- _T -_---..--.----- __-...--------~ _,....----..- ~~ __ .r - ---~ - '-. ..----- -~---------------- Wi -~ J"C¥'*-.::JCfP - ------.-.---- ~. :pa:z_ ,__ •_ ..,"""~,. ,... _ .'" lEST AVMIJII.E COPY -----------------_._.. ---- r-------------------------- ------------------~~-----------, 'They're <JIlin linp Race announcer Fair winners marks.25 years are listed Seepage12A See page llA NO. 32 IN OUR 41ST YEAR MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1986 RlJIOO~~O. NM HH34'J Hospital $3.75 million name may Airport gets be changed SOIuelinle before January 1, HUldoso-Hondu Valle} Hospital federal funds ( KHVH , Ina)' h(:ivea new ni:iITle. The hospital rnay soon be called by FRANKIE JARRELL .... ~lld Buchanan the Lincoln County MedH.'al Center. Nt'ws Strlff Wrltt'r tit· .-;~lld th,' IHlrdl'II lit <Ill) tdX I~I­ At Its regular nieetlng last Thurs­ IT('aSt' wlll Iw ..... kll"l·d I)~ pt'Opll' dlld day, HHVH adnllnistrator Ken At last ~~ -is Illl11IOIl III f ('(ieI"al l) U :-. I II t' s·~ t' "I ttl 1- « I 11 ~~ t I (, Lit r tI I' Moore told thl' bOCird of trustees he funds have bet'll auLhun:ll'd for tht, :In-:.:Cl IIllt JU,..... t thllst' who 11\,' dfld belJeved the Llfll'oln ('ounty COIll­ Stt'rra Blanca Ht>glOIlti I Airport \\ ork Ifl HUHJIISII nl1SSlOners had apprlJ\,pd a IllotlOn I SBKA I ., I do 95 percent of Iny Dll.'HneSS Ul to change the naI11e of I{Uldoso­ Tht> Sierra Blanca Airport ('OII!­ the Village of l{uJdoso," said Hondo Valley Hospital to I,lI1coin IIllSSlOIl 1 SBA(' t, after )'l'ars of Buchanan, who represenb HUJdo~o County Medical ('t>ntpr worklIlg to C!rq U1 rp a s.aft' replact.'­ I )owns on the conurusslOn He Said Howevt'r, last 1"r1(11ty, I.UH·olrl IIlt'fll f~H'J1lty fur tht.' Huidoso although he IS III tht' gas and tire bU."'iiIlt'S~ ('ounty Manager SUl.arult' ('0' "-,~lId :v1uIl1clpal Alrpor-t. got th,' word last bu.smess a Ulat could bt· the [.JncoIn ('.(JWlty ('011111 llSSlOllt' I'" w('('k froIll tht' Fpdt'r;t! :\\'Idllon Ad­ adverst:'ly t·fft'dpd by tounsL'i turn· had 0111\ discussed thl' n~j(ll\' rIUJl1stratlOIl I F:\.'\ :';1 $1 rnltholl Ing to air tr.H·I·! ht' feels the air­ 1 " I port Will prr,\,'Jdl " r1t'L-'ded boost to change ,t 1 d ! TH"ptmg on .J HIll' 1H Ttw grant dUflIlg f1..... c .. r 1986, and a ~rtlflt ('(HIUIUS~1[jJ1t r" WPfl' WtlltlTlg for $2.75 IIulllon I Ir fiscal year the overall t'C'(IrJOIIl} by gettlng 1~m \1oorl' tCI dIS('uss trw trustl'I'S' ,- Illure pt'oplt' into tht.' area. S)l~okin' ~osker f{'('OITU1H'rIlLltlons ...\lthth'·TII. ('()\ gun SB ..\l· ( ll;lInllall Kt'Jl all­ III .I "l.lll·lllt'rtt IIl.idt· clftt'l 01 Stlld rlllUIl<"l'd tt1l' fl'(it'ral '.dlo("atlOIl dur­ h ' II ~ t IJ .