Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020 No. 27 Senate The Senate met at 3 p.m. and was Shenandoah Valley News has blanketed and infrastructure in those counties. called to order by the President pro her close-knit community in southwest Our Governor declared a state of emer- tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). Iowa for seven decades. gency and mobilized a full-scale re- f Now—get this—at age 100 years sponse for the areas in need. young, Evelyn Birkby—mother, farm- I am particularly grateful to the first PRAYER er’s wife, radio commentator—better responders who have already rescued The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- yet, radio homemaker for KMA Radio— and evacuated many Kentuckians from fered the following prayer: columnist, and author—is now retiring. harm’s way. Their professionalism and Let us pray. Her readers will miss her byline and courage have helped to keep this situa- Eternal God, You store up blessings storytelling. Her neighborly columns tion from becoming even worse. for all who honor You. Lord, if angels about ordinary life in rural America Many roads remain closed and hun- must veil their faces in Your presence, have brought extraordinary joy to gen- dreds of residents are still without - shouldn’t we mere mortals embrace erations of Iowans. ning water. Worse still, more rain is in reverential awe? I yield the floor. the forecast in the coming days. This crisis, unfortunately, is not over yet. Today, empower our Senators to be f strong and courageous as they make My office stands ready with local, loyalty to You their highest priority. RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME State, and Federal officials to help Smile on them with Your blessings, for families and communities however we The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under can, as Kentuckians endure the re- You are the Author and Finisher of our the previous order, the leadership time maining flooding and begin the recov- salvation. Lord, grant that our law- is reserved. ery process. makers may know what is conducive for Your glory. f IMPEACHMENT TRIAL ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Mr. President, on a totally unrelated Today, we lift our hearts in ceaseless CONCLUSION OF MORNING matter, as the impeachment trial praise to You, our strong deliverer. BUSINESS ended last week, I offered preliminary We pray in Your magnificent Name. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning thanks to a few of the individuals Amen. business is closed. whose outstanding service helped the f f institution fulfill this unique and chal- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE lenging responsibility. Rising to the occasion for just the The President pro tempore led the third time in Senate history, it took Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: herculean efforts from a long list of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR hard-working and dedicated people. So United States of America, and to the Repub- I would like to take a little bit of time lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the previous order, the Senate will pro- this afternoon to share some Senate ceed to executive session to resume gratitude that too often goes The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. consideration of the following nomina- unexpressed. HAWLEY). The Senator from Iowa. tion, which the clerk will report. After I name some key individuals Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I ask The senior assistant legislative clerk and offices within the Senate, I will to speak for 1 read the nomination of Andrew Lynn submit a fuller list for the RECORD. minute as in morning business. Brasher, of Alabama, to be United First, thanks to the Sergeant at The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without States Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Arms, Mike Stenger, and his entire objection, it is so ordered. Circuit. team, especially the tremendous ef- f forts of our Deputy Sergeant at Arms, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER Jennifer Hemingway; our protocol ex- TRIBUTE TO EVELYN BIRKBY The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- perts, including Becky Schaaf and Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I pay jority leader is recognized. Carly Flick; Krista Beale and Bob tribute to a remarkable Iowan. She is KENTUCKY FLOODING Shelton of Capitol and Chamber Oper- one of the longest serving newspaper Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, this ations; and, of course, Grace Ridgeway columnists in America. afternoon, my staff and I are con- and her remarkable Capitol Facilities She has an uncommon work ethic, tinuing to monitor widespread flooding team. having never missed a deadline in 70 across Southeastern Kentucky. Heavy Many other offices had to go far years. Her weekly commentary in the rainfall damaged homes, businesses, above and beyond their normal duties:

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:55 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.000 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S950 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 the executive office, doorkeepers, Press for Senate leadership tends to mean nifer Krafchik, Theresa Malanum, and Corey Gallery directors, Printing and Graph- there is no normal. There is no easy Purtell. ics, the Counsel, the Recording Studio, day. Call it an occupational hazard, but In the Senate Historical Office: Betty the Appointments Desk, the Switch- even by those standards, the past sev- Koed, Kate Scott, Dan Holt, Karen Paul, board, and the Chief Information Offi- eral months have required extraor- Amy Camilleri, Beth Hahn, and Mary cer. dinary efforts from my talented team. Baumann. Thanks, of course, to the Secretary Andrew Ferguson, my chief counsel, In the Senate Library: Leona Faust, Kara of the Senate, Julie Adams, and all of became a leading expert on every com- Baer, Meghan Dunn, Annelisa Cobleigh. Ra- those vital Senate offices. ponent of impeachment seemingly chel Donelson, Meg Kuhagen, Rachel In particular, I have to single out our overnight and offered invaluable coun- Sharrow, and Jessica Sprigings. Parliamentarians, Elizabeth sel, guidance, and leadership at every In the Office of Captioning Services: San- MacDonough and Leigh Hildebrand, single stage of this process. dra Schumm, Doreen Chendorain, Laurie and Parliamentary Clerk Christy Thanks as well to Robert Karem, my Harris, Brenda Jamerson, and Jennifer Smoilka. Amatos. This expert team of profes- national security adviser, and Jim sionals sacrificed nights, weekends, Neill and Erica Suares; to my commu- In the Office of Official Reporters of De- bates: Dorothy Rull, Susie Nguyen, Patrice and holidays to ensure that this insti- nications director, David Popp and the entire team he oversees, led by Doug Boyd, Mary Carpenter, Octavio Colominas, tution was ready to navigate little- Carole Darche, Diane Dorhamer, Chantal charted waters, follow infrequently Andres, Andrew Quinn, and Scott Geneus, Alice Haddow, Andrea Huston, Cat- used rules, and track with the letter of Sloofman, including Dylan Vorbach, alina Kerr, Julia LaCava, Michele Melhorn, the rules at every turn. We are so and, especially, the crack research Adrian Swann, and Shannon Taylor-Scott, grateful. team of Robert Utsey and David Haupt- and Julia Jones. Many others made huge contribu- mann. In the Office of Printing and Document tions as well: the offices of the Legisla- Thanks to Sarah Fairchild, Alex- Services: Laura Rush and Robert Braggs Ill. tive Clerk, the Official Reporters of De- andra Jenkins, and our operations In the Office of Senate Security: Mike bates, the Journal Clerk, Captioning team of Victoria Mason, Spencer Abra- DiSilvestro and Ronny Howard. Services, the Senate Historian, Senate ham, and Elise Stebick. Thanks to my Kentucky office team, In the Office of Senate Legal Counsel: Pat Security, the Curator’s Office, the Sen- Bryan and Morgan Frankel. ate Library, and the Office of Printing led by Phil Maxson, and my in-State offices, led by Terry Carmack, for con- In the Office of the Sergeant at Arms: Gar- and Document Services. rett Burns, Jeff Kent, Laura Lytle, Mike Thanks also to the Architect of the tinuing their crucial work while Wash- Mastrian, Justin Wilson, Brian Trott, Ter- Capitol’s team for making sure our ington was literally consumed by im- ence Liley, Bob Swanner, Karl Jackson, Mele physical plant was up to snuff, to peachment. Williams, Joan Sartori, Debbie Tyler, Chris Most of all, I need to thank my Chairman ROY BLUNT on the Rules Jordan, Lynden Armstrong, and Brian staff’s fearless leaders, Scott Raab, Committee and their staff, and to the McGinty. deputy chief of staff for Policy; Office of Senate Legal Counsel and the In the Capitol Facilities Office: Monique Stefanie Muchow, my deputy chief of Government Publishing Office. Beckford, James Banavong, Jamie Becker, As I mentioned last week, we are staff for operations, for her enormous Hugh Bennett, James Hardwick, Jim Hoover, Andy Mohammed, Eileen Penot, Carlos hugely grateful to the Capitol Police, efforts day and night; and Sharon Soderstrom, my chief of staff. I rely on Abarca, Leopoldo Aldayuz, Edward Cooper, the Senate pages, and the Chief Justice John Davis, Jonathan Everett, Lawrence of the United States, John Roberts, and Sharon’s wisdom, expertise, and impec- cable judgment every single day. I can- Ford, Steve Hall, Anthony Maree, James his staff. Montgomery, Olga Morales, Ana Orellana, I would like to recognize Erin Sager not thank her enough. Gary Richardson, Thomas Shaw, Misael With that, Mr. President, I ask unan- Vaughn, on the staff of the Democratic Ulloa, Shariff Washington, Lyndon Webb, imous consent that the more com- Leader, Senator SCHUMER, for her Sharif Amirgholi, Kelly Butler, Brenda Byrd, prehensive list of individuals to thank many efforts, and all the offices on Verona Clemmons, Johnny Dixon, Ronald be printed in the RECORD. Gibson, Clydette Greer, Cleveland Johnson, both sides, particularly the staff - There being no objection, the mate- Leon Jones, James Kennedy, Christina ants whose days became far busier dur- rial was ordered to be printed in the Mischel, Carlos Perez, Donnie Proctor, ing matters of especially great public RECORD, as follows: Alfredo Romero, Albert Sandidge, James interest. ln addition to the individuals I just named, Shird, Kenneth Vick, Branden Waters, Before I conclude, I need to thank I want to express the Senate’s sincere grati- Dominique Williams, Patrick Williams, Pa- several more players, specifically, on tude to the following individuals for their es- tricia Browne, Nandranie Gourzis, Chris- the Republican side and in my own of- sential contributions to the historic under- topher Hauser, Le’Moine Simpson, Elmer fice. Thanks to Chairman LINDSEY taking of a presidential impeachment trial. Villatoro, and Jermaine Washington. In the Office of the Chief Justice: Jeff GRAHAM’s staff on the Judiciary Com- In the Capitol Operations office: Laverne Minear, George Everly, Megan Braun, and Allen, Tyson Allison, Spencer Barks, Gwen mittee, who poured enormous work Craig Carroll. into this process, particularly Brendan Barnhardt, Dan Benedix, Lauren Cavignano, On the staff of the Senate Judiciary Com- Tyler Chandler, Gail Daniels, Katherine Chestnut and Gabi Michalak; to Chair- mittee: Tim Rodriguez, Watson Homer, Mike Edwards, Michelle Enfiejian, Marcella Fer- man GRASSLEY’s team on Senate Fi- Fragoso, Zach Somers, Elliott Walden, Chris guson, Tom Ford, Wyatt Fulghum, Elizabeth nance and to our Majority Whip, Sen- Ventura, Lindsey Keiser, Raija Churchill, Garcia, Rocketa Gillis, Tony Goldsmith, and Arthur Baker. ator THUNE, and the Whip office. On the staff of the Senate Finance Com- Patrick Green, Ryan Hoban, Denis Houlihan, I am enormously grateful to Laura mittee: Joshua Flynn-Brown, Delisa Randi Hutchinson, Alex Johnson, Della Dove, the Secretary for the Majority, Ragsdale, Taylor Foy, George Hartmann, Jones, Jim Jordan, Jacob Kaufman, Cindy for literally working around the clock and Michel Zon´ a. Kesler, Emily Lamb, Raciee Leake, Shahwan to listen carefully to our Members and On the staff of the Senate Rules Com- Mason, Philip Norton, Mickey Oldaker, Tim- map out the complex strategy for the mittee: Fitzhugh Elder and Rachelle Schroe- othy O’Neill, Jonathan Pacheco, Essence der. Patterson, Patrick Pettey, Julie Pfister, Senate to fulfill our duty. Laura sat on On the staff of the Majority Whip: Nick Megan Sheffield, David Straszheim, Todd the dais for this trial just like her fa- Rossi, Geoff Antell, Jason Van Beek, Daffnei Trautman, German Vasquez, Delta Whitfield, ther Robert Dove before her, who was Riedel, and the entire Whip team. Narcy Bonilla, Dottie Bright, Merriell serving as Senate Parliamentarian in In the Office of the Secretary of the Sen- Briscoe, Ava Burleson, Barbara Callands, 1999. ate: the Assistant Secretary of the Senate, Adrianne Culver, Monica Thomas- Hawkins, Huge thanks to Robert Duncan, the Mary Suit Jones, as well as Dan Schwager, Logan Johnson, Karen Jones, Khavin Kry, Assistant Secretary, and their entirely Rachel Creviston, Sydney Butler, and Tori Mayo, Marcela Samuels, April Foxx- Vanessa VandeHey. stellar Cloakroom team: Chris Tuck, Shird, Tina Stewart, Stella Strozier, Nellie Among the many people it takes to run the Taylor, Lisa Thompson, Rochelle Thorpe, Megan Mercer, Noelle Ringel, Tony Senate floor, Cassandra Byrd, Allys Lasky, and Carol Yearwood. Hanagan, Katherine Foster, Brian Can- Billy Walsh, Megan Pickel, Adam Gottlieb, John Merlino, Mary Anne Clarkson, Sara In the Senate Recording Studio: Jeff field, and Abigail Baker. We very sim- Horne, John Buszinski, Tim Heacock, John ply could not have done this without Schwartzman, and Lindsay Gibmeyer. In the Office of Conservation and Preserva- Judge, Bill Steinhour, Chris Wilde, Scott you. tion: Beverly Adams and Susan Rapuano. Mead, Rob Strickland, John Grutzik, Gregg And last, but certainly not least, I In the Senate Curator’s Office: Melinda Brunclik, Paul Casasco, Blair Cooper, Stew- need to thank my own staff. Working Smith, Sasha Lourie, Megan Hipsley, Jen- art Grace, Jennifer Johnson, Chris Langley,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 20:32 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\FEBRUARY\S10FE0.REC S10FE0 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S951 Kevin Neale, Kirby Reitz, Thinh Pham, consensus where and when we can and ents that they literally can prolong the Bryan Whitney, Eric Zeitlin, Lori Thabet, to make progress on issues that they period in which a drug manufacturer Luke Gallagher, Mariano Molina, Carlos care most about. can claim exclusive right to the sales Velado, Rogelio Velado, Ward Webster, Bob For my constituents in Texas, the of that drug. Becker, Kristen Betsill, Matt Commeree, No. 1 item on their list is prescription Kristy Dyson, Torgunn Eckroad, John AbbVie, the company that makes drug pricing. I continue to hear from Evanko, Lori Helm, Lolita Graef, Carol Anne HUMIRA, has figured this out. They my constituents in Texas who feel bur- Jarrett, Kevin Loftus, Nate Russell, Angelo figured out how to game the patent Skarlatos, Diego Torres, and John Viscardi. dened, confused, and down-right frus- In the Office of the Chief Information Offi- trated by rising costs at the pharmacy. system so that no competition ever cer: Jonathan Braxton, Tiffany Deliberto, One of the reasons why I think that is comes to market, and they remain the David Gately, John Hartsfield, Bill Hill, probably true is that under the Afford- sole provider of this widely used drug. Chris Humphrey, Rudolph Janifer, Katie Mil- able Care Act deductibles have risen Their playbook involves an intricate ler, Eric Quintos, Jack Reynolds, Bryan maze of overlapping patents, which Steward and Tony Williams. and copays have ballooned, such that In the Office of Security and Emergency consumers are now paying more out of make it nearly impossible for a com- Preparedness: Wendy Colmore, Gordon pocket for their prescription drugs petitor to come to market. Liscomb, and Ronda Stewart. than ever before, because from all of Here is the best evidence of that. In the Printing, Graphics and Direct Mail the negotiated deals between the phar- Today there are five companies that Office: Julio Benitez, Shayna Mack, George Thompson, Scott Wilson, John Zupko. maceutical manufacturers and the pre- compete with HUMIRA in Europe, but The , Brett scription pharmacy benefit managers, all are blocked from their competing Blanton and Mark Reed. none of that savings directly goes into drugs being sold here in America until In the Government Publishing Office, Hugh the pocket of the consumer. So with in- 2023. That is as a result of this patent Halpern and his team. creased deductibles and with expanded And last but certainly not least, in my own thicketing gamesmanship. The smart Office of the Majority Leader: Valerie copays, my constituents, and, I dare lawyers at AbbVie have effectively Chicola, Katherine Grayson, Emily Hauck, say, all of our constituents are feeling found loopholes that allow them to cre- and Suzanne Youngblood. more of that coming out of their pock- ate and maintain a monopoly. A great many talented and dedicated pro- et. fessionals went far above and beyond the or- Medications that people have been Unfortunately, this isn’t the only ex- dinary course of their duties to help the U.S. taking for years just keep getting more ample of anticompetitive behavior in Senate complete this unusual but essential and more expensive with no expla- the pharmaceutical industry. A num- constitutional duty. This institution is not nation behind the increase. To me, the ber of my constituents have also told good enough at saying ‘‘thank you,’’ let No. 1 example of that is insulin. I sup- me about their experience with a drug alone after an undertaking of literally his- called Namenda, which is used by pa- toric proportions. We are grateful to all of port the role of our patent system to you for your work—these past days and protect research and development of tients with Alzheimer’s, a devastating every day. lifesaving and innovative drugs, that disease. Like other new drugs, it began Mr. MCCONNELL. I suggest the ab- people get a period of exclusivity—the with an exclusivity period, where they sence of a . companies that bring them into the were the sole provider, but when that The PRESIDING OFFICER. The market—a period of exclusivity so they period was coming to a close, the clerk will call the roll. can recoup their sunk costs and per- drugmaker switched from a twice-daily The bill clerk proceeded to call the haps even make a profit, but there is to a once-daily dose. Believe it or not, roll. just simply no explanation for a drug that triggers a new patent application. Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask like insulin, that has been on the mar- That move itself prevented phar- unanimous consent that the order for ket for so long, for people to see $1,200 macists from being able to switch pa- the be rescinded. and higher copays, as we heard in the tients to a lower cost generic, even The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Senate Finance Committee hearing. though it is just as effective, so the objection, it is so ordered. A mother talked about her young son company could continue to reap enor- SENATE LEGISLATIVE AGENDA who was leaving the nest, so to speak, mous profits basically by just changing Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, the im- but he was unable to meet the $1,200 from twice-a-day to once-a-day appli- peachment process that has consumed copay. He was deferring decisions in his cation. our country over the last several life like buying a house and perhaps The enemy here is not our patent months is finally at an end. Every even getting married because of the system. It is the abuse of the patent Member of this Chamber has spent doz- burden of that copay. We must do bet- system by some pharmaceutical com- ens of hours, if not more, studying the ter, particularly on drugs that have panies—again, not all pharmaceutical precedents, listening to the House been on the market for a long, long managers and the President’s legal time, like insulin, that are so impor- companies—but some in ways that di- team as they presented their argu- tant for treating conditions like diabe- rectly harm the people we represent, ments, including the testimony of 13 tes. the American people. witnesses whose sworn testimony was But perhaps the single most—well, it Earlier this year, I introduced a bill presented during the Senate trial. is really the most common concern I with my friend, the Democratic Sen- In the end, the majority of the Sen- hear about is a drug called HUMIRA, ator from Connecticut, RICHARD ators agreed that President Trump and that is perhaps because it is the BLUMENTHAL, to take aim at some of should be acquitted of the charges most widely prescribed drug in the these corrupt practices. Our bill strikes brought by the House. No matter how world. This drug is a miracle drug, to the delicate balance between pro- each Senator voted or felt about the be sure. It treats arthritis and a num- tecting innovation while increasing end result, I can hope that we would all ber of other immunodeficiency condi- competition, and when it passes, it will agree on one thing, and that is, it is tions, and it has been available for 15 be a win for every American who has time to move forward. years. felt the pain of sticker shock at the Impeachment has paralyzed the work Now, you typically think of an ex- pharmacy. of Congress for far too long, and we pensive drug as being one, as I said, can’t continue to allow the divisions freshly on the market, which has just We know it takes a lot more than and partisan games that are associated completed costly research and develop- good policy to get a bill turned into with it to prevent us from doing the ment, but a drug that has been around law around here. It takes bipartisan- jobs we were sent here to do. We are 9 15 years, can it be still protected by ship. It takes broad consensus support months away from the next election. I those patents, even though it was sup- to get the green light from the appro- think it is somewhere around 267 days, posed to expire years earlier? Well, ap- priate committees and to pass them if I am not mistaken. That is when the parently, it can. through both Houses of the Senate. American people will choose their next Smart lawyers with pharmaceutical Well, you would think a bill like this President and vote on the direction of manufacturers have figured a way to that is bipartisan, has broad support, the country. But until then, our con- impose what is known as patent thick- passed unanimously out of the Judici- stituents expect us to use the remain- ets. In other words, they can request ary Committee, and reduces Federal der of the time we have here to find and get issued so many different pat- spending would be a piece of cake to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:04 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\FEBRUARY\S10FE0.REC S10FE0 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 pass, but they haven’t been in the Sen- about blocking bipartisan legislation people like Anna lead this fight alone. ate during this period of our divisive- that would actually benefit them. This We need to do more in Washington to ness. is at the same time that they are try- do our job. This has been a high pri- The senior Senator from New York, ing to figure out how do they pay the ority for Members on both sides of the the Democratic leader, has refused to higher copay or deductible for their aisle. One of our colleagues on the let this bill pass without a Broadway- prescriptions at the pharmacy. We are HELP Committee, the Health, Edu- scale production of other unrelated leg- not even a month and a half into the cation, Labor, and Pensions Com- islation. Back in November, I came to new year, and drug prices are already mittee, continues to work to address the floor to ask that this bill be passed on the rise, with an average increase of this health challenge. by unanimous consent—again, since it 6 percent. HUMIRA, which I mentioned The most effective way to prevent had passed unanimously out of the Ju- earlier, has already gone up 7.4 percent. adolescents from facing the harmful diciary Committee, and we had So it is clear to me that this problem consequences of these devices is to stop hotlined the bill to see if there were is not going to go away, and the time them from getting addicted in the first any other objections in the Senate and to act is now. I would encourage the place. A recent survey found that one- found none. Democratic leader to stop blocking the third of underage e-cigarette users Well, in the month that followed, bill that his conference Member Sen- bought them over the internet, where after the senior Senator from New ator BLUMENTHAL of Connecticut and I it is easy to skirt the age require- York objected to passing that bill, I have introduced, so we can address ments. That has to change. It has al- didn’t hear a single word from the Sen- these rising costs and provide some ready changed for tobacco. We just ator who had concerns about it, but much needed relief for our constitu- want to apply the same standard to e- when I came to the floor to ask that ents. cigarettes. the bill be passed again, the senior Sen- My constituents have asked me: I have introduced a bill with the Sen- ator from New York, the Democratic What does Congress intend to do be- ator from California, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, leader, blocked it again. He doesn’t tween now and the election? I usually to protect our children from becoming think it is bad policy. In fact, he ad- mention: Well, we can deal with the addicted to the nicotine produced by e- mitted it is a good bill. He is not ob- prescription drugs, and we can help cigarettes, and I hope we will be able to jecting to it because it is somehow a bring down the out-of-pocket costs. make progress on this legislation soon. partisan bill that hasn’t gone through Hopefully, we can pass a highway infra- As I said, e-cigarettes and tobacco the regular order or would increase the structure bill that we are working on, are on totally different playing fields national debt. As I said, none of these one that passed unanimously out of the when it comes to online purchases. For things are true of this legislation. Environment and Public Works Com- traditional cigarettes, there are clear The only reason the senior Senator mittee under the leadership of Sen- guardrails in place to prevent minors from New York, the Democratic leader, ators Barrasso and Carper, but the from using online purchases to skirt objected to this bill is because he is en- third thing I think we ought to be able the age requirements. At the time of gaging in the kind of politics and to do—and really it is a shame it has delivery, the buyer has to sign and gamesmanship that really gives Wash- taken this long to act—is we need to show an ID proving their age, which ington, DC, a bad name. It is true that take actions to confront the rising just makes sense. You are required to my name, like a third of the Senators’ healthcare risks associated with e- show an ID when you purchase ciga- names, will be on the ballot in Novem- cigarettes. rettes at a gas station or convenience store, and online purchases should be ber, and Senator SCHUMER, apparently, E-CIGARETTES the same, but in the case of e-ciga- is willing to punish his constituents in In December, I visited the University rettes, it is different. Anyone, no mat- New York State by not allowing this of North Texas Health Science Center ter how old or young, can go online and bill to pass because he wants to make in Fort Worth to learn more about the buy e-cigarettes and have them deliv- sure that nobody whose name is on the danger of e-cigarettes, particularly ered to their front door without the ballot, who happens to be a Republican, among adolescents. I heard from a legal requirement of an ID, and you can claim any sort of advantage by get- young Texan named Anna Carey, who better believe that too many young ting a win, legislatively. used to be among the many students at people are taking advantage of that Well, unfortunately, while he is play- her high school using e-cigarettes. Like loophole without really fully under- ing those sort of politics and games, so many young people across the coun- standing the dangers they are sub- his own constituents are being harmed, try, she became addicted. That is the jecting themselves to. and the American people are being de- point. E-cigarettes are not harmless. A recent survey found that about prived of the benefits of this bipartisan They deliver nicotine, which is an ad- one-third of underage e-cigarette users legislation. We saw this mentality dur- dictive drug, into your body, and that bought them online. This legislation ing the President’s impeachment trial is the point of the e-cigarette. would change that. It wouldn’t add ad- too. We saw how the Democratic leader The one advantage it does have over ditional requirements. It would simply staged vote after vote—not because he tobacco is you don’t have to burn it, apply the same requirements for the felt like he had a shot at getting a con- which also produces carcinogenic by- online sale of traditional cigarettes to viction of President Trump and a re- products of combustion, but like so e-cigarettes. moval but strictly to make Senators many people in the country, Anna be- As I said, this bill has broad bipar- whose names were going to be on the came addicted, and it didn’t take her tisan support, as you think it would. ballot in 2020 look bad. He wanted to long to experience severe health con- So I am hopeful we can pass it and get get the best 30-second TV spot he could sequences as a result of the use of this it to the President’s desk soon so we possibly get against all Republican product. can address this wave of addiction Senators running in 2020. The once active 16-year-old became among our young people. He knew he was going to lose on the extremely lethargic and would experi- With impeachment in the rearview main impeachment vote, so he focused ence random and severe chest pain. mirror, I hope the Senate will come to- on the one thing that has eluded him Eventually, she was admitted to Cook gether and cross these critical items for many years, and that is, his aspira- Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth and off of our to-do list. Our constituents, tion to become the next majority lead- diagnosed with chemical-induced pneu- the American people, will benefit. er. Now, in his bid to become the next monia in both her lungs. She said that We have a lot of work to do and a lot majority leader, our colleague from was her wake-up call. Anna quit using of work we can and should get done be- New York is blocking a bill that would e-cigarettes, and I am glad to report tween now and the election in Novem- bring down drug prices not only in the she has made a full recovery. Others ber, so I hope we will be able to make State of Texas but in New York as well have not been so lucky. some progress. and every other State around the coun- She now shares her story in an effort I yield the floor. try. to raise awareness and prevent other I suggest the absence of a quorum. I wonder what the Senator’s con- young people her age from going down The PRESIDING OFFICER. The stituents in New York are telling him the same path, but we can’t let young clerk will call the roll.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:55 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.005 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S953 The bill clerk proceeded to call the There being no objection, the mate- BUDGET PROPOSAL roll. rial was ordered to be printed in the Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, today Mr. HAWLEY. I ask unanimous con- RECORD, as follows: President Trump unveiled his budget sent that the order for the quorum call The entire Chiefs roster contributed to the proposal for fiscal year 2021. For the be rescinded. Super Bowl victory, including Nick third year in a row, the President’s The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Allegretti, Jackson Barton, Blake Bell, budget puts a magnifying glass on the LANKFORD). Without objection, it is so Bashaud Breeland, Alex Brown, Harrison endemic, pervasive hypocrisy of this ordered. Butker, Morris Claiborne, Frank Clark, administration. Dustin Colquitt, Laurent Duvernay-Tardif, RECOGNIZING THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS He says one thing in the State of the Cam Erving, Rashad Fenton, Eric Fisher, Union and does the opposite in his Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, it is my Kendall Fuller, Mecole Hardman, Demone privilege to rise and congratulate the Harris, Chad Henne, Tyreek Hill, Anthony budget. But the budget is what he does. Kansas City Chiefs on their victory Hitchens, Ryan Hunter, Chris Jones, Travis The State of the Union is just what he over the 49ers in Super Bowl LTV last Kelce, Tanoh Kpassagnon, Darron Lee, Jor- says. So, 1 week removed from the week in Miami, FL. dan Lucas, Patrick Mahomes, Tyrann State of the Union Address, President With their victory, the Chiefs earned Mathieu, LeSean McCoy, Matt Moore, Ben Trump’s budget doublecrosses the their second Super Bowl championship Niemann, Derrick Nnadi, Dorian O’Daniel, American workers and middle-class and their first since 1970. I would just Mike Pennel, Byron Pringle, Reggie families he promised to help in that Ragland, Austin Reiter, Demarcus Robinson, speech. note, as someone who was born just Khalen Saunders, Mitchell Schwartz, An- about 10 years after that first Super thony Sherman, Daniel Sorensen, Terrell Let’s take healthcare. Candidate Bowl, I have literally been waiting my Suggs, Darwin Thompson, Charvarius Ward, Trump promised to protect the social whole life for this, and, man, it is darn Sammy Watkins, Armani Watts, Damien safety net programs like Medicare and good. Williams, Xavier Williams, James Win- Medicaid, unlike other Republicans. This victory was Coach Andy Reid’s chester, Stefen Wisniewski, Andrew Wylie, Once in office, President Trump has 222nd career win and, of course, his and Deon Yelder. proposed cutting—cutting—Medicare first Super Bowl title in his Hall of Punter Dustin Colquitt, the longest and Medicaid every year he sent us a tenured Chief and the team’s nominee for budget. Once again, the President pro- Fame career. Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year, earned The Chiefs were led by quarterback his first Super Bowl championship in his 15th posed steep cuts to Medicaid, as well as Patrick Mahomes. If you don’t know season. onerous new qualification require- who Patrick Mahomes is, I don’t know Rookie kick returner Mecole Hardman, ments, policies that would take cov- where you have been for the last couple tight end Travis Kelce, safety Tyrann erage away from millions. of years. Mahomes completed 26 of 42 Mathieu, and right tackle Mitchell Schwartz Medicaid affects poor people, but it passes for 286 yards and 2 touchdowns. were named to the All-Pro affects a whole lot of middle class peo- He rushed nine times for 29 yards and team for the 2019 season. ple whose parents are in nursing homes another touchdown, and he was named Mr. HAWLEY. If I could just add a and healthcare facilities. Dramatic the game’s Most Valuable Player. word about the Hunt family, who own cuts to Medicaid hurt large, large num- Mahomes is the youngest player in the Chiefs and have led the Chiefs for bers of Americans, both poor and mid- the history of the NFL to win both the decades now, Lamar Hunt founded the dle class. NFL MVP award and a Super Bowl Chiefs more than six decades ago and On top of that, the budget proposes title. Mahomes’ play in the Super Bowl helped shape the National Football cutting funding for the Department of was the culmination of a historic play- League, including by coining the Health and Human Services by 9 per- off run, full of memorable moments, phrase ‘‘Super Bowl.’’ Those were his cent. That is the Department in charge none more iconic than the ‘‘scamper words. It was his idea. His legacy con- of the coronavirus. He is cutting the down the sideline’’ for a touchdown to tinues today with Clark and Tavia budget. Then, when something bad hap- take the lead against the Tennessee Ti- Hunt, who are remarkable people. pens, he will blame somebody else. tans in the AFC championship game. The entire Hunt family deserves That is his MO. It takes a team to win a Super Bowl, great credit for their unwavering com- The President stood in front of the and everyone on this team did his part. mitment to Kansas City, the State of Nation and promised his administra- Running back Damien Williams had 17 Missouri, and the Chiefs organization, tion would protect Americans with pre- carries for 104 yards and 1 touchdown, which they lead with tremendous poise, existing conditions. It was a lie when plus 4 catches for 29 yards and a touch- tremendous integrity, and tremendous he said it, and his budget makes that down. Tight end Travis Kelce added six honor. very, very clear. If the President’s receptions for 43 yards and one touch- Congratulations to the Kansas City budget became reality, hundreds of bil- down. Wide receiver Tyreek Hill had Chiefs, to their employees, to the hun- lions of dollars would be taken away nine receptions for 105 yards, including dreds of thousands—maybe millions—of from healthcare services, and tens of that crucial 44-yard reception on third loyal fans out there, to Chairman and millions of Americans would see their down with fewer than 7 minutes re- Chief Executive Officer Clark Hunt, to coverage disappear, including millions maining in the fourth quarter. And President Mark Donovan, General with preexisting conditions. wide receiver Sammy Watkins added Manager Brett Veach, Coach Reid, and There is one term that appears no- another five catches for 98 yards. his staff, trainers, and equipment man- where in the President’s budget. It is The defense and special teams did agers, all of whom contributed to this called ‘‘climate change.’’ One of the their part, too. Bashaud Breeland led great victory. They have people all greatest challenges of our time, the No. the Chiefs with seven tackles and one over the world asking ‘‘how ‘bout those 1 threat facing our planet, climate interception. Defensive tackle Chris Chiefs?’’ change is not mentioned once among Jones was a disruptive force, batting Thank you. the hundreds of pages of the Presi- down three passes from 49ers quarter- I yield the floor. dent’s budget, except it does propose back Jimmy Garoppolo. Defensive end I suggest the absence of a quorum. cutting the Environmental Protection Frank Clark sacked Garoppolo on The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Agency by 26 percent—more than a fourth and 10 with fewer than 2 min- clerk will call the roll. quarter. utes remaining to seal the victory— The bill clerk proceeded to call the The Earth is on fire. Antarctica had maybe my favorite play of the game. roll. a 64-degree record temperature this And Harrison Butker was perfect, mak- Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask week. What is the President’s re- ing one field goal and four extra points. unanimous consent that the order for sponse? He douses the fire with the The entire Chiefs roster contributed to the quorum call be rescinded. lighter fluid of weakened pollution reg- this historic victory. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ulations and then proposes cutting the I ask unanimous consent that all of objection, it is so ordered. fire department. their names be listed in the RECORD. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER He cares about the oil companies. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Lots of those Big Oil wildcatters send objection, it is so ordered. Democratic leader is recognized. him tons of money. He doesn’t care

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:55 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.007 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 about the future of this globe and that the anonymous whistleblower, and oth- ant Colonel Vindman and others who we are leaving something awful to our ers like them shameful; it is also ille- put their lives and livelihoods on the children and grandchildren. gal. It is illegal. All Federal employees line to protect our freedoms. I was glad Going further, in the President’s have the right—the legal right—to to hear the Chief of Staff say that budget, hundreds of billions would be make protected disclosures to Congress Vindman, within the military, was pro- slashed from Federal housing assist- and to inspectors general anonymously tected. At least there is some honor ance, student loan forgiveness, and and free from reprisals. Even the left in this government. Federal disability insurance. Nutrition Founding Fathers were concerned NOMINATION OF ANDREW LYNN BRASHER assistance to hungry families, long on about whistleblowers and protecting Mr. President, now, about the nomi- the President’s chopping block, would them. nation of Mr. Brasher, now that the see another round of severe cuts. This country is being turned inside impeachment trial of the President is Food—food for children. They are poor. out, and too many people are going over, Leader MCCONNELL is wasting no Take it away. Is that what this coun- along. If something is going on that is time getting us back to what seems to try stands for? Is that what our Judeo- wrong in government, don’t we want to be his primary goal: rubberstamping Christian tradition stands for? Abso- encourage government employees to unqualified and extreme judicial nomi- lutely not. Absolutely not. bring that forward? Don’t we? Well, not nations. If you are an American struggling President Trump, because he is the This week the Senate will consider with student loan debt or health prob- government, and what is good for the nomination of Andrew Brasher to lems or housing costs or hunger, the him—or what he thinks is good for the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals. President’s budget says you are out of him—he thinks is good for America, Mr. Brasher’s primary qualification to luck. Meanwhile, if you are a million- even when they diverge. sit on the Federal bench seems to be aire or a billionaire or a corporation or So the rights of whistleblowers are the 61⁄2 months—61⁄2 months—he spent a Big Oil wildcatter, the President’s being challenged like never before, cre- on the district court in Alabama. Let budget says you are in luck. ating a chilling effect among those who me repeat that. Senate Republicans in- When it comes to taxes, the Presi- in previous administrations might have stalled Brasher as district court judge dent thinks the tax cuts should be ex- come forward to expose abuses of less than 7 months before moving to tended for an additional 10 years. So, power, waste, and fraud. Whistle- elevate him to an appellate court. I so much for this deficit reduction that blowers save the taxpayers money. have never heard of anything like this. the Republican Party used to stand for. Again, it used to be bipartisan. The The Senate majority is asking us to Now it is clear. A few years after the Senator from Iowa has always been de- promote a candidate for circuit court tax cuts—2 years after them—the def- fending whistleblowers, but all of that judgeship who has less than a year of icit is increasing. It hasn’t produced goes away now that Trump is Presi- experience as a judge. But