Tuesday 7th July 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom virtual call meeting ID: 932 8003 9701


Those in attendance:

Cllr G. Brown (GB), D. Fielden (DF), T. Day (TD, J. Nops (JN), G. Stogdon (GS), Jeff Soul (JS), Edward Brandt (EB).

Non-voting members: District Councillor Charles Louisson (ex-officio) & Becky French (BF) Clerk to the Parish Council.

1 Apologies for absence

Cllrs D. Speed (DS) & S. Perkins (SP) gave their apologies

2 Declaration of Interest in respect of matters to be discussed.

No interests were declared.

3 Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on 10th June 2020 - to approve the minutes as a true record.

It was unanimously resolved that the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 10th June 2020 be accepted as an accurate record and were duly signed by the Chairman.

4 Public participation in accordance with Standing Orders s3 (d – k)

- A resident raised concerns with 2 planning applications in the village; 58764 Solar Farm, West of Hill and 32950/021 for a detached double garage to front. A letter was received by the Clerk detailing these concerns. - A representative from the company responsible for the solar application provided information about the new scheme and the reasoning behind the proposed new location. The company proposes to make a a one-off community payment of £10,000.00 which will be split between Ropley and Parish. Ropley Residents were given the opportunity to ask questions about the scheme.

5 Recreation ground (DF/GS) - MUGA opened on 4th July under the supervision of Tennis Club. - The Play area will be reopening shortly. The Parish Council has produced a risk assessment and will display signs at the site and on the website for guidance on how to use this equipment safely. Some pieces of equipment are likely to be shut to allow for correct social

distancing requirements. - DF asked for jobs for the Lengthsman visit. The path at Meadow View (footpath 11) is in need of being cleared and this was added to the list. - The Cricket started again, as per the English Cricket Board recommendations. They are abiding by guidance to be Covid compliant, this largely affects the social side. - The Sports club is due to reopen on 9th July. Details will be found on the MyRopley website.

6 Planning: I. Previous applications: decisions notified by EHDC and comments from PC

Reference No: 20405/006 PARISH: Ropley Location: Dene Cottages, Road, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0BJ Proposal: Detached two storey dwelling (amended floorplan received 5/5/20 and further information submitted on 4/5/20) Decision: REFUSAL Decision Date: 2 June, 2020

Reference No: 33743/001 PARISH: Ropley Location: Glendower, Road, , Alresford, SO24 0HB Proposal: Detached annexe building ancillary to main dwelling at rear (as amplified by information submitted 9 June 2020). Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 17 June, 2020

Reference No: 27417/003 PARISH: Ropley Location: Hammond Cottage, Hammonds Lane, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0DZ Proposal: Two storey extension to side and replacement conservatory following demolition of outbuilding (as amended by plans and statement submitted 28 April 2020). Decision: PERMISSION Decision Date: 12 June, 2020

II. New applications: to be discussed:

Case No. Address Description 32950/021 Dean Farm, Bighton Hill, Detached double garage to Ropley, Alresford, SO24 9SQ front.

No objection subject to garaging and storage only

58747 Land West of Monkwood Replacement agricultural barn Croft, Hill Farm Road, on site of existing dilapidated Monkwood, Alresford barn (to be demolished) .

No objection

21360/005 Gladman House, Petersfield Attached double garage/store Road, Ropley, Alresford, SO24 to side 0EE No objection.

58764 Land West of Bighton Hill and Request for an EIA Screening North of Railway, Bighton Hill, Opinion - Solar Farm and Ropley, Alresford associated development.

Ropley Parish Council supports a requirement for an EIA for this site as we believe

the impact of such a development will be significant. The application states that the site is not a designated area however this statement does not take into account the Ropley Neighbourhood Plan. The proposed site is covered by RNP3 which defines areas of Significant Visual Prominence and the whole of the application site is included within one of the designated areas of RNP3. RNP3 states: "Development proposals that would have an unacceptable adverse impact on the visual appearance or character of an identified Area of Significant Visual Prominence or on an identified Key Vista will not be supported.". We do not believe that the proposed number of hectares of solar panels would not have an unacceptable adverse impact on its visual appearance or character. The site is also adjacent to a designated area of the Local Nature Conservation Network, as defined by RNP9. This proposal therefore requires an assessment of the implications of the development on the conservation network to be undertaken and mitigated or compensated.

