ARTÍCULO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Inventario comentado de los crisomélidos (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) de las Sierras Tejeda y Almijara y los Acantilados de Maro (Sur de España, Málaga- Granada) A commented inventory of the leaf beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the Sierras Tejeda and Almijara and the Acantilados de Maro (Southern Spain, Málaga-Granada) JOSÉ MIGUEL VELA1, GLORIA BASTAZO2 Y FRANK FRITZLAR3 1. IFAPA, Cortijo de la Cruz, s/n, 29140 Churriana, Málaga, España. josem.vela@junta- 2. IES Jacarandá, 29140 Málaga, España. 3. Kernbergstr. 73, 07749 Jena, Alemania.
[email protected] Recibido: 15-11-2016. Aceptado: 28-01-2017. Publicado online: 27-02-2017. ISSN: 0210-8984 ABSTRACT A commented check list of Coleoptera of family Chrysomelidae in Sierras Tejeda and Almijara, and Acantilados de Maro (Spain, Málaga-Granada) is given. The reported species have amounted to 126. Locality, dates, host plants and taxonomical or distributional remarks are shown. A number of these species are rare or infrequent, as is the case of Otiothraea filabrensis, Cyrtonus cobosi, Timarcha carmelenae, Galeruca sp. cf. angusta, Anthobiodes heydeni, Longitarsus seticollis, Orestia sierrana, Psylliodes vehemens ssp. normandi, Phyllotreta gloriae and Cassida angustifrons. Longitarsus frontosus is a new record for the Iberian Peninsula. Chrysolina salviae and Argopus brevis are reported in Andalusia by first time, as well as Orestia sierrana for Algarve (South Portugal). At last, Longitarsus andalusicus, only known from Andalucía without further locality data from a series of four females, has been found and its aedeagus is here figured for the first time. Key words: Coleoptera, leaf beetles, check-list, distribution, host plants, Iberian peninsula, Andalusia.