The Oldest Wreck in the World Text by Rico Besserdich. Images courtesy of the Museum of Underwater Archeology in and the “360 derece” Uluburun research group in

1300 BC—A merchant ship, laden with treasures from seven different cultures and commodities of Cypriot origin was traveling on a 1,700-mile trade route when it sank for unknown reasons at Cape Uluburun (near Kas on the south coast of the region of Turkey). Much knowledge about prehistoric trade and nautical navigation during the late , including secrets that could rewrite the whole story, began a sleep on the sea floor—a 3,300-year-long sleep.

1982 AD—A Turkish sponge diver discovered the remains of the wreck. This triggered euphoria among archaeologists around the world, and the later recovery and analysis of the findings definitively established underwater archeology as a serious science. Science was able to answer 1000-year- old questions, driving traditional analysts into desperation and changing the existing historic world view substantially. Named after the place where it was discovered (Cape Uluburun), the Uluburun is the oldest known shipwreck in the world and a finding of superlatives. She brought answers to many questions, but she also introduced many new mysteries A 1:1 replica of the Uluburun, built with the use of Bronze Age materials and craftmanship, sails the Mediterenean Sea. Image provided by the “360 derece” research group, Turkey

17 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Submersible Carolyn (left) of the U.S. Institute of Nautical Archeology at excavation site of Uluburun feature Uluburun shipwreck and camp of the archeologists (right) during the ten-year period of excavations, Cape Uluburun, Turkey

that science has yet to explain, even today.

The Bronze Age The Uluburun sank during the so-called Late Bronze Age. The Bronze Age—it sounds terribly old, doesn’t it? Indeed it is! It was a time when the invention of the wheel was as remarkable as the invention of social networking is today. was the metal alloy bronze, which We could say the last trip of the The Bronze Age in itself was the comprises 90% copper and 10% tin. Uluburun was in some way a successor to the Stone Age and The use and processing of metals consequence of these changes. the predecessor to the Iron Age. It was already known to humanity, Along with the invention of lasted from about 2200 to 800 BC, but it was limited to sterling metals bronze, the necessity to organize but did not occur everywhere at (naturally occurring pure metals), a “metallurgy chain” became once, because different cultures such as gold, silver and copper. apparent. Production needed tin, experienced different stages of The “invention” (mainly in Europe which was rare and not available development in terms of bronze. We and the Middle East) of humanity’s everywhere. The appropriate are talking here about a general first alloy (which was much harder logistics became essential. and broad time window. than copper) triggered a worldwide With bronze, it became possible to The namesake of this period change with lasting consequences. accumulate wealth that was easy to transport; Bronze ingots were a common payment currency of the time, and where there is wealth, conflicts arise. The simultaneous emergence of heavily fortified settlements and the invention of the sword shows that our ancestors experienced troubles with jealous neighbors who tried to get their “undeserved” share. Bronze also caused a serious upheaval in the social structure. The access to, and control of, resources (such as metals, metallurgy, communications and trade routes) resulted in the emergence of an upper social class and induced differentiation among people, the consequences of which we still feel Archeologists working on first excavated findings

18 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Replica of the Uluburun (right and left)—how the finding looked underwater; Excavation works (below). Uluburun Images taken with special permission feature at the Museum of Underwater Archeology, Bodrum, Turkey

and transport at the time. However, a fine structural difference with the Uluburun is that its pegs were not secured by wooden pins. This technique would later be called “Fenike- mortising” by the Romans. The Uluburun was certainly built for use at sea, which refutes the thesis that sailing in the Bronze Age was done exclusively within sight of the coast. Because only about three percent of the ship’s original hull was recovered, drawings from ancient , specifically the pictorial representation of the “fleet of Queen Hatshepsut in the land of Punt” (1500 BC), provided a significant visual reference for reconstructing the ship. After extensive research, we now know: ● The Uluburun was 15 even today. meters long, 5 meters The geographically uneven distribution wide and had a draft of of metal deposits (particularly tin) resulted 1.4 meters. Her cargo is in a far-reaching and almost global trading estimated to have been 20 network that also spread cultural ideas in tons. The width of the ship's addition to goods. Bronze was essentially trim was 6cm, and the pioneering the cross-border communication pegs were at a distance of of knowledge between cultures. Even today, 20cm. good ol’ bronze has an essential word to ● The ship used a say in the world of digital communication: triangular sail, which No computer works without the elements of provided a maximum bronze. No bronze would mean no online speed of two nautical miles social networks. per hour, and two rudders While our Uluburun sailed the seas, the to maneuver. world-famous bust of Nefertiti was made in ● The Turkish research Egypt. Odysseus returned home from his long group “360” proved this odyssey. The Egyptian Pharaoh Echnaton ship was oceangoing in established the first monotheistic religion. 2005. By using techniques Moses’ successor Joshua led the Israelites, and materials from the late and the Hittites dominated an area five times Bronze Age only, the “360” larger than Germany. These were turbulent group built an identical times—from Haithabu to Karnak, as well as underlying “skeleton” (the frames and bars) replica of Uluburun and successfully sailed at Cape Uluburun on the southern Turkish later. Even 1,000 years after the demise of the the Mediterranean. coast, where a merchant ship with a cargo Uluburun, this technique was still used to build The following is the probable route of of priceless goods sank to its grave. Roman and Greek ships. the Uluburun. From her home port on the Archaeological finds in Egypt suggest that Levantine coast, she sailed fully loaded to her The Ship the archetype for this ship probably came (unknown) Mycenaean destination port. At The ship was built of cedar using the so- from ancient Egypt. In particular, Pharaoh night, she anchored in ports along the Turkish called “spigot technique,” which involves Echnaton drove the development of more coast. The planned way back may have then building the outer hull first and adding the resilient oceangoing ships to advance trade taken her towards Marsa Matruh in northwest

