

1 Mary, Mother of - Catholic Christian Feast Day of St. Basil - Orthodox Christian Shogatsu/Gantan-sai (New Years) - Baptism of the Lord Jesus - Christian

5 Twelfth Night - Christian Gobindh Singh birthday - Sikh

6 - Christian Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany) - Orthodox Christian Dia de los Reyes (Three Kings Day) - Christian

7 Feast of the Nativity - Orthodox Christian

13 Maghi - Sikh

17 Blessing of the Animals - Hispanic Catholic Christian

18 Week of for Christian Unity begins - Christian

19 Timkat - Ethiopoian Christian

25 Conversion of St. Paul - Christian

28 Tu B'Shvat - Jewish

2 - Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Christian -Lughnassad - /Neo-Pagan Northern and Southern Hemispheres

3 St. Blaze Day - Christian Setsebun (beginning of Spring) - Shinto

5 Four Chaplains Sunday - Interfaith

8 Nirvana Day -

12 Triodion - Orthodox Christian - Chinese traditional

14 St. Valentine's Day - Christian Trans guration Sunday - Christian

15 Nirvana Day - Buddhist - Jain

16 Vasant - Hindu - Christian

17 Begins - Christian

21 Triodion Begins - Orthodox Christian

26 - Jewish MARCH

1 St. of - Christian

2 (March 2-20) Nineteen Day Fast - Baha'i

7 Meatfare Sunday - Orthodox Christian

10 Lailat al Miraj -

12 Orthodox Sunday - Orthodox Christian - Hindu

14 Cheesefare Sunday - Orthodox Christian

15 Clean Monday ( Begins) - Orthodox Christian

17 St. Patrick's Day - Christian

18 Waqf al Arafa - Islam

19 St. 's Day - Christian

21 Norooz (New Year) - Persian/Zoroastrian Naw-Rúz (New Year) - Baha'i Ostara - Mabon - Wicca/Neo-Pagan Northern and Southern Hemispheres Orthodox Sunday - Orthodox Christian

25 of the Blessed Mary - Catholic Christian Mahavir Jayanti - Jain

26 Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zaranthushtra) - Zoroastrian

28 Lailat al Bara'ah - Islam Lord's Evening Meal - Jehovah's Witness Christian Day - Buddhist

28 (March 28-April 8) Pesach - Jewish

28 - Christian

29 - Hindu APRIL

1 Maunday Thursday - Christian

2 - Christian

4 Sunday - Christian

8 Yom HaShoah - Jewish

13 Hindi New Year - Hindu (April 13-21) - Hindu begins - Islam

14 Baisakhi () - Sikh

15 Yom Ha'Atzmaut - Jewish

16 First Day of Ridvan - Baha'i

21 Ramanavami - Hindu

23 St. George's Day - Christian

24 - Orthodox Christian

25 Palm Sunday - Orthodox Christian

27 Jayanti - Hindu Mahavir Jayanti - Jain

30 Holy Friday - Orthodox Christian Lag B'Omer - Jewish

1 - - Wicca/Neo Pagai Northern and Southern Hemispheres

2 Last day of Ridvan - Baha'i Pascha (Easter) - Orthodox Christian

3 Philip & James - Christian

4 National - USA - Interfaith

8 Laylat al Kadr - Islam

14 (May 14-16) Eid al Fitr - Ramadan Ends - Islam

18 Tish'a B'av - Jewish

23 Declaration of the Bab - Baha'i - Christian

29 Ascension of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i

30 - Christian JUNE

3 Corpus Christi - Catholic Christian 9 St. Columba of Iona - Celtic Christian 11 of Jesus - Catholic Christian 15 Vladimir Day - Christian 16 Guru Arjan Martyrdom - Sikh 19 New Day - Swedenborgian Christian 20 Pentecost - Orthodox Christian 21 World Humanist Day - Materialism 22 First Nations Day - Canadian Native People Litha - - Wicca/Neo-Pagan Northern and Southern Hemispheres

24 Saint - Christian 29 Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul - Christian JULY

9 Martyrdom of the Bab - Baha'i 11 St. Benedict Day - Catholic Christian 13 Obon (Ulambana) - Buddhist/Shinto 15 St. Vladimir the Great Day - Orthodox Christian 20 Eid al Adha - Sacri ce Day - Islam 23 Emperor Haile Selassie birthday -Rastafaria 24 - Mormon Christian Day - Buddhist

25 St. Day - Christian

1 - Christian Lughnassad - Imbolc - Wicca/Neo-Pagan Northern and Southern Hemispheres

3 Janmashtami - Hindu

6 Trans guration of the Lord - Orthodox Christian

10 Hijra - New Year begins - Islam

15 Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic Christian Dormition of the - Orthodox Christian

17 Shavout - Jewish

18 - Islam

22 - Hindu

29 Beheading of St. John the Baptist - Christian SEPTEMBER

1 Religious Year begins - Orthodox Christian

6 (Sept. 6-8) - Jewish

8 Nativity of Virgin Mary - Christian

10 - Hindu

11 Ethiopian New Year - Rastafaria Paryushana Parva - Jain

13 - Jewish

14 Elevation of the Life Giving Cross (Holy Cross) - Christian

21 (Sept. 21-27) - Jewish Paryushana Parva - Jain

22 Mabon - Imbolc - Wicca/Pagan

27 Meskel -Ethiopian Eritrean Orthodox Christian

28 - Jewish

29 and All Angels - Christian - Jewish OCTOBER

4 St. Francis Day - Catholic Christian Blessing of the Animals - Christian

7 (Oct. 7-14) - Hindu

15 Dasara - Hindu

18 Luke, Apostle & Evangelist - Christian an Nabi - Islam

20 Birth of the B'ab - Baha'i Installation of Scriptures as Guru Granth - Sikh

28 Milvian Bridge Day - Christian

31 All Hallow’s© Eve - Christian Reformation Day - Protestant Christian Samhain - Wicca/Neo-Pagan Deep - Jain NOVEMBER

1 All Saint’s© Day - Christian

2 All Souls Day - Catholic Christian

4 Diwali (Deepavali) - Hindu - Jain

5 Vikram New Year - Hindu

12 Birth of Baha'u'llah - Baha'i

13 Jain New Year - Jain

15 (Nov. 15-Dec. 24) begins - Orthodox Christian

21 Christ the King - Christian

24 Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahdur - Sikh

26 Day of the Covenant - Baha'i Feast of the - Catholic Christian

28 First Sunday of - Christian Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha - Baha'i

29 (Nov. 29-Dec. 6) - Jewish

30 St. Andrew's Day - Christian DECEMBER

6 Saint Nicholas Day - Christian

8 Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) - Buddhism of Mary - Catholic Christian

12 Feast Day - Our Lady of Guadalupe - Catholic Christian

16 (Dec. 16-25) Posadas Navidenas - Hispanic Christian

21 Yule - Christian

22 Yule/Winter - Wicca/Neo-Pagan

24 Eve - Christian

25 Christmas - Christian Feast of the Nativity - Orthodox Christian

26 Zarathosht Diso (Death of Prophet Zarathushtra) - Zoroastrian St Stephen's Day - Christian

28 Holy Innocents - Christian

30 Holy Family - Catholic Christian

31 Watch Night - Christian

All information courtesy of www.interfaith-calendar.org/2021