Base Ball and Trap Shooting
DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 63. NO. 5 PHILADELPHIA, APRIL A, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS BALL! The Killifer Injunction Case and the Camnitz Damage Suit Not Permitted to Monopolize Entirely the Lime Light, Thanks to Many League, Club, and Individual Squabbles and Contentions from the training camp with an injured knee, according to word last night from Strife is still the order of the day Manager Birmingham, who ordered him in professional base ball, in keeping home. With shortstop Chapman©s leg icith the general unrest all over the broken and the pitching staff cut into civilized icorld. Supplementary to by the jumping of Falkenberg, the crip the Killifer and Camnitz law suits pling of Leibold means that the Naps we hear of friction in the Federal will start the season in a bad way. League over the Seaton case and the Schedule, and arc compelled to chronicle the season©s first row on Dreyfuss on War Path a ball field. Manager McGraw. of PITTSBURGH, Pa., April 1. Presi the Giants, being the victim of an dent Dreyfuss, of the Pittsburgh National irate Texas League player. The lat Club, "started for Hot Springs Monday est news of a day in the wide field of Base Ball is herewith giv night, taking with him the original con en: tracts of the Pittsburgh players for exhi bition to Judge Henderson in the Cam nitz damage suit at Hot Springs. On the way President Dreyfuss will be joined at Cincinnati by Lawyer Ellis G. Kinkead, © To Settle Seaton Dispute who has prepared a brief of several hun .
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