' --7; - • . . • • •/ ■ I . : X ^ A T . lAKtTAKY 10.1^4f IRanr^ratfr Average DaUj Ntt Pnm R u Par thn MaMh at Dsaalhw, 19tt n a Btanlaar Cbtnm at the iM th a m M $M ,m M far baaamfar Petrlda. daughter o f Mr. and Oroup B a f C n ta r Church W o­ eCthayonr banra. Racelpta tor men. M m Bvsrett Beldlng, loader, Mathoillat W8CS vriu meet tomor­ PeOe Receipts Tariafele Mgli sleadlasai tola M ra John Qwteau o f M l Brook­ row ovemng at 7:48 In tbo ladlea’ 1948194S anceedad, , i , . n . them at 1947 by field atroeV waa. oevea yearn old will meet tomorrow evening at nlM par eant 9,664 afterasea, teaight a a l WedBeeggyi iliiTown eight o’clock at the dnirch. Albert parlor. A repreoontatlvo from tbo 1 waa honor g « ^ at decondl^ deportment of Watkins Break Record ■lightty eoMoc Oealght. a birthday party attenM by Roavlsldee of 49 Elro street will give a lecture-demonstration on Brothers atora Will apeak and attb- 4 IB Dk Om < M « p r i* I *75udren. Mrs. Croteau mit samplea. Hoateasea be “Modem Trends In Hair Styles.’’ win Utmehaatpr-^A City o f VUlmga Charm k nwfh TonamudB, K. ____ ■ color echeme o f and Mrs. Eerl Carron. Mrs. George El- Members have ttie privilege of In­ STOP GAS THItVES! ift iir . Mkl M ra Howmn! R « « » ^ white with favors and balloons to llotti Mrs. ‘ Henry MaUett and Mrs. Exceed $200,000 for « viting friends. A social period with (TWELVE PAGES) i ( Htacam M I% ftNmMrty of thto metrh. The birthday cake was dec- Edmund ISagUo. Year for First Time AdvartlMag • • rjpgn I f ) MANChk-STER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, H4* ipir^lliey h»w a foar-yow^M orated In the same colors, and Ice refTMhmenta will follow. Mm M I N I VOL. LXVIIIn NO. SS Winfield Moore of Brookfield •oo. DavM. rreein. sandwiches, cookies and The Buckland-Oakland club wUl Recorded Here mum confections were enjoyed by the street Is program chairman. hold a meeting at 8 p> m.. Wednea- Tf^ltrt oTuborly, boya and girls. The party waa dey, a t the Buckland sriiooL Mov­ U P flM C A F U. O L . 1, win moot to O r f ^ The Manchester branch of the ing pictures win be shown, and The year Just cloaed waa the P ieswria theft or eontaari- Orange Blossom Special Derailed Solon Predicts ftoju four to seven o’clock and dif­ largest in the history of the Man­ Iwn tomorrow evoninc at 7 o clociL ferent games were played with W. C. T. U. win have an all-day peratera made by the students for natioB o f C an t b9 chester Post Office when receipts Nationalists Admit State Senators Get A M u o party for mombera and prises for the winners. Patrida Is meeting tomorrow from 10:30 on NaUonal Safety Week w ill be oponed withOttt.koy. Mmdawrnfonow at ®:15; , W o^ In the South Methodist church. Judged. AU parents are urged to amounted to more than I204.U00. Speedy Action a first grade pupil at S t James’s ’m is la the first time receipts over­ tby Mlatrma Mra. Beaalo Oole and Work will be on cushions for attend the meeting and aid In Um parochial school. went over 1300,000. Iwr oommittoa win nerve refresh- wheel chairs for veterans, and Judging. „ afghans to be sent to China. Mem­ Receipts for lB4t axceedsd thoae menta. The annual meeting o f the Oon Loss of Tientsin; On Three BiUs bers who have squares of woolen o f 1947 by 830,773.88. Income fo r gregatlonal Society w ill be held The ticket commltte for the SSth Bowles Housing Bills; Andereon-Bhea, Auxiliary. No material, 9 x 3, are asked to bring annual banqpet o f the ItaUan- December was jjdao a record- bote, win hold Ita meeting tomor­ in the Center Congregational them to the meeting, also dUcard- American Club. Saturday, January breaker, amounting to 830,739.73 VALVEBlfMMM row evening at 8 o’clock hi the church, Wednesday evening at ed stockings for Japanese girls Passage of Major La­ 7:30. ’This will be the annual 15, will meet this evening at the Poet rooraa, Manchester Green. to make Into rugs. A pot luck clubhouse. Ticket returns, should ■pare lira eon Reveal No Details bor and Social Wel­ meeting and all members are urged luncheon will be served at noon. baMMadwkb. to attend and vote on several mat­ be made at this time. The business meeting will be held ect eponint January Sale ! fare Measures in Six Carry Out Program ters of business. at 2:30. with Mra, Louis St. Clair Manchester,Lodge, No. 78, A. F. m a k . For all velii 508 MAIN ST. TEL. 6080 H ie scene was an Arctic con­ m klUfaid, Va., iajartng mere thaa a score e f peMona. One in uie Ugni, oi a , L e g .) increases. ' and "hold the line on included a sUte bond la- bob sixe in single or double mesh. trast to the sunny, summery i yesterday with Mr. ^ ■ housing rcnUls at sub.,Untially P'JbhcanBpublicans joined in.In. I not exceeding 3145,000,000 te a r m s c o m p a n y Step vp night car, a diBer, evertnmed. (A T ivirephoto). I Inskl took with him Representa- with the military picture weather at the soutbeast where the same level as they exist to­ Mr. Truman recommended a | finance the construction of 10,000 • ! Uvea Kelly of Pennsylvania and minimum 48-combat group Air new units, half o f them to rent for darkening, govermnant officials Birmingham. Ala., had 82 degrees I Kennedy of Massachusetts, both day.” stopped up their, flight from Nan- heat. But a wide expanse o f the In a special message, detailing ; Force in his budget message yes­ about $35 a month with the help Invisible Twin Linx that doubles the wear— Cap shape, 1 labor committee Democrats. terday. Repre.sentative Vir.son i D- of state subsidies. FENDER AND BODY king. country had severe wegther con­ I The Democrats hsVe lined up the rent and eviction control stand Gai, prospective chairman of the Little more than a aymbol o f the ditions. Low and Middle Wage the Labor committee for swKt ac­ he took in his inaugural message, Of the proposed 1145,000,000 WORK bob and regular size. Single and doqble mesh. Nationaliat goveitunent remains in House Armed S<.i'\uce, < ominillfi'. Snow, ice and sleet storms hit tion. Speaker Rayburn (D.. ' Bowles asked the legislators to bonds. $100.oo0,000 would be newly Nanking. Officials, archivea and immediately disagreed. an area from the Texas-Oklahoma I Tex.) announced yesterday ma- ; “ consider a law that wftl operate authorized financing. Tha balance Solimene end Flagf. Inc. equipment are flowing out of the panhandle to the/Pacific coast. ! with administrative ease, honesty "I am thoroughly convinced an of $45,000,000 would repraaent Notion Dept. capital at a fast pace. May Dodge Tax Hikes : Jority leaders have decided on a overwhelming majority of Con­ FOR SALE California shivered again in ratio of 18 Democrat! to nine Re- ' and simplicity." state guarantee municipal housiiig ' 634 Center Street ‘Iliouaands of officials and em­ gress will vote the funds to put bonds authorized by the 1947 Gen­ freeing temperatures. There was I publicans on the committee, in­ Bowies called the rent controls ployes have 14ft Many have moved snow and ice from the state’s win­ enacted by a special legislative into being a .70-group A ir Force' eral As^e mbly. Dining room sete south to aet up emergency branches stead of last year’s 15 to 10 mar­ over a period of three or four ter resort qiota to the mountains. Fairly General gin for the. Republicans, who then I session last year "wholly inade- The governor proposed in bis of their ministrlee out of reach of years,” Vinson ssid. “ It ia the min­ Many highways were closed be­ controlled (Congress. ' quate.” and declared that "there is special message that the state Is- Red Armiee. Others have fled to Co^ News Tidbits imum we must have for securitv." .sue ail housing bonds directly table) six chairs, buf­ cause o f ice and snow. ’The fruit ment Someone Lesinski told reporters he will a crj’ing heed for prompt legisla­ MARY CONSOU their naUve homes where they To Study Matter doarly and vegetable crop waa further have a new labor bill ready to go tive action to correct the eviction rather than continue the policy o f hope to find obecurlty. To Ante Up M o n e y Cnllrd Frow (/P> W i r f Senator Tydirgs iD-Michi. fet. In good condi­ niiissliiablag and AMeiatloas JWHAU CORK endangered by tbe wintry blasts. into public hearings as soon as problem. guaranteeing municipally Issued Oeverod Battena Bnttoaholee Few Foaetleae CoaUnne The fnering weather followed last "During the last 12 months.” he chairman of the Senate Armed bonds. MANCNiSTui C o m m - For Spending Plans Foreign Minlstera Robert Schu- House committee assignments are Alaa Banmaata 50% D O W N -5 0 % FeatKers Technically'all minlstera are still week’s killing frost which caused declared, "thirty thousand Con- Ssrt'ices committee, ssid he didn't Moaey for Suhsidios - mim of France and Ehmest Bevin made; He said he hopes he will tion. Call 4108. 83 Dm Straal, Boat Hartford Cannon in Nanking. That’s because the millions o f dollars of damage to nectlcut families'have been face to ' think the president s recommends-I Tbe bill sUki carried a 8900.000 Washington, Jan. 11.— (fl*) t»f Britain win try to bring their , have a conimittee and be at work Phoaa Hartford 8-58X9 great aeala with which ail official crops. face with it. That represents one- tions "rul'd out ' an ultimate 70- appropriation to cover annual sub­ papers muat be stamped are stlM Fine Muslin Sub-Zero Blaate Agala --L o w and middte -O et.Tjv Priority- twelfth o f all the terianU in ('on- ' group force, but liilerded to study sidies by the state for “ assiataneo BED PILLOWS here. But actually, few government necUcot.'* Ihs matter very closely. for a moderate rental housing functions continue, except the meet Tbe Rocky mountaid region and JdaOUPB. appeared, likely today Thuwfiay in London. . . .U.N. r " U w < » t take much more than parts of the BildWeit got another TO escape any general intome special CJommtiiaion- on the BaI-|A w ^k fw hirings on regaling fe lls Lews "Inadequale" Thiraan took the stand that project or projects." u r n n t act,” he said. Bowles declared the Connecticut number snd size of plsrrs is At s press conferencs/ tha g o v ^ One offciial eetlmated more than blast o f sub-xero temperatures. tax boosts this year in spite 'fans votes to incite Rusaia end > T*“ -Hart«y SHEETS and CASES January Clearance Cold weather In the Pacific north­ "That gets top priority, and the la.vs "Wholly inadequate” because way to measure A,r Force ernor said that ultimately tli# half the National government’s of a r«ord $41,»i8.000,I.0« , president yvants it done as quick­ they have not "drastically tight- »h*n hy the number of state would have to spend gbout HI6MEST, personnel has disappeared from west threatened a severe power G H A O e ' $4.99 EACH peacetime budget. But there ly as possible.’’ ened” the terms on which a tenant' 11,700.000 annually in suhsj^oa to OUQ sweer AMO TENOCR Nanking. The Ministry of Health shortage. land Aircraft company spokesman Secretary of the Air Force Sym­ While wintry’s Icy blasts dealt The proposed new set would ra$y 1>F evicted under the present win move en mass .tomorrow 'to waa fairly general agreement says his firm is negotiating witli ington, in' a report l.ssiied over the CHOPS, COOKED RIGUn severe blows to the west. Dixie­ pro\1de some sort of prohibition Federal law which expires March (foOtlnued no Page fibgkt) An exceptional value! For thoM who want a firmer pillow than In Our Canton in southern China. in both Democratic and Re­ the Italia'n government for the weekend, reiterated Air Fbree 81x108 $2.69 72x108 $2.59 land was basking in summertime possible manufacture of Vampire against jurisdictional strikea, and 31. He called the terms of the Canton and Formosa (Taiwan) publican ranks that if President hope., for 70 groups. Tlie last Con­ ARE 80UND TO PLEASE all down. 50% down, 80% feathers. Floral ticking., temperatures. The mercury shot would give the president authority F'ederal were "much too loose.” are favorite refuges of govemmeat Truman’s spending program for jet fighters in Italy. gress aiithoiized 70 groups snd up into the 70s and 80s yesterday Twelve former Romanian cabi- to deal with strikes that would As a result, he added, “ the Con- officials. As many as 80,000 Chi­ the fiscal year starting July 1 is the A .r Force now has reached 60- vYOUR APPETITE.-' from Louisiana to the Atlantic endanger the national welfare, neeticul law In mo.st cases has on­ nese a week are reported arriving to be followed, someone is going I minister.'^, all of whom a*, one gioiip enniliat stiength. fSymir4T- seaboard and from Florida to east - - time or another were in the govern­ Lesinski said. The pre.sident has ly the effect of a delaying action on Formosa, which soma say to hatre to ante up more money. ton'., report was written weeks Housewares Depl. Tennessee and meet o f Virginia. ment of Ion Antoneseu, go on trial asked both. with the inevitable final lesult- 72x99 $2.35 63x99 $2-19 Generalissimo Chlang Kai-Shek ^ , Also, if his social welfare pro- Lesinski said he and Kelley and ago; he has-ssid since he will go Flashes! Reg. $1.19. Extra Heavy may turn into an.Island fortress. ’The freexing rain and ^ ^ t cov- j n^e enacted millions of a., war criminals. . . . Israel places eviction." _a --a---1 — — sv# wn.A i - Kennedy did not discuss msny de- Bowles al.so asked that in new. along the the pre.sidenfs recom- Equipment end key personnel of ered an extenalve area of the cen workers and their employers will hl.nne for shooting down of five (Iiwu^auiillUlns ef th* UP, W ire) tral and aouthem plains as far Briti.sh planes on British aulhori- , eviction and- rent control legiala- merrialion.,. i have larger payroll taxes. (Coatlniml >in fsge Rtglit i Ciil Rack On Flanes ^MOP8 a r c eAS^J (OootiBDod « a Page Bight) eastward as Iowa, Miasouri and lies who ordered mission...... ' tion. the term "nuiNance” be given \ western Dlinols. Hhout for Ekwnomy China’s Nationalist government ' a "clear and concise definition." The Ail F'ortc al.«o a-t a goal of 10,2!>7 first and second line planes H*«rlng DerlaioB Delayed 42x36 PILLOW CASES 59c Dundee Bath Towels Get Worst of Storm Republicans shouted for econo­ spent $1,161,603 for amis and mlll- He declared that because it is not Radiator Covers my. 'They pointed to the spectre lary supplies in U. S. last week, InUrpieted in precise terms it the by Jure 30. The president said this U'BshIngtoa, Jan. 11— OP)— ^TIm Kanaaa, Oklahoma, Miasouri and of a deficit formed by the budget reports State denortinet. Show Deficit present law. the "unscnipiiloiis would be .cut back to 9,197 by tangled foreign altnatlon, with Cannon sheets and cases will give years of wear and sarvlea. Israel to Hit part of northern Texas got the rmphaai* on Russia, eugaged the the president sent to Congreas Plan intended to help, V. S. get landlord” Is enabled to us? a nui­ eliminating 700 trainei;H and 400 worst o f tha storm. Many com- planes of the types used in sup­ Heiiate Foreign Relatlohs commtt- munlUes were blacked out as yesterday. more manganese from Soath sance charge as a means of cir­ r ’ X 64’% Reg. $2.75 ...... ’The Democratic heads of the Could Be Cut cumventing the law and securing port of the ground forces. te* today and held up a dedaion am $X-00 each $ 2 . 5 0 Britain Again heavy Ice-coated power lines snap­ Afrira for its strategic materials when to start hearings on Dean Tuesday Specials At The Self Senate and House Ax-w ritlng stockpile will go into effect next : a quick eviction. The pre.sidert divided bis $14.- ped. Some achoola were cloaed. .Acheaan’a appointment as aeere- committees, Senator George oT month," says Commerce depart- ' Bowles said he wants new legis- 368.000,000 defense budget almost Travel over the glazed highways tary of stale. Senator Connally Beautiful solid color heavy weight bath towels that will wear Georgia ■ and Representative ment. .... Critics of Foreign | Exhibits Presented by everilv anio.ug th* Army. Navj' Serve and Health Market Preparing New Blast De­ (D-Texas), committee chairman, Lady Pepperell for years and yeara. A ll eolora. Doughton of North Carolina, roidn- Secretary Ernest Bevin's Mid-East I (foerimied o* Pag* Eight) and Air Force. 5” X 24’% Reg. $1.60 ! .... (Cdatiniied oa Page Four) C^nneetieut Company Senator Gurney (R-.SD). minor­ said • derision would be reached $1 .3 9 spite Efforto to Ease iained a cautious position. They policies .will call for thoroughgoing j during the afternoon on w-hen M MARMALADE 1 Lb. Jar 18c -> said they want to sec how much explanation of BriUsh-lewlsh plane ' ity spokesman on the .Armed Serv­ Palestinf^ Tension At Fare Rise Hearing ices committee and former c.hair- start hearings “ and who will he' Luxury Muslin money Congress votes to spend be­ rlashes when Commons reconvenes | witneases.” •i Lb. Jar fore considering tax raises. next week's . . . V. 8.' poputetloe 1 Rousing Fight ;man. noted this would not peri 33c Liower Prices^ Hartford, Jan. 11—'A»,—Exhibits mit 70 groups in the 19.50 fiscal Reg. 39c Cannon AllQver Plaid 9” X 60” , Reg. $ 2 .5 0 ...... $ 2 . 2 5 Lake Success, Jan. 11' — oh— As a result, there is a strong rose by almost 2,500,000 in 1048. | Purge l.«cal Governmeats Israel was reported today to ‘ be ih « i»i«ia tiv e hiid-! Several iseverai companiescompantro ooi f British*»nusn , presented by the Connecticut eom- jear. .starting next July 1. Yugoslavia, Jan. 11— — The APPLE BUTTER IV, Lb. Jar 21c preparing a new blast at Britaih Era Forecast fnntlljtslonal i ^Topps Start to round up aquattrre pany this morning at their hear- $een on Bill i" H e paid 'he w'a.s not for.or SHEETS and CASES despite efforts o f Washington and get provision of the o g 1 , j siding Communist in- [ Ing on a bus fare increase before : against 70 group*..although he had rommiuiist newspaper Borba said United Nations offlclaU to case reorganization act will ,n central Malaya. . . . j the State Public Utilities commis- ' supported that figure last year. today local governments sre being FRUIT COCKTAIL "No. 31) Can 7” X 40” , Reg. $2.25 ...... the growing Palest^e tension. But he said condition* have purged throuahout Vugoslsvls te 37c $2-00 m* 1 !• - U - s - n - , — ' 5^"'*®^' J o n *'•“ • * * > “ P®" O * ' * * ' * ' ■" estimated Measure to Spur In- ^ sharpen the class struggle against Turkish Hand Towels There still y/aa no'offlcitl word Many Leading Retailer* i congress to set an estimate on ap- pi-anciscan Capuchin mopks in , $392,426 deflcii In 1948 could he ( 4'onlimie,! itn Page Four) I eapItallsiB, rich peasaala jnnd SYRUP VERMONT MAID 81x108 $3.29 72x108 $3-15 here whether .or not Israel would Convinced by Rush at ,.'«nMnoesl";;ri^.ge Eight) W ‘sconsin to -ndngle your sw ea t, reduced but not wiped out if their vestiiienl and Indus­ Bot 25c abandon her plan to file a formal with that o f the workers." . . , ' p^titior.ed is -:rtnted 1 speculators.' The local govern- ' ments are called "Peoplea’ com- complaint in the Security Council Post: • Cbristmas Sales to l^resse trial .Vetivity tjffered LARGE BOX BRIDGE. WALNUT OB COCANUT against Britain on any of the aev­ : mitlees.” Borlnt said these had ' been Infiltrnted by "enemies of the 29c each eral issues over which the two i « ^ r e hazards" in the 'VT-Uc , j r o T s \ r ‘S Washington, Jan. 11- .■T'—A far- Does Not Plan DUTCH MAID COOKIES 16c 9 pc. Salad Set «o ag countries are arguing. New York, Jan. 11—(AV-Thk WiU Consider I people’s nuthority,” by kulaks— 42x36 PILLOW'CASES 69c rush o f people attracted by pioat- leaching bill to spur “ investment. who are prosperous peasants—and I Israeli Representative. Aubrey ' American officials express keen ' ’’L V'J.Ttu Industrial activity and production Reg. $3.98, Now . • E. Eban, however, ammged a news Christmas salae baa convinced lintereat in reports that Panams P «"y Indicated that eten tho To Quit Post by persons "misled or paid by the Lbs. Tha handy hand and face siae Cannon towels In pastel, plaid. In many leading retailers the natiMi Pay Raise Bill is ready to cooperate with U. S. 15 o «"t wage increase recently of goods and service.^” with gov­ I kulaks." MeINTOSH APPLES 3 29c Extra fine quality luxury muslin that has been knowti for years conference for 2 p. m. (e. 8. t.l and ernment money was before Con­ for Its extra wear and durability. pench, green, dusty rose, blue and green. | this touched off rumors a new at­ is headed for a new era o f .ow er' In defense o f canal_____ President 1 8r*ntcd cmupany employes and FIXIRIDA (Large Size) \ ' . ■ , prices. I Syagman Rhee of Korean Repub- ; swuiring the petition for a 10 cent gress today. Named Norwalk fichooln Bend tack on Britain was op the way. It seemed almost certain to be­ Forreslal Expects . to I They voice this conviction w ‘ th ; lie heada of * SovieUZed f*re vere granted, a ■future Norwalk. Jan. I I — 'JA—The np- ____ - ______I Z z ___ ^ Sharp Statemeat Imined Senate Civil Seri’ice predicts come the center of a rousing fight ORANGES Doz. 3 Pc. Ash Tray Set, Reg. 69c, N o w ...... 50c certain reservations, of course— ' North Korean govetnment would >’*src estimate of net income ______polatment of- Hlllis K. Idlemaa, 39c a y' % ’These rumors were strengthened between its Democratic backers Slav On as Truman and in some caaies with crusied soon be plsced "before the f ir in g ; might.total $251. iQ5. ~ ’ e rv e I snperiatendent o f schools at East to sonbB extent b y a .sharp state­ Gominittee Ca8» Ses­ and Republicans who cried ” so- EXTRA LARUE Reg. $8.98 WWte Wool Filled ment issued by Eban last night on fingers. Right now aume J.uoO re­ squad.” . . . J U. 8. newly esteb- ; Of this amount, however, it wi S p r r e t a r y of U p f e n s c I HartCord, as superintendent of Ash Barrel and Cover, Reg. $3.49, Now $3.19 sion Todav ' on Hike pointed out that revenue of $188,- i cialism” at a liem Another Shipment! his arrival In New York after a tailers are attending the iSth an­ llished “Influenza Information cen- ' 'pubHc schools here, was nanounred GRAPEFRUIT 2. For 25c _ round of conferences In 'Tel Aviv. nual convention o f the Nationai ' ter’’ aaya there is no evidence ao 000 included in the estimate as a . gram proposed b\ President Tru Washington., Jan. IX —(A’)— today. Frederick Lovejoy, Jr., Sjban declared ' British troop Retail Dry Goods asaoclatlon In result o f last year’s abnormal win mar. chniimaa of the Board of Ednen- Garbage Pail andTcover, Reg. $2.sl5, Waahii^ton, Jan. 11— C P) — A I far-that Europe’s fin epidemic la Th# m eour# w$s presented \n, James V. Forfeotal said alter a movements in Trans-Jordan con­ New York, and their main oojec- bill raising the pay of. the------president. , Bc(.0n,p,nied by any “ serious out­ ! the House and Senate, veaterdsy by , talk with Presidpnt Truman to- tton here, said that Idlemaa’s ap­ Irregulars of 69c ^iow stitute a “ repudiation 6f the Se­ Uve la to Increase aalea, lower ' (Contiau^ oe i>age Eight) * . . . ^ . wv *«*__ unril truce resolutions.” their coats and maintaln'prof>ta. Senate approval Thursday. secretary ol defense. Heptember I. 1949. Idleman will EXTRA SPECIAL—LOIN He said Britain’s action Is causing Geaeral Pletiire OntUhed and Senators Murray (D-Mont) suceeed Dr. Philip A . . Jakob, su- Swinging and Student Bridge Lamps, The Senate Civil Ser\1ce com- and Sparkman (D -Ala). ■ Forreslal told White House r'a- -"grave concern” In Israel. The general picture these lead­ mlltee' called a cloaed-door meet­ perlnteiidrat here for 38 ycate, It would aet up a $15,000,000,000 poi tei's he expects, to submit ' fils who will retire from public acboal 36 in. Sinrtex Sanforized Eban’s statenrent waa regarded ers outline is this: Christmas sales ing today (2:30 p. m.. o, a. t.) to resignation soon as a matter of Reg. $13.98, Now ...... •, . $9.00 Reconstruction Finance corpora­ work. LAMBDelirious Eating. CHOPS u 75 c $ 6 . 9 9 as significant 'since It came after bogged down until they barely ex­ consMer the measure— whicli would Delivers Baby, 4 Minutes routine, but that he does not ex­ tion fund to stimulate Induatrv .* * • . the State Department and. U. N ceeded last yearif figures, .ind tne also booet the aalarlea of other top pect it to be accepted. LE AN ■■ ' Secretary-General Trygve Ue ap­ year as a whole waa only llv« pei with loan* or grants to the.high Headless ^id.v Found ^ Floral patterns with Inset bjpd o f ’ myon eatln. Rose and blue Single Cup Coffee Maker, Reg. $1.49, officials. production leyelti Mr. Truman HO added, in rcspoiue tu ques­ pealed to Britain and Israel to for­ cent above 1947. But the response Truman 'Urges Speed After Death of Mother tions. that he wants to continue In Blatad. Va.. Jaa. II—— Sher­ OUTING FLANNEL only. Pure white wool filled. Light weight but extra warm. get their differences for the mo­ to sales at reduced prices Indicate called for in hla economic report W. Without mentioning hie own pay, last week. I f necessary, states o n hla cabinet po.st and expects to do iff .M. Price said the hMdHaa h ^ ment In the Interest of the forth­ people will buy an increased vol- body ofn^young woexM wan feaad VEALLot of Bseat, littleSTEW bone. Praaident Truman yesterday urged coming armistice talks on the lume o f goods If price, style ard Abingdon, Va., ,Jan. 11.— — .a Caesarean section and delivered regional agencies could borrow so. speed in raising the income o f high UtO from the fund to build a.nd operate Forreatal aald he talked with the In a desolate aeetten at Mpad Universal Vacuum Bottles, Qts. $2.69, Island of -Rhodes between Egypt value are balanc^ to fit the con­ I The physician looked up from the a four-pound, four-ounce baby OOimTBT STYLE government executives. He wrote their own Industrial enterprises. ' president about proposed manges county early today after har 4 4 c yard end Israel. r sumer pocketbook. ' woman in the ward bed. boy—alive and cryliu: lu.stily. broUwr-la-lnw aarreiUered to eOt- Pinls$1.59 Senator McKeliar (D-Tenn) the Authority Sought : in the security act. • Irregulars of $2.98 Nashua' *^Two Stork'* The Israeli representative said Tbe experts don’t look ,or a gen­ j '"She's dead,” he said to a nurse. The mother, Mra. Elmer AVidner Sanate’s president pro temporO. The Preaident had asked Con- He said the problem wUI be oers and admitted mardoitif 9ar. his government attaches great eral price break, nor for a oua- ; “Cal! Dr. Hayten.” o f Denton's Valley, had been dead ID Our sixth shipment of thla beautiful fine toft quality flannal that buaineis Is outbidding the areas for government authority t o ! dealt wlin in a message Mr. Tru- Price aald the .bedy ef Mta. Catfe- 26 Pc. Silverware Set, SpLcial'...... $4.9Q importance to the projected armis­ Ineta recession, but they, do look government for "able men.” The second doctor, came over for four minutes. She had been eiino 8. Now berry, aboat 94* waa that la sahforixed shrunk. ’The Irregularities are ao alight that AU White •j , - ■ I ■ , ' lend construction funds to the steel ' man w ill send to Con/ress "la the tice negotiations but declared the for a genaral aelective downward But while Senate Republlcana land made hte own examination. brought _____ to the h< pital Friday . for found en a monntnlnalda >i Hm m you will have a hard time finding them. Checke, etripea, plain talks, "can only be prejudiced by price revision and 4 general In- I He agreed the woman waa dead, . treatment of a circulatory ail- industry or t<# build steel mills it- i next two or three weeks.” iGES _Lb.' 59c Window Ventilators, Reg. 89, Now 75c decided at a policy conference yes­ self if the first step failed to meet i .Air Force N et Dtarnssafi Merhaaisbarf aad Palasld. 9one- coloi^. - • provocative maneuvers sheh ‘ as creaae In value and style where terday that they wrould not op- but hla atethoacope picked up the ment and a kidney complication, nel Newberry, 89, gava hitesrif ap those In which the British forces prices aren't reduced from present flickering heartbeat of her unborn' but bad not expected the birth of production needii. Forrestel said the question o f a Reg. 59c, Now 49c poae increasing the salary o f the That proposal' drew sU ong R e - ; 70-group Air Force was not dls- at IHaad Jail last aridaigM, Pftea Lb. SHEET BLANKETS. •> are now engaged. levels. . president and the vice president. f^ild. There atlU waa a chance to her baby fo r aeveral Weeka She ■aid, aad directed affleata to tha POLISH RINGS 59c publican criticiam;- the measure cussed in his conference with Mr. Britiah diplomatic sourcei In strong Note e l Cautten Chairman T a ft (Ohio) said ob­ save the infant, but predoua aec- aeemed to be resting comfortably, body. There was one strang note of onda were ticking off Ita. Ufa. but Saturday afternoon she suffer­ introidiiccd yesterday, which could Truman. London bad said earlier that Bri­ jections were raised to quick ac­ Then reportara put the quastlon Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales / itVT Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales tain. would not praaeht a com­ cautloa. Several retailers n«td in­ Dr. Lee M. Cole, Jr., the randent ed a turn for the worae and died. cause tne greatest government tion on other pay ralaea. i ' which baa been much discussed hi Traaaary Bfifawc* plaint to the Security Council creased government apendlng or The bill ander conaideratlon phyaidan. and the nurse ■ went The hospital reported the baby venture into the field o f business wldaspioad wage Increases ceuid quickly in quest o f surgical Inatru- waa “dolag nicely and gaining since the great .deptesalon, seemed Washington for weeks; [,39 each « « * » su. charging larael with shooting FB would boost the pendent’s $78,000 “ Have you aubmjtted your re- Washington, Jaa. 11—(P)—Vte NPLQ’S five R.A.F. plane# near tha Bgypt- turn tbe tide and force retail salary to $100,000 and glvs hlm an mehta and oxygen. Standing by, w eig h t" , sure to draw even heavier G. O. P. signatioD ?" position of the Treeauiy JaawKjr Uca£ik ^ k a ^ J id , - lan-Palesttne border last wsek. prices up. Greater supply now Is additional tax-exempt expense al­ pr. Harry Hayter heard the flut­ "... no great feat o f sur­ fire. Declaring that the bill would Forreatal said ha had not. but C aC^M Am ^OAK ST-MAHCHESTER.CONN The CORK Ticketed Otter Lake. 