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Bee Gee News December 1, 1950

Bowling Green State University

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Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Bee Gee News December 1, 1950" (1950). BG News (Student Newspaper). 968.

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December 1. 1950 No. 19 Cagers Open With Gusties Tomorrow Normalcy Returns To Campus Special Train Initial Testing Of Fa/cons Claims National Attention By ERNEST JACKSON ♦ Reservations Campus activities were about back to normal today Tickets By DAVE REICHERT after blizzards, snowdrifts, and icy highways extended Sala of tickets for the Cut- The eyes of the nation will be turned to Bowling Green Thanksgiving vacation into the middle of this week. tavus-AdoIphus baakotball open- Being Taken tomorrow night to learn just what Coach Harold Anderson Classes were officially in session Monday although er will end today at 5 p.m. Stu- has prepared to enter in the basketball world for 1951. Gov. Frank J. Lausche declared it a "permissive" holiday in dents may obtain tickets by Special train ride rates to Gustavus-Adolphus from St. Peter, Minn., will provide the paying a 15-cont federal tax New York City, Buffalo, and initial test for the cagers who have gone to the National Invi- order to allow ample time for safe clearance of streets and and service charge. tational Tournament, the "World Series of Basketball," five highways throughout the Chicago are being offered for out of the last seven years. state. However, cuts were the Christmas holidays. Per- This year's team is not the not counted for absences. sons wishing to make reserva- greatest in Bowling Green his- No casualties have been re- tions are requested to report Another Frat tory, but it is composed ported on campus as yet due to (o 201A before Dec. 7 in order mainly of underclassmen who have to give time enough to arrange the fight and fortitude to win. the heavy snowfall, although stu- ample transportation. Now Possible Last year's team, picked to be dents have been coming to the hos- Kound-trip tickets to New York the greatest, fell because of the pital for colds, Hubert E. Schwarx, City cost 130. The train leaves The possibility of another automatic play of its seniors who hospital manager, said Wednesday. Toledo at 8:09 p.m. and arrives fraternity here loomed fol- had too much of the professional Maintenance And Police Busy thero at 8:45 a.m. Seat reserva- lowing Student Senate's ap- attitude. tions on the Pacemaker will cost Height Lacking Maintenance crews along with an additional $1.15 each way. proval of Square and Com- campus police were kept busy dur- pass' constitutional amend- Coach Anderson has designated ing the recent bad weather clear- Buffalo trains will leave Toledo two seniors, two juniors, and one ing streets and walks around the at 3:25 p.m. and arrive at Buffalo ment last Monday night. soph omore to campus and aiding automobile at 10 p.m. These tickets are The issue had been hanging take the floor priced at $15. at 8 p.m. to- drivers stuck in the knee-deep fire a week as a specially-ap- The train for Chicago will leave morrow. With snow. pointed committee of senators in- Property damage by the storm ut 1:40 p.m. and is scheduled to h i g hly touted was much leu than that done by arrive in the Windy City at 5 p.m., vestigated the proposed amend- sophomore Jim the ice accumulations in January, tickets priced at $13.50 round- ment. Gerber at cen- 1948, when falling trees and icy trip. Purpose of the amendment is to ter, George streets caused much damage in No payment is necessary at time ullow Square and Compass to be- Beck and Eli of registration. J o y c o at for- this area, Prof. L. R Fletcher of come a social club, then local wards, Bob the geography dept., stated. The fraternity, eventually petitioning "Peanuts" Long storm was more comparable to the and Jerry one of 1944, he said. Acacia, national Masonic - spon- Noted Journalist sored fraternity. Kempter at The blizzard, which clothed the George Back guards, the Fal- campus in 10 inches of snow, was This was the shortest meeting cons will have . caused by two storms, one off the Hero Thursday of the year, lasting hardly over one of the sharpest shooting teams Gulf and the other from the At- an hour. Also, gallery attendance in history. lantic, Professor Fletcher ex- Robert St. John, author, Height will be the main factor plained. The warm air from the wus at u minimum. Bob Taylor, Suggestions Com- lacking. Gone is 6-11 Charlie Gulf evidently merged with the news analyst, traveler, and Share and 6-6 Stan Weber. Ger- cold wave from Canada some- commentator, will lecture on mittee chairman, reported that he ber at 6-6 leads the array, with 6-5 where over Pennsylvania. was investigating six suggestions "Man's Great Chance" next that had been submitted to him. Clarence Yackey ready to come in Snow Daptha Exaggerated Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the Suggestions are not disclosed until for added strength on the boards. Reports of 30 inches of snow .lien's Uym. This will be the an investigation into their worth With Yackey In the game, Coach in Ohio are somewhat of an ex- third in a series of eight pro- and the possibility of acceptance Anderson intends to move Beck aggeration, Professor Fletcher _ .