Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:178 Price: Afs.15 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . JANUARY 26. 2016 -Dalwa 06, 1394 HS Yo ur Yo ur ad ad he re he re 0778894038 Afghan peace process: Karzai leaves for China to attend conference KABUL: President Ashraf Ghani al consensus, and a region with the “just one component” of a wider AT News Report has promised to “bury” Daesh inheritance of previous animosities war that also encompassed Paki- (also known as the Islamic State) and short-sighted behaviour is some- stan. “The problems... are interre- KABUL: The former president militant group, whose local off- thing that is going to require effort lated [and] cannot be solved by use Hamid Karzai on Monday flew shoot has clashed with government and focus.” The US state department of force in one country. He sug- to China to attend a conference forces and Taliban fighters. In a said last week that it had designated gested Pakistan should take action on the Afghan peace process, his BBC interview, Mr Ghani said the IS offshoot in Afghanistan as a against Taliban groups that did not office said in a media statement. Daesh (IS) was “not an Afghan terrorist organisation. It said the agree to talks. “We need to see that According to the statement issued phenomenon” and its atrocities had group had formed in January last we have common interests and we here, the ex-president was invit- “alienated the people”. “Afghans year and was made up of former need to act together to preserve ed by the Shanghai Institute for are now motivated by revenge,” he members of the Pakistani Taliban and the state system and consolidate International Studies to attend the said.