'The flneat all white sheet blanket madje. Still Ceasidering Qm s Um i overbalancing demand, said Ore re- lowance o f $80,000. ter pf the unborn chlld'a heart- gery.” said Dr. Hayter in his re­ N et budget reoeipte, |Mi.9iaA JWHAU The H A I ^ CORK' Reports from 'Tel Aviv saiid yes­ teiler, but an increase In rpeiid- The pay a oy BikinI’a undarwatar ax-, Subacriptions for tbe , fli^t port wa^ bat a graatiac and a ploalou, where they faUito tha QIMUk Group $100,000 in stock.oWiU contain the promiae. Hiia year It 1* the un­ On* Palestine condition that the subscriptiona McKINNBY BROTHERS ¥ERIN(i Fate Is Studied Vote to Strike rata. vrill be payable when $100,000 has Readv to Collect folding of my draaaiA and bopaa. . Being Distributed Today In Aiomie Bomb Blast Alter they come down, these Maul Batute UuB **B(^ett Oerf has a story of atoms In many caserwlU ba juat been pledged or paid In. Mr. Gor­ saa MAIN VT. TEL. ffROM certain parents who were some­ Tulsa, Okla,, Jan. II—-iff)—8ome^ l*urpofle of Cooperative don aald. Sp u rowe Point, Md„ JaA. 11.— Meriden, Jan. 11— The Gen­ aa dangerous a hundred years Handling of Situation eral Electric company h u dls- what concemad about their boy In 1,400 Tranapo^tiop Workers un­ tiong. Tbe gnmma raya im Uka- (/ry—tb a Internal Revenue depart- The 1948-1949 'edition of Uisr^ The directory lists 88 Induatrit, from now as at tba Instant thay ^To Give Beat Milk cloeed that a study la under way 'm Ik»L Hla report cards had'in- ion (d O ) amployea at American five of Death-Deakra in ly to be fatal nt a mile. They Called ‘Extraordinarily Henry T. Becker, elected vice ‘ Atriima? Craaaad that concern. One Friday Manchester Directory appeared' with an estimated employment os were bom in the atom-spUtUng nteat^Uateu to the radio, too. to datarmlna wbatbar to further cause hair to fall out at more than' exploalon. The bomb’s plutoolum, At Lowest Price’ president of the cooperative, la a curtail operatlona of ita pluiica afternoon, however, 'S a m m y Airlines last night voted to strike thrtiughont town today. men onB women. Hw Flarii and Fifat Few a rqUs. .'Iha neutrons travel not Inept, and Unciviliaed* resident of Mahoheater. He lives SAN80NS ASTHMA Sunday nlA t John F. Oake, 6S* A naw hlatory of Manchester Industries are listed • as . paying nuxit at which doaa not split, but FENDER 4ND BODY MJ>oId railroad eneutlTC, won planbharcw abut the factoi^ down brought bom# hla card with faar against the company because of s Seconds Aflerwardi nsueh more than a. halt lalle.. at 9 Waddell road. and trembling. Mother looked it wage dispute. President E. R. appears In thte Issue. It aUUs wagaa of approximately 810,C vaporioM, la equally dangerous , Hartford,'’ Jun. Hartford, Jan. 11—tA*)— Organ­ REMEDY tOJiOO in priaea on the radio <]Ula completely. - ' that this town Bads aeven Con^ Fburth.la nlti^violst light, to and will remain ao for-thouashda WORK\ In A letter to 341 employes, over. There wasft’t much change Bums of Tulsa Local S14 an­ 000 annually and having producU Oiliprs Chime Later the form at a flash of powerful Minister Bevta’s handling at tha ization of a milk cooperative for •how. —no As but Da. But—at the bot­ necticut cities In population and valued at approximately 826,000,- years. H u M u J "Moy J a ^ s O. Milne, plant numager. nounced. sun-tan mys. Theaa made bad Palaitina fiRuatlon ia "extraordl- greater Hartford consumers was Ih J • u i'iu l. Bfe Yesterday, Oaks said, "an in­ tom of the card In red ink the wealth, la the third largaat com­ 000 annually, in . normal times. No Dm M About Spraafi Air Lift Moves ■ come tax collector came around to tara the plant h u been -operating Bums said no strike (Utile hsa (Bditer'a Nats: TMa la Uw bums at more than two mllee on announced today by Attorney Wil­ Solimene and FlaRR. Inc. nmu-faif tiM imInM wmw teacher had written Trying.* The been sat. The union Is adding a munity 'Ot tha nama In tha world, Under educational Inatltutlone la There la no doubt abrnit nartly Inapt 'and uncivlllaed," de­ set hla money, but I told him ha'd At a low level for more then a year first of a aerie# of OUm a r - exposed huihon flesh. Tbay do not 6.14 Center S tr ^ tUM «f uthma. parents ware encouraged. They 38 cants fin hour wags tucraase. and the first In par capita wealth, found a tbtal of IS schools. In addi­ spread. A few weeks aWtr clared ifaj. Wellesley Aron, apeak- liam 'Si'tiordon, Jr. have to wait until I know what b ^ iw e of a decline In the pUetics and that It has functioned mder s ttelea rmmdlBg ag la detaB klfi, but a person aunbathlng Bikini air bomb, aome of the ' Seriously III bualnem. were elated. The bqy waa really but Bums aald tha tion to a technical school, a ae^or could get a fatal flash hum. Ing to tha auxUlaries to tie Jawiah Mr. Gordon, counsel for the or­ START USING IT , prises I was gettlilY. Then we'd trying. They traatad him to too system of'town govemfiicnt atnoe High school and one parochial wkat hte bMa fouad abwit atoma ware picked Up la the air business. > He said the employes u-ould be offered only five eoataodnattag affbeta af Fifth ia tha fireball' Thla is War vatarans of greater Hfirijo*^ ganisation -CSiarter Oak Cooper­ TODAY cram . Thay awaited davalop-. An Airlines apokaaasan could it was set off from the parent school. by datectora at Tulsa. Okla., about Berlin, .Ian. ll. -fA*)— The Allied "I got a kick out' of that He advised >yhen a decision Is reached, town of East Hartford In 1833. b o m M a g .) ball at white-hot aid and other Speaking at the aanic tttoe at ative Dairy, Inc., said its purpose "one-way or the other." menu with IntareaL But when not be reached Jmr comment. Manchaster has two libraries and SL 6,000 mllea away.. air lift today began evacuating n r M e mt tbr FotloMinc was right there, Johnny-on-thc- On June 30, I94T, the 'OouncU- •toms, that forma at tha apot the weekly convocaUcm at HiUyer 'is to give the public the best i the next report card, came home all Buma aald jma strike of the four branches containing a total The atoms that settle to earth MMMkMitT Dnw Store*: •pot" Mansfer form of government waa By Howard H . Blakeabw where the bomb exploded. It ia will be too thinly spread to harm ooUege, John S. Grauel, lecturer mok'at Uie lowest price with de- i f "* of nearly seriou sly hope evaporated, for on the bottom ground urauffi would ground all of 68,713 Volumes. The total mile­ miniature , sun acveral hundred 1..500 FARMERS! An Internal Revenue agent said of the card were two words, *Very voted. .laaaalate Prcaa fleleaaa BdHor thoee upon whom they fall. The and radio commentator; aald that ill tuberculosis patients from l|i;lNN*H phAr m acv Oaks would have to pay about American i ^ a a . In the synopals of tha town, the age of streets la 125.87, practically yards in diameter and It can bum cent wajfes and prices to the farm Trying.’ A year ago quite a num­ aU of which are paved. There are New York, Jan. 11—(P)— Atom­ •peculatton ta-'about plants and any retaliatory measure bT Great blockaded western Berlin to hos­ TM. 4IM $10,000 in tVKS on the gifts. It Columbia contrast negotiations bagan diractoiy atatea that the popula­ you badly at a mile away. It also minute anlmala and fish that uaa Britain against larael for the de­ Don’t Forget Jaa. 15th ber of friends • said. *Well. Or. Doc. 1 1^ 412 fire hydrants. ic bomba carry aevan klnda of emits tramendoua doaes of gamma The Incorpoiators met lust pitals In western Germany. The NORTH END PHARMACY makes no difference if he keeps Brookea la trying.’ Many will Ac­ tion la 84,000 and that Manchastar these atoma as food. WlU the struction of five . R.A.F. planee night and elected officers and di­ For help bn yoor tux prob*. TW.M45 V the gifts or sella them, the agent has an assessed valuation of 866,- A water works with a' capacity death v .'id Injury. ‘ Tliraa-and-a- rays. This baU riaea rapidly and would'be "one of the greatest evacuation is expeeti'd to be com­ Ninety people attended the an- claim after, liatcnlog to these fond idante pick up and .concentrate the rectors, after voting to create the lems, cun c e n t e r ph a r m a c y . said, u the amount of tax is I 680,399. Seventy-four per cent of of 1,600,000 gallons daily haa 71‘ i half yearn after tba flmt bomb It eools quickly, changing from white tfagediaa of nd. The un­ "hlatorleal harttage, thousands of of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan B. Hunt ■iccretary. Attorney Mary C. Fitz­ robing of the choir; a beautiful aectlcut State Grange with hla The brat la concuaalon. This Tba long rea^b of. theae perils known question la how much of yaarfi old" and that this spirit bafi of Seantic, Warcbouae Point. news agency reported the Russian Aecountaat AuMfii Ragncr Hanson of Hartford h u Mrs. Marion Hurlbutt headed the ed to 1194,868.82. the jail and courtroom are housed atomic blast knocks down naarly has bsan maasurad in the wgrid’a gerald. purchased tha John Collins farm Courrler and aife at Tolland Cen­ supper committee and bad as as­ altar set; the ministry of flowers; Past Maatar’a InataUutg team In- this t^m lc stuff roan can take. lent a aoUdartty to the country About a year ago, members of chief of a big tool works at Chem­ ter. sistants, Mra H. P. Collins, Mrs. a renovated church balcony; a re­ ataUad tha offloars. Othara on the all kinds of *preaent-day ptmeturas first five atomic bomb exploalona A build up of those radioactive which is Ita fundamental Local 536. Milk Drivers, went on nitz, Saxony, which was wo?-lting i aoutheut Tolland, and Mr. Col­ for a mile on all aldaa. It wracks How much IfMiger will death’s Church Conrrounlty House Friday, for reparations had flid io west­ lins b u purchased a home In Ver­ A son a-u bom January 3 at the Carl Stoltenfeldt, Mrs. Wilbur paired bulletin board: a greatly team ara Q. Raymond Jobnaon, itel. Gilbert Storrs who has been fred Schmeddlng' of this town. that are known already to strength. strike against Bryant and Chap­ Miss Nora Rockville City hospital to Mr. and Improved Chapel; a new interest SioapItnUied for the past two Another item at Intereet ia the them for two mllaa, and aoma- arms ba In bigger bomba? Tbe an­ Jan. 14 at 8 p. m. Irving Andert is ern Germany. non where he and his family will Smith, Mra. Raymond Lyman and Coventry: Keeney Hutchlnaon. Bol­ times farther, 'lliare la an “If.’' swer ia, not nearly aa much aa tha .y when they get inside the hu- Major Aron leels that Ui con­ caller with music by Roger Sims man and R. O. Miller and Sons. Mrs. Elton Urain of R.F.D. 2. Grant Mra Howai-d Thayer. Following In tha Sunday school; a donation ton: Ellsworth Covelt, Andover weeks ia expected home the early engagement of Elaine England body, tbeoreticaUy can cause trast Bavin and hla ’’merry The strike was not settled until This official WR.H identuieil n.s tin move. Hill. Tolland. of $10 toward naw hymnals for tha part of the week. , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry however.. The blast doaa this If incraaaa in power or energy. If tha, of North Coventry and his Kyhthm engineer named Vinogradov. Dena Addy The little daughter Sarah of Mr. the pastor’s report at the bualnesa and Gertruda A. Haven, Coventry. area of complete destruction to iUnees and death. men" the Jewlah leaders ara show. Boys. late fall. Miss Grace E. Clough has ac­ church school; a gift of $100 for The Library Club will meet Elmar Clark; Ovar- dore Malek of New Hampshire. many years. It will take that Icmg, agUity In handling governmental Talk of the cooperative was and helper at the home of Mrs. Church school; reoaatlng of chairs Mre. John Flynn. Tho poetry of T. Mra. England was tha former If It bite on the ground, the con­ Ung the power of tbe bomb wbuld tees will be elected at the annual the custody of two agents ot the ter Memorial hoapital with a members of committee on re­ •ere, Kenneth Sima; LactUrar, La­ incrasse the range about s fifth of both to eat enough atoms and to affairs.” T h ^ qualities, he feels, heard from officers of the union, WAIT In tha Chapel; a mimeographed S. Elliott will be the subject for Louise Carver of this towm. cussion won’t travel ao far. to nleeting of the BooUi-Dimock Me­ MVD (Soviet secret policel. Chism of East street, Stafford throat Infection. ligious education until a meeting church calendar every Sunday; na Brown; Steward, June D. mile. wait for their effects. For they wUl lead to thj development of Henry C. Dauphinals, bOsineas Springs. discuaaton. Heat ‘ndaa SapMly do no immediate harm. They are morial Library tonight at 8 p. m. A new fire airan recently pur­ Tolland was well represented at '’which will be called later, when a the paaalng of the calendars to the Loomla; Aeatstant Steward, Rob­ Friday evening a group of The second ia hast, mllllaha of After the exploakm, yqU face the Israel aa a givat power in the in the reading room. Reports will agent of the union, advocated that Piuno Recital i’lMlponed TILL TOMORROW chased by the Tolland S ire Com­ the Govemor'a Inaugural Ball committee appointed at Friday people; the mailing of same to alck ert Chrlatenean; Chaplain. Ruth E. young people surprised Mr. and degraea in the Interior of the •Ixtb peril. Thla Is from transmu- delayed-action atomic pills. world. be presented and a vote taken on the milk union organize the coop­ pany and placed on the Tolland night's meeting will report on a and shut-ins; the helpful eervlcee Loomla; Traaaurer, C. Irving Mra. John Schmidt at their new UUon. I. E., the ehfine from one The apenful of tua SMiae. wsrki ikfMaa Cm mmc pim esM triotic service on the Fourth' of state group. In the event of bad 'Itofi At the Ia.st regular meeting Of bita, auditors. Reports of all the CSiventry Grange. The next meet­ meeting on Monday, January IT All thla la something new. So administrator, for,a public hear weather the aession will be can­ or onu tua-bag for aach parson. Add frash,"bubbling’‘ mill up •MMOf iMMs •UsTMUsa *•!• as i*a «aa Tolland Grange the new officers July and the observance of Uni­ ing will be held on January 20 and la BMUuyrr of Daalel J./ Shoehao. little la known .about the long Ing wtlh a view to lowering the Hartford, Jan. 11—of)-The fu-j ( ■■■liitrtir. officers were given. Mr. Hunt versal Bible Stmday brought good to conaldar InatalUng more ade­ celled. neral of Prof. Egon Joseph Kos­ boiling water. Steep for five minutes. Stir, then serve. lk> N**l i akr 4 h«rirr*> and reelected ones were installed: reporting for the trustees told there wlU be a apeaker and mov- quate heating In the community' who Sled Jumeiy 11 !•$■. time effects that you cannot af­ price of milk by "at least a cent "The Loat SUk Hat" by Lord Master, Ruseell Gunther; lecturer, attendoncea A vote of the pro­ ford to take a chance. Doctors will suth, 75. said to have been one of MetoBuriiiM lour liahlr f«»r a that there are $22,242.01 in the posed Merger of the Congregation­ lea. It Is hoped that as many as houee, organist salary and other AHhongh knew Oed thonght a quart." * Alfred Dunsany, wUI be portrayed Euro|>e’s greatest portrait paint- ] 1ablr I’biI Helen Wilcox; secretary, EMith invested . funds of the church, poaalble wUl attend thU meeting bualnesa to coma before said meat' getgeroount you to see if you are Joseph Neidermeier of the Beech- Vealey; overseer,- John Edwards: al ChrUtlan and the Evangelical by Clifton B. Horne,^ Theodore era, and who died Sunday at St. I $3,776.44 of which was received as a good program la being ing. All church membera ara urged That ron should have etenul rest, wearing anything that ia tempor mont dairy here, president of the Seitz. Jr., Marshall Lovegrove of steward, Robert West; worthy as­ and Reformed Churches revealed Wa sslaa you Jaal •• aiueh lodsr, arlly a miniature atomic bomb aaaoctatlon, said that John R. Francis hospital, will be held | during the year 1948. Mr. Hut­ that 19 were in favor of the union planned. Mrs. Lillian Mellen is to be presenL Bolton, Burton E. Moore, III, and Wednesday. Services will be at ‘ sistant steward. Louis Vesley; chins, treaeurer, reported receipts chairman of the. refreshment com­ At the Coventry Fragmant So­ Aa when God first took you awsy. Seveath Death Speetoatlve Thlm, secretary, presented the pe^ chaplain, Mary Broadbent; trus- and 21 were opposed to it. We Tbe aeventb death ia speculative tition to Mr. Hammerberg In Hart­ Paul Golnik at the (Coventry Play­ 7:30 a. m.. from the Ahern Funeral In active accounts of $7,102.60 dur­ have no record of Sunday attend­ mittee for this next meetli«. ciety laet week, Mrs. Clara Ed- WUs snd ehUdres. ers meeting tonight. The session Home, 180 Farmlhgton avenue, \nr mir anlrfMnrii urer, Florence Ayers; gatekeeper, ing the year and expenditures of Mr. and Mra. G. Raymond John- mondaon gave a moat interaatlng Some authoriUea declare Number ford this morning. f'AJiiic' t4» YOur honiF lo tin ihr Raymond Jacobs; ceres, Jeiuiie ances for the year but probably Seven la really'tha greatest risk of The association will conduct will be at 8 p; m. at the auditorium with a requiem mass at St. Jus­ $6,262.83. Mrs. Hpnt reported last Sunday w u the average— , son attended the Deputies school talk on her recant trip to Cngland. Card af Tkaakfl of the Nathan Hale community tin’s church at 8. Burial will be rnrifiBUPlnii fur > ou No rt 1 r« Labonta; pomou, Dea Jarden; $94.92 collected for the mlsslonarv In HarWord on Saturday and Mrs. Tha next meeting will be held on •n. They say thal maybe It can policy meeting within the next cliar^r fur thla am i€*r. flora, Roaa Raisch; L. A. Steward, Church. 74; Church school. 42. I two weeks, either in Hartford or Center. Mr. and Mra. Milton Man­ In Mt. St. Benedict cemetery. work. Silas Barrett, superintend­ "All the authority of a Congre­ I Walter S. Haven also attended the February 0th at the parsonage. We wlhh to thank our many friends hurt more people than atomic ax- KbL l4» mcr uur >ujM*r-1 >rlutr Grace Jacobs; executive commit-, StAiaiNO . pkwiona. New Haven, to consolidate their chester are program chairmen. ent of the church school sent a gational church la vested In ita Pomona Lecturer’s Conference In Friday the 14th the Christian and artshbors lor tha hladneas uid The Christian Endeavor of the A hair ’’dies’’ and comes out "SAIAM TifiLlr I*ifi4lia teith 10 iltffrrriit tee. Serene Labonta; Connecticut ajrtoBdtky abown to us during our re­ This risk la tba radioactive figures for a study of the economic - report which showed progrese dur­ membership. No power outside Hartford the same day. Endeavor society will aponsor Second Congregational church will when its fcdlicle in the akin takes cuUirn to rhiHiwr froiti. State Grange overseer, Ira Wilcox, another dance at the Church Com­ cent hereerenwrt. •tbma that rise into the atratoa- and market conditions in the state, TEA who is a mamber of Tolland ing the past year and an average can dictate ita procedures. The Climax Chapter No. 98. O. E. S.. LANA TURNER according to Mr. NelderTneler. sp, haa church, in his report for the year change in its outward appearance. |r f| M | » d been elected ns president of the |1948, said to the membera: Thursday evening, January 13, at The architecture is nobel but the the Grange hall It la urgent that Only Spot PLUS / United chapters of Alpha Kappa "It was a kind Providence that cloced blinds at the front of the Delta, national honorary society In led me to Columbia to preach for all officers attend this m eetly as ''MiUion Dollar Weekend” church are cheerless and uninvit­ plans for the coming year wlti be IN sociology. His election, announced I two Sunday mornings in the sum- ing. Windows are made for light here yesterday, It for a term of mer of 1947 and in the fall of that made by the group. ENDS TODAY but blinds denote aecluaion. inac­ Professor Roland H. Balnton, of two years. i year to assume the dutfes and re- tivity, secrecy, sleep and the Aiaa Ladd b "Bayaad O len" ------! sponsibillties of an Interim paa- the Yale Divinity school who waa Manchester PLUS: "I Surrender Dear" church of Columbia neither alum- to have been the guest speaker at Plows Acre of Land torate. bera nor sleeps, though I confeaa WITH The "With a history of two hundred the Second Congregational church this Is the first church I have had on Sunday morning and alqp a New Milfoid, Jan. 11—(J*>-Aiid and twenty-eight years the church in the 30 yemra of my ministry In 1949 of Columbia is to be congretulated speBk^r to ft group on S^turdBy signs of spring in Januarj". Otto which somebody didn’t go to sleep evening, waa unable to attend be­ Gustafson took advantage of the not only on ite longevity but on its during the sermon. In my dream Dandng present activity and future out­ cause of Illness: However, Mra. unaeaaonal weather to plow about I see as I approach the church Balnton waa present Saturday an acre of his land. The ground was look. The location of its property openjjllnds and God’s pure light is perfect. All roads lead to it. evening and also Sunday inoralng- soft, ' "Just like it might be in s tre ^ n g through the windows at and the congregation enjoyed I March," reported the farmer. A stranger imagines he is ap­ Every Night ! mERCURY the dalm of the Sabbath morning. proaching a small college campus meeting her and hearing her m In my dream I mark a change also Saturday evening. R*v. Allen H. The 1919 v\ll-New Mercury sure takes the prize for riding comfort! Super-halloon tires with beautiful lawna, a chapel a in the Chapel I love. Within the give you a soft, luxurious ride, with no side-sway; more traction for easier starts and church, a parsonage, a town Roll Gates spoke oit Sunday morning little ahrine the crosa and lighted In place of Profeaaor Balnton and quicker stops; effortless steering; all new coil springs on front wheels, plus long leaf Of Honor,. Yeomans hall for recrea­ candles stand upon the altar. Hera, tional and social functions, si small as bU theme "Making springs in the rear, smooth out bumps. Kro’ad, comfortable seals with do^.ens of coil eager children fiiv learning revari God’s Dream ..or Vlaltion. F',v"rvone is saying, commodious elementary school for “ I wish that aomebody vrould the community, and a small library Loretta McKinney. * . "The .^ll-New Mercury sure takes the prizz for riding conifi^rl,^’—and it does! Let us present to the chufeh u Pulpit: Eugene Fuller kdU be 90 years HASHES? for everybixly; This group of Book Mark whldi would make a RED RICHMOND pi'uve it! Art rou eelat ihm the runetloDsl buildings. stands at the very cen­ old on Tueeday and he enjoys ‘Diiddit.tae’ ptnod ptcullu to voa- perfect buckgroimd for hltor cards and vlsttei from hla many do Ot-si w* )’ Ooe* this cuke rott ter of Columbia. set. I wish that aomebody elae ' TRIO •ufftr from bot B»hM frtl ao ntr. "Such an unusual equipment for would present to the church silver friends In town. . , . •out. btib.-rtruas, ttred> Tbto to ify diri.stlan service is our challenge. Mrs. Walter Green Ig a paUent LTdit a Ptnkbrm’t Veftubli Cem- communion cup trays to harmo­ at tee Manchester Memorial hoa- pouod CO rtliot tueb (rmptoaul Nine per.*ons were admitted into nize with the alUr set. pinkhtm't Conpound atao has «ht« our fellowship, eight (Jiildren Were Ooccoit oil • bMtnoetale loole effectl Now while theae auggeaUpna baptized during the year; the pres­ are receiving your thoughtful con­ lYDU L ranniAirs SSittS ent membership ia 313. and this sideration. wlU you allow me to number will be incivased by a lead yon to matters ntore vital THI 1949 MIfiCUIV large class of candidates to be re­ and important to the church and WED. Thru SAT. ceived Into the church on Maundy paator. The present by-laws were Thursday night. April 14. The adopted May 5, 1917. thirty-on# First Manchester Sbowlhg challenge of our loyalty to Christ years ago. Many changes have and His church is very serious O'—* killers of G-Men when we raallsa that Ut* Congre­ been introduced Into the Ufe and gational church here .'is the only policy and admlniatraUon of Oon- of thielr holeat ' Protestant Church In the towm. gregatlonal churches throughout -THE IT ,TAKES A LOT OF What a glorious opportunity, tha world. I come to you tonight "WALK A convinced that a alight change In A d - M w l E R m l o v e a n d heat knocks on our door! the by-laws would provo a bless­ "Every church hes problems to ing to tbe church ' Of OoIumWa. CROOKED TO MAKE A HOME face and each church has difficul­ The need of a strong church coun­ Vaudeville ties of its very own. A certain MILE" FOLKS CALL COMPLETE minister had a problem and eolved cil is very evident, ' Thla council would consist of one representa­ — Starring — No better Cpr In Its Price Class** it by strategy. It happened in the tive from each organization and days when the sheep were, divided Lonls Hayward—^Dennis O’Keefe—Louisa Allbritton Show from the goats and saints and sin­ the church clerk who would bo ex* r ■ . ners were known aa such. Several officio. Some ctaurcbes jeall auch a , PLUS; “ BLONDIE’S SECRET” By people In tha congregation had Board the Standing Committea, a TECilNlCOLOE H RS ■ i v ' acquired the habit of walking out othen caU it the Prudential Board DELIVERED PRICES IN MANCHESTER: on the preacher during the aermoti. or the,pastor’s cabinet, while stUl Troop 98 So one Sunday the minister, wise others caU It the C3mrch Council as a serpent and aa harmless as a This council would meet regularly Boy Scouts the future at the close of the service ^ “ ON THE LEVEL AT CENTER AND BROAD^ '[QRL& OIL yaar. to aak your, thoughtful eon- [ADRIAN—”Lora That Man” ^ , Children 50c •toafiteri HiM).«aPhlto wall Bras a id radtm epttaeal a4 extra e a s t. 2‘^yK Siev/cf alderatlon at changes wUhta sad 1849 without the church and to beseech Wed: NtaeM smt ttte Straaget* Virraoao—At Tlla Hammond CmMOW Dandnir Following 'k IHt LtyEL CENTER, f. BROAD you to cooperate with me In ^ et The Show fort this year, through a quiet and Stops At Our Door t '1 simple ministry, to buUd a. church Round-U-Curner—At The Center—Down Peacock Alley /■ m"' MANCHl!;biii;U IsrvUMMU HkIKALU, MANCHESJTER. CONN^ TOESDAY. JANUARY 11, W4» MAN'C^STER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, TUESDAY^ JANUARY 11, 194» PAGE a . Paying Back Extra tured right leg and multlpla laeara- wrackaga by train crawmaa after Mom Uonmy Remits A lter Belb lor War Hero ProtestSent HomefsNest Ruaaet Aldrm Aids tlons about the head. tbe tnw) had bean halted a dte- Lauds Forums Cake Weddi4 1619 Train Crashes tones at 600 feet from the droas- eles ' Monay Nota Prohlam WIMU)— I VA^s Spetidyiiig Radio Patrolmen Arnold Bchulaa From Overcrovoding ISM InJCalehing Bandit and ^ b e r t Fljnm who investigated ing, told tbe ihvastigatteg poUca- In Local Talk To President O nAirFarc^ WTIO-I Z foday’s Radio W H NB-g48 ■aid fne train boipid for New York man he did not femambar.hoW tba Worst • ' a Uuteenne.1 BwKaariand, Jan. Report Given ■ V ' ■ Danbury Auto City had been made iqi here and accident hod ■ happened., A t the COMPLETE Harrisfaurs:. Pa., Jan. 11.— 11 OP) — IteuaaniMi baa a itara ptaadard How Ban Fraheteco, Jkn. I t —<87 had left the Danbury railroad sta­ time he waa on his way to work in (/P>—The -housing situation — A holdup man pointed two SERVICE Local K. of C Adia Ac* teachfin* aalaiy proMam in ta- Slash in Size tion several minutes prior to tha a nearby hAt factory. Snow Storm among Pennsylvania's bees In Speaker Advisee Series Terse: How a n ttM tdaeban gima kt lira. Annie Waxman. Driver Severely Hurt crash. The train was o(>erated by A brake drum on the tiata en­ IM S had a beneficial e ffe c t- 4i8te8— 960^202,185 Spent by 80, in bar grocery store test gine waa shorn off te the miShap. tion Be Tidsm in Hun­ to pay back all the extra (OeeMawS fram Page Oat) ^ sOO**** Engineer Joseph Willis, of 144 more honey. ' Of Lectures to Make j WDRC—Hint Riint; aaau W D RC—Dance Orcheatra. night and demanded "the As Car Hit at Cross­ The train. No. 349, was delayed for (Veetlew* rmw F»g* Ow) money paid them through an Hjnrtlord Regional Of* Rosa street. New Haven. W. W. Clark, extension garian JPrimatc Case error in IM ST ’i.WOCC—Hartford Polico Speak; WDNS— Say It With Music. dough." The Engineer told the policemen 27 minutes and succeeding New SUPERIOR agriccdturallat o f Pennsylva­ The People Think eUangad and ba waate to axptora Junior Disc Jockey. , ' . WTHT—Labor. U,8.A. ing Demolished Oantonal aiithoritles had the altuatioQ before oommtttteg fice 91,790,410 Cut She gave It to him, 131.59. the train was traveling at a speed Y ork bound train. No. 891. leav­ tKB at a alow poot. VaUen trees nia Stale crtlege, told a meet­ ordered the canton at Vaud to WKNB—News; Pled Piperi.-- • W n o —People Are Ier-hour and was just ing here at 6:65 a. m „ waa de­ A proteat against tha arrafLai^ himself, IBri8— SERVICE on hlfhways addetl to tlw hsnrda ing of the Pennsylvania Bee­ In her lecture on Forums last aban wrltb tba^ty tha cost VWTHT—Kay Kyeer. uteiakey — better /make ft. Danbur}', Jan. 11--Of) — Owen beginning to gain momentum as layed 15 minutes and No. 714, impriaomiknt of Joaaf Cardinal at BaMwki V rgw m a 8 M r Hartford, ■ Jan. 11.—<#)—TOe m e te r. keepers association yestentey night at St. James' school hall teacharar aalarlaa. Tba eantoii w n c —Backatego Wife. W TH T— It’s Your Buslneas. eight!" She gave him eigbt Davidson, 49, of Beaver Brook dis­ It api>roached the crossing. leaving here at 7:14 a. m., for 248 Hpruce Street Senelor Baknria (R-Cotm), aa WONS—Guest Star. Hartford Regional office of the In OUifomte highway crewa that the state’s IM S honey Miss Alma Savage pointed out “as Mtadaaanty, primate o f Hungary, started pmrmante promptly. He asked for "four cans of Saw Oar Moving West three minutes. '■ Manchester production w p s. 7,482,000 Armed Servtcea coaimittea mam- 11:08— Veterans Administration spent trict, Danbury, waa severely in­ worked through the night sanding meat and bread are the source of waa 'pdbpted at the meeting of But, throuite hh ovanlght, tba W T lC —atella Dallas. beer-7-bctter niake it elitet!" The engineer added that he oh pounds—an Increase of 697,- strength and energy for the body. bar, called for a fun study by both WKNB—Eddy Howard. News on all stations. jured at 6:23 a. m. today when the Lawyer's Wld«»w. Dies Icy roads and clearing snow. Only Campbell council. Knlghte of city went on paying full sal- it aad tha Appropriations commit­ 160,303,185 riurlng 1848, Manager Shq. made M eigbt. ^ served the Davidson car moving esM auin highway out o f Los An* 000 pounds over 1M7. ■o are good hooka and lectures the WCCC—Tunes for ToU. 11:18— Harry T. Wood Reported«today. . Guns in pociwt and arms car he was o|>eratlng was struck west on Triangle street approach­ New Haven, Jan. 11—ie )—Eliza­ When a bee gete . crowded, Oolnmbua,' laat night Written In arias. tees. H e w d the United Statea gelea. Coast Route 101 to San source of strength and energy for The error haa Just been dis­ - WONS—Meet the Band. well laden, he started for the by a southbound New Haven rail­ ing the crossing and that It con­ beth Bishop Pond, 86, widow of Clark explained, h i starts . the form o f a letter addraaaed to cannot afford to hava an Air This, aaid Wood, waa 81,790,410 n w c ls c o and San Diego, was free the mind. Due to the ever increas­ covered. But not through tha. *’^DRd—New England Note- WDRC-Worid Tonight door—and met Motorcj/ele O f­ road passenger train on the Trian- tinued on without stopping and Philip Pond, (irominent Now Haven looking for a new hom>—and Proaidant Harry 8. Tnunan and Force aeeond to anyone, adding: WTN t —Joe Haael. less that) 'the offloa spent In 1047. ing growth of the materiallsUc teacbera. Nona o f tha teachen ficers Herbert Morev and Ken­ 'gle street crossing and was com­ was atriick by the left side of the trial lawyer, died at Grace hospital H ie mercury aWd to freeaing and the more hives, the hjore belief that nothing i> really right aignad Iqr Grand knight Thomas B. "T o lia a strong factor te paace, W T B T —Bandstand; News an>' WnCJ—Morton bowaey. The’laving, nearly equal to what PlonYour ' had appeared to notice IL wa must be strong in the alr.