__. ,„ , """• »T »AUl IONES grams sponsored by the Uni- has been made. out to the guard replacing Kemp- THIS SCENIC shot was captured Sunday lo show that snow also versity Artists Series. ter. Wally Server, John Bales, said, due to the fact that snow provides beauty along with the customary hardship!. This was taken However, Taylor did say that and Maurice Sandy round out the depth is measured officially on from the south aide of the Falcons Neat. The noted news interpreter re- one suggestion was that an Ameri- first ten. level surfaces and not by snow cently returned to the United can flag be obtained and displayed drifts. States following a tour of the during the Senate meetings. Sen- Guatiea Thrice Victora Special trains had to be run out Korean front to find the story-be- ate approved of this and the mat- The Gusties play Bcloit tonight of several of the larger cities Elements Hinder Efforts hind the story in the Far East. ter is being looked into. and have already defeated St. Monday after light rains and fall- Four of his books have been Cloud, 66-57; Makato, 68-63; and There was no Senate meeting South Dakota St., 68-49 this year. ing tempeiatures turned highways rated High in the nation's "best- this week. into mirrors of ice. All Grey- To Maintain Status Quo seller" lists. They are: "Shalom Bowling Green whipped Coach Gus hound service throughout the state Means Peace," "The Silent Peo- Young's squad last year 73-41 as was at a standstill until Monday By GENE H. DENT ple Speak," "It's Always Tomor- part of a double header. Their evening. Bowling Green began digging its way out of the "big row," and "From the Land of Senior Registration over-all record was 8-19. The Baltimore and Ohio Rail- snow" early this week in an effort to maintain a "classes as Silent People," the story of his Dennis Nordling, a freshman, usual" schedule. And classes were maintained even though own flight from tottering Yugo- regarded as the outstanding play- way Co. made extended runs from er to come out of Minneapolis in Toledo to Bowling Gieen for the great numbers of students and faculty members remained slavia in the early days of World Begins Next Week large number of students who had snowbound in their homes. War II. the past 10 years, opens at center. University Registrar John W. Captain Andy Papke, 6-3, and managed to reach the stations in Sunday and Monday, although beautifully blanketed with That book was also said to be Dick Falkenhagen, also 6-3, start several of the larger cities. fsnow, the campus faintly re- acclaimed by critics as "the best Bunn this week announced pre- at forwards. Bob Werness, anoth- Transportation Costly sembled an abandoned Alas- book to come out of World War registration plans for next semes- er freshman, and Ralph Hixon fill Taxis made a profitable business Tryouts Set II." ter. in at guards. of the large number of students kan mining town. Classes During the second world war, Seniors are to see their aca- Last year's high scorer, Hal Mr. St. John covered 29 countries stranded in the Toledo bus termi- met with one or two students demic deans during the period Norman, has been relegated to the nal Sunday evening, charging as present. Dormitories and campus as a newspaper correspondent, be- third string, giving an indication much as $2.60 per person from For Tuesday residences seemed unusually hol- ginning with his arrival on the from Dec. 4 to Dec. 19. of the strength Coach Young has the terminal to the campus. low and deserted. Eastern Front on Sept. 1, 1939, Juniors, sophomores, and fresh- acquired through the acquisition Tryouts for L i 11 i a n Hell- and ending with his arrival in Is- Only 25 per cent of the student A count early Monday showed men will register Jan. 12 and 13. of freshmen and improvement of body had made its way back to man's "The Little Foxes" will rael in 1948 the day British troops letter men. be held next Monday and that 36 women out of 135 at Wil- quit Palestine and the fighting be- A more detailed plan will be an- the University Monday evening liams Hall had beaten through nounced after the first of the year. Ticket Sala Slow while close to 70 per cent had Tuesday, in room 7 of the drifts to get to Bowling Green. gan in the Middle East. Don Cunningham announces matriculated back by Tuesday af- Gate Theatre at 7 p.m. "The Kohl tallied 40 out of approxi- that ticket sales have been slow ternoon. The small number who Little Foxes" is directed by mately 300. Shatzel Hall had 66 this week. The window closes for managed to get back for their Lee Miesle and is the second out of 266 student on time. S'no Fun Shovel'n Snow. student sales at 5 p.m. this after- Monday morning classes were sur- major production of the cur- Tuesday people began strag- noon. prised not to find some of their rent season. Gates open at 6:16 tomorrow. gling in with tales of 16-foot The preliminary will be a fresh- profs in classes. Tryouts are open to all univer- drifts, treacherous roads, and Some Faculty Net Back sity students and