
H5984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2008 provisions, this legislation would re- counts’’ that, in effect, provide interest Mr. KANJORSKI. Yes, the provision move the existing limits on small busi- on deposit accounts, giving them a would exempt from the cap those loans ness lending for thrifts, thereby en- competitive advantage over small com- that are used to support business oper- hancing the role of savings associa- munity banks that may not have the ations in an underserved area in order tions as community leaders. The capability to offer such accounts. to stimulate economic growth in these Homeowners Loan Act currently caps In addition, most small business own- areas. the aggregate amount of commercial ers don’t have the minimum balances Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Thank you, loans other than small business loans necessary to maintain a sweep account Mr. KANJORSKI, for that clarification. at 10 percent of a savings association’s so they are forced to keep vital cash in Section 111 of the bill also includes assets, and it permits commercial lend- zero-interest checking accounts. Mak- language that member business loans ing, including small business lending, ing this small change would make a in an underserved area underwritten by of up to 20 percent of assets. huge difference for small businesses. a credit union for a business, or a local According to the Small Business Ad- Furthermore, every provision in this outlet of a business, operating on a na- ministration’s Office of Advocacy, bill providing regulatory relief for tionwide basis, shall not be eligible smaller businesses have experienced banks and thrifts has been approved from exemption from the business difficulty in obtaining relatively small previously by Congress in one form or lending cap. loans from large commercial banks another. The bipartisan support for It is the phrase ‘‘operating on a na- that set minimum loan amounts rel- this bill shows just how important it is tionwide basis’’ where I have a ques- atively high. Savings associations are for both businesses and consumers that tion. For the purpose of this section, it increasingly important providers of Congress pass this meaningful legisla- would seem that a business located in small business credit and communities tion. an underserved area that meets the America’s financial services industry throughout the country. other criteria, like a small family- This change, Mr. Chairman, will is the most effective and competitive owned business but which has a Web in the world and my proposal will help allow savings associations to continue site that sells their goods to anyone us stay out in front. Reducing regu- to serve their small business customers who visits it, would not be treated as a latory burdens on businesses and con- and to further diversify their assets business operated on a nationwide sumers is simply the right thing to. while also providing businesses with basis for the purpose of this section, as Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman KAN- greater choice and flexibility to meet the economic benefit from those sales JORSKI and the staff, and I look forward is going to that business in the under- their credit needs. to passage of this legislation today. Additionally, this proposal will sig- Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I served area. nificantly reduce the amount of time yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Have I correctly characterized the in- tent of this section? financial institutions spend filling out Pennsylvania (Mr. ALTMIRE). paperwork, and it will free up resources Mr. ALTMIRE. I thank the gen- Mr. KANJORSKI. Yes, you have. As for the thousands of institutions on the tleman. the title of the section indicates, the front lines of community lending. Mr. Speaker, there are over 90 mil- intent of this section is to promote For example, the legislation would lion members of America’s credit economic growth by encouraging small provide relief to community banks and unions, including more than 168,000 in business development in underserved financial institutions from require- the district I represent. Each of them urban and rural communities. We want ments under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley will benefit from passage of this bill, to help businesses and business owners Act to provide annual privacy notices which I strongly support. It is a bipar- that have a presence there, like a to their customers, detailing their pri- tisan piece of legislation that is an ex- mom-and-pop operation with an Inter- vacy policies and the way they share cellent first step towards improving net store. Moreover, we have taken information. the regulatory framework for our Na- steps in the legislation to ensure that a While I have consistently advocated tion’s credit unions and banks. locally owned franchise that consists for increased protection of sensitive fi- Credit unions serve a broad and di- only of local operations shall not be nancial information, there should be verse membership, including many low treated as a business operating on a na- targeted exemptions from this require- and moderate-income individuals who tionwide basis. ment to relieve the burden from small would otherwise be unable to access Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Thank you for banks that do not share information the services provided by financial insti- this clarification, Mr. KANJORSKI. I with their affiliates and that have not tutions. This bill will allow Federal agree with your assessments. otherwise changed their privacy poli- credit unions to better serve consumers Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I cies. and provide them with greater access have no further requests for time, and I yield back the balance of my time. b 2015 to financial products and services. I ask my colleagues to support