^ neth R. J or^ n with drawn pletely demolished. engine, c a rri^ for a distance of 20 yesterday after a short Illness. Mrs. below In many parts ’’ot California honey. or wrong but actually ' what we Morrisaay tha commimlcatlon waa 11:80— it cost in 1M8 to operate the New­ Hone ^ported it RraubUoan Senatora Ferguson Weather. weapons. ^ Taken to Danbury hospital by feet and overturned from front to Pond had been a resident of New again today. Snow fell in Bur­ think it is; that nothing is black drawn) up by a committaa com- ■ W TIC —Lorenzo Jones. W ONS—Dance Orcheatra. ington Veterans hospital, was ac­ House Painting Newsi^pers said they ap­ (Mich) and McCarthy (Wis) were credited by Wood to a general de­ "Don’t drop thooe bottles," city firemen. Davldron was re­ back. It landed in a ditch on the Haven for more than 50 years and bank and f o r , the second straight or white bqt a rath5jr drab grey; pqaad o f FOatar H.-Williaina, John WON8—Story Time.* W TH T—Gems for Thought; east side of the track and was for the past 28 years had resided F. Tiamay and Joaaph P. Oyer. The pear "not very strong on more Munt. > crease In the number of veterans Mrs. Waxman remarked calm­ ported in "fair" condition by at­ night there, were flurries in Los Lower Prices it la important that people, who W KNB— The Three Suns; Sketch Dance Band. ^ taches who said he had sustained completely demolished. at the Hotel Taft. Funeral arrange­ Now! Angeles There was a blanket of still hold to morality, who have not proteat waa tha outgrowth ot a mathematice.” "It looks to tea as thmigh the W n C —Polish Orcheatra. enrolling in schools and colleges ly. He didn’t president Is going te compel Con­ Book. and oevaral lesser factors. She axplalned that her store (>osalbte Internsl- injuries, a frac­ Davidson, removed from the ments are incomplete. Time Payments Arranged white In many San Fernando val­ succumbed to materialism, propoaal mada at tha maatteg of 4:48— 13:88— ley and foothill commimlties. Era Forecast strengthen and fortify their minds. the council laat week by WilUam gress to lift the budget for oh*, WTIC—Young Wldder BrowiL WTIC—News; Design for Lis­ The report aaid that at the was held iq> four times in the \0% Down close o f 1948,^ there were 28,600 This ban be accomplished by read­ T . Shaa, Jr^ o f Hartford. Will Consider aa it did last yaar," Ferguson as­ WONS—Two-Ton Baker. tening. . past dozen ye&rz, eo she bad ii?> Sub-tero blasU chilled areas in vetenns In training, in the state Balance Monthly Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, ing godd,.hook8 and attending lec­ Latter te tha Prealdent serted. He Is a member of the Ap- Installed a buzzer alarm. It ((.oatinaed from Page' Uae) • Freqaeocy Modnlattoa with 8,491 of them enrolled In the Wyoming, Colorado and Idaho. tures through which these (>eople The latter to the prealdent fol- propriatlmu committee^ WDRC:— The Old Record Shop. worked. Pay Raise BUI rehabilitation (irogram for tbe dis­ Thay*r« stand-outs in looks and cob comfort! Wm. Dickson and Son The mercury dropped to -24 at are In contact with the truth. In lowa: MeCs^y, a World war n vet- WONS— Adventure Parade. WTHT—FM 10(L7 MC and (pit demand on top with a eran,an. atedaaid taitartly; ' abled. Havre. Mont.; -10 at Pembina, N the field of lectures this can be "My dear Mr..Praaident: W TH T—Green Hornet. WDRC—FM 488; 88.7 MC. Painting Contractniw consequent pressure for increased veterans with net incomes of less Rear 118 East Center Bt. • D,: -10 at International Falla, accomplished by becoming a mem­ " I hava been aakad fo-eommunl- (Coattaaod tram Paga Oaa) . " I ’m for the Sjrmington idport. W TIC —When a Girl Marries. WFHA— 188.7 MC. Ill addition to the Regional o f­ prices. He’s looking ahead at a p o s ^ le fice headquarters in Hartford, the than 3100 a month totaled 381.- Phones 2-0920 Or 8829 ) Minn.; -$ at Cheyenne, Wyo.; -fl ber of a Forum.” said the s(>eaker. cate to you that CampbM eouneil, 8:15— w n c —FM 488 MC; 888 MO. 964,419 In the year ended Sept. Charles G. Nichols, presidimt World war III and not back at WDRC—FM. V A aetup in Connecticut includes at Pocatello, Ida., and -4 at Den­ and general manger of, the G. M. "Such a Forum is a series of No. 578, Knighta of Columbua. to ^ ,0 0 0 , and each would re­ WONS— Superman. 30. TTiey went to some 4f200 veter­ ver. It was aero at Bums, Ore. World war I, as Prealdent Truman Same aa WDRC. full-time offices in New Haven, n e w Manchaater, Connecticut, haa gone ceive 810,000 expense allowances. WTIC—Portia Faces Life. c o s T -c u m m McKelvey Co. of Youngstown, lectures presenting Catholic ans claiming readjiutment allow­ Amarlilp, Tcx„ reported 12 above on record aa unanimoualy endora- They now get q salary of $20,000. seems to be doing." WFHA Bridgeport, New Britain. Stam­ Ohio, said: “ I look for prices to thought op toj^os given by lectures 8:80— ford. MlddletoMn), Danbury, New ances. Such allowancea wlU cease The speaker hivi a 12,500 expense "lacUaed te Go Slew" WDRC—Old Redord Shop. 4:00—Meat Miss Mason. More Snow Falls go down, but not too much. They recognized nationally ’ind Inter­ ing the aantlmente expraaaed by London, Newington, Norwich and July 35, 1992, under the GI bill. More snow fell over most of Ne­ Will go down by categories. There nationally M authorities in their Su|>rema Knight John E. Sw ift te allowance; the vice president re­ Senator RdiieU (O-Ga), an W ONS—Captain Midnight 4:49—'Marine Concert Wood estimated that 81.000 (Con­ Armed Services committeeman, WTHT—Sky King. 9:00—Evening Ontlnel. ' Waterlmry. Twenty-seven other braska and South Dakota and will be no general cut.' fields. These Forums serve a dual hia meaaaga to you dated January ceives none. communities and tesUtuUona are necticut veterans are owners, of spread into northern Iowa and 4, 1M8. regarding the Imprtaon- In addition, the meaeure would said he la "inclined to go slow on WTIC—Just Plain Bill. 6;80—News. STUDEBANER '4 9 ^ M. J. Greenbaum; president of purpose in that they nourish the permanent plans of national serv­ Back Pains the Air Force program. oerviced by V A contact represen- scuthem MinneaoU. Snow also the Association of Buying Offices mind b^ause the lecturer has ment of Hia Eminence Joaaph booat tha salariim of 222 other top 8:48— 8:16— Sports; Weather. ice life Insurance |>olicies and 56.- tativea on an Itinerant basis. Reiieted hy profier siippart. was reported in the Central Rock- of New York, said: "Constimer something to give and they stimu­ Cardinal Mindazenty, Primate of officials aad give raises of $330 *Tm in favor of keeping our WDRC— Herb Shriner and Ray­ 6:30— Mellotones; News. 000 have term (loUcles. The aver­ A ir Force strong, giving them the 80888 Beeeivtng Checks Vnur phyiOclan can tell you les. buying response to post-Chiistmas late the audience to think. TTie Hungary. a year to ISJSOO Federal employes mond Scott. 7:00—What's New In Science. age Is about $3,900 for the par- best planes we can make ami WONS—Tom Mte. '' The regional manager said more about our ex|>ert appltaace The new falls in some parts of sales was very gratlfyring. There program can be varied and Include " I t ia our 'hopa and that of all passed‘over in a general pay in­ 7:38-UN News manent policy, $ 7 ,(^ for the term Kebraska and South DakoU came Catholic people In thla vary for­ crease biU last year. keeping the force modem tsed," he W HC—Front Page Farrelh 7 ;30— Dancetime. than 80,238 (Jonaecticut vetei*ana fitting nervice. Whether It was no general pattern of price re­ Msakera like the. Rev. John F. of all wars are receiving monthly jiollcy. Amsrico’s MwtsY and as some communities remained duction in those sales, and future CJronin, S. S. permanent arbitrator tunate country, where auch things OveraU annual coat o f tha pay said, “ but I don’t think we should •te8— / 8:00— Request lim e. lie Back Painn — Rapture — snowbound from last week’s heavy hikes would be M,M7,0OO. go all out with appropriations for WDRC— News. 9:00— News. checks toteling in excess o f |1,- ObeMfy — PioMn — we have the price reductions will follow the to the Clothing industry in Balti­ Aetreaa Wanda Hendrix aad Andie Murphy, America's most decorated could not poaiibly happen under snowfalls. Gordon, Neb., a town Mr. Truman and Vice President- the Air Force to the detriment of WONS— News. W TH T“ *rMe S(X),000 in com(>ensatlon or pen­ Neary Fourfold Increase finest tracks proper nnpport. line of supply and demand. more and an authority on the prob­ soldleT, cut their wedding Take at a reception In Hollywood foUowrlag our present , form of ^vemment, sions. or 2,000 population, has been iao- that the Government of the United Elect Barktey wUl be'oarred by other services." W TH T— Music at SIX; Sports. Same as W TH T except 8:487:30 "Feelteg Way Along" lem (Of Labor and Management; their marriage at Christ Memorial Unity church. (A P wirephoto). ' Wood placed the number of Brtissels, Belgium, Jan. 11.—/g*) ited for eight days with aU roads "Merchants are feeling their way States will raise its voles in strong the conMituUOn from a pay raise W TIC —Nevrs. p. m.. Concert Hour. Delores Lees, s former continental Connecticut veterans who took sd- —The cost of living in Belgium is locked by huge drifts. A state of along. The consumer Is more dis­ correspondent for the tiondon Sun- protest against thla violation of unless tha legislation ia pMsed be­ 8:18— W n O r-F M . g vantage o f the loan gui^anty pro­ almost four times what It was be­ emergency was declared as baby criminating. Lower prices have dsy S tress snd Daily Mirror and human rights and Ubertiea and this fore they are inaugurate Jan. 20. Promotions Given WDRC— Sportcaat; Headliners Same as WTIC. food, canned milk and fuel sup­ meant increased unit sales, and State*8 Attorney Forced to Hire latsat indication of tha suppraaalon Representative Rayburn (D.. CluB. gram in 1948 at around 19,000. fore the war. New ly disclosed flY* rscently connected with the. French Television ur4s show the national index, plies dwindled. .once volume hae reached the profit M inist^ o f Information and the of religloua freedom.” Tex.) api>arently will be denied W ONS—Sports;, Newm During the period veterans bor­ Tteton, S. D.. snowbound com based u|)oii a pre-war 100, moved Vnaking (mint It will be clear aiaU- French Foreign Office, cultural any increase during hla present Seven in Banks • WTIC—StricUy SporU; Weath­ A. M. rowed more than 3181,600,000 from n iM t y in the Black Hilta, hras re­ Lawyer to Present Court Cases Supreme Knlgbt'a Message er. 6:00—Teletunes; Program Res­ up by one. (>olnt in November to teg for all. relationa; William Mooring the two-year term since he already has landing agencies to bt:y 17;000 ported short on food. Volunteers \ Supreme Grand Knight Swift’a 399.2. "Don’t look for a sharp rccesaton film commentated, a convert, col­ been elected speaker. 8:18— ume. homes. 1,386 businesses and 33 pnlUng toboggans were to start to message, which waa printed in cur­ Hartford. Jan. 11—(g>) _ 8«y«n WDRC— Recofd Album. in prices. Look for the manufac­ umnist snd critic; or the Rev. Lawrcnceville, 111., Jan. 11—(iP)f>flel miist personally pay the law- Taft said Uiat whUe Ssnate Rs- 8:00— Small Fry Club. farms. The V A ’s guaranty and in­ supplies to the towm o f 89 rent issue of the Knights of Col­ men were involved In promotions • WONS—Deems Taylor Concert. turer to take the Initiative in giv­ John 8. Kennedy, nationally known yer who will represent the state publlcans are willing to go along 6:80— Russ Hodges’ Scoreboard. surance bn approved loans aggre­ ^olatlon after planes failed to —Philip B«(tsfiel atartod hla new umbus Hqws, fdllowa: sndvChsnges made by two local ' WTHT — Sereno Gammell; ing greater value at lower prices. literary critic who ia also well in court. The arrangement is to with pay raises for the president 6:49— Alan Dale Show. gates $97,924,000. duties as state’s dftomey o f Law­ •• "The conscience of the Am eri­ batiks at meetings today o f their Weather. Then wholesalers* and retailers’ known locally. continue until Benefiel passes a can people and liberty loving peo­ Slid vice president, "w e doubt tbe 7:00—Ctemera Headlines. The year saw a “ slight decline’’ Bonded Memorials .A The oontinued cold weather has business will be good." rence county yesterday but he will boards of directors and stcRk- W TIC — Emile Cote Glee Club. 7:40—Telenews. in loan applications. This was due fooaen atreams in the Pacific Movement Orowteg bar exaipinatlon. He will take the ple all over the world is shocked n e ^ o f rushing tliese other pay in­ holders. 8:48— Shawn arSh «aa bady — A Nashville, Tenn., retailer who This Forum movement has been have to hire a lawyer to represent creases through before Jan. 20." ^ 8:00—Film Shorts. primarily. Wood said, to a tighten­ CONNECTICUT aaw IVt-laa Siadcbakat northwest and cut down the power- next Cest in March. The new and outraged by the impiiaonment A t Phoenix Statr Bank A Trust WDRC— Lowell Thomas. asked that his name be withheld growing throughout the middle- the state In court—until be passes state’s attorney receives $2,790 a Date SpeeUcally Meatloaed ' 9:00—Boving, Park Arens. ing up on a 4 per cent lending, VAIJ-EV track—arailabic la 4 wIimI- making capacity of generators. of Hia Eminence Joseph Cardinal Co.. Raymond C. Bali was elected WTHT—Musicgl Favorites. bam for a foot. 12 fcoC. 14 said the Monday after Christmas wsst sad Is now spreading east­ the state bar examination. year. But Mr. TVuman mentioned that the requirement by most banks MEMORIAL CO. CoaMmora have been asked to cut was the biggest day In tha history Mindazenty, Primate o f Hungary, to the new office of first vice presi­ ■WTIC—Three Star Extra. «c IS foot aad )7 or It foot ward. The growth of this move­ Benefiel, 26, learned after being Benefiel was a write-in candi­ date specifically In his letter to Killed by Hit-Boa Driver that the veteran 'havt an equity bodira. Titort'fl a 2.taa model use o f electricity. A Washington of his jto re both in units sold end whose Only offense ia his coura­ dent and also 'made a * d lr ^ o r . imo— power company o&cial termed the ment indicatea that some alert In­ elected last November h had failed date In'the Democratic party, no McKellar. He fald the heads of In the (HPoperty and the scarcity of Route 9. South H^ladaur in ramc arhaclbam. dollar volume. geous espousal of truth and Justice Leon P. Broadhurst, board dialri- WDRC— Beulah. dividuals are aware of the need of to pass the state bar examination. Democrats having filed. In the executive agencies have not had a homes veterans can afford to buy. Telepbona Hartford S-0878 Btaatlon criti^ the rest of the and bis fearless resistance to the man. and Charles -A. Ullls. bank WONS— Fulton Lewis, Jr. New Haven, Jan. 11—(P)—Joseph • A new kind af buckl Inclatad •tapil Huts wdnd- week. "Want Money’s Worth” nourish the mind and have taken But the county Board of Su|>ervia- November election he defeated dictates of Red Russia. The pay booat for many years and the W TH T— Nows. Milano, 79, a restaurant worker, For most veterans the loan . Residence Nanebaster 06M "But people are looking for on the tremendous task of helping prealdent. announced the election ahMd and windawti Hand ream, hip ream, lea Tkinperaturea in the eastren and ora authorized him to prosecute Maurice AiOosnell, a Republican Knights o f columbua, the largest rssuR haa been "an Impaired gov­ WTIC!— Supper Club. guaranty benefit will end July 29. m quality,’’ he said. "They’ re choosey. of Mr. Ball will become rifectlve was fatally injured when he was 4 1 4 ML tr% yam ream fo aparal AKRON SACRO-ILLAC middle Atlantle sUtea were re­ others to recognise this need Ute law by proxy. who had^held the office for two Catholic Lay Organization in the ernment service" and "a serious 7:18— 1997. They want their moneys worth. Feb. 1. ■truck by a hit-and-run car aa he SUPPORT ported around normal but slightly through the presentation of the . The board stipulated that Benc- terms. threat to the efficiency of govern­ WDRC—Jack Smitb Show. croBSed Blatchley avenue. He was Service far 270878 • A law cub fteari AufomuHc lield-epen " dear "I look for a moderate price world, pleads wdth you to demand John Woodard, Phoenix' state colder weather was forecast. the truth by means o f authoritative ment.” V.'''N8— TeUo-Test. VA contact offices tiiroughout Autbortzed Dealer decline, but If the progmm that tha immediate release o f this vice president, also was elected to pronounced dead upon arrival at •lap*! We are proud o f our littlag a|>eakera. Dr. Donavan of Spring- Jt will bs up to the Civil Serv­ W ."HT— Here’e to Veterans. New Haven hospitel. Pqlice picked the state serviced 270,978 veterans B(M:H o p AGES President Truman proposes goes taken, and overcoats and sweat­ Shepherd o f millions of Himgarlan the Board o f Directors. • de|>artment and nervtce. This field, Illinois, la just such a (Mrson. ice committee to decide whether W TIC —News. up glass fragmepte and a piece and their de(>endcnta-lmat year. MONUMENTS • Fciol-cenirellad "air •coup” Boar vantilutian I Ad- through I don’t look for price re­ ers were not needed. people and to protest against the At Hartford National Bank A ncrvice Is unequalled In this He is a man of the medical pro- Hebron repetition of auch iniquitoiu ac­ to push ahead with the entire bill 7:88— of moulding which they believe was Paymente to veterans working |u •table windaw wing*, tap I Uniqua new •y*tam eomrounity. Private FIttlag Rousing Fight ductions. They may go up with in feaslon who realizes that the ma­ Dr. Charles M. Lareomb, a for­ Trust CO., President Ostrom End- tion unparalleled in our Jurlopru- or to spUt off the pro(>osed in­ WDRC;—Club Fifteen. tom from tjM automobile. There less than full time and earning un­ af bauHna and dafre*Hng—Sludabakar'* Tiwcli Rooms,— Lady and Mea At­ creased s(>endlng. Already I’ve terialistic dogma of the present mer school su(>ervlaor in the He­ ers announced the board appolpted Twenty-five were present at a Uence and revolting to our civiUzS' creases for the president and vice WONS—Answer Man. were no witnesses to the accident der $38 a week and self-employed ClimoHiar—I* uvailubla ol madarata added cast. tendants — Guaranteed FIttlag. found one supplier who refused my day world is causing mental stag­ bron area, and later in other towns Thomas D. Sargent, vice presi­ Seen in Bill of the state, will be one of the Uon." president and recommend action W TH T—Counterspy. talM oM tawte wUb ItM w otW i floM l SMk crab*- • New •uvlna* in aparating casisl Swpar-ruggad re-order of coats. Maybe he wants nation and has decided be can i*; meeting of representatives, from on them Drat. dent; Edward G. Hnson, asslstent to see what’s gdihg to happen." teachers in extension courses of­ A contribution of $29 waa voted WTIC—Hollywood Theater. aiaa«l«l,l arhetiMr I f * a tm U -tm , thnt.<| . oM ^tM or la rt«r awdrl. 1»4* tices medicine, two days a week continuing as majority leader un- and Robert D. Pilon, assistant 0ta<)iliak«r track rtaaSr ap roparbtr aadrr hard aM. and wbaafcasasi larger stores who also asked that bron and Gilead Congregational Teachers College, beginning the Dimes. WDRC— Edward R, Murrow. and organises Forums on the other tit his inauguration .as vice pregi- cashiers, and Albert C. Bill, aaslst- C A LLE D FOR ita sponsors said It was aimed at his name not be used said: "The churches, held Sunday afternoon first week In February. HU sub­ WONS— Inalde o f S(>orta. QUINN’S five. In Wisconsin, Bishop Tracy dent, said tha Demoprate b e ^ to ant secretary. making fko nation's sconomy "self- problem now is one o f maintaining at the Hebron church. A church ject will be "Development of So­ r 8:88— AND made the Forum a diocesan affair, bring up tbs MU Tbuzsdky. WDRC—Mystery Theater. CHORCHES MOTOR SALES Togulatfrig, aad thereby avoid the profits. It won’t be easy, and We council was formed to act during cial Relationships Among Ele­ t while in'' Johnstown, Pennsylvsnla, mentary School ChlWren.” Dr. Influenza Spreads Jota )a latrodadag Bill W ONS—George O’ Hanlon Show. DELIVERED ■Ktranie Auetuatlons which have had better start worrying now." Father Ru|>ericb made It an inter­ 80 OAKLA.VD STREET MANCHE.STER PHARMACT Benjamin H. Namm. chairman of the absence of the Rev. George M. Lareomb took a Ph. D. course at A Senate subcomminee o f tbe W TH T—Youth Asks the Gov­ been the liability of free enter- parish set-up." Political Advisor the board of Namm’a of Brook Milne, to help conduct the work Yale not long ago, but' owing to Republican-controlled 80th Coh' ernment. priaa ajSUmu in the past.’’ .TV) be a member of the Forum, Through France lyn. N. Y „ said: "The price re of the churches In ways which the an Illness which followed he has gress held hearings on ths legisla­ w n c —This la Your Ufe. PINE would work tWs way: ^ said the lecturer, there are no spe­ interim (>4Btor, Dr. Franl^ Barber, tion In ' mld-Dscsmber. Senator To Face Hearing 8:15— The RFC board would have ductlons you saw. were apcclflc not been able to continue active rather than general. It represent­ cial requirements as to back­ la not able to do, as he is not a work until now. " Paris, Jan. 11 — —An epi­ Flanders (R., V t), tbalrman of W TH T—Earl Godwin. PHARMACY iNvtn instead of its present five ground, education, or religion. “It resident o f the town, and can be demic o f influensa is spreading the group. Joined Senators Lucas 8 :88— aMtebers, and an advisory board ed a market situation that needed Mr. and Mrs. Lareomb and their Frankfurt. Germany, Jan. 11-*- <64 Center Street to be corrected. We are In for Is simply a way for all to hear and with the churches only on Sundays' through France and threatening e Show. Gardner Q. Shorey. leader, had to ed at Frankfurt in the Polit|tcal al agsoclas like the Tennessee Val­ The Hebron church will hold^ in Italy and spread into France. a year. 8te8— Planes, Boats, omit their last regular meeting Activities branch of U. S. Military REGISTER NOW ley autnortty. second meeting next Sunday aft­ In Britain, the min'atry of The /$330-a-year increases W DRC—Morev Amsterdam. , » — ea Any Terms Construction preparations for owing to 'a case of chicken-pox government. New Claaa Starts February 7, 1049 ernoon. in the church. Jan. 16. The Health said it was concerned oyer would gp'to municipal employes of WONS—Lone Wolf; News, . Balsa, Tools, The BFC could make loans on a highway aection to link Falknor Selective Service which has appeared among one of Wahrhaftlg boarded a Military Gilead group wilt meet agate on the members. The Brownies are the danger of the e(>ldem'c spread­ the District of Columbia and cer­ W TH T— News. aky tarma, and where even the drive and Cehter street are tinder Air Trans|>ort service plane at the Nchool Open Weekdays 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Far laspcctlon the following Sunday, Jan. 23. also waiting for the disease to die ing serosa the channel, hut so far tain foreign service personnel. W TIC —Fibber McGee and Mol­ moot favorable financing would bo way, as It was announced today Rhein main air[>ort bound for Limited EaroIImeat, Effleleat Pteeemeat Service Accessories Official ResigiIS , The councils formed will co-or­ out before they meet again. there was no signs of ^despread ly. tmpractl^^ could 'make outright that General Manager George H. sickness. Back In Native Land Westover ^Meld. Mass. 8:48— > VETERANS ACCEPTED UNDER OJ. BILL dinate ail activities of the church­ One of the last victims to be re­ grants, .Grants would be subject to Waddell, acting on instruction of Danish medical authorities re­ Before leaving he told friends he W TH T—Detroit Symphony. Write or Phooe 8-I8S0 For Free Deaeripttve Ctrcular Bridgeport. Jan. 11— —Carey es. handle any problems which ported is Harry H. Klrkham and oongnsaional approval.- the Board of Directors, has con­ ported influenza apparently had Westover A lf Force Base, Mass.. a-as unaware o f the reason he Is iom8— Cronan. of Hamden and formerly may arrive, make new plans dnd his baby son. Gcoiffrey. Another Hobby Shoppe The measure, its sponsors de- cluded arrangements for the work not reached there, but circulars Jan. 11— (W —Little Jimmy Tbar- being asked to face a hearing. The WDRC— Hit the .Tackpot of this city, has resigned as assi.'t- name new committees. rase is that of the infant daughter NEW ENGLAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE elaiod. “would afford a continuous with Alexander Jarvis. The de­ describing the disease have been bo is back in bis native land today Army tn Washington aaid ha would WONS—Apicrican Forum of 6 Griswold SL proasura (oward maintenance of tails include the- conveyance to ant state director of the Selective Representatives from several of Mrs. Dorothy Barkhurt, pri­ be tried under Circular 100. Thla 198 TRUMBULL STREET HARTFOBD 1, CX>NN. mary teacher at the Hebron Cen­ sent to doctors putting U»m on unaware that his mother is serv­ the Air. 32.33 Open 10-7 full a m p k ^ e n t and production.’’ Jarvis of about 12 acres of town Service system ■ to become the towns, of which Hebron is one. covers a wide range o f (losslble ac­ ter school... Mrs. John E; Plxton their guard. ing a 20 years sentence for the w n c - Big Towte, That, they said, would be Ita "No. lands west at Pine Acres on Cen­ Washington correspondent for The met Saturday evening nt the home "Hething ajiproaehteg 'epidemie tivities. There was no amplifica­ of Mr. and Mrs. A)ex Bochain in is substituting for her while she slaying of hts father. The tte-year- i obJOotlve.’’ They emphasised ter street. Bridgeport Po^t-Teleirram and nroportions” was ...renorted from tion. . Westchester, to talk over the takes care of her child. old child arrived yesteiday at this that It "is not a public works Under terms of the transfer. The Stamford Advocate. , the American zone of Germany. fca.sibiliiy of founding a regional Mrs. Everett B. Porter took over base aboard an A ir Force plane project nor is it intended for Jarvis will, besides building a road Mr. Cronan will begin his Wash­ There was only ona report from Must Strip Cbbs of Radio Notice high school As* matters now stand to Miss Florence M. Jones the gen­ from Germany. emergency Uae.’’ at an estimated $19,000 cost which ington duties Feh. 1. Col. Vernon eastern Buro^. Hie Ministry of high schools anO academies at­ erous offering of used Christmas he will bear, install surface drain­ . Morehouse,. head of the State Health te Prague aald there were New York, Jan; 11— (F>— All tended by the * 40 or 90 Hebron cards, and other articles suitable Gets^miit Savtaga Aoeonat In Today’g Aciite Shbrt^e of Aged Whiskies age facilltiea and a atorm water elective Ser^'ice system, said he 'large number" o f light Influen­ New York taxleabe must be Zoning Board of Appeals eewer line acroes the Center street f students and by those o f other for hospitals, for - children, or any will inform Governor Bowles to­ za cases te CSechoaiovakia, but London, Jan. I I —UPi—Infant ■tripped'(rf their radloa. gays the Fred Baker Plans frontage of the property and he day of Mr. Cronan’s resignation towns concerned and in some in­ of the MUt-lna. Miss Jones, a for­ In accordance wrlth the irequira- mer Hebron resident, now living they were generally causing only Prince Charles got his firat sav­ City Hack Bureau. Tije order will grade It for development: from hla state diitlcs. stances inadequate to take care of ments of the zoning regulationa o f w.'lth Mrs. William P. Johnson te three or four days abecoee from ings account to ^ y . The govern really affects only owner-drivers, the Town of Manchester, the Zon­ Visit to England The building of the road was ar­ Selective Service offrcials in the overflowing numbers. Bacon steea nearly all fleet o(>erators Academy, Oplchcster, finds. its Columbia, was much pleased whth work. ment sponsored national savings ing Board of Ap(>eal8 wrill hold a ranged after nearby residents bad Hartford have indicated that . In movement, which reported recent­ have'^minated radios from their [letlUoned for )t as a more direct buUdings and educational facilities the donation and expressed thsnks. public hearing in the Municipal view o f curtailed o(>eratlona the She does the work of msklhg scrap ly British savings have been drop- cabs. There are 11.800 cabs In the Fred Bekcr of 380 Center street means than now provided for ac­ vacancy created by Mr. Cronan's out-dated. aS well as being over Building, Monday evening, Janu­ books, etc., for hospitals, and te olng, snnmineed tbe Prince had city today. Reason for the order ts ary 17, 1949, at 8 P. M., on _^the Will sail for Manchester, England, cess to the pro(>osed Olcott Street resignation ill not be flileddinme- crowded. Something will have to BritishSystem an effort to reduce, the number of later this week. He plans to stay be done nefore long to take care this way haa brought Joy to many bem enrolled ih-i the Buckingham following applications: school site. It wad found that Jar­ diately. accidante. , In .Ifogland until the end of Feb­ of the growing educational neearently the only ‘per­ A former Grange lecturer here she Praifii^ by Pope ruary during, which time he will son who might complete such a of the young people. i for (lermission to conduct Welding is well known In Hebron. visit four utera and Other rela­ road since, besides going across Another conference was planned Business and to ronatruct a poitr Several Hebaon (>eople attended tives. Mr. Baker, strvice foreman town property, the road would To Seat Newly for a later date, to be announced. Vatican City, * Jan. 11 —(V>— able Steel building to be used as a the testimonial dinner given in An­ From the vorid'i Itrgeit reserre o f the Mandiaster Division of the have to cross Jarvla land farther It la ho(>ed that the princi[>al of Pope Plus xn, receiving in private Welding Shop at 46$ North Mate Hartford Oaa Company, wlU sail along. Most o f the land conveyed dover for Representative Roscoe audience 18 members of tbe Brit­ Street,^ Residence B zone. Elected Officers Etest Hampton High school may Talbot, ' by the Aiidover Demo­ of quality agedr Am ericas, pre.