faculty and bogged-down automobiles. Sore man intru-squad game and will A large number of the profes- townspeople. Every year, the back and leg muscles will testify start at 6:30. sors who spent the holiday out of Theatre has 'open" tryouts for at to the authenticity of their stories. town found themselves snowbound least one production. Those students who remained in in other cities. Although the show will not open Bowling Green over the holiday Student Loses No comparison of Bowling until Jan. 17, in the Gate Aud., seemed happy that they did. The Green with other colleges and uni- the rehearsal schedule is concen- only privation they suffered was versities in the state as to attend- trated into a short number of re- in trying to find a restaurant open Finger In Fall ance has yet been made, Glenn hearsals, due to Christmas vaca- in the University area. It was a tragic awakening Tues- Van Wormer, assistant registrar, tion. Persons coming from practical- day morning for Diane Young, asserted. There has been no com- There are 10 parts in the show— ly every area found transporta- 18-year-old freshman from Clyde, munication between the University four women and six men. Two of tion completely stymied. Trips O., when she fell from a top bunk and others concerning the bliz- the women may have to play the that ordinarily took two hours in the Kohl Hall Annex. zard. piano, although this is not a ne- lengthened into 4 or 6-hour jour In falling, Miss Young's high Carl Stanley, heed of the main- cessity. The story is about an neys. school ring on her ring finger tenance dept, reported things go- aristocratic southern family that Although Bowling Green didn't caught in the springs of her bunk. ing as smoothly as could be ex- disintegrates into greed and malice feel the initial brunt of the worst The impact of the fall, coupled pected after the blizzard. There as a result of interests in a money- storm in 87 years, nevertheless the with the ring-spring situation, re- were no major power or pipe making cotton mill enterprise. "big snow" is expected by some to sulted in the immediate amputa- breakdowns on campus due to the "The Little Foxes" was first be the topic of conversation for a tion of her finger. storm, the only minor inconveni- produced in February, 1989, by good many years. She was taken to Johnston Hos- ence being on Fraternity Row the National Theatre group of pital by campus police, where a where pipes froze up in one of the New York. Tallulah Bankhead as town doctor performed a profes- dorms, according to a report made "Regina" and Dan Duryea as Committee Meeting sional amputation on the already- by Mr. Stanley. "Leo" were in that production. •koto by DAVI GOODMAN severed finger. Press Club members serving TWO SNOW shovelers gaze in admiration whan they see the Hubert Schwarz, hospital mana- It was necessary to call in a Scripts are now in reserve in on tha committee for the Grid- mechanical age in action during one of the heaviest snowfalls ever local construction company to re- the main library, and all people ragiatarod in Bowsing Green. ger, reported that she should be move the snow from the streets, interested in trying ont are urged Iron Banquet meet in 315A at 7 However, the hand shovels bad to be pat into operation where ready for dismissal by the end Mr. Stanley, said. to reed the play. Monday evening. the aaaclueo could avot go. of the week. Poa.1 BEE GEE NEWS. Friday. December 1. 1950 Displaced BG Whale Shows &ich&U*t(f. Senate . . . New Instructor Much To Do At tho start of this school year, Student Senate gave Indica- Gives Concert Need For Campus Museum tions of acjcompllshlng Its greatest performance yet. Apparently About Nothing this was a group packed with talent and led by a president who By JOHN RADABAUGH By FRANCES COE Monday Night had dreams and plans for a better university, and the ability to Whenever there is some history- Yesair, there's a whale on campus. You've never seen see these realized. making event such as the "Big It? Well, don't cry, not very many people have, but it is To date, Senate has not lived up to its expectations. It has Snow" rumors always start pop- here—somewhere. consistently become involved in petty arguments and profitless ing. Since it's not in condition to be viewed, according: to discussions and projects. Much has been said and little accom- Latest one has it that starting Prof. Everett C. Myers of the biology dept, its whereabouts plished. next year the most pressing pre- have not been disclosed. Several times the Senate President has claimed that he and Even if it were fit to be ex-*— his group have not received the cooperation they need. This is requisite for all students wishing hibited there's no place on possibly true, possibly not. At times It is difficult to understand to attend Bee Gee is that they campus large enough for such Kelly To Address just what sort of cooperation is needed. either know how to shovel snow a display. In order to receive The dalliance and perverted goals of this group became ex- •t the rate of 60 shovels-full a full benefits from such gifts Bowl- minute or know how to drive a ing Green needs a new museum. Newman Members ceedingly