' --7; - • . • • •/ ■ I . : X ^ A T . lAKtTAKY 10.1^4f IRanr^ratfr Average DaUj Ntt Pnm R u Par thn MaMh at Dsaalhw, 19tt n a Btanlaar Cbtnm at the iM th a m M $M ,m M far baaamfar Petrlda. daughter o f Mr. and Oroup B a f C n ta r Church W o­ eCthayonr banra. Racelpta tor men. M m Bvsrett Beldlng, loader, Mathoillat W8CS vriu meet tomor­ PeOe Receipts Tariafele Mgli sleadlasai tola M ra John Qwteau o f M l Brook­ row ovemng at 7:48 In tbo ladlea’ 1948194S anceedad, , i , . n . them at 1947 by field atroeV waa. oevea yearn old will meet tomorrow evening at nlM par eant 9,664 afterasea, teaight a a l WedBeeggyi iliiTown eight o’clock at the dnirch. Albert parlor. A repreoontatlvo from tbo 1 waa honor g « ^ at decondl^ deportment of Watkins Break Record ■lightty eoMoc Oealght. a birthday party attenM by Roavlsldee of 49 Elro street will give a lecture-demonstration on Brothers atora Will apeak and attb- 4 IB Dk Om < M « p r i* I *75udren. Mrs. Croteau mit samplea. Hoateasea be “Modem Trends In Hair Styles.’’ win Utmehaatpr-^A City o f VUlmga Charm k nwfh TonamudB, K. ____ ■ color echeme o f and Mrs. Eerl Carron. Mrs. George El- Members have ttie privilege of In­ STOP GAS THItVES! ift iir . Mkl M ra Howmn! R « « » ^ white with favors and balloons to llotti Mrs. ‘ Henry MaUett and Mrs. Exceed $200,000 for « i ( Htacam M I% ftNmMrty of thto metrh. The birthday cake was dec- viting friends. A social period with (TWELVE PAGES) Edmund ISagUo. Year for First Time AdvartlMag • • rjpgn I f ) MANChk-STER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, H4* ipir^lliey h»w a foar-yow^M orated In the same colors, and Ice refTMhmenta will follow. Mm M I N I VOL. LXVIIIn NO. SS Winfield Moore of Brookfield •oo. DavM. rreein. sandwiches, cookies and The Buckland-Oakland club wUl Recorded Here mum confections were enjoyed by the street Is program chairman. hold a meeting at 8 p> m.. Wednea- Tf^ltrt oTuborly, boya and girls. The party waa dey, a t the Buckland sriiooL Mov­ U P flM C A F U. O L . 1, win moot to O r f ^ The Manchester branch of the ing pictures win be shown, and The year Just cloaed waa the P ieswria theft or eontaari- Orange Blossom Special Derailed Solon Predicts ftoju four to seven o’clock and dif­ largest in the history of the Man­ Iwn tomorrow evoninc at 7 o clociL ferent games were played with W. C. T. U. win have an all-day peratera made by the students for natioB o f C an t b9 chester Post Office when receipts Nationalists Admit State Senators Get A M u o party for mombera and prises for the winners. Patrida Is meeting tomorrow from 10:30 on NaUonal Safety Week w ill be oponed withOttt.koy. Mmdawrnfonow at ®:15; , W o^ In the South Methodist church. Judged. AU parents are urged to amounted to more than I204.U00. Speedy Action a first grade pupil at S t James’s ’m is la the first time receipts over­ tby Mlatrma Mra. Beaalo Oole and Work will be on cushions for attend the meeting and aid In Um parochial school. went over 1300,000. Iwr oommittoa win nerve refresh- wheel chairs for veterans, and Judging. „ afghans to be sent to China. Mem­ Receipts for lB4t axceedsd thoae menta. The annual meeting o f the Oon Loss of Tientsin; On Three BiUs bers who have squares of woolen o f 1947 by 830,773.88. Income fo r gregatlonal Society w ill be held The ticket commltte for the SSth Bowles Housing Bills; Andereon-Bhea, Auxiliary. No material, 9 x 3, are asked to bring annual banqpet o f the ItaUan- December was jjdao a record- bote, win hold Ita meeting tomor­ in the Center Congregational them to the meeting, also dUcard- American Club. Saturday, January breaker, amounting to 830,739.73 VALVEBlfMMM row evening at 8 o’clock hi the church, Wednesday evening at ed stockings for Japanese girls Passage of Major La­ 7:30. ’This will be the annual 15, will meet this evening at the Poet rooraa, Manchester Green. to make Into rugs. A pot luck clubhouse. Ticket returns, should ■pare lira eon Reveal No Details bor and Social Wel­ meeting and all members are urged luncheon will be served at noon. baMMadwkb. to attend and vote on several mat­ be made at this time. The business meeting will be held ect eponint January Sale ! fare Measures in Six Carry Out Program ters of business. at 2:30. with Mra, Louis St. Clair Manchester,Lodge, No. 78, A. F. m a k . For all velii<M|.Bitk t u n i n g a n d Burt presiding. and A. M „ will hold its regular A tlantic Or Seven Weeks Seen Loyal Circle of King’s Daugh­ ceaeaaledtpaittkw mv!;| Angeles