he is not that dramatic increase in revenues dent. Without the courage of whistle- just unqualified. Maybe they are pro- that everyone talked about. But let’s blowers and the role of inspectors gen- moting him so quickly because they do it for 10 years. No Republican should eral, the American people would never love the fact that his views are so wild- complain to Democrats about deficit have known how the President abused ly out of the mainstream. As Ala- reduction when we are talking about his power in Ukraine. bama’s solicitor general, Brasher things that matter to average middle- Now the President is taking steps to fought against women’s reproductive class people, like Medicare and Med- punish anyone who came forward, out rights, which three-quarters of Ameri- icaid, when the tax cuts are proposed of spite and out of a desire to prevent cans believe in; commonsense gun safe- for 10 years. future whistleblowers from potentially ty laws, which 90 percent of Americans So the budget reveals once again reporting on the President’s mis- believe in; and marriage equality, where President Trump’s priorities conduct. Make no mistake about it, the which the majority of Americans be- truly lie: not with the working Ameri- President is conducting a deliberate lieve in. He employed farfetched legal cans he touts in his speeches but with campaign to intimidate anyone who theories that were overruled by the the ultrarich and the corporate elites might blow the whistle on his conduct courts, including Justice Scalia. Mr. he rewards with his policies. It can’t be or the conduct of those under his direc- Brasher shamefully spent his career de- discarded soon enough. tion. He feels this cannot be tolerated. fending voter suppression efforts. So One more point—I said it the night of So today I sent a letter to all 74 in- less than 1 week after covering up the the President’s State of the Union. I spectors general in the executive President’s attempt to cheat in the said the truth serum will be his budget. branch, requesting that they imme- next election, Senate Republicans are Let’s see if the President, for once, is diately investigate any and all in- moving forward to reward a nominee telling a little bit of the truth. stances of retaliation against anyone who supports voter suppression. Both The budget shows all the rhetoric is who has made or in the future makes actions smack of contempt for the one way, and the actual budget is an- protected disclosures of Presidential democratic process and a blatant dis- other. How long will the American peo- misconduct to Congress or to an in- regard for the franchise of American ple stand for this man’s hypocrisy— spector general. citizens, the thing many of our young blatant? I have never seen it in a Presi- Members of the administration take men and women have died for through- dent—Democrat or Republican—before. an oath to protect and defend the Con- out the century—the right to vote. Mr. Brasher’s nomination to the cir- WHISTLEBLOWERS stitution. Some of them bravely cuit court is another disgrace—an ab- Mr. President, now, on whistle- stepped forward to tell the truth about solute disgrace—to our Federal judici- blowers, in the aftermath of the Presi- the President’s efforts to solicit foreign ary. Every Senator should vote against dent’s impeachment trial, the Presi- interference in the 2020 elections, and it. dent has begun dismissing members of for that, for telling the truth under I yield the floor. the administration who testified in oath—which the President didn’t allow I suggest the absence of a quorum. Congress, including Lieutenant Colonel his allies to do—for these people doing The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Vindman and Ambassador Sondland. their patriotic duty to their country, clerk will call the roll. The President also dismissed LTC Eu- they are being summarily dismissed The senior assistant legislative clerk gene Vindman. This was vindictive, from their jobs by a vindictive Presi- proceeded to call the roll. nasty, typical of President Trump, and dent. Mr. INHOFE. Mr. President, I ask for no other reason than he was the Our Founders believed that truth was unanimous consent that the order for brother of LTC Alexander Vindman. fundamental to the government and, the quorum call be rescinded. This morning, senior adviser to the indeed, the survival of the Republic. As The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. President Kellyanne Conway said these the President takes steps to punish BOOZMAN). Without objection, it is so were not likely the last of the firings. anyone in his administration who tells ordered. This is a textbook case of witness re- the truth, it is incumbent on the inde- MOTION taliation. Not only is the retaliation pendent watchdogs in our government The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant against Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, to protect whistleblowers like Lieuten- to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:55 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.014 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S955 Senate the pending cloture motion, Cortez Masto King Shaheen references a classified annex, then such which the clerk will state. Duckworth Leahy Sinema annex is available to all Senators in Durbin Manchin Smith The legislative clerk read as follows: Feinstein Menendez Stabenow the office of the Foreign Relations CLOTURE MOTION Gillibrand Merkley Tester Committee, room SD–423. Harris Murphy Udall There being no objection, the mate- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- Hassan Murray Van Hollen rial was ordered to be printed in the ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the Heinrich Peters Warner Hirono Reed RECORD, as follows: Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby Whitehouse Jones Rosen move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- Wyden DEFENSE SECURITY Kaine Schumer nation of Andrew Lynn Brasher, of Alabama, COOPERATION AGENCY, to be United States Circuit Judge for the NOT VOTING—13 Arlington, VA. Eleventh Circuit. Bennet Klobuchar Scott (FL) Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, Mitch McConnell, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Cramer Markey Toomey Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, Thom Tillis, John Thune, Mike Crapo, Graham Paul Warren U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. Mike Rounds, Steve Daines, Kevin Hoeven Sanders DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- Cramer, Richard Burr, John Cornyn, Kennedy Schatz porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of Shelley Moore Capito, Todd Young, The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, John Boozman, David Perdue, James E. vote, the yeas are 46, the nays are 41. we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Risch, Lindsey Graham, Roger F. 20–02 concerning the Navy’s proposed Let- Wicker. The motion is agreed to. ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- The majority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- ment of Australia for defense articles and ORDER OF BUSINESS services estimated to cost $990 million. After imous consent, the mandatory quorum this letter is delivered to your office, we plan call has been waived. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that notwith- to issue a news release to notify the public of The question is, Is it the sense of the standing rule XXII, at 2:15 tomorrow, this proposed sale. Senate that debate on the nomination Sincerely, all postcloture time on the Brasher of Andrew Lynn Brasher, of Alabama, CHARLES W. HOOPER, nomination be considered expired. I to be United States Circuit Judge for Lieutenant General, USA, Director. further ask that if the nomination is the Eleventh Circuit, shall be brought Enclosures. confirmed, the motion to reconsider be to a close? TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–02 considered made and laid upon the The yeas and nays are mandatory Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of table and the President be immediately under the rule. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the notified of the Senate’s action. Finally, Arms Export Control Act, as amended The clerk will call the roll. I ask that following disposition of the (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of The legislative clerk called the roll. Brasher nomination, the Senate vote Australia. Mr. THUNE. The following Senators on cloture motions with respect to the (ii) Total Estimated Value: are necessarily absent: the Senator Kindred, Schelp, Kness, and Halpern Major Defense Equipment* $690 million. from North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER), the Other $300 million. nominations, and if cloture is invoked Total $990 million. Senator from South Carolina (Mr. GRA- on any of these nominations, the con- (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- HAM), the Senator from North Dakota firmation votes occur on Wednesday, tities of Articles or Services under Consider- (Mr. HOEVEN), the Senator from Lou- February 12, at a time to be deter- ation for Purchase: isiana (Mr. KENNEDY), the Senator from mined by the majority leader in con- Major Defense Equipment (MDE): Up to two hundred (200) AGM–158C, Long Kentucky (Mr. PAUL), the Senator from sultation with the Democratic leader. Florida (Mr. SCOTT), and the Senator Range Anti-Ship Missiles (LRASMs). The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there Up to eleven (11) ATM–158C LRASMs Te- from Pennsylvania (Mr. TOOMEY). objection? lemetry Variant (Inert). Further, if present and voting, the Without objection, it is so ordered. Non-MDE: Also included are DATM–158C Senator from North Dakota (Mr. LRASM, Captive Air Training Missiles f HOEVEN) would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ (CATM–158C LRASM), containers, support Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the LEGISLATIVE SESSION and test equipment, publications and tech- Senator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), nical documentation, personnel training and the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. KLO- training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor representatives technical assist- BUCHAR), the Senator from Massachu- MORNING BUSINESS ance, engineering and logistics support serv- setts (Mr. MARKEY), the Senator from Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I ices, and other related elements of logistics Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), the Senator ask unanimous consent that the Sen- support. from Hawaii (Mr. SCHATZ), and the Sen- ate proceed to legislative session for a (iv) Military Department: Navy (AT–P– ator from Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) period of morning business, with Sen- ANT). are necessarily absent. ators permitted to speak therein for up (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there to 10 minutes each. (vi) Sales Commission, Fee, etc., Paid, Of- fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. any other Senators in the Chamber de- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained siring to vote? objection, it is so ordered. in the Defense Article or Defense Services The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 46, f Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. nays 41, as follows: (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: [Rollcall Vote No. 35 Ex.] ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION February 7, 2020. Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, section * As defined in Section 47(6) of the Arms YEAS—46 Export Control Act. 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act Alexander Ernst Portman POLICY JUSTIFICATION Barrasso Fischer Risch requires that Congress receive prior no- Australia—Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles Blackburn Gardner Roberts tification of certain proposed arms (LRASMs) Blunt Grassley Romney sales as defined by that statute. Upon Boozman Hawley Rounds such notification, the Congress has 30 The Government of Australia has re- Braun Hyde-Smith Rubio quested to buy up to two hundred (200) AGM– Burr Inhofe Sasse calendar days during which the sale 158C, Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles Capito Johnson Scott (SC) may be reviewed. The provision stipu- Cassidy Lankford (LRASMs); and up to eleven (11) ATM–158C Shelby Collins Lee lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- LRASM Telemetry Variant (Inert). Also in- Sullivan Cornyn Loeffler tion of proposed sales shall be sent to cluded are DATM–158C LRASM, Captive Air Thune Cotton McConnell Training Missiles (CATM–158C LRASM), con- Tillis the chairman of the Senate Foreign Crapo McSally Relations Committee. tainers, support and test equipment, publica- Cruz Moran Wicker Young In keeping with the committee’s in- tions and technical documentation, per- Daines Murkowski sonnel training and training equipment, U.S. Enzi Perdue tention to see that relevant informa- Government and contractor representatives NAYS—41 tion is available to the full Senate, I technical assistance, engineering and logis- ask unanimous consent to have printed Baldwin Brown Carper tics support services, and other related ele- Blumenthal Cantwell Casey in the RECORD the notifications which ments of logistics support. The total esti- Booker Cardin Coons have been received. If the cover letter mated cost is $990 million.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.016 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 This proposed sale will support the foreign requires that Congress receive prior no- movers; generators; technical documenta- policy and national security objectives of tification of certain proposed arms tion; computer based training equipment; the United States. Australia is one of our sales as defined by that statute. Upon training equipment; training towers; ammu- most important allies in the Western Pa- such notification, the Congress has 30 nition storage; training and maintenance fa- cific. The strategic location of this political cilities; infrastructure improvements; U.S. and economic power contributes signifi- calendar days during which the sale Government and contractor technical sup- cantly to ensuring peace and economic sta- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- port, engineering and logistics support serv- bility in the region. lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- ices; warranty services; Systems and Inte- Australia intends to use the missiles on its tion of proposed sales shall be sent to gration Checkout (SICO); field office sup- F–18 aircraft and will provide enhanced capa- the chairman of the Senate Foreign port; and other related elements of logistics bilities in defense of critical sea-lanes. The Relations Committee. and program support. proposed sale of the missiles and support will In keeping with the committee’s in- (iv) Military Department: Army (IN–B– increase the Australian Navy’s maritime tention to see that relevant informa- UAP) and Air Force (IN–D–YAC). partnership potential and align its capabili- (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. ties with existing regional baselines. This is tion is available to the full Senate, I (vi) Sales Commission. Fee. etc., Paid, Of- Australia’s first purchase of the missiles. ask unanimous consent to have printed fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. Australia will not have any difficulty ab- in the RECORD the notifications which (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained sorbing these weapons into its armed forces. have been received. If the cover letter in the Defense Article or Defense Services The proposed sale of this equipment and references a classified annex, then such Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. support will not alter the basic military bal- annex is available to all Senators in (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: ance in the region. February 7, 2020. the office of the Foreign Relations *As defined in Section 47(6) of the The prime contractor will be Lockheed Committee, room SD–423. Martin, Orlando, Florida. There are no Arms Export Control Act. There being no objection, the mate- known offset agreements proposed in connec- POLICY JUSTIFICATION rial was ordered to be printed in the tion with this potential sale. India—Integrated Air Defense Weapon Sys- Implementation of this proposed sale will RECORD, as follows: tem (IADWS) and Related Equipment and require annual trips to Australia involving DEFENSE SECURITY Support U.S. Government and contractor representa- COOPERATION AGENCY, The Government of India has requested to tives for technical reviews, support, and Arlington, VA. buy an Integrated Air Defense Weapon Sys- oversight for approximately five years. Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, tem (IADWS) comprised of: five (5) AN/MPQ– There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, 64Fl Sentinel radar systems; one hundred fense readiness as a result of this proposed U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. eighteen (118) AMRAAM AIM–120C–7/C–8 mis- sale. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- siles; three (3) AMRAAM Guidance Sections; porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–02 four (4) AMRAAM Control Sections; and one the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of hundred thirty-four (134) Stinger FIM–92L we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the missiles. Also included are thirty-two (32) 19–55, concerning the Army’s proposed Let- Arms Export Control Act M4A1 rifles; forty thousand three hundred ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- twenty (40,320) M855 5.56mm cartridges; Fire Annex Item No. vii ment of India for defense articles and serv- Distribution Centers (FDC); Handheld Re- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: ices estimated to cost $1.867 billion. After mote Terminals; Electrical Optical/Infrared 1. The AGM–158C, Long Range Anti-Ship this letter is delivered to your office, we plan (EO/IR) Sensor Systems; AMRAAM Non-De- Missile (LRASM) system is classified SE- to issue a news release to notify the public of velopmental Item-Airborne Instrumentation CRET. The LRASM is a non-nuclear tactical this proposed sale. Units (NDI–AIU); Multi-spectral Targeting weapon system. It provides a day, night, and Sincerely, System–Model A (MTS–A); Canister Launch- adverse weather, standoff air-to-surface ca- CHARLES W. HOOPER, ers (CN); High Mobility Launchers (HML); pability and is an effective Anti-Surface Lieutenant General, USA, Warfare missile. The LRASM incorporates Dual Mount Stinger (DMS) Air Defense Sys- Director. tems; Vehicle Mounted Stinger Rapid Ranger components, software, and technical design Enclosures. Air Defense Systems; communications equip- information that are considered sensitive. TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–55 The following components being conveyed by ment; tool kits; test equipment; range and Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of the proposed sale that are considered sen- test programs; support equipment; prime Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the sitive include: movers; generators; technical documenta- Arms Export Control Act, as amended a. RF Seeker. tion; computer based training equipment; b. GPS/INS System. (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of training equipment; training towers; ammu- c. Datalink. India. nition storage; training and maintenance fa- d. Warhead. (ii) Total Estimated Value: cilities; infrastructure improvements; U.S. e. IR Seeker. Major Defense Equipment* $ 0.492 billion. Government and contractor technical sup- 2. These elements are essential to the abil- Other $ 1.375 billion. port, engineering and logistics support serv- ity of the LRASM missile to selectively en- Total $ 1.867 billion. ices; warranty services; Systems and Inte- gage hostile targets under a wide range of (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- gration Checkout (SICO); field office sup- operations, tactical and environmental con- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- port; and other related elements of logistics ditions. ation for Purchase: India has requested a and program support. The total estimated 3. If a technologically advanced adversary possible sale of an Integrated Air Defense cost is $1.867 billion. were to obtain knowledge of the specific Weapon System comprised of: This proposed sale will support the foreign hardware and software elements, the infor- Major Defense Equipment (MDE): policy and national security of the United mation could be used to develop counter- Five (5) AN/MPQ–64Fl Sentinel Radar Sys- States by helping to strengthen the U.S.-In- measures, which might reduce weapon sys- tems. dian strategic relationship and to improve One hundred eighteen (118) AMRAAM AIM– tem effectiveness or be used in the develop- the security of a major defensive partner, 120C–7/C–8 Missiles. ment of a system with similar or advanced which continues to be an important force for Three (3) AMRAAM Guidance Sections. capabilities. political stability, peace, and economic Four (4) AMRAAM Control Sections. 4. A determination has been made that progress in the Indo-Pacific and South Asia One hundred thirty-four (134) Stinger FIM– Australia can provide substantially the same region. 92L Missiles. degree of protection for the sensitive tech- India intends to use these defense articles Non-MDE: Also included are thirty-two (32) nology being released as the U.S. Govern- and services to modernize its armed forces, M4A1 rifles; forty thousand three hundred ment. This proposed sale is necessary to fur- and to expand its existing air defense archi- twenty (40,320) M855 5.56mm cartridges; Fire ther the U.S. foreign policy and national se- tecture to counter threats posed by air at- Distribution Centers (FDC); Handheld Re- curity objectives outlined in the Policy Jus- tack. This will contribute to India’s military mote Terminals; Electrical Optical/Infrared tification. goal to update its capability while further (EO/IR) Sensor Systems; AMRAAM Non-De- 5. All defense articles and services listed on enhancing greater interoperability between velopmental Item-Airborne Instrumentation this transmittal have been authorized for re- India, the U.S., and other allies. India will Units (NDI–AIU); Multi-spectral Targeting lease and export to the Government of Aus- have no difficulty absorbing these systems System-Model A (MTS–A); Canister Launch- tralia. into its armed forces. ers (CN); High Mobility Launchers (HML); The proposed sale of this equipment and f Dual Mount Stinger (DMS) Air Defense Sys- support will not alter the basic military bal- ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION tems; Vehicle Mounted Stinger Rapid Ranger ance in the region. Air Defense Systems; communications equip- The principal contractors involved in this Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, section ment; tool kits; test equipment; range and program are The Raytheon Corporation and 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act test programs; support equipment; prime Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace. There are