evident at Its last session, the Monday night prior to Thanksgiving vacation. That meeting was nothing more nor Tho only trouble is that an ade- Dr. Ignatius Kelly will be the dog sled. Wonder what the ex- quate building complete with ap- guest speaker at the Day of Recol- less than an unjustified and selfish assumption of powers-by a cuse will be for showing up late paratus would-cost one and a half lection for the Newman Club of group that had either forgotten or else never known its purpose, from a vacation in 1965? million dollars. Professor Myers BGSU on Dec. 2. duty, and powers. • • * feels that it will take a lot of work The 8 o'clock mass will be in For some time during that meeting, Senate attempted to pass Belated congratulations are in but eventually we will have it. honor of Our Lady of Fatima. A judgement as to whether or not a club could and should attempt order for members of the band for He also asserts that too many communion breakfast will follow to change its purpose and eventually become a social fraternity. their truly great display of school people have the wrong conception the mass. Fortunately, a very few senators realized that Senate was .-•pint and indi- of a museum. It "mustn't be a forsaking its bounds and trespassing upon the Inter-fratemity vidual enthusi- place just to store things and let Conferences will be from 9 to 12 and 2 to 4 p.m. in St. Aloysius Council, and said as much. Eventually Senate passed the con- asm in the work them get dusty," he said. that they did A well-equipped museum in this Hall. slstutlonal amendment presented for approval. All Newman Clubs of the Dio- BRUCE TOLBERT throughout the area could maintain a circulating In this particular Instance, among others, Senate was wrong, football season. department to take exhibits to cese and students are invited to selfish, and petty. It was debating something that was not its - Bruce Tolbert, University attend. Not only did small schools in the surrounding concern. Whether or not a club has Intentions of eventually voice instructor, will present a they put on country. becoming a national fraternity that may be repugnene to some vocal concert Monday night at some very ex- Its staff could present art, bio- few individual senators is not Senate's business. Senate exists logical, and historical exhibits for Poem Published 8:30 in the PA Aud. under the cellent sho w a, as a legislative group, not judicial. sponsorship of the Faculty but each mem- visiting groups such as sports Senseless debating over trivial or inconsequential matters clubs who would be interested in Harold Jacobson has had n poem Concert Series. b e r personally have become entirely too prevalent at Senate meetings. Even paid part of his displays of local game. This type entitled "Dawn" published in the Mr. T o 1 b e r t came to the expenses on ev- of club could also bo shown what some few senators agree on this. University this year from Annual Anthology of College Po- It is nearlng the time for Senate to mature and look about, ery road trip, as types of game they should or etry, Los Angeles, Cal. Poetry Parkersburg, W. Va., where he na should not kill. taking stock of itself and its accomplishments so far. When it served as vocal instructor in the John Radabaugh **■ °» '« •*■ appearing in the Anthology is said pense account Tho museum would also bo a does and works with their past mistakes In mind, it will be a public schools. paid only a portion of the cost of center for research In many scien- to be representative of the finest SENATE, not a group that meets weekly for debate and hollow The tenor received his B.A. de- each excursion. tific fields. poetry written by college men and self-importance. gree in voice at Ohio University. women of America. For this unheralded display of While an undergraduate there, school interest each member of the Goodman Appointed he was a soloist with the Men's band should take a bow and re- GateUu Ibtujte* . . . Glee Club, and a member of the ceive the plaudits of the entire News Photo Editor Vested Choir and the male quar- student body. Dave Goodman 'has been ap- An excellent reason for the imposing of car rules was exem- tet. Associated Collegiate Praia plified Wednesday evening about 7:45 by a youth driving a 1939 • • • pointed photography editor of the Since then, he has done gradu- Coldest thing since left-over Bee Gee News following the resig- National Advertising Service model car going east on East Court St. on the slippery, Ice-cov- ate work at Ohio University, Cin- Subscription by mall Thanksgiving turkey are those nation of John Ituhor. ered pavement. When the auto reached the entrance to the cinnati Conservatory, and has had profs that leave some students in 11.25 on. HBHOfl 12.50 p.r year University, it twisted and turned crazily along the jagged curve, special coaching at the University Goodman has sorved two years Publtih.d seal-weekly, e.cepl duriaf of Michigan. the state of complete befuddle- as a stair photographer for the vacation perloda. by lowllnf Oreea nearly careening onto the sidewalk. In so doing, the driver not ment due to hasy or inadequate News. Slat* UniT.nllr •tud.nt. only put his own life In