*war on tho Quaen Mary out of New is well below the level of Center s(>eak at this meeting. Mrs. W il­ ish Parliament, today praised the . AUTO REPAIRS Application o f Elmer Johnson crats. York and w ill be accompanied by street and will take much 'illing liam W. Hammond, member of the BriUeh system of government, os for. permission to construct otruc- bis brother, William Baker of to make it usable for ^leveiopment. Installation of the newly elected Hebron board of education,, at­ The annual Ineeting of S t "one that boa stood the test o f ALL MAKES AND MODELS whiskies, SchenUy eontinnei to ture which wriU connect eicistlng Hartford. Jarvis agreed to pay $9,000 for the officers of King David Lodge Ho. Peter’s Episcopal parish wrll] be cenfuriee.” garage and barn at 845 Middle Mr. Baker last vlaited England tended the meeting Saturday eve­ land, which w^as appraised at |4- 31 will be held Friday evening, held in the church Saturday eve­ Tbe pope— speaking in English five you .the same rich m easarc Turnpike West, Residence AA in 1S2S. He was bom in Glouces­ ning. 600, and ( he further' agreed to Jan. 14, at 7:30. The elective offi­ ning, January 19, at 8 o’clock. Re- —eeld that among the noble tredl E. G. STEVENSON GARAGE zone. tershire, Itegland. Mr. B aker' is cers who will be Installed at tbiz , Owing to the very serifius 111- ()orts . of officers will be rendered tlone of the periiamentery system make all of the Improvements at n'ess of Mrs. Robert Brown of idiainnM o f the Veterans Council hla own expense. time will be: Noble Grand, Edwin and' officers will be elected to serve is that It (lennlte the interchange . 8 GRISWOLD -STREET, MANCHESTER and A year old wliiskiee* Application o f Elmer Johnson and recording secretary o f the ^ m b ; Vice Grand, LeRoy Aspln- Westchester, the meeting artial Judge, the benefit SCHENLEY^ PRE-WAR QUALITY^ Cbwiea for extension o f permia- officers. Britain hospital. She Is the mother Rev. H. R. Keen, presiding. ■ Offl' to a nation ia difficult to exagger­ sloq to sell and store dog food and of. Mrs. A. Wallace Canney of As Floods Come AU Odd, Fellows who have not cers were elected and will be re- ate," the (lontlff eeid. It’s the tael JeW tket taUa 's'uppUcs in basement- and garage Boston. Jan 11—ig*.—Govern­ made their returns for the draw­ Westchester. ported later. yon tha ags of the wUskay at 73 Hudson Street, Reatdence B ment loans arc available for Mas­ ing on the Televi^on set, Jan. 21 Miss Marjorie H. Martin was the ' Representatives Mrs. CharlM C. yea held hi yaar head. The zone. NavajM, Sonora, Mex., Jan. 11 sachusetts and Connecticut house­ Sellers and Irving Griffin were —<1^ —Ooudburat-fed rivers rsc- arc requested to make retuma as week end guest o f Mr. and Mrs. Sdm tiv Sack U kd le proof Application of William F. Sta- holders who suffered pro()erty soon as (>oasible, so committee ran Grinton I. Will In Yonkers, N. Y. among those who attended the Does Not Plan P- ) tec the Gulf of QsHfomis In damage in the sudden two-day Ihet yea era sit$h« tha eepe nek for (lermisalon to carry on determine outcome of the raffle. Her .place at the organ, St. Petcr'a inaugural *>••) Hartford.* Mr, buslneas of salea and sarvieing of PHONE 8358 TODAY northwest Mexico left thousands floods at New Year's which took Sellers was also present and there iteh spaaaoN af 8. « . o*d 7 Episcopal church, waa taken by To Quit Post television and electrmita equip­ Itemeless todsy. four lives, an official announced were some othera among local peo- year «U ahhU m TH a 9atm- ^Evenings Call 2-3780) • Ho roports of desths hsve been Horace W. Sellers. Horace return­ ment at the rear of S9$4 Walker today. Two Firemen Die ed to resume his studies st Phillips le who went. There waa jmch by m m is yaw liiwiraiiii « f received by munici|>sl suthoriUeo. Street, Residence A aone. John J. Hagerty. New England Andover Academy Sunday after­ Sirge crowd that it was difficult (Ceattenad .from Page Oae) the xaiiaalliil “-t Th aUll Msnuel Owml, editor of the dslly Application of V ln ^ t Dynas manager of the Reconstruction Fi­ 111 Fighting Blaze noon. having s|>ent a three-WMks to meet and identify friends. thoiAap amds milliaw M newepnper MenlAo Ded M syo sstd nance corporation, said that after vacation at his home here. Mr. TTumen’e Inauguration Jan. a m a u m a i for permanent pemiaaiote to have it would teko eovcnl dsye to do- n survey RFC directors have de­ , Oiermle Change at Name 20. He eoid the reelgnaUon''wblcb SCBENUY Re|>airer’a License a t 843 Bast tsrraiae ertMther or noC any fateii- While no .wild flowers or garden | •090 •04S Center Street, Resldenee A aone. clared the floods "a disaster within Detroit, Jan. —(A*)— 'Two fire­ flowers, such as violets. panstcA tbe president has elweya- had. sub­ O t i TASTES ELITE tiaa Ited oeeurrad among families 4ri«r. 4b ni the meaning of the-RFC act." men were klUed and four others etc., have been reported in bloo^ London. Jan. 11—fV) — BriUsh ject to acceptance at will, “ needs BETTEgt Application ot Robert Arendt trapped ^ the Bio Mayo In thoir The Boston agency can .accept overcome by smoke as a $200,000 officials have ovemjled a plan to to be refurblMied.” M-K.l/I rtXT for Mrmlfsten to conduct Blectrt- lowland ranchsa below city. som about'here, the -weather is applications for loans In connec­ fire swept a West Side apartment certainly almost like summer. change Northern Ireland’s name "Do you antldpete its accept- raar tikra re sar rn* cal Conlracttef Buoincas gt 81 STUDIO .^Ooml aaid Um river b^aa tion with flood damage, Hagcrty building early today. This was espeeUUy true on Satur­ to Ulster, it was Isamed today. aacaT” Newaaaq Stroat. Baaldanea C aana'. ■SSm St Juaninf Ita Mid. The prime toialater of- Northern ■ "N o," be replied. *1 expect to be 983 M AIN STREET More than 20 tenante escaped day aad Monday, with a bright FINANCE e a ­ 'I I A ll parsons Intarelsted m ay at­ Ita Ihtnday, caunne bun I f there are a number of appli­ uninjured, in night clothing. sun shining, thermometers at 80 Ireland. Sir BaaU BKwka. madb a victim of tbe WaehinstM oceae." tend this hearing. I a t ranehera and their famll- cations, be added. tem[>orary offic­ The dead wgre Jamra A. Dag­ the suggestion in cabinet talks lest Thea repntcre ask 4 if that rn MAOI aTBBBY. MANCIUBYSa. CONN. Zoning . Board ot Appeals. , Open Thursday Until 9 P, M. or.thereaboute. dandelions in hloa- straight wUskinte tM. Ia>71n E. Alvord, prodoet are Syaoia or mors eld.85% straight whiskw-Mi$ grate ntnteal spir- Open Sundays. By Aptwintmeni bjCsBS t t s (Odrtne p Fratera r atruck be opened in cities or towns in the OffIciaia said they died off luffo- spotsits im green as in summer, ought to be changed to avoid con- continue aJ defence secretary T" Laaaii jnada to res ideate kf all earreeadlBg Isivaa Chairman. disaster area. . M ^ outdoor Jobs wren under­ fuaioti with tke r^ubUc o f Ireland. Ha replied te the aftinaative. 8a« nose 8 STAYS TBKAYKB auiLDIMO % *?**U ^ f*?^*^***^^ •r*v* atrai^t whiskey 8 mots James H. M e V e i^ , s)A 4 « s t r a i t whMoy 7 y a w ^ A ltd*, Schsalsr DietiOna Oeap.. N :TC t ^ Beeratary. - V ” ' r ' I ■ . . . . ’ • V J 'r *' / ,U , . ■ ,. MANCHEifl'ilR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CQNN„ TUESDAY, JANUAKI 11, 194f

aion fund. Actual terms president, Mrs. I t e ^ d Smith, Mrs. viUs Juniors will play the Man­ pension plan ara to ba worked o ^ Avert Strike by company and umon repraaenta- Julian Krsewakl'led the devotions. chester Clowns at 7:15 p. ni. A Stiff Federal I Ellington ot thb oOtcUa poUcy of tlie and coffee and olives and chivea. collection will be taken to pay Uvea, Brock said. AO provtatona Reports of the secretary and of the new contrart are retroactive Britiah Dominion H i ^ Comml»- tt la a little shocking to raallae the axpensea of the basketball of- Mra. Kenneth Cook of Maple treasurer were read and approved. At Gas Plant to January 1 and the contract will that all this stratagem and dis­ Mrs. George. Nelson, chalrlady of flCUUle ,Tax Bill Seen ribiien for AUbtrbllb, New The Rockville High School bae* street has basn alacted N o U e be drafted and elgiied within the tress la the nuxiem evolution of the Missionary committee read letin board notifying the p ftp U of W bile ______a t r a « laiui, India; Paklatan and Oeylon, the Increase and there were few New Of ficei^ ketball team will go to Wilson this Grand of .Mayflower RAekah next ten days. Brock added. PRiimNu ou. Ufa N ew boohs recently received at newspaper acciount of an inter- Pickled Mnshrooma, Whole Native Roasted Chickens, who ■ called on Voreiah Secretary the ancient and honorable role of evening to play the Wilson High Lodge at Rockville for the ensuing Last Minute Proposal Ronald Maloney, executive vice ^ Wtntit the M ary'Cheney Library, include vtaw with Rev. Ernest Gordon, Pay $ 734,- psesldent of the gaa company, the good provider, that udiat was M r. NlelK^aon. proprietor of the Minestroae, Spaghetti Meat. Saacs, Sinithettl Cfaua school. Suie wm y ^ Bar asslatente are., Mrs. A strange toMnyin Loa Angelea,# H e malntalfig tin t Bevla Satuiday and warned of the the following. In .Fiction: former Interim pastor of the' An­ Ta Be Seated confirmed Brock's announcement nuMM'^ituoauif once a matter of masculine pride Pioneer Trailer Cbmp. aald be had Sance. skalopini. Chicken a la Caedatora • L*Dholitonr CteM Accepted Two Hoiirs dancerous conaei]uences of B ilt- dover church and now pastor of the 870,000 in ^Direct and Jaraaa Wlnans, vlee-grand and but declined comment. . knownfvstvvvtg aamm >"Ths( •asm Voice v of Tbro • o* « u T i m i 0 «a I IkB M tr Tales of M y Prople, Sholem raised the rent to 920 per month. Thers wtU be sn all day aeasloa power-mind, h a s ------„ S r t u o * e * u i«n- has now become a function of Talcottville church. The boetesses, Best CeM Cuts and DeUcaeks Mrs. Edward W. MiUer, recording Before Deadline - Worlds," reveals the story of a re­ aln’a diplomatic tolerance for pres­ 'Asch; Fire In the Heart. Henrietta He Is putting in a central garbage of the Upholstery class at the so­ Hidden Taxes* mlnd-powar o t • ttwnnnd a m 69 oovert sheepishness. W hat a psy­ Mrs. E. R. Seyd and Mrs. Howard Fan Lino O f Groceries ■wnia* BxfM e t Dutch policy. y system and hard surfaced roadk •Tankuroosan Trlb« pf aaeretary. ■ markable system that often leads mors aa waD aa tba sntflT Henkle; EliMbeth, Captive Prin­ Sprinkle served tea or coffee and cial rooms of -the Union church, BnMrcd «t » • The Dutch have aet out merely chological contrast between the Mr. Coyne and Mr. Nicholson 55 OAK STREET TEL. 2-410$ Evorjrona was prepared for the Bridgeport, Jan. — Two to Improvement In power o f mind, of the universe whteh aan _ -w-w :*r, cmn.. •» cess, M JLF, Irwin: Dinner at home-made cupcakee. Red Men tp Hold In> Tuesday, starting at 9:80 a. m. Hartford, Jan. U — (F) — Tha Will Cooperate man with We spear and the man claim that the new rate la keeping Spaiileb W a r VetsraM Meetrle current to be abut off to t hours before the deadline eet .for achievement brilliant tam toeaj SS m Uta* lUll Malttr.M«W ' to re-fraap the pillara of their Antolne’A Mrs. F.P.W. Keyes; . A t a busineas meeting of the Opnnactiqut Chamber qf Com in line wltlf the average . trailer Open Tin 9 P. M, James W. Milne Camp, United about three hours Sunday while a strike by employes of the Bridge locallaed aoverel*nty In Indo- wlU) the list! But w e fear nostal­ church, called after the preaching atallation Riles and professional success and new awakened, can maka mm tUMKMIftlUN RATIBB tntn Scarlet Cockerel. Gerald lAkard: rental parks of this section. meree asaerted today tbut eltlaans new tranaformera were being put Defending Canal whan awakened, can maka mm • gia,,here as elsewhere, is froit- service. George Nelson Was elect­ Sqanlsh War Veterans and Ellen port Gas Light Company last happineaa. Many report improve­ On* f«* f *7 •••'• ...... neaia. But they may pull down Doctor Faustus, Thomas Mann: of this state win pay 9784,870,000 Into operation and soma sections capabla of surprising aedompUm* ■ iu woaUw MUl .»••••••••• • *■<» Fair Wind to Java, Garland Roark; ed moderator. Church Clerk, M ar­ RockvUls, Jan. 11— (BpdblaD- G. Berry Auxiliary will meet thla night,‘members of Local 12298, ment In health. Others tell of In-in- ments, from the prolonging ef 9f I ttiu a whole comer of the globe. The leas. The list, and the poor Imita­ In /’direct and hidden taxes” as wen edthout current for that Panama, Panama, Jan. 11— — On# b# Mali ...... Hearth and Eagle, Anya Seton; lon Stanley read a letter from Tha raeently elected offlcera of eveniner et eight o’clock in the O District 50, U M W , voted to accept creased bodily strength, magnetic | youth to auccesa In many flelda. StnvM 0 « 9 f ...... •••••■ t M ^ r r y they are cauaing la practi­ tion of man it breeds, are here to A. R. han. thalr ahsre of Praaldent TVumaa’a period of time but others wen The republic of -Panama is now t . » Where’s Mr. ChumleyT L. 8. Truss; Mrs. Louise Lltwin Sherwrood r 5353234848534853534853314823482323484853484853532353482323485323535348235348235348484823 Tenkerooean Tribe, I.O.R.M„ with a last minute pro^oeal made by the personality, courage and poise. Strangely, he says that thla pow­ Wtabijr. by Regular OemmuBleatlea proDoaad 941,859,000,000 Ftderal only shut ott tor a short period of n«i T#*r ...... cal as well as moral. < stay. Gladiator,'^ T. H. Williamson. questing release from membership Guatava MUlIx aa Sachem will be company. ready to cooperate with the Unit­ The man, a well-known explorer er works...... best while...... wa Heep> budget time. WMt of Vbrtfga i» . w In Non-Ftetion: Profesalonal in the Andover church wt’' she InoUlled thU evening at a meet Fayette Lodge. No. 69, A.F. A The offn which averted a walk­ and geographer, tolls how he found when proper methodb ara used. In a atetemimt today, tha cham The pastor's aasistente of the ed States In the defense of the Portrait Llghtlnn, Charles Abel: wishes to unite with the Church Of Ing to be held at Red Men's Home A.M. wm hold its drat communl- out that threatened to cripple arv- these strmige methods in far-off The author states the time has MBMIIBR o r ____ _ A W ar Budget her said that a studv of budget Congregations! Church ara now Panama canaL Gem Testing, B. W. Anderson; Christ, Oongregatianal. at Glas­ with Deputy William Schleldge of esUon of the veer this evening at eral industries and public institu- and mysterious Tibet, often called conie for this long-hiddsn system TB> MitbaCIATBD PKBM YOU HAVE FIRE INSURANCE prbpoal "showed that of the 1900 assigned to the distribution of the David Samudio, a government Manchester aa the Installing offl 7:30 p. m. at Masonic Hsll. tipni Included a general wage. In­ Tbs asseelaled Press is sselosivslr W e don’t suppose that a dollars Treasury oif Jewish Folklore, Na­ tonbury, in which town she r Sunday calendars, the ushering the land of miracles by the few to be disclosed to. the Western ebtHIsS to tbs uss ol ■Mpublioition ot than Ausubel; Wild Animals of the sides. T h e. request w ss voted cer. Jury Oases Federal budget to he borne by crease of elx cents Instead of the member, speaking In the National travelers permitted to visit it. He world, and offers to send - his sii assrs diseetebss orsS'iec to it, ot and cents argument is a very good (jonneciicut Tha following ara the elective The following Jtiry cates *ara Oonnectlcut Is six aad a quarter and welcoming strangers; the tak­ 12H cents per hour originally de­ Assembly said yesterday the atti­ World, William Bridges; Soute granted. Mr. Crook asked (hat ing of the offering and the record discloses hew he learned rare wis­ amazing 9.000-word treatise which sot otberwiss orsdittd lo tbis p#R*' argument for peace. If men want ’ officers: Pfopltet, Metro Popick; scheduled for the Wednesday tlmea tha total amount o t taxes manded by the union. • tude of Panamanians had changed. rcyenls manv startling result*— lo sod also lbs leesi os** pobl'shsc btrs. Shore Town, E. J. Coatswmrth; two men be appointed from the of attendance at worship for the dom and long hidden practices, Peace in Our Time, Noel Coward; BUT-HAVE YOU COT ENOUGH? Senior Sagamore. John MiUer, Jr.; slbn of the Tblland Oountv Super­ eonected In 1949 to finance the en­ W alter M. Brock, International A year ago'United Statea troops cioaeiy guaroeu lor m rr- „uum- readers of this paper, fraa of cost All rigbts ol issobliestion sf spj^'' peace, they ought to want it out Yankee church as representatives to a Sundaya in Januaiy la John closely guarded for three thou Sisaaiebss bsrtib. srs sue fsserrsa. Home Btillder’s HAndbook, Ken­ Junior Sanunore, Henry Bowers; ior Cbnrt In.Rockville with Judge tire state government budget" repreaentative of the union, an­ were pulled out from their w ar­ sand years by the sages, which ' or obltgatlon. For your free copy, of their hearts, out of their own county group of laymen for a Lans; February, Lin wood R. B y A U . U . neth Duncan; Scottish CrqRa, Ihn Keeper of Records, Howard Whee- The sum is also seven tlmea nounced that an agreement had time bases because of Panamanian meeting at Rockville. Howard .Tohn H. King presiding. Brtata of Campbell; for March, J. Fred­ enabled many to perform amaz- address the Institute of Mental- ssnriea ellsal ol N. ■. A. ■•r*' civiUzed decency. They ought to Finlay; Giant Book of Sports; - loclr. Collector of Wampum; grester than the amount of prop­ been reached and approved by the objections. Jennings and Arthur Lockwood Rosa T, Hartenstein, appeal from erick Hemmeler and for April Ing feats. He maintains that these ' physics. 213 South Hobart Bh’d., Secret of Inward Peace. A. H. Gray: George Devlin; Keeper of Warn- erty taxes collected locally In 1949, membership at a meeting Attended want -it for its avoidance of hu­ A t the State Capitol on Inaugur­ were appolnUd representatives by orobate; Doris Olacomtnl, admin- Nathan H. Edwards. Samudio said the new policy re­ Immense powers are latent in all , Dept. 67-J. Los Angeles 4, Calif, paMwasro BsprsssnUtirss. Tb# Land of the Crooked ‘Tree, U . P. pum. Max Rothe; Relief Chief. uitrhtw, against Simon Oohen; the statement adds. by about 200 employes. sulted because the Pahama people of ua, and that methods for using : Readers are \irged to write prompt- man slaughter and misery. They al Day we detected certain atmos­ vote of the meeting. Emtl Geeaay; Trusteea. William An amendment to the by-laws Julius Mstbsws Spscisl Afsijw —If** Hedrick; Radio Announcer’s Hand­ fiaul Pelser, adnUnlstrator, against Tha statamant listed the follow- In addition to the wage Increase ’•face certain new doctrines and them are now simplified so th at. Iv, ns onlv a , limited number of tors. Uhiesfo, Dstfoit snO Biiston. ought to want it because they pheres and emotions of revolution, Dunlap, John Boucher, Emil M as- of the church was submitted by the Brock said that the company’s book, B. G. Henneke; Swiss With­ Samuel Friedman .et als; Aghea lag as what it called "the various world imperialist ambitions which they can be used by almost any I the free treatises have been print- atmospheres and emotions which, sella; Auditors, Frank < Klecak, Board of Trustees at tha annual proposal Included an additional m b u m b ii a u d it auRBAU o r have a positive vision ol what this out Halos, J. C. Herald. Woods sgsinst Henry C. Dowding counties’ shara of Connecticut’s try to dominate the action and person With ordinary Intelllgenee. led. - we sense, are fated to grow John Zagura qnd David Goodwin. meeting of the church In Decem­ three cents per hour for shift aKCUI.ATIUNa old world could become 11 ever 'Vacation Guide, Duncan-Hines; F a d e ^ apending burden In the thought of cltleena of weak coun­ stronger as a very deep and in­ Keeper of Paraphernalia, David ft) ber. Three changes are bivolved: workers and three and one-half City .and the Tsar, Harold Lamb; *Wapplng iteeked for Oonmleeioudr next flaoal year:" Tbs asrsJS Pfinttni ^ Compsny. lo^- functioned as a community of stinctive clash between old and Gobdwln; Delegates to Convention, one increasing the number of cents per hour for appliance and tries." UMonws no ananeisl responsibility Cut American Glass Cup Plates, Mrs. A t the meeting of the Tolland Falrflald, 9192,090,000; Hart­ Christian law and order. new 'develops, as it will develop, David Goodwin, Metro Poplok; A1-. trustees from five to six. Two, service men. Opposition Member Victor N a ­ typsfiipbiesl errors eppesring m *«• we also sense, in spite of the in­ R. W. Lee and J. H. Rose; Fashions Sunday at the Wapplng Commu­ Chunty Democratic Assoclatton ford, 92I4J162.000: Utchfleld, 929.- ssftlsaoMnU and other teedmi muisr- ternates, John Zagura, Marry reducing the term of office from Other Beneflte vas • supported the government Nevertheless, if there is anyone gratiating approach of Governor in Furnishings, Mrs. R. W. Lee and nity church the Rev. Charlea Criat held Monday. John Cyritiewtes of 990,000; Mlddlasax, 919,947.000; la The Menebestsr Erenmi Holmes; Publicity, thpll Geaaay. five to tiiree yeara. Three, limiting Othdr benefits Included in the statement which declared the re­ to be impressed by the dollars and Bowles and the firm resolves . of L. T. Bolender; Do You Know Rockville was backed for iq>- ^ a w Havan. 9200.799,000; N ew prqached on.the topic "The Chria- Tlie appointlvs tdficera. and com­ the ^ u r e of office to one term of company’s offer provide for the public Is "ready to arrive at an 'What You’re Buying? Ixiuia Lud­ pointment as stete barber com­ 943,707.000; Tolland; 99, Tuesday, January U cents argument lor peace, the ar­ the Republican leadership not to tlan and A l^oU c Beveragea." mittees wUl be announced at to­ three years, unless In exceptional payment by the company of understanding with the North build him up by opposing him wig; Green Mountain Farm, El­ missioner. The association la plan­ 096y000; and Windham, 916,122, gument Is there, in the Prcsldcnt'a The Junior choir will naeet night's meeting. I ere $29,000 a year for three years tO' Americans on the bauds of mutual carelessly. And we suggested that liott Merrick; Yankee Folk, E. V. tor ning to hold's dance at Yeomans’ 000. . outline pf the new federal budget. Mitchell; Fishing and Hunting rehearsal Wednesday at 2 p. m. By this change two membera ward the accumulation of a pen advantages." Wm It WorkT psychic awareness of-the existence The Tolland Coun^ Democratic hall in Columbia In March with Wayne R. Dlckereon, executive at the church and the Senior choit would go out of office each year It is the largest peace time of this revolution might have been Answer Book. D. M. Newell; How AssocUUon met In Rockrtlle last Captain Malcolm Stennard as vice preelda^ eaid that "this Is a AH moral considerations aside to Conquer Your Handicaps,- Mrs. will meet W%lneaday at 8 p. m., and two new membera would he budget In the nation’s h ^ r y . It at least partly responsible for the evening st the Rockville Hotel chairman. pretty stiff tax btU and the people for the moment, the all Important J*. B. (L .) Ray; My Story, Mrs. also at tne church. voted In at the annual meeting, ferocious way in which some out­ * Vice President I.eo B. Flaherty , Start Cfiaaasa at home must rtsllse that they for a three year term. N o ntember Ur so because It is not a peace time M. (R.) Rinehart (A New EMition The annual meeting of the La­ bUl question with regard to Dutch pol­ going Republican officeholders presided at the meeting In the ab­ The Rockville Recreation Board themselvea have to foot the would be eligible for re-election, budget at all, but a war budget. and Seventeen N ew Years); dies’ Aid will be held Friday at 2 the icy In Indonesia is whether or not fought and clawed in thelf effort sence ot President Wlnthrop TlUey announced Montla) that the fourth for the eervicee rendered by with the exception noted, until an Of its more than 41 billions of dol­ Laughter in the Next Room. Sir p. tn. at the home of Mrs. David it will work. Can It succeed in to turn back the tide of history. I hW with the tacrease that hna taken place In recent years la b o M - who ia abaent from the state. annum class in ballroom dancing Federal government" interval of one year had elapsed. One of these fighting officehold­ Osbe.. Sitwell, bart.; Eisenhower Burnham of Pleasant Valley road. ing and replacemeat costa—It Is not enongta now to Just Issve fire Aaaaal BUetlng would start on Saturday at 7 p. The producing stability in Indonesia, lars, 21 are for American military A Congregational meeting will be ers was, we suppose, the Marie W as M y Boss, by Mrs. K. (M .) There will be election of offlcera Insuranee. Most everyone has fire insnranoei The qaestlon yon The annual meatlng of tha First S H O E B A R m. at ths East School gymnartum called after church on Sunday. and therefore also contribute to strength and for cold w ar econom- Summersby; Report on the Greeks. for the coming year and a roll call. ______held thU Antoinette of this revolution, the should ask yourself la, "Have I got enonghT" Call ns today aad Lutheran church will he for teen a g e n and High school • ald to Europe. Another five Twentieth Century Fundi Inc.; As \ stability in all the colonial Far queen victim. But she was no soft The Garden Club met this af­ a representative will nsU and check your present laaunum oovw^ evening at tha church. There will students with Joseph NevUla of Pythian Knights Advertlaement— bMUons go for interest on the na­ and useless aybarite upon society. Others See Us, Andre Visson; ternoon at the home of Mrs. Petef age and make helpful suggestions. be a pot luck supper at 6 o’clock Hartford again serving as in­ 997 Main Street Manchester E a s tr' Plants, by H. S. Zlm. Don’t go East, go Wetet. For tional debt we contracted to fi­ Frances Redick fought and Nellsen. Mrs. Maraball Bldwell and tha business meeting will start structor. It Is planned to conduct To Seat Officers The Dutch apparently think so. Heaven's -sake go Westown earned her way up the political conducted a discussion aa the at 7 o’clock. the oouree for ten weeks with nance-the w ar Just over. Another (Pharmacy) i;hcy apparently think they can ladder. She fought not only for her Success and Faliurea of House Women of the Mooee YOUR MONEY INCREASES regiatration to taks place Saturday Llnne Lodge, No. 72, Knights of take the Indonesian situation well five billions goes for deserved ben­ own advancement, but for an im­ Plants." Mrs. Peter Bosaen, Mrs. The Rockville Chapter of the Cordially invites you to the open­ night There wUl be no charge for Pythias win hold Its regular meet­ efits to those veterans who have H arry Oekne, Mrs. Arthur Black- Women of the Mooee will meet this in hand militarily, and then pro­ provement in' and a strengthening Andover the lesson ^Saturday night ing tomorrow night at eight In of her own party. more. Mrs. Fraser Metsger and evening at 9 o’clock at the M^ose duce poUtical staJblUty by going previously served the country In rooms on. Elm street. Orange halt ing of their new shoe store. LIKE RIPPLES IN A POOL She fought, rather consistently,, Mrs. Harry Stoughton wen the I ROBERT J. SM ITH, Inc. I Made ESPECIMIV For war. A military' whist party sponsor- Decorator To Talk The following offlotn elected at Drop a stone In n pool of wnter and watch the ripplea grow ahead with tbeir own plan with a to make her party such a party asatstlng hostesses. I by the Ladies Benevolent So­ I REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE « Sabra TrumbuU Chapter, DAR the last meeting will he Installed larger and larger. That’s the way It U with small deposita In one federated brand of poUtical privi­ So, altogether, three quarters of that no revolution would ever gain Friday evening several residents Revue Is Headed ciety Will be held In the church will hold Ita January meeting at at thla meeting: Chancellor Com­ of our Savings Plans. Havings may be started at any time . . . the vast sum it is going to take to headway against it. of Trailer Village and Pioneer lege for the Indonesians. And they social rooms on Saturday, January I 953 MAIN STREET, TELEPHONE 3450 , M the oocial rooms of the Union Con­ mander, Edwin Cook: Vice Chan­ mlnlmnm amounts 91 per month nad your money Is iasnred op run this country during the next And now that the tumbrils of Trail camp, which la situated next BUT9 afipvently do not fear that such 15 at 8 p. m. The public is Invited gregational church on Wedneaday By Singing Star cellor, Harold Modean; Prelate, WEDNESDAY, to 9sjooo. Savings grow until they tobeh tbinga that were 3»- the revolution could be heard roll­ door to ’Trailer VUlsDc, met at the year la to be credited to past war, to attend. afternoon at 2ffl0 p. m. sy>Uowlng Frank Welman; Master of Work. yond yonr reach financially. See ns today for facts aad figures a poUcy on their part, if success­ ing up the street, she made one Town Hall and diacuaaed condl- ’The monthly meeting of the Vol­ a short buslneaa meeting Mrs. Hel­ Everett Johneon; Keeper of Rec­ on onr Savings Plans. ______ful, win stir unrest elsewhere in to present cold war, and to pre­ last, despairing. Instinctive fight. Tony Martin, Hollywood’s ro- untary Fire department will he tlona at their campa and a recent en McGuire ot Hartford, interior ords and Seal, Gustave Gull; Mas­ dlESTCOU FOB YOUR CONT ENIEXCE OPEN THUR90)AT8 TO, 9 P. M. paredness for future hot war. mantle singing star of stags, the F ar E a s t They apparently Her effort to carry the battle held in the fire houae on Friday, rent Increase. decorator wiU speak at 3 p. m. in ter of Finance, John R. Wenner- JANUARY 12, 1949 ♦Wiiit that demonstratlsn of a firm Some of this money is humani­ of the recount on and on was not January 14 at 8 p. m. . ’fhe rents at Trailer Village the chai^. The talk on ’’Decorat­ screen, records and radio, wHI ap­ gren; Master of Exdiequer, Alex­ baaed on logic, even though she have been raised from |16 to 921 Childran’a M ild hand on the part of the Empire tarian in purpose, in that it is to The class In first aid Instruction ing the Home and the A rt of Util­ pear In Person with hia own great ander Berggren; Master at Arms, Mostarols is mads may have satisfied herself that per month has been announced by stage revue at the State Theater, Carl Bolin; Inner Guard, N. Harry The “Shoe Bar” wiD specialize in nationally advertised Wimt wiU produce dlsdpUne help bind up the wounds suffered will meet in the fire house on Wed­ izing Articlee You Already Own." ‘ ■ w .tbs It was. In actnallty. It was aa at­ nesday, Jammry 12 at 7:30 p. m. John Coyne, proprietor. Mr. Coyne w’Ul ba open to all. The committee Hartford, on Saturday and Sun­ Nlelaen; Outer Guard, Chartet L. r’sten- brand women’s and men’s shoes from leading manu- ^ SflU€ UJIT+l Sflf€TV among the stirring peoples of the in past wars. But the great bulk tempt to confound the revointton dalm s he has been loaing money The regalur monthly meeting of In charge Includes Mra. Miron day, for two day* only. Tony M ar­ Wannergren and Trustee for three ______J other factnrers and department stores in the country. of it is money down the drain, by a coup d'etat. It was based at the 916 rate and was forced to Far E ast the Mother’s Club will be held at Cass, ohMrman, Mrs. Walter Plum­ tin. whoM wonderful voice and years, Erie Nelson. rub fires faster Insured up fo ‘^5000. net so much upon her paltry ac­ raise the price after he had com- - f •o far, no real test has come. money which has, at best, only a the home of the. President Mrs. mer. Mrs. James Sykes, Mra. t«w - magnetic personality have thrilted The above officers will be In relief from eouths 1 , v 1 cumulation of evidence that there Our prices will represent a tremendous saving to you -jranniT " - —w, - , ----- negative function, money which is Russell Thompson, Long Hill road, U McLaugbUn. M ra. H arry Smith. millions, comas direct from hla stalled by D. D. O. C„ Griswold and that missrsbls ■ ..