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.007 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S957 no known offset agreements proposed in con- trol of the Fire Distribution Center (FDC), no mistake: Senate acquittal is the junction with this proposed sale; however, the LCHR/HML permits rapid launching of final judgment, forever clearing Presi- the purchaser typically requests offsets. Any one or more missiles against single or mul- dent Trump. offset agreement will be defined in negotia- tiple targets. The LCHR/HML provides 360- The House clearly made serious mis- tions between the Purchaser and the prime degree, all weather, day and night, missile takes. Never before has a President contractor(s). launch capability. Implementation of this proposed sale will 6. The AN/AAS–52 and AN/AAS–44C(V) been impeached with no underlying require 60 U.S. Government or contractor Multi-Spectral Targeting System–A (MTS– crime, no defense counsel, and not a representatives to travel to India for a pe- A) is a multi-use infrared (IR), electro opti- single Republican vote. It was purely riod of six weeks (non-concurrent). Activi- cal (EO), and laser detecting ranging-track- partisan and totally political. ties will include de-processing/fielding, train- ing set originally developed and produced for The House overstepped its authority. ing, and technical/logistics support. use by airborne platforms. This advanced EO The Senate, however, according to the There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- and IR system provides long-range surveil- Constitution, has the final word. The fense readiness as a result of this proposed lance, target acquisition, target tracking, Senate followed the law. The Senate sale. range finding, and laser designation. It has held a fair trial. We used the bipartisan been adapted for towers, aerostats, and TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–55 Clinton trial format. These rules en- Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of ground based applications. 7. The AIM–120C–7/C–8 Advanced Medium sured both sides full and equal time. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the Let’s not forget: In the House, the Arms Export Control Act Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) is a su- personic, aerial intercept, guided missile fea- President’s rights were ignored. He had Annex Item No. vii turing digital technology and micro-minia- no voice, no due process, no defense. (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: ture solid-state electronics that is also able The Senate allowed the President to 1. The Integrated Air Defense Weapon Sys- to operate as a ground-based air defense mis- defend himself, and his defense team tem (IADWS) is a System of Systems (SOS) sile capable in all-weather against multiple consisting of the National Advanced Surface- presented a fact-based case. White targets in a sophisticated electronic attack House lawyers detailed the President’s to-Air Missile System (NASAMS), a Very resistance to electronic countermeasure, and Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) capa- interception of high- and low-flying maneu- legitimate, long-held concerns over bility consisting of the Stinger FIM–92 Re- vering targets. The AIM–120C–8 is a form, fit, Ukraine corruption. The President’s programmable Micro-Processor (RMP) Block function refresh of the AIM–120C–7 and is the legal team made a strong case against I missile, and small arms. The IADWS is de- next generation to be produced. the House impeachment articles. signed for mid-range air defense and can be 8. The VSHORAD system consists of the House managers, meanwhile, failed deployed to engage fixed wing and rotary four Dual Mount Stinger (DMS) systems, two to prove their case. Rather than focus wing aircraft, cruise missiles, and unmanned Rapid Ranger (RR) Stinger Mobile Inte- on facts, they appeared to be playing to aerial vehicles (UAVs). The IADWS is not a grated Defense Systems, and the Stinger 92L Program of Record (POR) for the U.S. De- the cameras. Incredibly, House man- Reprogrammable Micro-Processor (RMP) agers attacked the Senate jury, accus- partment of Defense, but the SOS architec- Block I missile. ture does consist of four PORs: The U.S. 9. The Stinger 92L Reprogrammable Micro- ing Republicans of ‘‘corruption’’ and Army’s AN/MPQ–64 Sentinel radar, the U.S. Processor (RMP) Block I missile is an infra- ‘‘cover-up.’’ House managers played for Army’s FIM–92L Stinger Missile, U.S. Air red homing surface-to-air missile that can be time, repeating speeches, demanding Force’s Multi-Spectral Targeting System-A adapted to fire from a wide variety of ground more witnesses we didn’t need. In re- (MTS-A), and the U.S. Air Force’s AIM–120 vehicles. ality, it was a weak case. There were Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile 10. The DMS System provides a man-trans- no offenses that rose to the Constitu- (AMRAAM). The NASAMS is comprised of portable pedestal system that can be used U.S. and Norwegian manufactured compo- tion’s requirement of ‘‘Treason, Brib- day or night in any environment. The DMS ery, or other high Crimes and Mis- nents. Norwegian components will be pro- fires two Stinger missiles, and includes fully cured by the Raytheon Company. Norwegian integrated day/night sights with optical demeanors.’’ involvement will be managed by Raytheon zoom capability. Included as part of the DMS The House process was one-sided using export authorizations received from is a ruggedized tablet from which video out- from the start. For political purposes, the U.S. Department of State. put from the visible band day-sight, IR scene Speaker PELOSI rushed the impeach- 2. The NASAMS Fire Unit (FU) consists of from the night-sight, and target cueing data ment vote by Christmas, claiming ur- one fire distribution center (FDC), one AN/ are integrated. Slew-to-cue- information pro- gency. Then her sense of urgency dis- MPQ–64Fl surveillance, acquisition, and vides guidance to the gunner for target selec- appeared. She proceeded to delay the tracking radar, 3 truck-mounted Canister tion. The OMS can interface with the Senate trial for 4 weeks. The Speaker Launchers (LCHR) and the High Mobility NASAMS FDC for Target Designation and waited 33 days to send us the Articles Launcher (HML) with 6 AMRAAM missiles Target Engagement Authorization as well as each, and one truck-mounted Electrical Op- autonomous operation. of Impeachment. This begs the ques- tical/Infrared (EO/IR) Sensor System, the 11. The Rapid Ranger (RR) consists of a tion: Why delay the removal of a Presi- MTS-A, for visual target identification and High Mobility Vehicle operated by a crew of dent the Democrats in the House claim raid size assessment. three. The RR is integrated by Raytheon is ‘‘dangerous’’? 3. The command and control entity, FDC, with two Stinger Vehicle Universal Launch- Still, the Speaker insisted this spec- is the major operator interface in NASAMS. ers (SVULs), a Fire Control System (FCS), tacle was ‘‘solemn,’’ even prayerful. It provides all command and control and a Command, Control and Communica- Then came her strangely irreverent functionality necessary to effectively con- tions (C3) System. The RR can interface with signing ceremony. Nothing says solemn duct Air Defense missions, both in a stand- NASAMS FDC for Target Designation and alone (autonomous) configuration as well as like souvenir signing pens. Target Engagement Authorization as well as The bottom line is: Partisan im- in a netted configuration integrated to other autonomous operation. units. The FDC interfaces and controls the 12. This sale is necessary in furtherance of peachment is poison—poison—for our MPQ–64Fl Sentinel radar, the MTS-A EO/IR the U.S. foreign policy and national security democracy. Senate acquittal is the Sensor and the Canister and High Mobility- objectives outlined in the Policy Justifica- antidote. Impeachment has hurt and Launchers. In addition, it interfaces and tion. Moreover, the benefits to be derived divided this country. It has also de- sends commands to any connected Very from this sale, as outlined in the Policy Jus- layed important work on behalf of the Short Range Air Defense (VSHORAD) Sting- tification, outweigh the potential damage American people. Congress needs to er platforms. The FDC also interfaces (voice that could result if the sensitive technology now come together and move forward. and data) to the national command and con- were revealed to unauthorized persons. Look at the incredible results we are trol structure. 13. All defense articles and services listed 4. The AN/MPQ–64Fl Sentinel Radar is the in this transmittal have been authorized for already seeing under this President. organic mobile Air Defense acquisition and release and export to the Government of Thanks to tax and regulatory relief, tracking sensor for the United States Army. India. our economy is booming. American Sentinel provides persistent air surveillance f workers are winning. and fire control quality data through com- We are seeing record job growth: 7 mand and control systems to defeat Un- IMPEACHMENT million new jobs, 500,000 new manufac- manned Aerial System (UAS), cruise mis- Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I turing jobs, and 50-year-low unemploy- siles, and fixed-wind and rotary-wing aircraft come to the floor today following Sen- ment. Middle-class and blue-collar threats. 5. The purpose of the Canister Launcher ate acquittal in the impeachment trial wages are rising. Household wealth is (LCHR) and the High Mobility Launcher of President Trump. soaring. Consumer confidence is at (HML) is to transport, aim, and fire the After a 2-week trial, the U.S. Senate record highs. Add to that the Presi- AMRAAM missiles. Under the remote con- has delivered impartial justice. Make dent’s America-first trade deals. The

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.005 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 U.S.-Mexico-Canada deal, deals with concerned that impeachment would be the alleged conduct does not justify China, Japan, they are a boon for our frequently used as a partisan political conviction. farmers and for our workers. What is weapon. Because of this concern, they The second Article of Impeachment more, we have unleashed American en- deliberated whether to include Presi- for ‘‘obstruction of Congress’’ is frivo- ergy. The U.S. is now No. 1 in oil and dential impeachment at all. Then, they lous and dangerous for the separation in natural gas. We no longer need Mid- considered the scope of the offenses of powers that is foundational to our dle East oil. We have also confirmed 187 subject to the grievous, divisive, and Republic. Presidential clashes with highly qualified Federal judges. Above disruptive punishment of decapitating Congress are not just routine but are all, we are keeping the country safe one branch of our government. At the baked into our constitutional DNA. and secure. President Trump has com- constitutional convention, the Found- The separation of powers painstakingly pletely rebuilt our military. ers rejected vague, standard-less terms negotiated by our Founders is work- Yet partisan impeachment has like ‘‘malpractice,’’ ‘‘neglect of duty,’’ ing—and that is a positive thing. The blocked progress. Congress has learned and ‘‘maladministration.’’ James Madi- Framers designed tension between the its lesson: Impeachment, if it is to ever son, the father of our Constitution, ob- coequal executive and legislative happen again, must be bipartisan, fair, jected that vague terms would be branches of our government. Congress and rare. Senate acquittal is the final ‘‘equivalent to a tenure during the often wants access to everyone and ev- judgment. pleasure of the Senate.’’ Madison’s erything in the executive branch. The Now, we are back to work for the view prevailed, and the framers settled executive branch, in contrast, has le- American people. We are looking for- on ‘‘treason, bribery, or other high gitimate grounds to prevent certain ad- ward to the important work ahead, to crimes and misdemeanors’’ to mini- visors or documents from being hauled continuing our progress on priorities mize the risk of partisan abuse of im- before Congress. This article, if legiti- like lowering prescription drug costs, peachment. mized, would cede unprecedented power securing our border, and fixing our Madison and the other Founders in- to one Chamber and would permit the aging roads and bridges. tended impeachment to be an ex- House to remove a President from of- The 2020 Presidential election is fast tremely disruptive last resort to save fice any time that it does not get what approaching. In fact, voting has al- the Republic. What our constitutional it wants from the President, exactly as ready occurred in Iowa. It is time for text and tradition teach us is that no James Madison feared. Not only do the two articles fail, but the American people to decide who President should be impeached and re- I also cannot in good conscience vote serves as President. It is time for Con- moved from office without the support of both parties and the American peo- to convict because every step of this gress to get back to work. Thank you. slapdash impeachment process has Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. President, on ple. The reason that President Andrew been characterized by a lack of funda- Wednesday, I voted against convicting Johnson avoided conviction in his trial mental fairness. I am troubled by the was that a mixed group of both Demo- President Trump of the two Articles of speed and cheerful eagerness with crats and Republicans voted to find the Impeachment. The Senate has spent which the House Democrats railroaded President not guilty. Richard Nixon’s the last 3 weeks in a Presidential im- through their investigation and vote impeachment inquiry vote passed the peachment trial for only the third time on the articles. Unlike the Nixon and HUCK SCHUMER in our Nation’s 244-year history. ADAM House 410 to 4. Senator C Clinton impeachments, the investiga- SCHIFF and House Democrats demanded and Speaker NANCY PELOSI used to tion into the alleged wrongdoing was that the Senate overturn the results of agree. ‘‘I expect history will show that hastily conducted and sloppily exe- the 2016 Presidential election, remove we’ve lowered the bar on impeachment cuted. The House Democrats made it President Trump from office, and take so much, we’ve broken the seal on this clear that their objective was to im- him off the 2020 ballot. These outcomes extreme penalty so cavalierly—that it peach the President by Christmas, and would be deeply disruptive to the func- will be used as a routine tool to fight they trampled over fairness and well- tioning of our government, would fur- political battles,’’ SCHUMER said in established legal processes on the way. ther divide our Nation, and would pre- 1998. ‘‘My fear is that when a Repub- After initially failing to vote to au- vent the American people from decid- lican wins the White House, Democrats thorize the inquiry, they went from a ing who their President should be at will demand payback.’’ Likewise, vote authorizing an inquiry to im- the ballot box. The American people Speaker PELOSI stated last March: peaching the President in just 48 days. collectively are better fit to judge Don- ‘‘Impeachment is so divisive to the What is more, the House Intelligence ald Trump’s Presidency as a whole country that unless there’s something Committee failed to afford the Presi- than the partisan politicians in Wash- so compelling and overwhelming and dent with procedural rights. The House ington who brought forth this impeach- bipartisan, I don’t think we should go should have voted to authorize the im- ment. Despite the celebrations by down that path because it divides the peachment before investigating and NANCY PELOSI and House Democrats, country.’’ Before a few months ago, the should have attempted the usual ac- this is a grave and serious matter with consensus—articulated well by Senator commodation process to resolve the implications far beyond this President, SCHUMER and Speaker PELOSI, was that tensions with the executive branch. this Congress, and this generation. a partisan impeachment is not a proper The fundamentals of due process also During the trial, I have remained impeachment. include the right to have counsel committed to my oath to administer The first Article of Impeachment for present during interviews with inves- impartial justice with the same seri- ‘‘abuse of power’’ does not warrant re- tigators, the right to cross-examine ousness as my oath to protect the Con- moval from office and the ballot. The witnesses, the right to call your own stitution that I put my life on the line President is not perfect, and the way in witnesses, and the right to submit evi- for in uniform. I listened carefully to which he evidently attempted to ad- dence. Here, House Democrats called the presentations by both the House dress his legitimate concerns about only their preferred witnesses, and managers and the President’s counsel. corruption involving the Bidens was in- they denied President Trump’s counsel I researched the law, reviewed histor- appropriate. But even if all that the the opportunity to be present for ex- ical precedents, and asked questions. I House Democrats allege in fact oc- aminations. The Democrats conducting discussed the evidence and the issues curred, even if John Bolton supports the investigation also failed to sub- with colleagues, and I came to my own their allegations in his book, even if poena individuals whom they now conclusion. other negative information comes out claim are key witnesses. If ADAM The text, history, and purpose of the in the future, this does not rise any- SCHIFF genuinely wanted to hear from Constitution support acquittal. Our where near the level of throwing the John Bolton, he should have subpoe- founding document gives the House the President out of office or off the ballot naed him, should have allowed the sole power of impeachment and the for the first time in American history. President to assert immunity, and Senate the sole power to try all im- Abuse of power is a vague offense that should have gone to the courts to sort peachments. Further, it requires a two- the House managers have failed to de- out the competing claims. But that thirds vote to convict and remove any fine with precision, but even accepting wouldn’t have fit the House Democrats’ President. The Founding Fathers were all the House managers’ facts as true, rushed timeline or narrative.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.013 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S959 Once the process was handed over to plans to build a missile defense system the opposite party of the President the House Judiciary Committee, House in Eastern Europe. In 2011, an open could trample on due process, ram Democrats had a single hearing with microphone caught Obama telling Rus- through an unfair impeachment for law professors on December 4 before sian President Medvedev that he would vague accusations, and demand that announcing on December 5 that they ‘‘have more flexibility’’ with easing the Senate shut down its legislative were committed to drafting Articles of pressure on Russia—‘‘particularly with work to investigate on behalf of the Impeachment. The committee ap- missile defense’’—after the Presi- House. No future House of Representa- proved the articles on December 13. To dential election. During the 2012 elec- tives run by Democrats or Republicans put this in perspective, this meant that tion, President Obama mocked his op- should take this path. the relevant committee spent 1 week ponent for expressing geopolitical con- I have heard it said repeatedly drafting the articles before Speaker cern about Russia. ‘‘The 1980s are now throughout this trial that Benjamin PELOSI spent 4 weeks sitting on the ar- calling to ask for their foreign policy Franklin left Americans ‘‘a Republic— ticles. And on the Senate side, I am back,’’ Obama said. Two years later, if you can keep it.’’ I vote to keep it. likewise concerned that ADAM SCHIFF, Russia annexed Crimea and then in- House Democrats, and vaded eastern Ukraine. Obama refused f demanded that the Senate do the to provide lethal aid to Ukraine to de- TRIBUTE TO JACQUELINE House’s job and clean up the House’s fend itself and his policies toward Rus- WICECARVER shoddy work. Democrats have insisted sia were a national security disaster. that the Senate subpoena witnesses In contrast, President Trump has Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, it is that the House refused to call and that placed unprecedented sanctions on my honor to pay tribute to an excep- the Senate shut itself down for weeks Russia and provided lethal weapons tional leader and member of the Senior or months to allow for an investigation like the Javelin anti-tank missile to Executive Service of the Department of that the House should have conducted Ukraine to defend itself. Several of the Defense Office of Inspector General, before proceeding to a final impeach- House managers who attempted to re- Ms. Jacqueline Wicecarver. ment vote. The House Democrats move President Trump for a minor A native of Rector, AR, Jackie joined showed testimony of 13 witnesses dur- delay in security-assistance funding, the Department of Defense in 1978 as a ing the trial and submitted 28,000 pages which was separate from the Javelin member of the U.S. Army Materiel of documents. Having repeatedly stated missile purchases, voted against pro- Command in Rock Island, IL. Within that their evidence was overwhelming, viding lethal aid to Ukraine in mul- the next 10 years, Jackie and her fam- they then claimed that they needed tiple defense authorization and funding ily moved five times. During this time, more witnesses and documents to make bills. Should we have impeached Jackie held a variety of positions with- their case. You can’t have it both ways. Obama for not providing lethal aid to in the Department of Defense and re- I am particularly troubled that in Ukraine? No. It was bad policy and ceived high praise in each position for the Senate, the House managers sought weak compared to what Trump has her exceptional level of profes- to have the Senate address issues of ex- done but not impeachable. sionalism, dedication to duty, and out- ecutive privilege in a way that it has This Presidential impeachment is standing contributions to the mission. never done before. Executive privilege historic for dangerous reasons. It is the In 1990, Jackie joined the Department is a right—asserted by all Presidents of first partisan House impeachment with of Defense Office of Inspector General different parties for decades—to pre- bipartisan opposition. It is the first to as a staff auditor and rose through the vent close advisers from divulging con- deny procedural fairness protections to ranks, joining the Senior Executive fidential communications. But now, for the President during the House in- Service as the Assistant Inspector Gen- the first time in our Nation’s history, quiry. It is disturbing because this en- eral for Acquisition and Contract Man- the Democrats sought to have the Sen- tire matter should have been handled agement in 2011. In January 2017, she ate displace the judiciary and resolve, via the normal oversight processes was selected to lead nearly 600 auditors by majority vote, highly complicated available to Congress with subpoena and support personnel as the Deputy questions on executive privilege—a disputes resolved in the courts. Inspector General for Audit. task that would raise substantial con- With all the above in mind, I con- In her role as the Deputy Inspector stitutional and institutional questions. clude that the President did not engage General for Audit, Jackie has provided Even more disturbing was the House in conduct rising to the level of trea- guidance, counsel, and mentorship to and Senate Democrats’ casual attempt son, bribery, or other high crimes and many auditors as they worked to com- to drag the Chief Justice of the Su- misdemeanors. Democrats have been plete more than 320 audit reports that preme Court into this process. With a trying to impeach President Trump re- identified over $7 billion in potential straight face, ADAM SCHIFF repeatedly peatedly since he was elected. They savings to the Department of Defense. called for the Chief Justice to be the filed eight impeachment resolutions Most significantly, under Jackie’s di- decisionmaker on serious and complex for everything from undermining the rection, the Office of Inspector General issues, as if attempting to remove a freedom of the press to using insulting completed two full financial statement President and adjust the relationship language. audits of the Department of Defense. between the House and the Senate for- Our country has a Presidential elec- These financial statement audits have ever weren’t enough. On top of this, tion in 9 months, with the first votes in been described as the largest in his- Democrats tried to bring the third Iowa already completed. The American tory. branch of government into this par- people deserve to be represented by the Jackie has been honored with the De- tisan political exercise with no concern President they elected. They also de- partment of Defense Inspector General for the seismic implications for our Re- serve to choose who is the President Medal for Distinguished Civilian Serv- public. for the next 4 years. While I have con- ice Award, the Meritorious Civilian Although my vote against convicting cerns about the upcoming 9 months, I Service Award, and the President’s President Trump lies with the failure am likewise concerned about the next Council on Integrity and Efficiency of House Democrats to prove impeach- 90 years. Looking at the process that Award. able conduct, I would be remiss if I did unfolded in the House and the constitu- Jackie has served her country for not emphasize one crucial fact: The tional contortionism that the Demo- more than 40 years as a Department of historical record is clear that Presi- crats displayed in the Senate, it would Defense civilian. On behalf of the Sen- dent Obama was weak on Russia and be a dangerous precedent to normalize ate, I thank Jackie and her family—her trivialized the geopolitical threat how House Democrats have carried out husband James of 50 years, their chil- posed by Putin. In 2009, Obama’s Sec- this process. If rewarded, this prece- dren Christopher and Jennifer and four retary of State presented the Russian dent would trivialize impeachment, grandchildren, Caitlyn, Wade, Tate and Foreign Minister with a ‘‘reset’’ but- distort the relationship between the Quinn—for their continued commit- ton, grinning alongside him in a photo two Chambers, and forever alter the re- ment and sacrifice in service to our Na- opportunity. That year, President lationship among the three branches. tion. I wish her future success as she Obama, at Russia’s request, cancelled In the future, any House controlled by transitions into retirement.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.009 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 TRIBUTE TO DR. WALLY Later, Wally graduated from the Uni- ness and devise a cure. As part of his COVINGTON versity of North Texas with a degree in research, Wally pored through histor- Ms. MCSALLY. Mr. President, I rise biology, and he planned to become a ical records, old photographs, and land today to recognize one of the most in- physician in pediatric oncology. How- surveys dating back to the turn of the fluential and well-known forest ecolo- ever, the emotional toll of working century. He listened to Native Amer- gists in the Nation, Dr. Wally Cov- with children with cancer left Wally ican Tribal members, the first inhab- ington of Flagstaff, AZ. disheartened. He departed medical itants of our forests, who shared stories Last month, Dr. Covington retired school never to return. Still, that told and retold through the genera- from his current position as regents’ heart-wrenching experience taught tions about elk and deer hunts in open professor at the School of Forestry and Wally that he was a healer. canopied forests teeming with bounti- the executive director of the Ecological Shaped by the burgeoning environ- ful grasslands. Wally discovered that, Restoration Institute at Northern Ari- mental movement of the 1970s, Wally in a very short time, about 50 years, zona University. answered another calling. He decided the forest landscape of the West had When we talk about the wildfire cri- to pursue a master’s in ecology from substantially changed. sis afflicting the West, we frequently the University of New Mexico. It He hypothesized, correctly, that reference the need to thin our forests wasn’t long before Wally’s academic man’s presence had transformed our of the enormous number of small, dead, achievements led him to Yale Univer- once fire-adapted, low-density forests and dying trees that have fueled some sity where he earned a doctorate in for- into overstocked tinderboxes. Before of largest, deadliest, and most destruc- estry in 1976. there was a Forest Service, before tive mega fires ever seen in the United Dr. Covington was already an accom- westward expansion brought pioneers States. plished forest ecologist by the time he and homesteaders, the land, he esti- In my home State of Arizona, about joined NAU. At Yale, he developed an mated, supported around 50 to 100 pine one-quarter of our pine forests have innovative theory for predicting the trees per acre. In contrast, today’s been impacted by fire over the past two carbon budgets of unharvested forests, modern forests host roughly 300 per- decades. In 2011, the largest wildfire in a calculation known as ‘‘Covington’s cent more trees—sometimes as much State history, the Wallow Fire, incin- curve’’ that is still widely used in mod- as 1,000 trees per acre—a number far erated over a half million acres in a ern forestry. greater than the natural ecosystem can matter of weeks before finally burning His next achievement, however, support. This meant that the West was out. And a nation mourned the loss of would transform how we view and man- overloaded with a dangerous amount of 19 brave wildland firefighters from age our forestlands. For some time, kindling fuel. Prescott, AZ, who gave their lives bat- Wally had been studying ponderosa To prove his theory, Wally ran ex- tling the Yarnell Hill Fire in 2013. pine trees, a type of evergreen species periments. Beginning in 1992, on a mod- These fires burn so hot and fast that that dominates the landscape in the est 10-acre parcel of Forest Service they barrel through rural commu- West. These iconic conifers span more land in the Gus Pearson Natural Area, nities, insatiably consuming property than 27 million acres in the United Wally established three test plots. The in its path and, sometimes, human life States. Wally observed that our Na- first plot was used as the control, its too. tion’s pine forests were out of balance, post-settlement state preserved as-is. We recognize that the fuel load is too unhealthy, and highly susceptible to The second plot was thinned of excess high in many forests and that pre- drought, insect infestation, and dis- pine trees. On the third plot, the trees scribed fires and fuel breaks alone are ease. A majority of the mega-fires or were thinned to simulate pre-settle- not enough to prevent mega-fires that ‘‘conflagrations’’ impacting northern ment conditions and then subjected to crown atop forest canopies. California, Montana, Arizona, and else- prescribed fire, the kind of controlled Today, it is common sense that our where were occurring in ponderosa pine burns routinely used by the Forest fire-prone public lands need to be re- forests. Service to clear our low-lying fuels stored to their natural, fire-adapted As a forest ecologist, Wally under- from the forest floor. state. It is difficult to imagine how stood that fire plays a natural role in His test showed that fire behavior this conventional wisdom shared across our forests. Historically, in North dramatically decreased on the plot both sides of the aisle, and among the America, low intensity ground fire led that was thinned. Trees didn’t suffer timber industry and environmental to large, mature pine trees and forests the same trauma found on the other groups alike, was foreign, controver- that are naturally adapted to with- two plots and in fact responded posi- sial, and, frankly, heretical only two stand fire. But modern wildfires in the tively by producing increased resin, decades ago. It was Dr. Covington’s ap- West were now burning with such fero- which meant increased resistance to plied research in forest ecology and his cious intensity that even the sturdiest bark beetle infestation. Also, the num- tireless advocacy that showed us how of pine trees would literally boil to the ber of species and amount of native reducing tree density through timber point of exploding. Postfire conditions grasses and plants increased improving harvesting is not only beneficial, but were no longer the regenerative force both forage and habitat quality. Wally also necessary if we want to reduce the that ecologists had once studied. Soils had successfully conducted the first threat of catastrophic wildfires. were damaged, taking years to replen- science-based forest restoration project So when we talk about forest ish their nutrients, and watersheds in history. thinning, the country should know just were more likely to experience long- Dr. Covington took his findings to how influential Dr. Wally Covington’s term flooding and erosion. Congress, the Department of the Inte- contributions were to the practice of Wally once poignantly described the rior, the Forest Service, and the Na- forest ecosystem restoration. situation in an article he authored in tional Academy of Sciences. He met Let me share a little bit of Dr. Cov- the journal Nature in 2002: ‘‘The dry with Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt ington’s story with you. From a young forest ecosystems of the American under the Clinton administration and, age, Wally was exposed to the wonders West, especially those once dominated later, Secretary Gale Norton under the of the great outdoors by his parents by open ponderosa pine forests, are in George W. Bush administration, to con- who first met and fell in love in Flag- widespread collapse. We are now wit- vince them to implement forest res- staff. They instilled in him a profound nessing sudden leaps in aberrant eco- toration treatments. In many of his appreciation for nature and a humbling system behavior long predicted by meetings, he would echo the old adage, perspective on humanity’s impact on ecologists and conservation profes- ‘‘an ounce of prevention is worth a the land. At his father’s urging, Wally sionals. Trends over the past half-cen- pound of cure.’’ studied the works of conservationist tury show that the frequency, intensity They listened, and Congress listened, Aldo Leopold, who is regarded as the and size of wildfires will increase—by as did my Arizona predecessors in the founder of the wilderness preservation orders of magnitude—the loss of bio- Senate. In 2003, he worked with Sen- movement and the philosophy of ‘‘land logical diversity, property and human ator Jon Kyl to enact legislation like ethics,’’ which espouses the belief that lives for many generations to come.’’ the Health Forests Restoration Act man is not a conqueror of his environ- Like any good healer, Dr. Covington and also established the congression- ment, but a unique component of it. worked tirelessly to diagnose the ill- ally chartered Southwest Ecological

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.010 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S961 Restoration Institutes at NAU, Colo- fairer trade policy that works for Specifically, I have determined that rado State University, and New Mexico American workers and businesses. We for 2021 the across-the-board base pay Highlands University, which assist the worked together to pass the Leveling increase will be limited to 1.0 percent Forest Service in developing restora- the Playing Field Act in 2015, the first and locality pay percentages will re- tion projects across millions of acres of strengthening of our trade remedy laws main at their 2020 levels. This alter- land. in more than two decades. That law native pay plan decision will not mate- Today, the Forest Service and the has helped us win key trade cases for rially affect our ability to attract and Department of the Interior are working Ohio steel companies over the past 4 retain a well-qualified Federal work- to mechanically thin millions of acres years. force. of forestlands across the West to make When John started at Nucor in 1991, As noted in my Budget for Fiscal our forests more resilient to fire. It is it was a small steel company with just Year 2021, our pay system must reform a slow, expensive, and time-consuming two mills. Last year, Nucor was the to align with mission-critical recruit- prospect to reverse 50 years of forest largest steel producer in the United ment and retention goals, and to re- mismanagement across a territory as States. John understands that workers ward employees whose performance vast as the United States, but the re- in Ohio and around the U.S. are the en- provides value for the American peo- ward is worth it. In doing so, we are gine behind that success. I look for- ple. saving our forests, our homes, and ward to continuing to our fight to- For this purpose, my Budget further human lives. gether for a fair trade policy that puts directs agencies to increase awards I cannot overstate Dr. Covington’s American workers first, and I wish spending in FY 2021 by an amount tremendous contribution to the field of John Ferriola all the best in his retire- equal to no less than 1 percent of total forest ecology. Had it not been for Wal- ment.∑ salary spending. My Administration ly’s work, his compassion for healing f will continue to support reforms that our unhealthy forests, and his drive to advance these aims. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT educate policymakers on the sound The adjustment described above shall science behind forest restoration, I sus- Messages from the President of the take effect on the first day of the first pect our forests would be in far worse United States were communicated to applicable pay period beginning on or shape today. I am proud to recognize the Senate by Ms. Roberts, one of his after January 1, 2021. Dr. Covington, a fellow Arizonan. Our secretaries. DONALD J. TRUMP. Nation owes Wally a debt of gratitude f THE WHITE HOUSE, February 10, 2020. that we can never repay. PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE f f PRESIDENTIAL MESSAGE ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS REPORT RELATIVE TO AN ALTER- NATIVE PLAN FOR PAY ADJUST- BUDGET OF THE UNITED STATES TRIBUTE TO RYAN MICOZZI MENTS FOR CIVILIAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR EMPLOYEES COVERED BY THE 2021—PM 45 ∑ Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, I GENERAL SCHEDULE AND CER- would like to take the opportunity to The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- TAIN OTHER PAY SYSTEMS IN fore the Senate the following message express my appreciation to Ryan for JANUARY 2021—PM 44 his hard work as an intern in the Sen- from the President of the United ate Republican Conference. I recognize The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- States, together with an accompanying his efforts and contributions to my of- fore the Senate the following message report; which was referred jointly, pur- fice, as well as to the State of Wyo- from the President of the United suant to the order of January 30, 1975, ming. States, together with an accompanying as modified by the order of April 11, Ryan is a native of New York. He is report; which was referred to the Com- 1986; to the Committees on Appropria- a graduate of the University of Buffalo, mittee on Homeland Security and Gov- tions; and the Budget: ernmental Affairs: where he studied political science and To the Congress of the United States: business administration: human re- To the Congress of the United States: Over the past 3 years, my Adminis- sources. He has demonstrated a strong I am transmitting an alternative tration has worked tirelessly to restore work ethic, which has made him an in- plan for pay adjustments for civilian America’s economic strength. We have valuable asset to our office. The qual- Federal employees covered by the Gen- ended the war on American workers ity of his work is reflected in his great eral Schedule and certain other pay and stopped the assault on American efforts over the last several months. systems in January 2021. industry, launching an economic boom I want to thank Ryan for the dedica- Title 5, , author- the likes of which we have never seen tion he has shown while working for izes me to implement alternative plans before. me and my staff. It is a pleasure to for pay adjustments for civilian Fed- While our incredible economic turn- have him as part of our team. I know eral employees covered by the General around came as a shock to most career he will have continued success with all Schedule and certain other pay sys- politicians in Washington, it is no sur- of his future endeavors. I wish him all tems if, because of ‘‘national emer- prise to millions of hard-working fami- my best on his journey.∑ gency or serious economic conditions lies across the Nation. Their natural f affecting the general welfare,’’ I view talent, ingenuity, and strength simply the increases that would otherwise needed an opportunity to flourish, free TRIBUTE TO JOHN FERRIOLA take effect as inappropriate. from the massive regulations and taxes ∑ Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I rise Under current law, locality pay in- heaped upon them by their Govern- today to recognize the career and serv- creases averaging 20.67 percent, costing ment. ice of John Ferriola, who will retire at $21 billion in the first year alone, As my Administration continues to the end of this year after serving Nucor would go into effect in January 2021, in remove these burdens, our economy Steel for nearly three decades. Mr. addition to a 2.5 percent across-the- continues to surpass expectations. We Ferriola has served as CEO since 2013, board increase for the base General are growing faster than the experts and under his leadership, the company Schedule. thought possible. The unemployment has grown and created thousands of We must maintain efforts to put our rate is at 3.5 percent, the lowest it has good-paying manufacturing jobs here Nation on a fiscally sustainable course; been in 50 years. And more Americans in the U.S. He worked to upgrade Federal agency budgets cannot sustain are working today than at any point in Nucor’s facility in Marion, OH, with a such increases. Accordingly, I have de- our history. new rolling mill that began operating termined that it is appropriate to exer- Today’s tremendous job market is this year. cise my authority to set alternative leading employers to realize the vast John has been a passionate advocate pay adjustments for 2021 pursuant to 5 potential of many individuals they pre- for American manufacturing and for a U.S.C. 5303(b) and 5 U.S.C. 5304a. viously overlooked. Over the past 3