jeojardy but also endangered the lives He will be accompanied by Mrs. explanations. of many students walking along the sidewalk. Lenora G. Cohen, instructor in EDITORIAL STAFF piano and theory, who also joined Latest student groan seems to Duaao Zumbraaa .. Edlter-l«C»le| There is a probability that incidents like this will have a be centered in the fact that a few Th. Windmill the University staff at the begin- professors have the notion only long-range effect on the stale of automobiles on -the Bowling ning of this year. CHURCH John Radnbaugh Maaaalng Editor Green campus. Each example of carelessness ad negligence on one explanation is necessary for Don Tbsaall Issee Editor His program will consist of se- any question. lorry Hover . . Auletant teeae Editor the part of the few students Involved will certainly have an effect lections from the following: Hal holer lss»e Editor on restrictions imposed on the student body in the future. Haydn's "The Creation," Handel's It is reported that in a few class- leery CloKbe AMletaal Issue Editor It is the hope of the News and the student body that auto "Judas Maccaebeus," Massenet's es whenever a student asks a ques- (Us Duerk. Iporto Editor regulations will eventually be lifted. Students who have cars tion about material covered earlier BUI Groonhlll AMMtanl Sport. Editor "Manon," Lalo's "Le Roi d'Ys," the teacher simply restates what he den* H. Don! 'earare Editor on campus are the only ones who can bring about the lifting of Beethoven's "Adelaide," S c h u - has said previously and goes right Jo Anno Vkkoro AuUtaat F.aturo Editor restrictions if there is even the most remote chance of this occur- bert's "Ungeduld," Rachmaninoff's on with the lecture. If the stu- SHOE Irk Irwta SocUty Editor rence. The only way the present situation can be remedied is by "In the Silence of Night," Hutch- DOT* aoodman Editor inson's "Old Mother Hubbard." dent again asks for further in- HuM.ll H. rkdrd Editorial Advisor using care and common sense while driving. All this University formation he is immediately put needs Is one accident involving motor vehicles, no matter wheth- in the "You'll be back for a second BUSINESS STAFF er serious or minor, to make the present regulations seem like an try next semester" category. Botty Ann loo Bunln.u Manager Bee Gee Plays Host SHOP Dan Udrlna Advertising Manager act of Heaven. Perhaps these few profs' know- Brad Hitching. Circulation Manager ledge is in a much higher light John X. Hrn Buelnee. Adviser Radio Group To Hold Key Pictures For Annual Confab than the lowly student, but it Representatives of five colleges would be nice if they would let Reorganization Meeting some of their beams of intellect The Little Theatre of the Air, Tho following committee will and universities will be on campus tomorrow for the yearly North- shine down to enlighten the dark- campus radio's dramatic group hnve thoir pictures taken for ened minds of the class. will hold a reorganiiation meeting the Kay on Monday evening in western Ohio Regional Conference of College Home Economics Clubs. • * * Saturday at 1 p.m. in the radio Dean Florence Currier'* office. studio. Besides Bowling Green, club An overlooked item of a few V id p.m.—Social members from the University of weeks back was the magnificent 7:20 p.m.—Social Sub Toledo, Bluffton College, Heidel- concert given by the A Cappella 7:30 p.m.—Activity Fee. berg College, and Defiance Col- Choir in Cleveland. From all in- • 7:40 p.m.—Athletic lege will attend the various meet- dications the organization is the wsytwmm 7:80 p.m.—Student Union ings and the tour of this campus. toast of the sown for its outstand- cmwm GIVWG / 8:00 p.m.—Publications Miss Barbara Dietz, assistant di- ing performance. 8:10 p.m.—Election. rector of Student Christian Fel- The Plain Dealer said the 8:20 p.m.—Artist Series lowship, is the luncheon speaker. group's work definitely placed them on a par with the top com- panies of the country. FOR YOUR CLEANING NEEDS CALL US In realising that the degree of Tiiivnu excellence achieved by the choir is an I SOLD 4 Hour Odorless Cleaning gained only after hours of diligent work, Dr. Kennedy and Co. can 3 Day Shirt Laundry Service justifiably feel proud of the recog- nition awarded them. Free Pickup and Delivery (anytime) Guaranteed Waterproofing ORDER YOURS FOR XMASNOW WORLD'S ITS CONVERTIBLE 228 N. Main Phone 34392

i enonne near to reeck. ■Meet ken* Meeting the gang to diacuaa a quiz •Heew eWcee. ler Wee, loetj 10.. —or just killing time between w In Bowling Green it's w the - MWeW... E E classes — the Student Lounge of (John) Acquinas Hall at Providence Col- T D lege is one of the favorite places for E Cheetwood's E Jld a wm hits turns L L a rendeivous. At the Student I E HOUSE of V Lounge, aa in college campus Hero's a girl ehe'll tfoeeors ortd »*» - - G E haunts everywhere, a frosty bottle arwoyll ModeofthennestleotKw.core- R FLOWERS R THI fully core* acted to loll and lent ond lost. A of Coca-Cola is always on hand for BoovtUvl arid practical. Phone E ALL-HEW the pause that refreshes—Coke P M CM01CI Of COtOtS Atl H 5734 V btlonft. E Smith-Corona Klever's r • CORSAGES R rOSTAill TTP iwtirie Ask for it tithtr twry .... L • WEDDINGS T trade-marks ana Oit sami Iking. Jewelry Store 0 W w * HOSPITAL VASES H ■OTTiED UHOta AinHOtrrr OF THI COOCOU COMTANY «V 121 North Main E Earl Office Supply letnttULl COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. * FUNERAL DESIGNS E R R ______O l»J0. The Coco-Cole O Bowling Green Fine Flower Gifts E - 188 South Main BEE GEE NEWS. Friday. December 1. 1950 Pag. 3 Sigma Chi's Falcon Follies