- ~ ilM progress of the Dutdi armies had been irregularities In the 'a^ingfeelingofdiesteolds.Mustero)a on Wednesday, January 12 at 8 p. Mra. Robert HJrde. Mra. L. Eldred Hollywood and radio triurapha, to Chappell and staff of Memorial at all times. has been almost automatic. The being spent for waste and destruc­ November election as It was also b r e ^ up painful surfsea coo- m. Doyle, Mra. Thomas Lewie and the Stete rtege, singing the hal- Lodge. tion. based upon her conviction that gartlon. brinfflog amssinc relM. Indonesian RepubUo was taken by Miss Florence Whitlock. lada ha recorded and madq famous. Our Slogan: “We Buy Right—You Buy Right” the outcome of the election was January 0 Is the birthday of surprise. And if that Indonesian For a little perspective on this Cars Wanted! / Mea’e Club Including •This Is The Moment." dangerons and wrong, and some­ Erskin B. Hyde, who was 88 years spending In the cause ot waste We boy all makes and The Men’s a u b of the Rookvine •Tt’s Msgte." "Ah. But It H ap- RepubUe was; ag. the Dutch seem thing to be longht against by young this .year. Mr. Hyde ia in Baptist church will meet^tai-llhs psnt,” "lUs You. or No Ona." anff n e n ’B Nothing Better Thn Mr. B. ShEnkman, former manager of Sage-Alien tb think, m b t ^ a thing of a few and destruction, one might com­ every available tactic. good health and attends church models—19S6 to 1949. BUILDING W LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC Services regularly. This birthday game room of the church this eve- many other favorite. Appearing Shoe Department in Hartford, will operate The Shoe ' leadan to whom the people of In­ pare It with the same budget’s It was, we suppose, a foolish, MUSTEROLE Sunday was no acceptance for him ening at 7dK» p. m. The teame for with Tony Martin WlU ba tha ------OROANUED APRIL 1891 ------proposed spending for social wel­ reckless decision, which created Instant Cash Bar. donesia tait no groat loy^ty, per­ that custom. the bowling tournament are being greatest stray of talent ever as­ enemies for her and for her party. sembled, including The Colstons, haps ths Outdi can continue to fare purposes—which is already Mr. and Mra. George Nelson Buying Service d raft'd at tonight’i meeting. And it was a decision which was In a knockabout comedy-dance ksep the aituatibn weU In hand. being attacked as extravagant Were supper guests a t ' ths home Paat Freeldeat*e Night lost, as soon as it came into con­ routine; the Philharmonica Trio, ROASTING and something America cannot of Mr. and Mrs. Harold James, Past Pretldente’ Night will be B ut I t to the contrary, there Is tact with the country common Capitol recording artlata; Paul Multiple Mansfield Center on Simday. BARLOW observed by the RockvlUe Emblem really afford to do. Proposed sense of ordinary Republican leg; Ramos and his Toy Boys; Bobby Chickens popular depth to the Indonesian The regular meeting of the d u b on Wednesday evening at '4 9 FOJfO F-6 islators at their caucus the night Plncus with Ruth Foster. Interna- Electrolysis ladspendeneSvliiowsment, the test spending in the cause of w ar rep­ Ladlea’ Benevolent Society in the MOTOR SALES the meeting which w U l be preced­ Drivo la Any Xiao before Inaugural pay. These Re­ tlohsl comedy stars, and a host of is aot now, but will come only aft­ resents T5 per cent of this budget. church social rooms on 'Thursday 595 Main Street ed by a pot luck supper at 6:30 p DeUvOTleo Friday Morning Saperflooiu Hair Removed Cholca of 100-h. p. Ford V -t engine sr 9S-h. pi publican legislators had been vltW' ^ SYSTEM other Stella^ entertainers. For the m. er ths DuMi havs begun to try to Proposed spending tor social wel­ Ing the prolongation of the eleC' evening wss well attended, i ’The TeL 5404 Or 2-1709 ^ Safely, Quickly and Six: meeting was called to order by the ' Basketball thrill of a lifetime, be sure to Mnlnyn and the ’’Snowflake and Retndaar" aweatar sfwettoii. Pries fttMt aad ap. "man with a list.’’ oratoriea'in the United States, and center cldelng Is finished with un­ S I I us T O D A Y ! G e t the focts on Ihn Ford Truck Dutch In IndonesU— there is much twelve more in,^as many foreign ia Knitted of dark grsan worated... Not all of us possess the proper 24-inch width fo r . all rugs up to 27 Inchaa usual novelty buttons, the panelled ip r ‘49 diown obove, pf on any on# ef over 139 differenl countries. Westinghpuse LaundjMiiiiat! the design worked tn white. Easy TRUCKS l^tdnng snd puffing aad whistling wide, per . yard v...... 1.3S aklrt goea*' together easily and FORD mental verve necessary for these knitting, for the chart w hldi ae- 30-lnch width for all ruga 28 tq.36 inches Attention niodeb in the Ford Truck line. W hatavnr you houL end : la the dark that seems abnost un­ quickly, . companles the directions is so sim­ two preferred techniques. The To Note 70lh AnnK-ewary wide, per yard 1.75 Pattern No. 8346 la fAr alsea It. real to anyone .who hna been In ply read. A knockout on tha wherdber you haul it, w e've gotR in right kind o f truck for beaten pian, who made a mistake' 14, 16. 19. 20; 40 and 42. Slaa 14, M unr sno/rour fo lA sriO M tm ; slight o o o t ^ with the boiling Putnam, Jan. l l — — l^r. and Bring In Some Clothes For Free Demonstration Bkatiag rink or ski alopes and ha- Non Veterans! or omlsaion once upon a time, (JT) short slseve, 84$ yards of S9-lneh. your work. W e 'v e 'g e t'e m Bonus Built NG... en d ienus Mrs. Charlea Moss of 126 South cause heavy yam and large naadlaa u m w u l w n BA1I0N MTAOII M M U M IR M B k lM is M id n a s cif aotf^rhlte opinion la hoBMlta hia list nervously before For this pattern, send 25 cepts. are used the Sweater la quickly Ik e Mp s Main street, will eelebrale 'their CoBstmctlon In accord- « . . ’’i 'coins, your name, addreaa. siss ,lu ilt SMALL . . . Bonus Built to hondln anything you houL and after each purchase, and it 70th wedding anniversary quietly completed. ired. and. ths Pattern Numbar anea'wlth plana and aped- among the cokmlals, here today with relatives and a few Pattern No. 5069 conslata ot beooraet an agitated, ^ fluttering ' Sii' Burnatt, Tha' Manchester complata knitting Instruetiona, alaa fleatloi^ Inc. there are many who be- flag of his own diatreaa. Invited friends. Both are in good (.■ . . ■ • WATKINS .'ning HaraU, 1150 AvS! Anwri- 34-86, material raqulrcmcnta, « • __ health and active foe their ages. m . that the Dutch action and And the poor shopper whose crs. New York 10. N: Y. stitch Uhistratlona and chart for 76-^ Mniii Street Check with Us Regarding Eorly DellveriTi Mr. Moqa la 96 and hia wlfa, the uigsmtant laterantlonal uproar b r s t o It’s -r e a ^ for you now— the new design. own vision Is not too good, or former Ellen Gulley la 91, A w ^ s Jarvis Reolty Co. ' TeL 5680 ' Fall and w lhtar Fashion eonthins Bend 20c in coins, your name, hefRaBcd thoi.day' whan the wboss wifb is not t ^ legible ' in Advertisment— 0^ McuicUeiiien. EST.1922 JUST NORTH OF POST OFFICT PHONE 3234 60 pages ot Style, color, special address and the Pattern Number REALTORS ndndnlatrntor will de- her morning hurry, is automati- Frigidaire In Manfrhesler DILLON SALES end SERVICE Le t t h e l a u n d r o m a t s a v e y o u t im e i n m 9 features— plus a free doU pattern to Anne Cabot, The Mam-heater 654 Center Street A M u i so il” cnlly compeUed to a continuous All roada'don’t always lead printed Inside the book. Send 25 Evening^ Herald, 1150 Ave. Ameri­ _ Tel. 4112 Or 7275 For Over 25 Years 190 CENTER STREET. MANCHESTER Rome. They lead to Weatowr jin not merel^ CbrteatMiid- Deerinc, as he dlsUnsulihes - be- cents today. cas, N ew York 19, N . Y , ,



they wlU be tmaamitted to the Sdlon Predicts Republican dominated House. li«t^ Engagement Ciurden Oub ReoMM Now llOTgaM ftename House New Pro Football Peace Offensive Re^ ^8fd00 Gdin Folders ’hie governor told newamen ttet W h y N o S bow ia T ow n ■ ______: , . . . . . the state lacked renouroea to flU Speedy Action the housing gap By It* own efforta Meeting Held General Manager George H. On Judiciary For Local Poho Drive^ and aald he waa anxious to learn Waddell today esplataM the KnightsNip Blaiigrum Wins York Paper Says to what extent Connecticut could lack of mow tat Mandieste^ Britain Polish t H E On Three Bills benefit from Federal housing leg- Members Hear Report tola eaeaoB 'Jn a tew wrorda— LoiW State Senator Is New IslaUon that may be enacted. Three new plowa.” Eagles 47-26 <0K«ntntM 0* n a k ^ Aeeerte Problem Orewtag W snn On Sending Flowers Also Appointed on m m 4 r .n EarlW. Aiders, the committee felt, w ^ d (CWntlxiied fraoi Pag* One) Asserting that the bousing prob­ Since the plowa arera pur­ ■ tha cote toMaia. tlw Mmi- chased, snow has fallen only '/ Five Nips PA’s, 69-63 Yankees to Quit AAC Itarrti eC DImM win b* a be all that should be expected ^ m lem waa growing worse, the gov­ To the Hospitals Other Committees YoA Cards 72>Hole'' Total o f the average person. A statement tails of the proposed bill at the ernor said all the help the Feder­ ones and on that occaMon the CheneY BroUners Torn » H waa dacMad at a « ^ - plows were tested and found to iamtina bald laid nlgbt at by one of the members sums up White House, because the presi­ al government could (rive would be Garden Club members held an Senator Charles K House of ANGLE 284; Duteh Harrison ! Dan Topping Plana to the feelings of the committee on dent Insisted he would not outline be very aatlsfactory. Baidk Moriartys. in Y ^^?baildbif. Appr^- needed and welcomed. Informative and enjoyable meet­ Manchester was renamed aa mem­ Rbme Five *Overoomcs St. Louis Five '• Wtd*lM W I ef tbe ftddara the matter. ^ any apeclflc legislation. That la In the housing message which ber o f the Senate Judiciary com­ AAU Official' Leagua Game 54 to 45 Trails by 3 Strokes | Diaaolve Grid. Yanka iTiii^aMi iaantd to Maiicheater ‘‘People are sick and tired or Ck)ngress’ job. Lesinski quoted the he msde public Saturday night. ing last night In the Robbins room Halftiine Defieil to mittee today as toe Stats Senate *»! DtMaggto ve. Winiaaw f.lng used to full advaatagaat Cen­ Syeillea bjr tba and of thia week. being hounded In the streeta and at president as saying. Governor Bowlea proposed con- of Center Church Houae. The announoed committee appoint­ New Tone Yankee rootera win ter Springe pond. Today, the Los Angeles, Jan. 11—(F)— And Rent StadiUm to theli places of employment to give JPost Polish League Knocks Vote Two gamae were played at to* Opposes LIU ' In Um drive that atarta tomor* Endorsed by Leaders - strucUon of 10.000 housing uniU, jmsldent, Mra, Walter Bryant, ments. At tha last session i t toe Uk* tMs. -Jo* DlMbgglo, the Yan­ ground Is greeib The weather I* Lloyd, Mangrum, using all tha old money for a drive' to which they T last night to *tart the aecood Boston N. F. L. Entry «w.'January H, a^ A 75-cent minimum wage bill in addition to thi 4.500 he said the gave an account of the splendid Ubiluary Leglslsturfii Senator House, a Re­ ^‘Vlclopy; Girls Win kee Clipper. MU better at Fenway mild and snow and Ice la not to be tricks and a new one—following litod a y, January 2». four main have already contributed at home has the endorsement of House progieffn of the outgoing Repub­ work of the Clamp and Hoepltal Cleveland, Jan. IX—<(E-vA vet round o t the Senior Mogue. In toe Park In Boeton than , Bear town found, except at L. T. Wood's Ice New York, Jan. 11,—(*>)—The through the use of coin folders. I publican, was chairman of -tot the opposition by radio, 1* off to a New York, Jan. 11—(/P)—A new idincea of revenue are em phaat^ Democratic leaders and at least a lican administration would make committee of the federated <3^ Judiciary committse. In tha pres­ i Suffering their second defeat in eran Amateur Atoletio Union offi­ flrat game tb* KnlghU Itved up to favorite Ted Williams does at plant . . . Announcement la ex­ St. Louis BiUikens, rated college nrat and moat Important la the think that If the people of Man­ half-dozen of the DemocraU p^ble, half of them cerrytng a den Clubs at Christmas, aendlng Yankeia Stadium. pected to be made shortly of the flying start In golf* gold rush oi peace offenelve was reported tm- chester are Impressed with the im­ ent Senate, preddralnently Demo­ ks many days the Polish Ameri­ cial claimed today that Harrison their flrat round reputation and basketball's best after their Sugar win feMcra. Heat la the win scheduled to sit on the Labor com­ state subsidy that would permit plants and flowera to tha Nearing- cratic. House Is succeeded aa chair­ can s lost to the New Britain Holy In comparison o f how Ted hlU new golf professional at toe Man­ '49. der w’sy ill professional football to­ that wUI be dlatrtbuted at portance of making a generous do­ Dillard. Negro dash and hurdle won from the SUk City Eagles by 1 was Ustoning to others Bowl victory over Kentucky, move mittee, Leslnakl added: The presi­ $35-a-month rentals. ton and Rocky HIU Veterqha hos­ DeHlhs man by Senator Alfred F. Weeh- /Cna* by the *oor« bf 69.to 63 last at New York, and Jo* at Boeton, chester Country Chib. The local day amid talk that Dan Topping ta in public plaeea In llancheaten nation through the use of coin dent set the figure in his State of TTie governor said he hoped for pitals, made possible by eiantribu- star, mined out on the James'B. tha «cor* o f 6T to S6. the latter holds a wide edge. This club is also seeking a new greens- on to* radio,” eald toe dappei into Madison Square Garden to­ folders, the drive will be a success, tier, Hartford Democrat. Senator, I wight la Naw'Britain. ready to pull M* New York Yan­ rMrd la the varioua aportlw the Union message to Congress early action too on his proposal tions from all the G a n ^ clube of Walter Ckeeaerka Til* Hardware City lade wet* SuUlvan award In 194S because The wlniMT* led all tha way, the Information, ahmg with to* CacU keeper . . . Coach Htwh Greer CMcagoan at the finish of toe night to risk their unspiotched rvento that will be aUged for the ’The main thing for the people to for the ap^ntm ent of a commis­ the Btato for this purpose. The Houoa also wraa named to member­ used two small men, Ed Gates *nd $15,000 Los Angeles Open. "When record against Long Island Uni­ kees out of the All-Americe Con­ last weekl Walter Chemerka, of 266 North ship on the rules committee and ' toe first to score la thu fast and hie color cost Mm southern votes. aeon being S to 4 at the end of and ftgurea, I* passed along by Mneflt of the polio W ve. ^ remember la to return Uielr coin 'Mr. Truman believes Congress sion to streamline the state govern­ clubs In the New London area have Main atraet, died at Mancheater first quericr and 29 to 7 at Earl Hllligan o f tb* American Stan SoroU, to advanUge In de­ 1 heard Dutch had 2S7, I knew I versity. ference. ly |a the donatlmw from the vart- folders, along writh a donation, tha Joint committee'on e x ^ t lv e furious cbntest and led throughout Jimmy 1 ^ , a national executive feating Rhode Island State, 68-48, With Easy Ed Macauley, the should provide for paying teachers ment He said he was eoeecislly been sanding during the planting Memorial hospital yesterday fol­ the first quarter. Starting the sec­ half Ume. From there on they Leagiia Service Bureau. W:'Uam* could coast In. with pars.” The N ew York Herald Tribune, ooa organlaatlona In town. during the period in which the anxious to assign the task to a season, all sorts of garden material nomlnationa. . committee member of the AAU : last Saturday night. A ‘ large That'a Just what he did—«c e p t beanpole All-American playmak- when school districts do not have MIm Joaephlne Kaehlnskl lowing a short iUness. Bom in Named as chairman of the d i l ­ ond period-^the locals • found coasted in. McCbbe with 15 poinu UfUm* major league overage Is quoting an "authorltatlvi^ source." Coin foldera are considered the drive Is scheduled. Coin bones will the money to staff their schools, commission that waa "clearly non­ for the tubercular children to ; crowd ts expected Thuraday nUht for a birdie two on the abort* 16th. er. In good health, the BiUikens m ost important of all. E^ch fol«^ Lithuania 57 jreara ag.o, ho had ate appropriations committee was toemaslvee and led by Al *)bu- and its northsastem Ohio secre­ woe the high scorer for toe win-- 354 whUe DiMagglo boosU a .330 said it' had learned Topping be located at various public places Lesinski said, adding: political.” plant and care for at the grounds tary-treasurer for many years, de i at the East Side Rec for the Re Mangrum finished three strokes are strong favorites to rack up er can hold a total of 20 dimes and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuchinski, of bean a resident here for SO years. Senator. Ooraelius MuhlhlU. cbowrsKl and Ed Koee played nera and liorlarty waa high with mark. League Accident Fund basketball planned to dissolve his football In- for use by those who feel they can "I told him I thought the Fed­ ’The governor's fifth special mes­ at Seaside sanltorium. ’ At one Ume he wras employed by .dared': • • Through ten seoaons of play at igU ahead of E. J. (Dutch) Harrison No. 10 In a row. terasta and rent the vaat Yankee has a slot for bills. It Is hoped give more and wish to do so.” 149 Oak street, announce the en­ Bridgeport Democrat. Chairman of absad to take to* lead.at Um half nine point* for to* Eagles. exMmtlon between the original In the other part of the double- eral government should do no sage. dealing with rent control and Contest Announces (2beney Brothfi* and prior to hlf "It seems obvious to me that In the second game Cheneys Fenway Park, DiMagglo baa done of Little Rock. Ark. Mangrum’* 72- Stadium to the Boston- entry of that each family will make an gagement of their daughter, Jose­ Mra. Brysnt also directed atten­ the finance oommittee WilU be Sen­ wbisUt by a score of SO to 27. Polish-Americana and the Rec All header, West Virginia plays City The 1M9 Manchester March of more than build the schools, but evictions, was issued today. It illneaa he was a machinist with toe New Britain came out from the Dillard fared badly In the South edged Moriarty, 54 to 46, but not well at tb* dish. He haa compiled a hole total of 284—scored under ad­ the rival National Football l/:aguc •varage donation* of 20 dimes or Dimes comes on the heels of one phine, to Charles G. Ecabert, son tion of the membera to the con­ ator Ntciiotae ’ J. Spellmani Nor­ Stars . . . Truman dow les re- verse ’ weather conditions—Just College of New York. he wants some money to help out recommended a change in the of Mr. and Mrs. diaries Ecabert Pratt * Whitney DlvislCn of the second half in fuU awing with bwauee of his color.” until they got It the hard way. The UfeUme batting average o t 335 in Ted Ck>Uins' Boston Yanks. «fter two dollars. o f the worst poliomyelitis epl- test among the garden dubs for wich Democrat, Dillard, a etiu: of the 1948 Olym­ porU the Manchester Division of equalled par. Two of the nation's remaining j a scries of financial rerarses. ob­ It was brought out at the meet- on paying teachers. That is what eviction law so that ”ttie burden of 453 Center street. United Aircraft CktrporaUon. Ho WoUkl throwing tremendous hook score st half time was 22 to IS games In wMch be has appeared the Connecticut SporUmen’e As- ^m lca In the nation’s history. Last he wants, and that is what he will the best alides of garden soenes er Tha committee assignments of pics In London and a June irradu- at Tom Yawkey’s ball yard. Thi* Eight strokes back was the de­ un'beateu teams—Western Ken-1 tained permiBsion last month to tnc that Just as there are families of eaUbllshIng hla right to regain waa a member of the Lithuanian shoots, and laft handed flip ebots and In the third period It looked socUtlon la plaiming on elaborate tucky and Minnesota—came year saw more new cases of polio get.” possession of a housing unit owned plants to be added to n permanent NaUonal Alliance of America. Manchester's membera of the ate at nearby Baldwin Wallace figure 1* 26 polnU taigber than the fending and National Open cham­ move their NFL franchise to New enSoee financial sUtua would make collection. It la hoped each club House of Reprm ntatives' will be of John Dobek, went out, abead ilk* on easy victory for to* silk spring and summer program of through last night to keep the recoided than In any year since by him should be definitely placed Mr. Chemerka leaves his wife, and never wss headed. College, finished fourth in SulHvan- makers. However, Morlarty's took .307 average compiled by the pion, Ben Hogen of Fort Worth. York, ^ two dolUr contribution unsound, 1916, and a total of 317,000,000 will enter three slides. She ad­ Hated tomorrow. evenU. DeUlla wijl be released Mangrum outsteadlcd three op- slimming ranks intact. t upon the landlord.” Mra. Barbara (Kuchlnskas) Chem- 'B ig Kom kept toe locals In toe awsrd balloting by Amateur Ath­ fire and at the end of toe third pe­ Splendid Splinter during seven Yankee officials refused to con­ there are other fam iliesjyho can was spent in the care of polio vanced toe opinion that toe annual letic Union nfflcials and rport* at a later date . . . The time is pouents.who started even with Western Kentucky extended its afford more than, the W dimes, Macnee Asslgnmenta erka; two daughtera. M m Robert ,gsm* with set shots, but to* PA’s r i^ the gap was 29 to 40. Within seasons (1039-1946) at toe House firm or deny the newspaper re­ patients In the 12-month period. State Senators News Tidbits March 'ffowrer show In West Hart­ writers. He wss second choice In ripe for a benefit basketball game Mm yesterday, and breezed in season’s streak to 11 games—the port. It la hoped that those who can af­ a. McBride and M m KaH H. 'could not overcome the borne five mlnutea Morlarty's were lead­ that Ruth Bum. Both players were between the Police and Fire De- nation's longest—by humbling the Several Manchester children are Benata Democrats went into a ford Armory would be a good place Rudla; two sons,, Jerome W. and Show Deficit 1946 and 1947. in service during the 1943-44-45 with a one-under-par 70 Just be­ Red Patterson, the club's publi­ ford to donate more will do so. M caucus shortly before noon to dia Called From (/P) Wires for subjects. The show Is expect­ forces. ing 43 to 42 and at the automaUc partmenU. Much rivalry existed fore flakes o t snow started to blow University of Louisville, 66-44. esdi family gives according to his at present under treatment for the Get Housing Bills; Vytau Chemorica and taro grand­ In toe preliminary game the Po­ Lee maintained that because of season*. city chief, gave out a statement disease. Half of the money col­ cues the committee assigfnmenta to ed to be bigger and better than DlUard’a failure to win tola moat time out the score was Ued at 45- lost summer when toe town de across Riviera's treacherous fair­ Minnesota won its tenth by de­ asserting: means, remarked one children all of Manchester. Could Be Cut lish American gtrle won another aU. WllUam*’ best year in tba major partmenU met on the softball field lected in the loca/ drive goes into be made by Senator Cornelius Mul- ever, and the datea already set are Funeral services will be held coveted award to an amateur ath­ ways to take the $2,600 flrat prize. feating Wisconsin, 47-33. It was "We have repeatedly stated that the committee, the drive will be a Follow Program vihlU of Bridgeport, the president Southern Democrats opposing March 17 to 21, Inclusive. game from the Holy Cross glria From here In the CSieney Uam leagues was In 1041 when he bat­ with the Coppers winning. the Minnesotans' second triumph the local chapter and the remainder Thuraday at 6:20 a.m. from the lete, he would prvas for either *boU- ted .406. That year. Ted Mt an Hla earnings last year were $45,- wc are willing to do anything to pro tempore. civil rights program threaten to Mra. Bryant turned toe meeting by the score o f 82 to 17. Uon of toe SuUWan award or a aau unngs tta own way anu scored Shots Here and Thera in the Western Conference. ***^B!*conaensus of the conOTlttee Is used for research work by the fight suiy.Senate move to end fili­ Leclerc Funeral Home, Main at (CentlBued from Pag* Owe) Relcble and ZagorakI were the amazing 317 at New York, get But 450 fan* paid to witness the 000 plus,' topping Hogan—who bring about peace in pro fcxitball. National Foundation for Infantile Reports from the House were over to Misa Mazy Chapman, the ban on voting In the Bouti when nine points whUe Moriarty coutu quit the tournament trail late in In one of the evening’s major ! This would even include, becoming was that If everyone contrlbuw (CoBtinned from Page Oae) busters with their most potent horticultural chairman, who call Hudson street; with a eolemn high local laosiea while SoblersJ and ting 10 base knocks in 29 trips. Bristol Tramps-Hartford IJurri surprises, the Oklahoma Aggies raralysls. Last year's drive netted that committee asslinimenta would roses at BL Bridget's church at ter must be deducted from to* net a Negro Is a top contender. not nno the hoop, it was a well the seaaon, by some $11,000, a landlord at Yankee Sta^um." through the coin folders. It will not be made there until tomorrow. weapon: The flHbuster. . . . Presi­ ed attention to toe exhibit of fresh Dslechl played beat for the Hard­ ' ptayed and hard fought game Hs Mt 33 In 1930, had a .306 aver canes exhibition basketball game rolled over Bradley with ease, 64- be nwessary to resort to about $8,500. make possible an average rent of nine o’clock. Burial will be In St. Rinoiint. . Bob Mathias. 17-year-old Olym- ago in 1940, 316 In 1942 and .817 Harrison, shooting cautiously He added, however, that such a House and Senate clerks received dent Juan D. Peron, with the solid flowers, picked outdoors, consist­ ware (3lty girls. •ignt down to' the final whteUe. In Bristol last Sunday wblch waa SO. move would be made only with the $35 a month. backing o f his controUing Peron Bridget’s cemetery. An anticipated $63,000 for salary' The kUnriMSter jiirla ^pMyed !plc decatholon champion, won the in 1048. In 1047, he batted 350 at won by toe Tramps — by twenty and getting an even par 71 for the more than three score bille which ing of Chrlstniaa roeea, aconite, a Ml;im'*n troph.v...... last year with 228 cor tha Silk Men it was J. Klem- George Washington's Colonials, blessings of the other members of The bill gives the Mvemor au­ lata party, proposes that con snowdrop, ’ ' vtolaa and Johnnie- Friends may call at toe funeral ihcreasea to s'lpenlsory personnel toe usual good game beating one the stadium and In 1046 batted a poinU! • • • Wallingford and Tor- last round, pocketed $1,900. Tied, thro'wn into the national spotlight Proverbial Hundredfold had been filed vrith the secretary home from seven o’clock this sve- would also be deducted. This points. Second and third were schmldt witn 13 pomU and tisn- at 288, one stroke behind Harrison, the AAC. Low, Middle Wage thority to direct the treasurer to of the state’s office between stltution be amended to eainpel Jump-Upe; alio a lovely white of the best girls teams in the Po­ measly .147 with but five hiU in 34 rington had the R 80 sign up for when guard Dave Shapiro gave issue bonds and anticipation notes, ning until the service. would leave a deficit of about $30,- lish Ltsgue. Bloxle dras the eot- two basketbsll players-n-Bob Kur­ coaa with U to set toe pace lor trips. He went hitless in eight of were Eric Monti, the surprise "Wp dp not intend to wiilidraw Reward Is Received election day and inauguration, in foreigners to apply for Argentine primula potted plant, from her the winner*. For Moriarty a it was their games with the Manchester authorities evidence that led to up to $145,000,000, "at such times, citizenship after, two years resi­ 000. stsndlng player for both t^sams land, who plsvfd on tne Olympic eleven games. from nearby Santa Monica; Jim- from the All-Arncrica Conference accordance with new legislation greenhouse, which Mlsa Chapman tesm. and AUtne Banks Sprouse jocKo with 17 points I be the Guards last Thursday night and the arrest of four on attempted If we leave a Ibt of other clubs May Dodge Hikes In sucb amounts and denomina­ dence in that country. . . . Two gave as a door prise, Mra. Fred Owrles John Baokefeu, Jr. This Mtlmate wrould i.tni leave controlling both boards and block? GlMag’s best year at Boston Sunday afternoon In the Eastern my Demarct of OJal, Osllf.; Bill bribery charges, trampled North Voluntown, Jan. 11.