Amir Opens HMC's Trauma & Emergency Center

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Amir Opens HMC's Trauma & Emergency Center TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 MUHARRAM 11, 1441 VOL.13 NO. 4735 QR 2 FINE Fajr: 4:00 am Dhuhr: 11:31 am HIGH : 41°C Asr: 3:00 pm Maghrib: 5:45 pm LOW : 32°C Isha: 7:15 pm MAIN BRANCH LULU HYPER SANAYYA ALKHOR Business 9 Sports 12 Doha D-Ring Road Street-17 M & J Building MATAR QADEEM MANSOURA ABU HAMOUR BIN OMRAN In deal with QFC, Bloomberg Qatar gear up for Near Ahli Bank Al Meera Petrol Station Al Meera launches TV studio in Qatar India challenge alzamanexchange 44441448 Amir opens HMC’s Trauma & Emergency Center New facility will serve as a beacon of excellence in our network of emergency services, says minister QNA of clinical teams at the new centre DOHA in meeting Qatar’s emergency and trauma care needs. THE Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin “Not only does the new centre Hamad al Thani on Monday inau- offer a spacious healing environ- gurated Hamad Medical Corpora- ment equipped with the latest tech- tion’s new Trauma and Emergency nology, but it also benefits from the Center, which is one of the largest delivery of care by the very best doc- centres in the region. tors, nurses, and other clinical staff. The Amir toured the centre’s These highly-trained professionals facilities, which has the latest medi- have been recruited from across the cal equipment and technologies in globe and have spent many months care and diagnosis and also oxygen preparing for the opening through therapy room. The Amir was also a number of simulation exercises. briefed on the medical facilities Their experience and expertise, cou- linking the new building with the pled with our state-of-the-art facil- relevant departments at Hamad ity and ultra-modern equipment, General Hospital. will ensure the best possible care The inauguration was attended experience.” by Prime Minister and Minister of Ansari said those in need of ur- Interior HE Sheikh Abdullah bin gent medical care can be received Nasser bin Khalifa al Thani. and treated through the Emergency Minister of Public Health HE Dr The Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani inspects Hamad Medical Corporation’s new Trauma and Emergency Center on Monday. Department on the ground floor. Hanan Mohamed al Kuwari said the “We also have trauma, urgent, inauguration of the new centre was facilities, now and for many years to care Facilities Hamad al Khalifa Khalifa said, “Patients have gency and accident services. and critical care facilities available an important milestone in providing come,” she said. highlighted HMC’s commitment to an unparalleled level of comfort. In addition to the new emergen- across the remaining three floors. emergency and trauma care in Qatar. “The new Trauma and Emer- delivering high-quality trauma and They can recover in a state-of-the- cy department, the centre provides The facility has state-of-the-art “The inauguration of the new gency Center — four times the size emergency care. art healing environment, improv- accident and critical care and urgent diagnostic equipment, including Trauma and Emergency Center un- of the former Emergency Depart- “HMC continues to expand and ing their recovery journey and the care services, as well as a dedicated an MRI, ultrasound, and three CT derlines our ongoing commitment ment — offers a greatly improved improve the care we offer our pa- healthcare experience for both platform for patients transported in scanners. Our patients will also to expanding capacity and improv- patient experience. This new facility tients. Today’s opening of the new themselves and their family,” he ambulances to Hamad General Hos- benefit from a threefold increase in ing services. This commitment will will serve as a beacon of excellence Trauma and Emergency Center said. pital. X-ray capacity, compared to the for- ensure that the people of Qatar will in our network of emergency ser- highlights that HMC is not only The new centre is one of the larg- Acting Chief Medical Officer at mer Emergency Department.” continue to receive the best possi- vices,” Kuwari added. committed to expansion but is also est of its kind in the region and will HMC Dr Abdulla al Ansari drew ble care delivered in leading-edge For his part, Chief of Health- delivering on this commitment.” significantly expand Qatar’s emer- particular attention to the key role Continued on page 16 Ô Amir inquires about Kuwait Amir’s health THE Amir HH Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al Thani held a phone call with the Amir Qatar refutes Saudi allegations about unjust siege of Kuwait HH Sheikh Sabah al Ahmad al Jaber al Sabah on Monday. During the phone call, the Amir was reassured about the health of the Amir of Kuwait after QNA to have the courage to submit its with the Kuwaiti mediation efforts sea borders, expelling Qataris from