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International Scientific Conference International scientific conference «ISE&E» & SWorld International scientific conference (USA) GLOBAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN REALITIES ‘2020 o n f e r e n c e p r o g r a m C AUGUST 26-27, 2020 Organizing Committee: Chairman: Shibaev A.G. Academician, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Scientific Secretary: Kuprienko S.V. candidate of technical sciences Members of the organizing committee: More than 160 doctors of sciences in all areas of the symposium. Learn more at in conjunction with the «ISE&E» & SWorld August 26-27, 2020 1 GLOBAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN REALITIES ‘2020 Program August 26, 2020: The beginning of the sections of the Conference. Innovative engineering, technology and industry NEW APPROACHES TO Vasilevskyi Oleksandr Mykolayovych, Doctor of CALIBRATION IN INDUSTRY 4.0 Technical Sciences, professor, Vinnytsia National Technical University, - Ukraine Koval Maryna Mykolaivna, applicant, , Vinnytsia National Technical University, - Ukraine COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF Sakhno Alexander Anatolievich, PhD in technical METHODS FOR RESIDUAL LIFE sciences, , National University "Zaporizhzhia OF CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Politechnic", - Ukraine PREDICTION Domoroshchin Sergey Viktorovich, graduate student, , National University "Zaporizhzhia Politechnic", - Ukraine Skrupskaya Ludmila Stapanovna, graduate student, Senior Lecturer, National University "Zaporizhzhia Politechnic", - Ukraine WAYS TO INCREASE THE Nakonechna Alina Serhiivna, PhD in technical EFFICIENCY OF THE WORK OF sciences, senior teacher, National University of Food THE SUGAR PLANT AT THE Technology, - Ukraine ACCOUNT OF BIOETHANOL Kovalchuk Svitlana Stepanivna, PhD in technical PRODUCTION sciences, , National University of Food Technology, - Ukraine AN EMPIRICAL MODEL OF THE Zylevich Maksym Olegovich, graduate student, , KPI DEPENDENCE OF THE BAND GAP them. Igor Sikorsky, - Ukraine OF SILICON ON THE EXTERNAL Kuchernyuk Pavlo Valentinovich, PhD in technical PRESSURE sciences, docent, KPI them. Igor Sikorsky, - Ukraine BOILED SAUSAGES WITH Kryzhova Yuliya Petrivna, PhD in technical sciences, AMARANTH FLOUR AND docent, NUBiP of Ukraine, - Ukraine VEGETABLE JUICES Antoniuk Mariana Mykolaivna, PhD in technical sciences, docent, KZVO "Rivne Medical Academy" ROR, - Ukraine ADJUSTABLE FACE MILLS Kushnirov Pavel Vasilyevich, PhD in technical sciences, docent, Sumy State University (Sumy State University), - Ukraine FACE MILLS WITH ADJUSTABLE Kushnirov Pavel Vasilyevich, PhD in technical CUTTING INSERTS sciences, docent, Sumy State University (Sumy State University), - Ukraine DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Stetsenko Nataliia, PhD in Chemistry, docent, National AND QUALITY CONTROL OF University of Food Technology, - Ukraine LIVER-VEGETABLE PATE FOR Simakhina Galina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, ATHLETES NUTRITION professor, National University of Food Technology, - Ukraine Goiko Irina, PhD in technical sciences, docent, National University of Food Technology, - Ukraine INVESTIGATION OF THE Tatarchuk Tetiana, PhD in technical sciences, docent, INFLUENCE OF ALLOYING ON National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", - WEAR-RESISTANT ALLOYS FOR Ukraine ALUMINUM ANGLE FURNACING Ivakhnenko Evgen, PhD in technical sciences, docent, FURNACES National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", - Ukraine Hunchenko Oleksandr, student, , National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic", - Ukraine August 26-27, 2020 2 GLOBAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN REALITIES ‘2020 Program SUBSTANTIATION OF Kupchak Daria Vladimirovna, PhD in technical TECHNOLOGY PARAMETERS FOR sciences, docent, FSBEI HE "Khabarovsk State SOY-BEET AND SOY-PUMPKIN University of Economics and Law", - Russia FOOD SYSTEMS A REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS Bezvesilna O.M. , Doctor of Technical Sciences, ON PIEZOELECTRIC professor, National Technical University of Ukraine TRANSDUCERS "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", - Ukraine Kyrychuk Y.V. , Doctor of Technical Sciences, docent, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", - Ukraine Nazarenko N.M. , applicant, Senior Lecturer, National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", - Ukraine ENHANCEMENT OF MEASURING Shevchenko Konstantyn, Doctor of Technical Sciences, ACCURACY OF THE MOBILE Professor, , - Ukraine OBJECT'S SPEED Statsenko Oleksiy, PhD in technical sciences, Senior Lecturer, , - Ukraine Kozyr Oleg, graduate student, , , - Ukraine Computer science, cybernetics and automatics CLASSIFICATION OF Kuznetsova Valentina Yurievna, graduate student, , BORROWERS TO IMPROVE THE Astrakhan State Technical University, - Russia SCORING SYSTEM OF MICROFINANCE ORGANIZATIONS COMBINED ALGORITHM BASED Hrybkov Serhii, PhD in technical sciences, docent, ON ALGORITHMS FOR KOSYAKE National