. . Humby chapel . . Lenton . . . Sapperton

Pew Sheet – April 21st Easter Sunday

Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here, he is RISEN! (Gospel of St Luke)

Please remember in prayer

In the Church: • The worldwide Christian church, that the message of resurrection hope might bring joy, comfort and challenge in our faith. • All church leaders, especially the witness of those who will share the Easter message with the world this weekend

In the community and society: • Our schools and colleges, as the new term begins, all who teach and learn. • The Dean and Chapter of Lincoln Cathedral, and for all those hurt by recent events. • The Government, returning from recess, and the ongoing Brexit negotiations. • The soul of Lyra McKee, and the situation in Northern Ireland.

The sick: All who are suffering within our own communities, especially Charles Ojeh, Phil Wilkinson, Liza Grenfell, Florence Southwell, Muriel Robinson.

Those who have died: David Graham (Rebecca and family), Betty Gordon (Kate and family), Pamela Wiles (Simon and family). Rest eternal grant to unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

The Collect for Easter Sunday: God of glory, by the raising of your Son you have broken the chains of death and hell: fill your Church with faith and hope; for a new day has dawned and the way to life stands open in our Saviour Jesus Christ. this week’s Diary: Events are in the relevant church unless otherwise stated. More information on anything in this Pew Sheet is available from the Priest – Anna Sorensen, 01476586991 [email protected] Sunday 21st Easter Sunday 08.30 Old Somerby Easter Communion 10.00 Boothby Pagnell All Age Communion 10.00 Ropsley All Age Communion 11.00 Lenton Morning Prayer 11.00 Humby All Age Communion

Please note that Anna will be on a post-Easter break for 22-24 April and 28th April to 1st May.

Monday 22nd Bank Holiday

Wednesday 24th 14.00 Boothby P V Hall Villagers’ Meeting Tea, coffee, games, fellowship 19.00 Ropsley Annual Church Meeting

Thursday 25th 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought Coffee & informal prayer 17.30 Braceby Evening Prayer 19.00 Braceby PCC at Manor Farm Cottage

Friday 26th 17.00 Lenton Evening Prayer 19.30 Lenton Annual Church Meeting

Saturday 27th 17.30 Boothby Pagnell Evening Prayer

Sunday 28th First Sunday of Easter 10.00 Lenton Group Communion with the Benefice Choir

Coming Soon

GRANTHAM CHORAL SOCIETY PRESENTS … Handel’s Jephtha Saturday 18th May at St Wulfram’s Church, , 7pm Bar open from 6 pm. Tickets £15 from Guildhall Box Office, Jenny Wilkins 585749, or on the door.

Worship north – April 2019 6th – Saturday 10.00 Boothby P V Hall Messy Church

7th – Fifth Sunday in Lent 10.00 Boothby P V Hall Café Church 10.00 Ropsley Communion 18.00 Rippingale Deanery Lent Evensong

11th – Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought

14th – Palm Sunday 10.00 Old Somerby Group Communion & Procession of Palms, with the Choir 18.00 Deanery Lent Evensong

15th – Monday in Holy Week 19.00 Humby Chapel Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

16th – Tuesday in Holy Week 19.00 Ropsley Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

17th – Wednesday in Holy Week 19.00 Braceby Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

18th – Maundy Thursday 19.00 Ingoldsby Passover Meal – Remembering the Last Supper An All Age event – free, but please book 585979

19th – Good Friday 14.00 Ropsley An Hour at the Cross 19.00 Lenton Stations of the Cross

20th – Holy Saturday 19.30 Sapperton The New Fire – Easter begins here! An All Age event

21st – EASTER DAY! 08.30 Old Somerby Easter Communion 10.00 Boothby Pagnell All Age Easter Communion 10.00 Ropsley All Age Easter Communion 11.00 Lenton Easter Morning Prayer 11.00 Humby Chapel All Age Easter Communion

25th - Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought

28th – Second of Easter (Low Sunday) 10.00 Lenton Group Communion with the Choir

Who’s who in the North Beltisloe group of : MINISTRY TEAM: Rector Designate Rev’d Anna Sorensen 01476 586991 07793544238 Assistant Priest Rev’d John Spriggs 01476 585756 Reader Ken Mann 01476 585574 ALM Colin McGarrigle 01476 585909 ALM Fred Mann 01476 585905 ALM Diana Burrows 01476 585513 ALM Tony Clayton 01476 585711

CHURCHWARDENS: Boothby Pagnell Tom Blake 01476 585898 Andrew Usborne 07901 511976 Braceby Rick Clegg 01529 497273 Ingoldsby Kate Welbourne 01476 585812 Hilary Gilbert 01476 585979 Lenton Tony Clayton 01476 585711 Peter Dobney 01476 585766 Old Somerby Len Watson 01476 568439 Simon Bond (Acting) 01476 562797 Ropsley Helen Sloss 01476 585433 Sapperton Fred Mann 01476 585905 Jonathan Tesh 01476 585348 Humby Chapel Colin McGarrigle (Chair) 01476 585909