
Central Journal of Design and Research Bringing Excellence in Open Access

Research Article *Corresponding author Gareth J Sanger, Blizard Institute and the National Centre for Bowel Research, Barts & The London School : A Template for of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Email: g Submitted: 20 October 2016 Drug Discovery Accepted: 16 December 2016 Published: 02 January 2017 Gareth J Sanger* ISSN: 2379-089X Blizard Institute and the National Centre for Bowel Research, Barts & The London Copyright School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, UK © 2017 Sanger


Metoclopramide was described in 1964 as an anti-emetic drug and stimulant of Keywords gastrointestinal motility. D2 receptor antagonism explained the anti-emetic • Metoclopramide activity and was suggested to stimulate gastrointestinal motility. An important use of • Dopamine D2 receptor metoclopramide and other D2 receptor antagonists is to inhibit emesis caused by anti- • 5-HT4 receptor chemo radiotherapy. However, the use of new platinum-based anti-cancer • 5-HT3 receptor led to debilitating emesis, lasting for days and sometimes leading to refusal of treatment. • Drug discovery Unlike conventional doses, higher doses of metoclopramide inhibited this severe emesis • Emesis whereas subsequent trials with higher doses of other D2 receptor antagonists were unsuccessful. Studies using ferrets replicated these findings and then demonstrated the

ability of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists to inhibit cisplatin-induced emesis, correlating with the known ability of higher concentrations of metoclopramide to antagonise at this receptor. Around the same time, the mechanism by which metoclopramide stimulates

GI motility was shown to be independent of D2 and 5-HT3 receptor antagonism. A ‘myenteric 5-HT-like receptor’ was proposed, mediating the ability of metoclopramide

to facilitate GI cholinergic activity. Later, this was characterised as the 5-HT4 receptor. Extensive drug discovery followed the unravelling of the biology of metoclopramide. The serendipitous discovery of this drug has therefore contributed to development of

three new drug classes: selective (peripherally-restricted) antagonists at D2 and 5-HT3

receptors and selective at the 5-HT4 receptor. The latter are used to treat

idiopathic . 5-HT3 receptor antagonists, together with and

if necessary, NK1 receptor antagonists, prevent moderate-to-severe emesis during anti-cancer treatment and hence, began a revolution in cancer patient care. The ability

of 5-HT3 receptor antagonists to cause mild constipation was used to treat diarrhoea- predominant , achieving clinical success but later associated

with severe adverse events. Antagonists at the D2 receptor treat mild forms of emesis. Metoclopramide is still used as a gastric prokinetic and anti-emetic drug.

INTRODUCTION act as a antagonist [1,7]. Later, as dopamine Metoclopramide was synthesised during a programme aimed D , eventually proven to be selective over at improving on the properties of , a cardiac anti- 2 receptorsthe D were defined, metoclopramide-adrenoceptor [8,9].The was shown drug to found be a arrhythmic and local anaesthetic drug which was itself derived 3 1 widespread use as an anti-emetic (e.g. during post-operative from procaine (conversion of the ester to the amide linking the care or receptor for patients and the with α , , dysmenorrhoea ring and the side chain of procaine gave procainamide, and drug- or treatment-induced forms of emesis including that resistant to breakdown by esterases). Further substitution of caused by anaesthesia, radiation and/ or for the benzene ring created metoclopramide, a compound with treatment of cancer) and as a stimulant of upper gut motility (e.g. surprising anti-emetic properties [1-3] (Table).

Unlike procainamide, metoclopramide had negligible and functional dyspepsia) [10,11]. There are now many generic local anaesthetic or cardiac anti-arrhythmic activity [4]. Anti- versionsfor patients of metoclopramide with gastro-esophageal across the reflux world. disease, emetic activity was demonstrated against different emetic The ability to antagonise at D stimuli, including , a dopamine receptor 2 [5]. Subsequently, metoclopramide was found to increase adverse consequences. receptors has beneficial and gastrointestinal (GI) motility and reduce symptoms associated 1. Metoclopramide blocks D2 receptor-mediated functions with various upper GI disorders [6]. At the time the mechanisms of within the area postrema (AP), a highly vascularised these actions were unclear, but it was known that the drug could circumventricular organ of the brain at the caudal

Cite this article: Sanger GJ (2017) Metoclopramide: A Template for Drug Discovery. J Drug Des Res 4(1): 1031. Sanger (2017) Email:

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Procaine Procainamide Metoclopramide

from the ester link to the amide further substitution of the benzene ring

latter is consistent with the idea that acts indirectly, the blood brain barrier, so it can be stimulated by extremity of the floor of the fourth ventricle. It is outside the drug does not change gastric emptying in healthy volunteers to initiate ; the AP is therefore described as butin a disease-specific may increase gastricmanner, emptying to increase and gastric improve emptying. symptoms Thus, aemetogenic “chemoreceptor substances trigger in the zone” blood [12]. (eg. toxins, Surprisingly, drugs) in patients with gastroparesis or Parkinson’s disease (some

the source of dopamine which activates D2 (and also caution is suggested by the lack of control arms in many of the

D3) receptors to initiate vomiting is not clear [12]. positive studies) [25,27]. Such disease-dependency could involve

Nevertheless, by antagonising D2 receptors within the AP antagonism of an inhibitory activity of dopamine in the , although this has not been demonstrated for endogenous dopamine [16]. Alternately, D antagonism will occur in the AP, 2. Metoclopramide also blocks D receptors in the pineal 2 drugs such as metoclopramide exert2 anti-emetic activity. inhibiting and vomiting, and thereby overcoming an gland, again outside the blood-brain barrier, increasing associated delay in gastric emptying [12,15]. release of . Prolactinaemia is therefore a side- effect. Understanding the mechanism of action of domperidone has relevance in helping to unravel the initial hypothesis that 3. The ability of metoclopramide to cross the blood-brain metoclopramide was only a D2 receptor antagonist. barrier means that D2 receptor antagonism occurs at striatal areas involved in control of movement. As a 5-HT receptors result, the drug is associated with It became clear that metoclopramide could also interact with 5-HT receptors which were, at the time, poorly understood. warning(involuntary, to be repetitive added to themovements label [14]. of the extremities or facial areas) [13]. In 2009 the FDA required a black box The process of 5-HT receptor definition began in 1957 when 4. Metoclopramide can block the inhibitory actions of D2 receptors within the GI tract, originally proposed as a mediatedGaddum & muscle Picarelli contractions, [28] published blocked their by morphine experiments and with also mechanism by which gastric emptying is increased [1,7]. byguinea-pig , ileum. cocaine, They and defined methadone, an M even receptor after dibenzyline)(neuronally- and a D receptor (non-neuronally-mediated smooth muscle whether-or-not they have a true pathological role remains contractions, blocked by dibenzyline and also by lysergic acid controversialHowever, exactly [12,15,16] when these and will receptors be discussed are activated below. and Many attempts were made to identify D receptor antagonists 2 diethylamide, (the and old 5-benzyloxygramine, 5-HT D), 5-HT (5-HT even M) with little or no ability to cross the blood brain barrier. The most 2 3 after morphine). In 1986 the classification-like’ was receptor updated which and three had successful was domperidone, developed in 1974 from , 1 receptorssimilarities were with defined: a heterogeneous 5-HT group of 5-HT a butyrophenone [17]. This drug is sold in many countries as 1 andbinding a tentative sites [29]. (later Today, confirmed) seven ‘5-HT different 5-HT receptors have an , gastro , and galactogogue (to (high affinity) increase ), although domperidone is not registered for been cloned and characterised, with several subtypes for some of use within the USA (the FDA required large clinical trials to better the receptors. All are G protein-coupled, seven transmembrane 3, which is a cation channel with potentially

heterogeneous subunits (5-HT3A-E [30]). One 5-HT4 receptor has safety of domperidone surfaced in the early to mid-1980s with receptors except 5-HT reportsascertain of efficacy cardiac and arrest, safety) ventricular [18,19]. Concerns arrhythmias, about and the suddencardiac [31]. death associated with use of the intravenous domperidone (since been characterised but several C-terminal splice variants exist withdrawn from the market). Oral domperidone has also been Metoclopramide and the 5-HT M or 5-HT receptor associated with an increased likelihood of ventricular arrhythmia, 3 especially at higher doses or when given with other drugs acting Metoclopramide was found to antagonise a neuronally- mediated action of 5-HT in guinea-pig isolated colon [32] and ileum as CYP 3A4 inhibitors [18,20].1-adrenoceptor antagonist [21-23] and in contrast to metoclopramide (discussed below) does not also[33-35], antagonise defining other the moleculeneuronally-mediated as a 5-HT M actions receptor of 5-HTantagonist. in the Domperidone is also an α increase cholinergic activity in human isolated stomach [24,25] peripheralLater experiments nervous demonstratedsystem (notably, that 5-HT-evoked metoclopramide tachycardia could at concentrations which bind to human D2 receptors [26]. The in rabbit isolated heart or bradycardia in anaesthetised rats

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Central Bringing Excellence in Open Access metoclopramide were shown to reduce emesis in patients subsequently showed that (-)-cocaine and structurally-related receiving cisplatin for treatment of cancer, contrasting with the compounds(the von Bezold-Jarisch also antagonised reflex)) these [35,36]. actions Fozard of 5-HT, and knowledge colleagues poor effectiveness of [47]. Later trials failed

to replicate this activity with high doses of the D2 receptor

5-HT3 receptor antagonist, originally aimed at the treatment of antagonists domperidone or [48,49]. Thus, it seemed migrainewhich led [37]. to the synthesis of MDL72222, the first selective unlikely that high doses of metoclopramide achieved greater anti-emetic activity simply because the drug somehow blocked The ‘myenteric 5-HT-like receptor’or 5-HT4 receptor D2 receptors in the brain more effectively. This observation was

At around the time the 5-HT3 receptor was being characterised it became clear that D2 metoclopramide increased GI motility [38]. Instead, it was argued emesisconfirmed was and not extendedaffected byby domperidone use of a ferret but model was preventedof emesis. byIn receptor antagonism could not explain how that metoclopramide acted on cholinergic nerves within the GI ,these experiments a molecule we were with able poor to abilityshow that to antagonisecisplatin-induced at the enteric nervous system (ENS), but not necessarily on cholinergic D2 neurons outside the ENS. This activity was independent of brain 5-HT-like receptor’ (5-HT4) and potent ability to antagonise function (not prevented by vagotomy and observed in isolated receptor, good ability to activate the so-called ‘myenteric at the 5-HT3 in vitro, including human stomach, showed that metoclopramide facilitated on-going cholinergic 5-HT receptor [50-52]. Subsequent experiments with GI tissues). Experiments 3 withinMDL72222 the confirmed laboratories that of this Beecham anti-emetic Pharmaceuticals activity was due (now to receptor antagonism [53]. Our experiments, conducted activity evoked by stimuli such as electrical field stimulation, muscarinic receptors [24,38,39,40,41]. This activity was not due compound (the selective 5-HT receptor antagonist BRL43694 or tofacilitating antagonism the at release pre-junctional of ACh rather muscarinic than directly receptors, stimulating was not part of GlaxoSmithKline), were3 then replicated using our own

2 receptors, or by antagonists at various other receptors and mechanisms ) and those from Glaxo (GR38032F or ; blocked[40]. Instead, by antagonists relatively at high α or ß concentrations adrenoceptors of or 5-HT at D mimicked patentnow part claiming of GlaxoSmithKline) the use of these and compounds Sandoz (ICS for treatment 205-930 orof the response [42] and non-selective ligands at 5-HT receptors ; now part of Novartis), leading to the filing of a mimicked or blocked this action of metoclopramide [40,41]; the time and following our original abstract highlighting the anti- emesis [54], successfully upheld over ondansetron.� At the same of metoclopramide with a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, leading to notable exception was the failure to mimic or inhibit this activity the activity of the 5-HT the proposal that metoclopramide facilitated cholinergic activity emetic activity of renzapride3 [51], experiments to demonstrate receptor antagonist ICS 205-930 [55] receptor (see 930 (B.P. Richardson, personal communication). Away from the 4 were swiftly sponsored by Sandoz, the manufacturer of ICS 205- withinbelow). the ENS by activating a ‘myenteric 5-HT-like receptor’ competitive industrial arena, there was now no doubt that the [41]. This quickly became defined as the 5-HT earlier observations that relatively high doses of metoclopramide classical’ 5-HT receptor in mouse embryo colliculi neurons antagonizeconclusions 5-HT reached M (5-HT by our) receptors findings werein the consistentperipheral withnervous the In 1988 Bockaert and colleagues [43] identified a ‘non- 3 and in guinea pig hippocampal membranes, which when system [35], now shown to be involved in the mechanisms of activated increased adenylate cyclase activity. Relatively emesis. 3 antagonist at low concentrations, competitively antagonised the response and the 5-HT3 authorshigh concentrations suggested 5-HT of ICS as the 205-930, name for a 5-HT this new receptor, later vomiting by blocking the ability of 5-HT, released from mucosal 4 receptor antagonists prevent cytotoxic-associated accepted as part of the 5-HT receptor nomenclature [44]. Further 3 work showed that metoclopramide and other substituted receptors on abdominal vagal nerve terminals and thereby enterochromaffin cells in the upper GI tract, to activate 5-HT , including renzapride (BRL 24924), were 5-HT4 actions of 5-HT and other substances (e.g. prostanoids) released effectively ‘desensitise’ the vagus to the pro-emetic stimulatory 3 receptor agonists [45]. Returning to the guinea-pig ileum, Craig receptor antagonists (e.g. granisetron, ondansetron, tropisetron), and Clarke [46] demonstrated that 5-HT and renzapride each during the cytotoxic treatment [12]. Today, selective 5-HT 3 receptorfacilitated antagonist the peristaltic ondansetron, reflex by suggesting a mechanism that the blocked prokinetic by a actionrelatively of renzapride high concentration and 5-HTwere of ICS 205-930, mediated but via not 5-HT by the receptor 5-HT combined with a corticosteroid such as dexamethasone, are the 4 1 activation. first-line treatment for patients receiving ‘moderate-to-severe’ emetogenictreatments, further anti-cancer blocks treatments. vagal nerve The activity addition and controls of an NKthe Involvement of the 5-HT3 receptor in nausea and receptor antagonist for patients receiving ‘highly emetogenic’ vomiting The introduction of new anti-cancer treatments, such as the [56].‘acute’ Together, emesis (during this hasthe first revolutionised 24h after initiation treatment of treatment) of cancer platinum-based drugs, were found to be associated with severe and the reduced ‘delayed health emesis’ care which costs can [57,58]. occur Most24 - 48 recently, h after treatment evidence forms of nausea and vomiting, potentially lasting for days and is emerging that , a long-lasting 5-HT3 receptor sometimes leading to refusal of further treatment; conventional antagonist, may provide additional control by a mechanism

1 receptor- were poorly effective. In 1981, high intravenous doses of mediated responses via a unique interaction with the internalised doses of existing anti-emetic drugs, including metoclopramide, argued to involve further inhibition of substance P, NK

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