19 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Amphorae—Ancient cargo storage. Trading routes of Image taken with special permission bronze durung the at Museum of Underwater late bronce age feature Archeology, Bodrum, Turkey common way to transport metal the Virazon, to Turkey. The at that time, making carrying and Virazon was equipped securing the precious resource on with a decompression pack animals and ships easier. chamber, side sonar, a News of this discovery brought proton-Magnometer, a the Turkish archaeologist Cemal compressor, an echo Pulak M. on the scene. Cemal sounder, GPS, underwater was at that time an assistant to scooters and a two-person George F. Bass, the founder and submarine, Carolyn. It was director of the Institute of Nautical the best that money could Archaeology (INA) in Texas, USA. buy at the time. After checking the “biscuit with On the rocks of Cape ears” description, Pulak also dived Uluburun, only 50 meters at the site to see the ingots and from the wreck’s location, also noticed several amphorae a mobile village was and ancient stone anchors. He built on stilts where initiated, together with George the Turkish–American Bass, one of archeology’s most team of archaeologists complex excavation projects at experienced a veritable the time. Robinson-Crusoe-style The discovery of the Uluburun life far from civilization. was, and still is, regarded as a During the ten years of Yasar Yildiz, now director of depths between 44 and 61 meters major discovery of the century, excavation operations (1984- the Underwater Archaeology (134 to 210 feet). and neither means nor effort has 1994), archaeologists lived three Museum in Bodrum, was actively Dives at the wreck were done been spared to finally obtain months every year on a windy involved as an archaeological “barefoot” (without fins) to answers to so many unanswered cliff, miles from the nearest village. diver in Uluburun’s excavation. protect the artifacts and avoid questions about the late Bronze In this solitude, George Bass and Yildiz found a gold medallion of disturbing the sediment as much Age. The archaeological his wife, Ann, even spent their Egyptian origin at about 45 meters as possible. TriMix was already significance ofUluburun is honeymoon. deep. He was also present during around, but at the time, it was compared with the the salvage of reserved solely for military use, so grave of Pharaoh the very first all dives were made with standard Tutankhamen. artifact in 1982. air, usually with double 12- or 15- Two years after The wreck’s liter tanks. the discovery, the excavation The data from each dive was excavation was comprised 22,413 recorded manually, not only initiated. dives over 6,613 to monitor the recovery, but As technical diving hours at also to ensure the safety of the capabilities and divers. Each diver had a limited know-how in Turkey bottom time and mandatory were limited at Author Rico surface breaks. The staff the time, George Besserdich and responsible for dive safety had Egypt. The currents and winds in diving for sponges, he noticed F. Bass (known Yasar Yildiz, who a tricky job keeping enthusiastic the area suggest such a route, as an “odd structure” at a depth as the “father was one of the archaeologists safe. the Uluburun was unable to cross of 45 meters. He described it in of underwater archeological After mapping the wreck divers during winds due to her simple sail. his own words as “looking like a archeology”) and its artifacts, each diver was the excavation metal biscuit with ears”. It turned provided extensive of the Uluburun assigned a grid square for which Discovery and rescue out that these “ear cookies” support and and who is today he was responsible. Recovery —Coordinates 36 ° 7 ‘43 “N, 29 were oxhide ingots, which are technology on the director of occurred only after surveying ° 41’ 9” E. A Turkish sponge diver ancient plates of raw copper behalf of INA. the Underwater and documenting everything. named Mehmet Çakir was the with a shape reminiscent of dried INA sent its own Archeology Major findings were salvaged official discoverer. In 1982, while ox hides. Oxhide ingots were a research vessel, Museam in using lifting bags, while smaller Bodrum, Turkey

