
Geographic Graphic Organizer Study Hint: Can Bill Remember Girls In Carolina Are Cute?

Geographic Physical Location Physical Description Key Words

Along the Pacific Coast from Tall mountains, rainy, low-lying Rugged mountains, fertile valleys, California to valleys lush and green, jagged and rocky Coastal Range beaches

West of the Rockies and East of Wide desert basins, contains Hot, desert, dry, isolated Basin and Range the Coastal Death (lowest point in mountain ranges ), rich in minerals West of Great and East of Rugged/jagged mountains that Contains Continental Divide, Basin and Range stretch from to almost snow-covered peaks , highest elevations

West of Interior Lowlands and Vast , tall grasses, flat “America’s Breadbasket,” flat Great Plains East of Rockies land, lots of and farms land, large grassy areas

West of the Appalachian Dangerous weather, rolling hills Alley, rolling flatlands, Interior Lowlands Highlands and East of Great Plains many rivers and grassy hills

Wrapped around the , Rocky ground, cold region with Hundreds of lakes carved by lots of glaciers and ice glaciers, hills worn by water/ice

West of Coastal Plains and East of place, oldest Old, eroded mountains, foresty, Appalachian Interior Lowlands mountains in the country, humid cold and warm summers Highlands Located along the Atlantic coast Lots of bays and harbors, many Broad lowlands, bays and harbors, Coastal Plain line and East of the Appalachian rivers, good fishing long and sandy beaches Highlands