—(IP)— adopted by the last General Assem­ Charles John Backofen, Jr„ 60, of Atlanta, nine times All-America game's high scorer. Nary o f Phontx. and Leland Gib­ holding toe bag,” he said. tions and for auch term or terms bly. Heretofore" the Introduction of white farmers face trial on murde- Robinson of Porter street drew the the.New Haven dlvtsion with a Ing numerous shots. was In 1939 when be rammed op­ League . . . The annual (Connecti­ CaroUna, 64-41. ’ Hcrschel Johnson, automobile as may be determined by the gov­ died suddenly this morning at hla in the Women's National AAU Cheneys (54) posing pitching for a .446 merk son of Kansas City. This concession on the part of (OMtlnaad fromilhige 22 The fact that DlUard received 0 4 scheduled at, Salisbury, Conn, over nois eked out a 64-63 verdict over ing point for peace when directors ing meters, W'aa rewarded thq the "full faith and credit" of the Adams, Masa., the son of Charles 9Beach Open a week ning edge. newsmen. ”You can’t tell with ac­ an endeavor to do his dally ' They were Introduced by Rep. Union Pacific ”d t y of Los An­ den club in the past. Roderick’s pany- 6 W. Parclak, U .. 2 i- i 5 playing court. One of the Ken. affair earlier had been set for New cd by the governor with the con. geles” streamliner Is derailed aft­ mother waa a Manchester girl, Georg$ and Ernest o f Rockville; 4 4-5 12 Morlarty’s (45) Times have changed. One year from Fridav. Mangrum sail he’ll In the Southeastern Conference, York In February, j curacy by Feb. 15 what you are good turn. Whenever he de­ John A. Minetto (R ) of Goshen. In 1948 Hartford dlvlsinn 0 Staum, If ...... B tucky players grabbed the hall sent of the Senate. er striking balldo/rr' In eastern Mattie Alderman, also deceased. one slater. M m Anna Reinhold of revenue wes $220,721 and th« fli- 4 Rose, c ...... 8 3-5 19 Stars Join School ago Manchester wss digging itself compete in both. Tennessee barely topped Vander­ A peace move, initiated by to* going to do in the following posits a coin in a meter he The first commissioner would Another new bill proposes that out of a heavy snowstorm and toe I dribbled In and dropped In a bra plMcs a small card in the ve­ Wyoming town. Roderick Is with a Southern nurs­ Rockville and three grandchildren. ture estimate places it at $810,699 0 Kuriowicz, e . . . . 0 0-0 0 Grlscl, rf . bilt, 53-51, and Louisiana State younger All-America gtVup, fell hiqdUui*'# serve until February 1, 1951 the state pay $100 toward the temperature waa around sero.! ket. The timer’s gun went off. the hicle's windshield, which U.N. request for permission to ery concern and another brother Funeral servlees will be held under toe proposed far* Increase. 5 Zamaiti*. rg . . . . 1 1-3 3 Philadelphia. Jan. II.—<>P)—Lou Oudek, rf . won from Mississippi State, 64-40. fiat Just before Christmas. cannon said h« would work to Thereafter, he would be named for burial expenses of alt veterans and remains with toe Bristol Niursery Thursday at 2 p. m. at the La^Jd Brissie, etar rookie Jeft-handed Kelly, if .. Youngsters were dlspUylng new referee’s whistle blew and Ken- Southern Coirfcrence fireworks Five delegates from the AAC reads, "It's later than you members of the armed forces, re­ visit Indonesian republic leaders Cltv Manager Sharpe and Cor­ 0 C. Parlos, rg . . . 0 I-l I sleds on various sliding stress and | tuckv had won the game by one rut off every possible dollar from four‘ years. held by the Dutch hns been turned on Chippena Hill, Bristol. Funeral Honne with the Rev. H. R 0 2-2 2 pitcher,-and Elmer Valo, hard-hit­ Rivera, If . saw Washington A Le* down Vir­ went to Philadelphia to seek an the president’s budget, half of think.” gardless of the survivors’ ability poration (Counsel Frans J. Oarlaon 4 Server, Ig ...... Christmas present skates were be-' point! ' ______Varying Methods Listed down te'lnporarily by Dutch nu- George C2ark, a long-time mem­ Olmstead offIciaUng. Tha body appeared *t the hearing this morn­ 0 Koaak. I g ...... 0 0-0 0 ting r i^ t fielder, have been added Barnard, c Local Sport ginia, 75-(M, and Wake Forest agreement In the cold cash war which Mr Trumsm has earmarked The main housing bill lists vary­ to pay. Such payments are now to the fa u lty of Connie Mack's Helm, rg . score over Richmond. 63-51 that is costing both sides heavily. made only In cases where the fam­ thorities. . . .Full Investlgntlon ber of the club, and an experi­ will be taken to Springfield for ing but had not gone on record as for the cold war with Russia. proposed expenditures are to be ing methods for paying state sub­ la under way following arrests of enced gardener, gave an interest­ cremation and burial wW be at 21 T o U ls ...... 24 15-22 63 baseball ochool and tryout camp. Gustafson. rg Georgetown defeated Maryland, But the rival factions couldn’t cannon called Uie budget “ the voted. sidies. ily Is unable to meet burial ex­ opposing the'petition. Both men The school will start Feb. 7 at Chatter 53-61. ■ penses. three Jewish refugees and three ing account of his experiments In Melroae cemetery. The family re­ questioned company witneaass as Worth, Ig couldn’t come to terms. moat practical that-could be pre­ No one singled out any specific 'The state housing commissioner suspected smugglers on small growing Ekwter Ulles, and propa­ quests that flowera be om ltt^. West PMm Beach, Fla. Jocko, Ig . Italians Oppose BA’s ,. In the East, Duquesne trounced According to The Herald Tri­ sented at this Ume" but l^cuFed places for budget cuts. would be empowered to enter Into Poaa IMlclency BUI to to* effect on company revanua Maaeheeter (62) Briaeie and Valo join a teach­ Bitter to swallow ars one point St. Francis of Brooklyn, 75-62, bune. Topping will announce dis­ I-lorida key. . . .British 'Foreign gating them from twn> parent Friends may call at the funeral of an anticipated 7 per cent de­ B - Pt* that If followed It would result in On the surface at least, there contracts with a municipal houa The Senate and House, acting Office spokesman says Britain has plants. He has hsd remarksbie home Wednesday evening. ing staff" that includes, Irs Thom­ Totals . .20 45 defeats. The Guards dropped sin­ and Rhode Island State whipped solution of the Yankees at toe dellcit for the fiscal year beginning was no sentiment for eulMtantlal ing authority or a group of hous­ crease In passenger fares If toe ZagorsM. r t . 8 1-2 7 gle marker verdicts to the Bristol under suspension of the rules, “no intention whatsoever” of al­ success within s few yesrs, and 12 as, head of the Philadelphia Ath- Rutgers, 75-57. (Hilcago meeting. The move is whacking at the military and In­ ing authorities to provide aid in fare Increase la granted. Mr. Rclchle. If . . 5 2-4 letica' scouting system, CTiidf Ben­ Silk City Plays Balch’s Tramps and Torringtoti Howards planned because of “severe loose* July 1. quickly passed a deficiency appro­ lowing Otto Strasoer, former asso­ now has dozens of young plants Blosie, c . . . . 2 1-1 5 Knights The president himself cstiinateU ternational parts of the budget so the form of loans, a griarantee by priation bill giving the state treas­ ciate of Hitler, to return to Brit­ some of which have already blos­ Sharpe said that he will report to der, Eric McNair and Bernie and dropped a three-point verdict Chapter Triuinplia at the gate,” the paper said. long as the International picture the state of notes of the authority, the Common 0>unctl for a decUlon Hdlland, rg - . 0 3-3 u GucsL to the WalUngford Veterans. A the deficit for the year at $873,- urer $76,338 needed to meet an in­ ish zone of Germany fj^m Cana­ somed and expects a fine showing About Town 4 Yogel, r f ...... The 'Yankees, however, contin­ 000,000 but.he has proposed that remains unclear because of Rus­ annual contributions or suiy com­ da. ^ as to the official stand of to* city .Vittner, rg . . 2 0-1 break the other way in all three ued to sign playera for 1949. The terest payment on veterans' bonus by Easter., Dowd, Ig .. ' 1 2<^ 4 Tlnsze, If . ■ • • BA’ s Need Victory to Joba Mather Chapter (4) It be wiped out and some cash be sia. bination of these forms of aid. bonds due Jan^ 15. Rep. George C. on toe proposed fare increase. .Marines Defeat Aircraft games would have given the Johnson...... 71 89 93 1 latest is George (Barney) Poole, Miss Chapman answered many LakoU Council. No. 61, will hold McCabe, c . . . . Sports Schetlule provided for national debt pay­ The staggering outlays for these In giving direct aid to munici­ Conway, majority leader, told the questions from toe membera on Pocket, rg Stay in Running fo r , Guards three xlctories instead of MacDonald .. 90 97 86 S All-'America end at the 'University purposes accounted largely for the a bingo party tomorrow night at Total* . 13 6-13 32 Slarlnea (8) reversals. of Mississippi, who waa lured ment by biking tax rates. palities, the bill provides that the House the deficlenfcy occurred be­ biilbs, house plants and the vari­ Klein, r g ...... Tonight Coleman ___ 103 91 101 : ■ "It’s a matter o f clear arithme­ fact that the budget submitted by state take Into consideration the cause the state had to pay 1 1-8 Rent Control Czar ous things In which they were In­ the home o f the chairman, Mra. Public Keconls New Britain Dyaenchuk. ..112 131 97— 340 Rec Loop First Round' away from the NFL Giants with a Salvatore 'Veiidrillo o f 67 Alton St. George, Ig IA,’s vs. BA’s. 7 p. m.—Rec. Schubert . . . . 102 83 80 3 tic that we will have a deficit If the prasident tops by $I,678,006, “cost, location, size, the varying per cent Interest on the bonds In­ terested. Hhc also brought a sup­ M ille r...... 112 112 107— 831 Recuperating at Manchester Me­ Leggett ...... 94 104 98 296 lucrative contract. street. Playing will start at Isbra, rf . . . . . Johnson ...... 104 103 120— 327 Sumlelaokl, Ig Honors; Play at SUk City vs. Balch’*, 8:15—R*e. morial hospital are Bill Stevenson we go along with the president's 000 the budget for the present fis­ Incomes and varying rent-paying stead of the 1 .per cent that was ’’Urged by Bowles ply of the new season's catalogues Marriage licenses cal year, wh'.ch had held the 7:45. Prises win be swarded t^e Stutach, rf .. Wlerxblckl ..106 110 112— 328 Wedneoday, Jan. 12 and Sammy Felice. The latter Is program,’’ said Representative abilities of tenants,, or other fac­ contemplated when the boniiis ap­ and a number of new books on Howard Irving Crotoera of Totals ,.19 9 47 Totals ...... 'S o 464 458 1382 Hattsck of Indiana. Republican peacetime record for size. tors bearing upon the amounts and propriation was made two ycau-s lilies, roses and garden subjects in winners and refreshments served. Delaehl, if ... Malecky .....1 1 1 139 133— 383 Standings Weaver vs. High, 8:30—Armory. well known in field trial circles. Membera have the privilege of In Mansfield Depot add Marion K*th- Silk a t y Eagtos (26) W. Advisory Board (0) leader in the last Congress. periods of assistance needed to ago. (Contlnoed frum Page One) general. Gerardl, if ... Tknrsday. Jaa. IS 77 86 vltlng friends. erine Prue of Mansfield Depot. Totals .545 695 569—1709 WUlie’s GriU 5 Red Gavello ia sidelined with a FriU ...... 97 Public WUI Have To Be Cut achieve the purpose of this act. The House then recessed until SobicraJ. c .. PA Old Ttmera vs. Rec All Stars Russell ...... 90 80 101 lation which will enable a land-' Wedding date not announced. Ssala, c ...... Department 267 (1) Lebieds, rf . . . . British-Americans 5 leg injury and w1U not play Thurs­ Representative Taber (R-NY), “It Is declared.” the bill says, 1:30 p. m„ to permit Democratic 8:30—Rec. Zeke, ...... 82 73 68 Israel to Hit lord to secure possession' of his Christmas lights on Main street H o w i^ Junior Smith of -Glas­ Gwadsa, e ... LS P a g e ...... 105 110 1 1 2 - 327 Krob, if ...... Batch Pontlscs . .4 Friday, Jan. 14 day night with the Guard* at Bris­ Stenographer Appropriations chairman In the "thst In addition to an acute members to caucus on committee tonbury and Marie Bsmtlna Ber- VIncek, if ...... Nelson ...... 92 106 103 shortage of low Income rental property “where the tenant has Fall From Tree are being taken dowm today by Sobrle, rg . . . Wilke ...... 112 102 115— 329 Ttelian-Amerlrans 3 New Haven vs. Guards, 8:3 0 - tol. The Guards' captain suffered P. M. BRODERICK SOUt congress' said the budget will assignments. nardl of Glaatonbury, wedding by Landry :.....114 108 93- 815 G^man, If • - • • the injury three weeks ago and re- Graif . 97 91 78 have to be /cu t down to earth." Britain Again housing, there Is also a serious failed to pay his rent or created a the Eddy Awning Company of New Kaminski, rg Silk City A. C. . ! . ;3 Armory. genuine nuisance.” Britain. The lights were‘Installed Justice of toe peace January 15. Myagei, Ig .. Jutras ...... l i r 109 119— 345 Plummer, c .. . Laurels ...... 3 Saturday, Jan. 15 Injured the leg against Torrlngton 843 Main SU T«L 2-1642 Taber didn't say where It should shortage In urban, suburban, and Injures Worker Gordon Taylor Neddow of , 4 TotaU ...... 458 527 436 rural areas of moderate rental He wants it to contain a provi­ early In December under the Joint aUxucla, Ig .. Brown 88 112 96^?- 298 Shaw, ...... neaners ...... 1 Cleaiiiera va^ Laurels, 7 p. m.— last Sunday. be cut, m t RepreMntatlve Bloom (Continued from Page One) Broad Street end Irene Bqrbars Oordera, rg .. , housing for families of veterans of NaUonalists Acliiiii sion that a tenant be given a min­ sponaorahip of the Mancheater Kaceys ...... 'O R ec. (D-NY)/slated to head the House (ihaunber of Commerce and toe Savlsksa of 246 High street, wed­ 5-9 17 Totals .536 541 537—1611 Bolduc, rg . . . . Johnny Bycholskl is expected i Affairs committee, cau- World War II and of other citizens imum of six months and a maxi­ F.arl Bell. 31, of 473 Wetherafleld T o ta ls...... ■ Kaceys va Grill. 8:15—Rec. counter-complaint against Britain, of the state of moderate Incomes mum of 12 months in cases where avenue, Hartford, employed as a merchants. Lights were turned ding January 22 a t . St. James’ ElUa. rg. Sunday, Jan. 16 home from California this week­ agalnst deep slashes In the but the. Israeli delegation said last Loss of Tientsin; The Rec Senior League will having vary’.'g abilities to pay, en­ an owner wants ts recover his tree surgeon by the Bartlett Tree on before Christmas and used until church. Hutchinson. Ig swing into action again tonight Bristol vs. PA’s. 3:30—Rec. end and will be back with the [ program. night the question still wss under property for his' own use or the New Year’s. They were strung Trade Name Moriarty, Ig . • - Guards next week. To make room line with the president’s re­ dangering the health of such fami­ company of 'Hamford, fell .fifty with two games thst should be consideration. lies and. constituting a menace to Reveal No Details use of members of his immediate feet this morning from a tree here serosa Main street from Schom Cfiiester B. OsoskI of 89 Union for Bycholskl on the Guards' ros­ recommendation that most Bban's news conference was ex­ family. and Main streets to the Center, street doing busineM as Hsrmeny TH.[ KJHHLl SHOP present' Jf)[;|^ [jO[]fl[}] .10 26 full of excitement and thrUla in the All Stars Trip Cards ter. C oa d Earl Yost will be the health, safety, morals, welfare and suffered facial and head In- Totals first game. The Itaiialn-Americans the requested $4,000,000,000 tax pected to end Just before the Se­ With "only very limited excep­ and to toe telephone .building on Bens Orchestra of Hartford. dropped as an acWve player. aae comer from corporations and comfort of inhabitants there jurits. will meet ‘ he front running Brit­ curity Council met at 3 p. m. (e. of.” (rontinued from Page Ooel tions," Bowles declared, "no other East Center street and to* Munici­ Dsvlae Hartford Boot Toalgbt W ^ Side An Star* (91) /and perhaps from higher Income The injured man was removed ish-Americans and the second Pts. s.t.) on the Indonesian question. reasons than the above should be to the Manchester Memorial hos­ pal building on Center street. Estate of Gustave A. Banaemer B. F. JImmv Carton, former Yale groups. Representative Eberharter ToM I.^'avr Vaeanrles Unfilled game will find the SUk Cltv A. C. ...1 2 0 24 This made It unlikely that the Oovemor. Bowles Instructed all four government-owned factories accepted as the basis for evlci pital by a fellow worker. The mis­ to Helen B. Newmeyer, prwperty A swarthy, sharp-rfeatured Mig­ Benoit, rf ...... player with the local Navajo hock­ (D-Pai, coming up with a tax (Council would take up the Pales­ h.ive been loaded aboard s steam­ tion." A possible exception, he ' Corporal | Eraest McNally of on Center etreet. THE POET'SAID THAT COMING uel Acevedo trains trip-hamm« and toe Balch Pontiacs battling it McGuire. If ...... 14 2 SO ey team, suffered a cut chin last plaii, said he believes Increases state budgeted agencies today to hap tw k place shortly after 9 out. 0 4 tine issue today even If one of the leave unfilled all personnel vacan­ ship for transfer to Formosa. •■tald, would be the condemnation o'clock this morning. 830 Main street la among several DIalribatlofi .^aapons on rugged Qem Custer o f MeCurry, c ...... 2 Sunday while playing and several should be aimed at corporations EVEifTS CAST THEIR SHADOWS These twx> games wlU end the I . . . 7 0 14 parties files s formal complaint. cies pending a "Icareful reappraisal Asked whal is being done to of property to make room for es­ It was reported at the hospital National Guard members who have Estate of Gustave A. Banaemer Detroit in the,ten-found sUr bout Roach, e ...... atltchSa were taken at the Man­ and persons whose Incomes arc U. S,. Delegate Philip O. Jessup prevent the wholesale flight of sential public construction. berii assigned to Air Force and to Charles G. Banaemer, a lot In at the Hartfolrd Auditorium to­ first round for these teams and MoIIer, rg ...... 5 0 10 chester Memorial hospital. of their needs.” that Befi did sot suffer any brok­ 8EFOnE YM. IT LOOKS. RAGS, next Saturdsy will end the flrat $16,000 or more. was expected to return this morn­ Chinese officials from the capital, Burden Should Be On Landlord Army schools for special courses. West Cemetery. night. Acevedo, mean-vlsaged CM-„ Finlay. Ig ...... 1 1 3 Besides freezing all pAsonnel en bones. Face and hCad Injuries 6 Doughton withheld comment oh ing from Washington where he vacancies,' the governor directed one officlsl still here explained; Bowles asserted that the bur­ Corporal McNally, who is a mem­ Qnltclalra Deed ban featherweight champion, has round for'all clubs. Sherman. I g ----- .. . 3 0 There will be a meeting VTednes- $hat suggestion but said some tax den of establishing hla right to re­ were shght Sell was admitted as AS IF WE'D BE IN THE ' The British-Americans must win day night at 7:30 at the Elaat Side took part yesterday in State de­ department heads to set aside as "For awhile strict orders were a patient after emergency treat­ ber of Hq„ 1st Battalion. 169Ui Connecticut Power company to won six of seven fights hsre, snd ■ ■ boost “Is possible." partment discussions on the Indo­ a reserve 25 per cent of their ap­ cover possession of a housing Imit Infantry, win attend Quartermas­ Arrtgo Almetti, property on Bla- lost a close duke to caiame Kll-y tonight In order to stay In first 44 3 91 Rm for all Rec Senior League Some Pemocrats contended that issued to keep ail officials at their "skoiild be definitely placed upon ment. MOVIES BEFORE LONG. place and a defeat at the hands of Cardinals (51) managers. This meeting la ital where he Is undergoing Adams, Msm ., announce the en­ Join In Approving Bequest newsmen in further explanation: what to do. One ministry employe to add to their collection of paint­ caiVisd a special award aa.- out­ in a three way tie for third place. Some Repubilcana Joined with Tm new on hla job.and I want said: frauc) or otherwise to circumvent treatment for a fractured Jaw. At­ gagement of their daughter, MWa A victory for SUk City would put Patients Today ...... 150 ings, in both oil and water colors, torney Jatokaon was Injured at his standing bock In the PhlladelpMa Democrats In approving the prea- to know what’s happening.” "I have worked for the govern­ the law in order to evict a tenant,” at to* Reid auction In American Eos D. Stetson, teacher In jt-znehea- them In a tie for third place also. Admitted yesterday: Mrs, Irene Bowles asserted. . , home wliile breaking in a saddle ter achoola, to John Burke of district last *eaaon. Ident's request to expand social Copeland, 87 Starkweather street; WUI Not Be "EmtemaBed’* . ment 15 years. During that time I Legion hall on Leonard street, Indict Four Men on Charge security Insurance by hiking from The chief exeeutiv’e, meeting ran from the Japanese from Nan­ ” I believe,” he continued, "that Thuraday at I o’clock; and at'toe borae^ He aUpped and fell under­ Plaaaant street, Adams. Ms m . Sandra Winters, 28 Scarborough eviction control leglalattolt can be neath toe horse’s, hooves while The date of the w-edding has hot one to one and one-half per c^nt road; Mrs. Theresa LSbate, 68 with the newamen as the General king to Hankow to Chungking. I same time aoaUt a most worthy I next July 1 the old age insurance am .not going to run any more. If provided which will respect the institution, the Newington Home leading It around a training track. been decided on. ■ O f Attempt to Bribe Player Wetherell atree't; Mrs. Florence Assembly returned to work empha­ fundamental and crucial rights of payrdl tax on workers and adding Cbalfant, 299 Main street; Harry sized that no Institution now in whatever power takes over doesn't and Hospital for Crippled Children, »,000,0QQ'pmple .to the 3 0 ^ .0 0 0 want me, I’U go back to my native the ownership of real property and which Is residuary legatee of toe (loodwin, 1109 Middle Turnpike, need of help would be "embar­ at the same time eliminate. the now covered. There was leas sup­ east; Cktberine Hsmiltop, Rock­ rassed’’ by hla directive. home. But I will not become a eatsto of George N. Phelps, late New York,-' Jan. 11— Four f based on offers allegedly made to port for hit proponad health Insur­ ovictien threat which has brought of East Hsddam. Shapiro last month in a Washing- ville; Howard Sentiff,, 122 West In the directlce itself, the gov­ pplttical refugee from my owm .xiich . misery and Insecurity to men were indicted yesterday on ance program—to be financed the Street; WIlUam (Prison, 104 ernor said: country. A pre-view of the paintings will . . . . I hot®!. M convicted the defend- thousands of Connecticut fami­ be granted after 11:00 s. m. on > m s i n / i T N E charges ®: attempting to bribe a wquld be liable to a maxi- flrat year by payroll tax of one- Spruce street; Rosehiary Arm­ "It la obvious that we must That oentiment appeared to be lies.'’ StTTKR COFTgg —T1 fourth of one per cent on em­ strong, 37 Purnell place; Mrs. mak4 the most effective use of the general among middle class gov- the day of toe aale. They have I playet to "fix” college basketball J mum of five years in prison and a b m brought to the Legion home ployes and the same ' amount on Martha Schnleder, ^ckvillt^ Mrs. state's financial resources.” erhment workers still here. 1 SALE <^F DOG BEDS (fame*. ; $10,000 fine. employers. (The health tax would He aald that "prompt action” Peace rumors continued to- flo^- In Manchester for the convenience Manhat- 1 Conviction on toe New York in PhyUls Phaneuf, 85 Birch street; of people In tola rantral section Cloeing Oat Om Stock At Orwitly Reduced Prices A Neilv Y'ork (Jounty ^ e steeply aittor the flrat year). Judith Ferguson, 605 Hartford would be given Jo specific recom­ from, every direction. One govem- Coiiicerl Planned ALL Th is w e e k a t p i n e h u r s t Jiirv inSlcted all four I dictmenta could bring imprlaon- The two plana together would road. mendation for unfreezing vacan­ Xiant official cautioned, "It's no of the state who appreciate the MOTORS tan) Grand Ju^ ! „ent from one to five year* and a best in art. About 80 oils and defendanU, and a Federal Grand rate payroll taxes about $2,000,- Admitted today: Mrs. Mary cies when Justified, . use talkin;! about peace until we., " BvGClefCliib $10:50 De Luxe Beds Reduced to .... $8.95 Jury in Washington, ,D. C., in­ fin* up to $10,000. 000,000 the first yehr, water colors, painted by well Shapiro, who was praised highly Hellandbrand, 60 Lockwood street; 'Likewise,'' he' said, "Jiiatified know what the'Oommunists wani/ known artists and collected by Mr. Shurfine Coffee VALVE GRIND dicted three of them.- Rrareasntatlve Eberharter es- Patricia McCarthy, 6 Edlaon requests for the release of Che 25 And .they are not-'seylng.” Tli* accused—all tree in bail of by authorities hers for coopera­ • UaMtad that his tax plan wrould The ezeentive committee of the Phelps during his lifetime, will be $6.95 Beds Reduced t o ...... $5.50 tion In a montho-long Investigation, street; Earl Bell, Hartford; Mrs. per cent allotment reserve will be D^ng Talking With Guns placed in toe auction. Part* and Labor 6 Cylinder $18.00 $20,000 each—are Jeck Levy. 9®. yMd* about $$,$00,000,000. thU Lillian Christ, 43 Foster street. ainiUarly expedited.” Communists are doing' their' G Clef Club met last evening st of Midml, n * .; William RlvUn. said the defendant* offered him a IncidentaUy, toe fine home and 48c $1,000 bribe to see that hla Uam Discharged yesterday: Fmd Governor Bowles reported at talking with, ^ n s op the ap­ the home of Miss Anns Kuts, the real eatate comprising more than $5.50 Beds Reduced to . . .,...... $4.25 43: Jooaph Aronowitz, 35, and T '‘affld’* excess profits tax, $>,- Beale,' 85 Tanner street; Walter hla press conference that blUa to proaches to Nanking and in the treasurer. . .AvaBaMa la Red er Oraea Celan PMUp-Klaln, 34. The last three are lost by 16 polnta to Manhattan MftjOOOJIOO; imnoval of some tax 50 acres, overlooking the Con­ And 44 ox. cans of W« carry a complete 8 Cylinder College, of New York City. Georpe Kaeney, 27 Adams street; Austin carry out his prograiQ were now northern city of Tientsin. . During the holiday season, the necticut River In East Hsddam, is from New York. t a k t gnatad last year to higher Bioaell, 156 Xfidrtdge street; Mrs. being prepared by his staff, and club w.aa in receaa. NoW, with Shnrfine Tomato stock of ffcnoine Pontiac They have denied r the charges Washington, a IS-point uiidardog The heaviest fighting waa 150 for sale privately. .Anyone desir­ in the betting, won 71 to 63. tnaome groupa, |S5l,000J>00: a* MUdrad Zueco, Riverton, Oona. that the flrat to bk Introduced miles northwaat o f the capital. En­ plans for toe forthcoming spring Juice At 25e can All Leather Goods Reduced 10% parts. since their arrest here last .Tues­ teeraaai la eofpanito aurtaxaa, ing particulars may apply to Ray $20.00 Diacharged today: Mrs. Eleanor would concern housing. ' circled government forces there concert In view, the girts are pre­ or Cordon Reid, day night They were accused by The Washington indictments, $Mg,A00,00i: a boost la aatata had MathewMa. East Hartford; Mrs. The governor made housing the comprise the remnants of the paring for this snnutd event. This While toe paintings comprise David Shapiro of New York, co- the Aielatant U. S. Attorney there |$n tmcaa. |60S,000,000. Edna. HaiTia and daughter. Rock­ subject of one of the flve supple former Suchow garrison under year's concert win prove to be a caplaln of the bsaketball team of eald contained three counts alleg­ Senator ratgusoa (R „ Mleb.) of toe finest collection the auctlonears ville; Mra. Marie Zlpfel, 38 Maple menUry messages he has sent tb Command of Gen. Tu Lt-Ming. narade of fashion for toe gtrts. have had to offer at any one time, Georg* Washington University. ing these offers to Shapiro: $1.0^ the Apmowlafimia ooam lttaa aald •treet the General Assembly since his (A C\>mmuniat broadcast. yes­ The new uniform* '•« preview­ there will be a number of other Waobingtoe. ' of offering him a isat Dec. 5 to try to loe* a gams h £ « a ^ ^ a UJOtOfiOOfiM ganar- Births jreatarday: A daughter to tnauguraUoa Wednesdi^.. ed formally at thia time. items to interest collectors such as $1,000 brib* to throw a game at with North Carolina Stata on Dec. attai a taa mwJa balaaea the bud- terday sxld the Nationalist force GENERAL REPAIRING Mr. sad Mrs. Thaodort Hladky. - It and the .othera, concerning the had haan "compl«tely wlpad out” The ticket coaunttte* haa been Canton, Delft. Limoges end hand- K e r n e l Madleeii Sffuara Oardea that night 6; $10,000 on Dae. 5 to lost all the gM uBleas IMra are sednoaBaa.. Rockville; « daughter to Mr. and pay o f state employes, the ques­ as a fighting forco. The endrcled chosen to hondl* the drive for tola painted china; French clock*, cab­ li Pays To Rely On A Dependable The Washington indictment* remaining. gamea on his team’s ChaBmiam la Ommtaaa Mrs. Joseph MlMeri, 48 f f ft h tion of racial ,eegregatlon In the year’s concert O. Albert Pearson, inets. chasts and one old curly ma­ SUPPLT SHOP EstaUMrd Dealer named Lisvy. Aronowitz ai.d Klein, cchcdule; and $1,000^ on Dec. 19 to X U liem Appcopelaaona corn- troops, origtoally numbering 250,- E x r if^ r , >' k^OAbiiD Behool s tr ^ t National Guard, reorganisation of OOd men, had been cut . to JSO.OOO director: Mia* Jeanette Paton, ple four-poster bed. tu wi iiu :^ FHEt DELIVERY S m IbiIr . Clia Assistant U. 8. Attorney John W. try to lose a game with the Uni' mtUemmn, ffaaater Btiaeill 1(0., Births today: A son to Mr. and the state government and evic­ nresident; , Mra. • Doris McKinney, The Reid brothers and toslr as­ © rtneily **M tiw indictmeaU w*r* T ^ t y o f V irginia on Dbc. 80. ^ 4 '. aald the bW M t la a ebal' by (Tommunist estlmafe Sunday. Mrs. Idmwood jitsgmsn. 38 E as_ tions anfl rent control, were to be . (Ilia Red hrbadcaat, heard In financial secretary and Mlea Ruth sociates hope to welcome - their ttnf» to Cbngreaa to *Wava the abvst; • daughter to Mri and Mra. delivered today- to the Democratic How*, aosiatant busthesa mans many friends at the coming auc­ rmwage** to raise taxes If all the San Francisco by The Aasociatod Adam Rhodes. 16 Plymouth Isne. ermtr?lled ,g»nat». From therr Preda vara no detsOOL) . ger. compose to* committee. tion. \ 1/ ■ ^ ■ . ■ f X- ■