27657/009 White Lodge, Hill Farm Road, Conversion of integral garage Monkwood, Alresford, SO24 to living accommodation and 0HG bay window to front elevation. 29501/005 Single timber building with clay tile roof following removal of existing detached Langdale, Stapley Lane, steel garage & timber Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0EL workshop buildings

No objection.

22137/004 Rosemount, Park Lane, Lawful development Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0BE certificate proposed - single storey rear & side extension.

Appears to meet permitted

development criteria.

21484/005 Teak Cottage, Petersfield Detached garage with first Road, Monkwood, Alresford, floor loft and external SO24 0HB staircase following demolition of existing.

No objection subject to garaging, storage and ancillary use to the main house only.

38804/014 Ross Farm, Park Lane, Detached open fronted Ropley, Alresford, SO24 0BE livestock and storage barn [amended location]

No objection.

7 Finance I. Payments paid electronically in line with item 9 (iii) of Ropley Parish Council minutes dated 5th April 2016. 18.05.20 B French April/May Salary 481.59 18.06.20 Affordable IT Monthly IT sub 14.88 18.06.20 Complete weed control weed control 157.20 18.06.20 Ropley Football Club goalmouth protectors 528.00 18.06.20 B. French salary May/June 488.34 22.06.20 PHS Group Rec maintenance 216.01

II. Payments to be authorised. None to be authorised

III. Funding

- The Church re-build project Motion: to donate £5000 to the church rebuild either from CIL or reserves and that a sum would be raised from the precept as a one off payment. This motion was withdrawn. Members of the PCC/ treasurer will be asked to attend a parish Council meeting to communicate levels of funding required.

- Coffee Room renovation project Motion: The Coffee Room to receive £12000 from CIL providing the trustees provide not less than £6000 towards the costs from their funds. The Clerk read correspondence from a resident who is in support of this work.

Councillors discussed this proposal. The Motion was withdrawn at this time, whist Coffee Room Committee members seek further quotations for the work and produce a more detailed costing for Parish Council consideration. A reworded Motion will be submitted for consideration at the next PC meeting.

IV. Bank reconciliation 2019/20 – for agreement and signing. Agreed.

V. Signing of internal audit paperwork & annual governance statement Approval of draft accounts (annual governance statement & accounting statement) and supporting paperwork. It was resolved that the Council approve the documents, which were prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

VI. Signing of Section 1 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20- Annual Governance Statement. It was resolved that the Council approve the annual Section 1 of the Annual Governance Statement, which was prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

VII. Signing of Section 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/20 - Accounting Statements. It was resolved that the Council approve the annual Section 2 of the Annual Governance Statement, which was prepared by the Clerk and was duly signed by the Chairman.

8 Report from District Councillor

- The ‘Large housing site consultation’ results were released and confirms that 1 of the 10 sites proposed is considered sustainable and deliverable. All the other sites suffered issues with deliverability, multi-ownership & flooding. EHDC is now going through the smaller sites to meet the housing numbers. - All meetings are now taking place online, including Cabinet meetings. There is a skeleton staff at Penns Place. - EHDC continue to hand out grants to business and projects affected by Covid.

9 Reports of Committees:

I. Highways- Work of the A31 been completed, along with most of the work proposed for Gascoigne lane. II. Footpaths- The Footpath renovation project was raised and ED has this in hand. III. Communications- nothing to report.

10 I. Ropley Society- no report provided. II. Friends of St. Peter's Church - no report provided. III. HALC /EHALC - no report provided. IV. Parish Hall Management Committee- undertaken a risk assessment has been undertaken in order to open safely and Covid Compliant. A maximum of 30 people are permitted to use the main hall at any one point.

11 Correspondence up to 7th July 2020

Meeting closed at 21.37