Give Dance I IRIS IRWIN HELEN MUELLER Sigma Chis will present their STARDUSTERS fourth annual Sweetheart Dance this Saturday evening in the Wo- Getting back into the holiday spirit, here are more plnnings men's Gym. Milton CanifF, writer and engagements: Mary Hirschy engaged to Don Coleman, of "Terry and the Pirates" and Sally Palmer presented with a sparkler by Clark Folgate. "Steve Canyon," chose the arirl Pinned are Suzle Whistler to Bill Eckert; Cleopatra Sessls who will reign over the dance this and Jack Ahr; and Dottle Karantonis to Bill Royse. year. Betty Atwater was married to Dick Chestnutwood of Fre- The Social Sub-Committee is mont. sponsoring the "Snowshoe Shuf- fle" on Friday night from 9 to 12 SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK p.m. in the Women's Gym. Music * On Dick Hoffman snappily dressed in yellow wind-breaker, will be furnished by Bob Wolfs dark pants, and grey tie, attending "Birth of a Nation." Band. "Cry of the City" will be show- CLASS QUIPS ins »t tne Main Aud. at 7 and 9 First semester psychology recently had a rugged quiz on p.m. Friday. Starring in the pic- the Merry-Go-RoUnd of Psychology. One student murmured ture are Victor Mature and Rich- upon handing in his paper: "Boy, am 1 dlzzyl" ard Conte. PASS On Saturday, Loretta Young The following—a prof's answer to the li'l "molecule poms" and Van Johnson in "Mother is a we had in this column In the Nov. 17 issue. "Why was I ever Freshman" will be playing on the movie agenda in the Main Aud. such a fool, not to leam the meaning of molecule" and so on. at 7 and 9 p.m. . We found this in our box anonymously written. Here II Is: The "Sweetheart Dance" will While you were writing begin after the basketball game This cute little pome, Saturday evening and will last You should have been kicking until 12:30 a.m. One o'clock per- Yourself in the dome. missions will be granted to girls at- tending. Car permits to ride to Pholo by RICHMOND DAILY BEOBTni When it comes to grades and from the dance can be ob- The Bowling Greea Marching Band it shown above parading along the main street of Richmond, Your gonna be lef tained at Dean Conklin's office. Ky.. daring pr. i«m. ceremonies before the Bee Gee griddert net Eastern Kentucky recently. The affair is semi-formal, tuxes Instead of an A preferred, and will feature the You got a big F . . . music of Linnie Mitchell's Orches- Council Aids Rushees Concerning all the ado about the goodnight kiss we found tra. First Jolly Club Started At University the following definition of the kiss: A noun, though often used Nick Pohlman will present the Pan-Hellenic Council is holding as a conjunction, Is never declined, Is more common than proper, 1950 Sweetheart at the intermis- To promote laughter and good a panel discussion period for rush- is used in the plural, and agrees with all genders. sion. General chairman of the Seventeen students claim mem- ees on Monday, Dec, 4, in 200A. spirits the Jolly Club was formed. dance is Jerry Frost. Assisting bership to this organization. At this time the Council will him are: Dick Williams, Bob Although at first it was a joke, it President is Bob Ajikerman; Ted answer any questions which the Coombs, Vern Fauble, and Jim has turned into, an unrecognized Nye, vice president; Dave Kent, rushees have concerning the rush- JACKET CLEARANCE Jarvis. canlpus fraternity which rushes treasurer; Barry Siegel, secretary; ing period and the rush parties. and pledges. Jo Ann Sizer, pledge mistress; and Pres. Bunny Mercer has urged Corduroy Jackets, sizes 9-15. Formerly all women out for rushing to at- WIS Tea Dec. 3 Members of the group meet reg- Phil Pannelton, rituul chairman. tend the meeting. $10.95 and $12.95 All independent women enrolled ularly at 4 p.m. on Mondays in the Pins in the form of the letters at BG have been invited by the Alpha Phi lounge. Everybody "JC" will soon be worn by mem- Honorary Has Initiation Holiday Special $6.95 Women's Independent Society to heads a committee in this club, bers with "HA" as the local chap- attend a "get acquainted" tea in even the new actives. In fact, the Sigma Delta Pi, national Spnn- their lounge on Dec. 3 from 3 to 6 pledge period is only ten minutes, ter guard pin. They are being ish honorary, will initiate new p.m. General chairman of the immediately after which the new carved out of wood by the students members Sunday, Dec. 8, in Studio Jan's College Shop party is Shirley Sanglio. member is elected to a post. themselves. B of the PA Bldg. at 3:30. Shatzel Winter Party Shatzel Hall is among the first to plan a party around the winter season theme. The first day of December will find the girls from this dorm having a "Snow Ball" house party in the Nest. Helen Elderkin is chairman of the affair.