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.010 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S962 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 years, the employment rate of our mote American interests abroad, my by removing unnecessary regulations prime-age workers has skyrocketed, Administration has rebuilt the mili- and unleashing America’s vast natural and wages are growing the fastest for tary. A strong military, fully equipped and human resources. Through these historically disadvantaged workers, re- and integrated with our allies and all actions, the United States is now on versing trends under the previous ad- our instruments of power, enables our track to be a net exporter of crude oil ministration. Nation to deter war, preserve peace, and natural gas for all of 2020, a major With this 2021 Budget, my Adminis- and, if necessary, defeat aggression milestone not achieved in nearly 70 tration is placing a special focus on against the United States and her peo- years. In addition to being the world’s these forgotten Americans, because ple. To that end, my Budget requests largest natural gas producer, we also every individual deserves to experience $740.5 billion for national defense. became the world’s top crude oil pro- the dignity that comes through work. Overcoming the Opioid Crisis. Be- ducer in 2018. The truth is, jobs do not just provide cause of my Administration’s aggres- The records of our energy boom are paychecks: they give people purpose; sive tactics to fight over-prescription widespread. Energy production has cre- allow them to engage with their com- of opioids, promote effective treatment ated jobs in areas of the United States munities; and help them reach their for addiction, and secure the border, we where job opportunities were scarce. It true potential. As we have shown, the are turning the tide of the opioid crisis. also provides enormous benefits to right policies offer Americans paths to Since my term began, we have seen a families across the Nation by lowering independence rather than trapping more than 30 percent decrease in the energy prices. And it further distances them in reliance on Government pro- total amount of opioids prescribed, and us from geopolitical foes who wish to grams. deaths from drug overdose fell for the cause us harm. More jobs, lower costs, The era of putting American workers first time in nearly 30 years in 2018. and American dominance—these are second and doubling down on the failed Failure is not an option when it predictable results of our pro-energy policies of the past is over. While job comes to helping people avoid the pain, policies. creation during my Presidency has sur- suffering, and death caused by addic- Today, there is hope throughout passed expectations, the credit belongs tion. Work must play an integral role America. There is optimism that was to the job creators and workers who in any solution. Research shows that not here before 63 million Americans risk everything and devote themselves holding a job is a key factor in helping asked me to work for them and drain to building a better future for them- people overcome drug addiction. For the swamp. For decades, Washington selves, their families, and their Nation. the duration of my Presidency, I will elites told us that Americans had no The Federal Government does not cre- continue to promote policies that will choice but to accept stagnation, decay, ate jobs; hardworking Americans cre- beat back this deadly crisis and pro- and decline. ate jobs. My Administration’s role is to mote job training and employment op- We proved them wrong. Our economy follow our foundational policy pillars portunities for Americans who are re- is strong once more, and America’s role and allow our job creators and workers building their lives after struggling as leader of the Free World has been re- to do what they do best. with addiction. stored. To ensure this economic strength Regulation Relief. Many pundits and America is the single greatest coun- continues, I have called on the Govern- Washington insiders laughed when I try in the world. We must never believe ment to reduce wasteful, unnecessary promised to cut two regulations for for one moment that this great Nation spending, and to fix mismanagement every new regulation. They were cor- is destined for a diminished future. and redundancy across agencies. This rect that two-for-one was the wrong When we take hold of our freedom, and includes prioritizing spending for pro- goal. Instead, the Federal Government take our destiny in our hands, we grams that are a core function of the has cut more than seven regulations choose to reject a future of American United States Government. for every significant new regulation. decline. My 2021 Budget sets the course As we enter the 2020’s, our Nation After only 3 years, my Administration for a future of continued American confronts new challenges and opportu- has cut a historic number of regula- dominance and prosperity. nities. The 21st century requires us to tions, and we have put the brakes on an DONALD J. TRUMP. focus on great power rivals; prioritize endless assault of new, costly actions THE WHITE HOUSE, February 10, 2020. artificial intelligence, 5G, and indus- by Federal agencies. f tries of the future; and to protect our Our commitment to regulatory re- research and environment from foreign form stems from the simple truth that MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE government influence. To meet these the vast majority of business owners At 3:02 p.m., a message from the challenges and seize these opportuni- want to do the right thing, comply House of Representatives, delivered by ties, we must shift the Government out with the law, and treat their workers Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, of its old and outdated ways. This will fairly. The Federal Government ig- announced that the House has passed require each and every Government nored this reality for far too long and the following bills and joint resolu- agency to do more to prepare for the abused its authority to go after busi- tions, without amendment: nesses, especially small businesses and demands of tomorrow. S. 375. An act to improve efforts to identify The following are key priorities of entrepreneurs, in ways that can only and reduce Governmentwide improper pay- my Administration: be described as arbitrary and abusive. ments, and for other purposes. Better Trade Deals. Renegotiated or At the same time, we are maintain- S. 394. An act to amend the Presidential new trade deals with Canada and Mex- ing America’s world-class standards of Transition Act of 1963 to improve the orderly ico, China, South Korea, and Japan are environmental protection. Emissions transfer of the executive power during Presi- modernizing international trade and of all criteria pollutants dropped be- dential transitions. creating freer, fairer, and more recip- tween 2016 and 2018. The United States S.J. Res. 65. providing for rocal trade between the United States environmental record is one of the the reappointment of John Fahey as a cit- izen regent of the Board of Regents of the and our largest economic partners. strongest in the world and continues to Smithsonian Institution. These deals will enable our country’s have some of the cleanest air and water S.J. Res. 67. Joint resolution providing for manufacturing renaissance to con- in the world. the reappointment of Risa Lavizzo-Mourey tinue. Trade deals are in development American Energy Independence. as a citizen regent of the Board of Regents of with the United Kingdom and the Eu- American energy powers our cities and the Smithsonian Institution. ropean Union, as well as other coun- towns, empowers innovators, drives our The message further announced that tries that desire access to the coveted economy, and protects our sovereignty. the House has passed the following American market. These deals will ex- Energy companies across the world are bills, in which it requests the concur- pand American markets abroad and ready to build in our Nation, and per- rence of the Senate: keep businesses here in America, which mitting reform that cuts red tape H.R. 1132. An act to amend the Federal means keeping jobs here at home. shows that we welcome their invest- Water Pollution Control Act to establish a Preserving Peace through Strength. ments. My Administration continues grant program to support the restoration of To sustain security at home and pro- to support growth in the energy sector San Francisco Bay.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.020 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S963 H.R. 1620. An act to amend the Federal ending September 30, 2020, and for other pur- Program, and for other purposes; to the Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize poses. Committee on Environment and Public the Chesapeake Bay Program. The message also announced that Works. H.R. 2247. An act to amend the Federal H.R. 4279. An act to designate the facility Water Pollution Control Act to provide as- pursuant to 14 U.S.C. 1903(b), and the of the United States Postal Service located sistance for programs and activities to pro- order of the House of January 3, 2019, at 445 Main Street in Laceyville, Pennsyl- tect the water quality of Puget Sound, and the Speaker appoints the following vania, as the ‘‘Melinda Gene Piccotti Post for other purposes. Member on the part of the House of Office’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- H.R. 2382. An act to amend title 5, United Representatives to the Board of Visi- curity and Governmental Affairs. States Code, to repeal the requirement that tors to the United States Coast Guard H.R. 4305. An act to direct the Secretary of the United States Postal Service prepay fu- Academy: Mr. Thompson of Mississippi. Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot pro- ture retirement benefits, and for other pur- The message further announced that gram on dog training therapy; to the Com- poses. mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. H.R. 2474. An act to amend the National pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 4303, and the H.R. 4794. An act to designate the facility Labor Relations Act, the Labor Management order of the House of January 3, 2019, of the United States Postal Service located Relations Act, 1947, and the Labor-Manage- the Speaker appoints the following at 8320 13th Avenue in Brooklyn, New York, ment Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, Member of the House of Representa- as the ‘‘Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Post and for other purposes. tives to the Board of Trustees of Gal- Office Building’’; to the Committee on H.R. 3317. An act to permit the Scipio A. laudet University: Ms. SHALALA of Homeland Security and Governmental Af- Jones Post Office in Little Rock, Arkansas, Florida. fairs. to accept and display a portrait of Scipio A. H.R. 4981. An act to designate the facility Jones, and for other purposes. The message also announced that of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 3830. An act to provide taxpayers with pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 4303, and the at 2505 Derita Avenue in Charlotte, North an improved understanding of Government order of the House of January 3, 2019, Carolina, as the ‘‘Julius L. Chambers Civil programs through the disclosure of cost, per- the Speaker appoints the following Rights Memorial Post Office’’; to the Com- formance, and areas of duplication among Member of the House of Representa- mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- them, leverage existing data to achieve a tives to the Board of Trustees of Gal- mental Affairs. H.R. 5037. An act to designate the facility functional Federal program inventory, and laudet University: Mr. BUCSHON of Indi- for other purposes. of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 3941. An act to enhance the innova- ana. at 3703 North Main Street in Farmville, tion, security, and availability of cloud com- f , as the ‘‘Walter B. Jones, Jr. puting services used in the Federal Govern- Post Office’’; to the Committee on Homeland ment by establishing the Federal Risk and MEASURES REFERRED Security and Governmental Affairs. Authorization Management Program within The following bills were read the first f the General Services Administration and by and the second times by unanimous establishing a risk management, authoriza- consent, and referred as indicated: MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME tion, and continuous monitoring process to H.R. 1620. An act to amend the Federal The following bill was read the first enable the Federal Government to leverage Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize time: cloud computing services using a risk-based the Chesapeake Bay Program; to the Com- approach consistent with the Federal Infor- H.R. 5687. An act making emergency sup- mittee on Environment and Public Works. mation Security Modernization Act of 2014 plemental appropriations for the fiscal year H.R. 2247. An act to amend the Federal and cloud-based operations, and for other ending September 30, 2020, and for other pur- Water Pollution Control Act to provide as- purposes. poses. H.R. 3976. An act to designate the facility sistance for programs and activities to pro- f tect the water quality of Puget Sound, and of the United States Postal Service located EXECUTIVE AND OTHER at 12711 East Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, for other purposes; to the Committee on En- Michigan, as the ‘‘Aretha Franklin Post Of- vironment and Public Works. COMMUNICATIONS fice Building’’. H.R. 2474. An act to amend the National The following communication was Labor Relations Act, the Labor Management H.R. 4031. An act to amend the Federal laid before the Senate, together with Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize Relations Act, 1947, and the Labor-Manage- ment Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, accompanying papers, reports, and doc- the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and uments, and was referred as indicated: for other purposes. and for other purposes; to the Committee on H.R. 4044. An act to amend the Federal Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. EC–3930. A communication from the Chief Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize H.R. 3317. An act to permit the Scipio A. Management Officer, Office of the Chief Man- the National Estuary Program, and for other Jones Post Office in Little Rock, Arkansas, agement Officer, Department of Defense, purposes. to accept and display a portrait of Scipio A. transmitting, pursuant to law, a report enti- H.R. 4275. An act to amend the Federal Jones, and for other purposes; to the Com- tled ‘‘Department of Defense Response to the Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- Good Accounting Obligation in Government the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration mental Affairs. Act (GAO–IG Act)’’; to the Committee on Program, and for other purposes. H.R. 3941. An act to enhance the innova- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- H.R. 4279. An act to designate the facility tion, security, and availability of cloud com- fairs. of the United States Postal Service located puting services used in the Federal Govern- f at 445 Main Street in Laceyville, Pennsyl- ment by establishing the Federal Risk and vania, as the ‘‘Melinda Gene Piccotti Post Authorization Management Program within INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND Office’’. the General Services Administration and by JOINT RESOLUTIONS H.R. 4305. An act to direct the Secretary of establishing a risk management, authoriza- The following bills and joint resolu- tion, and continuous monitoring process to Veterans Affairs to carry out a pilot pro- tions were introduced, read the first gram on dog training therapy. enable the Federal Government to leverage H.R. 4794. An act to designate the facility cloud computing services using a risk-based and second times by unanimous con- of the United States Postal Service located approach consistent with the Federal Infor- sent, and referred as indicated: at 8320 13th Avenue in Brooklyn, New York, mation Security Modernization Act of 2014 By Mr. LEE (for himself, Mr. TILLIS, as the ‘‘Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Post and cloud-based operations, and for other Mr. DAINES, Mr. CRAMER, Mr. INHOFE, Office Building’’. purposes; to the Committee on Homeland Se- Mr. MORAN, Mr. COTTON, Mr. SASSE, H.R. 4981. An act to designate the facility curity and Governmental Affairs. Mr. RUBIO, Mr. BRAUN, Mr. SCOTT of of the United States Postal Service located H.R. 3976. An act to designate the facility Florida, Mr. SCOTT of South Carolina, at 2505 Derita Avenue in Charlotte, North of the United States Postal Service located Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Mrs. CAPITO, Mr. Carolina, as the ‘‘Julius L. Chambers Civil at 12711 East Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, BLUNT, Mr. LANKFORD, Mr. CRUZ, Rights Memorial Post Office’’. Michigan, as the ‘‘Aretha Franklin Post Of- Mrs. BLACKBURN, Ms. ERNST, Mr. H.R. 5037. An act to designate the facility fice Building’’; to the Committee on Home- ROBERTS, Mrs. LOEFFLER, Mr. BURR, of the United States Postal Service located land Security and Governmental Affairs. and Mr. ROUNDS): at 3703 North Main Street in Farmville, H.R. 4031. An act to amend the Federal S. 3259. A bill to restrict the availability of North Carolina, as the ‘‘Walter B. Jones, Jr. Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize Federal funds to organizations associated Post Office’’. the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and with the abortion industry; to the Com- H.R. 5214. An act to amend title 5, United for other purposes; to the Committee on En- mittee on Foreign Relations. States Code, to prevent fraud by representa- vironment and Public Works. By Mr. BURR (for himself and Mr. tive payees. H.R. 4275. An act to amend the Federal TILLIS): H.R. 5687. An act making emergency sup- Water Pollution Control Act to reauthorize S. 3260. A bill to designate the facility of plemental appropriations for the fiscal year the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Restoration the United States Postal Service located at