./ L>! .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALU, MANt’.HES'lER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, W4> MANUML'Si'ISK KVtSNINU HKUALU. MANCHKSiTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 l, 194P rAQM - 7 72 Tbe Meav Window Painting— Papering 21 Fnel and PcBd 49A B mm«Im)M Goods 61 Waatod to Root •K Houses fm Hale , "You don’t Slid ma wactybii AatBMMbOM fBT Sal* 4 Bnsim n Scrvicw Offdrcd' 16 tooiNBitvnxa t o w BY'FONTAINE FOX (Kitchener-Watcrloo, Ont. (ton! about poatority*,’’ aald a msa aa PAPERING, laaida painting, eaU- FOR SALEr-Ssaamwd hardwood FREEZERS—B9C«v 34 cu. ft . new. RESPUNtMBLB . busineea man de- MANCHESTER 4-room, dwelling; . Record) relief, "posterity navar did aay* SRATBB Sharpened and kaya nuidera conveniences which Jn- iaga Whitened, Boon aandad and and baled hay. Phone Mancheeter Beat quality 'ast' fraaaa compart- alraa 6-roon hunatroi flat unfiira- Sense and Monsense Motorists should taka time to thing for m a" *41 PONTIAC mada arhlla jgoa aralt Saara died. elude furnace. 8ale price, 87860^ clear their rear wlndowa of ice and 'Oapltol Grinding Co„ 88 Main. paflniabad. Batimatas now being 8676. ' e mant Priced right Pearl’s Ap- tohad. Will pay raasonabto rant ■ * A Modest girl nevar pumi*a * Phona 6080. down payaasnt approxiiqatoly frost these wintfy days. Many "1986 7968. given on outaldt painting tor pUanca aad Puinitura, M9 Malp. 'TkU’a Tbst and be knocks till be is sore, and man, but says tbs aatlrleal OsK, SEASONED Hardwood for Bra- 83000. Vacanf-. AUoa ClampeL 8 ^ bears above tbe awful noiae: care are seen on the roads with Ontt Can. Raportor, "nor dots a next apHng and summer. Call We apaolaltoa la I olton tblnk a aalMman't lot la .BRUNNER'S RAJpiO need ttolngT Hava It ra- place, furnace, etove. Saw rig for FOR BALH—B3eetrie refrigerator, Main atreet, Manehaatar. Pbona "John, don’t go near that door!” the driver’s rear vision almoat mousatra^" 4 . Gilbertrt FIcSibatt 4S0B. In running order, 885. 80 Undm aiita for tananto and not a happy one, for ha muat hav­ wholly blocked by an accumulation CAR WHOLESALERS pMrad by axparta. Pick-up aara- hlra. C Oaraun. Phona BOOS. 4998 or 3-0880, or Mr. Mittoa er Miirk If be would make tbe He kicks upon another door un­ BtTMt Phone iV n . oar fas from tbam. We 8980. til! hia toes are bent, inelde there of frozen' enow or a coating of TEL. 6191->Night8 4486 ioa. guarantaad %mrk. Seta ehaek- ’’roon". And he la bitteb by a dog frost on the back windows. A Negro t>*ayad earqaatiy that ad In tha home. Oar radiao a R apairing SS ■Meet Qfor you only reliable ten­ .V is a whisper: "Sh-h,—a salesman GardBB— F ani— Osirjr ants with good credit ceferencas. 6-ROOM (tope Ood. Fltaplaea. ail and flung down fligbto of atalra It takae only a few minutes to he and hla colorad brathara aOght apaclalty. Manehaatar Rad l e 8 CU n*. refrigerator, 860. to M V • and baa to pay a doctor’a bill to —or the rant!’-' I wonder If be be preserved from tbelr upaafeua* IMT FUTMOmH. aaw 1M6 REPAIR mto motoctoa aawtnB 60 -Our aervlca to you for 'ranting hot water heat, Venetian UtadA thinks about the time when he will remedy such a condition and to 'tibir-rA M BOOK m*. m S T Sarvlca, 78 Birch atraat. Phona Prodoets good condition. Gall 7008. add to al! bit earea. He bolds hla ■ine. . . - Bwfeor, naar ttraa, haatar. Ptlea nmchlaaa Alan clean and rspatr your property Is free.' Rental racraatlon room, taSndry room. stand a-waltlng at the Pearly { allow it to exist Invites the danger NttUM to kMNtoar I that PIM 3-0840. finger on a bell until, above the of accidents. “Brudder" aald on# of hia tHaoda I4B0. Cton 4B61. motora Franb X. Dlcn, t RlMa- c o w MANtJRB, 8IB eofd dUlvar- HOSPITAL Beds for rant .or sale. bervtea Burraa, Mauchastor. Nioaly landscape with tarraM^ Gates, tbe knocker in hip hand. at the close of the meeting, "you Hfck MBit, "towM hr ^ din, he bears an angry voice, ex­ WnA mm. DE-LONG'S rafrlgaraUon aanlea. wood atraot Pbona 77TR ad. Hutt N u i^ a a , Otaatoabury. Rated reaaonable. Phene Keith's Pbona Manchastei> vS-4279 any­ garage. Priead for Immodlato 4 ' t h e WJUibe bear a stir in heaven, and ain't got de hang ob dat dar word. ■•Tiiiga B «ik of Manrtwtoar hM IM l DODOS 3>door, radio, haat' sale. Bhra Tyfor. Agent Man­ claim: "Jim—don’t you let him Askit—IVhy does a woman al- RaiMUra on all 'makaa, commer­ Tel. 8884. Furniture. 4189. time. Wa piece tananto avary- in!" The next house b u a^Juiooker a ii^ b ty whleper roar: “ Sh-h! 1 It’s besetUn’, not upsattln’. hMB lost or dMtroyM, and writ- ar. Good condition, raaaonablo cial and domeaUc. 84-hour aera- whare. chester f-4460 think it la a aalexman. Peter, w ^e get off a car backwards T "Bnidder," raplted tbo othar, "If fen awUoatton haa bo«t mada to prioa. Cad TOM aftar 4 p. m. ^Ice. Phone 8-1797. Prtmta InstrEcttoas 28 LINOLEUM Remnanta, half priea. don’t gb near that door!”—Karl Telllt—SO as to have the last dat'B so it’s BO. Blit I was prayin' ■aid bank Iqr tha pwaon to Mioaa Hooseliold Goods 61 Lancer’s pioar Ooverihg, 41 Pur­ RESPONSIBLE Veteran and buai- 18 ROOM Apartment, 3 foura, S Piaster. word wUh the conductor, you poor AUTO DRIVBfO, dual eontroL flves,''naar Main atra^ good In- de Lord to save us from da aln obT «»«ww. aiMh hook waa toauad, for ANTIQUES Raflnlahad. Repairing nell Place, formerly Ward’s Farm neaa man la need of 8 or 6 rooms moron. toxication, an’ ef dat ain’t an up- pajm ant o f tha amount od depoalt lo s r m n c x 4-door-aadan. Can AAA xortlSad Instmetor. Bal' for wife and two amall children, yeatmont. Madollno Smith. Roal- a-9137 aftar i p. m. ' dona ou any furniture. Hemann, tonTa Driving achooL ChC 9-8346. Store. Phona 3 -4 1 ^ scttln’ Bln I dunno what am.” n|»raaaBtad'tor aald book, or for 189 South Main atraat. Phone I DONT WANT THE (toll 3-8566. tor. 3-1643 or 4479. "Slippery itoaAapeedy driver, no Hospitality haa been defined aa the laouanca of a dupHc^ta book 8643. There’s mpre truth’ than poetry in the art -of making guests feel at 'ITie teacher was giving a lesson tharafor. 19S1 BUICK.' Five good Urea. Raa- rURNlTUREIl 8100 REWARD for 4, 6, 6 worn RIDOBnV(X>D Street Tworfamlly that, perhaps. But it’s even more home when you really wish they Mosksl—Dramtie 29 MschincrY and Took 62 house, 5 and 6, furnace heat 3- on the months of the year. aonabla. Call a-OOSS aftar 0. INCOME Tax aervlca for bualnaaa apartment, unfuraiabed. VeL No true that motortata atiould uae tire were. Teacher—What is It that bomta men, individuala and profeaalonal PIANO TUNDia, rspalra, racoa- «CAN YOU HELP ME OUTT" USED CRAWLER and wheel trae- chUdren or pets. Dealre occupy oar garage. Clean throughout chains on Ice and enow. 'They cfu> in like a lion and goes out like ^ Annouiicrncnth 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door apeclal men. Accurately prepared by dltlonlag.’Sto. John Gbcbmhaia, . tors. Ferguson tractors and Feb. 1st Manchester or vicinity: Near bus line and ahopping can­ reduce breaking distances aa much Sewzuk—So you’ve bought an lamb? deluxe, radio, beater, private equipment Oardea tractors, 1% Write Box B, Herald. tor. Price fll,6 0 a Chaiiee l/Ea- RENTAD Machinea — Floor aand- former internal revenue man 38 Bigalow atraat Pboae 8318i aa 40 or SO per cent, (toains are auto I I didn’t suppose'you could Bill—Father. owner, good condlUon. Phone Reaaonable ratea. Phone 3-0744, TBS—That’a exactly what Mr. O. to 6 H. P. with tools. Bale wire, poranca, 31 S t John stroet Tid. no cure-all, but they can often afford a new car. ara adgara, poUahera, dlac aand- 6493. T. (name withheld by request) cement mixers. Dublin ‘ Tractor BUSINESS Couple desire rcnL 8, s m . mean the difference between life Zook—1 may be able to next year ar and buffer, belt aander. Mc- I Speeder—One who playa Help Waptad— Female 25 aald to our credit manager. “My Q>-t Willlmantlc. Phone 3058. 4 or five rooms, (toll mornings and death on bad roada. —and this la ajnext year car. I hearees. — Kate M. Dunby. Qill-Cbnyerae, Inc., *48 Main | HousehnM Serrlecs g irl' and I have broken our en­ from 8-13. Phone 3-3338. SIX-ROOM (tope Ood, areplaoa, atreat. Talephone 6887. Offered 18A YARD OOOps and domestic de­ gagement and I have no need for FOR SAL3S—Disston chain saws, oil heat rocreatitm room. Pries ’46 PONTIAC partment head. Bbcperlence pra- 810900. Immediate occupancy. Not Tonight Hortensot LANK LEONARD CEDAR m u . Raneh. alalgb ridea, I furniture right now." You can buy Beaver four wheel riding and MICKEY FINN $1,275 WEAVING Of Duma, moth ho.i farrad but not essential, 883.80 thla furniture and aave axactly Brady garden tractora with snow Bnsincas Property for Sak 70 Elva Tyler, Agent Maheheator ona aaater, two abater and large | and tom clothing, hosiery runs, par weak ^ u s 4% over qtiota. Ap­ 8310. Included ara: a modem bed­ 3-4499. alod tor groupa. Phone 8900. plows and tillage tools. 1948 BRUNNER’S hahdbaga repaired, Upper ra- ply M on tg^ ery Ward. room ftdte, innersprlng mattress, Johnson outhoaida, Briggs and placement. umhrellaa repaired, GROCERY Store with living qna^ FOUR-ROOM afofla^on Waal m a g a z i n e s . New and ranawall CAR WHOLESALERS coU spring, lamps; modem living Stratton and Clinton air cooled men’a ahlrt collars reversed and tors. East o f Hartford. Good Space for two more up. Very aubaertptlooa for aU perlodlcala. room suite, rug. lamp table and engines. Capitol Grinding, 38 busineas for couple. Only 86,400 replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending STENOGRAPHER WANTED Philco radio; Bengal range, West- reaaonahle, as owner has moved ppr prompt aerrtda inqulra John Bhop. Main Btraet Phona 7968, complete. Repair garage, liuich- out o f town. Vacant. T, J. Hlnrlcha, 140 Summit atreetl 1987 PACKARD 6 four-door Inghouae electric refrigerator, 8 pcs. dinette aet, kitchen rag. eonetto aoda abop. others. Horkey Crockett Broker. Phona 6414. Phone 4688. aedan. new battery, three new r lAT FINISH Holland window Mu8t be proficient at typ­ Realty, Hartford 8-9406. Urea. Good runulng condition, ing and shorthand. Store Everything all complete 1>riglnally Wearing Apparel— Fora ' 67 shades mada to measure. Kays cost 81,000. You pay 1780. ARDMORE Road—4 rooms, 8 un­ price 8328. Call 2-1846 after 4 made while you wait MaHow'i hours and paid holidays. finished, fireplace, oil heat, laun­ Pcraonals p. m. 9 LEOPARD and white reversible Farms and Land for Sale 71 ^------;------Payments as low as 880 monthly. fur coat with matching'hat, aize dry in basement screens and* storm windows, clean through­ WILL PERSON who took dark Building— Contracting 14 Apply Free storage until wanted 14., 838. Inquire 838 Siunmlt brown Stetaon hat by ______mlatake 1948 Pontiac Streamliner deluxe A street* STROUT AGENCY. OuUtanding out Immediate occupancy: from Maaonic tanqila Saturday aedan couim, 8 cylinder. Avatobie KITCHEN Cwbineta. bookcases, No charge for delivery country home with modem con­ (toarlea L'Eaperance, 31 S t John night, plaaaa phona 8389 aftar 6 for Im m etote delivery, ^ l a l klterationa and remodeling. Also BLISH HARDWARE CO. BOY’S Brown wool topedat, size veniences, acreage for farming street. TeL 8620. B mT ‘ Itat of equipment Includee hydra- new construction. Croseman. 3- Phone 6-0388 for free "courteey 10, practically new; pair bf boy’s purposes, bam and other build' mhtle, aunehteld, fog lights, spot Ings, moderately priced for quick 1288. WAITRESS Wanted. Apply in auto." We will pick you up, bring coiduroy knickers, aise 8. (ton be WANTED— Ride to Hartford | light radio, air condlUon type voii to our store and take you seen at 24 Henry street. aale. Service stations and several Soburban for Sak 75 from Summer atraat, laavliig town | heafor and Royal Maater whiirhite person. Center Restaurant, 809 farms. Prices have been reduced. CARPENTER Work of all kinds. Main street, home. No obligation on your part. botaraen 7 and 8. Phone 8800.' wall Urea. Thla car carries an un- Attica reOnlshed, floors laid and If you need furniture' now or in CaU 6724. VERNON—Brand new. 8 oomplat- condlUonal new car guarantee. resurfaced. . Pbone Willlmantlc the near future, see this unutmal Wanted— To Boy 58 Very low mileage. A M im O U B woman SO to 80. We ed rooms. Oil burner, tile bath, ’ 2694-W4. train you as a dealer in Spencer bargain and save at the same time. CALL 08TRIN8KT 8879 for fur­ steel,cabinet kitchen, picture win­ AstoBfeobiks for Sale 4 corsets and surgical sup­ Houses for Sale 72 dow, Insulated. 3 acres land. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Hero He Cornea BY EDGAR MARTIN 1948 PonUac deluxe converUble KITCHEN Cabinet Nu-wood Ule nace removsL rags, scrap metals BV HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY ports. Profits while ' training; About 6 minutes from Manches­ FUNNY BUSINESS BUV W IT H ^N F ID E N C E I coupe, 8 cylinder, gray with black ceilings, alterations. Also new A-L-B-E-R-T-.S Top piicca. OAKWOOD ROAD top. Equipment includes hydra- Write Box M-S, Herald, ter and convenient to new Park­ HIVA, ELMER/ GOT A NEVER construction. J. Rossetto. Phone TM’ CR Wa are ctoanlng houael No raa- maUc, apot light, fog Ughta. radio, 2-0308. 43 Allyn St., Hartford New 5 room single, 60% way. 111,600. Agents. Maachea- COUPLE a TENNIS eewaM* offer refawd. Coum early! I heater, slip covers. Low mileage. Rooms Withoot Board 59 completed. You can purchase ter 6888. Hartford 8-7588. GET TK COto\MURT OF PROBATX brid ?n their clalma wtthin said time al­ Phoim Hartford S-88SS KNOW MIS COAT’S HAFF I HAVE TOUR income tax returns 2-1362. condition. Reaaonable. 49 Ed­ t*. Manchester within and for ths lowed by publishing a copy of this estate, and the Mid admintatratrix la BURNT OFF.' WHY. SOME SO FAR FROM ME VACUUM CLBArlER? X -V—VOi) CAN ADD SOVTDTHe BRUNNER’S prepared by former deputy col­ wards street District of Manchester, on the 10th order In some newspaper having a cir­ directed to give public notice to tbe IN PLA C E S TH A T 1 308 SV RENDESINCS A PEW LAVELL’S Express light trucking culation In said probate dlstrlci. with- eredltora to bring In their, clalma with­ COULD ■OEVtSB A 4(OSlCAU lector of Internal Revenue. Eve­ day of January, A.D., IMS. ____ COULP HAUE A B a l l a d s i n Vo u r CAR WHOLESALERS and delivery. Weekly or monthly Present. JOHN J, WALLXTT, (a tea daye from the date ot this order, in aald lime allowed by publlabtag’ a ATTACHMENiT TO 6lOD TMAT nings only. Phone 8003. MILK (tooler, 4-c'an In line, new RRE ANT rr STILL P L A N IN 6 Tel, 5191— Nights 4485 rubbish routes invited. Ha Esco. The style you want priced Judge. and, return make to this court of the copy of thik order In aome newapapar w h in e a n d p r o d u c e «J F T Estate of James Francis Toubey, aoUoe given. ____ having a circulation in aald piobaia WOULDN’T B E IN MV VlBNNEM NUMBERS Al'E p i a n o movers will move cheater 2-4092. right. PearTe Appliance and JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. diatrict. within tyn daya from tlie date NEkJHBORMOOP^ of Mancheatsr, in said District, TOO COULD vWalTZ. your piano or household goods Furniture. ceased. of thla order, and return make to thla LISTINGS 1947 BUICK SEDANETTE AT A C»UHT OF PROBATE held *mROO(»HNbUS. anywhere in the state, prompt, The administrator ‘ having axhlbHsd court of the notice given. ^ Painting— Papering 21 his administration account srlth aald at Manchester within and for the JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. 17,000 miles. OriginaL own­ efficient service. (toU 8847. Bottled Gas 45A estate to this Court for allowanet. It is District ot Manchester, on tha llUi WANTED INTEKJOK and exterior palnUng, ORDERED; That the 35th day -of day of January. A.D., IMt. AT A COURT OF PROBATE held er. Excellent condition. I RANGE Buraera and pot burners January. 1949. at one 'o'eloelt, after­ Present, JOHN J. WAHJtTT, at Manchester within and lor tbe Hmve several ' bayerB paperhanging, celling reflniah RURAL gat *alei and aervtce. Im­ Diatrict of Manchester, on tbe 10th WASH Tl-BBS cleaned, i-tpalrer and Installed. ed Men insured and property mediate uutallatioa Ifanchestei noon, at (he Probate Office In the Judgs. for single 4*s and 6*8 and Price $1360 Permit and guaranteed. Joeepb Municipal Building la said MaaehM- . Estate of Robert Casselle, late at day of Janiury, A D „ IMt. YOU X -S R - WHY. MI95 SUBKnl ____ damage. Expert work. Edward K and aiirrounduig towns, (topttol ter, be and the same Is assigned for a riaachester. in said .District, deceased, PreaenL JOHN J. WALLETT. two tenements. Also N M nO U ««a*<3UIT¥ DtSTESSdW ID Senna Phone 2-0147. Tbe- eseculor having exhibited bis Judga. f Phone 2-2179 ' Price. Rhone 2-1003. Grinding (to.. . i t Main. Phone hearing on the allowance of aald M - businesB properties and INOT. r^<»'«IR U -FO R iai»/,gB ^ 7988. rolniatratlon account with said estate adminlitretlon account with aald ae­ Estate of James Taylor, h ie of Man­ VENETIAN BUnda. All types PAINTING and Paperbanging. ascertainment of hclra and or< ^ « tata to this Court tor allowance, it chester, in anid District deoeaaed. bniWng iota. ORDERED; That tbe aotb day ot On motion of Ejtna T. Maxwell of PLYSKIUTH . convertible made to order, aieo. recondition­ '"Free estimatea Prompt service. disfribution, and thla Court directs Ready cash if price is with 1943 motor. Phrme that notice of the time and place a^ January, IMt, at one o'clock, after aald Manchester, administratrix.' ing Best quality. FtndeU Manu­ Reaaonable prices Phone 7830. Dfamondfl— Watelif noon, at tbe Probate Office In the ORDERED: That alx months from tssr facturing Jb. 485 Middle Turn­ signed for said hearing hs giren m aU right. CaH this agency D. E. Frechette. J e w d r y 48 persons knosm to bo Iqlsrestod t h s ^ HunicIpU Building In said Manchester, the 10th day of January, A D .. IMt, for qakk action and 1941 FORD Vso-door —dan radio pike Beat (toll 4868. in to appear and h# h«,rd thereoa by be end the aaine la essignstt for a bear- be and tbe same are limited and al­ lag OB the allowance Jbt aald adminis­ lowed for tbe creditors witbla which ready cash. •gd hMtor. (food nfobar. (food tN*rERIOR Dd exterior painting, LflXJNARD W Tost, Jeweler. Re­ publUMng a copy of thto order in RADIO — Electrical Appliance paperhanging. Free esUmatea. some newspaper- bavtag a oIrpUatw tration . account with said estats, and to bring In their claims agalhst aald S i raMtag aondlUoa. Price 8700. pairs and adjuats watohss expert' In aald Dlatiiet at least «»• days b^ thla Court directs that notice of the eetata. and tha Mid admlnlstratria la Bervlee, repalra pickad up and WaOpaper sold Raymond Flake. directed to give public notloe to the G e b i ^ e L s ,^ChB3.3|Tl delivered prumpUy 20 yeara' ly at reaaonr.bls priest. Open fore the day of aald bearing, and time end piece assigned for said bear- Pbone 2-9237. .Thursday sveninga 129 Sprues mailing In a reglatofod letter, <* , Jak be given to ell persona known to creditors to bring In thstr elalms with­ exparlenca John Maloney. Phone in aald time allowtd by publlabing a ' i m ZMilOTO aoapa, fair dondi- street Pboos 9-4387. before Januanr 14. 1949. a be laterested therein to appear and G r a z i g d i o 3-1046, 1' Walnut atreet. A BACK to normal price, exterior, order sddreaeed to Kaade t be beard Uiereor by publlthing a copy copy of thla order In some newspaper ; t i ^ Oeed for ptokup or cut down interior painting, papering, ceH- lUdilam. ConneeUeut; AUm Kardlello, of this order in some newspaper hav having a eircnlatlon in aald • ptnbata •BALTOR - MV 3Mm tractor. Flrat $80. takas district, within ten days from the date RADIO 8arvicti.g Dependable low Inga, expert -workmanship. 30 «1 E 183rd street New Toth Oty. N, Ing a circulation In Mid District, at 189 HMiry SL T W , |378 ^ E iV O O 'R E I t 2M. 3-4306 after 8 o’doekl Kpud firnild Advs. T .; Veterans Administration. 86 Pearl least live days before day of said of this order, and .rrlum make to thla Rest Rateto m MI to a stsa e e .11 ~ { ' . i-li, coat and guaranteet. A.U.L Ap- years’, experience. Call for free court |of the notice gi**” - * -THE A T T A C H - phaaea. 31 tuple atreet 3-1676. street Hartford, (tonnecHcnt bsarlnz. eatiraato. 5848. tO U K J. WALLBTT. Judge. JOHN J. WALUCTT. Judas. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. ; THE VUORRV MART MAXTOR* f ' irunT—W M '* —‘ »"n ■ \


r . '' t 1 y ' 'v« j M. >1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1801 ^ tutum . Thu WtritUtr Sanrlfrater JEoett^ 9 ^roUi Averagt Dally Nat Fraaa Run Fe— at al D. B. w e a fe t M n u u . - - V Pta Me Meats e( Deeemkw. ItU 4 bouadad northerly. Iv Center 'deady til* artarneen aad to- street; easterly by Center. street E m ttg m e y D oetora Hdnor GuMt Ask Zoning Bight with u few enewllalioe 188b ______-'*y School Plans and tha A Reaidenoe Zona weat of 9,664 About Town Thomaa Drive; eeuUieily by tho aftotneen; not so sold tialghti A Residence Eoae betereen Love ' Member et OwAam.. < Thursday portly rieudy. tfimrtrt TmpK >ytM« ^ ’b*Dr. X A. Segal aad Dr. Here Reviewed Changes Here You K n ow - - - Ralph loChaoaae are the phy Lane and Thomae Drive sad ereab- ManehesUt^A City of Village Charm e u m o t y m t at a t t o ddana of the Mandiester Med­ erly by Love Lane. ■Mnlac at aWit o’clock In Odd ical AaaodaUoa vdio will re­ Town Planning Com­ Other Beqaeete M M baU^ aa o t t i e m m spond to emergency calla to­ Sub • Coinaiiiittees at a Tke second request aska to AivertMag oa Faga U ) MANCHESTER. CONN., WCDNE8DAT, JANUARY 12.1949 mnaiTT^ to uoar orhita. A aodal morrow aftemoMi. « mission fb Hear Two change to a Residance A Zoiie that A Chest Qinic is held by V O L . L X V lIL , NO.V 86 tunairtth Meeting Approve the part o f the present Roral Resi­ . > tho o t w o e y . wttli Part Kxcrtlont Requests Tonight dence ZoiM between Oreeawood f!nu# ib n , itorcjn Faekhain and Olcott Street Set-Up Drive and Vernon street that M the Manchester Public l ^ p l e Chapter No. 08, OJQJB., bounded northerly by land now or fear coramlttM in ckarc^ Two aoning change requests will Snow, Causes Weird Misluip to Blimp will have aa gueats at ita meeting The acbool planning aulicotnmlt- formerly of Bdarerd Lynch; easter­ Health Nursing Associa> tomorrow evenlnaig at eight o’clodo’clock be considered at a mseUng o f tho ly by the present A Residence "T Bowles ‘Encouraged’ tees of the Board of 'Education Town Planning Oommisslon to he Cabinet Approves A apadat neattny of tha 2nd In the Masonic tbmple. officers Zons along Greenwood drive BittaDton. Connactleut State Quard td membera of Revere- (3iapter and the Town Sdiool Planning held tonight at eight o’clock in tbs southerly by the present A Resi­ tion every Friday morning ▼ataraiML will iMi bald tonight at o. 40 of Palmer. Maaa. A aodal committee met last night for the Municipal building. dence Zone, B Realdence Zone and Baa Lodca Port No. U, Watheni- Stime will follow with Mra. Mildredpurpose o f receiving and- review­ One of these requests involvss at the Clinic Room s? fM d Avonua, Hartford. Inatallatlon Buainesa Zone along Middle Turn- Hall and her committee serving ing the new plans for the proposed land between Center and West plks east; westerly by the present Get Tough Pblic aC otfcara win aloo take dace at refreshments. Olcott street school. ’The details as Center streets. .Residents of the By Griticism Hurled; thla maaUng, and all membera are A .Residence Zone along Vernon submitted met with general ap­ Woodrige development artied a rtreet. mgad to be praaent A oocial period A meeting of former membera of proval, and Chairman Saul M. 811- while ago that the town build a You, or your family, win follow and refreabmenta wUl the 160th Infantiy will be held at verrteln of the town group ex­ road from Center etreet to W eef be aOirvad. the Armory tonight at 8:80 for the pressed himself as very mudi center street for the uee o f chil­ can have a thorough ex­ Regarding Israel purpose of forming a local Chapter pleased to find that the subcom­ dren when the new achool la built mittee is making such rapid, and Urges Quick Action Sunday. Janioe -Rita Araenault, of the 160 Infantey Veterans Aa- on Wert Center etreet After in- amination including an daughter of Mr. and Mra. Wallace sodation. All former membera of co-ordinated progress. veatlgating, towm officials decided Work itefore Spring HALE'S High British Govern­ Araenault of ST Apel Place, cele­ any unit of the 160th Infantry who that because of the nature of the 'X-ray of your chest by be­ Tientsin Units brated ber aecond birthday. Her have completed an enlistment in Barring unforeseen drawbacks, Aatort N. SadMk las4 it would be better to sell tha ment Source Reports If There are ‘Area* of neotbar Invited ten of her little this regiment are eligible to at­ Uis school bids for Olcott and land tb a developer on a condition Htadquarters Larger Area MaBda for a birthday party in the tend and take part in this mast­ Princeton street structures will be Congreasman-at-Iarga Antoni N. that he contract the road. ing referred to the clinic Thi^re W ill Be No Winter Again Agreement’ as Contend­ ing. large turnout of former O, ready for advertisement and the, Reject Offer afternoon. She received many A Sadlak, o f RockvUla, aaslatant U. , A buyer wee found in tho par- FOR pretty gifU and a pleeaant time K. and Howltser Company mem­ start o f work before spring, Sil- aon o f Alexander Jarvis, aad ho by your family doctor. Change in Middle ed by Houm Governor venrtein said. 8. Dlstrirt Attorney « Valentine Able to See waa aajoyed by the children and bers is expMted. agreed to purehaso the area on the East Policies; Parlia­ On Surrender Playing Game tlMir motbera. Tknrsday. Meetlaga J. Lucco o f Hertford, General conditUm that it be changed to an Seea Poasibility o f A meeting of the Connecticut The subcommittee has sched­ Manager Gewge H. Waddell, Clerk uled two meetings for. Thursday, A Residence Zone. The request be- ment to Get'^ Report Speedy Aetion on. Bill The LaiBea' Auxiliary of the Sodety of Medical Technologists of Court Aldo PaganI and Fire for the commlaeion la to change Examination is by ap­ Of Favorites Video Show ItaUan American Chib win meet will be held tomorrow evening at one in Hartford at 3 p. m., at Commissioner Andrew Ansaldi to an A Residence Zcme the prea- Time Point Proposal Creating Housibg De- tomorrow evaiing at eight o’clock eight o'clock in > the educational which the Princeton street i^ans wdll be honored guests at the 35th London. \ Jan. 12.— (/P>— will be gone over in the archi­ ent Rural Resldenee Zona that is pointment only. Of Communists Re­ at the duhbouae. A aodal time building of S t Francis hospital. Annual Dinner - of the Italian- Foreign Secretary Bevin ap­ Slaps Far West, Pacific Television's Setc Elec­ purlment and . Other with refreabmenta will follow the 854 CoUlna street. Hartford, which tect's office, and the other here in American Club, Inc., to be given parently won from the full bnalaeaa meeting. the High a^ool office at 8 p. m., fused; Exact SituB tronic Hightray from -Measures Proposed is open to ail medical technolo­ Saturday, Jan. 15, in honor of the British cabinet today approv­ Northwest anil Texas gists. Dr. Ralph Kendall, path­ when the aubcommlttee will again out-going administration beaded tion \ Still Confused review Olcott street plan develop­ al for his get-tough policy Atlantic to Missis- j ologist of Hartford bospltsL will by John Andisio, who |hes succesa- With Snow ami Colil; . . „ , ,, .Stalfi fa p ito l, H a ilfo rd . ments. fuUy guided the club for three • ^ ^ d against Israel. A high gov­ speak on “Cytologleal Diagnosis— Nanking, Jan. 13—(P)— Radio St Pin Now (.rowileil Ifnn. ]2.—(/p,—(;nv. Chestei- ^ar^oon_Qo\2 PiUPanicoIaou Smear Technique.” Following these seasioiia to years The affair will also serve as ernment source reported Dixie Breezes Balniv Membera of the organisation will "shape up” the plans, the full a welcome to the new edmlnlstrs- reports from Tientsin tonight said I ------j Howies said tfalay that he membership of the B oud of Bldu- there wouId.be no change in gather at the Bond hotel at 6:15 tlon headed by James Trlvlgno. There Is No Charge the Tientsin National garrison had By The Associated. Press i 1 New Yoik. Jan. 12 ,'f- Te>- wa.s ‘‘extreniel.v encouraged” iwAtacr PWESioeNT uum for dinner, preceding the meeting cation and the Town School Plan­ Toastmaster for the occasion British Middle Eiast policies. ning committee will meet with the rejected a three point propoeal for Winter continued to play fsvor- vision's new electronic highway ‘ hy the Hepulilican criticism ISPOK8 O N *THe K A 0I07 at the hospital. Will be Joseph Pero, president of Ranges, Refrigerators Ha said Bavin vrill givs PaAla- the BUrrender of that north China Board of Directors January 18 the Rotary club. C a t ^ r Arnold ment an account o f affaira thara ites today. It slapped the far. .stretching from the Atlantic to lired at )iim and hi.s program. and will give a report of progress city to the Communists. . the M:*.*issippi became a crow.ieil The Olrl Scout Leaders’ Asso­ P.iganl will serve the dhuier. Washers and All soon utter it convanes Tueaday. The aapreeedentod anowfan In Las Aagelea canto* a freak UMMent to this advertMng M m p at an nlr- west, the Pacific northwest, west The Democratic chief execu- to that date. Hie reports said the National ciation will hold its monthly Member of tho retiring adminis- Cabinet Given Report force of (M.OOO troopa had agreed jport on tk*' east side of the eily. - An Inefa thlck layer of u n w on top of the Wimp caused It to roll from Texas and the Panhandle with tlKiioughfnie today a.* the rel- ii\e made that oii.servation to tratlon are: vice president. Anthony Other Appliances. meeting tomorrow evening at 8 Bevin gave the cabinet a report to give up the city of 3,900,000 U nlde to aide nntll the (Us pnnctnred and partly deilatcd it. (A P wirephoto). 1 chilling snows, sleet and cold. And work.* took it over tor tegular a news t oiiference 24 hours at Center Church House. George; recording aocrotary, John on the Mid-Etat crlais, which tha they were permitted to be evacu­ cornmeiicial progiains. utter .‘-enator ftharlea House, C a m erata; financial secretary, Now in Manchester I it care.ssbd the South with balmy Local Crossings fiM ' Foreign Office calls a grave threat ated “ with light arms” through the breeres that brought flowers into; Kepubliian floor leader, h ta ' S t Margaret’a (Tlrde, Daugh­ Pascal Maatrangelo and treasurer, iCOM Tile 2,100-mile "highu ay ' went to peace. The cabipat mat for four port o f Tangku, 37 milea from 1 bloom. ' ' Into operation a* a .