Kyiv, September 27th, 2018 Kyiv, September 27th, 2018 Consortium

UE HEIs Wrocław of Science and Technology, Wrocław . Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Kaunas, Lithuania. University of Patras, Patras, Greece. The Network University, Amsterdam, Holland.

UE Institutions UA HEIs ASIIN, Dusseldorf, . Sumy State University CEENQAA, Dusseldorf, Germany Khmelnitsky National University National Technical University, Dnepro Ivan Franko National University of Berdyansk State Pedagogical University Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA Institutions Chernivtsi National University Educational and methodical centre on QA Odesa National University Ukrainian Association of Student Self-Government Ministry of Education and Science of

Coordinator Mariusz Mazurkiewicz Faculty of Computer Science and Management E-mail: [email protected]

National Coordinator Vitalyi Kukharskyy Vice E-mai: [email protected] Main Goal of the Project

Contribution to Ukrainian Higher Education Space by implementation the best practices in term of quality assurance in HEIs, based on ESG2015. Key Activities, Beginning

• SWOT analysis of implementation of ESG2015 in Ukrainian HEIs.

• TERM Accreditation.

• Evaluation of HEIs: institutional accreditation versus programme accreditation?

• Criteria of internal accreditation for HEIs in QUAERE consortium. Criteria of internal accreditation

• Eligibility for program accreditation • Creation of programs and formulation of qualification profile • Curriculum, structure / work load • Admission Requirements • Teaching and Learning / Support • Human Resources • Material Resources • Quality Management • Transparency / Documentation

Pilot implementation

• Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Programme Sociology, Faculty of Sociology (Bachelor and Master programme)

• Ivan Franko National Programme Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Bachelor and Master programme)

Site visits in pilots HEIs

September 2017 • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Evaluators (experts) • 3 persons appointed by ASIIN • 4 persons appointed by UAS • 4 persons appointed by Ukrainian HEIs Major implementation

September 2017 – June 2018  Sumy State University  Berdyansk State Pedagogical University  Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University  Khmelnytskyi National University  National Technical University Polytechnic  Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University Evaluated programmes

• Applied Mathematics • Sociology • History and Archeology • Applied Mathematics • System Analysis and Control • Economic Cybernetics, Applied Mathematics • Management • Germanic Languages: English Language and Literature The process

Advisory visit, Preliminary Implementation Delivery of SAR, preparation of evaluation on Post-visit report of QAS in HEIs Site visit SAR the spot

QAS – Quality Assurance System for Study Programme SAR – Self- Assessment Report Exploitation of QUAERE

• The example of accreditation criteria based on ESG2015 • The model of internal QAS based on ESG2015 for Ukrainian Higher Education • The procedure of external evaluation for study programmes: – Self Assessment Report – template – The scheme of site visit – Post visit report - template

QUAERE in numbers

8 evaluated 8 different implementations of QA system 8 meetings with local employers 15 prospective, trained experts from HEIs 19 prospective, trained experts from UAS 8 post visit reports prepared for HEIs 5 different QA agencies involved in the processes of evaluation

QUAERE in numbers

8 evaluated universities 8 different implementations of QA system 8 meetings with local employers 15 prospective, trained experts from HEIs 19 prospective, trained experts from UAS 8 post visit reports prepared for HEIs 5 different QA agencies involved in the processes of evaluation


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