this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The This change, Mr. Speaker, will save commonsense and long-overdue legisla- question is on the motion offered by small businesses millions of dollars in tion. the gentleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. compliance costs while also protecting Mr. KANJORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I KANJORSKI) that the House suspend the consumers from unnecessary and dupli- yield to the gentleman from Kansas rules and pass the bill, H.R. 6312. cative notices. (Mr. MOORE) who wishes to enter into a The question was taken; and (two- The legislation also contains impor- colloquy. thirds being in the affirmative) the tant provisions that would repeal the Mr. MOORE of Kansas. As one of the rules were suspended and the bill was prohibition against the payment of in- cosponsors of this legislation, I would passed. terest on business checking. This pro- like to engage its primary sponsor, A motion to reconsider was laid on hibition was enacted during the De- you, Mr. KANJORSKI, in a colloquy on the table. pression as part of the Banking Act of two questions related to section 111. f 1933, to protect banks in the heat of This section concerns the encourage- competition from offering interest lev- ment of small business development in HERITAGE MONTH els on deposit balances that might be underserved urban and rural commu- Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I move to sustained through risky investments. nities. suspend the rules and agree to the con- In their 1996 report ‘‘Streamlining of First, I have a question about the current resolution (H. Con. Res. 370) ex- Regulatory Requirements,’’ the Fed- meaning of the provision that exempts pressing support for designation of Sep- eral banking regulators concluded, business loans made by credit unions in tember 2008 as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage however, that the statutory prohibi- underserved areas from the existing Month’’ and honoring gospel music for tion against paying interest on busi- cap on member business lending. Is it its valuable and longstanding contribu- ness accounts no longer serves a valid the intent of this provision that the tions to the culture of the United public purposes. For example, large fi- proceeds from exempt loans will be States. nancial services companies have de- used to support business operations in- The Clerk read the title of the con- vised products, such as ‘‘sweep ac- side underserved areas? current resolution.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00118 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.159 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE June 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5985 The text of the concurrent resolution woman from North Carolina (Ms. FOXX) Gospel music is a cultural and international is as follows: each will control 20 minutes. art form that fosters an outpouring of deep H. CON. RES. 370 The Chair recognizes the gentleman spiritual beliefs. It has developed over the Whereas gospel music is a beloved art form from Missouri. years in the but its blend of di- unique to the United States, spanning dec- GENERAL LEAVE verse cultures and music styles give us songs ades, generations, and races; Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- that transcend borders and beliefs. Whereas gospel music is one of the corner- mous consent that all Members may It is a fitting tribute to this uniquely American stones of the musical tradition of the United have 5 legislative days in which to re- music that September be designated as Gos- States and has grown beyond its roots to vise and extend their remarks. pel Music Heritage Month as it has touched achieve pop-culture and historical relevance; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there millions of people throughout the world. It has Whereas gospel music has spread beyond objection to the request of the gen- been enjoyed in many different mediums such its geographic origins to touch audiences as books, television and motion pictures which around the world; tleman from Missouri? Whereas the history of gospel music can be There was no objection. has increased the enjoyment for many in var- traced to multiple and diverse influences and Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- ied cultural venues. foundations, including African-American self such time as I may consume. The style of gospel music has expanded spirituals that blended diverse elements Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the House from its roots to include Urban, Christian from African music and melodic influences Committee on Oversight and Govern- Country and further broad- from Irish folk songs and hymns, and gospel ment Reform, I gladly join my col- ening the appeal of this music to more people. music ultimately borrowed from uniquely leagues in the consideration of H. Con. The Gospel Music Channel has played an im- American musical styles including ragtime, Res. 370 which expresses support for the portant role in bringing the diverse types of , and blues; gospel music to many fans. Some of the Whereas that tradition of diversity re- designation of September 2008 as ‘‘Gos- mains today, as the influence of gospel music pel Music Heritage Month’’ and honors music greats such as , Whitney can be found infused in all forms of secular gospel music for its valuable and long- , , Buddy Holly, Alan music, including rock and roll, country, soul, standing contributions to America’s Jackson and even are among , and countless other culture. the many recording artists that have their roots styles; H. Con. Res. 370 was introduced by in gospel music and have recorded significant Whereas the legacy of gospel music in- the gentlewoman from (Ms. gospel music . Their ability to bring cludes some of the most memorable voices their personal inspiration from gospel music