20 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO The oldest ship logbook in the world. All images this page taken with special permission at the Museum of Underwater Uluburun feature Archeology, Bodrum, Turkey

lucky charm), Rolex Yacht Master watches, hundreds of 100 bottles of Mouton Rothschild other orna- (1945) and 100 bottles of perfume ments (made ​​ No. 1—Imperial Majesty Edition from glass, by Clive Christian (which goes for cobalt, gold, 250,000 AUD per bottle). Its sinking bronze and would cost the owners 275 million electron), Euros (about 349 million AUD) amber, pearls, and drive them into the deepest and a gold depression. scarab with Many artifacts found threw up the cartouche a new mystery. It was assumed at (name seal) of the time of the Uluburun pharaoh the Egyptian that Nefertiti was already dead, Queen Nefertiti. and the new Pharaoh Haremhab In addition, had left no stone unturned to there were eliminate all evidence of the many articles existence of Nefertiti and her Assyria and Nubia. This diversity The main cargo was ten tons of of personal use, such as fishing husband Akhenaton. Never- of the various trade goods from copper of Cypriot origin, divided equipment, blades, needles for theless, a golden scarab and different countries demonstrated into 354 oxhide ingots. There was repairing fishing nets how a very brisk trade took place also a ton of tin stored in 150 jars and typical boating over the sea 3,300 years ago. It is of Canaanite origin. Prior to this features in the form speculated that the Uluburun was discovery, it was unknown to of 24-stone anchors a royal ship or of royal commis- science how tin was transported (two actually used sion, but this cannot be proven. at the time. as anchors, and the Part of the cargo was 175 glass rest probably used ingots of various colors. Assuming as ballast). that glass production had just The Uluburun been invented in Egypt, the glass carried the finest items alone must have been goods from the priceless at the time. advanced civiliz- Egyptian ebony, several ostrich ations of the Medi- eggs, elephant tusks, more than terranean. Its sinking Gold findings; Golden amulett showing Egyption pharao Nofretete (lright) a dozen hippopotamus teeth must have hit its and various processed turtle shells owner (or his client) artifacts were transported by the and archaeological reworking. were almost certainly intended hard financially. archaeological divers to the light Although the excavation was as an ensemble for early stringed If we measure of surface. completed in 1994, the follow-up instruments. the value of the A total of 18,000 artifacts were work still continues today. After Also present were Cypriot ship’s cargo by recovered, some fully preserved 3,300 years rest on the sea floor, ceramics, a huge amphorae today’s standards, and others fragmented. the Uluburun will not give up her (130cm high) bearing the seal of we could imagine a According to INA, after three secrets in a “short time” of just 20 Nefertiti, and olive 200-meter freighter months of excavation work years. oil, gold jewelry, spices, 149 trade loaded with 250 underwater, two years of weights in the form of animals, Ferrari 612 Scagliettis, scientific work for the restoration, Treasures of Uluburun cosmetic containers made of​​ 100 Hasselblad H4D preservation and determination The cargo of the Uluburun ivory in duck form, arrowheads, medium-format were needed. A total of 30 contained artifacts from seven bronze swords and spears, oil digital cameras, two months underwater work different cultures: Mycenae, lamps, a small bronze sculpture of or three paintings resulted in 20 years of scientific Kenan, , Egypt, Kessiten, the goddess Astarte (probably a by Da Vinci, 500 “Metal cookie with ears” —Bronze ingot

21 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Bronze Age farming tools. All Image this page taken with special permission at Museum of Under- Uluburun feature water Archeology, Bodrum, Turkey

