Pet of SPORTS the Week Monday SULL Angels get awards ...................................Page 6 .............Page 3 June 23, 2008 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tuesday: Mostly sunny; H 91º L 52º 7 58551 69301 0 Wednesday: Mostly sunny; H 91º L 53º 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL 14 pages, Volume 150 Number 75 email:
[email protected] Fires still burn across the county By ROB BURGESS The Daily Journal As it rose over the eastern hills Sunday, the rising sun revealed the day-old haze covering the Ukiah Valley still held a tight grip over the county, as firefighters worked frantically to get a handle on the hundreds of fires raging across Northern California. As Sunday evening progressed Cal Fire spokeswoman Tracy Boudreaux said they were still fighting some 90 fires in Mendocino County with some 60 of them unstaffed as yet. The fires had by Sunday evening consumed some 3,800 acres. Mandatory evacuations were issued in the areas of Running Springs Road, Flynn Creek and the Cherry Creek subdivision along Highway 162 in the north county. “The smoke coming from these fires can be seen as far as Sonoma County,” stated Tracy Boudreaux, Cal Fire informa- See FIRES, Page 2 Sarah Baldik/The Daily Journal Lena Nunn of Sweet Memories Butterfly Farm holds a Painted Lady butterfly in her hand in her “Flight House” in Potter Valley Saturday morning. Willits could lose Healing Hearts Butterflies By LINDA WILLIAMS donations, says Bogue. The Willits News “We believe this program is Shutting down Healing exactly what Prop 63 had in Hearts one of the main pub- mind,” says Bogue.