to and musical pioneers in the history of the JACKSON-LEE) on June 10, 2008, and is cosponsored by 53 House Members. The their millions of fans with varied musical styles United States, such as Thomas Dorsey, is another tribute to this wonderful music Mahalia Jackson, James Vaughan, Roberta bill before us was reported favorably Martin, Virgil Stamps, Diana Washington, from the Oversight Committee on June genre. Stamps Quartet, The Highway QCs, The 12, 2008, by voice vote. The legacy of gospel music is an American Statesmen, , Point of Gospel music is a unique national art art form that continues to uplift and comfort Grace, Smokie Norful, Terry Woods, James form that truly exemplifies the Amer- people throughout this country and world. Cleveland, Billy Ray Hearns, Rex Humbard, ican ‘‘melting pot’’ concept. Its diverse Therefore, I ask my colleagues to join me in Joe Ligon and The Mighty Clouds of Joy, influences include African-American support of this resolution in recognition of this , V. Michael McKay, Theola spirituals, traditional African music, national treasure. Booker, , Edwin and Walter Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Hawkins, , , Kathy ragtime, jazz, and blues, as well as of my time. Taylor, and Brenda Waters, Carl Preacher, Irish folk songs and hymns. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, at this time Shirley Joiner of B, C & S; While some originally deemed the fu- I would like to recognize the sponsor of Whereas many of the biggest names in sion of secular music with sacred the resolution, the gentlewoman from music emerged from the gospel music tradi- lyrics, which characterizes gospel tion or have recorded gospel music, includ- Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE) for 3 minutes. music, to be unconventional, gospel Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. ing Sam Cooke, , Elvis Presley, music has quickly grown into an inte- Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Speaker, let me thank the manager of Houston, Little Richard, Ray Charles, Buddy gral part of American culture. The in- this legislation, Mr. LACY CLAY, and Holly, Alan Jackson, Dolly Parton, Mariah fluence of gospel music extends my special appreciation to the chair- Carey, Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis; throughout practically all forms of sec- person of the full committee, Chairman Whereas, regardless of their musical styles, ular music performed today, including WAXMAN. He expressed a great deal of those artists and so many more have turned rock and roll, country, soul, and appreciation and sensitivity for this to gospel music as the source and inspiration rhythm and blues. legislation; and to the ranking mem- for their music, which has blurred the bound- Gospel music has motivated innu- ber, Mr. TOM DAVIS, to the staff of the aries between secular and gospel music; merable musicians over the years, in- committee for their untiring work and Whereas, beyond its contribution to the cluding such greats as Tommy Dorsey, musical tradition of the United States, gos- dedication, and certainly to the man- pel music has provided a cultural and musi- who is sometimes credited as the ‘‘Fa- ager on the minority side on this legis- cal backdrop across all of mainstream ther of Gospel Music,’’ James Vaughan, lation. media, from hit television series to major Diana Washington, Smokie Norful, Yo- I am delighted to see a number of Hollywood motion pictures, including landa Adams, Sam Cooke, Mahaliah Members on the floor of the House, and ‘‘’’, ‘‘Heroes’’, ‘‘Dancing with Jackson, Elvis Presley, Marvin Gaye, I am especially appreciative of the gos- the Stars’’, ‘‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?’’, Ray Charles, Buddy Holly, Bob Dylan, pel singers and advocates who have ‘‘Sister Act’’, ‘‘The Preacher’s Wife’’, ‘‘Evan and the list goes on. helped encourage this legislation to Almighty’’, and more; Mr. Speaker, it is important that we Whereas gospel music has a huge audience move forward. around the country and around the world, a as a Congress honor the enormous and Let me also thank Senator BLANCHE testament to the universal appeal of a his- beautiful contributions that gospel LINCOLN who authored this legislation torical American art form that both inspires music has given to not only America, in the Senate, along with Senator and entertains across racial, ethnic, reli- but to the world by designating Sep- HUTCHINSON and my cosponsor, Con- gious, and geographic boundaries; and tember 2008 as Gospel Music Heritage gresswoman BONO MACK. Whereas September 2008 would be an appro- Month. I urge the swift passage of this We understand that this Congress has priate month to designate as ‘‘Gospel Music bill. an opportunity on many occasions to Heritage Month’’: Now, therefore, be it I reserve the balance of my time. celebrate and commemorate important Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- historical cultures of this Nation. Gos- Senate concurring), That Congress supports pel Music Heritage Month is that, for it the designation of ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage self such time as I may consume. Month’’ which would recognize the contribu- The legacy of gospel music is an is not with respect to race, color or tions to the culture of the United States de- American art form that continues to creed, or even religion. As I was told by rived from the rich heritage of gospel music uplift and comfort people throughout one artist singing in Japan, singing and gospel music artists. this country and world. Therefore, I gospel music borne out of the seeds of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ask my colleagues to join me in sup- slavery, that those in Japan were cele- ant to the rule, the gentleman from port of this resolution in recognition of brating and clapping to that gospel Missouri (Mr. CLAY) and the gentle- this national treasure. music.