undergoing a medical check-up in the US. The Amir wished the Kuwait Amir DOHA allegations and supposed evidence rather than further escalating ten- Saudi Arabia with no basis, includ- good health and wellness. (QNA) to the scrutiny of independent in- sions in the region, the Kingdom of ing the mass expulsion of Qatari QATAR has affirmed its commit- ternational bodies and to cooperate Saudi Arabia (KSA) released a sud- pilgrims during the Holy Month ment to the rule of international with the ongoing Kuwaiti media- den and unfounded press release on of Ramadan merely for holding a law, saying it has chosen to coop- tion efforts to find an end to this September 7, 2019 that continues to Qatari citizenship, and continuing erate with mechanisms of interna- crisis. A resolution to this regurgitate the oft repeated to unlawfully discriminate against tional law to reach a peaceful solu- crisis and the lifting of false allegations against Qatar and Qataris in every way pos- Hamad Port enters Guinness tion to the Gulf crisis. the illegal blockade Qatar. The Ministry of sible,” the statement added. In a statement on Monday, the imposed upon Qa- Foreign Affairs in Qa- “In addition, despite KSA’s World Records as deepest Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on tar since June 5, tar finds itself obliged claims that it welcomes Qataris to Saudi Arabia to follow suit and be 2017 will benefit to respond to this at- enter the country, several incidents courageous to present its allegations not only Qataris, tempt at twisting the of enforced disappearance of Qatari artificial basin and evidence to independent inter- but Saudis who truth, and the release citizens have been reported includ- national bodies and to cooperate with also have been suf- of self-serving and un- ing the most recent disappearance Kuwait’s ongoing mediation efforts fering because of the true statements.” of a father and son documented by to bring this crisis to an end. measures the govern- “KSA’s statement the National Human Rights Com- “Qatar is committed to the inter- ment of KSA has taken alleges that the coercive mittee in Qatar as per the Com- national rule of law. At every turn it against Qataris, who are measures imposed on Qatar mittee’s Statement No. 6 of 2019, has chosen to cooperate with inter- the fathers, mothers, brothers, and Qataris merely constitute a cut- upon which Amnesty International national legal mechanisms in order sisters, students, and friends of the ting of diplomatic and consular ties. on September 3, 2019 called upon to bring a peaceful resolution of this Saudi people.” However, in reality, KSA’s unlawful the KSA authorities to reveal their dispute,” it said. The statement said, “At a time coercive measures have been di- whereabouts.” “Qatar calls upon Kingdom of when all parties involved in the rected at both Qatar and its people, Saudi Arabia (KSA) to do the same: GCC dispute should be cooperating including closing all land, air and Continued on page 2 Ô TRIBUNE NEWS NETWORK “Hamad Port’s continuing DOHA achievements place before us a double responsibility toward Afghan official exposed Malaysia king HAMAD Port, Qatar’s gateway to our society so as to continue our world trade, has set a new Guin- performance according to world propaganda campaign by honours Qatar’s ness World Records title as the standards and our ambitious blockading states: Khater deepest artificial basin ever made goals,” he added. Attorney General on Earth. Hamad Port’s basin is 4km inistry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson HE Lulwa Minister of Transport and long, 700 metres wide and 17 me- Mal Khater has said the spokesperson of Afghani- HM King of Malaysia Sultan Abdullah Communications HE Jassim Saif tres deep. Basin construction took stan’s president exposed the propaganda media cam- Ahmad Shah has awarded the order Ahmed al Sulaiti received the about two and a half years of ex- paign by the blockading countries. “The Spokesperson of ‘Commander’ to Attorney General Guinness World Records certifi- cavation, during which over 6,900 for the President of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan HE Dr Ali bin Fetais al Marri at the cate from the organisation’s repre- tonnes of explosives were used to exposes the propaganda media platforms backed by Royal Palace in Kuala Lumpur, in sentatives at a special event held at challenge the drafts — with full countries currently blockading Qatar. Qatar remains an recognition of the efforts of Qatar in MoTC premises on Monday. commitment to preserving wildlife impartial mediator in the US-Taliban talks and a friend combating corruption. Malaysia is “Hamad Port winning such and marine life — to extract more to the Republic and People of Afghanistan,” Khater said currently the Vice-Chairman of the a universal certificate signals the than 44.5 million cubic meters of in a tweet.
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