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:15 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.021 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 3703 North Main Street in Farmville, North (Mrs. LOEFFLER) was added as a cospon- source, make available high-assay, Carolina, as the ‘‘Walter B. Jones, Jr. Post sor of S. 285, a bill to require U.S. Im- low-enriched uranium for research, de- Office’’; to the Committee on Homeland Se- migration and Customs Enforcement to velopment, and demonstration of ad- curity and Governmental Affairs. By Mr. GARDNER (for himself and Ms. take into custody certain aliens who vanced nuclear reactor concepts, and SINEMA): have been charged in the United States for other purposes. S. 3261. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- with a crime that resulted in the death S. 980 enue Code of 1986 to allow qualified distribu- or serious bodily injury of another per- At the request of Mr. BURR, the name tions from health savings accounts for cer- son, and for other purposes. of the Senator from Arizona (Ms. tain home care expenses; to the Committee S. 524 MCSALLY) was added as a cosponsor of on Finance. By Mr. SULLIVAN (for himself and Mr. At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the S. 980, a bill to amend title 38, United VAN HOLLEN): name of the Senator from North Da- States Code, to improve the provision S. 3262. A bill to state the policy of the kota (Mr. HOEVEN) was added as a co- of services for homeless veterans, and United States regarding the need for reci- of S. 524, a bill to establish the for other purposes. procity in the relationship between the Department of Veterans Affairs Advi- S. 1093 United States and People’s Republic of At the request of Mr. UDALL, the China, and for other purposes; to the Com- sory Committee on Tribal and Indian mittee on Foreign Relations. Affairs, and for other purposes. name of the Senator from Montana (Mr. TESTER) was added as a cosponsor f S. 593 At the request of Ms. HARRIS, the of S. 1093, a bill to award a Congres- SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND name of the Senator from New York sional Gold Medal to the troops from SENATE RESOLUTIONS (Mrs. GILLIBRAND) was added as a co- the United States and the Philippines The following concurrent resolutions sponsor of S. 593, a bill to amend the who defended Bataan and Corregidor, and Senate resolutions were read, and Religious Freedom Restoration Act of in recognition of their personal sac- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: 1993 to protect civil rights and other- rifice and service during World War II. By Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mrs. wise prevent meaningful harm to third S. 1188 BLACKBURN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mrs. HYDE- parties, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. SULLIVAN, the SMITH, Mrs. LOEFFLER, Mrs. FISCHER, S. 651 name of the Senator from South Da- and Mr. BRAUN): At the request of Mr. CASEY, the kota (Mr. THUNE) was added as a co- S. Res. 494. A resolution denouncing female sponsor of S. 1188, a bill to promote genital mutilation or cutting as a violation name of the Senator from Arkansas of the human rights of women and girls and (Mr. BOOZMAN) was added as a cospon- United States-Mongolia trade by au- urging the international community and the sor of S. 651, a bill to amend the Inter- thorizing duty-free treatment for cer- Federal Government to increase efforts to nal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase tain imports from Mongolia, and for eliminate the harmful practice; to the Com- other purposes. mittee on Foreign Relations. the age requirement with respect to eligibility for qualified ABLE pro- S. 1399 f grams. At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the names of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS S. 696 DUCKWORTH) ) and the Senator from S. 190 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the New Jersey (Mr. MENENDEZ) were added At the request of Mr. LEE, the name name of the Senator from California as cosponsors of S. 1399, a bill to amend of the Senator from Florida (Mr. (Mrs. FEINSTEIN) was added as a co- title VIII of the Public Health Services SCOTT) was added as a cosponsor of S. sponsor of S. 696, a bill to designate the Act to revise and extend nursing work- 190, a bill to amend the Foreign Assist- same individual serving as the Chief force development programs. ance Act of 1961 to prohibit assistance Nurse Officer of the Public Health to nonprofits, foreign nongovernmental Service as the National Nurse for Pub- S. 1443 organizations, and quasi-autonomous lic Health. At the request of Ms. ERNST, the name of the Senator from Alabama nongovernmental organizations that S. 697 (Mr. JONES) was added as a cosponsor promote or perform abortions. At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the S. 206 of S. 1443, a bill to amend the Internal name of the Senator from Massachu- Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a non- At the request of Mr. TESTER, the setts (Mr. MARKEY) was added as a co- name of the Senator from New Mexico refundable credit for working family sponsor of S. 697, a bill to reform sen- caregivers. (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor tencing, prisons, re-entry of prisoners, S. 1744 of S. 206, a bill to award a Congres- and law enforcement practices, and for At the request of Mr. DURBIN, the sional Gold Medal to the female tele- other purposes. phone operators of the Army Signal name of the Senator from Maryland S. 738 Corps, known as the ‘‘Hello Girls’’. (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- At the request of Mr. UDALL, the S. 227 sponsor of S. 1744, a bill to provide law- names of the Senator from New Jersey At the request of Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, ful permanent resident status for cer- (Mr. BOOKER) and the Senator from the name of the Senator from Mary- tain advanced STEM degree holders, South Carolina (Mr. GRAHAM) were land (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a and for other purposes. added as cosponsors of S. 738, a bill to cosponsor of S. 227, a bill to direct the S. 1757 require the Federal Communications Attorney General to review, revise, and At the request of Ms. ERNST, the Commission to make the provision of develop law enforcement and justice names of the Senator from New Mexico Wi-Fi access on school buses eligible protocols appropriate to address miss- (Mr. HEINRICH) and the Senator from ing and murdered Indians, and for for E-rate support. Florida (Mr. RUBIO) were added as co- other purposes. S. 839 sponsors of S. 1757, a bill to award a S. 251 At the request of Mr. KAINE, the Congressional Gold Medal, collectively, At the request of Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, name of the Senator from Illinois (Ms. to the United States Army Rangers the name of the Senator from Delaware DUCKWORTH) was added as a cosponsor Veterans of World War II in recogni- (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor of S. 839, a bill to extend Federal Pell tion of their extraordinary service dur- of S. 251, a bill to establish the Inter- Grant eligibility of certain short-term ing World War II. diction for the Protection of Child Vic- programs. S. 1791 tims of Exploitation and Human Traf- S. 903 At the request of Mrs. GILLIBRAND, ficking Program to train law enforce- At the request of Ms. MURKOWSKI, the the name of the Senator from Delaware ment officers to identify and assist vic- name of the Senator from Tennessee (Mr. COONS) was added as a cosponsor tims of child exploitation and human (Mrs. BLACKBURN) was added as a co- of S. 1791, a bill to prohibit discrimina- trafficking. sponsor of S. 903, a bill to direct the tion on the basis of religion, sex (in- S. 285 Secretary of Energy to establish ad- cluding sexual orientation and gender At the request of Ms. ERNST, the vanced nuclear goals, provide for a identity), and marital status in the ad- name of the Senator from versatile, reactor-based fast neutron ministration and provision of child

VerDate Sep 11 2014 22:00 May 26, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD20\FEBRUARY\S10FE0.REC S10FE0 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S965 welfare services, to improve safety, S. 2661 enter into contracts with States or to well-being, and permanency for les- At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the award grants to States to promote bian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and names of the Senator from North Da- health and wellness, prevent suicide, queer or questioning foster youth, and kota (Mr. HOEVEN) and the Senator and improve outreach to veterans, and for other purposes. from South Dakota (Mr. THUNE) were for other purposes. S. 1941 added as cosponsors of S. 2661, a bill to S. 3154 At the request of Mrs. MURRAY, the amend the Communications Act of 1934 At the request of Mr. THUNE, the name of the Senator from Wisconsin to designate 9–8-8 as the universal tele- name of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- phone number for the purpose of the ROBERTS) was added as a cosponsor of sor of S. 1941, a bill to amend the Rich- national suicide prevention and mental S. 3154, a bill to improve the effective- ard B. Russell National School Lunch health crisis hotline system operating ness of tribal child support enforce- Act to establish a permanent, nation- through the National Suicide Preven- ment agencies, and for other purposes. wide summer electronic benefits trans- tion Lifeline and through the Veterans S. 3167 fer for children program. Crisis Line, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the S. 1970 S. 2671 name of the Senator from Massachu- At the request of Ms. HIRONO, the At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from Connecticut name of the Senator from Maryland sponsor of S. 3167, a bill to prohibit dis- (Mr. MURPHY) was added as a cosponsor (Mr. VAN HOLLEN) was added as a co- crimination based on an individual’s of S. 1970, a bill to secure the rights of sponsor of S. 2671, a bill to build safer, texture or style of hair. public employees to organize, act thriving communities, and save lives S. 3170 concertedly, and bargain collectively, by investing in effective violence re- At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the which safeguard the public interest and duction initiatives. name of the Senator from Wisconsin promote the free and unobstructed flow S. 2715 (Ms. BALDWIN) was added as a cospon- of commerce, and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. BLUNT, the sor of S. 3170, a bill to amend the Fair S. 2085 names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. Labor Standards Act of 1938 to expand At the request of Ms. ROSEN, the MORAN) and the Senator from Michigan access to breastfeeding accommoda- names of the Senator from Delaware (Mr. PETERS) were added as cosponsors tions in the workplace, and for other (Mr. COONS) and the Senator from Mis- of S. 2715, a bill to develop and imple- purposes. souri (Mr. HAWLEY) were added as co- ment policies to advance early child- S. 3173 sponsors of S. 2085, a bill to authorize hood development, to provide assist- At the request of Mr. LEE, the name the Secretary of Education to award ance for orphans and other vulnerable of the Senator from South Dakota (Mr. grants to eligible entities to carry out children in developing countries, and THUNE) was added as a cosponsor of S. educational programs about the Holo- for other purposes. 3173, a bill to amend the Internal Rev- caust, and for other purposes. S. 2743 enue Code of 1986 to provide that amounts paid for an abortion are not S. 2267 At the request of Mr. GARDNER, the taken into account for purposes of the At the request of Ms. CORTEZ MASTO, name of the Senator from Mississippi deduction for medical expenses. the name of the Senator from Nevada (Mr. WICKER) was added as a cosponsor S. 3220 (Ms. ROSEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. 2743, a bill to establish the China of S. 2267, a bill for the relief of Cesar Censorship Monitor and Action Group, At the request of Mr. PORTMAN, the Carlos Silva Rodriguez. and for other purposes. names of the Senator from Kansas (Mr. ROBERTS) and the Senator from New S. 2499 S. 2949 Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN) were added as At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the cosponsors of S. 3220, a bill to amend name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. title XIX of the Social Security Act to BROWN) was added as a cosponsor of S. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- clarify that the provision of home and 2499, a bill to effectively staff the pub- sor of S. 2949, a bill to direct the Sec- community-based services is not pro- lic elementary schools and secondary retary of Veterans Affairs to make hibited in an acute care hospital, and schools of the United States with grants to eligible organizations to pro- for other purposes. school-based mental health services vide service dogs to veterans with se- S. 3239 providers. vere post-traumatic stress disorder, At the request of Mr. WICKER, the and for other purposes. S. 2530 name of the Senator from Oklahoma S. 2973 At the request of Mr. PERDUE, the (Mr. INHOFE) was added as a cosponsor name of the Senator from Georgia At the request of Mr. SCOTT of South of S. 3239, a bill to designate the head- (Mrs. LOEFFLER) was added as a cospon- Carolina, the name of the Senator from quarters building of the Department of sor of S. 2530, a bill to require the Sec- North Dakota (Mr. CRAMER) was added Transportation located at 1200 New retary of Homeland Security to estab- as a cosponsor of S. 2973, a bill to Jersey Avenue, SE, in Washington, DC, lish a School Safety Clearinghouse, and amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of as the ‘‘William T. Coleman, Jr., Fed- for other purposes. 1938 to harmonize the definition of em- eral Building’’ . S. 2626 ployee with the common law. S. 3244 At the request of Mr. MERKLEY, the S. 3007 At the request of Ms. ROSEN, the name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. At the request of Mrs. BLACKBURN, name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- the name of the Senator from New CORTEZ MASTO) was added as a cospon- sor of S. 2626, a bill to remove limita- Hampshire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as sor of S. 3244, a bill to require the Sec- tions on inmate eligibility for Medi- a cosponsor of S. 3007, a bill to amend retary of Health and Human Services care, the Children’s Health Insurance title 18, United States Code, to require to improve the detection, prevention, Program, and veteran’s health benefits. a provider of a report to the and treatment of mental health issues S. 2651 CyberTipline related to online sexual among public safety officers, and for At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the exploitation of children to preserve the other purposes. name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. contents of such report for 180 days, S. 3252 BRAUN) was added as a cosponsor of S. and for other purposes. At the request of Mr. CASSIDY, the 2651, a bill to amend title 38, United S. 3020 names of the Senator from Texas (Mr. States Code, to authorize the Secretary At the request of Ms. BALDWIN, the CRUZ) and the Senator from Florida of Veterans Affairs to provide inscrip- name of the Senator from Minnesota (Mr. RUBIO) were added as cosponsors tions for spouses and children on cer- (Ms. KLOBUCHAR) was added as a co- of S. 3252, a bill to prohibit chemical tain headstones and markers furnished sponsor of S. 3020, a bill to amend title abortions performed without the pres- by the Secretary, and for other pur- 38, United States Code, to authorize ence of a healthcare provider, and for poses. the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to other purposes.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.015 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 S.J. RES. 68 (2) can have long-term impacts on the MEASURE PLACED ON THE At the request of Mr. KAINE, the physical, psychological, sexual, and repro- CALENDAR—H.R. 5687 name of the Senator from Nevada (Ms. ductive health of the women and girls who Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I CORTEZ ASTO experience FGM/C; M ) was added as a cospon- understand there is a bill at the desk, sor of S.J. Res. 68, a joint resolution to Whereas the impacts of FGM/C on the physical health of women and girls can in- and I ask for its first reading. direct the removal of United States clude bleeding, infection, obstetric fistula, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Armed Forces from hostilities against complications during childbirth, and death; clerk will read the title of the bill for the Islamic Republic of Iran that have Whereas, according to the United Nations the first time. not been authorized by Congress. Children’s Fund, FGM/C is reported to occur The bill clerk read as follows: S. CON. RES. 35 in all parts of the world, but is most preva- A bill (H.R. 5687) making emergency sup- At the request of Ms. SINEMA, the lent in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and plemental appropriations for the fiscal year names of the Senator from Indiana Asia; Whereas, although the practice of FGM/C ending September 30, 2020, and for other pur- (Mr. BRAUN) and the Senator from is highly concentrated in specific regions poses. Georgia (Mr. PERDUE) were added as co- and associated with several cultural tradi- Mr. MCCONNELL. I now ask for a sponsors of S. Con. Res. 35, a concur- tions, it is not tied to any one religion; second reading, and in order to place rent resolution providing for a joint Whereas, in 2016, the Centers for Disease the bill on the calendar under the pro- hearing of the Committee on the Budg- Control and Prevention published a report visions of rule XIV, I object to my own estimating that 513,000 women and girls in et of the Senate and the Committee on request. the Budget of the House of Representa- the United States were at risk of, or may have been subjected to, FGM/C; The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- tives to receive a presentation from the tion having been heard, the bill will re- Comptroller General of the United Whereas, in 2015, the United Nations adopt- ed a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals ceive its second reading on the next States regarding the audited financial that includes a target to eliminate FGM/C by legislative day. statement of the executive branch. 2030, having previously recognized in 2010 f S. RES. 481 that ‘‘the abandonment of this harmful prac- At the request of Ms. ROSEN, the tice can be achieved as a result of a com- ORDERS FOR TUESDAY, name of the Senator from Michigan prehensive movement that involves all pub- FEBRUARY 11, 2020 (Ms. STABENOW) was added as a cospon- lic and private stakeholders in society’’; Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I sor of S. Res. 481, a resolution com- Whereas the elimination of FGM/C has been called for— ask unanimous consent that when the memorating the 75th anniversary of (1) by numerous intergovernmental organi- Senate completes its business today, it the liberation of the Auschwitz exter- zations, including the African Union, the Eu- adjourn until 10 a.m., Tuesday, Feb- mination camp in Nazi-occupied Po- ropean Union, and the Organization of Is- ruary 11; further, that following the land. lamic Cooperation; and (2) in 3 resolutions of the United Nations prayer and pledge, the morning hour be f General Assembly; deemed expired, the Journal of pro- SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS Whereas the Annual Country Reports on ceedings be approved to date, the time Human Rights Practices prepared by the De- for the two leaders be reserved for their partment of State include information on— use later in the day, and morning busi- SENATE RESOLUTION 494—DE- (1) whether FGM/C is prevalent; ness be closed; further, that following (2) the type and category of genital cutting NOUNCING FEMALE GENITAL leader remarks, the Senate proceed to MUTILATION OR CUTTING AS A that is most common; and (3) international and governmental efforts executive session and resume consider- VIOLATION OF THE HUMAN to address the practice of FGM/C; ation of the Brasher nomination under RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND GIRLS Whereas the Federal Government recog- the previous order; and finally, I ask AND URGING THE INTER- nized FGM/C as a form of gender-based vio- that the Senate recess from 12:30 p.m. NATIONAL COMMUNITY AND THE lence in— until 2:15 p.m. to allow for the weekly FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO IN- (1) the United States Strategy to Prevent conference meetings. and Respond to Gender-Based Violence Glob- CREASE EFFORTS TO ELIMINATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without THE HARMFUL PRACTICE ally, released in August 2012 and updated in June 2016; and objection, it is so ordered. Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mrs. BLACK- (2) the United States Global Strategy to f BURN, Mrs. CAPITO, Mrs. HYDE-SMITH, Empower Adolescent Girls, released in Mrs. LOEFFLER, Mrs. FISCHER, and Mr. March 2016; ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT Whereas a Government Accountability Of- BRAUN) submitted the following resolu- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, if tion; which was referred to the Com- fice report released in 2016 concluded that ‘‘State and USAID currently have limited there is no further business to come be- mittee on Foreign Relations: international assistance efforts to address fore the Senate, I ask unanimous con- S. RES. 494 FGM/C’’; and sent that it stand adjourned under the Whereas female genital mutilation or cut- Whereas, in 2012, the United Nations Gen- previous order, following the remarks ting (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘FGM/ eral Assembly designated February 6 as the of Senator BROWN and Senator ENZI. C’’) is recognized internationally as a viola- ‘‘International Day of Zero Tolerance for Fe- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion of the human rights of women and girls; male Genital Mutilation’’ to enhance aware- objection, it is so ordered. Whereas FGM/C comprises all procedures ness of, and encourage concrete actions by The Senator from Ohio. that involve partial or total removal of the governments and individuals against, the external female genitalia or other injury to practice of FGM/C: Now, therefore, be it f Resolved, That the Senate— the female genital organs for nonmedical BUDGET PROPOSAL reasons; (1) denounces female genital mutilation or Whereas an estimated 200 million girls and cutting as a violation of the human rights of Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, thank women alive as of January 2020 have been women and girls; you, and I thank the Republican lead- victims of FGM/C, with girls under the age of (2) affirms the importance of ending the er. 15 representing 44 million of those who have practice of female genital mutilation or cut- Last month, while this body was try- ting globally for the safety and security of been cut; ing, as we know—and failing—to hold Whereas more than 3 million girls are esti- women; mated to be at risk of FGM/C annually; (3) calls upon the international community the President accountable for betray- Whereas the practice of FGM/C is mostly to increase efforts to accelerate the elimi- ing the American people, President carried out on young girls between infancy nation of female genital mutilation or cut- Trump went to Davos, and he doubled and age 15; ting; and down on another betrayal of the Amer- Whereas the practice of FGM/C is rooted in (4) urges the Secretary of State and the ican people. gender inequality and is often linked to Administrator of the United States Agency While he was hobnobbing with the other elements of gender-based violence and for International Development to incor- global elite in Switzerland, he let slip porate coordinated efforts to eliminate fe- discrimination, such as child marriage; his plan, after his tax handouts to bil- Whereas the World Health Organization as- male genital mutilation or cutting into the serts that FGM/C— gender programs of the Department of State lionaires and corporations blew up the (1) has no health benefits for women and and the