-lingle r.ftwork c hargcil In a .Senate speech that ters o f lartiella. will held Ita first Luigi P ols hours at 10 Downing street. Prime Taxes Boost ! AFL to Argue- To Be Safeguarded The new Mate of officers includes Tientsin. I Snow—the fourth straight day covering an area with one-fourth Bowles had adopted a.a hla own meeting of 1M9 tonight in the K. NO RM AN E. FLYNT Minister Attlea’a rertdenca. IS Ships WalUag News 1 of It—was predicted for onetime many G.tJ.P. sponsored proposals. of C. home. A large turnout o f vice president, Felix Gremmo; re­ Tha report included the reaaona the nation's population witli tlie Some IS ships were reported Called From dPI WirM sunny aouthem California. How- opening of a $12,500,000 co-axial "I an .Make JPrngreM Rapidly” the membera is h op ^ for. Within "the reaeonebly near fu­ cording secretary, Frank Savino; behind the decialona to eatabliah Faces Fight On Labor Bill I ever, the forecast waa that it financial, aecretary, FiorOntino waiting off Tangku anticipating cable between Philadelphia an.1 If, said the governor, there were ture,” the New HavOn railroad has R.A.F. patrols along tha Egyptian- the. removnl of National troopa if wouldn't be so cold in the orange Cleveland. ' "areas of agreement” as contend- Raymond Carroll o f U Autumn Informed General Manager George Zanlungo and treasurer, Dante ACADEMY oi DANCING PalastlnS, border. It was near Pacific Fleet Headquarters at • ajid lemon growing belt—a minl- ! e.i hy Hou.ae, "then we can make street and George Peterson of 130 PaganL______the Reda accept the proposal. Elaborate (eremoiiv H. WaddelL the company will In­ there that five R.A.F. planes were Pearl Harbor reports Naval gov-^TWO Package^ H anilhng I mujn of 26 in comparison with the . progieas rapidly. South Main street local students Atiantie En r o l l m e n t s * , Tha radio added that the Com­ Strong Combination of ^ stall flaahlng light and bell alarm Advertlaement— CeMMfasgr, Mmrriuty mid' shot down by Israel last Friday. munists orlginslly offsred td ac­ o f Guam “expects to have frosty 19 of early Monday. Thi.a link, opene.l la.st night w-ith "i would hope,” said the gover- WMBRB CAN VOO SET attending the University of Con­ Of Legislation to Be an connected signals at the reilroed grade cross- Cbimtf, foa. BEING ACCEPTED EVERY THURSDAY. 3 to 6 P. 51. Iha British Foreign Office and cept the surrender on these terms: Ren^licans and Den^ Fnrnnwerth case' broken in about Host of the snow melted from elaborate ceremony, connected' nor "since there ia this agree- 5c/e/vr/w/c «EPAi«cs necticut have been dected to I t a Ings known as Gilman’s and Ria- Don't follow your nose. Know Air Ministry have called the at­ Vcm Angeles’ downtown area but the .separate east cosst and mid­ a Brta Pi, national honorary engi­ That Nationals Isy dovrti their 34 to 88 Hours,” . . . . Hopes for Given Union Su|i|*ort ment. to get quirk action on the *rMAT SATISV? leya croaatnga. where you are going. Go Weetown -JM UiAM I- Range and Fuel tacks “ unprovoked.” ocrats in Opposition top level Egyptian-Israell armis­ there was eight inches of the white west television hookups of the Bell bill rreating the housing depart- . neering fraternity. One lewis Hsttfbfd 7-3389 ZIPSER HALL, 35 BRAINARD PL. arms within the mty; all milltsuy system. The enlaigeil network, The railroad company has noti­ (Pharmacy) Israel filed a complaint against ■upplies and equipment be pro­ tice pirtey set back at leuet t«n - stuff in Orange cminty'a Silverado ment.” , CHOSCHES fied the town that it is agreeable Britain yerttrday with the United 'Washington, Jsn. 12—(P) — A nerasOy when Egypt notifies act­ Bulletin! canyon. serves 14 cities with .12 stations Simliaiiy. he .said smilingly, he The North Methodist WSOS win tected for banding over to tha mote than half the total now in to the installation and it is ex­ Nations at Lake Suedbaa, but Sec- Communists, and ths lives of aU ing U. N. Mediator Ralph Bunche Washlngtoa. Jaa. It— — Ice Fells Phone IJnes would expect quick action from I ";:'MOTOR SALES hold its monthly meeting tomor^ pected that the Public UtUltiea strong combination of Republicans operation Three other cities have OIL yatary General Tiygva Lie ta un­ NaUonal soldiers who obey them its delegation is composed of three Anoerlcaa FederaUoa ef labor ' Sheet.* of ice and sleet gripped Republicans on the basis ef k‘ L)Ak iA.MO ST PH. rcRv afternoon at two o’clock at Commlaeion will enter an order to and Democrats waa taking shape acceas to the hookup. the churdv. derstood to have urged the Isrmeiis terms wiU be protected. . colonels and a legal advisor. .... oSiciale today tasleted aaew , much of we.*t Texas and the Pan- Hni.se's speech on such admlnis- that effect ■ CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS not to prase their charges. In its today for a drive against tl^ 84,- Five-year-old David Cookson, of : handle and large sections of east- The Bell system television hook­ The exact situaUmi in 'Dentaln tkat Coagreee repeal the Taft- up, using both underground co- t ration proposals as streamlining When the Inatalletion of the sig­ latter to. the L. N. Israel accused 000,000,000 tax boost requested by S^nton, Pa., who wept when j Bartley law aad reatere tke 1 ern New Mexico also were coated. Richard J. Buckley of 877 East nals is completed, no grade oroaa- was still confused here but it ap­ ' axial cable and radio relay towers, the governmental structure, crea­ Center street and William A. POWER CLEANED L. T. WOOD CO. 1941 BUICK SUPER C O N V E R TlB L^^ood condi­ Britain of violating the Palestine peared the eventual surrender was President Truman. Santa CUus failed to bring the | Wagaer act before eoasidering [The ice—inches thick—felled tele- tion of a Puolir Works depart­ Ing in Manchester will be wrlthout frantier by sending over the Brit­ hands he lost in an accldeat three I phone lines and tlo.*ed all road.* in serves stations in^hese cities: Kt. Come to Pinehurst Moorbouse of 194 Middle Turn­ the improved safety devices For­ 51 BIsscll St. Tel. 4496 tion. Radio and heater...... •$1,000 being arranged under the pressure Sbnator Byrd (D-'Va), a long­ aew labor leglalaUoa. Three I Louis, frhicago. Milwaukee. Tole- ment, and strengthening of the . pike East graduates of Manches­ In nnrlir^trr anti I iiinit\ ish plqnea. time economy advocate, predicted years ago, is going to receive an Bsemben ef tbe AFL ieglela- . the Amarillo area. tvlct.on, taws. merly the crosainga here, except of the peoples’ demands. enswer to his prayert thanks to ! Schools were shut down and bu.s t do. Detroit, f’leveland. Pittsburgh, ter High school now studying at for those at the Depot Square ap­ Flying Over teaeM Area Btoy Set PattevB the president will get leas than tive etair told S^aato M d Buffalo, Boston. New York. Phil­ Said tho governor: Bryant College, were on the com­ 1)10 W l.M,> \M ) INS 1 \ M ! I) generous donations of well-wisheri. schedules csncelfed. Power and proach, were covered only by warn­ The charge bad been denied Tho peace move by the-people half o f what.be aaked for—it he House Democratic labor cUefe adelphia. Baltimore, Washington . "If we really all can get to- SAVE MONEY mittee for the Ice Cryital Carni­ - Few newsmen are shown for first the FcdeimtloB le vigoranely I telephone line* by the hundred ing signals. Light and bell were earlier by Britlah authorities, but themselvca at Tientsin may set gets any increase at all. were downed in west Texas and and Richmond. I gether. we can put all these thifiga ON YOUR W£iK5 iHMT SUPPlY val dance Saturday night of Tau time an almert forgotten Roman oppoeed to .ae-called "oa« installed at Parker street some 1948 (98) OLDSMOBILE 4 DOOR SEDAN — Radio one of the British ttara shot down the pattern for aetUement of WoaM Drop 310,988 ' „ road In lara^, that two A s a ^ s«a^ I two deaths attributed to the Programs from the network al­ through in a couple of weeka. Why Epsilon fraternity of which they time ago. M c K i n n e y b r o s . by Imael gunners confirmed today Ghlna’a civil war on a national package” haadUag-' not?” are members. **Wlth teasoaam economies no M Israeil Army to deaart 'rtotoST r w;jpJhtr.,were reported there. so are accessible tb stations in si;\\ AM, m sros \i. ( n and h eiitcr, h y d r a m a t ie ...... $ 2 ,7 0 0 In latmal that tha was flying aver iMUiB. Prolonged cold brought a new Schenectsdy, N. Y.. New Haven The governor spoke to the new»- 1 Start'Today and Shop Taraslt territory. It ia obvious th ttbabrvafa kard PrasldentTnunaji haa keguu 'work . Wtohington, Jan. 12 . problem to the Pacific northweet— Cbon.. and Newark. N. J. i. men in much softer words than i Offlcsrs and mambera of Cbap- that the government is not ms king' l.'iO I’ . a r l .SI. I rl. M;mi Ik -It )}> I4e said at Lake Succaaa that ha step la that direction be proposed on hia- iaangmal addreea and at- American Federation of Labor i ^ power shortage. 1116 long To Give Best pf .Wbons I those delivered yesterday in the The Pinehurst Way raan Court No. 1, Order of Ama­ Church Group la counting on armlrtlca negotia­ any progreaa toward a negotiated dropping 210,000 o f the 3,100,000 .Senate by Hbtise. The G.O.P. land­ ranth, will attend the installation tachae considerable importance to take* its argument for "two pack- i freeze cut the flow of water In Ice- With the start of commercial tions starting this week on ead of hostilities. FSdiiral workers from the govern­ the pronouncements it will con­ a g e’ handling of labor legislation clogged streams and rivers, re- er charged then that the govcffior Open All Day '' ceremonies of-Jaaaamlne Court of 1948 (98) OLDS5IOBILE CONVERTIBL^Radio It is squally aniarcnt that the ment payroll. operation of the new link today, appeared more interested in "nrtvij New London tomorrow svsnlng; Meets Tomorrow RhodcA tain. . . . Roman Catholic bishops to Capitol Hill today. during the water supply needed for n ia Foreign Office. denied four Mg powers—reportedly asked Sanator Robertson (D-'Vs) ex­ the networks Imraedialeiy put in­ paper clippings" than in govern­ I Wisdom Court o f Wert Hartford, and heater and hydramatic. Blue, light top. New car of Hungary Inform government The AFL plans calls for repeal power generator*, to effect revised ptxjgram sched­ W’ednesday laraera asaartion that Britain has last Saturday by Foreign Minis­ pressed a similar view. "I feel the they cannot continue negotiations o f the Taft-HarUcy law and res-1 Voluntary Brown-Out ment. Friday evening, and on Saturday Group A, Center Church Women, ter Wu Te-Chen to help bring more prudent courM would be to ules designed to give both the mld- ' While the governor was holding evening, Harmony Court of WlUl- of which Mra. Abbott Chase is sent mlUtary aiippllais to her Arab to reconcile church aad state dif- toraUon of the oid Wagner act b e-1 A voluntsiy brown-out went in- weat and east the be.st of the Preahly groand. aeasoncd atate alUea in violation o f tha about a meeting between the Na­ balance the budget by economy in ferencca. foi e Congress turns attention to i to effect in Oregon for outdoor his new.*, conference. Rep. George mantlc. leader, will meet tomorrow eve­ tionalists and CommuBlrta—win spending ratber than through an shows previously presented sepat- ___ i_ ning ' in the Federation room to Can 4134 and Ask For Mr. Wiley Our Sales jUanager United Nations arms embargo. Gen Alexander Papago’a insis­ changes President Truman wants lighting to conserve electricity, stoly to each. Spon.sors, noting C. ( ’or.way of Ouiifor Communist Ctacho- of Allied milltaiy missions, blocks already have put together a num­ •wouid end. hi* term in office "with Slovakia ”on b massive acala.” He who Interfered. very, very difficult to get as much his expected Mpointment as gen­ Three staff members-William period” last night on a ""slen- the beat scrap book in history and ment and additional clotMng con- have just the car you want. On the basis of those facts it la j of an increase as the president re­ ber of new top-flight television trlbuUona may be brought to this said 90 per cent of Israei’a sup- eralissimo of Greek armed forces. Hushing. Lewis G. Hines and Wal- ^ j programs to go on the air.' the poorest record" lb. 49c piles came from east Europe. He quested, We either have got to cut .... Finlsli Foreign Office says (IXintlnoed on Page Fonrteen) That would happen. Conway meeting. (OontioiMd on Page Fourlecn) ' the amount of spending or raise ter A; Mason—arranged to out- TTie linking of the east and n.id- Mrs. Leonard Nlese, hortess, will said American dollars, but not U. that second note, has been received line the AFL positiorT to Senator j weat repie.sents a big .step toward NEW I taxes.. We simply cannot afford in from. Moscow protesting ai-reat of (Conttoiied o« Fi ge Fonrteeu) be assisted by Mra. Robert Gam­ 8. government dollars, mslje pos­ [these lush times to have defleit Elbert Tliomas (D-Utahl, chair­ I coast-to-coast television, hiit it Aad rtl thla week db featwre mon, Mrs. Wilbur Loveland and sible the purchases. two Soviet citisens late in Novem­ man of tbe Senate Labor commit- j may be four or flve years yet be- I I financing.” " ber. . . .' Los Angeles ' police are aS a ledBotlen o f do Ib., treahly Mrs. Charles Norris. Blame Each Other for Orlals ,tee. Thomas told a reporter the Toliitrodiiee ' fore the talent renters of New All membera are urged to at­ Jessup Raps i Certain Estlmatea Can Be Solved convinced that mystery man men­ controversy over the procedure un­ York and Hollv-wood are connect­ Manchester Israel and BrIUin blamed each ' Representative Taber ,(R-NT), tioned by Bellhop Leslie Dillon, 27, tend. Mrs. Wlllism Steiner will ether for the crista. doubtedly will come up. ed. play some interesting record* on Our modern equipoieat .aad wbo was chairman of the House in connection with the "Black "Onn Package Bill” Ukely Bill on Rents Both co-axial cable and radio The cabinet meeUng was the Dutch, Reds Appropriatione committee in the Dahlia" alaylng la DiUoa hlmaclf. Ground Beef her player for the group to enjoy. BINGO bMdUiy cowa eow blaed with first celled since Brltlsh-lsraell In advance of the ' session, the relay are infinitely more expensive our faitereat to nerve jroa .bettor Republican 80th Congress, said in Plans for a complete reorgeniza- than conventional telephone cir­ Flashes! tension heightened over the de- evidence seemed to indicate that . • i . • milk will Insure cleea, pare, a statement he waa certain the tion of the State departiiient have t o Exteml cuits tiaed to carry radio network Motclr Sales, liic. structlpn of five R.A.F. planes in president’s spending estimates can Congress won't go along with the L e g i s l a t i o n (U»t« Balk tlna ol the JP, Wire) lb. 59c PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 8 P. M. wholeaoaie milk. Be sore yoo’ie Definite ^ Timetable for been completed by the Hoover by the unions. program*, and represent much the Pslestlne-Egyptlsn frontier be shaved "very aubstantially.” Conuttiaalon. method urged by the unions. It We Specialize In gettlag the beet by orderlag looks now, according to Thomas, j Ceilinga 27 Months, more dlfllcult technical problem*. U you want a Uttia pork from TED FORD’S 512 WEST CENTER STREET PHONE 4134 ■’ area last Friday. Elections in Indonesia And Taber’s Senate counterpart. Secretary of Deieaae Forreetal AND YOU DON’T STAY LATE Israeli forces shot down the aa though "any Igbor.bill passed ! M e a s u r e ' **’*•'’ required for teie- mmd witk It for maat lo a f. . . PITTSBURGH Senator Bridges (R-NR) echoed warns authority to send V- S. mili­ Planned in , vision, which, use* a. band of fre- Five Held in Conspiracy planes, described es srmed recon­ Demanded in Talk that view with a call for "soimd tary misslona to all parts o f the will be something like a one pack- i New London, Jan. 12,— Japt ten our meat man. naissance craft. They feu in the age bill.” cuts in government spending." world, wherever they may serve I Waahington, Jan. 12—>/r!—Leg-j (I'onttnued on Page rwrive) Ueut. William E. MacKenzle. «ma- PLASTIC TILE Lake Success, Jan. 12— (P)—Tte Summing up, a Senate G O P the country’s global interest,.. Thomas made that statement I manding officer of the Groton For Kltokemi end Bathrooms (CanUnned ea Fags rborteaa) late yesterday after conferring for ! islation to extend rent ceilings 27 > Or If yen want meat for more n n k e r H aU Unitsd States has demand a deflff- leader wbo asked anonymity said Stock market simmers in narrow­ i months and put thousands o f ' state police barracks, eald five kau aua meal . . . try a good Ite t(metabie from the Dutch for he believes Republicans, who cut ly Irregular price range . .. Gov. an hour with Clark Gifford, spe­ men were nixcotrd this' morning SPECIAL cial counsel to Mr. Truman; Secre­ ■ dwellings back under rent control Id lUaMeoed Saverfnl (bona MAIN STREET elections in Indonesia ' and the taxes when they controlled Con­ HejrmanTalmadge proposes com­ I will be Introduced by Senator' on i^operior court ben<[h wnrrMrta gress, will stand solidly against an tary. of Labor Tobin; Cyrus 8. Acheron to Be on iponspirncy charge* In connec­ la) tender Block Ckuek JANUARY OFFER! transfer ^ sovereignty from the plete revision of Georgia 'voter Myers (D., Pa.), probably tom or-' MANCHESTER /P o sta lM a n Dutch to the United States of In­ increase until the need ia proved. registration laws, including provis­ CMng, chief o f the Federal Con­ tion with the mileged operation of .I f you tastaS onr plastio tile I donesia. And he added; "Up to now. we ion that in; effect would re-estab- ciliation service; Paul M. Herzog, I Senator Maybank (D.. S. C.).|I n basket bnll pool at tbe I'nlterai- M tlag the' manth of January haven’t been shown.” Ilsh'poll tail.. .Moscow and Ghiir- chairman of the NaUonsI Labor First Witness ly of Connecticut, Storr*. He Iden- Pot Roast we win include D O O R P R 120S The demands were made by Dr. , chainr.an of the Senate Banking roa BABY Shot Victim Philip'C. JessuF. U. S. deputy, on The president submitted a 841.- ese Oommupists are claiming that Jtelattons board, and Abe Mur- ; committee, told a reporter the lined thfra n* tieorge A. Noenry, Here’s a coa* FREE Come and Try It and You Will Like II the United Natlona Secufity 900,000,000 Federal budget estim­ Manchurtp .and other area* wrest­ d(Kk, a member of the NLRB. I measure might become the admin-; 4«, of 12 Birmingham court. lb. 55c vsttible piece of Two chrome towel racks; Council, who made a strong at­ ate for the year starting July 1. ed from ' the Chinese Nationallata Thomas called the conferenc*. , ! istration'a rent bill. Mr. Truqian Senate Foreign Rela- Groton; landore Brlckman, SO, of SMay practical ases. PrlauiUy a two BMP containers; one Police Arri^f 65-Yem> tack in the council yesterday On Predicting a deficit ef alnoost 81,- are re-bulldlng faat. In his State of the Union mes­ ; has asked for tightening of con-' tiona r.oniniittef to 23 Linden street; Ralph Levine, traiidog Mt (or sdeedfic faediag the Dutch and on Russia for their 000,000,000. Mr. Truman - asked Automobile with dead mSa at* sage, Mr. Truman' asked for , Taft- ^ , trois and extension for at least i 215 Huntington street; Leoolnrd Aad kere’a'another low price paper container. Hartley repeal and re-enactment 1 y „ , g j progrcM, it can first be esed as a Tonight Old Man as Okla- Indonesian Policies. Congress to cover it and help pay wheel plunges through fence and Holil Open Hear!IIB** , 2«. rt 2A Shemian rtreet Item , . . Ftnchurot He blamed both for ohatrictmg cornea to halt in St. Mary’s ceme- o f.’Oic Wagner act with "certain i Predict* Top Priorilv ’ I • ” . »nd Elu'ood Koankow, 25, ol 115 hi-chair. Chair locks instantly in NEW ENGLAND Slay?r off the 8252,000.000,000 national homa. a peaceful aetUement of the dis­ teiy, Northampton, Maas------A 40- ImprovemenU." Later. Repreaen-! Senate Banking committee • I Ocean avenue, all of this city. The Washington. .Ian 12 -P The brother*. Short Ribs ^ ptacs oa table, whose PLASTIC TILE CO. pute between The Netherlands and (t.'oBtlBaed Oa Page rwrive) year-old treetonce writer, arrested UtiveLesinski (D-Mlch) reported hold Its first meeting of the' . „ . wide base provides 54 dtpitol Ave„ Hartford . Oklahoma City, Jan. 12—(f)— the Indonesian republic. in Gilroy, Calif., la held for ques­ that the president \v$8 agri'eeable sef^sion Friday* Maybank predict- Senate Foreign RelaUorui commit- to handling ail that in one bill if i that rant legislation will get a , will'begin a public examinatim ; firm, aoo-dppiiig se­ Telephone 2-5945 Postal inspector E. M. Hsrklns Russia countered Uiat tns Uni­ tioning in "Black Dahlia’’ mutila­ Fined $380 Each lb. 39c curity. w wss shot to death in the lobby of ted States and Britain were cover­ tion death of Miss Eliubetb Short that appeared to be the best way. top priority. The present law ex- tomorrow of President Truman's ' . CtnciBnati. Jan. 12—idT)—M * the main pdrt office today and ing up for the Dutch in their alt Reveals Plaiis in Los Angeles two yean ago... Lesinakl. chairman of tfae House pirea March 31. Myers’ bill would appointment of Degn Acheson as i Durocher, manager ■ of the New f t a tealehig. police arrested a 85-year-old man. tack on the republic. Woman passenger, numlog to Labor committee, ia drafting an ' extend control through June, 1951. | histocretary of stale. |fo rk Gianto. and Freddie Fltz- Same Day Service The man waa booked at police No Adequate fuattflcation board an American Airlines trans­ omnibus measure. t -Representative Spence tD . Ky.» 1 CBairman Connally (D., Tex.) elmmens, former Bo*ton Bravco. Thomaa aaid laat week he fa- said he plana to introduce a rent called for open hearing* with PleeUy IWoed y. • headquarters ss JoMpb Donnelly Jessup said the United Slates For Struggle port InXos Aqgeles. Is fatally in* coach, wore flood $388 each hf on' charges of murder find Investi- can find no adequate Juscftcailon Jured when struck by a splualag vored the two-bill procedure: One, control bUl drafted by the admin- ' unanimous consent of the 13-mem- Bnseball Commlssioaer A. B-',i gaUon. A Federal chsrge was be­ for the Dutch military action and propeller. iatration. An ofllcial of the houa-1 ber committee: ' ’ Chandler today. The w*'* It Takes More Than ing prepared. declared they bad drtled tne Se­ . Sam L. Wahrhaftlg, American (Continoed on Page rwflv*) ing expediter'* office ' aaid that Entire Hen'ate laviteJ found guilty of negotiating n can - Minced Ham or THIS SERVICE DAILY Program Written by In­ ______;______t, - • 1 PolI lice quoted Oonpelly as say- curity Council in conUnuing Uie political adviser to Gen. Lucius D. measure and the one Myera will p Actieaon will be the first wit- tract for 1949 whUe FHsalnswseso ing: fighting and not releasing repub­ donesian Leaders Is Clay in Germany, arrivea in this Treasury Balance aponaor appear to be very simi-1 ness and Connally has invited the still was a member of the Braves Bologna The Hdi-^ EXCEPT ON SAtURDAY Wheh loved one^ de* "He accused me and slandered lican leaders. country and eajra be doesn't know lar. I entipe Senate membership to at- club. The New York chih was Ctoirtafa me and humiliated me. I had to Jessup blamed Russia for the Made Public Today anything about reports that hp Under Myers’ bill as ahown to i fend and hear hia testimony if fined $2.000 for violallag tho tam- tita” b.al- Ttarna piiurt rcl7 apon os take the law into my own hands.” acUviUes of the Indonesian Ouni- was recalled for investigation by p o r iH t a " ? ^ ^ T ^ a su o-ton v I^ ^ i* raporter. rent control wouW re J they wish ' p«riiiff rolr. lb: 59c so a practical table eat for Ae Police said they found in Don­ munUits, wbo. he said, sougnt to an Army Loyalty bouri .. .Bikini JO; ] vert pretty much to It* atatus[ Connally j'efused to Identify one • nelly's posseealon a -lnch knife Batavia. Java, Jan. —The ' Net budget receipts, $145,932,- prior to changes authorized, over, pe^^n who la now' schriluled as growing child as it cea be ased for dignified, simpit. 10 xmdermine and overthrow the Indonesian republican leaders’ atooale exptortoa left fish life in AlUance Effort* fblUpoO Aad shop our grocery depiwt- either as a dinner table or (or play. Garments Brought To Our Plant and a.pistol. A pistol bullet killed public. that area "going on easentlally as 619 45' budget expenditures. $97.- 1 Mr. Truman's protest, by the Re- th^'cnly witness other than Ache- lautdoii, Jan. 12—aah Stance, $3.209,-1 Pl^>'‘'*"-ibntroUed Mth (-on^eaa. awat for good valaee, toe. Take Guard rail can be reoKived ia- Build A Fine Home... Harkins as he leaned over to take He said the Soviet government against the Dutch, written Just if nothing had happened,” Mya .son. Other sources said this wit­ to set up a Kwedhh-.N'ortoetian- mail from hia box. He waa ahot in ia following “its familiar tactics 329,944.04: Would Be 1'hfiFr Ceilhigs .Again ness is expected to be A. A. Berle, .tkis fiae SHVBFINE TOMATO amotly. Table alsocaa Before JO A. M. Bwnts at a eo«t 'before they were captured, was government scientist. New dwellingB, including those Danish defense alHaaee have v1r> JUICE tat the large 68 ea. caa be asM as a coovea- I the head. which It baa used in Korea, in made public here today. Jr., former State department offi- I tiially eoUapoed, quaNlIrd. U w - . . . it takes skilled hands, lumber, bricks and cement Greece and Berlin and again now rented since they were de-con- cUl. Matured at S5e ewe. Or m icat "chair” (or mother within yonr means. ' Police said Donnelly told th«n While the Dutch were attacking troUed, would be placed, under rent dlnavlan diploosnio reported today- every day prices oa Draft iUe, when feeding the M 6 N f . . . brass plumbing and copper wiring to bnild a house he brought the knife along ” Jurt In Indonesia. their capltaL Jogjakarta, on De­ Berle told tbe Mouse Un-Ameri­ Oeolre ef Netway and A4oy Be Called For At-S P. M, f —"The Soviet union does not want ceilings again. So would convert­ can Activities committees last leery Soap 3 far 19e, Oaiaay child. Selected North­ F06UMPS in case. Sometimea 'these guns^ cember 19, President Soekarno and ed dwellings and permanent hotel Unh such an aldaaW wtth the> Seaf 8 for 38e, Dae SSe, Oxydol that wiU b ^ m e a heritage. . . a home that will witness don’t work, you know. U it didn’t an in^pendent Indonesia," Jbaaup Church Decides Television year that he had differed with American-led North X t h t a l e ^ ern Herd Maple end * Prime M ln ls^ Mohamed Hatta accommodations, including apart­ said. ^It wanta an Indonesia under Acheson over the United States’ 3Se or trsry Basw tie. Aad stardy constractioa the rearing of a happy family.'Yon can count on oa to I waa at least going to cut off his called a caranet meeting and pre­ ment hotela. fenae pact «vaa said to have atole> at fL19 eartoo. Ws give yaars of sadslec- Slight Additional Giarge arm." the domination and control .of a pared the program of resistance. policy toward Rusaiar--favoring d BUted tha toOka.* btiild your ideal home sturdily, quickly, economically Answer ta Bars 'Problem A rent control official aaid re­ “tougher” policy than Acheson.: • • » eeSIved BiBri ef those wry service. 18 Letton In Pocket Opmmunist minority taking its It called on all Indoneeiana to; control of new conatruction adnna ■h B 8 * W wM . “ For Thfa Servica In Donnelly's pockets‘ were 10 orders from Moscow. Anywhere In At tb* time of which be, spokei Tawnan Given Backtog tovDcSstvaidl '•''**Cnn rtlm m 9 a rte * rt state. ' dent Trnnsag teday vseeiTsd a cttl- New York Firat Preabyteriaa television seta in surrounding bar* Transient hotel rooms and motor _ tor o f malla and a magtueine. wipdow independence is kicked out cooperation o f civil servants. aeemed a rtrong attraction to the OonnaHy told reporter* the Ma elvB righto. e.lEedaFodn eeete , • courta would remain decontrolled. . Dunneily told police the irtters ofm e door." 2. Prevent economic consolldh- church today came up with thla younger generation. 8h,e added: ■ The bill Would give the .otulng Acbeaon bearings wlU last about aanraenai aatentlow rjj Build With Slanchcster’a Largest Builder O f Homes explained hia case u a in rt tbe UtS. Jeto Attack me Otock tion by hindering the production of gnawer to the problem; o< keep­ “ Instead o f ybungatera going to exp^ter authority to control or two daya. They will not include KEMP'S portal antliorlUea. llie FBI did not China and Norway Joined the at­ e Modem eeiHpwtewt gqods the Dutch need for foreign ing pound people out o f neidhbor- a bar to aea a picture, we thought reccntrol whole additional areaa. the nomination of James E. Webb, The Mancheister immediately release tbe lettera for tack on the Dutch. euduutge. it waa aomething that the church ‘n ie measure alao would ^ n budget d tf^ o r , to be undersecre­ lacorporatad ROY MOTORS • fapevt dweerien pubUcqtkui. Soviet Delefate Jakob Malik ro- 8. Pruvunt the formation of a bood bun: A "televtaiaa center.” A epefctoman for the church, lo­ could do. . ainy more 15 per cent increase tary o f atate. Incoipornted A Nsgro Janitor, W. J. Spsueer, plied that tbe U. a aad Britain “puPPrt Mglma” thrangh noa-«o- ’’Iffe want our teen-agera to con­ leases- Under these, first author­ Qtock Approval, ladleated WALTtlULLECLCRe operrtian pcmUoally. cated on Fifth avenue In Green­ Bahv-Land MMteataTva.CMm. 48. saw the shooting. bad defeated Ruaetan attempU to tinue to look to the church f o r ized___ in_____ 1947 and continued under Acbeaon’a nam* M **P*ctad to meetlag at 241 No. Main SI. Tel Tree JARVIS REALTY Donnetlv vvas arrested in the force DuteK troops to withdraw. Radio Addraaaeo Prepared wich Vinage, eaid it had boud>>t a go before the Senate early next their stralegy to Dry Cleaners t c le ^ o n receiver and cet aaide their good times aa well as fori the preaent law, landlords can The republican Icadera prepared 763 Main Street Port Office building by J K. Per- | He said the Cwo western powers a room for a weekday schedule o f lUfelr iplritual guidance. We hope raise rtnU 15 per cent wiiere the week; sdl indications are tha Sen- TeL 5113 93 WELLS STREET TELEPHONE 7254 654 CENTER STREET PHONE 4112 Or 7273 rine and H. A. Darragh, scout car I votod to beat down Rusalan and radio addreaaea but before they tten towe. videoitiv v ehowe•JlAJWto forSVU. younger *ow*o^—.. groups. . | o»it will inspire ,a pattern for many 1 —:------^ I UKranlan demanda for a wlth-i (CMttaMd iCeonuasd au Faau TweKo) ALtafiOmid tfugu [drawal, , \ (Cauttuuad an Fag^ Twelva}. _ Mrs. Kenneth Chamberlain, in I cosununitles.” “'T )' / •$ ^

■’.sr-'.-'A -1