distance trade over sea. The discovery of amber from the Baltic Sea area in the Uluburun wreck shows the extensive reach of the trading network. “This ship is the king,” wrote the Minister of Alaschija (Cyprus) as agent of Egypt. This correspondence is known as the “ letters”. In 1887, clay tablets were found showing the active exchange between the Egyptian court and foreign kings. Was the “ship of the King” meant to mean the Uluburun? “I will bring you a gift of two hundred talents of copper,” the king wrote to the Egyptian Pharaoh of Alaschija. Was this the Uluburun’s primary mission? Before the discovery of the Uluburun, it was unclear how much a “talent” (an ancient unit of weight) actually was. The 354 copper ingots found brought light onto the matter; Each ingot weighed 27–28kg, and the cargo of approximately Age residues made ​​determining the age considered Greece to be the cradle of ten tons of copper corresponded closely determination of the wreck possible at all. For this modern civilization, the glorious Bronze to the amount of 200 talents. It is clearly We have to purpose, dendrochronology—from the Age Greeks. The Mycenaeans were seen evident that 3,300 years ago, an early distance ourselves Greek dendron (meaning tree), chronos as paving the way for almost everything “DIN standard” aimed to define a talent from the romantic (time), and logos (science)—was used that our society makes: our thinking, as 28kg. Two hundred talents was enough notion that an to assign the pattern of the annual tree- our political aging shipwreck rings (based on their different widths) actions, and stays stylish and to a particular known growth time. This even our decorative, or that of course also works on wood already lives. Now we it waits in its entirety in processed form (planks). The findings have the first on the ocean floor sparked controversy at the end, with evidence of an for our discovery. fluctuations of plus or minus 200 years in overwhelming Golden statue of the goddess Anastarte Looking at the determining the age of the Uluburun. influence from Ulburun initially was The dendrochronological analysis of the East.” several sealed jars were found with her to look at chaos. The structure would the wood (the remains of the hull and The sailors of name on them. An unaccredited but not be recognizable to a laymen as a extra firewood the sailors carried) showed the Uluburun persuasive argument suggests that the shipwreck, and even the copper cargo a date of 1306 BC. It may have been were not name of the great pharaoh, even after seems at first glance more like a pile of two to three years later that the Uluburun Mycenaeans, her death, was still a great force of scrap metal (“metal biscuits with ears”). sank, but the ship itself may have been but Canaa- protection, and therefore her name was Only through persistent and extremely even older. The generally accepted nites, ancestors used to protect the merchandise. careful archaeological and scientific estimate is 1323 BC. of the Similarly, two high-quality swords and work could salvaged treasures and Phoenician ceremonial sticks indicate the presence secrets be revealed. History is rewritten Semithischen. of at least two high-ranking passengers, Three percent of the original hull had “The Uluburun writes the story in a This little- possibly of Mycenaean origin, possibly a been preserved, which we lay people roundabout way,” said Cemal Pulak, known people royal emissary? would not even have recognized field director of the Institute of Nautical developed as timber. Nevertheless, these wood Archaeology (INA) in Texas. “So far, we the first long- Golden amulett

22 X-RAY MAG : 55 : 2013 EDITORIAL FEATURES TRAVEL NEWS WRECKS EQUIPMENT BOOKS SCIENCE & ECOLOGY TECH EDUCATION PROFILES PHOTO & VIDEO PORTFOLIO Findings from the Uluburun: Oil lamps. All iimages this page taken with special permission at the Museum of Underwater feature Archeology, Bodrum, Turkey Uluburun were only found was proven by the discovery of a of classical archeology. in royal courts. wooden diptych, a double panel Now, 3,300 years after her There were of boxwood with ivory hinges. This demise and 29 years after her at least three diptych is the earliest notebook discovery, the Uluburun is still a literate dealers known in human history. Text was mystery that keeps the world of on board, which written on wax tablets, but they archeology in suspense, even

to equip a small army. Sufficient largest ever collection of raw have unfortunately if what they have revealed so metal for 5,000 spearheads, 5,000 materials found. Other finds in the not survived the far is phenomenal! The exhibits helmets, 5,000 swords, and 5,000 Mediterranean area consisted thousands of years. and a full-size replica of the sets of armor. This was a truly royal mostly of already processed It is believed that a ship Uluburun are displayed gift, and the basis of the “Amarna materials, often of Mycenaean battleship would take in the Museum of Underwater letters” increases the likelihood craftsmanship. The Uluburun a more direct route Archaeology in Bodrum, Turkey. of this being the mission of the proves the powerful Mycenaeans from A to B, rather Our only consolation is this: Uluburun. of the Kanaanärn were in some than trading goods After our freighter with our George Bass was in his early way dependent on others. A and commodities beloved (and expensive) Mouton days often derided, because ​​ far-reaching consequence was, in different ports like Rothschild 1954 wine bottles has back in the 60’s, he promoted among others, that the work of you would expect sunk, we inform our insurance the theory that the people of Homer, including his Iliad had to from a merchant company quickly by e-mail from Canaan were influential in terms be re-dated. He was previously ship. However, this our computers, with bronze (the of navigation, commerce and thought to have lived in the Iron would only apply if bringer of all evil or all joy—who industry, and that they were Age, but the events of the Iliad the Amarna letters knows?) ensuring a clean data far more influential than the are now clearly Bronze Age. actually referred to transmission. ■ Mycenaeans. With the discovery The precious gifts of the the Uluburun. Finally, of the Uluburun and its findings, Uluburun were so ostentatious that we know it, but it Rico Besserdich is a widely the laughter stopped. Bass said, these were probably intended as seems questionable published dive writer and “Fortunately, this shipwreck additional gifts for a royal house. whether a direct underwater photographer surfaced during my lifetime.” Also, the skills to craft ebony relationship would based in Izmir, Turkey. For more This vessel contained the (which was also part of the cargo) ever prove the crux information, see: Skull decorated with gold; Jewellery from the Uluburun (top right)