University of Food Technology, - Ukraine FISH AND GRAY WOLVES FOR SOLVING COMPLEX PROBLEMS Seidykh Olga , , , National University of Food Technology, - Ukraine DEVELOPMENT OF Korotenko Gregory Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical INTERDISCIPLINARY Sciences, docent, National Technical University CONVERGENT LEARNING IN "Dnipro Polytechnic", pr-t Dmitry Yavornytsky, 19, UNIVERSITIES ON THE BASIS OF 49600,, - Ukraine ACTIVE INCLUSION IN THE Korotenko Leonid Mikhailovich, PhD in technical COURSES THE PYTHON sciences, docent, National Technical University LANGUAGE ECOSYSTEM "Dnipro Polytechnic", pr-t Dmitry Yavornytsky, 19, 49600,, - Ukraine GENETIC ALGORITHM AS A TOOL Veres K.O., PhD in Geography, docent, National FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE University of Food Technology, - Ukraine OPTIMAL TOURIST ROUTE Veres M. M. , PhD in Physics and Mathematics, docent, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, - Ukraine Ovsiichuk , student, , Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, - Ukraine DETERMINATION OF THE Babchuk Sergiy, PhD in technical sciences, docent, DIRECTION IMPROVEMENT Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil, - DESIGN AUTOMATED CONTROL Ukraine SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES BASIS OF THE SPECIALIZED COMPUTER NETWORK CC-LINK August 26-27, 2020 3 GLOBAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN REALITIES ‘2020 Program Security systems in the modern world DETERMINING THE MINIMUM Melnikov Evgeniy Viktorovich, applicant, , Kuban CODE DISTANCE FOR THE Institute of Professional Education, - Russia SEGMENT (K + M, K) CODE OF THE MAXIMUM LENGTH PENETRATION TESTING Milinchuk Uliya Anatoliivna, specialist, Senior METHODS Lecturer, State Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic", Dnipro, Ukraine, - Ukraine Zhukova Olena Andriivna, specialist, Senior Lecturer, State Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic", Dnipro, Ukraine, - Ukraine Development of transport and transportation systems MODERN APPROACHES TO Khara Maryna, PhD in technical sciences, docent, MANAGING THE TECHNICAL Priazovsky State Technical University, - Ukraine CONDITION OF THE CAR PARKS Lyamzin Andrey, PhD in technical sciences, docent, OF INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Priazovsky State Technical University, - Ukraine Architecture and construction CONTEST DESIGN AT LVIV Viktor Proskuryakov, Doctor of Architecture, ARCHITECTURAL SCHOOL AS A professor, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" COMPONENT OF PROFESSIONAL Institute of Architecture and Design, - Ukraine EDUCATION TODAY AND IN THE Yuliya Bohdanova, , senior teacher, National FUTURE University "Lviv Polytechnic" Institute of Architecture and Design, - Ukraine Ihor Kopylyak, , senior teacher, National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Institute of Architecture and Design, - Ukraine LVIV: PROBLEMS OF THE Linda Svitlana, Doctor of Architecture, professor, SHAPING OF HISTORICAL CITY National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Ukraine, - IMAGE Ukraine Physics and mathematics EXISTENCE OF OPTIMAL Tetyana Shovkoplyas , Doctor of Physical and CONTROL OF ACCURATE AND Mathematical Sciences, docent, Kiev. nat. un-t them. AVERAGE TASKS Taras Shevchenko, - Ukraine OVERALL OVERVIEW OF THE Avdeeva Tetyana Vasulivna, specialist, Senior FORMULA FOR THE DERIVATIVE Lecturer, NTUU "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic OF THE RECOVERY FUNCTION Institute, - Ukraine Illicheva Luydmyla Maksimivna, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, docent, National Aviation University, - Ukraine ELECTRODELESS STUDY OF Hutsul Oksana Vsevolovovna, PhD in Physics and AQUEOUS KCl SOLUTIONS FOR Mathematics, , VSUZU "Bukovina State Medical DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS University", - Ukraine Slobodyan Vsevolod Zinovievich, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, , Chernivtsi National University Y. Fedkovich, - Ukraine August 26-27, 2020 4 GLOBAL SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN REALITIES ‘2020 Program Chemistry and pharmaceuticals INFLUENCE OF MOLECULAR Zharnikova Nataliia Valeryevna, PhD in Chemistry, , STRUCTURE OF STAR-SHAPED Ivanovo State University, - Russia COMPOUNDS WITH OXADIAZOLE Bumbina Natalia Vyacheslavovna, PhD in Chemistry, , AND TETRAZOLE SYNTHONS ON Ivanovo State University, - Russia MANIFESTATION OF COLUMNAR Smirnova Antonina Igorevna, PhD in Physics and MESOMORPHISM Mathematics, , Ivanovo State University, - Russia Akopova Olga Borisovna, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, senior researcher, Ivanovo State University, - Russia Usol’tseva Nadezhda Vasilyevna, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor, Ivanovo State University, - Russia Medicine and healthcare ANALYSIS OF PATIENTS WHO Polion Mykyta, PhD in Medical Sciences, docent, , - UNDERWENT RADICAL Ukraine CYSTECTOMY: THE EXPERIENCE Lohvinenko Denis, , , , - Ukraine OF ONE CENTER Krasnov Vladimir,
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