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00119 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.161 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H5986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2008 Gospel music has been woven into awards, and an armload of platinum heard melodiously infused in many genres that the fabric of American society for cen- and gold albums has seen professional we love today. It has grown beyond its roots turies, deeply impacting hundreds of peaks and personal valleys alike while to achieve pop-culture and historical rel- generations, from rock and roll, coun- in the spotlight, all of them tempered evance, touching audiences around the world. try, the blues, R&B, and even hip-hop. by the grace of God. Sandi Patty is one According to the Gospel Music Channel, And so H. Con. Res. 370 designating the that will be a light as we honor Gospel ‘‘Gospel music sales now account for nearly 8 month of September is intended to Music Heritage Month. percent of all music purchased in the United offer to America an opportunity to And then our own hometown girl, Yo- States, selling seven CDs for every ten pur- pause for a moment and be able to cele- landa Adams, who debuted her song, chased in country music.’’ brate gospel music. ‘‘Just As I Am’’ in the 1980s. I remem- Regardless of their musical styles, artists According to the Gospel Music Chan- ber sitting on the seats of many have turned to Gospel music as the source nel, which has been very helpful with churches and seeing Yolanda, a tall, and inspiration for their own music, which has this legislation, gospel music sales now regal young teacher, sing in the choir. blurred the boundaries between secular and account for nearly 8 percent of all And then when she came to her own Gospel music. Gospel music has provided a music purchased in the United States, and began to sing and win all of these cultural and musical backdrop across all of selling seven CDs for every 10 pur- awards being reminded of her songs, mainstream media, from hit television series to chased in country music. ‘‘Mountain High . . . Valley Low,’’ and major Hollywood motion pictures, including Regardless of their musical styles, of course many other songs that she ‘‘American Idol,’’ ‘‘Dancing with the Stars,’’ artists have turned to gospel music as had sung, winning many awards having ‘‘Sister Act,’’ and more. a source of inspiration for their own that wonderful regal ability to convey The history of Gospel music can be traced music. And we recognize in this legisla- her spirit, and particularly her song, ‘‘I back to African American spirituals that blend- tion a number of those cited, such as need you now.’’ ed diverse elements from traditional African Tommy Dorsey, Mahalia Jackson, Yolanda Adams, along with Mary music, folk songs and hymns, and ultimately James Vaughan, , and Mary, , V. Michael McKay, borrowed from other American musical styles many more. And others who got their Kathy Taylor, and many others in and including ragtime, jazz, and blues. Let us not forget that the legacy of Gospel music in- start through gospel music, Elvis Pres- around the State of Texas and else- cludes some of the most memorable voices ley, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, where, are well to be remembered. and pioneers in American history, such as Buddy Holly, , Ray Brenda Ward, Carl Preacher, and Shir- Thomas Dorsey, Mahalia Jackson, James Charles, Dolly Parton, , ley Joiner, as Gospel greats of BC&S. Vaughan, Roberta Martin, and many more. Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis, to men- So many have offered a joy to this Gospel music has paved the way for leg- tion a few. Nation. That is why I ask my col- endary recording artists such as Elvis Presley, We know that Mahalia Jackson leagues to support this resolution cele- Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin, Buddy Holly, reigned as a pioneer interpreter of gos- brating and stopping for a moment in Whitney Houston, Ray Charles, Dolly Parton, pel music, and I know that she will be the month of September every year to Mariah Carey, Bob Dylan, and Randy Travis discussed with great admiration. I commemorate gospel music heritage. Remember, it is not a respect of color just to name a few. loved to hear her sing. Let us now take a look at some of Gospel’s or creed or religion; it is an oppor- And yes, of course, one of our other most influential, recognizable artists: great and wonderful stars that we have tunity to feel your spirit. So let me ask Mahalia Jackson reigned as a pioneer inter- here, the famous , my colleagues to support this legisla- preter of gospel music whose fervent contralto someone that everyone knew, born in tion. was one of the great voices of this century. , , but no one can offer a I thank Mr. CLAY for his time. I Both gospel and rhythm and blues had their voice likes James Cleveland, leading thank my colleagues. roots in the sanctified church, but whereas choirs, inspiring others, recognizing Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support blues and R&B departed on secular paths that that choir rehearsals were the cause of of my legislation, H. Con. Res. 370, Express- led to rock and roll, gospel stayed the spiritual the inspiration of music in our church- ing support for designation of September 2008 course. Nonetheless, the influence of gospel es. As we recognize James Cleveland, as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage Month’’ and hon- on R&B and rock and roll, especially through we are still reminded of the great work oring Gospel music for its valuable and long- such force-of-nature voices as Jackson’s, is he has done. standing contributions to the culture of the inescapable. Little Richard has cited Jackson United States. I am delighted to stand on the b 2030 as an inspiration, calling her ‘‘the true queen floor of the House today to honor, recognize, of spiritual singers.