Matinee Daily 1:15

TCLAZEL Mt*TRE BOWIINC GREEN O TODAY SAT. 2 Last Days A Terrific Picture with a Terrific Cast "King Solomon's Mines" Starring DEBORAH KERR and STEWART GRANGER SUN. MON.


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t»* »*>■* BEE GEE NEWS. Friday. 1.1950 Pate, Crosten Place High Splashers Defeat In NCAA Meet At Lansing W. Ontario, 46-20 Herb Semper, Kansas Ace, Has Best Time, Joan Wickes Paces Girl But Balanced Michigan State Squad Wins Swimmers To First Win Bowling: Green's cross country team finished its 1950 At their first scheduled meet of the season, the Splashers, women's season Monday by participating in the National Collegiate swimming team, swam to top hon- Athletic Association meet at East Lansing-. ors with a 46 to 20 victory over Penn State won the meet while Michigan State, Wiscon- the University of Western Ontario, sin, and Kansas took the next three places. London, Out., Tuesday. Herb Semper, a junior from Kansas, took first as Warren Joan Wickes, captain of the Splashers, scored high in individu- Druetzler, Michigan State' Looking back over the season's senior, and Dave Allison, a al points by taking first in the 76- record the Falcons who began the junior from Wooster College, yard individual medley and 60- yard breast stroke and swimming took second and third. Sem- season with one of the strongest teams in recent, years were some- on both of the winning relay teams. per's time for the anowy 4-mile Miss Wickes alsp bettered her pre- course was 20:31.7, nowhere near what weakened by induction of vious club record of 36.6 seconds the record. several of its members into the for the 60-yard breast stroke by Running in over six inches of armed forces. 0.2 of a second. snow the 66 contestants from 20 While winning seven and losing Joyce McCreery and Marie odd universities throughout the two, the Falcons downed Albion, Kenney teamed together to take country finished the course clad Hall State, Baldwin-Wallace, John place in the synchronised duets in mere track shorts. Carroll, Wayne, Oberlin, and Ohio with their routine "Flamingo." Marve Crosten and Lee Pate W e s 1 e y a n . The team lost to Sallie Buck also copped a first in were the only contestants entered Michigan Normal and Miami. the 60-yard backstroke. for the Falcons, who, did not run • complete team in the meet. Crosten who holds the varsity Matmen Face Rugged 11-Meet Schedule record, 20:37 took 28 in the meet Bowling Green's varsity wrest- • al Ohio O. with 21:67 behind Army's Dick IS ai COM ling squad opens a rugged 11- Ian. Shea who was favored to win the game match schedule Dec. 9, meet- ■ 1 al BaldwInWaliac. meet. Lee Pate took 47 with a 11 Raaarva ing Ohio University at Athens. 20 I«l Slala 22:47. In 1940 Pate finished 88. The Falcons will also compete in r.h Penn State received the Hilly the Interstate Meet at Cleveland • Edlobora 14 at FALCON BASKETEERS, entering pat-hap* their most uncertain ••aeon in yeara, got last minuta Haye NCAA Cross County Me- March 9 and 10. The schedule, 14 Waalara Ontario morial Trophy for first place. announced today by new Coach 11 Totodo foul shooting instruction, from Coach Harold Andereon, (cantar) with Bob Long. In rear (I. to r.) Medals were presented to team Mor. are Wally Server, Jerry Kemptar, Will Smother!, Eli Joyce, Clarence Yacltey, Jim Gerber, John Bales, Anthony Bonito, follows: 1 at WarBMbura George Back, and Maurica Sandy. Photo by Jim Duerk members. DM. 1 aid 10 KM screwy season all the way. probab- ly more upsets were recorded this 'Small, But Mighty' l»*»46e year than any other. And for the first time in many a moon, not one backfield man picked on a pre- Is Short For Long season all-America landed a spot Small but mighty. That's the SiaelUtei on our selection list. Without excuses or further ex- way one has to identify Robert Long, Falcon basketball ace. Bob, By JIM OUERK planation, here it is: Ends , Army, and Bud Sher- or Peanuts," as he is popularly THE SPORTS department rod, Tennessee; Tackles Holland called should be heading for hia would like to dofi* its dusty cha- Donan, Princeton, and , best year yet. A national sport peau to the 1960 Falcon football Kentucky; Guards Bud McFadin, team. As Bill Greenhill last week Texas, and Lcs Kit -hi IT. Califor- magazine has named him one of reviewed the season in his column, nia; Center Jerry Groom, Notre the nation's best defensive men "Varsity Highlights," he implied Dame; Backs , Ohio and he was named to Oscar Km- that the season was an up and State, Everett Grandelius, Michi- ley's "little" all-A m e r i c a n last down one for Bowling Green, gan State, , Oklahoma, year. which it was. In some games, the and Bab Parilli, Kentucky. Falcons would have given any SECOND T E A M i Ends Don Playing in all of BG's 80 games team in their class a mighty rough Stonesifer, Northwestern, Bill Mc- tussle, but on other days, they Coll, Stanford; Tackles Jim just didn't have it. Weatherall, Oklahoma, and Al Regurdlt's-s, the Bee Gee News Wahl, Michigan; Guards Bcrnje backed the team from the start. Lemonick, Pennsylvania, and John We had our criticisms, some of Simcic, Wisconsin; Center Donn which were printed, some not, but Moomaw, UCLA; Backs Don Hein- all wero designed to be of con- rich, Washingtoh, Dick Kazmaier, structive nature. Not that we re- Princeton, Al Pollard, Army, and gard ourselves as sideline experts Johnny Bright, Drake. or top notch coaching materail. YOU SAY wa'r. craay? Well, But our point of view throughout who isn't who tries to pick the 11 the grid season was and will con- or 22 best players in the country! tinue to be that of observation and • • • interpretation. AMONG THE honorable men- Frequently, we strongly criti- tion in Youngstown College's all- cized the student body for its fail- opponent team were Tony Anton- ure to support Coach Whittaker's elli and Ray Florian of Bowling team, but that has been over- Green. Being chosen to the Pen- worked. If these "mature" indi- guin honorable mention list is very viduals can't take a hint . . . well, good considering that Ed LeBaron, let's hope the basketball team Bill Hawkins, and Carl Taseff plays before a much more active placed on the first team. LeBaron crowd. Amen. is the former all-American from • • a College of Pacific and Hawkins, BOB LONG IT'S ALL-AMERICA time and both now with Quantico. Tasefl" everyone is picking his or her all- was the nation's second leading last year he was third in total scor- star team. A scorer this year with 138 points. ing, averaging seven points per game. Only Charley Share and Stan Weber had more. Bob's best games last year were the Loyola DO YOU HAVE CLOTHES TO of Los Angeles and the St. Mary's contest. He scored 21 points in BE CLEANED? . the LA game and 18 in the St. Mary's match. "Peanuts" is very good at hand- TRY THRIFTY CLEANERS ling the fast break and can hit well with his sideline set shots. He played basketball at Toledo FOR: Woodward in the state tourna- ment and was accorded All-Ohio lobody's pulling the feathers over this bird's eyes! honors. He made the varsity here as a freshman after gaining more He's spent too many semesters in Psychology I. He knows — 1. Low Prices expedience on the junior varsity. Long is perhaps BG'a best as any smart smoker knows — that you can't make up 2. Efficient Service chance for national honors. He your mind about cigarette mildness on one fast puff or a quick sniff. improved steadily last year and really should be at hia best this A one-inhale comparison certainly doesn't give you much proof to go on. 3. Guaranteed Work year. That's why we suggest:

THE SENSIBLE TEST • • • The 30-Day Camel Mildness Test, which 4. Tailoring or Altering Done Home Laundry simply asks you to try Camels as your steady smoke — on a pack For Moderate Cost And Dry after pack, day after day basis. No snap judgments needed. After you've enjoyed Camels — and only Camels — Cleaners for 30 days in your "T-Zone" (T for Throat, T for Taste) we believe you'll know why,,. A Complete Thrifty Cleaners Service More People Smoke Camels 166 W. Wooster St than any other c/gareffef 235 S. Main Bowling Green Phone 2981