Aerial Photography Maps of the Missouri National Recreational River
Aerial Photography Maps of the Missouri National Recreational River Fort Randall Dam. South Dakota to Santee. Nebraska September 2003 Army Corps of Engineers ® Omaha District Table of Contents Welcome Page • A c"Omprch"n,;',., ex~mi"a t ion of the Missouri Ri,,,. addressil1g topics such as " .. ,irs grograph ica\ char~c~ris{iC.'l . .. .th e origin of ill! nickname, "Big Muddy." .. ,irs appearance during Lewis and Clark's "pk jOlln,C')'. 01 Bald Eagle While many bald Threatened and Endangered Species Page • An iliustrMive guide on the arca's rh",aten"d and endallgercd specie,; ourlinil1g" . area d uring the .. ,the need (or the Endan~",,,,d Species Act of 1973. these rapmrs may ."ways of protecting .pecies fOund along the Missouri Ri,,,r. ", the countless reasons and incentives for "",il1g endange",d species. yea r in the 02 ;Iatec\, means tIl e s 'niubthatha,' or Historical Information Page .A historiC"~1 owrvi~'w of the Lewis and Clark Expedition providing specifies on ... .. the ~... "nt:,; that led up to the f~med Expedition . \ ... the conditions as descril>ed in the journals of William Clark . .. the Missouri Ri",r and the Lev,'is & Clark Bicentennial CommemorMion. 04 Ide turtJicrinsrructi;:jns. General and Safety Information Page oat Ramp Coordinates - An ~ ~t ensiw list of ,,',,nernl information and sa(cty pm:autions offering tips on .. Boat Ramp Name Lat .. respecting the' resomce. .. ....... imming. OOating. and ",mping. Spillway 430031 .. reading and na"ig;oting the' Missomi Riwr. 07 ,--" andalLC ,eek 4r 03 Sheet Index Page • An iliustrMi"e map indexing the following sections of the Recreational Ri",r..
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