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- preserve, and promote the legacy and con- No other Christian artist at work today is tlewoman’s time has expired. tributions that Gospel music has made to our better suited to sing about life’s journey than Mr. CLAY. I yield the gentlewoman 2 society. Sandi Patty. Still bursting with creative energy additional minutes. Gospel music has been woven into the fab- and magnetic talent three decades into her ca- Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. James ric of American society for centuries, deeply reer, the Gospel Music Hall of Fame inductee Cleveland was, of course, the choir di- impacting hundreds of generations. From rock with 39 Dove Awards, five Grammy Awards, rector’s choir director. It was in one of and roll, country, the blues, R&B, and even and an armload of platinum and gold albums these rehearsals that James was sing- hip hop, Gospel’s musical roots can be heard has seen professional peaks and personal val- ing, and he was noticed and made a throughout many musical genres that we love leys alike while in the spotlight, all of them choir mascot. The choir director, today. Not only has Gospel music entertained tempered by the grace of God. Thomas A. Dorsey, wrote a song for the masses, but its spiritual roots have spread The Winans are a contemporary Christian him which launched the career of what the Gospel of Jesus Christ to millions, giving music group formed by four brothers, Marvin, was to be a long line of performances. it the unique ability to minister to souls around Carvin, Ronald and Michael Winans, from De- Through Dorsey’s teaching and direct- the world. troit, , USA. The family has addition- ing, James was influenced in a great It is very important that we recognize and ally produced two well-known solo/duo gospel way, and James Cleveland became him- celebrate the vital role Gospel music has performers, BeBe and CeCe Winans. After self, the great teacher, the great choir played in music history and also in contem- having sung in gospel choirs all their lives the director, the great musician, and boy, porary times. That is why I am so proud of my brothers began their professional career in the he could move your spirit. James legislation, H. Con. Res. 370, Designating early 80s. Staying close to their gospel roots Cleveland will be remembered, and we September as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage but always maintaining a distinctive, jazzy will be able to celebrate him and his Month.’’ This bill recognizes Gospel music’s sound, their reputation saw them work and music in this wonderful month. contributions in American culture by cele- perform with leading artists including Vanessa Many of us know the wonderful song- brating its rich heritage and artists for a full Bell Armstrong, and Michael stress of Sandi Patty, still bursting month. I urge my fellow Members of Congress McDonald, the latter pair both appearing on with creative energy and magnetic tal- to support this vital legislation. their 1987 , Decision. Their two QWest ent three decades into her career. The As we know, Gospel music is an American albums of the early 90s, Return and All Out, Gospel Music Hall of Fame inductee art form that has spanned throughout hun- saw the Winans attempt to convert their popu- with 39 Dove awards, 5 Grammy dreds of years. Its musical elements can be larity into mainstream R&B success. Even this,

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00120 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.163 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE June 24, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5987 however, was motivated by moral concerns: from nearly every genre of popular music (the clash of cymbals; praise him with loud clang- ‘‘The whole purpose was to win over young Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, ing cymbals. Let everything that breathes sing people who might have been on the verge of Earth, Wind & Fire, Luther Vandross, Ray praises to the Lord!’’ going into a life of crime or going off track,’’ Charles, and are but a few), The Praising the Lord is at the core of Gospel Ronald Winans told Billboard magazine in Mighty Clouds of Joy are more than a Gospel music and today we honor the many Gospel 1995. legend. They are nothing less than a national musicians who have dedicated their lives to Ever since her late-80s debut Just As I Am, treasure. Still, one must choose his words praising the Lord. Their messages of faith, Yolanda Adams has triumphantly carried the carefully when describing the Clouds. ‘‘Icons?’’ hope, and wisdom continue to encourage in torch for contemporary gospel and inspira- Absolutely. ‘‘Pioneers?’’ Without a doubt. times of hardship, and express joy in times of tional music via 12 glorious albums. Stun- ‘‘Venerable?’’ Most certainly. ‘‘Forefathers’’ of prosperity. Gospel musicians use their talents ningly beautiful, exceptionally educated, filled modern Gospel, R&B, rock and pop? It’s just to motivate listeners to live positive life styles with the spirit and blessed with one of the the straight fact of the matter; but don’t let grounded in love, patience, goodness, kind- most powerful voices in any genre of music, founding member and lead vocalist, Joe Ligon, ness, self-control, gentleness, peace, and joy; this Houston-native and one-time school or any of the other five Clouds hear you refer- all of which we know as the Fruit of the Spirit. teacher has been a stately beacon of God’s ring to them with any synonym that even hints Today, Gospel music has a vast audience light, earning numerous accolades and awards at greatness in the past tense. around the country and around the world. This for her shining efforts; including the first Amer- Perhaps the most interesting story in mod- is a testament to the universal appeal of a his- ican Music Award for Contemporary Gospel ern Gospel music over the past few years has torical American art form that both inspires Artist, four Gospel Music Association Dove been the emergence from nowhere of Smokie and entertains across racial, ethnic, religious, Awards and four National Academy of Record- Norful. Virtually unheard of when he released and geographic boundaries. ing Arts and Sciences Grammy Awards (in- his debut album, I Need You Now, in early Without a doubt, Gospel music deserves na- cluding 1999’s Best Contemporary Soul Gos- 2002, Norful became Billboard Magazine’s #1 tional recognition and I urge my colleagues to pel Album for Mountain High . . . Valley Low Gospel Artist of 2003 and also won the cov- expediently pass this vital piece of legislation. which featured her secular breakthrough hit eted 2003 for both Best Male By supporting H. Con. Res. 370, the Members ‘‘,’’ and 2005’s Best Gospel Vocalist and Best New Artist. It is encouraging of Congress will finally honor the great con- Song for ‘‘,’’ for which she was a to find new artists like Norful that are blending tributions of Gospel music artists of the yester- co-writer). the rhythms and production quality of modern years and years to come. Let us recognize the Since his debut, 1993’s Kirk Franklin & the soul with the lyrical depth of modern Gospel. significant cultural contributions of Gospel Family, Kirk Franklin has been one of the It also is encouraging that Urban Adult Con- music to the fabric that weaves together the brightest stars in contemporary gospel music. temporary radio was willing to embrace an ob- patchwork of American society, by designating The album spent 100 weeks on the gospel viously spiritual song such as ‘‘I Need You September as ‘‘Gospel Music Heritage charts (some of those on top), crossed over to Now.’’ And while great Gospel artists such as Month.’’ I am grateful for the help of the Gos- the R&B charts, and became the first gospel and even Yolanda Adams had dif- pel Music Channel, the Grammys and my debut album to go platinum. His second ficulty finding continuing broad crossover sales Gospel artists. I also appreciate the work of album, Kirk Franklin & the Family Christmas, following their smash 2000 albums, fans of Gospel Music advocate Carl Davis. became the genre’s first Christmas album to quality Soul will continue to hope that strong I would like to thank Senator BLANCHE LIN- make it to number one, and his 1996 album future material by artists such as Smokie COLN for her great leadership in the Senate in Whatcha Lookin’ 4 went gold as soon as it Norful will lead to sustained mainstream suc- getting this resolution passed. I am proud to was distributed. With such phenomenal suc- cess for spiritual music. support H. Con. Res. 370 and to provide Con- cess, it is small wonder that some have hailed Let me speak now, of some Gospel music gressional support for the designation of ‘‘Gos- him ‘‘the Garth Brooks of gospel.’’ Still, despite that is particularly important to me: The Soul pel Music Heritage Month’’ which would recog- all the adulation and brouhaha, Franklin re- Stirrers, formed by Roy Crain in 1926, which nize the contributions to the culture of the mains a humble, devout Christian, eschewing became one of the most popular and influen- United States derived from the rich heritage of the title ‘‘entertainer’’ in favor of labeling him- tial gospel groups of the 20th Century and Gospel music and Gospel music artists. I self as just a ‘‘church boy.’’ was the first Gospel group inducted into the strongly urge all my colleagues to do the The Reverend James Cleveland was born in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; Joe Ligon and same. Chicago, Illinois, on December 5, 1931, to The Mighty Clouds of Joy, another quartet that Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Rosie Lee and Benjamin Cleveland during the got their start here in Houston; Don Robey’s minutes to the gentleman from Lou- height of the greatest depression. James’ Peacock Records, which in its 1960s’ gospel isiana (Mr. JEFFERSON). grandmother attended Pilgrim Baptist Church, heyday, featured such artists as The Dixie Mr. JEFFERSON. I thank the gen- where she was a member of the choir. James Hummingbirds, Rev. Cleophus Robinson, The tleman for yielding. had no choice but to attend these rehearsals Loving Sisters and with its subsidiary label, Today I rise in strong support of H. with his grandmother and found himself sitting Song Bird Records, released recordings from Con. Res. 370, the Gospel Music Herit- through these choir rehearsals—bored stiff! the legendary and other Gospel age Month resolution. I thank Con- Eventually James decided he would conquer Greats; BC&S (Brenda Waters, Carl Preacher gresswoman SHEILA JACKSON-LEE and the boredom through attempting to sing along & Shirley Joiner), the nucleus of what would Congressman CLAY for bringing this with the choir. It was in one of these rehears- become Southeast Inspirational Choir, the ve- measure to the floor. als that James’ singing was noticed and he hicle that launched the prolific solo career of My region has a strong connection to was made choir mascot. The choir director, Yolanda Adams; V. Michael McKay, one of the Gospel music. It is home of ‘‘The Queen Thomas A. Dorsey wrote a song for him which most prolific of our time, with of Gospel Song’’ Mahalia Jackson. Ms. launched the career of what was to be a long songs like The Potter’s House, The Battle is Jackson was born in New Orleans, line of performances. Through Dorsey’s teach- the Lord’s, and Broken, But I’m Healed; Kathy more specifically in the Carrollton ing and directing young James was influenced Taylor, whose anointed voice is heard from neighborhood of Uptown in 1911 and in a great way. Reverend Cleveland will never the sanctuary of Windsor Village to places all grew up singing, starting in the Plym- be forgotten as one of the world’s foremost around the world; Kirk Franklin, who in a dec- outh Rock Baptist Church before mov- leaders and pioneers of gospel music and his ade brought Gospel Music out of the Church ing to Chicago as a teenager. gospel music ministry will live on. Literally and back into the streets of the young people Like so many gospel singers, she every black gospel artist today has been influ- of America and the world, while revolutionizing struggled to get a career going, labor- enced by James Cleveland. the genre in the process; Kurt Carr, whose ar- ing as a domestic but soon became a It’s not hard to divide the world of Gospel tistry demands the attention of the world, while prolific soloist at churches and funer- quartet music into categories. In fact, there are at the same time, the heart of God . . . als in the Chicago area. The world took really only two. There’s the Mighty Clouds of Psalm 150 states: ‘‘Praise God in his sanc- notice, and her voice became a sound- Joy, and then there’s everybody else. After 44 tuary; praise him in his mighty heaven! Praise track for the civil rights movement of years and 35 albums, three Grammys and tro- him for his mighty works; praise his unequaled the fifties and sixties. Her commanding phy-case full of almost every award imag- greatness! Praise him with a blast of the ram’s contra-alto voice rang out in song for inable; shows that have run a gamut from the horn; praise him with the lyre and harp! Praise Presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy church-house to the White House, and top-bil- him with the tambourine and dancing; praise and before Dr. Martin Luther King, lings with a dazzling roster of superstar artists him with strings and flutes! Praise him with a Jr’s, I Have a Dream speech. At the

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00121 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A24JN7.087 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H5988 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 24, 2008 March on Washington, she sang ‘‘I American spirituals that blended di- proceedings on this motion will be Been ’Buked and I Been Scorned’’ at verse elements from traditional music, postponed. Dr. King’s request. Dr. King is recalled folk songs, and hymns and ultimately The point of no quorum is considered as having said about Mahalia Jackson, borrowed from other American musical withdrawn. ‘‘A voice like this comes, not once in a styles including ragtime, jazz, and the f century, but once in a millennium.’’ blues. Fittingly, she won a Lifetime The first Negro spirituals were in- EXPRESSING HEARTFELT SYM- Achievement Award Grammy in 1972, spired by the hardship of slavery yet PATHY FOR THE VICTIMS AND was inducted into the Rock and Roll enlightened by the hope and faith of THEIR FAMILIES OF THE RE- Hall of Fame in 1997 and was honored God. They were used to send messages CENT IOWA TORNADO with a U.S. Postal Service stamp in to express personal feelings and uplift Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I move to 1988. broken spirits. They told a story of a suspend the rules and agree to the reso- The gospel music of Mahalia Jack- generation, and each era’s sense of be- lution (H. Res. 1283) expressing heart- son, as has all gospel music, inspired lief, hence the word ‘‘gospel.’’ felt sympathy for the victims and their music of other genres, in particular As traditional Negro spirituals con- families following the tornado that hit jazz, blues, and rock and roll. Little tinued to be sung, new spiritual songs Little Sioux, Iowa, on June 11, 2008. Richard, indeed, names her as one of were created. The lyrics of these songs The Clerk read the title of the resolu- his biggest influences. ‘‘She was my in- were sung and they dealt with the tion. spiration,’’ he says. ‘‘She could sing.’’ praise of the Lord with personal im- The text of the resolution is as fol- Gospel music expresses all that is im- provement and with brotherly commu- lows: portant in the human experience: our nity life. Many of them were inspired H. RES. 1283 trials, our fears, our faith, our hope for by social problems, segregation, lack of salvation. Whereas the Boy Scouts attending the Lit- love, and the list goes on and on. tle Sioux Scout Ranch for the annual Pohuk Today, the gospel tradition started in Words from traditional spirituals Pride Junior Leadership training course suf- New Orleans by Mahalia Jackson con- were slightly changed and adapted to fered through a horrific tornado; tinues. Through the inspirational sing- special events. For example, the words Whereas, on June 11, 2008, the tornado hit ing and award-winning performances of of ‘‘Joshua Fought the Battle of Jeri- the Little Sioux Boy Scout Ranch near Lit- Bishop Paul S. Morton, Trin-I-Tee 5:7, cho (and the walls came tumbling tle Sioux, Iowa, at 6:35 p.m., killing 4 youths the Zion Harmonizers, the New Orleans down)’’ was changed into ‘‘marching and injuring 43 other people at the camp; Spiritualettes, Tara Alexander, and around Selma.’’ Whereas Little Sioux Boy Scout Ranch, many others, God is powerfully glori- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- which spans 1,800 acres, is located in the Loess Hills in western Iowa, close to the bor- fied. tleman’s time has expired. der with Nebraska, about 40 miles north of New Orleans is truly a bedrock of Mr. CLAY. I yield the gentleman 1 Omaha; gospel music and gospel music the cor- additional minute. Whereas the tornado caused a giant rock nerstone of hope and spirituality for Mr. PAYNE. Instruments would later chimney to collapse in the bunkhouse where our Nation. Gospel music deserves, Mr. be infused in the culture influencing the Boy Scouts were seeking shelter; Speaker, and its artists deserve to have some of the most memorable voices, Whereas the devastation of the tornado re- the recognition that this resolution af- and we heard them, in particular sulted in the deaths of Sam Thomsen, Josh fords. And I urge its adoption. Mahalia Jackson and Roberta Martin, Fennen, Ben Petrzilka, and Aaron Eilerts; Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I would like and many, many others. Later we Whereas Sam Thomsen of Omaha, Ne- braska, was 13 years old and the son of Shar- to recognize the gentleman from New heard Marvin Gaye and Elvis Presley on and Larry Thomsen; Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) for 3 minutes. and Aretha Franklin. Whereas Sharon Thomsen referred to Sam (Mr. PAYNE asked and was given But in our local town of Norton, we as the family’s ‘‘miracle’’ baby, as he was permission to revise and extend his re- had people at New Hope Baptist Church born more than 3 months premature, but marks.) where Sissy Houston is still the head of luckily had no lasting health problems; Mr. PAYNE. Mr. Speaker, let me join music there, and Sissy Houston came Whereas Sam Thomsen, who loved camp- in with my colleagues in expressing out of our New Hope Baptist Church ing, Jesus, football, and the Nebraska support for the designation of Sep- and preceded them, Cornhuskers, as a member of Troop 26 and tember 2008 for Gospel Music Heritage wanted to eventually become an Eagle all in the same choir at New Hope Bap- Scout; Month. And let me commend the spon- tist Church. Whereas Sam was about to turn 14 years sor, Ms. SHEILA JACKSON-LEE, for her So therefore without doubt, gospel old on June 16, 2008, and he had asked his initiative to make the gospel music na- music deserves national recognition, parents for tickets to the College World Se- tional art form as we’ve seen with jazz and that is why I rise in strong support ries as his birthday present; in the past. of H. Con. Res. 370, designating Sep- Whereas Josh Fennen of Omaha, Nebraska, And let me thank the gentleman tember as National Gospel Music Herit- was 13 years old, had just finished the 8th from Missouri (Mr. CLAY) for his sup- age Month. grade, and was the son of Charles and Doro- port of this legislation. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I whole- thy Fennen; Whereas Josh Fennen, a member of Troop Let me say that this resolution cer- heartedly support House Concurrent 331, was confident and inquisitive, with nat- tainly recognizes gospel music’s con- Resolution 370. I urge my colleagues to ural leadership abilities; tribution in American culture by cele- support it. Whereas according to Josh Fennen’s mid- brating its rich heritage and artists for I yield back the balance of my time. dle school principal, Josh was a ‘‘good stu- the entire month of September. It is The SPEAKER pro tempore. The dent, a hard worker, and he was always try- very important that we recognize and question is on the motion offered by ing to be creative’’; celebrate the vital role gospel music the gentleman from Missouri (Mr. Whereas Ben Petrzilka of Omaha, Ne- braska, was 13 years old and the son of Bryan has played in music history and also in CLAY) that the House suspend the rules and Arnell Petrzilka; contemporary times. and agree to the concurrent resolution, Whereas Ben Petrzilka had just finished Gospel music has been woven into H. Con. Res. 370. 7th grade at Mary Our Queen Catholic the fabric of American history span- The question was taken. School and often spent time fishing and ning generations from rock and roll, The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the hunting with his father; country, to blues, R&B, and even hip opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being Whereas Ben Petrzilka had been a member hop. Gospel music roots can be many in the affirmative, the ayes have it. of Troop 448 for 3 years and had reached First musical genres, and we love that today. Ms. FOXX. Mr. Speaker, I object to Class rank, 3 steps below Eagle, and was as- Not only has gospel music entertained the vote on the ground that a quorum sistant leader of the Ninja Patrol of Troop the masses, but its spiritual roots have is not present and make the point of 448; Whereas Aaron Eilerts of Eagle Groove, spread the hope to many souls around order that a quorum is not present. Iowa, was 14 years old and a member of Boy the world. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Scout Troop 108; As you know, the history of gospel ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the Whereas Aaron Eilerts was always doing can be traced back to the African Chair’s prior announcement, further things for others, whether it was creating

VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:11 Jun 25, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00122 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24JN7.165 H24JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE