Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics
pISSN 2234-7658 Vol. 44 · Supplement · November 2019 eISSN 2234-7666 November 8–10, 2019 · Coex, Seoul, Korea Restorative DentistryRestorative & Endodontics Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol. 44 Vol. · Supplement Supplement · November 2019 November The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry Academy The Korean The Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry Vol. 44 · Supplement · November 2019 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics November 8–10, 2019 · Coex, Seoul, Korea pISSN: 2234-7658 eISSN: 2234-7666 Aims and Scope Distribution Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics (Restor Dent Endod) is a Restor Dent Endod is not for sale, but is distributed to members peer reviewed and open-access electronic journal providing up- of Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry and relevant to-date information regarding the research and developments researchers and institutions world-widely on the last day of on new knowledge and innovations pertinent to the field of February, May, August, and November of each year. Full text PDF contemporary clinical operative dentistry, restorative dentistry, files are also available at the official website (https://www.rde. and endodontics. In the field of operative and restorative ac;, KoreaMed Synapse (https://synapse. dentistry, the journal deals with diagnosis, treatment planning,, and PubMed Central. To report a change of treatment concepts and techniques, adhesive dentistry, esthetic mailing address or for further information contact the academy dentistry, tooth whitening, dental materials and implant office through the editorial office listed below. restoration. In the field of endodontics, the journal deals with a variety of topics such as etiology of periapical lesions, outcome Open Access of endodontic treatment, surgical endodontics including Article published in this journal is available free in both print replantation, transplantation and implantation, dental trauma, and electronic form at, https://synapse.
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