\ I' X \ '{" UtI \'t· Sl's s I un. '\ I 1"1 k I' I \\'tH'n HH\'Ji trlJst\'I'~ \ \llt-<1 t" Ing ;1 rl'gulttf rIll't'LlIlg Thursd;t y H(, '"lId ttlt· SBAC will flut Iw ,d,It, I" ttll' ~)I-" f"J'I~)I'r. -./Vlt~1 J()(,kl'Y AII')( ~).tl,lfllf·.· III i, ,~ 0 I .() t )() 'vA,; I f ~ f 1I 'r " I t 1I ' ( , ~ f r ) r I) WI) r •r • , llffll'l(dl~ chdngt· HII' narIll' II! ttlt' s;lId he also 'vi. as flllt1fll'd that tht' $1 ,'1I11tllllh' as fast d." ,' h.ld dll rl", Illd)', trc)t', t(J ttlf' Ntf1fll'!', I Ir; !I' Jdn{' PtJillll)', ,If HI MlnlH,' Wo()d ,J1 Thl1r~dd ~ Il1llIJOIl l1t.'t'dt'(,l to pay '\;t'w \1t·xlt·u till I' hospital Lt:-,l ....... 1 II lit' (1f ttll ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~-. tlllp;llt'd until IIt·l.:.IlI\ ,1ftt'l 1/'.,IlrPllr1Cl ttlt> $8')/ ')fJh All AfTlf'r!(.dfl F- r I S ( eJ. T t • X (i ') I F) ( I f j f )I 'r t r , t I I) ( , (j t ) y Ull'~ Stat(' l~m\,'l'rs1ty fOf ttw T1ll'sa land !·dt'rl·llCtuIIl h "'t'Ull'l! tru.'.,tt'l·:-' loid \1\1llr(' dId Illit ~ ~ ~) [ )! • r !)t ~-' l jf 1I j, t 'l d t H LJ I( 1( I' > () [) I I W r 1 ' ) 1 r 11 • [)W <. i Y f 1 f ' (. If't . ; I 'y (..i I II , r , ( itt1 t ! { , IT 1( ) r ( . twlll'\'" ttl,· l·ount.\ 1·llrIl1J1I......... l l llwr" ha ..... bet'll a ppn )\.( 'd With ttlt· prt·... '·fll $~ Ii !lUI:111I, :' I' ( ~ I r , i I. I r ) (~ I ) I' V.,; "-, () I If)' te )1 ' " ~) A. 1 II( j -, A , . f 'd y q I J ,..; r t I' r tl () I <',1 ) I ( )( ) h If T1(' ,I .I thlIlk ttl.. t WI' should lw dated h ;I d I IffH . I, III ~ ;q )p r lj\' ( .f! tt It' T1 d III, qlll'."tIlJlI Wt' dOIl't kno ..... what'" L.:II ~lld ( hang!' 1)\ th;Jt rlI'W",' ...... :'\oskt·f. afkr III~'. til happl'n.· ht· ddd"d \10llf{' ..... .tld II" ..... 111;!'! Ll'i] tlH' r'lllll rt'at!lrlg tht· t ..... ll ;JllI1I1WH'I'Illt'nt It't­ III 1W t •\- (. f. ()I H' {' ( III U I 11 -.,S 1() Tl t· r W.l" kr~ "llr~)rl:---('IJ ~lll(t TIlhSllIllt'r" ttl(, lru...... Lt·t·" had "fItI'd LI' slglH'd l'\ SuuthWl'st Hl'glwl (11"'III,lyt'cl lJ\ 1)lrt'deJr ( !\ \1('luglll,rr st~llt'T1lt'r,L~ dldngt· ttl" Tl;UIIt' Ilf nil' ho...... IJltal ttl Ruidoso Village Council sets meeting ...... I"'k(·r· .... .Jft,'r Uw t"lll" I.lrH'oIIl ('oullty \1"<11(,<.11 ('l'nll'f But :'\oskt'r Ltlked Sl'v"I"al tllllt' .... I,d .... l'~:-.IOll Ht, Illlt"t\ thttt ~IISkt'l ' 'hrln~' ~,l ~ ('(lX ">cild :---tw f(·lt rilu:-.t lit ttw ('(Jl1I1 thf' f,\,'t'-hnur n'''f''IrW of hl.­ r t '111 d r k.'. d Idn.t . ll't ' \ 1:, rt'''' ,., U \!' !\lJ1do,,,," \,Jll<lgt' 1I1T1('­ \11kl' I )d\·;dw., on tht, (~nndst()nt· ('<-1­ $~ t... {IJlllflll........ lllfll'r..... Iwl1t,\, I·d th,' Th., ('ouncll wJ!i P&Z'S dt'nJ;Jl of a n'qupst for d C()IlCern over l\u1dosp :.. Ii rn1l11011 tUll1' ()f tht.' t'Xl'Cutl \'"('n It·tA111/..: IIlt'!"L h :~Il [II TUt'sda~. fl!llt t'ast SIde pr()pert~ llllt' )dJJ I pl~lllJll'd IldIlll' of ttH' hl) ... plt~d ...,tlCJulrl !w ,iL p August nYOIl I fllJlJg;ltllHl for till' fa('\llL y til [ll oUwr bu,..·.. rH':-- ..., dUring tht' rlpt'!1 2li, III ("41tHit'll r·llaII!t)t.'r"-, Vllla~I' \,' a fl ;tlWf' for a new caq>ort on [,ot h, ('onslCh'ratIOIl Ilf I)let..... III I ;1 [' I' P I d (., • t hi' ,' LJ I' r (' ntH \11 d (I S (j kI]l.t~ dl~HI~t'd !)I·C·;IlL..... '· tht' hosplLtl ... I·n of p(lrtlllrl \If thl' rJll't'Llrlh. H('I J tt'rI1:-. lln ;t gt'nda IIH'I Hlock :~, ]rd AddltlOn to ('n't' ..... tandb gl'n('r;ILor for tht, HLJlllrl"-,o "11 thl' t'ntlrl' iill1Itl\ .lnd lWI·.III"I· I Ld I tht, UOt· y \1UllIe'lp;t! '\lrJH1rt I"t'rTlJlll!t'd th, l·lIIlIlll .......... llIll th;d It ( .II n sId t • T ; It I rl 11 (lf l'Il!l(11 t I 0 n;t 1 ~hL" VISI(ln I)lIlwt' I)ppa rtITlt' n t 1- til ~)(,I-f(lrTTllln rbt' t!lJ ... pILd 1,'( 1'1\I'd 1111;-\"\\ fidld \1t'adows Hel SubdJ if Hllldll"I' ,1lJI!' ..... 111 tdk(· $14 Illllllilfl til L.:1'f tIlt' .Ilr ~()rns froIII!tIf" IllmL'. ll..... l· rt'queskd b;.- TI'rf! I A'l' Houk Ht'port by Tun (;11 thl' t Ill'Ire dIll L.,' "t I' I r • w (,. 11 t W d hIt· t ( I port llpt·f.ltlCllldl Ikl'krll'1I1 "'lId h.· PlanHln~~ Sll'rf~1 ('onlJll1~SI f';Xf'(·utl\·t· "t·.~sJ(,n fl'(llH· ... tt-d h~ <In,] ;tpprl,\·('d IJ:- ttl\' and B lanc(l A I rport on tJ"u' .Ill dlrpl.llll' I;lfldlllg lIll that I.... rTl<lkllll-: d \,dldllt t'ftllrt' r" Ttil' l'i'lll1h I." I'll" "f ttll' IIIt'll dWf"'­ 1l1~lgt' ~Itt()nlt·y Z()llIflg (·OlnrrUS.""'IIl!l P&Z, lIouk HI'port by Booby Ba IIt,y. Park~ \, .John l'ndt'rwilod to III l~~L. S{):-.ker d~kt'd llf d (·I'IIl},it·' 1[ldll.lh,·rll"llt d~'rt·,,­ rLlT1"'\;IY r,'lIlarkl'd ral:-.t· rIlOrt.' fUI\,b. dlld h.t, tho h~l'u_,,:-, lttl~atlOn 1)~>t.·nCl p~lIldlp drtd I pt.·ndmg ('JtlZI'I1~IJf ('IlIl~r""""~llIrldl dt'll·~.l IIlt'fll \'>lth 101\'11 \.. llidl Ill( ;I.,k~ plan ..... t(l boat Opt'fa­ H"('Il'atlOn J)f'partrnE'nl d1rt'c­ lit· ft'('IIIllIllt'ndl'c! that :'\('w \-.1t,'xJ("o \~ ~) t I, r . I I I f' (. t I I .1 I:I f 1 ttl I' I { I I f I I " I) >- r I II g .... r t h.. E ;11..: I n'('k Sport..... !{uldoslI (Hit ;hldt· dlf!t'I"!'TH·I· ...... ;Illet tlllll tu help , ( '1I11Ipll'X \1 t't'tlIlg:-. I)f ttlt' V l!lagt' ('IIUIll" II t(l~:dllt'r III.ldt· .1 1'1,· .1'." .' ,.
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