 'rigation system to water fruit· ~~U!'try Cl\lb. 9ne-half acre lot ad· SAClUF ~d, FOR SALE BY. OWNER -3 tr.ees, '/..0 acre w.at.er rights, Fo.r .' JOIning Alto VIII.age :t'enni~ Club. nice, clean mobile Scout. Plush, ..._-~...'•. _------...... -9Hfc ca.r.pet." 2 bed.r.oom.s, fireplace, bedroom, 3 bath, 2car.garage, fur- more mfor,matlOn call Charbe O.nl? ~[the best VIews '11 e,:,t're sub- carpeted, wood grain interior and CI:Ii\RMING CABIN Z" fireplace, carport, appliances. $350, gas and . nished, Alto, full' membership. , (505)257-4624. . A-314tc . d,vlslon. Club membership mclud- more. 378'4512. T·314tp v,ew, 2 master bearooms, ap- water paid. Call Gladene 257-7313 .3364126.. S-,29-5tp SPACi()us~' BRICkcoNl5o _... on erJci~05 )~57~~~70, . .. ~-31_2tp OR SA'LE _ Bla~er Chalet K5. walk. pliances, drapes; $375 plus. bills. days, 257-7988 evenings, 1..623,,3360 AC~ES of.beautlf~l or~ard F • 2584984,2584159. . . V-99ctfc, anYtime. 0-27-7tp FORSALEBYOWNER::::must'sell. . slab, central heat and air. Two nil - on ~W¥J, ca"tW.f':;tic~a:ruie,,~e"fo~~:I~ Upper Canyon, 3 bedrooms, HII bedroo.ms 2 baths, fireplace, ac- the "vel' at I:Iondo, wIth 1 ." acres ., ONE LARGE SHOP SPACEi-ind-l HOME:! AND APARTMENTS::::' for baths, on two level lots. Buyer 1 of water rights only $75 000 a/c;. tilt wheel, this one a jewel. small shop space. Both with elec·. rent, Lela .Easter property assume existing loan, $58,000. Lowcessible all year. 'Custom carpet, . •... C· . IT' $7,~95.1..622-4682. W.:lI-2tp tricity.338'4844. D-l-tfc management, ask for Sharon; down, owner will carry balance drapes, all.appliances.·Owner here ThompsonLand ompany, o,~e withno interest. 2574478. K-29.4tp. to sell. $70,000. Palisi.!des 113, .113 .2~7:~3~_6!!'()IIl~,2511-~279, .. T..6-t c PICK-UP _ lumber rack fol' long RESORT-'WORLD'RENTALS':':" 257-7313. . ,L-2Hfc .. - White Mountain. K·31·5tp LOTS FOR SALE - 'II acre, White wide bed•. Factory made, heavy , nightly, weekly .and monthly. Call' TWO BEDROO!Vi"-=ibath-mobile. RuiDOSO BusiNESS FORstif.Fi-:::'" BY OWNER':':forsaleor rent, Three Mountain 4, with Sierra ~li',:,ca guagesteel. $150. 258'5495. W.31-2tc Ann George, 3184652, 378-4636.. Water and sewerage paid. R-l-tfc, .. ' Reasonable· year-round rent. Complete offset and letter press bedroom, 2 bathsmobile with fenc- view, easy allcess, all utlbtles, 1973 4WDSCOUT II - 35,000 miles, .-~---~.~".-.".------,.--'".... - 3784979. K-27-tfc shop doing full service job- ed acreage, hay barn, corrals, $28,500. One th,rc;l acrl?,.Alto, wood- . beautiful red body, white .top. All OFFICE SPACE - at Ell Patio, 1107 • _ ... ,. printing. Income has grown each' storage. 336-4126.. . S-314tp ec;l, level lot, WJth SIerra ·Blanca red: carpet, ceiling, walls and Sudderth, $300/month all bills UNFURNISHEO::':::"2"l:ledroom;$375; ~f~ed4~~ra P~~~kt s~~et:~s BY ELDERLy COUPLE ...: large ex. . .v,ew,$~2,500.253'3642. ..\V:11~tfc . floor. Air, good tires. $2,350 or'best paid. Excellent visible location. furnished 2 bedroom, $300; seclud- offer. 258";;495. W.:lI-2tc 2574462, after 3 p.m. E-8-tfc ed'3 bedroom, $450. ;)"0, Prestige, . negotiable. Owner has interest out cutive type house. No longer need 4 ,TWO BE~ROOM -; 11'2 b.ath, furmsh- 336-'4975. . S-27-tfc of area. B.J. Dunn, Broker; bedroom, 3 full baths, ·game.room, eJd cabm'l beapUtifUtl. v,ew·25$75346'08060. NEW' RV"PARK =-!iOw renting IiOUSEFORLEASE-3bedrooms, 2 ONE ·.AND -TW(5-BE6R60M=-~fiir- (505)257-2870. .. D-29-8tp den, finished basement, 2 large 0 Stee e, . res Ige, . - , spaces.Stay2 nights, 3rdfree. One baths, 'l'own lind Country North. " . 'l't' NEARPAnRE ISiAND ..... Riviera decks, 2fireplaces. One block from 3364975. .G-27-8tc blk, south of Ruidoso Dllwns $5OO/month, . $200/security. Jean nished apartments, all uti I ,es, Beach Texas, 5 acres, furnished' Cree Meadows Club house. No Municiplll building. Phone Smith, Prestige, 2574686, 258'4292. cable. Laundry facilities. Willow house, $60,,000. Seventeen acres or reasonable offer refused, apprais· part, $5,300/acre, .ideal commer- ed at $140,000 will sacrifice for SAVE REALTOR FEE 378'4396. H-29-tf~ FOICRENT-6R-·SALE~::.P.1¥~~ FJi~~~~ii~7\~~6e::;::1?~~ cial. 3001 Copper, El PallO, Texas, $97,500.. Wooded lot with view. - A-frame in Alto Village for sale by moblle, 1 tiedroom~ large storage baths mobile borne on large lot. 79930. (915)565-9677. S-304tp 257-5928. P-31-2tc '. OWner• .2-2" garage,. .spa, green­ • or bedl'oom. NeWlY remodelell. Fenced yard, WID, dishwasher.. FOR SALE"':':' 70 ft.' trailer, late SEVEN MOBILE liOME LOTS'':'' house, furnished. $'87,500. JACUZZI $250, water paid. 257-9615,. Even- Ea$yaccess. 378-8272," W-27-tfc model. $9,000 or best offer. completed, at reduced,price. Call HOME-(915j 581-4823 ings 257-282'1. W-31-tfc . 3784545. B.30-tfc owner/agent, Burt 378-4061 or OffICE·(915) 591.5522 Originally $5,200, must ONE BEtiRoOM-::i'urniShedhouse, TWO BEDROOM::' 'piraeUse aart ...... 257-8040.. . 0-31-8tp (505) 336·4402; (505) 336·8130 ofle. 50 sacrifice, $1,900. 'Extralarge­ !lOW thrll Labor Day or year- Drive. $450 monthly, furnished. 1,180 S",CLUDED ACRES - 30 miles SUNNY, INVITING _ 2 bedroom,. 2 extra jets·redwood siding. round. 3784261 mornings or call 3364671..., , P-27·tfc east of Ruidoso. Great hunting and bath condo, completely furnished; 336-8294. C Eliza.beth Davis at K-Bob's, DON'T THROW AWAY MONElY - pasture. Phone (505)354-2489. WID, dishwasher, linens, dishes. 378'4747. D-314tc half of rent can be saved towards ' H-30-8tp . Excellent conditon. $45,000 cash or RENT!SA.LE ....: large~unfu:rnlshe(j, 2 down .payment on this nice, 3 TWO - 1984 mobile homes for sale. ,.$49,000withno money down, owner 'f bedroom, 2 bath home. $57:;. One, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 14><80 . financing at 9'11%. 257-2202 or bedroom, 2 hai'th 1984 16 X,72 T,- Owner/agent,257-2576. 8-31.tfc Melody. One, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 25iH475, .. H.31-tfc AUTOMOTIVE ~~~e:p,Alb;~w c:rE~~n¥:~: FOR RENT OR LE'ASE - 2-3' 14><72 Cameo. All appliances, fully RESULTS'::: are in"sight',vllen you Wit; furnished, WID, dishwasher, clean use the classified section; Ruidoso 1981 KAWASAKI 750 - LTD, low Swimming pool, jacll2zl facllities. .bedroom house and shop, in com· and excellent condition. $3,000 News. R..61-tfc mileage. 257-7115 or 2584060.. $370/month pIlls bills, water paid. mcrcial location (across from down, take over payments. ,' C-25-tfc 257-2313,asktorHazel. W-31-2tp Cablevision). 258'4486, 3'5, 257-2508 336-8294, after5. C-30-tfc ASPEN AIM - carpet care. Your 19iZaf::~7~g2, 3;*J~~?war.~;.w~ TW~~D~~~~~~t';~'- W~d~~~: T;~te~:DROOM' APART~~~tc FOR SALE BY OWNER _ 1,100 carpet cleaning company. BY QWNER . sq,ft., 3 bedrooms, 1~. haths, in 257-7714. A-80·tfc 55+ acres. National forest on 1981'''': 4Wn, S10, Club"Cab, pickup, $500/month plus utilities a'nd unfurnished, available the first. North Alto. Easr access, central. BONITO RIVER PROPERTY - 3 sides, privacy and beauty. excellent eonditlon. Take up deposit. One bedroom; furnished Hoyt Apartments, across from heat, choice 0 schools. Price house, $29,000; 5' small lots, $9,000; . Complete )Ilew ofSierra Bian­ payments. Call Tony at 257-5168 home, midtown area, $3OO/month Care Center. 2574917.. H-23'tfc $55,000.338'4615. G-30-8tp 2 large lots, $9,000;' call 'Tim from 3'5 p.m. C-314tp . plus utilities and deposit. TWo FANTASTlCMONTHI.Y"7 or long Cl.OSING COST DOWN _ and Quigley at257-5196. Q:I01-tfc ca from 3'bedroom house on CORVETTEl"STINGRAY _ for sa}". bedroom. furnished trailel' with term rentllls. Call Paul Delgado, . assume mortgage on 2 bedroom, tap of mountain. Only 2 miles Good car, loaded. For more infor- SUIndec1.'I,.t. midtodwn, $1~tO/mpgnth 25702958. D-23'tfc from town, by, private road. t d 2'. bath condo in White Mountain SACRIFICE-The Springs matlon call 258'4267 after6;00 p.m, P. us u 11 ,es "n eposl . one NICE: SMALL-twobedroom,'rustic Estates.Fullyfurnished, including #16. 3.2y' completely' fur· Spilt rail fence, horse barn, R-27-7tnc 'Til"Watts, 2574238. W-31.:ltc cabin, I'easonable. Couple only. WID. TO'see'call, (505)275-1693 in open meadow. Elk and Albuquerque. G.:lQ-tfc nlshed. 5125.000. 198~l~WR~' ...:~ pickup for;.~I1c ON!a~~~~?g::f:t'~~:m~'tin; ~J~~68~~d. Close to Bennett'~~~~c . Ken aaker, .turkey. 5525,000•. FORSALE - A real bargain. Two un­ oftlce (214) 320.911731 W. Holme.., for appointment. furnished condos in Huidoso..Two (214) 872·'1441 " nEAt> THE CLASSlFIEDS - You Foff~~~fu~~~:'t~~~rigi~~~;:~ NI~r;~t~~~~O-;d~~~~I:ll~f.~:t~~ bedrooms, 2 baths, Aspen ceiling, ·h III 214 722 7 7 s' may find something you need or Center on Mechem, direct!)' garbage and .sewer furnished. free-standing fireplace. Just like • .wantintheRtIldosoNews. R~l-tfe behind Ravco. 680 sq.ft., beautiful Natural gas available. 378'4498, new, good view. Only $39,000 each. location for office or small retllil . C-29-tfe Financing available. Call A MEMBER OF THE SE'ARs FINANCIAL NETWORK EMERGENCY' ';:::'Bulck 'Hegaf for atol'e. I.ols of parking. Contllct TWO BEDROOM _ mobile home, (915J4454614. C-304tep sale. 1973, in very good condition. DUline Byars, 257-7573, at Ruidoso nieely furnished. clean, $225, $'400 cash. Please Call 2574078 or Cleaners, R.:lI-3te TRADE - 3-2'.·2 townhouse ·on Ft. =~ ::~~ia~r:~ISI;~riy~~~~a~ri;~ Worth Lake for 3-2-2 in Ruidoso, COLDWeLL come see it, 2803 Sudderth Drive. APARTMENT FOR RENT' 1 easy access, no co.ndo, 0031-3tp bedroom, Ruidoso Downs, water Available September 2, 378'4498. (817)236-8254 or W.P. Campbell, ~ #1 1979WHITEf·:....; Chevy Caprice and sewel' paid, furnishlld. C-29-tfc Box 79425, Ft. Worth, Texas, 76179. BAN" in Classic. All power plus sunroof. $175/month.258-4487. H.:ll-tfe THREE BEDROOM ~ mohile with .. W-31-7tp $2,200, Call after 7:00p.f:.m., 3illSWALLO\\rORrvE-3 bedroom. large, covelfed deck. All weather VERY REASONABLE' - cute A- .. 257-7772. 1-3tp $575, possible I'Mse/option, I'oall in qulet al'ea.· Telephone . F'rame, 2 bedrooms, 1'. bathS, fur­ Real'Estate 3z'F'odfYRAvch .:: motoi-horru!. Ownerragent,257-2576. S.:ll-tfe 378'4964. R-29-tfc nished. Exclusive, Ruidoso area. • Complete with date, All extras; LARGEnfiffi'NiSHED-=' oi'~iinfur- TWOORTHREE-be1ERCURYBOBCAT":'-4Spel1d, ed. $500/month. Available furnished trailers in Ruidoso LOTS"": with full RV hookups. $8,500 6 cylinder, runs great, mag September 8. No pets. 258-4064 01' Downs. EvenIngs, 1-0034945, Hon- and up. Terms. Call owner/agent, wheels, AMlFM cassette. $1,100. 2574027. W·31-tfc C-31..6tp J ace Ensor,Coldwell Banker, Evenings257-5331. W-31-3tp VERY-REASONABLE ---'cute -X- __ do.~, .- __. .... , .... -_ ....--,. SDC,257-5111. E-31-tfc • ,- EFFICIENCY APARTMENT,-$295, .• .1979 TOYOTA - p,ckup,low mileage, Frame,2 bedr09m8, 1 ~ baths, fur- all utilities and basic cable paid. TWO-=2'bedrooni; mobiles itl'the campe!" shell, 5 speed, AMlFM, mshed, Exclus!ve, Rwdoso area. Easy access, central location, 30's, owner financing. Jo Stellle, new tires, excellent back to school Avallable September 1, 1986. call clean. 258'4950, 257-5852. M.:ll-tfc Prestige, 257-4686 or 3364975. cal' $2,200 can be seen at The owner, (512)425-1812. T-31-8tp "-"-~"'-""------.- G-27-8tc , '. d .• .... CONDO - 2 bedrooms, 2'12 baths, Rock Shop, Carnzo canyon Roa. FOR RENT -;- small traIl!,,:. on cableTV, sleeps 6:$50 nightly, $250 , '" .. _ ....-. ~-3~2t., Meander.DrIVe, $201! plus utlhtles, weekly. 258'4950. 257-5852. M-31-tfc OVERLOOKS RACETRACK . FORSALE-"19InternationalScout, $100 cleaning depos,t. Call collect. NICE ...... ,G'" ~ dr m 1';' ~--''1->C4.'1'l>lleed,-good-Shape;,$3,800i--.f!15}877:~379.-===-:-__.:-·W-32-4!!>--- .'~ "",;~ e :00 '·"h"':':-lt-Four-bedrooms;-2·bllths,-IiV--- will '. oonsider ··trade 336-8253 FURN'ISor.oD OR' UNFU.,MTSHEO _ bath, unfurnished home. Solll!" T ot 'Ing room, dining room,' 2 . ACREAGE,.-SUODIVISIOH lOTS-HOMES . ~ ""'''aft 6'00 • B-32-2t' 0"'.. • .....". water and well. Wood stove PlUS 33"...... ,.. er...... p ty;o bedroo,ms, 1'''. baths, fireplaee.257-2829. . . S.:ll-tfc fireplaces, garage, 2,600 sq. WAYN E" CADINS-MUlTI·FAMllY lOTS-COMMERCIAL-TRAOE' 1977 GMC STRETCH VAN - $2,900. • dishwasher, fll'eplace, carpeted, ft. Owner !!na~~lng. caU257-9891 orsee atthe Nook and mndern, excellent access. 257-6990 :<18.":<11 L Cranny, 649 Sudderth. N.:l2·tfc or 257-9041. 8-32-tfc . ~ 2-BEDRooM· CONDOS FURNISHED - 3 bedl'ooros, 21>aths, 3~BEDROOM in White Mountain. Lease, CONDOS For Sale By Owner ' AUTO P'ARTS $'i50/month, deposit requir.ed. 4.BEDROOM CONDOS USED (~14)369-2011. P..EALTY . 258'40600r M.2Q.:23tp. Nightly, Weekly, ·Monthly SHADOW MOUNTAlN . , . '.' . LOI>GE RE¥~t~dt~~e~eb~~~~~l'c~;j~s 25.7-7467 J M'LS Domestic and Foreign 257-6050 Days and homes. Call Mary, 257-9057. '· 7'8-4816 s' . C-27..6tc 258-3407 Niahts 3;:;.,;;~...;;;;,;;;,;;;:.;;;.... L-__.... __..::..I UPPER CANYON - Main Road·. Two CUTE.CLEAN CABIN • hedroom 1 bath, furnished apart­ ,. mentwilli fireplace, washer, dl'Yer, lit the tall pines. Now and 31 n ~ AIRSTREAM MOTOR HOME RENTAL and. storage l>uilding, ye!'r-ro11pd Labol' .Day weekend. F'flly Perfect condition.. 16.000· milesi PUBLIC LAND~. AUCTION , . TOWNHOUSE ON RIVER - coin­ .acoess. $450/month. aU hills paId, f.urnished. Sleeps four, two 10 acre tracts in Homeltead pletely furnished, microwave, inclUding basic eable, $150 deposit Acres Addition, Sell clr trade any mshwasber, WID. Fully carpeted, and lease required. AdUlts only, no .2S'I.1I882 .. or all foi" hoit140 of equal value, no .LOTS & SMALL ACREAGES two bedroom, 11k bath, firepla~e. pets. 257-7267. .. ,. H-23·tfll encumberances: negotlC!!ble. COl!"­ . TO BE SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION Excellent location. Fenced patIO, outside storage. Share utilities. OFFICE BUILDING FOR LEASE­ fpct Clint LewIs, lot 6, Homestead LABOR DAY 378-842'1 after5. S-33-tfc 3,300 Sq.!t..I.ocated at 1100 SUd­ RETAIL OR Acres after- 5 p.m" until September derth. 2574678, , o-23·tfc COMMERCIAL SPACE 5. 1986. SEPTEMBER 1sl, 1986 - 10:04 AM i'wo BEDROOM -1% bath, furnish­ . .. eli..... t Lewis Brokerag,G' CLOUDCROFT PAVILION IN THE PARK. ed apartment, nice river location. in lIolite 1, Bo)( '2~' $3251leaae, plus electricity. Call Condo Rentals by On Sudderth downtown •. C~ld\Nell. Texas 77836 Come bX the office for.. lis~or asho.Whig ofpro­ . Gladene atLela.Easter, 257-7313 or Phone 4090'567.4236 '257-7988, lA3-tfc Day. Week or Month. Ruii:loso, in the center of L perty bemgoffered. A.ep.tmgconslgnments up r..oMMERCIAL SPACE - across the walking area. Best. .. to time of auction. Anticipatin,g 50'~r more tracts,' from old Safeway and Bank of Lookout Rtmtals many with no minimum bid. . RuidOSO. $5OO/month utilities paid. deal in town on 6month BAR;.B·Q.UE BUSiNESS Call 257-5947.' . G-l5-tfc 257-5064 lease.. . . Terms of Ihesale are: Ca'sh or 20% Down· .' RENTAL HOUSE - if bedroomS; 1 Pro.etiY .lInd Eq..i.meM~· . Balance at 18%' for 36 fhonths. hath! good location; UIlfurnIshed, 258-4950 257-5852 " $475tmonth.378--8419. ,.:&-17-tfc THE. PADDOCK. ·Inch.del IMng qUlItters, LAYNE PRESLAR'REAL ESTATE LIQUIDATORS Nice commercial space 'for lease, Coull! be other __II (IN THE EMPORIUM BLDG.) PINON PARK 500 to 1,200 sq. If. Excellent REAL ESTATE , . P.O.80X137 , CONDOMINIUMS locotlllli lind parkillg. Reasonable MOTIVATED SELLreR - White of husined. rent~marqilee Mountain Unit 4. Flat aeoess with CL.OUDCROFT, NEW MEXICO ,88317 Nightly, Seasonall Monthly Rentals use. $72.50 up 'j{ view of Sierra Blanca. Reduced On h..sy lIighllf81 70 West. (505) 682.. 2343 .. call Bclrbara, ($0$) 258-4477 to $14,500. Call Kevin Hayes or Bob. • Pinon Park Condominiums 25S·412Si1 Drawer 1, Ruidoso, N.M. 88345 Johnson at Mark I Realty, 257·7252' . ,Ja...,.s Cecil Auction.ers Crown Real E.tate 257-5100 25'1-2771. M-l2-tfo '. .,' w ...... t '...... 'k . "". .' J' _ '_ ~ ..", ~ __ .__ -_"_'-""A _~ -

4B I The,Ruidoso News I Monday, August 25J;1986 FOR SALE -large; 4bedroom, '21A1 MOBILE LOTS .... tr~es, utilities· $2,000 DOWN, .... assume loan, $19,000 TWO BEPROOM -,capin, beau~iful SHQPPING CENTER - for sale by ...... ---...... bat~ condo in Loo~ut Estates, available. Possible owner fill~nc- below appraisal. Owner moving deck, great location, su~er View, own er, 257-5103,258 .. 4077, ALTQVI'LLAGE Askmg $125,000, Call (915)694-7398. ing,$7',500 each, Jean Smith, and mlLSt sell! Three bedrooms, $39,500, Sharon McIntire, Prestige" (806)792-9278. R·29-4tc UNDER APPRI\ISAL ....~~~~~~p Prestige,' 257-4686, 258-~292. 1% baths in ~hite Mountain. 257-468P57-7172. ,G-27-8tc Over 2,500 sq, ft. olluxurious Com.

dw .~,~ Si~rra Bla~ca ~F""'OR"""!, MOTivATED TO SELL ..... ortrade .... ••• " ••';.qn' g·27-8t2 . Vlew, easy access, CONDO BY' OWNER ';..,,' must ....S.A...L.""'E....B...... Y.. -O...WN.-....ER.....'... fort with spectacular view. Appraised 1 Golf Course Estates, at Cree FOR SALE BY OWNER -furnished, pnvate pa~IO,'hot tub, garage'~ballf sacrifice. Two bedrooms, 2h at. '$165,000..' P.ric.e.d,. at '$150,000. Meadows, lot 28, block 12, on the lov'ely older winterized 2 acre, close ,to schools, POSSI. e baths, fuIly. furnished, all ap. Handyman special, Airport 16th fairway. ~1WO adjacentlots, 19 bedroom, 1bath cabin. Desirable .}'lli~ !~~ml~~~~~~~:5~~8,+M~3~·!~c, pliances, fireplace. 336·8294. 'West, corner lot, 2+1bed~' '$132,000 assumable loan atlO,56% and 20 on Barcus Road" block 7, 'location with WID, sewer, natural OWNER HAS TO SEJ~L! 5fenced . C·23·tfc J;ooms, 1 bath, 'fireplace, int~rest. Will consider Alto lot, car or Stephen stout, owner1broker, ga,s, fenced 'yard. $35,000, verified 'a~res plUS house., $82,OQO- $5,000; TWOBEDRooM _ hOlLSe Ruidoso $31,000 or be~t offer. . .RV in trade for equity.. Call owner ~~~.4.6~.-, .. ~ ..... }:~8~tc home improvements, $50,000,. "'1 Pl.ckUPt~7S6s8umpIaTbIle ARM Mt'hTfG'380t Downs,~25iOOO,257-5082,' H-24-tfc ,After 6:00o.m.. 258-4932.M 336·42U" UNBELIEVABLE ACREAGE -29.5 ~57-2114.· ,R-29·8tp, p~esen 'l' ... , .. permonor . . .. . acres in Alto areal Sierra Blanca WiLLTAKEr:'Clearreare~atefor years at· 9~% mterest.Call Rose and Capitan view; ,Stream, . e uity in 104 room motel on I·10in Peebles, Four Seasons Real 'A ' . 1'1 d' d meadow, orchard, heavily wood- L~S Cruces" 336-4781, (214)561-7505, Estate, 257·9171, owner/agent. ttractlve, we • eSlgne ed, privacy, good well, Must see to, . ., C-29-6tp P·32·tfc •TOWNHOME S, appreciate. Stephen Stout,···_····,···__ ·_-,_·~-~·~.· -, now aVililabl~ ilt one of Ruldo· ownerlbroker,258 A'466. J.28-8tc DESPERAT,.E."," ·must sell or ....- ...... -...... " . t· I• 'dd' ... "'1... w';a 2 IeaseoplOnItT.. wo bed'. roomouseh UM.rrE.·R. It~1·'".•.II.II.ON ON D.. IVER 505es, Thes~loveIY'1mos eXCU51ve3bedroom,a reS5. FOR SALE - 1981. .aysl e,. with 2lots 'investment property, ·Rom"od,I-. J,I' .1".. rge·, 2. h".,Jr'oo'm' house 2 bath units have gorg.. eous bedrooms, 1\'2 baths. $800, take (206)823-9216 378-4535, .W·29·9tp HIli • BCI • did' A over payments, Call 378·8272.····~~_·· .. ..:·"·!·,~,····,·_~~--,~ .on hoaufiful, AIt, 176/, rlver .front vpl:awls.l·na9" o. :n". e~c~r,·nl.~gn·.'cl. n,.P' , W-28.tfc BY OWNER .... Will take RV, lot. or g .'., .. '...... cabin 'in trade,. Three propertlestlot,~~,2I1edroom, hath, guest available, .CaIl25~'496~forthe TWO BEDR60M - cathedral'ceiling , individually or ~ogether. A.3 house. Hahlral gas helt, Areplace, .rta~~~i~'Zt~ot~~ea~; Lese at~ . open fireplace, breakfast· bar" bedroom, 2bath With guest house; 8.. 1.1 n.e.w.. e.I.. ec... ·trlckltehe.n, WID, By. " fenced yard, $49,500. ,Jean Smith, a 2 bedroom, 2 bath; and a 2 Prestige, 257·4686; 258-4292, bedroom, 1 bath mobile, Please ownot, $2~8,000, furnished...... ------.... 257~506~or S7~-3708, G·27-8tc . . call 257-4230, . A·29·tfc (8t7) p Die . F , , .

~QU'TY Two-':three bedroQI11 WANT TO TRAPE -lJeautlful2 • story, 4bedrooms. 3full baths, 2half FOR SALE BY 'OWNER 'foreclosures mobile, good condi­ bQths; 2car garage. Office, ,dining, 110 acres, 2miles north of , For Sale. tion, $7,500'. 18 ft. ceiling In den, 2 fireplaces, .THE HOUSE WITH P,ANACHE!! , basement, large shop, Located In NW Alto Village, borders Na' Residential,ll Commer. 258·4477 or Lubbock, (806) 797-9616 evenings " 'tional Forest for 3,700' near AND SIERRA 'BLANCA VIEW! 378·8266 evenings., ,D and weekendsl 0 cial Acreage, Farm and Buck' Mountain, ' (State '. '~. , ' Highway 37 goes through Ranch and Condos. For property). Tall pines, sea· information to· see Let Atlas sonal creek, 2 secluded these properties caH... mountain tops with view of Take You Home., Capitan Mountains, new The Atlas professionals n~tural ..•...'''_ .. , fences, gas and 1 '~. ~~;'I;' work togetl1er like a ,.,., . '5. '," ',,, family: from the telephone on property, elec· . ",':=M~ Agent's free estimate and tricity on adjoining property. Live the good life in this spacious living area with large windows that frame . cost~saving advice to the $2;550, $2;259, $1,950 . bea.utiful pines leading up to aview of SIERRA BLANCA. Stone fireplaces packers' and drivers' per in living area and separate den, Four bedrooms plus attractive gallery. special care with all of your acre. ,Agents· welcome. SOC, HEALTOHSn Open the door in the master suite and step out onto the large redwood'deck belongings. Their goal is to Owner anxious to sell. and into your sunny Jacuzzi. A,verY special pla'ce for happy, envious IIv· serve your needs, with the care Afi :r.je~r.jln'ly frw:1Id w:d O~lIIled Merr«r ing. Living area and master bedroom on one level. Seller MUST move. Rel:de~!lll AII~I~let Contact owner: of (QiMi iC'l/r in: 'J and cOijcern you deserve and Make us an offer. . , expect, including the, smallest I (512) 2a4·1092, office I details, That's Atlas Van Lines... ~57·5111 WOI'!d.Class Moving. ™ (512) 264·1430, residence LARGE, LOVELY TOWNHOME Let Atlas Take You Horne; IN lNNSBROOK VILLAGE RUIDOSO TRANSFER AND STORAGE " , . " Four bedrooms, 3bat.hs, co.mPl.etelyan.d atirtlctlvclyfumlshcd. Sleeps. 10. E, Hiway 70, Ruidoso Downs, N.M. Double car garage with electric door opener, ping pong table and many , 505·378-8218 *$9,000. Buildable Alto 10tll"Ruldoso lot with meter and drive extras. Plush carpet, wall paper and redwood deck. Overlooks the3-par .Atlas Van Un*ent installed• goU cou~e. $18,5,000.' , *$11,500. %acre healJlly treed, lowdown payment. l.('.('. No. M('·79658 \\,trlJ.CIJSS Mov,: • . REDUCED TO $165,000!!! *$25,000. Five acres close In, luper financing. CREE MEADOWS ON 1.2 ACRES TO THE CREEK *$40$. We have 2cabins that feature ownor financing and ,tall Quality one-level 3bedroom overlooking goU course and Sierra BlaDca. pines. ' Located OD gorgeous, treed 1.2 acres that Includes bcautUulpart of Cedar THE R~NCH FINDER Creek. Large living/dining with separate deD, 2fireplaces, utility room, *$60s, Newly remodeled duplex"i3 bedroom, 2bath condo. heated double garage and rocked terrace. Excellent access.. Only $165,000. p~esents the (Was $225,000.) .. HONDO RIVER RANCH located' *$705, Three bedro'om, 2bath cedar home, large lot. at the silver bridge just west Qf *$80s, Upper Canyon home, fully furnished. PRICE REDUCED! ACROSS FROM CREE MEADOWS Tinnie. A beautiful tract of, *$99,50Q. Innsbrook Townhouse; excellent rental history. , land-1,932 deeded acres with 36 You'll find this beautUul3 bedroom home with 2full baths. Nestled in the pines overlooking Cedar Creek. 'l'bls'home Is atme value. Reduced to acres of, irrigated permanent $96,300. ' pasturage. Two sets of excellent doug bass Little Theatre performs! improvements on this outstanding Hondo River Ranch. PERFECT MOUNTAIN RETREAT Will consider a1031 exchange. Call Ronald Mayer or Keith & assoc., ·inc. VIEW! VIEW! VIEW! RUidoso Little Theatre performers Lodge Gallery. "Barefoot" will con· 258-5252 (above) Dan Barrow (left) and Karen tinu~ August 28, 30 and September 3 Schrimsher for an appointment to see. m'. Joe lagone Jeff Chapman Three bedrooms, mbaths, attractively furnIsbed with lineos, dishes, etc. Barrow rehearse a scene from Neil . and 5. "Lovers" will continue August LJ3 258·4242 Doug Bass 25702985 UlW utilities, southern exposure windows. Areal beauty with amost spe~ 'of Simon's IILast of the Red Hot 27,29 and September 4and 6. Curtain Ronald H. Mayer Real Estate taeular view! I ' Dlanll Mohrhauser Broker Ruidoso Property Rentals . .~. Lovers.'" Cast rnembers from time is Bp.m. Tickets are $5 for adults MLS 25702914 Nightly, Weeklv, Monthly P. O. Box 449, 1429 West Second St., Roswell, NM 88201 HBarefoot in the Park" (below) Jett and $2.50 for students and senior Phone 505/623·5658 citizens.' Combo tickets are $9 and " Crouse, Bill Don Knox, Sandra Web· ber and (background) McKenzie $4.50. Tickets are available at Schlotz­ Green rehearse a scene from that sky's, DonIs Pbarmacy and the KNOWLEDGE THAT SELLS SERVICE, THAT LASTS play. The two shows will be presen~ed Ruidoso Valley Chamber of RUIDOSO/CAPITAN AREA the next two weeks at the Carnzo Commerce. MOlJnlain retreat Wilh spectoculor 360J view, locat~d 20 minutes from Ruidoso. ~Ierro OIonco ski oreo and 10 minutes REALTOR Irom proposed new OIrport. 120 deed· ed acres surrounded by nOtional forest, . WHITLOCK Three bedroom luxury home plus 3 bedroom bunk and tock house. 011 .=---_...... ,. eleCllic, and aabedroom mobile 25,7·4291 home. Lorge outdoor decks. under· FURNISHED MOUNTAIN CABIN 257·4228 ground utilities, excellent water well. Three bedrooms. 2baths, tall pines, & LYLE 1608 Sudderth pipe·fenced horse stables, covered born and peaceful seclusion. covered deck. SPANISH MODERN VILLA-Incredibly CABIN LOT-Over %acre of large· trees, Contact owner for terms: beautiful home set on 5 lush acres, sweep­ water, electric, phone. $12,500 with 15% 505-622-0505 $38,500 ing verandas, 10 foot ceilings; 2 Santa Fe down and 8%. interest; 5·10 years. ' or style fireplaces, mission tile roof,S baths, Box 2226, Roswell, NM 88201 s Put YOUR brand on som'e land exciting Roman bath. All the very latest in MOUNTAIN CABIN-Only $44,500 buys this construction and amenities. Huge barn, very nice cabin in the pines, easy access, 2 complete security system. $600,000, and bedrooms, fireplace, fenced back yard. Ap· weH worth it. proximately S36,OOOassumable. .. . ' 'Ke 1.80 FEET ON RIVER-Very attractive 2 YEAR.AROUND COMFORT-And convenience I ..b.ed... rdo.mhome on the. r~fai~ingR.. u.. id.05..•. 0 River, stone IshOI11~fea.tured in this 3bedro.hlrg~om 2bath mobile . ! fireprace, large deck,. waH. Very situated on c:I I/)vel lot in ; i-'--~~- -_.. __..__..- ._. ---.1Go ~. ~.~-~ ~- ~1~-. -- ~~~ --w(!lI-prlced-at'onIY-$125,000'~Ruidoso'friice'srmo6tre~clrea-;Nii1efoofcen;- - "~-T~"-"-'-' · '. E'" AL' TOR S. :. %ACRE RIVER LOT:""AII utilities, huge trees, .ing; Owner willco~slder financing at I ~~=~~~~~~~~'",:.R ~~__.~~~. beautiful setting, over 100 feet on the Rio $45,900. I .' .,. Ruidoso plus a spring. $75,000. NEW LlSTING ..... Four b d o'nlV ! @ "PROFESSIONALS WHOCARE" $58.000. • r.OOil1I, I ..... IIJ,j\JII "'II'''.' WAYNE WHITLOCK 1·S00-251-4663·Ext.257 . Office 251~7678 .' Home 257..2402 .....Res.: 257·5131 ' JACKIE COVINGTON DAVID MORALES 205 Mechem. • . P.O. Box 2944 •. Ruidoso, N.M. 88345 ~Res.: 258-3408 -Res.: 378-4069

DEVILS CANYO~ PROPERTY-A superior property t,hatjs .,REAL located just ashort distance. from the Sierra Blanca Regional , Airport site. The closest deeded land available to the airport site frotnthe southern access road, N.M. Highway 214 and ESTATE' U. S. Highway 10. Abeautiful160 acre tract of land surround· ed by the Lincoln National Forest Afantastic property with "P.O.~o~ .excellent potential. 1601 Highway 70 East 966-Ruidoso Downs, NM 88346 378·4016' , , .' '" ' ". COUNTRY' CLUB ROAD, 3 bedrooms, 3% baths, FOR SAlE-New 3 bedroom, 2 bath,' 2,800 sq. n. home 4-STORY CONDO;:with4 bedrooms,2Y2 baths, 2iacuzzis, livIng mom with fIreplace, kitchen, dining room, decks; situated On 40 acres. 2,100 sq. ft. modern barn withstalls and playroom and wet bat. Scenic view of the mountains. Would ton· double garage, furnished. ,$215,000. hay storage. Property Isonl615 miles north of Ruidoso and' sideI' trading down for a niCe cabin. .', ' , " . has beautifUl views 1)f SieiWBlanca, Tucson and Capitan . ..• '...... '105 IVY LANE, 2 bedrooms. lbalh,flreplaco, 1Mng mountains.·· ' 20 ACRES IN HONDO VALLEY reduced from room, kitchen with dining combo, large storage, carport. Call to· $240;000 to $190,000. Four bedrooms, 2'bathand lots more. Call dllyl$49,500. ' . McLENDON RANCH-Exc,elleht access, pretty tree covered today for all the details. ..' ...... ~ .' r hills with views Capitan and, Sierra Blanca mountains. pI '. '" ..." .'...... '. .. ALTO LOT: #4 tee bOll i lot34, block 4, unlfl, High Mesa Small cattle ranch andhunting retreat; 555 total deeded acres. HIGH IN LAS LOMAS thi53bedroom,2bathmobl~eDrlve. . '., .. Less than 1hour drive from RUidoso. Is lotated on a big level lot. NeWCdrpetthroughoot, fully furnish. ..' ....r! 0"5' .. G·" '.. S· ". '. . edand has a great rental record. This one will pay for Itself. POND~R ... AHEI'Hl ,~bedrooms,1bath/large, fornlsh~d.$40,000. HECKMAN & HAWORTH, INC. $40,20Q.. . '. I loft,. utility room, Owner will trade for. larger 80x520" Iluido,o, N.M. 8S345 cabin. ' . ~ ,.' \olnce (505)251-2225 GARY tATE~' 3'78·4224 .. '. ... . " ...' . . '.." ..... ". L!I JANn Ri VERNON. 258.3350 FliED· HECKMAN At VOM· STEEG LARRY VERNON, 258.3350' BILL, PIPPIN, Broker, 378·4811 ..... ", JiM MOR~IS, 251.'7253 , Bto.ker354"2988

" , -- ,- ---\~------"---..,,.,,------... , . Page 2 I The Ruidpso News JeINsiOIl $chedllie Flit The, Week Of AugllSl' is throllgh .••'!'Sf '1 " 8:05 (I) MOVIE: The Come·On Amarried I12l Little Hom on the Prairie (1) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 6:05 (I) MOVIE: The Jayhawkers'. In can woman contemplates homicide (I5l Bill Cosby . (!) I tove Lucy '. 'Kansas before the Civil War. a when s~e falls In love, but she'gets @ Music VIdeos, . .' CIJ Newswatch , border r~lder dreams of becoming ~eb , caught In her own of treachery, llIl Mlst!!r Rogers NeIghborhood, . CZJ Pol/ce Woman . an Amerrcan Napoleon and rUling MORNING Anne Baxter. Sterlmg Hayden. John a Jim lind Tammy C!J Newlywed Game . the Great p'lalns. Jeff Chandler, Fess \ Hoyt (1956) 10:05"" Little House on the PraIrie ®J PrIce Is Right Parker, Nicole Maurev (1959) 7:00 crJ Championship Roller Derby uu .. . l12l GI Joe . . I rn Sesame Slreel t;J 8:30 rn Reading Rainbow Q 10:30 rn Fifth World Hang GlidIng 1m Hour Magazine 6:30 (!) Wheel 01 Forlune (!) Today CZJ Partridge Family Championships (I5l Tic Tac Dough . CZJ Famny Feud 00 Oaywalch 1m New Card Sharks (!) (!ll New Video Hour' • C!J Threes Company. (!) 0 Good Morning America a Jetsons C!J (]J Loving llIl Sesame Street t;J . 1m Naw Crosswlts . 9:00 (1) Today's Special (I5l Doris Day (]J Thundercats. (1IJ MacNeill Lehrer NewsHour Q ®J CBS News (!) Wheel of Forlune (1IJ Hooked on Aerobics a ·She.Ra (]J ABC Monday NIght Baseball CIJ Daywatch 11:00 rn TennIs • .9p,rlvale Benjamin (I5l FlyIng Nun H~me I!Il Timmy and Lassie CZJ Bewnched rn Evening al Pops (1985)3.05(1) Sale al 7:00rn SurvIval SpecIal (1985) Q @ Vollron C!J L1fesWles of the Rich (!) Days of Our Lives . 3:30 CIl Thoroughbred Racing (!) Valerie ®J II)) Donahue CZJ Joker's Wild (1) Reading Rainbow E;I (1) Larry King L1vel . 7:05 (I) Down to Earth l12l Big Vaney C!J l1JJ All My Chl/dren (!) Tom and Jerry .. . CZJ MOVIE: The Blue Max In WWU, 7:30 CZJ Gidget llIl SeSime Streel t;J ®J New Mexico Today C!J Divorce Courl , a young Gennan, fresh out of l12l Beverly Hillbillies [fj Hour Magazine l12l MIdday News . l12l Laverne and Shirley .aviation school, competes for the a5l Hazel a 700 Club II)) As the World Turns (I5l Gal coveted Blue Max flying award. I!Il Mister Rogers' Neighborhood 9:30 CIl SporlsLook (I5l Farmer's Daughter ' [fj DU~~s of Hazzard George Peppard, James, Mason, 13 He·Man (1) Polka Dol Door dIl Reldlng Rainbow Q a Go~ts ' . Ursula Andress (1966) . 7:35 rIll Love Lucy (!) SCrabble a Fanlasy Island .. 3:35 (J) Rocky Road (I) ABC Monday Nlghl Baseball 8:00 ~ Top Rank Boxlllll CZJ I Dream of Jeannie 11:05 (J) MOVIE: Btlrn Free A game 4:00 CIl SportsLook ®J Kale & ~I/e (1) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood C!J Double Talk warden and his wife ralse three rn Today's Specla' , l12l Grealesl American Hero W MOVIE: 2010: The Year We (I5l American Baby motherless /Ion cubs until they are (!) Dukes of Hazzard . ~ ~;r~f~&w an~ Mrs. KIng, E;I Make Conlael Long awaited sequel, 10:00 CIl Aerobics forced 10 set them free to fend for W MQVIE: WeIrd Sclente When (IZJ Music VIdeos fn which ajoint US. Soviet mission rn Sesame Sireel t;J th.emselves in the wilds of Kenya. high school nerds feed gorgeous a MOVIE: Ben Hur, Pari 18ibllcal travels to Jupiter to lind out what (!) Break the Bank V~rglnla McKenna, Geoffrey Keen, .centerfolds Into their home com· drama of Rome in the early 'days of happened to the Discovery. Roy W MOV!E: All the Rivers Run. Bill Travers (1966) . puter, what comes out Is cur· 'Christianity, including the famous Scheider, John LIthgow. Keir Dullea PI. I Th!S powerful and ~weepl~g 11:30 (!) Tic TiC Dough • vaceous, sexy ~nd the answer 10 chariot race,seQuence between Ben (1984) t;J . mini serres ce~~ers on PhIladelphia 1m As /he World Turns any young boys dream. Anth~ny Hur and Messala. Charlton Heston, CIJ Daywatch Gordon, a spirited woman deter· (R) PaltyDuke Michael Hall, /Ian Mitchell SmIth, Jack Hawkins Stephen Boyd CZJ Monkees mined to forge aplace for herself in OIl CreaOVe Uvlng Kelly LeBrock (1985) t;J (1959)' ~ Wallons a man's world, Sigrid Thomton, (Z) Hlrllo Hart, . . . 1m 525,000 Pyramid John Waters t;J (I) Too Close lor Comlort 7:30 CIl Track and Field II5J 700 Club (I) Tlke Two 1m Newlywell Game (!) Amazing Stories I;J " 0Zl Music Videos CZJ News 12:00 rn Frugal Gourmel l12l One Day ala Time. ®J Newhart (1986) Q. . QI) Sesame Slreel t:;I (I) «fJ Ryan's Hope (!) Ano/her World II)) Jeopardy OIl Wild, Wild World of Animals 9 Scooby 000 ~ 1m Young and the Reslless ill MOVIE: Tempest An architect " (I5l Green Acres 8:00 rn American Maslers (1906) E;I turns mid life crisis into a /Iving (IZJ Music VIdeos (!) MOVIE: NBC Monday Night al fantasy by trading life in the fast l1Il Mister Rogers' Neighborhood the Movies" Tlmll to UVIIA mother lane for a Greek island paradise. a G." Joe ,musl face bolh the emotional and HBO IS 24 HOURS EVERY DAY John cassavetes, Gena Rowlands, 4:05 (J) Down to Earth physical trauma that acco!"panies • MONDAY Susan SaraMon (1982) 4:30aJ John Fox's .Outdoor • th~factthather¥oungson IS slowly 6 p.m.-RAMBO with Sylvester Stallone (I) Newsday , Advenlures dYing of afatal disease. Uza. Minelli, 10:10 p.m.-TRAINING CAMP "The Rookies" (Z) Let's Make a Deal "" People, Pets an. dDr. Marc M J(1e9/f18re5Y) De Munn, SWOOZI8. Kurtz ~ . TUESDAY (I)[fjOne~Th~ ~ ..• C ~ DIck Van Dyke (I) ShpwBlz Today ,CD MOVIE: Warning Sign When a , 6 p.m.-AMERICAN FLYERS with Kevin Costner II)) News 1(1) WKRP In Clnclnnall deadly virus gets loose in aresearch r 8 p.m.-TRAINING CAMP "A Second Chance" (I5l Father Knows 1m CBS News cenler, its victims become r WEDNESDAY , @ Music Videos l12l Welcome Back, Kotter homicidal zombies seeking the local , 5 p.m.-THE PEE·WEE HERMAN SHOW llIl Great Chefsa f Chicago ~@ RiflemanNews . sherr'ff'S WI'fewha 'tIS rapped WI'th , 6 p.m.-PEE·WEE'S BIG ADVENTURE 9 Carol Burnett llIl Seerel CIty them. Sam Waterston, Kathleen ,r NO COMMERCIAL INTERRUPTIONS ON HBO 12:30 CD Hooked on Aerobics II! DIfI'rent Strokes Quinlan (1985) Q , (Z) Dallng Game .- T I (1) Evening News , , THURSDAY ®J Capital - rlns onners 1m Cagney and Lacey Q 5 p.m.-SAVANNAH SMILES with Pat Morita ~ Carol Burnett 4:35 ()) Gamer Pyle ~ News , 7 p.m.-TURK 182 with Timothy Hutton , @ Slopwalch 5:00 (2) SporlsCenler ' . @ Klle & Allie FRIDAY 1m Star's Table (]j CNN News @ New Video Hour r '" 6 p.m,-THE BREAKFAST CLUB r llIl Wild, Wild World of Animals (!) People's Courl (TJ) National GeographIc Special , 8 p.m.-SCREAM FOR HELP 9 Leavell To Beaver (1) Moneyllne The Chesapeake Bay and the SATURDAY 1:00 rn SIx, Gun Heroes CZJ 5100,000 Pyramid rugged, delightful people who live r 8 p.m.-WCB: Spinks vs. Tangstad (!) Sanla Barbara C!J MWS*H • along ,its shores are}ealured. They . r 9:30 p.m.-TRAINING CAMP "A Second Chance" (1) Thelnlemallonal Hour ~ 1m News ply the waters in ways old,and n~w~ \ , SUNDAY CD HawaII Flve.O ~ WKRP In Clnclnnali (1986) t;J r 6 p.m.-PERFECT with John Travolta (D 0] General Hospllal ~ Girl from U.N.C.LE. 8:05 ()) MOVIE: Cat Ballou A school· r 8 p.rn.-YURI NOSENKO, KGB with Tommy Lee Jones ~ Guiding L1ghl (TJ) ReadIng Rainbow Q marm, a cattle tustler and hiS r "'" AP~c~ d GIflllh l!),Jeffersons drunken uncle. who poses as a 257·5121 CABLEVISION 117 Wingfield Ave. @ I:Right 9 What!s Happnenlng preacher, stage a train robbery to 1m 700 Club , 5:05

7 , I· .0( " ,~elNsioll T~,e RUidO~O ~ag~ • .-. Schedule fpr The Week Of August 25 .Through August 31' ',News I. 3.', \ (!) C!l @ @News'.- the shop of Johann Gutenberg, tml Yan Can Cook, (l) ShowBiz Today claSSIC l,95qs horror pictures 'In thiS -C' (l) NewsNlght .Inve,nlorof the press. Fred Gwynne, @ Carol Burnett ~.' (f) WKRP In C1nclnnaU wry~plnetlngler. Hal ,Holbrook, , ,(I) NaUonal Geographic Explorer Christopher Makepeace, Lance 12:30 CD Hooked 011 Aerobics 0]) CBS News Adrienne l3arbeau, Leslie Nielsen 0]) CBS Late Night Magnum, P.I, Kflrwln (Z) DaUng Game (12) Welcome Back,Kolter ' " (19~2~ bII Ch f' I tel Jack BennY,' (l) Daywatch \lID Capllol '@News (!)) ee rye s @ Billy Idol rn Monkees il2lCarolBurnetl tel RlIIeman '.9:00 CD Comrades (1986) t;1 a ·Bosom BUddl~s '.l!2! Waltons ' @ Stopwatch ' , tml Secrel Clly ,, (!) 1986 ' , ,'10:30 CD Do You Hear the Rain? (1986) . @ $25,000 Pyramid tel Star's Tabte (!} 0111 rent Stroklls '00 Moneyllne , "Q " "~,.tel 700 Club llJlWlld, Wild World of-Animals a Translormers C!l @,Spenser: For HI[e t;1 , (!) Besl of Carson @ Music Videos @ Leave It To Beaver 4:35 (I) Gomer Pyle l!ID News . (lJ Hangln' In', tml Sesame Streel t;1 " ~" , '. ' , , @The Equalizer 'T M' hT S Th @ Scooby Doo " . 1.00 rn Ten Is 5.00 rn SportsCenter '. @ Bill Cosby , (12) MOVIE: 00 uc 00 0011 e.~OVIE. Th~ CD She un Heroes ® CNN NewsMUsI Vld eo~ story of Diana aarrymore,r~noW~eddaughter 8:05 (I) Lone!y Profession @) Santa Barbara (!) People's Court' @ c c , I of the world John Aprivate. eye finds himself on the (l) The International Hour (l) Moneyllne r! konnectlons Narrator James , , Barrymore, who Inhenled fame, wrong side o~ th~ la~ when he mHawaII FWe-O ' (lJ $100 000 Pyramid ur e , fortune and heartbreak. Doro!hy searches for .hls clJ~nt smurderer. (!) ~ General Hospllal .C!l WAiS*" @M~tI Houston Ma~one, i "Errol Flynn, Elrem lim· Harry Guardmo, Dma Memll, Jo- • aID ' ' 0]) @ News 9:05 (I) Porlrall of America ballst,Jr, (1956) " .. seph Cot/en (1969) Il2l Andy Griffith il2l WKRP hi Cincinnati 9:30 Ql SportsCenter , , tel Best'of Groucho 8:30 CD Reading Rainbow t;1 , I!1l Price Is Right ' tel Girl from ttN.C.L,E. ' III Sports Tonight tml Wild, Wild World of Animals . (lJ Partridge Family @l700 Club @) Reading Rainbow @J M*A*S*" \ .. \ t;1 ~ ANfghh,lIlnBe k ' PI "@NewCardSharkSl1lJMasterpleceTheatre (1963) ~ Jeflersons@News' 13 rc e un er s ace, qD Jetsons Q I ', @ What's Happnenlilg tel Burns and Allen '10:35 (!) M*A*S·H, 9:00 rn 1986 Lucky Strike Bowling , @ Pollc,e Slory 5:05 tID Green Acres " 10:00 rn Malar League Baseball's @ Entertainment Tonight Tourname,nt'. 1:05(1) Superfriends 5:30 C1llnsl~e the PGA Tour Greatest Hils \ 11:00 ~ Auto Racing '86 , CD Today s Special 1:30 ~ Bugs Bunny CD Nightly Bus. ® Good Intentions Based on the ® American Masters (1966) t;1 {!l Wheel of Fortune 1'35 (I) Tom dJ ry @) NBC Nlghlly News _ ',book, The State Against Blacks (l) CrosslJre ,(l)Daywatch • "an er (l) CmssIJre ThiS 'program IS diVided lOla three CD Joe Franklin (lJ Bewitched ' 2:00 rn Australian Rules Football (lJ Million bollar Chance' segments, each locuslng on a • l!ID MOVIE: CBS late Movie Wlfd, (!) lifestyles 01 the Rich CD Sesame Sireet Q C!l ~ ABC News t;1 particular SUbJect. discussed by Revls/te~ (lID @ (!) (lID ,I Wild West Alter a ten, Donahue Waltons , ' Happy Days experts. (1966) C.' . year retirement. two Old West ~ Big Valley W BralnGames ~ Allee (!) (!) @ (!} ~ews intelligence agents reteam to hunt llJl Sesame Street Q 00 Newsday @ CBS News 00 NewsNlght ' . down acunning adversary, the son @ Hour Magazlne(Z)VegaS tml Tlmmy'and Lassie (lID U.S. Open Hlghllghls of their former arch enemy. Roberl ~ 700 Club (!) Love Boal 13 D1fl'rent Strokes'· ' ~ Jack Benny Conrad, RoSS Martin. Paul Williams 9:30 ~ SportsLook '0])Press Your Luck 5'35 rlI'I Sid dS @ Pollee: Synchronlclly (1984) (1979) (]) Polka Dot Door ~ Heathcliff • IX.I an or an on llJl This Old House t;1 , , tel Doble GIllis (!) Scrabble @ Guiding Light @ Basom BUddies @ Music Videos _'' W Vfdeo Jukebox l!ll Face the Music 10:05 (I) MDVtE: The Last Valley Small @) Comrades (1986) Q (lJ I Dream 01 Jeannie' l!Zl Music Videos 6':00 crJ AWA Championship Wrestling ,' German village. untouched by the l1! Lifestyles of the Rich (!) DoUble Talk ' . OJ) NallonalGeographic Special " ® MacNeill Lehrer NewsHour plague or lbe devastating. 30 Year , @ ,MOVIE: McCloud Dennis ~ Success 'n L11e ~ The Ches~peake Bay and the (!) ill (f) @ @ News War. tries to exist in peace With a , Weaver 10:00 Aerobics rugge~, delightful people'who live W MOVIE: Volunteers To flee a group o! soldiers occupymg the I. a> .. 11:05 (!) Nlghlllne ' . ® Sesame Streel t;1 •• along Its shor~s are featured. They gambling debt, arich snob becomes town. Michael Came. Omar Shari!. , @ CBS Late Night Magnum; Pol. @ Break the Bank p~~~~e waters In ways old and new. a reluctant Peace Corps volunteer Florinda Bolkan (t971) 11:20 CD MOVIE,: CO,mmando When his W MOVI.E: Alllhe Rlver.S' Run . ~ DI~o?ce Court' \ and finds himself in the jungles of 10:30 @Tllnlght Show daug~ler IS kld~apped by Latin PI: !I T~ls powerful and ~weepmg a Popoye Thailand with a group of misfits. W MOVIE: Key Exchange The ' Amencan terrorists, the former mini senes centers on PhiladelphIa 2 05 (I)' FII I t Tom Hanks. John Candy, Rita ddeR)mas of the matmg game are ":; leader of an elite military squad Gordon, ,a spirited woman deter- : ns ones Wilson (1965) Q exposed when two young. urban becomes an ~nstoppable killing mined to forge aplace for herself in 2:30 W MOVIE: The Silent One An evil ~ ~f::a~n:~3 Simon professionals try to deCide whether machine. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a man's world. Sigrid Thornton, me~i~irye man on a remote South ::: Odd Couple to e~change apartment keys or not. Rae Dawn Chong (1985) E;I John Waters Q ' PaCific Island blames along drought ' ; Daktarl \ Brooke Adams. Damel Stern. Tony 11'30@ Barney Miller (i) Take Two . , ,on adeaf, mute, o,rphan boy and his l!Zl MTVVldeo Music Awards: Roberts (1985) Q • (i) NewsNlght Update CD News pet. ahuge white turtle. Pat Evison. h (lJ Merv Grlllln 111!1 Father KnDws Best (!) t1! Ryan's Hope 'At!zac Wallace, Telo Malase Spotlight S ow Highlights of the 0]) CBS Late Nlghl SImon and II1II 0]) @ Young and the Restl 5S (1986) finalisls in each category in the Simon (!} Fantasy Island ~ Lillie House on Ihe prQlrie ' ~ $25,000 Pyramid 1986 Video Music Awards @ MOVIE: The Helen Morgan 11:35 (!) WKRP In CincInnati l!ll Bill Cosby l!2l Transformers OJ) Nightly Bus. Siory The rise and Iraglc fall of the \ 12:00 (2) SportsLook, @ Musfc Vldeo~ ~ $100,000 Name That Tune @ Dlll'rent Strokes famous torch singer. Ihrough her CD MacNeill Lehrer NewsHour OJ) Mister Rogers' NeIghborhood ' @ Let's Make a Deal . 6:30 @Wheel of Fortune unhappy love affaIr. her bout With r" (!) Late Night with David aJlm and Tammy~ Heathcllfl CD Family Feud alcoholism and her evenlual rise to Leiterman _ 10:05 (I) LIltla House on IhaPralrle 2:35 (I) Addams Family • (f) Three's Company stardom. Ann Bfylh. Palll Newman, • (lJ MOVIE: Scalpel A crooked • • .' , " ~ Major League Baseball Gene Evans (1957) " plastic surgeon endeavors to cheat 1MO (2) tnstde Baseball ' 3.00 (2) Unllmlled Hydroplane Racing @ New Crosswlls ~ Best 01 Groucho ' ytealthy family out 01 money by @ Search lor Tomorrow , ® Mister Rogers Neighborhood l!Il MacNeill Lehrer NewsHour OJ) Wild, Wild World of Animals " , transforming ayoung woman's face (f) (!} LOlilng @I Love Lucy (!} Newtywed Game @ Nlghlllne to look like thaI' of a missing tel Doris Day (i) 'kewswalch· ~ Private Benjamin a Archie Bunker's Place • daughter Dobert Lansing Judith l!Il Hooked on Aerqblcs (lJ Police Woman 635 MJ L' I 10'3517t'o MOA"S·H • n' " •'I (!) Newlywed Game : (I) aor eague Baseba I. " \ZJ , IC'ltl nr\ ' Chapman, Arlen ,Dean Snyder 11.00 rn Tenn s , Price Is Right ' 7:00 Top Rank Boxln" ' (g) Enlortalnmentlonlghl / (1978) " Nature \!lU, ~ II • ' \' • ® (1984l Q " (I) MOVIE: Sail Into Danger @ Days of Our Ives @ G.I. Joe ® Nova (1985) r;t 11.00 rn . 1986 Powerboat I'," American launch owner foils plot to ' (lJ Joker's Wild @ Hour Magazine ,. @MOVIE: NBC Movie of the Week ChampIonships j; . steal the famous Madonnajn 00 (1) All My Children ~ Tic Tac Dough, • Arizona Ripper Does the ghost of ® Comrades (1986) t;1 Barcelona. Dennis O'Keefe. Kath- 0]) New Mexico Today l!Il Sesame Street Q Jack the Ripper inhabit the fabled CD Crosslire leen Ryan. James Hayter (1957) ,l!2l Midday News @Thundercats London Bridge, now situated 10 (!ID Doble Gillis tel 700 Club @ As the World Turns , ~ She·Ra Lake Havasu, Arizona? DaVId @ Music Videos ;' , ~ Farmer's Daughter 3'05 (I) Leave It To Beaver Hasselholf. Stefanie Kramer. OJ) River Journeys, (1985) t;1 , R dl Rib n . , Adrienne Barbeau (!} LIfestyles of Ihe Rich • OJ) ea ng anow.,. 3:30 ® Reading Rainbow t;1 L Ki I ....,. MOVIE: McCloud DenniS • ~ Fantasy tsland, @Tom and Jerry , , (i) any ng Lvel Weaver . 11:05 (I) MOVIE:Journeytothe Cenlerol (!) Divorce Court . ~ B,:nWYhHI,lIth B?n . Ij'. Time Agiant reaclor allows those l!2l Laverne and ShIrley \ZJ = 0s e, oss .,. 11.05 (f) NIghlllne • who know its secret to fravel either @ Gal' 0]) Magnum, P.I. @ U.S, Open Hlghllghls MORNING backward or forward in lime and a @ Dukes of Hazzard @ ~~~o~ a:d Simon 11:30 (!) Barney Miller 7:00 rn ChampionshIp Roller Derby group of travelers gel caught in :r ~ GoBols . , , ~ Music Videos (l) NewsNlght Update ® Sesame Street Q time trap. ~cott Brady, Gigi Perr~au, 3:35lIi Rocky Road @ MOVIE: Ben Hur, Part 2Biblical ill Gleason @Today Anthony Elsley (1967) S L k drama of Rome in the early days of tel Father Knows Best 4:00 rn ports 00 (!} Fantasy Island , (i) Daywatch 11:30 (!) Tic Tac Dough ® Today's Special Christianity. including the famous 12'00 S rI L k !' (f)@GoodMornlng, America tm'Apsttytheo~OrJd Turns (!) Dukes of Hazzard - .chariot race sequence between Ben • ~ MPaocNselol/oLeh'rer'NewsHour n ' tel a UKS tTl H rt t H rt Hur and Messala. Charlton Heston. \,v .,. CN InI\ Here's To Your Heallh ~ or a COl \ af C f rt u@LaleNightwlthDavid (lID BS ews . I!.l!I \ \ZJ 100 o$e or om 0 Jack dawkins. Stephen Boyd letterman tel Flying NU~ ~ Newlywed Game , (1959) illMOVIE: Madigan Abrilliant New =~o~~t an Lassie @ One Dayal aTime 7:30 t!l ~ GrowIng Pains t:;I York detective's elhics bear ques- , ,",' '. Cr tl U11 @ Je,opardy. • l!Il Wild. Wild World 01 Animals 'tioning. but his courage doesn't. A : 7:05 (I) Down 10 Earth 1.2.00 m "h~'W\' If @GI'H'II Acres. - 8:00 ()) Comrades (1966} t), commiSSioner's morars are also t---. --'--'-~7:30 mGldget----,-,-.--.----'-,----~{r8yl~~~ho:enrThTqUeerCor--,-~~rs~~7~:e~~$fNertiborhood------@-TtlLiniilg,yamp:-TheBulls--Arc------quMtionablo.-Richi1rd-:Wjdmark,_~ .------'11 f, @ Beverly Hillbillies . the AfrICan lunglec~mes to the '. ~ G.I. Joe g g Back O.J. Simpson, Delta Burke. ,Henry Fonda. Inger. Stevens f· lJJJ Hazel ," '" rescue w~en an American TV news. ' ,"'" Marcus Affen (1968) , ' ~ llJl Mister Rogers Neighborhood crew uncovers' aplot to overthrow 4.05 (I) Father Kn0'!Vs Best (i) Ev~n'ng News, ,tel700 Club i, ' . ~ He-Man . an African king. Tanya Rober/s, Ted 4:30 rn World Class Women. (lJ Major League Baseball 12:05 (f) LIfestyles of the Rich , 1:35 (I) I Love Lucy" Wass, Donovan Scott (1984) 9, ® Rod an~ Reel, ,',' rn T~ WO~:IIII~e~t1ng t;1 . ,, OJ) Sign ott , " ," , 8:00 ~ National High 'School Dance '.00 Ne~sday , ' @, ~OVIE. Forev,er Da~lIng The ~ Ma n~m P,1. _' 12:10 ~ MOVIE: Fright Night An Imaglna: Ii . Team Championships, ,(lJ Lets Ma~~. aDealmamage of a sca~erbralned Wife Guist vi: StelieWinwood live te~nager suspectslhat hiS ® Mister Rogers"Nelghborhood . (J).l1! Onhlle To LIve, and a long suffen~g husband IS ~ NOlia (1985) H mystellOus new neighbor IS a :' (]) MOVIE: The Mysterious @ DlckVan Dyke saved by a guar~lan angel w~o •' " ,'" , " ' vampire, but no one Will beheve ! Stranger In 1859, ayoung appren- @ News , hap~ens to look, like her ~avonte ,8.30 rn MOVIE., Creepsh~w Dlreclor him. not even the local honor show ., tice newspaper printer from Missis- ',. l!ll Falher Knows movie star. LucifieBall, DeSI Arnal, . G~o~geHomero and w~lter Stephen host. William RagSdale, Roddy sippi is transported back in time to' @ Music Videos • James Mason (1956) KI09 recreale the ghoulish fun of the McDowall, ChriS Sarandon (1985) , • •

;f • • "

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\,. . . Page 4 I The Ruidoso. News l,el.sion Schedule' 'Fot The Week 01, August 2S Thtough August, 31 .. @ Farmer's Daughter . 4:00 (2) SportsLook .. RobertOeNlro, ElIzabeth McGovern, " aveteran flyer. Natalie Wood, Karl @)Readln gRalnbOw Q \(1)TOdaY'sSpeciaITuesday v.;eld[1984)Q . Malden, Marsha Hunt (1957) wednesday @ Fantasy Island ' @)Dukesof Hazzard (1) larry King Ivel @ Best of GroUCho 11'05 (I) MOVIE' The Thief 0' Bagdad In @Bpb Dylan In Concer! Backed by lIJ Benny HIli I]lJ Nlghlllne " H~artbreakers, Pe~ect MORNING • fantastic, ancient Bagdad, ayoung Tom Pelly and the (!I (I) Strangers Q , ,a Archie Bunker s Place thief meets a genie Sabu June Dylan performs an exciting blend of iJ]) MOVIE. CBS Special Movie 10:35 C!J MWS'H 7:00 ~ Championship Roller Derby Duprez, Conrad Veidt (1940j new music and older~lasslcs ~efore Presen~8110~ lInder the ..Rainbow @ Entertainment Tonight' . , a packed Australian audience, Everything IS turned upside down 1 '00 TIM' IR rt mSesame Streel t:;J 11:30(1) Alrlcas Tallest Story (1986) \ whensples,undercoveragentsand 1. C%l enns agazne epo s \ (!) Today" lIJ Tic Tac Dough lIJ Hart to Hart .midgets cross paths In a hotel (1) .rt1 ark Russell Comedy Special (IJ DayWatch @I As the World Turns (!) Too Close for Comfort during the filming of The Wizard of ' ~a:lrlst ~ark ~ussell t Pfrfor~s (]) ~. Good Morning America' d:y9~e~rrrs~~ue ~~~:' In~o ~~~lfO~ t:;J @pallyIDuke@lNewlyWedGame·Oz.CheVYChase,CarrleFisher;L1vl~g ~ Eve tW CBS News @) Creat ve One Day at a Time • Arden (1981) laughter' Cros~lIre @) Flying Nun AFTERNOON @ Jeopardy 'l!5l700 ClUb (l) ill) Timmy and Lassie , @ Green Acres i1Zl Music Videos @ Doble Gillis @ Vollron 12:00 rn Aulo Racing '86 i1Zl Music Videos , 7:30 (}) Bodybuilding i1Zl Music Videos 7:05 CIl Down to Earth (1) MakeOver @) Mister Rogers Neighborhood (!) (I) Mr. Sunshine l1Il AUllin City Limits. ' @) Another World ~ G.1. Joe l1Il Wild, Wild World of Animals- (I) lIles,lyIes of the Rich 7:30:IJ Gidget rn MOVIE: Six Weeks Two 4:05 (I) Father Knows Be~t . 8:00 (1) Mar_ Russell Comedy Special Columbo Peter Falk, Leslie . , @ Beverly Hillbillies a strangers, one apoliUcian. the other 4:30 (}) Best of Dill Dence Satirist Mark Russell performs NIelson @) Hazel acosmetics tycoon. come together ill) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at atime of personal crisis, Dudley (1) Juslln Wilson's Louisiana before a live audience, to· turn the 11:05 C!J Nlghlllne @ He·Man Moore. Mary Tyler Moore, Katherine Cookln' C day's worrisome news Into fQeUor @ U.S. Open Highlights 7:35 CIlI Love Lucy Healy (1982) (I) ShowBiz Today laughter., .. 11:15 (IJ MOVIE; To Klllia CloVin Ayoung (!) WKRP In Clnclnnall @) Glmme a Breakl couple, attempting to. save their 8:00 rn Auto Racing '86 (I) Newsday lIJ Let's Make a Deal @J CBS News \ (I) EvenIng News marriage, leave the city for an ill Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Il]l Welcome Back, Koller lIJ Major League Baseball isolated island. Their landlord turns ill Uncensored Channels: TV (!) 0 One L1'e To Live Il]l Dick Van Dyke @ News < C!J I]lJ MacGyver t;J out to be a psychotic killer. Alan' Around the World II George Pllmp· @ Rifleman O]J D.C. Cop I AId. Blyth D II, th ton leads a tour through wild and iJ]) News l1Il Se~ret City@)River Journeys (1985) t;I La~berts (19~2) 'anner, ea vaned teleVISion programming from @) Father Knows t!Zl Music Videos [! DII/'rent Strokes 8:30 @) You Again ,. around the world. See clips from 12!1 Transformers (!J) AmerIcan Snapshots . 11:30 (}) Americas Cup , vanety shows, musIc Videos, @) Frugal Gourmet , . !IIEmbargo: An Enterprise Special more a Carol Burnell 4:35 (I) Gomer Pyle 9:00 (1) For Aucl/on: An .Amerlcan H~~o This program examines the reper- (I) DayWatch 12:30 (I) Hooked on Aaroblcs 5:00 (}) SporlsCenter Alook at the Al)lencan farm, cnsls cussions of a trade embargo on , .., lIJ Monkees lIJ Dallng Game . (1) CNN News through. the, eyes of an auctIoneer both sides of the political divide, in l.12l Wallons @J Capllol @) People's Court whose job IS to sell off bankrupt this case, the United StC\tes and iJ]) $25.000 Pyramid ~ Carol Burnell ® MOVIE: The Four Seasons Four farmers' possessions. Nicaragua. (1986) @ 700 Club iJ]) Stopwatch stages of friendship among three @) SI. Elsewhere t;I @) Barney Miller .. i1Zl Music Videos @ Ster's Table middle aged couples who vacation. (I) Moneyllne CD MOVIE: Duslln' Loose A fast @) Sesame StreeJ t:;J l1Il Wild, Wild World 01 Animals together and how the split alone (!) [! Hotel t;J talking can man reluctantly she. 120 Scooby 000 ao Leave II To Beaver couple affects their relationships. (W News pherds abusload of misplaced kids Alan AIda, Bess Armstrong, Carol OIl D.C. Cop and their keeper cross country from 8:05 (I) MOVIE: Clash by Night Alonely 1:00 (1) Six Gun Heroes woman mames a fishing boat @) Santa Barbara Burnett (1961) (!J) Bill Cosby Philadelphia to the Pacific (I) Moneyl/ne @) Comrades (1986) 1:;1 Northwest. Richard Pryor, Cicely (I) The fnternallonal Hour skipper for security and falls In love

• • , • • • • '_._----~.:.....:.:....: , · , , " , , I \ . Televisi~n Sche.uleFor The Week Of August 2SThro~gh ~qguSt 31 The RU~d.oso Nfi!wS I Page, ~ . . , , artificial heart transplant and finds "(t) L1feslyles of the RIch ' mVegaS .(!) eABC News'Q himself dealing with the emotional @l (I3J DOllahue CD ~ove Boat @l Happy Days , ' recovery of his patient. Donald ~ Big Valley OID Press Your Luck ~ Allpe Sutherland, Mare Winningham, Jeff lIBl Sesame SIreet Q ~ Heethcllff (I3J CBS News ,~(I3J , MORNING • G(lidbium (1981) , 0) Hour Magazine Guldlllg Light 1m Timmy and Lassie I 1Il Dar.valch ' ' 12!J. 700 Club lUI Face the Music ) @ Dlfl'renlStroklls .. 7:QO crJ ChampIonship Roller Derby' "mMOllkees 9:30 U n u ng 4:00 (]) SportsLook professor, made preSident of a . "home cooking." . mTic Tac Doug~ ,CIl Today's Special d' 'd t • owners and operators of Lillie's @l As the World TlIrns (!) Dukes 01 Hazzard' ISSI en torn ulllverslly, tnes to INN OF THE ' Restaurant since 1960. SpecialiZ­ l!ll Palty Duke mHBrj 10 Hart deal with the demands of the ing in fine Mexican food, steaks, MOUNTAIN GODS lIBl Vlclory Garden,. t'lI'I Too Close lor Comfort Sludents. Anthony Quinn. Ann and sandwiches, they remind UJ Margret, Gary LockwOOd (1970) 3.5 mUes South orRuidoso customers that everything is AFHRNOON @) Newlywed Game (D 0Jl Ripley's Believe II or Nol Phone 257·5141 (!2) One Oay at a Time Q. cooked fresh in Lillie's kitchen, Enjoy casual· breakfast or 12:00 (]) Top Rank Boxing trn Jeoperdy @)Crazy Like a Fox The restaurant IS open from 11 ~ luncll, and expedence the " >. lux:· a.m. until 9 p.m. i closed mCreallve living Green Acres@ Price Is Right urious evening dining excellence @ Another World (Ill Music Vldeu . l!ll700 Club Tuesdays. . for which the Inn has become CIl MOVIE: Enola Gay Story of I!J) Mister Rogers' Neighborhood (Ill Music Videos • • • renowned. Guest pleasure is . events leading up to the dropping of @ G,I. JaIl' . @ MOVIE:The Sons of Kalle Elder enhanced by four loun~es. The THE GREAT AMERICAN the first atomic bomb on Hirllshima. 4:05(1) Father Knows BeslFour brothers. reumted for their easy listening .of the Polano bar '. LAND ANDCATILE CO: Patrick Duffy, Billy Crystal, Kim 4:3000 Inside 1he PGA Tour mo~her'sfuneraf, vow 10 avenge her beckons, to many, while others Located across from the . Darby (19lfO) Q- . CD CompuleiChronlcle death'when they learn what hap, , ITl Newsdlly • IT'IShowBlz Today . pened to their parents and the prefer the show bands and late , racetrack . IV I.2J hour dancing. . ' f'FIILJ LeI's Make a De' al UJt'lI'I W·KRP In Clnclnnat'j family,j property. John Wauna.J' Dean Phone 378-8009 1Il l!ll OneUre To LIve «aJ CBS News martin, Martha Hyer (1965) . Superb facilities for banquets, ~amlly meetings, weddings, and wed· Open 7 days a week, the Great tl2l Dick Van Dyke @ Welcome Back, KoUer 7:30 00 Ties t;l . , Atnerican Land and Cattle Co, @ News @ News crIl Wild, Wild World of Animals ding'teceptions are conveniently Bar~B· ~ available_ serve steaks, seafood and Falher Knows l!ll Rilleman 8:00 crJ Auto Racing '86 . Que. Banquet facilities are. t!1J Music Videos . ~ Secret CIIy CIl Palllsers \ • GUS' .. available. Larg.e dance floor and. '0Il Now York Master Chefs • I l1! DIII'renl Strokes (JJ Cheers SEAFOOD GALLEY 3 firepiaces add to your evening @ Carol BurneU . QO Transformers . (i) Evening News - AND MARKET pleasure. En~ertaiI}ment in the 12:30 CIl Hooked on Aerobics 4:35 (J) Gomer Pyle f (!J l1! nynasty II: The Colbys 473 Sudderth lounge, 6:30 til closmg. mDating Game 500 S rt" I' Q' tnI\ Capitol : lI) po s"en er oUI\ Trapper J' ohn, M.D. Phone 257-7415 \!XI CD CNN N \!lU EnJ'o"diningattheGalleyorvisit' THE BARN RESTAURANT (12)@'SClaOrpowIBaluCrhnelt IT\ people~swcSourt tl2l News . ~ Crazy Ll'ke aFox the Market and cook at home. Highway 70 West (i)= Moneyllne ...... \!.:tI Available at the Market: catfish, 2574099 l!ll star's Table ID $100,1100 Pyramid lIBl E~enlng at Pops (1985) shrimp, crab legs, lobster. fish Enjoy dining at the Barn where lIBl Wild, Wild World of Animals rn M*A'S'H ·8:10 (J) MOVIE: Dallas A renegade fillets, salmon steaks, red snapper the, relaxing atmosphere ~ Leave II To Beaver' . @) @News Confederate colonel travels to fillets and hors d'oeuvres, Menu enhances the fine food by Chef 1:00 CIl Six Gun Heroes @ WKRP In Cincinnati • Dallas in hiS quest for revenge on i~ems inc1ud~ jumbo shrimp, cat· Craig Sullivan. The Barn @Sanla Barbara l!ll Girl from U.N.C.L.E. three brothers who rilVaged hiS fIsh, clam strIpS, scallops, flound.er. Restaurant opens at 5'00 PM (i) The International Hour I!J) Reading Rainbow t;I home and land. Gary Cooper. Ruth oysters, frog legs, cliicken frIed Tuesday thru SUl1day•• Try Ch~f mHawaii Five-a ., 1m Jellersons Roman, Steve Cochran (1950) steak and more. Crai""s own blackened Rib Et:e 1Il GtI!dtGeneralHosPltal . Q!I Whal's Happnenlng 8:~l) (!) Night Court • Hours are 11 a.m. to 7:30 c.m., A1...~ ~ • lW ul ngUght . 1:'01: I!.....n A. mOL tI B ddl/H k"III '-----' ----·,-.-ll~o'ndav-t"'ru--Satw'dav',--'c osed~ys.lLtreat. ----@Andy"8t11ffIh-,~~~----~!:!.5JJ)J!IJl.l!lU1.qe~---,--,-,---,--·-'>!., __ !L.~ca. ~_n~_u __ l_a.~_~ __ - '!-.--~ ,---- in ~ II ~ 5'30 S 'd k' thiS uncensored enVironment, - , Sundays. . (I3JPrlcels RighI .' 00 peewee , Buddy Ie 115 all the jokes he has 10 FL YING J RANCH .l!ll 700 Club . ~ NNIBgchtNIY,gBhUI"Sy' N'ews • 'water down fottelevision when he's PRIME 'rIME mghway 37 lIBl Living Wild (1986) Q = 1t loose 0 lhe ht I b flo r RESTAURANT 336-4330' 110 Police Slory , W MOVIE: Ordeal by Innocence e, '. n mgc u a. ,, • AC,ross From Race Track . Ch uckwagOll .sup' per an d1:05(J) SlJperfrlends SuspensefUl Agatha Christie story trn Various Programs , ' of an amateur detective Who 9:00 CD Rod and Reel 378-4010 .' Western show. Entertainment for 1:30 (12) Bugs Bunny . becomes involved in a family's 00.H1II Slreet Blues Prime Time is open and" the whole family at its finest. 1'35 (J) Tom and Je ry intimate secrets while investigating ,(i) Moneyl!ne • welcomes you, into spacious 'yet Gates open 6:00 p.m., Monday • • r amurder, Donald Sutherland, Faye ' . rn Hangin In cozy environment, where yOU'll thru Saturday. A hearty meal IS 2:00(2) Molorcycle Racing Dunaway, ChrlstophetPlummer (!J l1! 20/20 r:;J be surrounded by cornfortable served promply at 7:30 followed CD Sesame ~treetQ(1985) , . ., ®l News. .. seat~g,. fine foods and genuine by ~ w~sternstMe show, Reser.- @ Wallons .., , (i) Crossllre @ Soap. .. ,. hospitality, .vatlOns requested. 11l Newsaay . CD MiII!on Dollar Chance @ Trapper John, M.D.

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, , Page 6 I The Ruidoso N'ews' Tel.ision Schedule ,Fo, The Week 01 August 25 Th,ough August,31 . . @ Bill Cosby Keenan Wynn (1982) r:;I ®J Capllol . " 1m Rltleman . Webber, JanetCarroll (1984) '. . @ MTV Presents: Eurythmics, III Oaywalcb . (!2) liarol Burnell am Secrel City'., ~ 8th Annual Rythmand Blues Sweet Dreams One of the hottest of ill Monkees @l Stopwatch ' eOlfl renl Strok.es Awards the new wave British techno pop @ Wallons @ Star's Table ,a Transformers' 8:05 (I) Southeast· Con/erence' .' bands, the Eurythmics, blends (!]) $25,000 Pyramid @J Wild, Wild World of Animals 4:35 (I) Gamer PYle Prevle.o/:-,'· , conceptual and concert footage for ~ 700 Club @ Leave It To Beaver 5:00ro Spor/sCenter 8:30 QJ am Wall·$treet Week • thiS vldeq album, , . @ Music Videos 12:35 (I) Woman Walclr . QJ CNN News m iJ2)News @J American Masters-( 1986) 0 (@ Sesame Street r:;I 1:00 rn World Class Women @) People'S Court 1m Bill Dana , 9:30 rn SporlsCenter @ Scooby 000 Q) Silt Gun Heroes (l) Moneyllne a Major League Baseball rn Great Chel's 01 Chicago , 8:05 (I) MOVIE: The Easy Way Acity @ Santa Barbara CD $100,000 Pyramid / 9:00 CIl Great Performances Cleopatra (l) Sports Tonlghl engmeer's Wile, the mother of three' (l) The International Hour (!) M*A"S*H Clurca, Reglne Cre!ipln, Vladimir eLl Bizarre children, adds a homeless young· eLl HawaII Flve-O ,., @) @l News Popov (1984) , @J M'A'S"H ster to her brood, and then another. (!) 0] Genllral Hospital Il11 WKRP In Cincinnati @ One Day at II Time @ Trapper John. M.D. and another. Cary Granl, Betsy @J GUldln'g lIghl 1m Girl frOm U.N,CU, (l) Moneyllne @ Burns and AlIlln Drake, Lurene rutile (1952) iJ2) Andy Griffith tm Relldlno Rainbow 0 '. CD Hangln' In ® Carson's Comedy Classic 8:30 QJ Reading Rainbow 0 @ Price Is Right ~ ABC ~ews r:;I . 0) News 9:35 mMOVIE: The Seducllon Acrazed eLl Partridge Family @ 700 Clu~ ~ @ What s Happnllfll~g '1m Bill Cosby , photographer watches a beautiful @ New Card Sharks am .Mysteryl Michael Aldridge, 5:05 (I) ~reen A~res ' @ Friday Nlg~t Video Fights . newscaster's every. move. including @ Jetsons Robm Kermode, Isabelle Spade 5'30 rn World Class Championship am Mark Russell Comedy Spe~lal skinny dips and love making In a :~~I~ ~~~;:ta ~~~u~~~~:"t!f~~r~~ JacuzzI Morgan Fairchild, Michael 9:00 rn Today's Special Story , Wreslllng . , @WheelofFortunemNlghtlYBU$·d·'·'it f If' Sarrazin, Vince Edwards (1982) (I) Oaywatch . 1:05 (I) Superfrlends @ NBC Nlghlly ,News ay s WOrrisome news na ue or 10:00 rn Major League Baseball's (ZJ Bewitched 1:30 @HeMakesMe Feel Like Dancln' @RayBradburyTheater,Scream- laughter,' Greatest Hits (!) lifestyles of the Rich Oscar winner about dancer Jacques ing Woman Drew Barrymore 9:05 (I) Night Tracks: Power Play QJ America's Black Forum ®J @l Donahue d'Amboise and his tenacious, (1986) • 9:30m SporlsCenter @ (!) @ l1lI News Il11 Big Valley successful efforts to teach dance to (l) Crossllre ' @ Wheel of Fortune . (l) NewsNlght tm Sesame Street r:;J thousands of school CD Major League Baseball (l) Sports Tonight eLl Merv Grllfln ~ Hour Magazine children. (!J ABC News 0 eLl MOVIE: Canne,d Film Fesllval @J U.S. Open Highlights @ 700 Club iJ2) Bugs Bunny 0) Happy Days. ProJ~cl MoonlJase A female pllot @l Jack Benny 9:30 crJ SporlsLook 1:35 (I) Tom and Jerry iJ2) MaJor League Baseball and two men. attempt to reach the·' , @ MTV Internallonaf Hour CD Polka Dot Door' @CBS News moon. despite trouble from' an. @J Renolr's Touch Bnan ODoherty @ Scrabble 2:00 (2) PGA Golf tm TImmy aqd lassie / enemy spy. Donna Marlell. Hayden hosts thiS special that explores how CD I Dream of Jeannie (J) Sesame Streel 0 l!!Newl C' Rorke (1953) RenOir conveyed hiS passion for i1fe (!) Double Talk @ Waltons all DlfI'renl Strokes . 0) M*A*S*H through robust. sensual Imagery IlSJ Success 'n lIle G) vNeWSsday 5:35 Cll MaJor League Baseball iJ2) Trapper John, M.O, (1986) CD ega . 1m Burns and Allen @ Bosom Buddies 10:00 rn Aerobics (!) Love Boat tm lIberaeeln Las Vegas Mr•. ~,ess • 10:10 (I) MOVIE: Chamber of Horrors QJ Sesame Street r:;J 0) Your luck , • Showmanship brings his lavish Convicted and sentenced to hang, a @ Break the Bank (J}l Heatbcll" 6:00

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.. I _ , " . ' Tel~sion Sche.uleFo~ The Week orA.Iust 2S ThrolighAugllst,'1 The RU.cJo~o News, ~'Page 7' ' r Woodl\lrlgh.~~.Sh~p accus~d shot andt.he chimp ,who has '(II) , '. job on a r.nch but Is of " ster which mUltiPlies. and attacks ' " . befrlende~ him goes to ttie hospital .Q! World cup Men's Downhill leading acowbOY's wife astray. RoY the people on aU.S. ~pace statfon. saturday• to get help. Ron Harper,. James . 2:00 ~ PGA Golf Rogers, Clay O'Brien, Billy Green R!Jbert Horton, LUCIana PaluzzI, I , Naughton, Roddy McDowall . ' Q) CreallveUvlng Bllsh (1975) . Richard Jaeckel (1969) (1974), . " (i) News Update ®l P,owers Play, ~ young woman 'l'l2l L1festyl!lsof the RI~h MORNING 10:30 rn Ford and Budweiser Truck lind l'l2l Soul Train . Inhentsamu[tl million ~ollar ~mplre tm John Ankerberg .' , TractOr Pull , tm Top 20 Video Countdown and comesmtoconfll~t With the 9:40 @ MOVIE: Warning SlgII When a 7:00 rn Wllrld Class Women CIl Survival Spanish ' (II) Compuler Chronicles ' man who built and stili runs the deadly vlru.s gets ~oo.se in aresearch (!)Smurfs (!) Splderman , 13 World Wide Wrestling company. DavId Birney, Sheree J, \ center, Its victims become I • , (i) News Update tIl MOVIE: Six Weeks Two 2'10(i) Sorts Closeu . WIlson, Noah Berry (1986) .. homicidal zombies seeking the local (Z) BJI Lobo. ' strangers, one apolitician, the other " p. ' P l'l2l. MOVIE:, Prl",e Theater , sheriff's wife who is trapped with 1Il 9 Bugs Bunny Looney Tunes acosmetics Wcoon,.come together 2:30 Q) Magic of 011 Painting Breakoul Acarefully. pla~ned brea, them. Sam WallJrston, KathllJen Hour at atime of personal crisis. Dudley CIl On Locallon: Rich Little and a kout from am9untam prison c~mp Qllinlan (1985) Q ltD) @ Muppet Babies and Moore Mary Tyler Moore Katherine Night ilf 42 Stars From Dr. Ruth is thwarted by the desperate plight, 9'45 ~ Sportscenter We~thelmer . , Monsters Healy'(1982) , ' , to President Reagan, • of a small boy lost In the snowy' '. , l'l2l Garner Ted Armstrong, (i) Evans and Novak .' , Julio, Iglesias to ~ermlt th~ Frqg, wastelands. James Drury, Kathryn 10:00 mMOVIE: Movie CI~sslcs SIage g~lIery Do~rCanlelJn"Jhree ha~e .. tm James 'Robison 1Il II! American Bandstand Rlch.s of voices Will keep Hays, Woody Strode (196t)· girls eac,h , 3 Jim and Tammy , ®l @U.S. Open Tennis you In stItches. ' @ Slar. Search theIr o~n sCones wh~n t.hey fall In 7:05 ' MOVIE:, The Empire Strikes (!) Wheel 01 Fortune Vaughn, Ben Garzara (1969) ®l @ Hulk Hogan's Rock'N 11:10 Neijf1985}-Q, . ;-J!rE!!1IJ~f194.,5L~ _ , .' . ~ Barman " 21~t c€n!ury., a ,hard balled. '00Hunler , . 1,1:45t!JJ PulllO' on the Hits ~ 10:00 rn Gillette World 01 Sports ' '. pOhc~rnan investigating the murder 6:00 ~ CFAFootbali ro Pinnacle. " • , ,m Survival Spanls~ ala blgshol uncove,rsth.e gruesome ' CD Report From Santa Fe CD Gleason 12.00m AustlO City lImlls (!) Mr. T secret of the world s prmclplef0.od. 00 CD ~ New, '@Twlllght Zone ® Benny Hill (i) Newsday . supply. Charlton Heston, Leigh (l) MOVIE: Jusl One olthe GuySA @Success 'n life . (IJ Crossllre , ., , ro WhIz Kids ,T~ylor ,Young, Chuck COnnors pretty young high schOOl girl poses tm Golden Earrln!l (1984) @ Tal~s from tbe Darkslde 1Il 9 ABC Weekend Special: Q (1973) ., , ,',', as abOy So she can geUnto arllntern @ Dr. Who l'!lJ JeWish yolce , ®l @ Pole PositIon , tm Wild Bill Hlckock program, but she never pranned on 9:05

. , l • • • ."

" • L lo • iii .. r Page 8 I The Ruidoso News Tel.sion Schedule For. The Week OI'Augusi 25 Through August 31 .. " friends go on atwo week pleasure 3:00 (l)' om Gtf!at . Performances . . . Dick Clark lntroducQ comm'ercials· " .' l1Z 1a10$ frQm the ,Darkslde ~Telethon . cruise. but apirate rig Interferes with Cleopatra' Ciurca, Reglne CresplnJ . from Great Britain. Australia and . C,;mtlnues ' their .vacation. Christopher Plum- Vladimir Popov (1984) .' Spain. (Rerun) '. . 19:30'lIlMOVIE: Bustin' loose A .fast mer, Cliff Potts, Christine Belford III Newswatch . 00 MOVIE: Th~Flamlngo Kid, A talking con man relu.ctantly she· ,~ (1980) CD Black Sheep Squadron Brooklyn boy In 1963 Is easIly pherds a'busload of misplaced kIds MORNING (J) Newsday tm MOVIE: RoV Rogers In Western seduced by the thought efa life of and theIr keeper cross country from ! . (!) MOVI'E: Advance 10 Ihe ,Rear A Theater Bells of San Angelo Roy lUxury while working at aposh Long , Philadelphia· to 1 the· Pacific 'c 7:30 (I) Nature Scene group of misfits in the.Union Army and Trigger take up their search, for Island beach clubt Matt ~illon, Northwest. Richard Pryor,Cicely rID MOVIE: The Silent One An eVil is sent, by mistake, to gu~rd ahuge an heir to some lanp and run Into ,Richard Crenna, He9tor ElIzondo . Tyson, Robert Christ/an. (198t) : mediCine man on a remote South shipment of gold. Alady spy for the mysterious events. Roy Rogers, (1984) t;I .' CIl Sports ToOlght PaCifiC Island blames along drought Confederacy adds to the confUSIOn. Dale Evans (1947) (I) Wee~ In Review (Z)' Gleason . on adeaf. mute, orphan boy and hiS Glenn Ford. Stella Stevensf Melvyn a War of the Stars eZl New Jersey People . (I) John Ankerberg pet. a huge white turtle. Pat Ev/son, MOVI~:~ Anzac Wallace, Tela Malase Douglas (1964) 3:30 (2)' PGA Golf (!) ll) Disney Summer crmMDA Telethon' lI'J One Step Beyond (J) Newsma~er Sunday Clas$lc~ A small l12l,LoU Grant (1986) My .TO,wn' ~ommuOity su~~enly (f3) (I) Your Money l1ID Gentle Ben 9 Buchanan Hfgh School becorn.es -the Ed Young ..' r 10E Owl TV (1985) t:;I , Deadline scene of dehclouslyfascmattng @ The Young Ones Chflslopher Poinl of View m 9 One on 4'00 CHIPs doings, 'especially a.s ,se~n tpr~uph Ryan, Rlk M~y~lI, Nigel Player rn Fourth Culture One 11 :05 CID MOVIE: Western Round up Fort • ~ SOil 01 the Not So Great the eyes ota young, lm.aglnatlve girl. 9 Coaches Show @ Chicagoland Church Hour ~ o~ts. Gi~~~ o Pueblo Viewpoint Worth Afamous gunfighter decides Momenls In Sp Host Tim Ford. MeredIth Sa/enger 10:00 C2JProTe8,m Rodeo Q] Kldsworld to battle lawlessness as afrontier McCarver returns With aIightheart· ~ MO~E~ CBS Sunday Night rn palliser s . loo~ at.som~ mo~t 7:35 CD) Andy Griffith town newspaperman, but he finds ed of the unusual Movie Summer G/rIA· happily (!) o News , he must also use guns, Randolph and hilarious moments In sports ... · d ., . f· . .. t f tw ,(I) New$Nlghl, 8:00 Fishln' Hole rn Scott. DaVId Brian, Phyllis Thaxter history. (1985) :rJ~~n, ~~C:' t~~Je~; thOe way~ CD (I) JImmy SW8g0art • OJ) Sesame Streel 0 rn (1951) (l) Newswatch . experience change when they hire a (U) Larry Jones (!) World Tommorrow 11 :30 (I) Uncensored Channels: TV (!) S.W.A.T. live in sitter. Barry Bostwick, Kim @ 120 Minutes . . . • (I) News Update Around the World II George Pllmp- CIJ Solid Gold, Darby, Martha Scott (1983) Q (II) Pav~ro"l In the Ve.rdl Requlem~ mSunday Mass e ton leads a tour through Wild and OIl Happy Days I @Jer Lewis LaborDa Telethon ASal~te 10 Youlh LUCiano Pavarottl (I) Mormon Viewpoint varied television programming from ~ MOVIE: Sunday Mallnee II See 1;1 ry y . and w!nners ~f tbe Opera Company, @ Bugs Bunny around the world. See clips from I~e M~n 'Run A st~uggling a~tor ~ In Touch of Phlla~elphlal ~uClano Pav~r~ttl . (J]J CBS Sunday Morning vanety shows. musIc Videos, fmds hl~self the middleman 10 ,a tIl> LIving Wild (1984) t;1 InternatIOnal VOice C~mpetl.tlon (!5) Lloyd Ogilvie more, kl~n~ppmg plot. Robert Culp. Angle @ Coors Concert Series . .perform the great Verdi ReqUiem. @ Music Videos ([) Moneyweek Dlckmson, Eddie Albert p971) . 0 .... (1986) . (J) Kids, Inc, (!) CNN News tIll Lorne Gre~ne s •• New 7:30 (l) News , ~ @ Honeymooners @ Fanlas1lc Voyage @ MOVIE: Sunday Mallnee I The Wilderness Q2) Odd Couple" 10:30 (!) 8:05 ([) Good News Day they Hanged Kid Curry ~ Alias Smith and Jones 8:00 W America's Cup roSfyle with Elsa Klensch ~ ~ 8:10(1) On the Menu Sentenced to hang, Kid Curry IS , @ Music Videos (]) Nalure C . . /J Fame granted amnesty and given a new @ MOVIE: Drive In Theatre The 00 MOVIE: ,NBC. Sunday Night ~l (!SJ John Osteen 8:30 (!) Hoflmanlown Hour 01 Identity, but then ayoung man tIred H,unllng. P~sslon A confused the MovIes The !t'a~ w/lh Bogart S (1) ABC News J;I Celebration ot bemg a nobody pretends to be ,young Wife IS frightened by a Face Aman so Idolrze~ Humphrey 10:45 (J) News . ([) Newsmaker Sunday Kid Curry. Peter Duel. Ben Murphy, sensual Qhost ~ho wants her I~ve Bogart that ~e has plastiC surgery to .. OJ MOVIE: Canned FUm Festival (1) Meet the Mayors Robert Mars' (1971) . and her life.'whlle her pre~c~upled look like him and then opens ~p A female pilot (l) Somos Blllngues Pro/let Moonb,s, (Jl) Kids. Inc. I husband her of rnfldehty. as a WIth two men to the tml James Robison accuses shop Pl. complete and attempt .reach (IB) Adam Smith s Money World Jane Seymour, Gerald McRaney. Duchess as a secretary. Robert moon despite trouble from an f12) JEM @ Major League Baseball Millie Psrkins (1983) Sa~chi, Franco Nero. Michelle enemy spy. Donna Martell, Hayden tl}) Davey and Goliath 4'05 (J) Portrait 01 America PhIllips 11980) E;I Rorke (1953) o Funtasllc World AFTERNOON · (i) Even ng News . . ~ David Paul 4:30 (I) Inside Business ,ro In the Black 11:00 (2) Volleyball 8:35 (J) MOVIE: Award Theatre The 12:00 (]) Que Pas., USA?' ~ CBS Evening News ()) Coors Sports Page ' Q) Nature ~ Searchers A Texas CIVil War CD MOVIE: Threshold Adedicated (J]) Taxi • '(!) .0 MOVIE: ABC Sunday NIght . (i) Hewa Update, veteran returns home to fmd hiS heart speCialist performs the first 4:50 (I) CNN Headline News Movie Th' Ch,'p olt,etlvI When CD MOVIE: Taras Bulb. CI.8S~'C brother and slSter In law killed by artifiCIal heart transplant and finds 5:00 G) NBC NlghtlV News ' adetective is ki.lIed, his partn,er a~d sto~ 0' the Cossacks. depicting Commanches and their two girls himself dealing wtlh the emotional W MOVIE: 2010: The Year We ~very9ne el~e .15 a suspect In thiS thelf !Ighl f~r .fre~dom from captured John Wayne. Jeffrey recovery of his patIent. Donald Mike Conllct Long awaited sequel film 10 whIch the stars portray,.- • Poland s domlOat,~n In the 16th Hunter. Vera Miles (1956) Sutherland. Mare Winmngham.· JeD in which alaint US. Soviet miSSIon characters and them~elves. ~n~u~·rwy~ CUrtIS(, 1~~)Brynner, Goldblum '(1981) Peter 9:00 (l) NFL Yearbook travels to Jupiter to find out what Falk, Ann-Matgret, Eileen Brennan f~ nrd ;u mann (i) Week In Review