communication tomorrow evening fWBeisw eodPhoisathCWa REPAIRING ters will meet this evening at 7:45 The Manchester ■ Garden au b at 7:30. The buslneaa seasion will Washington, Jan. 11—(O — A Two Measures Carriing In the Federation room of Center Occupied Industrial j will hold Its January mceUng this be followed by a social hour. Range cihd Fuel Gels Worst prominent Capitol hill Democrat Church House.' Mrs. Ihnll Kottke. evening at eight o’clock In the Rent Control Czar Out Program for 10,- City or That Terms; predicted today that three major Leonard Eccellente chairman of the refreshment com­ Robbins room of Center Church The HoUUter Parent-Teacher Twin Linx 000 New* Homes and Center St. Tel. 4757 mittee, will be assisted by Mrs. Association w ill hold ita January labor and social welfare bills nlll IIS James Jduiston and Mrs. Martha house. Miss Mary Chapman, horti­ Have Been Agreed on; meeting tomorrow evening at 8 Snow Storm wbis through Congress In the next Mansfield. The circle has accept­ cultural chairman, will be In Oeation of New Hous­ o’clock in the Holllater atroet OIL For Its Snrrender six or seven weeks. Urged by Governor ed the Invitation of members of charge of the progmiu. achoot Mra Gertrude Hltchcorit, ROY MOTORS The- White House has asked for ing Department Intro­ Ever Ready Circle to meet with director of vocational guidance Ineocpoiatcd Six-Inch Blanket Latest speed, said RepresentsUve Leain- them tomorrow evening, when Mary Bushnell Cheney AuxU- Nanking, Jan. 11.— lary, No. 13. United Spanish War In the local achoola will be the Human H air Nets ski (D., Mich.), and Congress is duced Today; First Ad* county and branch presidents and BouhtCalh Jar Public L. T. WOOD CO. 241 Nc. Main SL Official sources today indicat­ Staggering , Blow in getting geared for it. | Hol’llCt’s jNcst honorary members will be pres­ Veterans, will hold Its monthly guest speaker. A aoidal time with iiiinistil'^ation Bills to refreahmenta w ill follow the pro­ ed the Reds either have occu­ LcsInskI,' In line for the chair-1 tion on One-Man Com- Stenographer ent. business meeting this evening in SI BIbmU SL TcL 4496 Winter’s Drubbing of the State Armory. gram. TcL SllS pied the great northern in­ manship of the House Labor com -, mission to Carry Out Oil Air Force Reach Legislature dustrial city of Tientsin or Western Half of Nation mittee, said President Truman w lli; F. BI. BRODERICK get bv the end of February: ' Practical Program 84S Main St. TcL 2-1642 that terms have been agreed 1. Repeal of the ’Taft-Hartley i 1 • O - , State Capitol, Hartford, CAMERA REPAIR ic doz. on for its surrender. These By The Associated Presfi law, wrapped up in a complete | i^ I R S i I 111 S i z e j Jan. 11.— r,P)— Two bills car- SERVICE sources conceded that 'Tient­ The worst snow in southern new labor measure restoring most Hartford, Jan, 11.— (f f ‘)— _____ I vying out Gov, Chester of the New Deal’s Wagner act. Ray D w y e r’s Photo Shop California history caine today as Gov. Chester Bowles to<lay ' Bowlclt' housing program for sin is. gone.” They declined, ' 2. boast In the national min­ Medium brown, light brown, dark brown, blonde, black. the latest stiggering htow In win­ A called for the creation of Next To New however, to fumlah detalla. imum wage to 75 cents an hour Both Demorrats and Re- 10,000 new homes and crea- first Nattooal Stora ’H m northern rityjliaa been un­ ter’s drubbing of the waatem half from its present 40. one-man state commi.ssion to | O it ic iz e tion of a new housing depart- der heavy attack for aeveral daya. pil 1)1 leans TeL Tsaa o f the nation. 3. A Federal ald-to-educalion “ effectively carry out a full i White and Gray $1.59 Dps. Laat prevloua reporta here aald ' ment were introduced today program authorising money to practical rent control p ro­ Truman Budget Brake WATCH Red troope were fighting In 'Henb- Loa Angeles and several of ita in tlie Senate. The measures White Sale ■Iq’a Buburba. suburbs measured an Incredulous build achoola, and Vo pay teachera g ra m ” with ' ‘recommenda- On Expansion Plans were the first administration, Hales aix-Incb white blanket And Paaa- On the central front, Communlat bills to nach the Legislature. FOR For the flret time in aeven years we arc able to offdr hair troope were reported ayatematl- dena's Colorado boulevard, aecne “ hST' Mo- r f “ “r*' "**' Conform With .Meaaage Lesinski, a Michigan■ ■ building rent advisory boards.
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