United States Agency for Inter- deficit—we know deficits now. Thanks girls; and national Development, respectively. to Republican governing, thanks to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.017 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S967 this President’s tax cut and my Repub- people with disabilities and students The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sen- lican colleagues going along with this and kids who need healthcare, all to ior Senator from Wyoming. tax cut that went overwhelmingly to pay for this tax scam. f the wealthiest people in this country, President Trump sold us a tax cut for BUDGET PROPOSAL the budget deficit has just sky- working people, but the jig is up. We rocketed. We know all that. President know people aren’t seeing more money Mr. ENZI. Mr. President, I suspect I Trump now wants to pay for it by cut- in their paychecks. People see Trump’s couldn’t have come to the floor at a ting Social Security and Medicare. He tax scam for what it really was: a give- better time. The President’s budget did wants to pay for it by cutting Social away to corporations and the wealthi- come out today. It consists of a set of Security and Medicare. est, tiny sliver of the population. documents a foot high. In my opinion, Today we got President Trump’s Remember the promises the Presi- the whole pile should be replaced with budget. This document makes it clear dent made that his tax law would mean a list from the President of what he how he wants to pay for his tax scam— raises for workers? He said it over and thinks are pretty good ideas to do this on the backs of working families and over. I was in the President’s Cabinet year. seniors. room with the President and a handful I want to encourage people, including I want to start with one that is of of Senators from both parties. He the Senator from Ohio, not to waste special interest in Ohio. We all know promised, before it passed, With this any time searching out the President’s that just in the last 2 or 3 years—well, tax bill, everybody will get a $4,000 budget cuts. Nobody has listened to the starting soon after President Trump raise, he said—well, not exactly true. President in the 23 years that I have was elected and then over about a year- He told workers last year, the month been here. Congress doesn’t pay atten- and-a-half period, the Lordstown auto after he signed the law, You are going tion to the President’s budget exercise. plant—about 4,500 jobs—shut down. to start seeing a lot more money in I don’t know why we put him through President Trump had promised those your paycheck. that. That is all it is. workers—he said to Mahoning Valley: One lie after another lie after an- Congress holds the pursestrings, ac- Don’t sell your homes. These jobs are other lie. Instead of investing in work- cording to the Constitution. Congress coming back. This is going to work for ers, corporations bought back tril- is very protective of that constitu- us. And then the President Trump did lions—literally, trillions—of dollars of tional authority. If you don’t believe absolutely nothing. The third shift was their own stock to line investors’ pock- me, watch all the rhetoric that comes laid off. The second shift laid was off. ets. Meanwhile, the deficit exploded. out on the President’s budget. I am The first shift was laid off. The plant We know what the corporate crowd’s hoping that I hear something positive closed, and there were 4,500 lost jobs. plan always is to deal with the deficit, on it, but it is pretty hard to find any- I have been working with Senator every single time: cut taxes, blow a thing positive with the funding situa- PORTMAN—my Republican colleague— hole in the deficit, and then go back tion that we are in. I do have to take and others on getting somebody to and pay for it by cuts to Social Secu- issue with something that was just said come into that plant. It will not just be rity and Medicare. How do we know here, that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act the 4,500 good UAW jobs, but it could that is what they are going to do? Be- hasn’t worked. It has worked. be, potentially, a good many jobs. cause they told us that is what they Now, a very important thing for ev- There was a loan program that we and are going to do. In spring 2017, right erybody to know: The problem that we this company were going to use to after President Trump was elected, the are in right now with our deficits make sure they could, if you will, re- Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by doesn’t have to do with the dollars that industrialize part of the Lordstown economist Martin Feldstein, who has are coming in. The first year after the complex. Well, the President’s budget built his career pushing tax cuts for his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, we took in axed that plan, that loan program. We rich friends. more revenue than ever before. More were counting on that as a way to re- Guess how he wanted President people had jobs. More people were pay- place some of those jobs that the Presi- Trump to pay for his corporate give- ing taxes. Companies were paying more dent of the United States promised away? In those days, the President taxes. They were doing more business. would come back, and now we can’t said, We will have so much economic That results in more taxes. So, that even count on that. There is that. growth that it will pay for itself. Well, first year, we got more money than we Then, in addition to the cuts to Medi- the economic growth has been less in had ever had to spend before. care and Social Security, he is taking a these 3 years of Trump than in the last The second year, we had more money sledgehammer to Medicaid, to food 3 years of Obama, but that is not the than the first year. We keep getting stamps, to investments in infrastruc- point. The point is he said it would pay more money to spend. The problem is ture, and support for rural commu- for itself. we have no control over our urge to nities and small towns. He wants to Well, Martin Feldstein didn’t believe spend. Since CBO’s June 2019 Long- make it harder to clean up our drink- that. He knew. He said in this article Term Budget Outlook, Congress has ing water and stop polluters. that it will not pay for itself; it will passed and the President has signed At a time when one in four renters pay a little bit. But he said the best legislation that would add more than spends more than half of their income way to do it is raise the Social Secu- $2 trillion to our national debt over the in housing, he wants to make it harder rity retirement age. It looks like Presi- next 10 years. That is how we are to help families find and afford loans dent Trump was listening to Martin spending. for a home. Pretty much the only ones Feldstein. The increased spending caps from the who escaped unscathed, the only ones It always comes back to whose side Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 are re- the President’s budget acts didn’t : are you on. You stand with workers, or sponsible for $1.7 trillion of that $2.1 corporations and their wealthy, unac- you stand with corporations. You stand trillion. It does include interest costs, countable CEOs. To fund their tax with insurance companies, or you but that is what we have to pay any cuts—again, the tax cuts 2 years ago— stand with patients. You stand with time we have a debt. That $1.7 trillion 70 percent of the tax cuts went to the Wall Street, or you stand with con- passed with no debate. There was a wealthiest 1 percent of people in this sumers. budget point of order. I had established country. To pay for those tax cuts that Do you fight for Wall Street wealth? a budget point of order, which takes 60 have exploded the Federal budget def- Or do you fight for the dignity of work? votes. I missed by four being able to icit—you don’t have to be an account- If you love this country, you fight for stop that. We can’t spend that way. ant like my friend from Wyoming to the people who make it work. The But that isn’t the President’s budget. understand what has happened to this President promised to fight for Amer- That is our budget. deficit—President Trump wants to ask ican workers and their families. This Over the next few days, you will hear more from families struggling to make budget he released today is the latest lots of complaints about the Presi- ends meet, the families he promised to in a long line of broken promises and dent’s budget. Seldom will anybody fight for, the families he has betrayed. betrayals. mention anything good, and it has been He wants to ask more of seniors and I yield the floor. that way for every President. You will

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.020 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S968 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 hear lots of terrible things about the limit set by the budget, even if a budg- and that we don’t intend to get control President’s budget. You won’t hear et can be agreed on. over it. anything positive. In the present polit- How can that happen? When a spend- I will tell you a few other things that ical atmosphere, you probably will not ing bill or a spending idea comes to the you might not be aware of. Did you learn anything from the comments. Senate floor, the bill technically needs know that most Federal dollars are Little of a positive nature is getting 60 votes to pass. To bust the budget spent without Congress ever voting on any coverage in Washington these limits also only takes 60 votes, so any it a second time? Those are called man- days. idea or spending bill that is able to datory programs. Once a program is ap- Recently, I went to a hearing on the pass already, it already has the votes proved in the mandatory category, dangers of youth vaping. It turned into to bust the budget and put us deeper that spending is never voted on again. a diatribe about President Trump. into debt. Worse yet, no one hardly ever looks at Presidents’ budgets, regardless of what Congress also doesn’t meet spending the program to see if it does what it President, are a chance for Members deadlines. If Congress passes a con- was supposed to do. Nothing should be not in his party to beat up verbally on tinuing resolution, which means we mandatory that doesn’t have a source whoever is President. For that reason, couldn’t agree by the end of the fiscal of revenue—that is, money—sufficient I didn’t hold a hearing on President year, the government stays open with to fund it into the future. Do you know Obama’s last budget, and I will not be permission to spend each month 1/12 of what that would amount to if we had holding one on this President’s budget what it was allocated the previous that kind of rule on mandatory? for that reason. Let me repeat that. year. That is what a continuing resolu- Social Security no longer brings in as Because it turns into a diatribe against tion does; it allows them to keep oper- much money as we pay out. Medicare the President, I did not hold a hearing ating at what they had before. doesn’t bring in the money that we pay on President Obama’s last budget, and, Continuing resolutions continue out. Medicaid doesn’t bring in the for that same reason, I am not going to until both sides are able to negotiate money that we pay out. In the manda- hold a hearing on this President’s what they want, but the new method of tory programs, there are probably only budget. compromise is you can have everything about four that have a source of rev- If you want the animosity of a budg- you want as long as you will let me enue to fund them. The rest all take et hearing, the House of Representa- have everything I want. What kind of money from the general fund, which tives will have the Office of Manage- negotiation is that? means that the general fund doesn’t ment and Budget, OMB, for a hearing Well, as I mentioned before, it is $1.7 really have any money for the discre- this Wednesday. You can take that in trillion and one vote with no debate. tionary things that we vote on—you and get your dose of animosity if you Yeah. How would your Christmas shop- know, that big fight we have once a want. It will be a chance for the House ping for your family work under those year come October 1 to fund the rest of to ask loaded, venomous questions of circumstances where everybody could government—and mostly defense is in the Director. have whatever they wanted? Wouldn’t that category. The budget process is not working. it even be worse if you were spending I don’t get invited to speak at many The only thing of real value in any someone else’s money for those Christ- places. It is kind of depressing. President’s budget is our history of mas presents? What if it appeared to be But once the program is approved, spending. That is what has already an unlimited supply of money? How mandatory spending is never voted on been done. We ought to look at that. long would that last? again, and no one looks at the program We ought to see the mistakes that we Of course, if a to see what it is supposed to do. They have made, the way that we have piled doesn’t pass, the government is shut still get their annual money, even up this debt. If Congress, for once, down. The employees are sent home. though some of these programs have could spend a portion of the scrutiny Federal public places are shut down expired. They had an expiration date, they give to the President’s projected and closed to the public. When agree- and we went past the expiration date, cuts and, instead, look at the history ment is finally reached, the employees which means the program shouldn’t of our spending, we might be able to come back. They are paid for the time exist anymore, but it does, and we con- gain ground. Yes, only cuts will be they were off. They are way behind in tinue to fund it, not only at its pre- blasted, even though we never make their work, which hurts the economy vious, expired level. We keep adding cuts; we just keep spending. when permits aren’t released—and cost-of-living increases for it. Yes, it is The official budget is done in the other things. We also have to pay lots probably needed, but what is the Senate and separately in the House and of overtime to catch up for the time money really doing? is only official if the House and Senate they were off. No business would be in business if can reach agreement. When the two There are several proposals out there they didn’t check even more than an- Chambers of Congress are opposite ma- that could stop shutdowns and put nually to see what is working effec- jorities, there is little chance for pressure on Congress to get the spend- tively and eliminating those that agreement. From history, I can assure ing job done on time. How long can we aren’t. We should be doing that task. you cuts will not be made. I can also overspend? Well, interest, I think, is When was the last time you saw a pro- assure you that seldom does any pro- currently in the area of 21⁄2 percent. If gram eliminated around here? I have gram get as big of an increase as the people lose confidence in the Federal been here 23 years. Nope. participants request, but that is chang- Government, we will have to pay a Then there is the problem with pro- ing. There is no spending constraint. higher interest rate in order to get the gram duplication. When I got to Wash- There is seldom an attempt to find money to cover the debt. Yes, we have ington, there were 119 preschool chil- money to cover the costs, especially on to pay the interest. If we default on the dren’s programs. Those are really im- new services that are dreamed up. interest, the country defaults. If that portant. If kids get the learning they I will do a budget. I will ask the interest rate were to go from the cur- need before they go to kindergarten, it Democrats to help put together a re- rent 21⁄2 percent to the normal 5 per- makes a difference in the rest of their sponsible budget, working with Repub- cent, we would only be able to pay for life—but 119 programs? Senator KEN- licans. That is really the only way it Social Security, Medicare, and Med- NEDY and I worked together and can work responsibly. What do I mean icaid. merged quite a few of those. We elimi- by ‘‘responsibly’’? The Budget Com- You didn’t hear me say anything nated some—so there are some pro- mittee only sets limits on spending. A about defense. You didn’t hear me say grams that got eliminated—and we got lot of people think that we dig into anything about education. You didn’t that down to 45 programs. Five would every detail and decide how much ev- hear me say anything about infrastruc- probably do the job. We did pass an erybody is going to get. No. We set lim- ture. You didn’t hear me say anything amendment to a bill that said that its in a broad number of categories. It except Social Security, Medicaid, and those had to be pared down to five pro- is the Appropriations Committee that Medicare. That is what happens if peo- grams, and that all of them had to be allocates the specific dollars, but we ple lose confidence in this, if they under the Department of Education. always wind up spending beyond the think we are overspending continually The reason we weren’t able to get

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.022 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S969 below 45 is because we didn’t have ju- problems, but we are not solving prob- play with the Appropriations Com- risdiction over those in Health, Edu- lems. We are just hiring more people in mittee. cation, Labor, and Pensions. Those DC. We used to have a policy that the Talk to your appropriators. They were all in other groups. last person hired would be the first per- spend the money—the exact dollars. Do In the area of housing, we have 160 son fired and that resulted in an in- your work there, but be sure your pro- programs—160 programs—and they are crease in government, too, because as gram is as effective as it can be. Also, administered by 20 different agencies. soon as you got hired, you could ex- take a little look at how many similar So really, nobody is in charge. So no- pand your workload so you needed an Federal programs there are. See if body is setting goals. So nobody is assistant, and now you weren’t the there can be a savings by merging checking to see if it is working. No- first in line to be fired. That has re- some, thus getting more money out in body is checking to see if the program sulted in a lot of people working in the field where you are and getting over here in one of those 20 is the same Washington. How much money actu- more money on the problem. as the program over here in another ally makes it to the problem? We ought Once again, the President’s budget one of the 20, which would allow them to see if the money makes it to the came out today. It consists of a set of to be merged. people or if we are just increasing documents a foot high. In my opinion, Merging saves money. If you merge, Washington bureaucracy. the whole pile should be replaced with you only need one director, instead of Over the next few weeks, I will be a list from the President of what he two, and you don’t need all the assist- going into some detail on each of these thinks are pretty good ideas to do this ants there were. You only need the as- problems with budgeting. I will also be year and, hopefully, there will also be a sistants for one program, and the promoting the budget reforms that little piece in there that says how you money that would be stuck in Wash- Senator WHITEHOUSE and I and the can pay for it. ington can actually go to what we Budget Committee have put out favor- So don’t waste any time searching thought was going to get done. Every ably. I think that is the first budget out the President’s budget program merger results in savings. Elimination provision in about the last 2 two dec- cuts. Congress doesn’t pay any atten- results in more savings. How much bet- ades that has come out of the com- tion to the President’s budget exercise. ter would it be to move the money to mittee in a bipartisan way. That is all it is—an exercise. Congress where the results are? holds the purse strings, according to The proposed budget reforms that Now, I could tell you that the re- the Constitution, and Congress is very Senator WHITEHOUSE and I have worked forms that we proposed will not solve protective of that constitutional au- on would provide for portfolio reviews. all of the problem. You can’t take that thority. Now we need to do the work Here is how that works. Each com- big of a leap when you have that big of that goes with that authority. mittee would have to look at all of the a problem. But while those reforms will I yield the floor. programs, of the type that would be in not solve the problem, they should help their jurisdiction if it weren’t handled to make the solutions more noticeable. f in a bunch of other places. So those We are having trouble getting that other places would have to look at the on the floor, too. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. ones under their jurisdiction. If we can I really came to the floor to elimi- TOMORROW get that portfolio review, I think we nate some of the concerns about the The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. SUL- would find that some of those areas President’s budget. I want people to LIVAN). Under the previous order, the where we are doing it time after time, know that they don’t all have to fly to Senate stands adjourned until 10 a.m. mostly by just adding to Washington Washington to make their case to the tomorrow. bureaucracy. Budget Committee for their program. Thereupon, the Senate, at 6:38 p.m., We want the money out there where Once the Budget Committee sets the adjourned until Tuesday, February 11, the problem is. We think we are solving parameters, then, the detail comes into 2020, at 10 a.m.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10FE6.023 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE