PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, Roskcban-s, before the Battle. —The BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS, FOR SALE & TO LET. EDUCATIONAL, corespondent of the New York Herald writing LEGAL 4 OFFICIAL. ! JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. of the battle of Chickamauga says: A CARD. Counting Boom to Let. L »t No. EXCHANGE STREET, JAMES E. over CITY OF published 82) General Rosccrans, who had been up all EERNALD, ROOM No. 90 Commercial St. PROF. FERDINAND SUBIT. PORTLAND, IN FOX BLOCK, J Thomas Block, to let. to by bight, as DR. S. C. FERNALD, (COUNTING Apply Permanent Classes H '■ "'<■ though seriously ill, indefatigable A. J. and Private Lessons in r'v, “;,,ia' Intention ..f doned MILLER, XVSc N. A. FOSTF.RA CO. ever, what his statf called “his lighting MERCHANT mchTl dt f Over 92 Commercial Street. French—Season 1863-4. a coat,” great coat of the style in common use TAILOR, to give notice that hi* French Cissies will DENTIST, be TerniH : among the private soldiers. He had early To Let BEGSresinned on .Mouiiay. Sept. 14th—No. 349 an”. No. 175 Midtll Street. NT MIDDLE Conjcre.is And II* Joint C Thk in the canteen of his around his STREET, Street. Persons pivicrriug a Parisian Standing ommittee of the City Portland Daily I'besa published every slung orderly commodious Chamber in the cor on out iu Kkpkkknckh.Drs. Bacon ami Bberlin. northerly Pronunciation, know that he i* the French Council, laving new Street., in morning (Sundays excepted), at §6.00 per year own and said his start who had THEuer of the new brick block, corner of Lime and Ic-acher in only pursuance o’f neck, this, Ha? just an Portland, native from aris. 4he Prof, an order ol tile C .ty Council, advance, to which will he added twenty-five cents opened Milk Streets, the market. Rent low. pawed onthclthda. watched and studied his manner, meant“flght.’ Portland, May 25,1963. tf directly facing is requested to proclaim publicly this lact. His otK- of October, 1K3. will meet tor .aid for each three mouth.*-’ delay, and if not paid for at Euquire at office of purtiow ob He was to that an cud papers prove it. Prof. F. S. will continue to Thursday, the l.vlh day of October, at the end ot the year the paper will be discontinued. me, morning interesting OCEAN INSURANCE 8j o'clock in CO., give Lecture*, Soirees, etc., which he tin- alb-moon, at tbe southwest corner ol copies three cents. study, for 1 had found him in a new character. Dr. J. II. IIEALD ELEGANT STOCK dtf Heading*. etc., Connei. Single Sept .15,18G2. No.27 ExchangeSt first established himself in Portland. ami Hampshire streets, the of Thk MainkStatk Press is published every Thurs- He has three which place beginniag ard distidguished characters, of his entire interest in his N. It.—Pi of. F. S. was born in rne de then and there to view day morning,at #2.00 per tun um, in advance; #>.26 disposed -or- Pari*, I'.hbre proceed and widen said it three different circumstances to Office to Dr. S.C FEKNALD, would acc: Tree Street.) Hi* birth street. if withiu six months; and #2.50, if be requires HAVING cheerfully Office to Let. (Dry has been regia- paid payment roccommend him to his lormer and the treii at the Aiairie des Petit*-Peres All interested delayed beyond the year. reveal. In and at Murfreesboro” patients pub- second floor. Middle situated Mayor’s Office persons will take notice and govern garrison lic. Dr. from is Street,centrally of the Little Fathers lii* themselves Advertiseinenta inserted in the Maink State and Feknald, long experieuce. prepar- ONand easy of access. Apply at No. 72 Ex change ) family resided then accordingly. lively, good-natured, pleasant agreable, ed to insert Artificial Teeth on the Vulcanite <> O I> N Plat e de l'Hotel de Title, Hail (.Wen under our this Press (which has a circulation in o Base/' Street. tl (< ity Square.) hands 8th day of October, large every part fond of social games and conversation, he had and all other methods known to the 4. JylT A. L>. iHtlo. the State) for 50 cents per square iu addition to the profession. For chutes of any number of 86.00 -FOR- TjtH.vs— ’• pupils, above rates for each insertion. grown painfully less to one who had approach- Port'and, May 25,18C3. tf children,.5.03 JACOB M.'LELLAN, 1 To be Let. •* STEVENS Transient advertisements must be paid for iu ad- ed him with reverence for him as a great teachers,.3.00 SMITH. in the second story, over Store 93 WM. II. ommitlee on vance for he could see no trait of it. In sTn Ci EK’8 STEWART worrier; Gentlemens’ and CHAMBERSMiddle street—Mitchell's Uuiidiug. Possession References— Rev. H. Sfebbins, Ker. it. Loon Walk- SAM I. > «■* Boy’s Garments, Ht-v. L. WATERHOUSE, J»fln« movements (during his mamcuvers, I mean) given immediately. inquire of er, ('. Belles, llev.Geo. Bo*worth, Kev. Mr. < THUS K. LAliU New Streets. Rates of A<1 vertinina:: Shailer, Bev. J. W. severe, his news to SEWING A. T. DOLE. Cliickeriug, Cha*. A. Lord, Mr J. D. SNOWMAN. quick, lively, yet strung MACHINES! And would iuxitetho attention of all in want of Jan2tf_*_ E. II. Dwell, S *1.25 square daily first week : 75 cents week Fitch, M. L>., barnas Sears, Presi* oc8 dtd per per the greatest tension, and somewhat disposed dent of Brown after; three insertions or less, #1.00; eve- To Let. UuiversPy. etc., etc., etc. continuing to be excited over his and dim* ry other day after first week, 50 cents. plans calculations, WOODXAN, TRUE A CO., OFFICES, single or in suites, over Store# »cp21 lie creates in the beholder a as to his CITY OF Half square, three insertions or less, 75 cents; one curiosity IjYOUHNos.152 and 154 Exchange street, the PORTLAND^ AGENTS, or Goods opposite is week, #1.00; 50 cents per week alter. real nature, and one gets bewildered in Clothing Furnishing International House. Apply on the premises to Eaton School V'<>TICE hereby given, that it is the in entioa of Under head of seeing Boarding lor Boys, Amcskmekts, #2 00 per square per the Nos. 54 and 56.Middle Street* * oc2 dtf T. 8. HATCH. la>' ou, a "«w or traits ot the man. —~.AT— £VhesrCl,y,ro“vBei,,° Street, week: three insertions or less, #1,50. opposing KF.NTS HILL, READFIKLD, [Mr:. fuhlic W ay for llie use ol the Hut on the City-beginning at Special Notices, #1.75 first week, morning of the 10th, when it was Needles and Trimmings alway* on hand. the corners of Clark and Tine per square House tor Sstle. streets, and running §1,00 per square after; three insertions or less, #1.25; evident that everything was narrowed down mchl8tf Fsttddisbed A. /). 1*60. to Brackett street, on or near the old site of Wu- ! < so half a square, three insertions, #1.00; one week, to nil engagement, his manner assumed the PRICES »USK No. 33 Chestnut street lot about ker's ourt, called. #1.26. 42 70: and situated. And tlie Joint Committee of the that was He in by centrally pleasantly FIU1L Winter Session of this institution will corn- Standing City rigid dignity painful. spoke For Council, on out new Real 21 *16w particulars inquire at the premise? from A mence laying Streets, In pursuance or F. Tracy, Traveling Agent* low nor Estate, Sept. Monday, November bib. 1*03, and con- tones, neither soft pleasant, nor harsh 2 to 5 ocffitf an order of the on the MIR daily. tinue twenty weeks. City Council, passed 7th day nor nerves of 1903. will meet Tor rough. His became solidified, and INVESTMENTS ! The be*t ed on the tenth day and the under a and skill can dtf \ VETERAN VOLUNTEERS! slaveholders, pretence of love long experience suggest. M ; IS ISAIAH !< KEBY of October, will meet for >aid purpose on to Also on hand and constantly receiving, a great Tuesday, up the Mountains from Piedmont are the 20th of 3 doing of the Union. Before the election and in the They correct in principle, thoroughly made. or day Otober.at o’clock in the afternoon, variety Till September 25. when the Government at the eastern terminus Altauiont is a lit! feet to of the beet materiale, and are accurateand For Sale or to Lease. Bounty of Congress street, the place very heavy grade, of the perfectly ceases to be presence voters, such prudent copper- durable in with a water front, suitable for paid. of beginning, and then and there proceed to view operation. FRENCH SOFT HATS large ship- Now is the time. Their intercut, their the mile for 17 miles. It passes through many J or other business. w ithin patriotism, and lay out *aid new street. heads as the in this Suite read IOTSyards manufacturing and their valuable call the Seymourites of latest oue of a of experience upon Yeterau All interested will take notice a often the patterns. quarter mile Portland line, and persons and govern tunnels, some over mile iu length, and this Forsale,in every variety,as adjoining and Discharged Soldiers to enlist. platform straight but the Grand Ttnnk Railroad, for sale or to lease on the theinsehe* accordingly. across; among Goal and Term ot enlistment, or the war. makes very curves as the road winds Hay, Railroad Scale*! most lavorabic terms. to 3ycais F.nquire Often under our hands this 12th day of October, sharp themselves, or when their election is Just the best assortment of Apply of Capt. Sawyer, Raymond; (’apt. Kaudall, Free- secured, BUTCHERS', GROCERS’. DRUGGISTS’, CON opened JAS. K. LI NT £ CO 103 Middle Street. A. l> 1953. through the mountain gorges. Some of the ( apt. Whitman, Turner; Capt. Chase. Port- JACOB they break the lines into two columns and FKCTIONERS’aud GOLD oet5 d4w landj»ort; McLEIXAX, ; Capt. Prince.Portland ; < apt Jones, Portland ; STEVENS SMITH curves a a ,,_i4. _ with very short radius often equals CARRIAGE ROBES or of the Lieutenants. If on read each separately. any you volunteer freely WM II. STEWART, HOULES! Itfnl Estate for Saif or to Hftil. now ou can end the war in six month*. «-v>jnmitt aug25 SAM I. WATERHOUSE Hurrah for The **" Union The Farm formerly owned by John ( VRISK. LADD. St"*1*- the side of the hills one will see Mount Passing along Secesssion Is a curse tort, Ling In South "Gray, JNO. D. SNOWMAN. Beams, Weights,&c.,&c. No. 151 Middle CO of k TO a deep gorge several hundred feet almost per- PERRY, Street, I containing 100acres, improv- THE oclg Death to Jeff Davis With a complete variety of ed, the remainder wood and timber. while It is as steep N. It. Hats tit ted.by the Paris Conformateur. — well fenced with stone w all Good pendicular below', nearly The Federal Government Forever WEIGHING APPARATUS, UTI building? anti enough of them. Two huudred ■ rOKTLAllD* for as a distance above. From Piedinivnt ■eptlldtf apple Veteran Soldiers of Maine! great Down with Mob rule tree? in good condition. For particulars enquire ot /h fAe 1'eur One on the Potomac the marks of civilization arc FAIRBANKS & ELIAS MOL'N l FORT, ou the premises. Thousand Eight Hundred and I.aw and order Shall BROWN, the Brick triumph. of Also, Building in Portland, situated on Sixty-three. not numerous. U8M1LKSTHKKT. ...corner BattorymarcbSlreet T. PL.' JONES very Fore and Chatham streets. augl2 tfd&ws t lipi. K' IS.1 A 34 L«. Boston. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING EVERGREEN The Eleventh Corps passed over the Balti- Banking and Exchange Office, of the 25th Maine CEMETERY. uuunv uiiu liilllll Ul nilir* Regiment, having teen more & Ohio R. K. just in time to escape in- MISCELLANEOUS. Sold in Portland by EMERY k WATERUOl'SK LATEduly authorized to recruit a for the Be it ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Com- No. 65 llous No. Company oc26 tf Exchange Street, 179, corner of Cumberland and Veteran Kegiineut to he commanded mon Council if the t'ity of Portland, in City Coun- terruption from the rebel cavalry sent out to Kirn streets. Lot about 50 by Hjj'; bv loO feet. House cil assembled, as follows.— Up Stair#*. beexamiued at place impediments in their course, and came Jirvij may auy Hun*, l or particu- 8*ct. 1—No pern shall cat down or removi any JOHN F. SHERRYj lars call at l*jC .Middle or Col. attention; street, (up stairs) N. L. Francis Fessenden, ot the standing trees within Evergreen Cemetery ex- in sight of the Ohio River on Monday after- Stoclxs cto Bonds or G. W. or Hair Cutter aud Woodbury, Woodbury, call* cept by the written permit of the Committee oo Wig Maker, JOHN C. Lime Street. earnestly upon his old companions in arms’*, noon, and crossed it at Beiiaire PROCTER, aud others Cemeteries and Public Grounds. And any person Sept. 28th, No. 13 Market OK AL1. KINDS, Port ot the late existing Maine Kegiineut*. to 8quaref Portland, (up stairs.) laud, Sept. 16, 1863. oc»i 11* violating this section shall be liable to a of three miles below AND HOLD. join him in again meeting the cuemy of the old Y lag. penalty Wheeling. n. EF*8eparate room for Ladies’ and Children’s Hair BOUGHT not less than ttveaud not more than fifty dollars for McCarthy, each offence. WHEELING. Cutting. mylGIstf For Sale. A BOF.NTY OF $602 A good stock of Half-Wigs, Bands, Braids, While was transferred from Wigs, good bouse, barn, and e ar- thc-freight being Curls, Krizetts, Pods, Rolls, Boards, two-story Will Le paid to those enlisting from Portland. To Is Board or Mayor and Aldermen, 1 Boot and Shoe Crimping Ac., with lot 63 'A 68 feet, iu hack the ears of one Maker, Ac., on hand. riage-houee, those enlisting elsewhere in the State a of Oct. 6, 1868. railroad to the next, an coustuntly je22'63 dly near Bounty J oppor- U. S. 5^20 Cove Village, Tukey's Bridge, about $502 iu additiou to the Bouuties This bill beeu twice BONDS, MA the towns may read, to be or- one mile from Portland having passed tunity was afforded Gen. Howard and some Ha? removed from No. 23 Temple street to PRINC post office—a plea-ant situ- otter. dained J A COB MrLELLAN. IPAL AND INTEREST (at G per ation. Mayor. COAL For further see members of his staff to see & WOOD, particulars Posters. In Common Council, Oet. 6,1868. Wheeling und the cent, annum, Also one house lot on Monument street. In Port- NO. 9G per semi-annually,) payable This bill been twice to be or- EXCHANGE STREET, CHEAP FOR CASH, land. on which is an unfinished house; and one lot, frank l. Junes, bAving read, passed country surrouudiug. dained. TltOS. E. TWITCH President. V !■ GOLD. about one huud red feet on Atlantic street; Officer. ELL, DELIVERED TO ANY PART OK Til ECU square, Recruiting Oet. 6,1863. Wheeling is a smoky, smutty, (IN STURDIVANT** BLOCK,) will be sold eutiro, or iu two lots. Terms etn Approved sooty, dingy In denominations of $50, $100, $600, and $1000, for tyoFFlCE NO. 1 FOX BLOCK, lat flight, up JACOB McLELLAS.Mayor. SPRING MOUNTAIN Apply to J. HACKER. of the place, hut is got up for a with houses he will continue to LEHIGH, sale stalls—sign Flag. aug2»> A true attest, city manufacture fiist HAZE LION LEHIGH, by Jell deod&w 1(52 copy, WHEREclass work of all kind? tor Gentlemen’s and oct7d2w J. M. HEATH, Clerk. mostly of hiick, streets well laid out and COLERAINE T. R. JONES, City gen- Ladies' wear. Also work of all LEHIGH, Military kind?, such LOCUST No.05 erally A fine wire as Riding. Marching, Dress Parade, and MOUNTAIN, Exchange Street,(upstairs.) paved. wonderfully bridge, Fatigue, JOHN’S, FOR SALE Garrisou Roots, ail of which will be made of the py*These Bond*: are the cheapest Government se- Proposals lor Horses. to the THE GENUINE Saccarappa, Westbrook, 6 miles from Portland. IRA high enough permit navigation, spans best stock, and made the best workmen LOBRERY curity in tho market, and the iutercst on WINN, Agent, imported by pay largest INfive minutes walk from the Village and Depot, Cavalry Bureau, Ohio. The in the Mr. M. intends that hi? work shall not the cost. 16 1st! oftre population is now about 10,000 or city. Pure and Free my •lucres of good land, under cultivation, with Office Chief Uuarterm anter, be second to in the United States. at- Burning. high ISTo. 11 Union and any Special buildings, consi-ting of a story house, with eight St., Washington. D. C.. August 16,1863. 12,000 cinders, so characteristic of the tent ion given to lxuUea' Hoot $. In lj Walking connec- finished rooms, stable anil I* prepared to furnish are solicited and will be received at tion with the above will CUMBERLAND COAL J. A. DAVIS A ‘wood-shed, nearly new, are caused the constantly Ik* found a stock CO., all in two wells ot PROPOSALSthis office for the furnishing of CAVALRY town, mostly by glass and iron of first class good repair, good water, and cis- FOR SMITHS' USE. tern in cellar. 50 fruit trees. Currants, Gooseberries, STEAM HORSES, to be delivered at Pittsburg. Pa., Phila- of which there are a number. ENGINES and BOILERS, N. Indi- manufactories, Raspberries. Strawberries. Ac. Also one horse, nine delphia, Washington City, Syracuse, T.,oj ESK Coals are strictly of the test an Commission Merchants. vears one of various sizes and anapolis, Ind. Immediately in the rear of tire city are ovh- quality, old, wn.-ou, oue sleigh, und one good cow. patterns, Ready-Made YV Tilwarranted to give satisfaction. For the purchase of Will be sold for #2200. Propo-als will be considered for the tarnishing of large and mountains and on the to Horses in lots of not less than twenty-fire (26). The high underlying no would return thank? to his numerous Apply premises,or CHARLES L. PART- Siram and Fixtures, Hi!! if. custom- Pipe Gearing, Sliaftiug, Pulleys, Horses to be from tiftevn (16) to sixteen (16J bands them vast iron and coal ers for their liberal and Also, for sale, best quality of Nova Scotia and other GRAIN & PROVISIONS RIDGE, at the Portland Company's Works, Port- mines, the mouths of patronage, hop«*s by strict FLOUR, from five (5) to uiue old. well broken attention to business to still retain land, Me. sept.’l dtf Light IIotsk high, (9; years several them, aud make Work of all descriptions, and all to the saddle, built, in flesh, and free beiug visible from the a host of new ones. Hard aud Soil FOlt EASTERN MARKETS. compactly good city. Repairing done with neat nr as * Wood. kiuds of work required iu from all defects. and buildiug Wheeling, like the commence- dispatch. Country liesidoiifp for Sale. Foutivd atio»s J The of the bidder to talttl his Baltimoidf&f N. B. No Disappointments. 220 West Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. ability agreement The public ire requested to call, at we are deter The must be two ment of the war, seemed at a loss to determine FARM owned by the late I ron Stairs and other Architectural Work* guaranteed by responisble persons, m. mined to give good bargains to thoee who pay ca.b. 84 South Water St., Chicago, 111. -"Y Hon. K. R Goodenow, situated whose signatures must be appeuded to the guarantee. whetlier to McCarthy, The of the must n be loyal or not, and actually sent Commercial head Maine fjYiS&r-JLa within one huudred rods of the I looses, Stores, and other buildings, fitted with responsibility guarantors be show No. 9C Portland. Office, St., of W7i’J sept22 UOni the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest to the Exchange Street, If ifofftn Countv Buildincsat Paris, oxford On* and Steam in the be»t manner by Rebel army two full but no eod2m District or of the United States companies; [ seplT SAWYER & WHITNEY. IrHr1 VLjc^c^- County, Me., is o 11cred lor sale at a Court, District Attor- at ney. city is more and it is now a gn bargain. In connection with the above is an Iron loyal to-day, quite mch20’63dly T. M. TIIRLAY A Foundry, niu.-t be addressed to CO., The Farm contains 110 acres of land, of excellent with a largo assortment of Pattern*, to which the Proposals Lieutenant-Colonel rendezvous for union and a troops, depot for quality, which produces at present about 30 tom* ot attention of Machinists, Millwrights.and C. G. Saw telle, Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bu- NEW GOODS'. Ship-Build- and lie endorsed ou the Federal horses for the cavalry service. Coal and Wood! CHICAGO, hay, and the amount may be largely increased.— ers is invited—and all kinds ol Castings furnished reau, envelope “Proposal* Fruit, wood and water are abundant. The dwelling at short notice. for Horses.” C. G. 8AWTELLE. About 11 o’clock P. M. the trains started on -AT THE- Forwarding and CoiiiiniKsion house and are commodious and in Lieutenant-Colonel and Chief Quartermascr, out-building* good £y*Orders for Machine Patterns aud repair. The location is pleasant aud offer- Jobbing. aug22dtf Cararly Bureau. the way to via Co- 94 LOWEST healthy, Forgings, executed. oc2 Indianapolis, Zanesville, EXCHANGE STREET. PRICES FOR CASH, MERCHANTS. ing a desirable country residence. promptly DELIVERED TO AXY lumbus, Xenia, Dayton and Richmond, Iml. PART Of THE CITY, For particulars inquiry may be made on the prem- Seizure ofl Goods. AT SHORT SO TICK. T. M. TUB LAY. JOHN DUPF.K, JR. ises ot Dr. W. A. South At Columbus the RUST, Paris, or WILLIAM troops received many kind GOODENOW, Esq., Portland. J* L* Collector's Office, ) P. B. Our Coal in-of the BEST aud war- Purchase for Eastern account jySeodtf H’lX^LOW, Ageuf, District of Portland aud but at FROST, very quality, Falmouth, [ attentions, ranted to give satisfaction. M Portland, Flaur, Grain, Provision*, Seed, Ar. AHUFACTUIIKK 09 July 9,1868. ) • VOTICF, is that the de- XENIA, -ALSO, FOR SALE- hereby given following where the train stopped over half an hour, MERCHANT TAILOR, Refer to GCAS, KIFLES, ll scribed Goods have been seized at this port tar a All Kinds of Hard and Soft Wood. J. h. & E. B. Place, k Co., New Steam Steam violation of the Revenue Laws, viz: before the General his Cyrus Dopec Engines, just sunset, and troops Has received from BOSTON and NEW YORK a York; P. S. Shelton & t o., A B. Hail k Co., Bos- Boilers, One box containing three watches on board steam- were assortment of the REST aud most FASH- Southard k Portland. , AND three pieces woolen cloth on board steam- greeted with a perfect ovation. complete The Public are invited to us a call, as we are ton; Woodbury, AM EVIRI DESCRIPTION Of ship.Jura; Ladies, ION ABLE Goods in the market for Gzvti.kmkn’s give IA(B1.MRY, Hibernian; one thousand cigars at T. L. * bound to give satisfaction to all who lavor us with *ept28 ly ship Libby gentlemen and children the train its wear for Fall and Winter Garments, w hich All the house; three bbls. sugar ou board J. Polledo, thronged among their custom. Accompaniment*. Steam Cocks, Valve*. and brig are J. Pipe* Connection*, Whole, one bbl. sugar ou board sch C. D. Horton; four bbls. whole length, some and loaded W. SYKES, aale or Retail. thirty cars, j OFFICE NO. 49 molasses on Smith's wharf; three bbls. molasses at Extra Fine French Over-Coal COMMERCIAL STREET. Purchaser for Easteru Accouut down the soldiers with all kinds of eatables. I mgs, Chin- STEAM IV Randall A Sou's store; one bbl. sugar ou board or Tackle! AND GAS I-och Lomond. or chillas, Heavy Diagonals, Plain RANDALL & UoALLISTER. Pishing FITTING, brig Any person, persons, desir- When they found Gen. Howard's the la- the same, are to and make such car, i distf LOUR. GR AIN. SEEDS, PROVISIONS. LARD, The Doug in the beet manner. ing requested appear and Beavers. aug20 BEST Assortment iu the City. within from dies came in succession and shook bands Fancy BUTTER and WESTERN PiioDUCE claims ninety days the dav of the date aloDg Works 6 Union St., and 233 & 235 fore St. hereof. Otherwise the said will be of generally. (L L. BAILEY 42 Street. goods disposed with him as lie stood Al-o a large Mock of SCOTCH and ENGLISH Exchange iu accordance with the act of upon tjie platform. They Particular attentiou to bv JnUdtf PORTLAND. JU- Congress, approved Cloths, for Business aud Dress Suits, which are Portland given shipping quickest 2.1844. him and his very Riding and routes. No. 162 ap27 iseodtf April heaped upon staff their gifts of popular, aud the CHE A PER T Goods in the market. Academy. cheapest SOUTH WATER ST., JylO dtf JEDEDIAH JEWETT, Collector pies, cakes, sandwiches, apples peaches and Clothes manufactured in the best stjle, and as milE subscriber would respectfully announce to K. o. Uui 471. Cliu-ago, Illinois. cheap as cau be purchased elsewhere. X his former patrons and the public generally, that ■lead quarters Provost marshal. most A dozen or two As 1 do own and he ha* so far k MAINE INSURANCE abundantly r/rapea. ( my ratting, attend personally to completed his New Stable, as to t-uablc HEriKKxrw—Me.«rs. Maynard Sons; II & W CO, NE W FUNERAL CAR. the customers him to his C. II. fc Co.; 8. G. Boa dlear First District Mains, I beautiful little for the manufacture, my may rely upon my open Chickoriug; Cummings Maine. girls brought papers best exertions to give satisfaction. k Co.; Charles A. Stone; ilaPett. Davis k Co., of Augusta, Portland, August 20th. 1868. ) subscriber most leave to in- General to write Ills name unon. which lie did *»©pl7 cod3in Boston, Ma«s. Cashier Elliot Bauk. Boston. J.N. rpiIE respectfully begs RE WARD of Ten Dollars (flO) aud the reason- RIDING ROOMS, X form the citizen* ol Portland and that Bacon, Esq.. President Newton Bank, New ton. C. fllllK Maine Insurance ioture vicinity able expenses incurred, will be paid to any per- for as many as possible till the trains started. Company against he has been appointed an undertaker, with all tlio A II. CofHn; Warren Ellis k Sons, New York City A loss or Fire. Buildings, Merchan- sou for the apprehensiou and delivery of a Deserter Wednesday, September 16, damage by legal rights and privileges to bury or remove the AT JyIRliy dize and Furniture, ou terms as favorable as it can at the** Head Quarters. DAYTON, __ dead that the superintendent has. and is now the home ol Mil V. C. HANSON & For the Fall and Winter be done be solvent Policies issued ready By order Provost Marshal General. Vallandigham (if an outlaw has a Co7 Campaign. any Company. to attend to that duty in the most careful manner. aud for or Five years. CHARLES H DOUGHTY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Judging by, thankful for the former the liber- Out*. Three, I have a new Fr.XKn.4L ( .41:. such as i* used al- where arrived about J. L. aug2l U3m and Provost Marsha). home) they eight o'clock al patronage to the institution—that the exercise is F, M. CARSLEY, CL’TLER, President. most entirely iu Boston. New York, and other ('apt. yilllieu'lial Ulilir.x-illoil_wn hnun allar tlw. i-anafi.iii J H WILLIAMS, large in the evening, they were serenaded by Union Secretary cities, w hich I propose to use at the funeral* I attend every oue will av ail themselves of this limit h-gi' iug as undertaker, at the same price that other under- TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT from the and as the and EDWARD — songs young ladies, boys BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, invigorating accomplishment. CABINET MAKER SHAW-Ageuf, takers charge for the city hearse, and uothiug extra -OF THE N. B. attention is called to new from the werfc for Special my Stable, o'a price, flie poor alwavs con- hurrahing Brough (pronounced for the No. liberally Hrvjf) L'ppcrand Sole accommodation of boarders, finished with AND 102 Middle Street. sidered by J AS. M. CURRIER, .yI ASS At/ HVsKT Ts the Leather, and Stall. UPHOLSTERERj Republican Candidate for Governor In I Eddy's patent Crib oc*12 eodlv Sexton of Rev. l>r. Shailer’s Church. op- of’ all saddle |3r“0wners horses, boarding at this No. 51 Union Street, HTResjdkm eNo. 7 Chapel Stueet. jy’iadCm position to FINDINGS, SHOE Ac. will Vallandigham. TOOLS, establishment, have the privilege of riding them prepared to do all kinds of CABINET JOB- Mutual Life Insurance Co. AT in the School free front charge. Officeof Collector of Internal Revenue, INDIA NATO Ms. ISBINti in a prompt and aatiafactory manner. August 1, lftO'L the N. 146 Mid die First Collect ion trains were again unloaded and the j St. Portland. J. H KOBIXSOX, Prop*. hist rid of State of Maine, freight Book and Show Cases to FELTON FISH MARKET! Portland, 14,1803. dint made order. (iCARAtiTKK Capital, (all paid up).•100,00000 placed upon other cars for Jeffersonville V. r. HANSON. VARXEY. Sept. — — oppo- ELIJAH 2*2 F\cliung<* AT Uehkkvk. August 1.18»2. 375.094 53 oelOdtf £7* Far nit u re Made, Repaired and Varnished at site Louisville on the Ohio. At 17th, 1S03. RECEIPTS. Indianapolis SHORT NOTICK. Portland, July INo. 110 Federal SI reel. Premiums received during the Gen. H. had an interview with Gov. Morton of Bus\u\s Portland. May 29,1803. tf year..*208.98198 and Intel nal Revenue Ind., other gentlemen. Stamps. rr. HOPKIIYS Received tor War Permits,. 7,643*) The from FROST A Received fur Interest, (includ- journey Wheeling to Indianapolis, BEST AI1TY BARLEY FRYE, F11II1S Office having been made a depository of iuterest ou Guarantee i\\ Has this ing as much of it as was -DIALERS IV- m. Revenue Stamps, the public will be supplied at opened 22.388 0* passed in the daytime, WANTED BY Capital.). F. JONF.S. the following rates: Intel est accrued ou loan uotes, 7,818 86 $248,632 u3 was rendered to all a T, than 500 at CENTRAL FISH MARKET agreeable by the enthusi- O V K S ! MOSES MOKKIEI,, Meal, Grain and Less par. A(«nt, Flour, Feed, #00 to #100, ,1 percent, discount. Dozen—in addition to our Stock. PULLER, Orders will bo answered and delivery made to those Paid for Salaries. Kents. Med- to prevent discontents from at the J. A. E. HI. THE BEST! deserting (Successor to JOS. L. KELLEY k CO.,) ItAVD, who may desire. Opeu uutila o’clock P. >1. ical Examination*. &c... 15.546 45 Iii a K •‘wood and water” All the consequence of large increase in thin branch (‘-opened. Je24 tt Paid t'ommi**ion« to 15.268 78 places. regular of our Agcut*. buMinesN we find it necessary to visit the Photograph Oallorieft, N'o. 80 Middle street. Paid Dividend to Guarantee trains "’ere the trains market and make Varnish and Counsellors & Attornies at interrupted by convey- weekly, special selections. Hav- Japan Manufacturer, Law, THEPortland, haviug been thoroughly re tit ted and Stockholder*. 7,000 00 ing our we shall ! enlarged premise's, oiler to the And dealer in with all the latest iiunrot are now EapiUllisH Paid for re-iusurance. 393 82 ing troops. This fact alone ought to quiet trade supplied eiuents, lan MIDDLE for the accommodation of the is invited to an examination of Paid for Surrendered Can- the which STREET, open public. \r(iU|{ attention and anxiety many have felt for ltose- Linseed Albert The is prepared to his former 1 some of the most aud > aluable inven- celed Policies.. 22.070 07 *116,72* 10 at Wholesale and Oil, Spirits Turpentine, proprietor supply important cr&us. The tiLOVES, Retail. POKT1.AND. customers and all who him a tions of the : and val- best troops in the service are long may give call, with pic- nineteenth century important and Benzole tures of every description, executed iu the be.t man- uable, U-eau>e they combiue a great money and la- Capital axu Surplus.*<*>4.896 41 Spirits. RAND. before this under the JOHN EDWARD M. RAND. ner and at reasonable There nexorxvero those arti- command of the able prices. bor-sax iug principle. Asset* 1. 1803. iuvested as follows: Olfice 286 Street, Portland Me. for in or August General ol the Veteran THOMPSON’S Congress 1, 1803. d6m ur Particular attention given to copying cles better suited parties out of business to or the Cumber- Sept. aep23 * Real Estate.(unincumbered). *218.860 i>0 Army 4md& w A. S. DAVIS, make money oil than we now have the pleasureot Mortgagesou Jel0 Proprietor. accrued.) .. 177,777 24 ^aiu*- Portland, 30,1868 dtf who like to make amounts on Loan Notes, (with interest Cat-dance. and July showing parties large Snares Hosiery Glove Store small investment#. iredo n> t t hree Hundred aud Tweuty-lhree Curiosity-seekers trout, 27,52*25 SWEAT & but limii of business, who, with few hundred dol- Bank Stock.. 151 X 150 ror. CLEAVES, aud securi- A Voice (roin Western Middle, Cross Nt. JOHN CROCKETT & lars cash in hand, and who mean business, can make Lotus ou Collaterals personal Virginia. oc8 lwr Co7 and Counsellors at l,iuv. Seoteh 31.10000 Attorneys CnnvaM, from F'» *> to £1000 on 1M00 invested Please ties.. -DKALKKN IK- every Securities,. 74,644 30 Governor Pierpont, of Western call and be satisfied of the above, at the IN VENT- United States Treasury Virginia, in PORTLAND. -FOR SALK BY- 1.000 U) OILS < oXtiRESS Michigan State Bond. the course of liis late at New and Second Hand I'it mi in EXCHANGE.229 STREET. 24 speech Steubenville re, oct6 2w Real Estate, (at cost.). 9.682 Ohio, said RED STOCKING SIGN! -AKD- OFFICE-117 Middle Street. JAMES T. PATTEN & CO., Deferred Premium* and Ageuts accounts. 61.902 48 Cash on hand.*. 17.972 92 FURNISHING GOODS. L.D M.BWKAT. NATHAN CI.LA VkS Hath, Me. Medical I have since take* my Service, I’. S. Service. long position upon a in will 41 • • Having responsible Agent Washington, **4,898 «fll these I never New Fader 1H & 130 Exrliauge Street. OK questions. questioned their Flannels, procure Pensions, Bounty, Prize Muncy, and all i BOI.TS Superior ltiriciwd I (COPY ORDER.) Whole number of Policies la force 8,108. to hold slaves under their own the Government. 300 do All flax “t.ov- | at right laws, but -FOR- maylldtf claims against Long AA. \v(jrk« Rt.KON THUS. F. PERLEY. Volunteers, is as- Amount ri-k. *6,748,400. Ut I eminent contract.” sirs, you have inaugurated this war for the ni)2 > Aruri’*lu- SI sigucd to duty in Portland, Me., and will render C. RICE, President, 3'*0 do F.xtra All tlax of the area of Long | medical services to all sick aud wounded officer# and V B. BACON. Secretary. purpose extending slavery, and Ladies, Misses and Children. Fine for XJ S. NAVY. 300 do Navy j soldiers of the 1. S. Volunteers w ho may be ill the forcing white men to an with oc8 lw Portlaud OUit c, 166 Fore St. equality your ALBERT WEBB A CO., Delivered iu Portland or Boston. citv. slaves. I to that we do not in- Ou. Pkui.kv can be found at No. 34 say you, sirt, 20. \m. Exchange SI., tend to DKALKU8 Bath, April ap22dtf the Pensioners, JOHN Sc force democracy upon you, but we do IN office of Examining Surgeons for W. MUNGEB SON, Agesta. intend to WAITED, 1000 octl «12w* tf force your slaves from you. (Great Nova Scotia Pollock .ei>t£i for Flour anil Pilot ltr«*ml. applause some time.] I dpsire not to see, Seamen & Landsmen. Flour and Seamen,Ordinary Corn, Grain, w'v Mills made Corn. ““P® I “hall not this war AFLOAT. -fl g MILS. Washington Flour, Yellow an®,} see, terminate * from White \\ heat. St. Loui* Flour. until the last slave shall UKAD UF MKUBILL'S WUAKF, J_\ /v !»l* shout In freedom. P0I‘LOCK- ***" °‘ 8cl,0“*‘‘r Apply to Naval foot of St & Boxes Pilot Bread, LOUS FLOUR, for sale bv Yellow Corn, lor by Rendezvous, Exchange P. F. I Bully, and immense ttOB.r^2« J. I* 111 Alii, Officer. C.mmercial Street, Honluuil. For #ale by D. T. C11 ASK. P. b \ ARM M. C ommercial street, PRIME VARNIM, applause] octcUi,w Recruiting Me. ST. h»»J wbart DANA & CO. ocV dtt jastr ocO dtf j) 13 diltt bead Widget) • wharf. jy 19 Comiu.rsUI Wldgsry', ■•■-MA.’.. -M- JJ ^ I ■ Physical Education. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. The mgncsRns9K9S! J®* Boston Bulletin talks of “such a Thu South ■'< THE DAILY PRESS. Berwick Baptist Church Victor,. 14th ult. ships Sarah Newman, Cobb, To the Editor of the Press: dissolution and and Sardinian, lor few davp. reorganization of parties at the will celebrate the 40th on 13th Mhanghac, NEW — anniversary the aid to 14th of a few :y On the first page Tile Eleventh previous alt, ship Orion, White r, for ADVERTISEMENT^ A paper, Vortii at is PORTLAND MAINE correspondent your days j now little dreamed of.” George of November. Shanghae. and Corps; A Voice from Western Virginia; BALTIMORE -Cld since, waxed religious philosophical upon Francis must be or such an llth, brig Elisha Donne,Jones, ■ around, ftt ( ■ ... upheaval Jago: aoh ampbell. Soale. Portland. the of education.” Such Koseerans before the Battle; The Copperhead See a woman in another column picking Parabuc THE, M\Y subject “physical would not be for ®“ STYLE! suggested. for Speer's Wine. It is an admirable article "-—s Thursday Morning, October 15, 1803. like the slave work riatlorm. Grapes,used in 4 A.Sd! sentiments, “fugitive law,” The hospitals,and by the Hist families in Paris Ar In Rood. cy- Forrest divorce case Is up London and New in to Hampton Mb. schs Henrietta, ( hand in tbau On tlie fourth again, York, preference old Port Baltimore for -■«»»'- better theory practice. ;y page—Barbara Friet- on ler, Providence; Bell an by Mrs. Forrest to recover on a Wine. It is worth a trial, as it gives great satisfac Magaie Gllker Georgetown for Newport Kl; 7th. nea The chie, by Whittier; Miscellany. tlon. dec22dly I,rig 4 oam r\e circulation of the Daily Press is larger counting-room clerk, growiug jaundiced bond for $35,000 given to secure llolnip*. Baltimore for Boston: *ch ( om Kearney, alimony, Ames, do for Providence; G W ( IEUE-MOKTE SKIRTS. and over Ids envies the 10th Maine Is with uinming*. Boult’ than that of any other daily in the city. consumptive ledgers, jy'ilie Regiment Slo- costs, «fce. The bondsmen are Charles G. Ila- do for Hudson, (and sailed SPEC1 A L NOTICES. 12th); loth, brig Progress’ very wood-sawyer in the street who can warm ! com’s Corps, at Chattanooga. ; vens and H. Adam*. Washington for Bo.-tou. Joseph Godwin. The Jury gave PHILADELPHIA—Cld bark a within thrtemonths ex- 12th, Hanson Greg, Tk.iVS,—#6.00 year if paid his blood and grow O. J. a Mrs. F. a orr. New the strong by invigorating £y riaLted, deserter from the 17th verdict of $45,20ft 54. 20 Gregory. Orleans. LATEST the date or S7.0C at the end of Molasses.—P»0 Ilhds., Tierces Mutcovado— Cld FASHIOA ! from of subscription, orcise in the clear air of while ho is 12th, sch Gertrude Horton, Jameson, Ports- heaven, Maine, was arrested on Tuesday 300 Ilhds., 1*3 Tierces, Prime sale mouth. the year. by Deputy £®"" The Boston Commercial Bulletin ex- Clayed—for by shut in the store, w ith no muscular ex- Marshal No. NEW YORK—Ar 12tli. A list on, and -IT- dusty Lambert. 1 presses no small HARRIS BROTHERS, S/2 Fore street. brig* Sawyer, amount of Indignation because Forest, 8trout, Lingan t’l*: schs Kent, ercise hut driving the commercial quill. He ! oclOdistf Norman, do; tbe .. l £y A son of Professor of Howdoiu : people ot whose Unionism has Philadelphia for New Bed- Is it true on his father's Smyth Missouri, longs for a season of haymaking I)k. in .Iohn«on, Portland. was killed at a lie battle of Chiekamau- cost them almost J. W. Kkllkv will be attendance at his ,0JT?ilid 12th, schsJ*Itchefl, “we are told College, everything but life, now that Vendori. Brav, Portland; J F Wei- AlVDBnsoN’S The Courier of Tuesday says, but the laws of trade are as inexorable j Medical Office. 214 Congress street, the don, farm; in nrp opposite Sprlngsteed. Calais, .Jufia. llall, ^ Z ga Georgia. ,lley being made the victims of fresh out- Snow, Brewster, Boston. Jonesport; that the rations at Mackey's Island are not as the laws of health, and the clerk is not his j Universalist Church, to give advice and prescribe in The rage,should make their to all of and vv*v''- Hopkins. Cette. HOOP as dealt out the jy pastoral relation between the appeal Washington. forms disease, Tuesday Wednesday, the 4 ranee: Witch of the H SKIRT AND sufficient by proper officers, own master, but the slave of the “ten hour ave, Todd, Sun Francisco: CORSET Rev. Mr. Gilman and the Perhaps “hack like those on the 13th and 14th of October. The sick are invited to barks Benefactress and that there has been a to First Congregation- settlements,” .Eldridg..Hong Kong; D Nickel* neglect supply system.” Advice free. Colson, and Rival. Applegate. al church in has borders of have no at Wasli- call. oetOdlw* Philadelphia; schs sail, and other eatables to which the Look into the “back of fashion- Bangor been dissolved. civilization, rights Kvelvn,Crowley, Bostou; Danl DEPOT, potatoes, shops” your ■ Williams,Thorndike * Ington which Bostonians are bound to Baltimore. soldier is which he does not The line and staff olfleers the respect, MIDDLE STREET NEW DRY GOOD8 STORE. entitled, get." able tailors’establishments! you will see youth Zip'" of 3d NEW HAVEN—Ar 12th, sehs Delaware, J.-k-nn but it is not so understood in our No. near the Post liider Mechanics* This is a if should Maine Col. generally 81, Office. and Windward, Partridge, Calais: Elizabeth, Hall. grave charge, and, true, and beauty growing pale and hectic, round- regiment have presented M. B. .tones'• more rural regions down this 1 COAf/* LET E ASSORTME ST Bangor. lead to a at once in the Lakeman an as a way. BRISTOL—Ar 12th, schs change commissary shouldered and still wield- elegant sword, testimonial of and F.llen Merriman, Hanoi, hollow-chested.but new fashionable Dry Goods, Shawls and ton. and Rachel The of on iiis Wo have June, Hutchins, Portland. attention the ladie* i« invited to the A when lie — of their confidence and esteem. Jr* often heard men whose mon- Wholesale and Retail. BELLE. department. soldier, puts ing that instrument of death the needle, j Cloaks, just opened. PKGY IDENCE—Ar 13th, sehs -las FEL’CHTWANGER & Tilden, Davis MONTE SKIRT, which for his name i py had all been in cotton /UNDER Ellsworth; Sea Flower, Ellis. Rockland it/U.^Balit)' and finish uniform or soldier's dress, and puLs don’t take exercise ? Sure The old North acquired carrying our advertisement in I* Why they enough. | ;y Church in Bath Is to bo SySiv another columu. NEWPORT—Ar 12th, schs unequalled. Irom the South to <*’.lm* Sian land. Sterling, fm to the not comes under certain spec- How ? Europe, dolorously exclaim- sept26 Providence for New York roll, only is it when we see advertisements in j removed from its present locality and con- ; K S Conant. Was*, do for to the but the ing, “how, without are our to ob- Port F.wen; Massachusetts. Hunt, Rockland for New ilied obligations government, your columns—“A whole suit of clothes fur- verted into a store for slaves, ships house, which the citi- York; Maggie Bell, Gilkey. Georgetown : Benjamin. comes under i tain cotton freights?” but it lias remained for Ellsworth for New government special obligations nished in twenty-four hours.” What time do zens are thankful. York; Occran Wave,Turner, fm j generally heartily Gow Bangor. to the one as sacred and irrevocable as a Chicago copperhead to furnish evidence that ki.l A Morrell have just received their Corsets, Corsets, Corsets. liim, the back-shop girls have for culture | Slu 13th. schs Florence, from Rockland physical ;y The new stern wheel steamer Wawe- FALL STOCK of DRY GOODS, and are prepared Candage. the other. the of the j j human liberty should be sacrificed to a “chaw Ibr Somerset; Seallnwer, Ellis.fm do for Providence- One Among obligations gov- and irhere licit the itin if to take ! to Hundred Dozen nl they neglect nock, built to run on the and show the public one of the best selected stocks in Trader. Piston, do lor New York; .las Tilden. Daria Si a pair. to is to furnish him a certain Bath, Boothbuy of tobacco! The Times of that ernment soldiers, the exercise to their health ? eity quotes the city, at the lowest for CASH, on from Ellsworth for Providence; Trade n ind, Hill necessary preserve j Wiscasset is prices delivery. HA route, highly complimented by the off in the tobacco of Philadelphia for Ipswich nnA VTKlt quantity and quality of food. There never was The received for this ; falling crop Maryland Call and seo. 129 Middle Street. WHAIKBOXK. meagre pittance deadly I the Times. PORTS.MOPTII—Ar llth, schs Express, Pope fm that so well for its soldiers to show the folly of and the in- Portland, Sept. 3,1*J8. todtf Edward & a nation provided toil is scanty to procure food and emancipation, Bangor: Frank. Williams, fm do; Tiger, clothing. of Goldthwaite, Eliiabelhport: George A James. Po- as but it has often been the case that jyMr. Holden, editor of the Raleigh, N. sanity converting tobacco slaves into ours, raising land, and Chae Carrol). Piukham, Rockland; Eliza- The best and almost the only available rem- C. Rarc.aias I\- or dishonest commis- Standard has made its appearance again, it Union soldiers. both DeHart, Lowe, Boston: Helena, liarris.Trom MISSES SKIRTS. heedless, parsimonious, for all these has j edy drawbacks, been recently is the rumors of Mr. Holden Bangor. 8 saries have lieen the cause of much injusicc in supposed having The 8!d llth. seb SPRING to the JJT" Bangor Whig says, the action G RF.A 1 DISCOVERY.—An Cohannct, Reed, Calais. DIAMOND. 30ct. ottered dwellers of our in l)r. Lew- adhesive-preparation HOLMES'S *• of has a city been assassinated are groundless. HOLE—Ar 12th. brigs Lvdia Stover, 10 .. this direction, which the soldier right against certain liquors seized by H. B. Faru- that will STICK is' “New Gymnastics.” I was pleased to see Whitney, Bridgeport for Portland; Volant, Dodge, to lion. B. of the Marshal of the or Patches aud Bangor for Digliton; sehs 14 " complain. iy Joseph Hall, Secretary hain, city Liningsto Hoots and Shoes sufficient* Advance, Leighton, New .. — SJeta. an able article in “J. N.” Bangor, George Y ork for your paper by upon State of without Cherrydeld: Maria Whltnev. Frohow, fm In relation to Island, we know Maine, was announced to occupy the G. Hathaway, claimant, and which lias been ly strong stitching; Bangor lor New Y ork. Mackey’s the merits of the It comparative system. is, that will effectually mend 81d schs Kate of the of complaint—whether desk at Lyceum Hull, (Spiritual), Boston, on pending upon the docket since the Furniture, Crockery 12th, Carlton, J A Parsons Hiawa- nothing ground no the best February and ail articles tha, Pioneer, Csmilla, J 8 STRING doubt, in the world, and it is en- Toys, of household u*»«. Albion. P Bent. Willow TAPE SKIRTS.17 or not there is any and if any, who is Sunday last. term, 1801, and in the Law Court Martha Maria. Advance, and ethers. neglect, to all classes of upon ques- Belt Makers, * . tirely adapted society, occupa- Ar 13th, bark Mcrrimac. Lewis, Havana for Bo*, 28 in fault. We are iuclilied to the that A that in- tions of law. was disposed of at the late ses- Boot and Shoe Makers, eta. opinion tion and constitution. All of seden- iy Washington dispatch says tou: brig Billow. Reed, Calais lor Providence; seha 11 persous Manufacturer*and Machinists, fm .3} ata. the whoever he may be, is endeav- from Rosecrans that his sion of the S. J. Court in that and an or- And Abbir, Knight, for Portland- Trade commissary, and those in telligence represent city, Families, Philadelphia 14 i tary habits, engaged light employ- Wind, liilf. do for Ipswich; Viela, Acklev, Calais to do his Those who were not communications are his men in der of the court being issued a for- willflnd it ixvaluable! It for New Bedford. .rcta. oring duty. who are in a complete, | declaring willeffeetuallystopthe inent, want of better physical de- leakage of Coal Oil. infotlhed in to what soldiers fare | feiture of all the and the ves- bri* Lydia Stover: sehs CLAIrCD AXD RIVETKD. regard is, good spirits, and the rebel raiders in his rear liquors seized, It is insoluble in water or S',ld i?,,h'vUrk*•*'£■•*: velopment, should lose no time in availing oil. Julie Elizabeth. E G Buxton. Lillie Sauaders, Maine. in this sels in which are It is a liquid, and as as Sarah, Abbie, Viola, and others. may have been disappointed particular, 1 dispersed. they contained, except such easily applied pasta. thein-elves of the inestimable to be de- It will adhere substances. NEW good as had been oily BEDFORD—Ar ISth. sch Dahlia, Chase fm M’c and where there is no cause. delivered up to other keep on hand a ftill complain just rived from this scientific and mode ,’y Mr. Pennel Alexander, of claimants, It is Portland; Viola. Ashley. Calais. constantly aasortiupul of systematic Harpsweil, and HILTON’S th« newest and beet have were to have directing that said liquors and vessels b« INSOLUBLE CEMENT I Sid 13th, sch Win Stoveus, Foss, Bangor. style, of They may supposed they of education." A set of was seriously injured oa Sunday night by his Hiltos BOSTON—Ar “physical apparatus delivered Brothers, Proprietors. 13th. schs Mechanic. Cousin*. Ells- and sauce for dinner and to the Mayor aud Aldermen of the worth; turkey cranberry less than or.e and a course of oxen becoming frightened. His jaw was Providence, R. I. Nonpareil, Whitmore, and Oaceola, Gott. fm j costing dollar, ot to lie Deer Isle. Hoop Skirt* and stewed oysters for supper, and not getting broken and several out in tile city Bangor, disposed of by them, ac- in Corset*, lessons that may be practised a life-time, might places neck, as Supplied packages r'mm 2 oz. to 100/6s., by Cld 13th. brig Vesta. Backus. Philadelphia; sehs I to law. CHA8. them, are inclined to Hare up. wc learn from the Bath cording RICHARDSON A CO., Envoy, Pearl, Baltimore; Shawmutt, McDermott, AND WILL SELL THEM indeed rob the doctors, but would save many Times. 61 ——— Broad Street, Boston, Bangor. If there is any real cause for complaint, if Sole for New Ar sehs Kate from a consumptive’s grave. Nothing is more ^y Gen. Hooker has been put in command Agents F.ngland. 14th, Carleton, Bowden. Matanzas- the soldiers are not furnished with feblTdly Sarah. Robinson. New York: Arzoo. and N Per everything conducive to and a Torrey, Cent. strong lungs fine, erect of the right wing of the army of the Cum- BY llall, Hamilton, Celaiz; Watchman, Seavey, aud Co- Cheaper that government designs for them to have, if TELEGKAPH Inmbia. Richardson, do; Forrester, Retnirk, and than they can bo had elaewhero. figure. berland, Gen. Thomas the center, Gen. Gran- Astoria. Smith. the accommodations or Made from the purs Balsams Vermont. Ellsworth; Edward, Milliken, and food, clothing, general This seems to be the -TO THE- Caressa, ouly mode of exercise ger the left, and Gen. Palmer the reserve. Fullerton, do; Now Y'ork, Sparrow, and are not what the soldier is Four Brothors, Cudwortb, Bristol; treatinent, justly for the and it is N. H. Downs's Dime, White practicable laboring classes; Gens. Howard and Slocum are up in position. j Vegetable Balsamic Elixir. and Enterprise, Pitcher, Bangor; B L Condon, Gott' » sprihs Kit F1.MSI sura ai entitled to receive, whether he be officer or EYEMAU PAPERS. This honest, standard old Cough made and $ls, enough to make one heart-sick to see our Remedy, Judge Tenney, Nickerson, do; Jasper, Hutch; | in Vermont, has been used with entire success for Ins, do; Susan A Marv, Hall, Rockland: Fastened on the private, rich or poor, wc are in favor of calling The returns of the Nevada election -- Friend, tapea with metallic cla.pt. promising young men grow imbecile and pre- ; thirty-three years. It it warranted as nsual for Strout. Millbridge; Gceanica, Newhirt, Walduboro- the men who are of their show that about tcu to one of the citizens of Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Croup, Asthma, Citizen, Upton. Portland. regardless obliga- maturely old, and our women die in their The Situation In Virginia. and all disease* of tho Throat, Chest and L*mgs, Cld I4th, bark Julia. (Br) Blanchard, Mo- tions to those under their care, to n strict the Territory are in favor of a Conven- Havana; youth from tlds slavish system of toil and in- calling Nkw York, Oct. 14. and all diseases tending to Consumption. dena, Rvder. Georgetown. Hosiery,Glove*, Sontagg, Cloud*, Hood*, We have testimonials from of the best GLOUCESTER—Ar account before the bar of public sentiment, action. tion for the organization of a State govern- The World's Washington tlie many physi* 14th, bark St Jego, White fm Reformer. dispatch says eians and gentlemeu of standing, among whom we Cardenas for Portland. CHOICE is a situation shows PATTERNS OF which really is law in this country, military ment. There Union majority of voters of military to-day that the rebels mention tin* lion. Paul Dillingham, Lieut. Gov. of have abandoned their of Vermont; Hon. Bates Turner, late of the Su- and civil. A Brave Mail's Ln«ii Words. 3500. apparent purpose Judge FOREIGN PORTS. Breakfast Shawl* and flanking Gen. Meade, and have withdrawn preme Court of Vermont; Dr. J. B. Woodward, Capes, If there is a soldier at Mackey’s Island Brigade Surgeon U.S. Army. Ar at Havre 26th ult,.hip Mary Gnodvll.McGil.erT. LETTER TROM SI’EXCER KELLOGG BROWN. vn:ii. iii aiuiiii, vi me icvci ill hi ! towards the It therefore looks as | >, Kapidan. if JOHN F. HENRY k CO.. Proprietors, Callao. whose their late movement is Sid fm clothing, provision, general aceommo- The Utiea Herald publishes a letter from who was killed at Chattanooga, was the broth- some cover to military Successors to X. H Downs, Cardiff 28th ult, ihip Emily A Hall, Hall,lor Scarfs, , ol 28th, Ocean, Boston. ANDERSON'S has s ice shown me kiudness consistent thn Throat and trtnfed bv Cld 2^th.Cbimborazoo. every the provo9t marshals in the various districts As Lee's J,uojs, succoaofhlly Ivba- Henry, St John NB; High- with 1, is duty. regards whereabouts, purposes and LATH'S, By C. Mor»b, M. It., land Chief, Ilarriscn, Akyab. Relative Worth ot the of this State have received instructions from strength, equally conflicting rumors are afloat. anlS'62ood Corner Smith aud St*. Ar at Deal frith, Sebastian Cabot, Lon- Union. to my dear feel there can taoirm Hopktnson, Writing parents,I : A lew hours will solve all don for Bombay, find proceeded;; Bel Iona, link- Skirt and Corset he no more comfort after to use all their efforts to forward probably these prob- Hoop The New York Post a such than to Washington ham do for do. (and anchored.) Depot Evening refers to tidings lems. Cr*CAKDS and BIL.L. IIDAL's neatly print* tell you that I trust, by the mercy of our enlistments for two and at the end j Sailed fm Portamoutb 36th olt. Brilliant, McLeod, -ahd- morning paper which, seeking to months, if, The Herald has the following: at tliin office. tf for Boston. disparage Heavenly Father, to die the death of a Chris- of that time, the quota of the State is unfilled, the Oct. Ar at Falmonth 36th ult. fm the Missouri delegation and those tian. For more thau a since IlcotV/uarter* Army of 1‘otonitic, Lyon, Cooper, Akyab: they repre- year the com- are In want of kind ol PRINTING 37th. Harvest. do. to at once with another draft. 12/A, 0 A. M.—The trains have all come in in tE-H you any Lornlng. affirms that tiie immediate mencement of confinement, I have been proceed call at the Press Sid 37th. Southerner. MANUFACTORY sent, they prefer my and in excellent order. Daily office. tf Soule. Bremen: Tempest. to serve safety Gens. Kilpat- tor trying Him iu my poor feeble a safe Whitney, (from Akyab) Antwerp; 37th. Jane D destruction of slavery to the salvation of the way, >y Gen. Kosecrans has opened com- rick and Buford have also arrived at and 1 do not tear to to Him. the river, Cooper. Howard, Havre. go 1 would have 1 BROKERS* BOARD. Ar at Bristol st.-117 and says, “Post-maater-Gcneral Blair munication with Gen. Burnside's forces, and and arc in line of battle. Our forces are now fill 2oth. Wm Cummings, Johnson, 317—Congress I'.iiou, loved to see you all God saw best not again; in to contest the fmth'er Sals or Stock*.—Bostox, Oct. 14. 1302. New York, (and proceeded to Bristol.) ••intimated much the same of what should we mourn? is from the of the | position advance of Sailed from (UNDER MECHANICS* pretty thing —why Comfort your drawing supplies Army Ohio, • 5.000 American Newport 30th, Far West, Nickels, Cape HALL.) ! the enemy, who appear in force south of the Gold.U81 Ycrd Islands. “he termed the radical abolition in his hearts, my dear parents, by thoughts of God's iu addition to what has been sent to him, so ; ©cl5 party, ! river. I do not think a general 1.UU0.do.163f Ar at Cardiff 30th, Atlantic. Williams. Gloucester. unto son. and bow with reverence engagement 3.000 .do.1582 late in mercy your tiiat should the rebels the of Chat- w .Sailed from Sunderland 26th. singular speech Maryland, which ap- press siege ill take place to-day, but in this I be 1.000 .do.168 Matnelon. U ran hart. beneath the hand of Him who ‘doeth all i ; may I Portland; Albert Edward. Lost. have things of Cumberland will mistaken. United States 7 3-lOthe Mcheuuey. Madras “pears to given a* much pain to his old tanooga, the Army the be Doan.108| Ar at Fleetwood 26th the 14th well.’ I have blit — John between little business to dispose of. U. 8. Kivs-1’ wen tics alt, Henry. Ilowo. ln*t., Gray Corner nnd Port- j .100g Portland. ONInnd.n FITCH The “friends as it ha> given pleasure to the enemies Yourself or Undo Cowens at St. Louis, will | amply supplied with food and ammunition for U. 8. Currency Certificates. TIPPET. tinder will bo Ar at Glasgow 28th. Shamrock, fm suitably rewarded It at tha store draw from the Ohio Klertion. United Mates November Coupens.161 Doane, Callao; by leaning of Eg. “of the government of which he forms a part. please my pay government and j some week'. j Tanaro. Kelley, fomaron. nnv A WaTgRuorsx. No. 157 Middle street. Xkw invest it in United States bonds at present, York, Oct. 14. Sailed from Londonderry 36th, Ann E Thompson. Portland, Oct. 16. 1S»3 *lw **But the imputation is not true so far as it j Gen. Kosecrans held a consultation the interest of which will be paid seml-annu- siT Hamilton county gives Brough (5300 major- Simpson. Cardiff. ■ MARRIED. Ar at Dublin “regards the loyal radicals of and to wife. • * * • with his and Division commanders re- Iu counties has 27th, Fanny Fern, Bobbin*, from St Missouri, ally my 1 sent a ring to Corps ity. twenty-nine Brough John NB. Wanted. “we do not ourselves know wife a 37,.'110 Gain ovet1 Inst [ any recognized my by clergyman, Monday last; I also cently, mainly for the purpose of reorganiza- majority. year 23,289. InthDcitv, 13th insf., by Rev. Wm. R. Clark, Ar at Queenstown 30ih, G Carver, from Bangor. wanted immediately for the seut a to which will arrive It. Thorndike and Miss Jane a. HorsesHorse about 1000 lbs. ta “party of which it is true.” telegram yourself, tion and harmonious action in future move- Washington, Oct. 14. Joseph Wighley, Cart—weighing Apply both of this Ar at Madeira 2d ult. KILGORE, Etui House Stable. toe late, as the time of my execution is set for The follow ing are the returns from the Ohio oity. Executive, Gorham,Terc*ira, The following extracts from the Post’s ar- ments. At this Gen. Kosecrans an In Oct. II, Rev. A. Moore. (and tailed 7th for Turk* Island ) Portland. Oet. 15.1W3. edtw day after 25th. I meeting, soldiers who voted at their Saccarappa, by Joseph to-morrow—Friday, Sept. j several polling Hazelton and Miss Mary Schwartz, all of S. Ar at Trieste 21th ult, Flying Eagle, Nelson, from ticle are worthy of all will to send a short to nounced his under ad- acceptation: try letter my wife, ac- ! positive determination, places for Governor yesterday: At Mechanic Falls, Oct. 13, bv Rev. Joseph Kvte, Boston. With the salvation of the Union the extinction * • • Ar at Marseille* United States Internal Revenue. of companying this. Captain Alexan- I vice from Gen. to hold his 2-«th regiment, Brough, 107; Hiram Moerc and Miss F.llen «F. Briggs, both of M.F. Klh ult, Tahiti, Leemau, Tm New become* a more Hallcck, present Vallandigham, I York. slavery necessarily question of time. der, commandant of the prison, deserves ! 12th 15i»; In l’hipsburg, Oct. 27, Augustus Emery aud Miss 1; there ever had been any reasonable doubt, which your end move from it to Atlanta none; regiment, Brough, Vallandig- Row A. Jewell, of I*. | Cld at Gibraltar 21st ult, Richard III. and remembrance for bis strong position, Grernough, NOTICE. there was not, the course of the seceding slavehol- respect grateful kind- j ham, none; White's Brigade, Brough, 1250; Rangoon. COLLECT’S ders have settled it, that the continued existence of ness to your sou in his last hours. as u base. Alexandria Aral Dundee 27th ult, Anna Kimball, Mar*h, fra Vallandigham,S; Hospital,Brough NATHANIEL J. MILLER. Collector foe our free institutions involves tho extinc- There are died7~ Calcutta tho inevitably Dear ’Parents: but few more mo- 200; Vallandigham, 0; Convalescent First Collcctiou District in the State of tion of slavery at no distant period. Aud not j iy The Lewiston Journal says an old la- Camp, Ar at nrem^rhaven 26th ult. I 9 Maine, only menu left me. I will to think olten of I &jnal Rights, Keller, notice to mil that I so, but the common sense ot the world sees that the try Brough,112; Vallandigham, 10; Armory Hos- Callao. heiaby give persons concerned, bless dy up iu Wilton is much troubled about the In this city, Oct. 14. Cordelia, wife of Mr. John have received for collection tlie Second Annaai Col* salvation of this imperiat iu its greatness in- you. God and comfo.it you; remember pital, Brough. 58: Vallandigham, 2; Lincoln Cork. Sept 34. The Clyde. Perry, from Cardiff for republic ! Oats, and daughter of Wm. P. J. and Emma Cum- lection List, made and committed to mo the As- sures the of tree and me and to all dear and as she reads the Port- and New York, which pnt into Queenstown > sterdav, by progressiveextension principle* kindly respeclfullyj my ! nigger question, Emery Hospitals, Brough 41; Vallandig- mings. of aged 23 years R mouths, j sessor thereof, in accordance with the Act of Con- the modification and ultimate ot friends Jonesport. has been surveyed, and ordered to uprooting despo- and relatives. Tell Kitty I to land she is full of lest ham, A: j-y Funeral this a if a moon, at o’clk. discharge. entitled, “An Act to Internal Bevenao tism all over the world. hope j Argus, fears the niggers Camp Barry, Brough, S7; Vallandig- (Thursday) 2} Belfast, Sent 2j. The from Leith for gress provide meet her Take care of for me. I lu this city. Oct. 13, Mr. Patrick Hogan, 6d. Hampden, to the Government, and to interest on It is a poor piece of rhetoric to to again. Froddy ham, 12; Douglas Hospital, Brough, 41; Val- agu-d Boston, which out into Caries fergu*, is support pay very propose may overrun Maine. A few days since the reported by the debt," Julv 1, IMS, and the '•let the Uuion slide" if is to be allowed to Put him olten in remembrance of ine. landigham, nouc. tbe captain not leaky. ftiblic approved slavery am* udments there!*i approved March 3, 1863; that continue, even amid tho cxntoineut* of a Dear God comfort negro minstrels who hare been singing in this 2002. popular mother, good bye. you, j Total. Brough, Vallandigham, 43. PORTS. the neveral duties, taxes, (on income, and assembly. But to affirm it as a matter of sober be- JIM carriages my mother, and bless you with the love of concerts in her and 2649. SPOKEN. licenses, assessed. enumerated and eon* lief w ould be the dictate of blind passiou rather than State, gave neighborhood, Brough’s majority, children. June 11. lat IP N. Ion 126 Slate.landtined in aaid Second Aunual Collection List, have ot sound reason. The C'hinaiuau who burnt his happy Farewell, my father; we a lew after she came to that with the 14. Annapolis NS. Sch Resident—26 cords wood, 60 E.ship Jaok Frost.Emerr, days city Baltimore, Oct. from for M< Ibouruc. become due and that 1 will in or Louse to roast his was a of the some meet God's bbls mackerel, master. | Hong Hong payable; person by pig philosopher agaiu by mercy. The Totes in Fort Federal Hill lat 1 42 Ion attend to and the afore- rauk w ith the dalesman who would allow the most stories about the negroes over- polled yes- Hillsboro NB. Sch Celeste—120 tows to Ke- Aug 3. N. 30 W, bark Ml Vernon, steer- deputy collecting receiving Uuion Spencer Kellooo, appalling coal, said taxw and the Ohio soldiers were 0 for Vallan- rosene Oil Co. ing S. in want of medieai assistance, duties, licenses assessed and payable to j>erl&b in order to free the negro one year or ten tliis State! terday by running Sch i >ept 23, lat 47 N, Ion 8 20 W. Cumberland, within the Countv of Cumberland in aaid Dintriet, year* before he is certain to be freed by other causes. digham and 110 for Wilmot—173 tons coal, to Kcroaene Oil Co; 40 ship Brough. Waite, from Cardiff, 8W. at my office. No. street, Portland, from we repeat that we do not know of bush potatoes, 4 sheep skins, order. steering Exchange Accordingly any A Party of False Pretenses. jy The Lewiston Journal says Frank E. • Oct 10. lat 33 46. lou 75 68, hark R dart the second day of November. 1363, to tho 12th day party which entertains a scheme at once so suicidal Sch Volga—136 tons coal, to Kerosene Oil Co. , A Allen, 10 from Tortugas for New York. of November, 1*63, both inclusive: that 1 will in a id needless. Neither the radical- of Missouri, nor Hutchins and Frank W. Parker—the former a i The American correspondent of the London ! faeorahte onttitiun of the Xrttinnal Fltttrn- | like rnanu* r attend to collecting and receiving da- of any other part of the country, that we arc aware substitute from the latter from this M-IWslyw Hanker, hnyiinf I'.S. hontta. SAILING OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. ties, tax* * and licenses, as aforesaid, assessed and of. have taken leave of their •cases to the exteut of Times has it is well under deni- Lewiston, been, known, ! payable within the County of York in said District, wishing to sacrifice the superlative cud of all their city, deserted from the l at Xkw York. Oct. 14. ocratic talked with Conscript amp BTRAMER FROM FOR SAIL* NEW at tho following designated times and places, to wit: prayers and endeavors, which is the restoration oi influences, their public The Times' the ADVERTISEMENTS. j a or two were Washington dispatch says City of Limerick Liverpool.New York Oct 8 at the Biddeford House In hiddeford, on the uation iu all its integrity aud grandeur, to one and become witli ■ Mackey's Island, day since,and | Monday, men, acquainted their opin- national debt is fat le-s in amount than the en- .Oct 8 November 16th; at the Newichawouock House m of the means by which that end in to be attained. Mr. Africa.Liverpool-Boston ion? arrested by Oliver Welch and other gen- ernies of the lUmmonta.... York Oct 7 South Berwick, on Tuesday, November 17th; at tho What the Missouri radicals, aud all other sound- and designs. He w rites the to i government hoped it would he ..Southampton.New following j of New York New York.. .Oct 7 New Hall. Berry Hotel in Alfred, on November hexried loyalists say in to in thi-: that tlemen from the Provost Marshal's office iu on the 1st of October. The en- City Liverpool-... City Wednesday. regard slavery the Times of lOtli: government Htb; at Keleh'* Hotel iu oa is iu itself a Sept. Scotia.Liverpool.New York_Oct lo Limerick, Thursday, it most gigantic evil, which like all ters the third of the war a Lewiston, at the house of Albion G. Uayford, upon year with Hibernia.Galway.Boston.Oct 18 November 19th, 1863. And I further give notice that other evils, ought to be put away as soon as it cau “The war will not last more than one year debt of The increase of Etua.Liverpool.New York — Oct 14 “all persons who shall neglect to pay the duties, tax- bo; that it is with the ideas and influ- near Fair was arrested only 81,222,750,000. BY Y YAM SO IS incompatible the next Presidential even the grounds. Iluylord DESIRE, es and licenses assessed upon them as aforesaid, to ences of our fundamental beyond election, this debt herealter w ill be moderate, the Arabia.Liverpool.Boston.Got 17 institutions, certain to gov- or his the ( itr of York — Get 17 ssid Collector deptitv, within time* above make ns trouble aud therefore to be though events should not occur thnt may and jailed for harboring deserters, but was erumeut with mus- Cork.Liverpool.New always, paralyz- bring being abundantly supplied Germania New York. Get 20 will be liable under the provisions of Sec- ed as much as and dually, that a- it has an earlier close. The Northern .Southampton specified, possible; Democrat» subsequently released. kets. cannon and clothing. York—Oct 21 tion 19 of the Act of Congress aforesaid, to pay tea beeu the cause of the existing rebellion, so it i« now are nmr Edinburg.Liverpool.New for peace in their heartu and iu their In a la»t at Sidon York .Oct 22 CAMILLA IIRSO, per centum additional upon the amount thereof.’* U»e great obstacle in the of the of speech night Armory Hospital, .Liverpool.New way recovery the Rev. A. Pierce died in Exeter on the York —Oct It is that all persons such taxes, da- Union, for but its to private avowals, though their the of the China..Liverpool.New 24 hoped having nothing devotion slavery unworthy polit- accomplished Registrar Treasury, The or to to keeps | York .. ..Oct 28 Olebiited Lady Violinitl, ties license* pay. will atttnd their payment i.iv southern mind iu revolt; whence the reference i* ical leaders, with a view to the I 30th ult., at the of 70 A corres- Hon. L. E. said that City Washington.Liverpool.New approaching age yean. Chittenden, foreign capi- Asia 31 within the time prescribed, as I am instrocted to inevitable that if slavery is removed that devotion shrink from and .Liverpool.Boston.Oct election, confessing proclaim- ! of the Jeffersonian he came talists were only too anxious to invest in York —Oct 81 enforce the law in all cases of delinquency. will c. ase, aud with it the necessity pondent says gov- Kangaroo.Liverpool.New Will once for the war it. If into uppoai- more in Portland Persons in the of York desirous of so do- because ing they get power, they will first ernment securities. County They oppose slavery they love 1he Uniou, ] from Parsonsfield into Exeter in the can their taxes at office. No. 22 Ex- ... v« year Locust Point.Now York New Orleans. Oct 15 .. — ing. pay my aud uot because of other inferior and ultimate J vuuviiutmi^ IIIC i $350,000 worth of United States ox ob- Yesterday Star.»w York Havana.Oct 17 change street, Portland, prior to November loth, Unable to discern how that Uuion Is to South back into the and alter the fail- 1301, before there were any houses there, and Evening ject. bo re- I Union, I bonds were issued to brokers, and the at w hich time the tax lists will be removed to >. foreign North American Quebec.Liverpool.Oct 17 1863. < ored aud maintained while the only cause of dan- ure of that of Oct. Md, 1*463. j experiment reconstruction (too has been there ever since. “Ue would government has now on hand with Saxonii. New York. Hamburg.Oct 17 Thursday Evening, the County of York. ger to it is permitted to flourish in unabated vitality ! chop money late! too trill the which to the of of London New York 17 NATH’LJ. MILLER. and vigor, they have determined to anuul the cause. late!) they accept necessity with his own 15." “a full acre pay entire army for the month City .Liverpool..Oct hands," says"!). Yazoo..New York New Orleans Oct 20 Reserved Collector of the First Collection District Like a skilful mechanic who sees that his engine wili ! of recognition which will have been bequeath- November, which was furnished for- Seats on lower floor. 50 cent*; Gallery of trees on and convert a money by Columbia.N>w York .Galway.Oct 30 and back seat*. 25 cents-for sale Pain o’* Music in the State of Maine. never go and safely so long as stones and ed to them by the present Administration. If Saturday, perhaps at securely eign capitalists. Saladiu.New York. Port au Prince Oct 20 Store and Andrews’ Periodical Establishment. Portland, October 15,1863. sand are suffered to clog the wheels, they propose to on the other is full score of souls on lor Lincoln, hand, re-elected, the Sunday, people Columbia New York Havana.Oct 24 dT*8ee programmes for further particulars. Northern no restrained Persia .New York 24 Iloors at C oncert will commence at 7J o’- J*hc whole question may be illustrated bv the anal- Democracy, longer by needed converting then, need it now and need From Waahinfftcm, Liverpool.Oct open 01, the now of Baltimore New York. 21 clock. ogy of a great aud good mao whose nsefblness is motive influencing thfir leadc-is, will City Liverpool.Oct P. 8. GILMORE. Manager, it often.” Nr.w Oct. 14. 24 or15 td impaired by a gangrene or cancer iu seine part of the soon, in New York, Hibernian.Qneb«T.Liverpool.Oct commencing York, rerolutioniic 24 M. & A. P. body. He mav be able io lire with it for a time the The Tribune’s Washington dispatch says the Africa.Boston.Liverpool.Oct DARLING, long North itself against the Abolitionist Ilc- jy Gen. S. F. called to 11 ammonia.New York Hamburg.Oct 81 aud in the end, outgrow It; and no one but Cary recently Russian fleet now in New York harbor will perhaps, or at least create Hibernia. .Boston 8 No. 99 Middle Street, an insane man or a murderer would to kill publicans, such a state of mind the in n in that Val- Glasgow..Nov LADIE8 propone j fact, speech Ohio, be reinforced twelve more vessels York him iu order to get rid of the trouble, lie will things as will necessitate the maintenance of probably by Scotia.New Liverpool.. .Nov 4 Hive returned from New York with the Lateet try introduced into the House a reso- this winter. to live in suite of his suffering and iuclemencv, pro- repressive armies quite is large at the North landigham Style# of for nis as he can and | The Herald's viding family doing all thegood as at the South; and that will the lution declaring vacant the seats of Blair of Washington dispatch says MINIATURE ALMANAC. ' ho cm to his fellows. But should circumstances so produce there is of same result.” nothing in regard to the exchange Visile c »me about as to enable him to the Mo., and Curtis of Iowa, because they had Thursday,.October Id- Forest Avenue Railroad !! I Cloak, Dress and Trimmings, extirpate evil, prisoners, as the rebels have ceased to send not without to himself, but to the un- ouly injury Sun rises.8.13 I High water.12.10 — There are too many circumstances corrobo- gone Into the Union army, while be voted I down of the in their hands, and speakable relief aud improvement of his entire- j any prisoners Sun sets.5.1‘J | Length of days.11.Oi Kiel) Sill Mud uil l flirt R ites', ii ill celen, he would be worse than a fool not to a resolution for the of Mr. declare all of their who are released economy, apply rative of the truth of the above, known to ev- against expulsion prisoners Ladle* shopping on Middle street, will find the tne knife at ouce and with a will. In so lii's j doing who had into the rebel In and paroled, exchanged, and force them into *;ugle object would be to recover his not to ery intelligent observer of to Clark, gone army. Choice A health, public events, the field more will be re- Gimps Funcy Ornaments, mutilate his or his immediately. No body destroy life. Thus the su- us to set it down as mere what act, since the rebellion broke has MAIUNE NKWS. of permit gossip. The out, turned at or until some Hosiers & Glove preme object all loyal rnen is to reeture the integ. present, arrangement a Store,7 AMD SILK >itv of the not himself to be a KID GLOVES, nation, to save it from the parricidal Democratic leaders in New York told Lord Vallandigham proved | is made which will afford a show of justice hands which have been OF lifted against it, anu re-estab- traitor? and as PORT PORTLAND. the same as equity, between belligerents. Cor. Cross and Middle li-h ir on grounds of assured future well-being. Thov Lyons substantially story is now Streets, BUTTONS-IN EVERY VARIETY. of no for | accept equivalent the Union, which is first the As for The of aud last, because it is repeated by Times; correspondent. tJF” executive committee the U. S. Wednesday,.October 14, A convenient Rendezvous in for the everything—health, power, The Rt-bcl lilocktidr Runner tit UtiUfar. very waiting «p Malta, Thread. Brussels A French Laces. duration, lile itself— aud therefore they will suffer Northern revolution—Did not Ex-President Sanitary Commission is now in session at ARRIVED. and down trains, to which store ther art* most re- no obstructions to stand iu the N. Oct. 14. and welcomed. Time table book- way of its perfect Pierce it? And has IIALU'AX, S., Steamer Lewiston. Knight. Boston. spectfully cordially aud its promise it not already Washington. Over $7,O00,0rt'J worth of sup- ed. Bonnet Rilks. • • Lace anti Game Vella, redintegration glorious onward march in the The .rebel steamer Lee narrowly escaped Steamer Daniel Wobiter, Deering. Bangor. future. been York have been received and off Idella. Fall attempted?—[New paper. plies purchased sinco capture Wilmington. She was seen by two Brig (Br) Atherton, River. VELVET, SILK and MOCRVIHG Jan. who Sch Resident, (Brj Anthony. Annapolis NS. 154 and 156 Middle St. 1st, 1361. The incident expenses of car- ; biockaders. immediately pursued her, A Maine Suii- taken by a Rebel Pi- Soli Witraot. (Br) Allen. Hillsboro S’B. oetl6 dlw on tiring several shots. One shot through AGRICCLTL'UAL EXHIBITION THIS WEEK. rying it* operation* are about 3 per cent, of passed I Sch Volga. (Br) Gillespie, Hillsboro NB. B > ET SI j: vte.—A Kennebunk her forward and three Sch Abbie. correspondent says: the t»7 exploded inside, injuring Knight. Philadelphia. Kennebec, at lieadfleld, and Thurs- receipts; per cent, of the amount Sch L W .old at Price*. r:ic ship “Anna F. Schmidt,” burnt the Wednesday goes of her crew. The passengers describe the Pierce, Loring, Philadelphia. 8eli'-De l*o uee! Which sill he the Lowest by to the Sch White Sea. Littlefield. Boston. reliel was a day ; West at North Wednes- directly relief of the soldiers. It is as The R. E. Lee has oclS lwcd Swcod pirate Sennnes, good A 1 ship, Somerset, Ansou, firing “right sharp.’’ Sch Elvira, Warren. Cutler for Boston. found that idleness several naval officers on board on their to MR. b n e r, L txiilt here in 1834 and owned 3-K by George day and Thursday; Sagadahoc, at Topsham, is the curse of camp life. way Sch Oasis. Sproul. Bangor for Boston. 6~x 1-18 Robert of this England for the of out some Sch Eliza Otis, Bangor lor Now London. Wishes to announce to those desirous of becoming Wise, by Smith, Jr., place, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; Cum- Men become almost worthless from long inac- i purpose bringing Ryder. Fall and Winter ? 8-1 <5 Charles vessels building there. She here CLEARED. Opening by Williams, Framingham, Mass., at more discharges Masters of’ the Sword, berland, tivity, suffering in health and morals soon 3 d2 by George C. Lord A Co., Boston, 1-lii Portland, Wednesday, Thursday and will leave for Dixie. Bark Ellen Stevens, Howe, Cardenas — St John aud and to those who are and have been le-sons, by Capt. Moses Milliken,Newburyport, and Friday; \\ est Oxford, at Eryeburg, Tues- than when in active employment. Smith. taking Bark Jas E Ward, Nickels, Cardenas—A L Hob- that he will opcu his School for Evening others. day, Wednesday aud East Clashos on and after A. D. REEVES, Thursday; Oxford, ■ir- as Col. D-'Costa was reconnoiteriug, Venueyleania Election, son. | Capt. Twombly writes home that lie was atRumford and Sch Flora, iBr) Potter. Westport NS—master. Wednesday Thursday; East near Helena, Arkansas, on Easton, I’a., Oct-13. Monday, October 19th. Tailor cts robbed of every thing but one trunk of cloth- Sunday, recently, Sch Radiant,'Brj Dunham, St George NB—matter. Draper, at Wayne county gives Woodward 550 majori- ▲t the same time, he will commence a class for and that he with his Washington, Calais, Tuesday and Wednes- he came a The ing officers and crew upon negro prayer-meeting. Curtin Cumber- were in irons day; China Town Fair on ty; Susquehanna gives 1700; disasters. Youths’ Military Exercises. NO. 98 EXCHANGE STREET, kept iu close contluement ou Thursday. preacher was praying for the deliverance of land Woodward Carbon gives 600; gives Brig Young Republic, of Portland, from Havana, Gentlemen their sons instructed in this val- Sew Vork prisoner fare for twenty wishing returned from Boston and days. his brothers from the chains of slavery, with Woodward 500; Bucks gives Woodward 400; with sugar, put into Hiltou Hoaddih inst.in distress, uable and exercise, will call at juM a»«ort- healthy phase with u and FA*HK*AHLE , 1 ou HAS RICH A Down Easter of a gives Woodward 1068. leaking badly. She left aguiu the 9th. in tow of Ztf" speaks heavy fog all the earnestness of the negro minister—for Lehigh, complete, NO. & EXCHANGE STREET ment of H. Press Curtin’s at the Continental, but when off Cane Lookout, bear- Syjohn Hopkins, of the in his He ho hired a Forney’s figures majority west 40 miles she broke adrilt a For to John N>al. F-*j. Bishop diocese locality. says man to God to hasten the coming of the aunihilators ing distant, durirg Reference, please apply of has about 22,000. blow, and could not maka !a«t again on ac- Portland, Oct. 15, Vermont, written a very angry letter shingle a barn. At noon the man heavy Cassimeres & Vestings complained of their white enslavers. The Colonel then count of the heavy sea The brig then bore up for Cloths, to In which lie scolds was a 1 NC’. hc fcr Bishop Potter, the latter that It terribly for he had Beaufort Omnibiia of orerr rari.t,, and .<»'*. which rar'^aa.d long barn, made his sudden appearance among them with From Hilton The i rI his Head, Shin 1 F Chapman, and bark Raven, both from eaa *“ for protest-against Bis all run from the Post to CAfH. aud consequently give hop Hnpkin’s sran- been at work the morning and hadn't his New York for San are to Will Office got small party, and informed them that their New Oct. 14. Francisto, liave out at the bwtt c mA pri0$$. York, repotted the Fair GnorxPS, every twenty dalous letter ou the Bible views of one course laid. So after dinner he went to pnt Into Rie Junelro, in distrers; no date. the slavary. prayers were answered, and that be had come A Hilton ncad letter to the Herald states, minutt s during the day, commenc- ! He invite* hi* old friends on Md-wtojwthim Grateful for the Tills pro-slavery of Vermont see what been under dato of the 7th the 97th Penn- ing at 9 o’clock A M making the public to call bishop gives he’d about, and found that he to deliver them. hailed him with shouts Inst., that DOMESTIC PORTS, generally, received since bo eatahlialk* notice They relieves the last trip at 5 o’clock P. M,, con- Uberal patronage he has that he will in a few months a sylvania 11th Maine at Fernandi- a eoaUauanoe. and will publish had shingled more than a hundred feet of their hands to SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 18tfo ult, ships John necting w itb the cars. E^Farc. Five cents. ed biiuvolf here, he *ol iciu right Joy, and, raising heaven, na. The Jay. sattitactlon. new work in defence of regiment* recently returned will, H Lester, fin S banghae via Kanazawa 34 days; Black JTj. GEKK1SH. spare nneffbrU to give general slavery. out on tho 1 on God to l fog called bless their deliverer. 1* s»(d, go immediately to the front. rrince, Chaw, Hoag Kong. e«tlM5t Supt. P. * FA R R. i ec# tt MATTERS ABOUT TOWN. Joseph Batchelder exhibited some handsome Hojoictoga for the tate t'nion Victories. 0 MISCELLANEOUS. ENTEI'TA IX M ENTS. specimens of stuffed birds. Erik, Ohio, Oct. 10. AUCTION SALES. A national salute is now fired in hon- | Cattle Show and Fair. The butter exhibited J. W. being by Dana, Esq., BY TELEGRAPH or of the Union victories yesterday in Penn- Cattle E. M. I'ATTH, Auctioneer—Office 27 exhibition of the Cumberland attracted the attention of every one. It was AMIDON’S Fair, Trotting Matches, &c. Exchange St. The joint TOTI1E sylvania and Ohio. | and the Portland Horti- not offered for premium. It was the best that Oct. 14. County Agricultural Oswego, House mid l.nmi on Plum There were hero in Latest Street cultural Societies commenced yesterday. The has ever been seen in tills city, and was made great rejoicings honor Improved THE JOINT EXHIBITION nt Auction. Portland Press. of the Union victories of Pennsylvania and enclosed on were used for of cream from the Jersey cow exhibited on Daily f»F THK Saturday, Oct. 17th at 12 Hie grounds Munjoy Ohio. bonfires and were (\jf M.,on prcxi»o.. --- < Mum — —» Cannon, s|>eeehes CLOTHES WRINGER! street, next to the corner of Fore the exhibition of live stock, and the City Hall ! the bill. the •tree',V will ho .old the two order of the day. .tori. ,1 wooden dwe'l .. for the exhibition of fruits, dowers, vegetables Lewis B. Smith, Esq., presented a handsome CUMBtRLiiiD COUNTY together with Hie laud lut abool 42 x ltd Teims at FROM CHARLESTON. aafe, whieli will be poailire. and manufactured articles. specimen of tobacco plaut, raised by himself. eeUtd [ Destruction of the Statue of .John C. Calhoun. AGRICULTURAL and The display of stock on Munjoy wa* quite Four squashes weighing 3d2 lbs., raised from Account the late !■ to I House for sale at of nsurreasfut Attempt New Oct. 14. Auction. Hlote York, as we have seen of up the I ronotdea— Thr ttehel Steamer PORTLAND nf lieer.se from not so large iu two seeds J. T. Winslow The it be as a virtue the Jpdgu of Trek*** large, though by Westbrook, Sunk—Jteirarti offered for the ttentruction New South says will noticed BYfor the County of Cumberland. I shall *p|| at former The whole number of entries were remarkable the feetituf most coincidence that one of tlie years. pronounced productions. of trouMideo—t'nanimity of singular suction on ti e premise*, on Patnrday, Oe ober 17*. ifettrern the Comma ml inff ttffieern. 15-inch shells throw n into •f clock a was from one Our o! the articles exhibited does not recently Charleston HORTICULTURAL S0CITIE3, m., ihe tno ttoriPd wooden h- 150. The largest display any report No. 73 1 ltAI.TIMORK, Oct. 14. city by Gen. Gilmore, shivered tlie statue Portland stieef. in thin city. standing *• source was that of J. F. of do to tlie Fair. Want of com- jen-. d ai d Anderson, Esq., ; justice space 'I'll!1 of the American erected some since in front of tlie court Will be licit! in this city, commencing laud, belonging to the potato of the It* correspondent writes years Daniel l’.roek, He eutered us to the We advise all South Windham. thirty-three pels abridge report. j from Charleston Harbor as follows: house of tlie doomed city In commemoration HULDAII tr a• * BROCK, Administratrix, head of cattle, mostly pure Devons; also a i our citizens to visit it. They will be well re- Charleston Harbor, Oct. 10.—On Monday of tlie late John C. Calhoun. Wednesday, October 14, Current. ocio dtn 1 night last a but unsuccessful handsome Morgan mare, niuo years old, with paid for the time and money expended. The daring attempt was made the rebels to the lie by destroy frigate -Vsfs Enrollment in \rir The her colt. He also exhibited a line tines- year Fair will kept open to-day and to-morrow. York. superior points of this Wringer over others The t attle Fair and Trotting Matches will bo at Ironsides, lying near Fort Moultrie, by a torpe- are: six N. Y..Oct. 14. the enclosed grounds, Munjoy Itiil, to continue FOB SALE & TO LET. old gelding, eight South Down sheep, do. They employed for this purpose a small Ai.raxt, 1. of construction. Tlie Marshal of Simplicity through Wednesday, Thursday ami f riduv. and swift Provost General the North- 2. It ha no iron that can ever rust Chester swine—embracing a boar, a sow and Supreme Judicial Conrt. very steamer, cigar shaped, and show- the Clothes. The Exhibition ot Mauutacuied Articles, Fru'ts. ern, Southern and Western divisions of this 3. It is and not liable to out of or- For Kent. old—and ing hut a very small portion above water. She very strong get Flauts, Flowers, Vegetable*, Product* ot tire Dairy, four the latter not three weeks OCTOBER TBBE—B1CB PRESIDING. has ts'en ordered to commence a new der, wringing anything from a lac.* collar to a bed will bo at the New to bu to vis- in second of pigs, J., was manned a crew of State, Ac., City liatl, open story building eornrr Mb by four persons, con- easier than other a fine lot of turkie“. enrollment in tlie 4th. quilt, working any Wringer. itors Wedutsday aiterucou at A o’clock, aud to con- OFFICEdl*‘ and Union Street*—front mom of Lieut, who was the com- 2d, Otli, "ill, 8lh, 10th, Wo warrant Wednesday.—The jurors were formed as sisting Glassett, this Wlinger in particular. tinue till 1 burt-day iuclurive. Apply to CilAS. E. BARRF.rr, a Hue 17th, 2Wth and 31st districts as soon every evening, John W. Dana, Esq., exhibited Jersey mander, an engineer named Toombs, a tlreuian 21st, 25th, Agents wanted in every section of the couu- t ickets to the inclosed urouud* 25 cents; to the ! Portland, Oct. 3, 1-333. Swiaeod* follows: as trv. A liberal discount to named and a name un- practicable. made the trade. Hall 15 cents, without regard to age. four old—a beautiful creature. It Scott, pilot, whose is For cow, years 1st — Samuel M. sale at the old Wringer*# stand, 229 Con- Ou evening, A GRAND PROMENADE Jury Brackett, Cumber- known at the present Tho steamer Friday For Sulet was the handsomest of the exhibition of sows. writing. gress street- CONCERT, uuder tho or the two socicth *, henp. S. eluded the boats of our licet [ialtimore Municipal Election. auspices ,f land, Foreman; Cyrus Brown, Baldwin; ^ picket by passing E* will be held at the New Aity Hall. Admittauce 26 epplted for Immediatelv, LOT He «f W. H. Smith exhibited a grade Durham CHAPMAN, Jr., Agent* SMA Albert A. Xathan close to the shore of Sullivan's Island. She Baltimore, Oct. 14. oc9 'ablr on the «ame eow raised by J. F. Anderson. Also, a native j then made directly across the harbot and came Tlie vote for the City Council to-day. was Arrangements have been made the York ;;i Bridgtou; John Coombs, Yarmouth; X. G. | Cumberland and Portland, Saco A Portsmouth Rail- For term*, Ac applv fu Mr. Mosher. to I lie Ironsides without atten- There was no a cow raised by up attracting very light. opposition except road*. amt the <.rand Trunk Railroad a* far as Beth- H VVINCIIESTEK, Cummings, W. tion. She struck the vessel few ~wT\V. CARR & A d"... Portland; George Doughty, j candidates. All the for Excursion lick- on Edward T. Smith exhibited a native cow fairly amidships, independent regular cdT el, and steamer Daniel Webster, thu premiaou. at half fare, in connec- Gray; Wm. Field, Falmouth; James W. liar- ; exploding a torpedo containing sixty pounds nominees were eleeted. except in tiie 7th Havirg taken the Fruit Store formerly occupied by pn during the Exhibitions and calf raised by himself, which attracted 1 tion with Tickets to the same. Also, with Keunebec Albert II. ol powder at the moment of contact.— and 20th Wards, where the independents were Store for Sale. mon, Cape Elizabeth; Ilawkes, A Portland Railroad, tor half lare on Wednesday, attention. The rebel steamer was elected. All are unconditional Union men. Cr. s a w v i : u. foor-atore great David undoubtedly sunk, with privilege on all the roads aud ou tho steamer, fpilK brick .store iu free Street—Ke.l Windham; Benj. Stone, Jr., GtisHeld; A. iu the Free street Mr. J. A. exhibited a cow either by the force of the collision or by our to return any time previous to aud including the last block—next east ot Telford a. Thompson Jersey No. .1 of 11. T. MAC Stover, llarpswell. shot. Lt. (Inssett jumped overboard and swam Exchange Street, train* on Saturday. octl2 td Enquire II IS, (.alt bloek, or five years old, and a native cow nine years old. The Apprehenticti Caeatrp Haiti. ap8i.ll r. BARNES, S4J MiddloStreet. 2d Jury—Alplieus S. Holden, Casco, Fore- to a schooner. He and the ilreman, Scott, are Are prepared to otb r to the trade a large and well Mr. J. G. Warien exhibited an Baltimore, Oct. 14. selected stock Ayrshire I now prisoners on board the guard ship. of man; Ephraim Higgins, Standish; Josiali B. The latest reports received from Hie For Sale. cow four years old. Lieut. Gasselt was formerly in our navy. Upper Hiram Wm. I Potomac arc that tlie of a rebel ANNUAL MEETINGS. Sf'H. ( of Hoyt, Bridgton; Leach, Naples; He that the of the anticipation and Domestic Fruit ! EYI.ON, Tortland. aheut Seth of the Reform says explosion torpedo Foreign SI toil., well found in Scamman, Esq., School, F. Hiram West- cavulry raid at Martinsburg were occasioned anchor., chain., LeBaron, Harrison; Lowell, drove the steamer under so that the water run Wholesale and Retail and bhe i, well exhibited a Devon cow ten a tlie of the national who tigging, ealeulated i.r years old, grade her smoke by approach cavalry, Widows Wood a Fisherman or Tiader. brook; James G. McDonald, Gorham: Wm. in stack and put out the fires. The Orange* Sprnce Gum, Lozenges Sorlelj'. Will ho aold at Devon eleven two three old were taken for rebels. a good bargain to years old, year torpedo was to tho bows of the Annual of the “Portland Widows' by applying A. Moses, Scarboro’; John Nosh, Kaymond; suspended LemonCanai y Seed, Candies, rilHE Meeting 1'EKLKY k RUSSELL, anil four heifers ouc old. He rebel vessel so as to strike the Ironsides under X Wood Society," for tho choice of officers and Devons, year Win. D. Port- Lime*, Lemon Syrup* Honey* Tortiand. Oct. 9, 1*3. C ommercial Wharf. Augustus Hobiuson, liobinson, water. The was on Sail in the Hohcmian. the tran occupy many days; A of Trunk mat *an hasp of work A. A. Cutter exhibited a Devon heifer as ever. She fire with mus- The Stockholders of the I^VEBY lux plenty aa4 grade operations opened Oct. 14. Store! ta occupied twelve days at the former trial. Mr. Philadelphia, New Portland k Forest Avenne good pay by arplylug KICIi A PITMAN, old. on the rebel vessel and in a few minutes | No 32. R4 k M Union two years ketry The sales of 5-20’s to-day amounted to Railroad are here- Straet, Boston, Maaa. Leonard Bond and Mr. Merrill w ere exam- fired two of her Company ©«?1| dlw larger guns. A shot I)elivaries of bonds are IStilsd to meet at the The exhibition of bulls was not so large as $2,034,155. being flUIE subscribers have formed a Copartnership -by ined as witnesses fired from the — yesterday. rebel steamer dangerously made to Oct. 10th. JL uuder the le of office of Allen Haitie*, No. Middle street, on usual. In addition to the stock of Mr. An- stj Hovey Jr Merrill. John Hand. wounded Ensign Clias. Howard of the Iron- Thursday,October V2d. 1^3. at 4 o'clock P. M., to Five Y>ollarft Reward, act upon the following article* derson, G. and L. I’. Warreu shew two, one a sides, who was officer of the deck at the time. Saturday aftprnoon, bptwoen Turk atruut Smith, Woodman. II. I’. Deane, Election. Lane and Fird-To see whether the stockholders will assent The bottom of the has renn.t/leanla Tolman, IOST.J and s Oaks, l'ortland a (.aid full blooded and the oilier a half blooded Ayr- Ironsides been examin- to aud accept the location of their Railroad, in the Doering stroet. Seal. a Drummer Girl. Anv one ftad- ed by divers aud found to be wholly uninjured. Philadelphia, Oct. 14. and have established themselves at City ot Portland, a* provided in and by an order roprp«enting three old. E. T. a two ing the same, by leaving it at Fj. L. Stan wood ». mo shire, years Smith, Court*—Oct. II. The rebel of our and This city 0500 for Curtin. passed br the Mayor ami Aldermen, Sept. 29.1863. Municipal engineer, Ibriperly navy, gives majority Xo. ner cf Pore and India streets, will reefirp the abava a Store 1 Tree Street, Necojto—To see whether tho Stockholders will ab- year old grade Durham. Charles Sampson, the of the rebel steamer are to Lehigh county, complete, gives Woodward ! reward with the thank* of the owner. Michael Doran, charged with assault and pilot supposed sent to aud accept tbc location of their road as pro- two old raised have been deceased. 1830 majority. AS DEALERS IN octl-3 3t* year Jersey, by Henry Hailey. battery on Henry Gardiner, was adjudged not vided in ami by an order passed by the Slay or and ; On was Aldermen October 5th, 1863. Charles a two old A. Tuesday night 'll supposed that the Dawson, year Jersey. and was Anderson * Third—To act that Boarders Wanted. guilty discharged. Webb j rebels meditated another attack on the Iron- Ohio Election. Kitchen Goods. upon any other business may Lewis, a fifteen mouths old Jersey. Seth for the Furnishing legally come belore them. Gentleman end ladv, god a few .ingle geni>,x defense. sides. A boat of the same kind, believed to Oct. 14. per order of the Cincinnati, Also, a general assortment of Director*, V can be arc minodnted at So. 78 lumber! a a, a three year old Devon. have been a our octl4 dtd 31. Scamman, steamer, approached picket Thirty-three counties give Brough 47.308 G. PALMER, Secretary. «™t. oetl8 dar The exhibition of sheep comprised those Mnirlle Camilla I no Coming. line, but was discovered and driven off after j majority. A gain of 20,257. ! WILLOW AND WOODEN WAKE, offered by Mr. Anderson; six Cotswold's and some tiring. Poi'tlaud A Kennebec- Railroad Co. Stolen -Twenty-Five Dollars Be- Bosrox, Mass., Oct. 13,1W3. The rebels dread the and billow greatly Ironsides, and Fano Carriazc*, Work Stands mHE Annual of tho Stockholders of the at nrd. South Dowus, offered by Mr. W. II. Smith of To the Editor the Prtor: 1 \rie York .Varket. Meeting of the of Charleston, it is said, have offer- Portland and people X Kennebec Railroad ( ompany will FROM the paatnre ef the aubaerlber ea a noble German two ed a of New York,Oct. 14. Willow Chairs, Fancy at ou Windham; buck, years The unanimous desire of the citizens of reward *00,000 In gold for her destruc- Baskets, Brooms, Brushes, beholden Brunswick, Wednesday, the 28th night of Octotier t, a biaek Ml CoS ton—less sales M00 bales at (11 a teg ABB, firm; for of October, A. D. at 9 o'clock ▲ m.. for about Mi also live ewes and a buck lamb of half as tion. .lapair'd Ware, Fails, Tubs. Rocking Horses, fUy 1863, wrl*hing uoaada, aad 11 .am old, Portland, through your columns, , middling upland*. choic' of a Board rT?A expressed the of Directors for the ensuing *’Old Her two hind (Vet were while, both Gen. Gilmore and Admiral Dahlgrcn have Flour—(Slate and Western lOe lower; Superfine Bird Cages, ke. blood, exhibited by S. R. Sweetsir of Cum- lor another to hear the ar- year, and to take *ueh measures lor the future oper- bind inkle, were galled, end ahe had a ffiw white opportunity great i both a Grief visit to State 6 60 6 80; Extra do f> 00 0 25; choice do paid Port Royal. While Q ation, control and management of their road, and hair, in her forehead, and waa eound In all berland Centre. tisto Mad'i.le shall be 6 35 Q 6 50; Hound lloop Ohio ♦> To «; f; choice No. 4 Free Street, Portland. reapeea. Camilla Urso, grat- there Gen. Gilmore visited the flagship with lor the adjustment of any claims of the bondholders W hoover will return raid mare, or give infom.aboa j do 7 Id S 7 85; Superfine Western 5 60 d 0 GO; Com- the The oxen wore and a hand and serenaded the This in- D. LANK. I of Keuuebec and Portland Rail Road Company, wheri .Jr may lx fbuud, will lie reward 4. large splendid looking ifled; and 1 beg to inform you that she will Admiral. mou to good extra Western 5 90 6 35 Southern amiably j A. M. TOLMAN. 1 OClO d$W as they may deem expe iient, and to transact any osil2 dlw* WM I! PAINE, North Gorhaa. creatures. There was cident shows how little truth there is in the a shade lower; mixed to 6 30; the City team, com- appear at the new Hall on eve- good 40£7 Fancy other business that mav rcgu.'arlr come before City Thursday of and Extra 7 40 @ 9 50; Canada 5 a, l'ks com- story ill feeling between these two distin- lower; them. N. M. W H1I Sec y of ten a team from mon extra 695 a 9 extra MORE, posed yoke; Saccarappa, ning next, Oct. 22d. officers. 15; good to choice 0 50 c£ Oct. 5. 1563. oc7 td Fouud Adrift, guished They are, and always have 9 00. Ntreet. Augusta, four six a from G. and rv rt_• FRIDAY. Oct. »!h. YAWL HO numbering yoke; yoke As manager of the concerts given at pres- \ been, iu hourly iutercourse by signals. U'lmat_h n* urj U A. I-- /si.:_ AT, paiated IX Mr If »ili—steidj ; J’otto Rico 06 a 51: New Or- The to call the attention of the Portlaud, Oct 8. le€8. dtv leans 5*4 59. unriervijrned Ireg jioo- Itvonswick. Sept. S'5,1888. scp30 dlawtoet28 horses belonging to this city appeared finely. can no other artiste % furore, express it, living Oils—firmer. plc of l’ortland and vicinity to their Several were on the at Wanted Morgans field, among has ever created a greater sensation or awak- ; Skirmishing Gulphcr Springs—Gallant Tailow—lest active, at 124. Immediately Conduct of the tst Maine C Rebel which we noticed oue four aralrg— Wool—quiet. N E W AMI) COMPLETE good Sowing llarhii.o (iirls and Piftoo* years old, offered cued more tremendous than Camil- Attack on Gen. Division rpwo applause Gregg's and Re- to active; Grain 5 d. MORE TEST! M0.\ IA LS I JL extra Coat Makers. at treat his Froiglit* Liverpool—more Apply by Isaac F. Quimby of Saccarappa; a paragon la'Urso. Hcrreeent performances in this of forces—lirarerg of ths federal WOODMAN, TKUF ft CO.’S * ( Troops. •cpt2A dAw Rooaa. Morgan, nine years eld, by Nicholas Hideout at Goods Clothing city each of ten grand concert* which have War my o to v, Oct 14. Stork Market, Dry Establishment, of New a The Star the whole of Gen. Gloucester; Morgan family horse, just come to a close, were triumphs, such as Eveuiug says New York, Oct. 14. JUST OPENED. BOARD* division was by J. Wilson of Cumberland. W. A. Gregg's ordered from lluloxi Second Board.— Stocks better and more active. MRS. MANCHESTER three siugle Gentleman, Fenly, ! no pen can describe nor language express. wishing Beard* station Saturday tow ards Culpepper, aud ar- Chicago k Rock Island.lu8a At \o. 81 ••nidillr Street. Is unsolicited testimonials of I^WOorcan And good accommodations at 123 Comber* of this city, offered a beautiful one | constantly receiving land family horse, , Promising you of the richest treats on rived there at 4 P. M. American Gold.1531 Street. sepXidti Thence the 2d brigade the cures performed her. six a fast trotter. Illinois Central scrip. Near the post astonishing by Among years old, very Ideut. In- ! the above that the art of music can of the 2d division was ordered to Fox Moun- ..125} Office—where the evening New York Central,.135! many recently received are the following, which are Warned* man, U.S. A., exhibited a handsome blood tain to support Geu. but Missouri Q's. 67* bay I afford, Kilpatrick, finding commended to tho notice of the afflicted. 3lrs. Man- A small Rent, situated in the central ef that Gen. did not United States one new part saddle old. A twen- 1 Kilpatrick need them, the ycarcertificatcK 99j tl»r or a whole horse, eight yeais mare, j remain, dear sir, very sincerely yours, Michigan Southern,. Latest and Most ehoster may bo consulted at Bn* city, house suitable lor tw0 brigade left him Sunday and »74 Fashionable, Tidrse. small families. Address with a colt at her was morning rejoined Pacific Mail.S30 No. 11 I) ty-five years old, side, P. S. Gilmore. the division at On GOOD AND Clapp’* lock, Room No. 0. Culpepper. Sunday Gen. Michigan Southern guaranteed.135 CHEAP augl3 31. A. K., Portland F. O. exhibited Theodore of Scarboro’. moved to by Libby Gregg Sulpher Springs, arriving at A CASK OF SPISAL DISEASE CURED. Mr. C. E. Kimball of exhibited a The Aqricultkal about t* P. M. forenoon two Farmingdale Fair—Tiu’hsday.— Mouday regi- This is to that I went to see Mrs. Manches- 4th certify Whitmore four The at ments, the and 13th l’enn., were sent for- gelding, years of age, which exhibition the City Hall will be open “Stonewall Jackson is Dead !” DRY GOODS, ter last March with a daughter of mine troubled with P. & F. A. RAILROAD. ward to Jefterson, five miles from Sulphur he value* at $1000. G. and L. P. Warren ex- during day and evening. CAN It* FOUND IN VERY LARGE VARIETY. spinal disease, for which she had been doctored for Springs, and the 1st Me. were sent out toward Until farther notice, the Cars wiil ply between hibited a Mr. S. Clements On the Fair five years, and by a number of physicians of all Messenger. exhib- Grounds, the trial of family, Little Washington to reconnoitre. The last RICHMOND EDITION. kinds; and she has had twenty-one application* o! Clark Street and Grand Trank ited a mare raise In Canada, and her colt, one l matched and other horses, will lte continued. named regiment encountered a large force of All the good* in this establishment hare Just hecii Depat but all to no effect but she con- — — rebels and were but for electricity applied, ; sriar year old, of the breed. J. At 10 A. the surrounded, they cut their bought Nett Cash .and must be eold for NETT Bradbury Webb, Jr., o'clock, M., trial of drait oxen grew worse. 1 came to the conclusion, as way out aud crossed the river about twelve life: of 1'ASIIf us to tinually Twenty Tliiiutrs the exhibited a will thereby enabling during Day, beautiful native marc and colt. take place at fair grounds. miles above the la-*: resort, to go and see 3Irs. Manchester, and Sulphur Springs. On Monday lh. flr*t Car loarlng Dirk .'(root it T.10 A. M. lit Mr. J. F. Anderson exhibited a At 2 o'clock P. did so; and to she told me the first Morgan and M., the contest of trotting lorenoon the rebels advanced upon the 4th Sell as Low my great surprise Grand Trunk Depot at 7.40 A M. and 13th Penn., when STONEWALL JACKSON! cause of the disease, and how she had been from time FARE—Five Cents* Messenger colt, and a Morgan mare and colt. horses for the #50 purse will couimeuce, to bo our cavalry seeing that the to which me to her medieines. J. J. GEKRI3II, other rebels outnumbered them, they fell back AS AAV BOISE IK THE EXITED STATES. time, encouraged try Superintendent. Many horses were entered in the after- succeeded by the contest for the 375 purse. a Oct. 14. ISte. dtf j slowly, contesting the ground to a large forest, By Virginian. I did so. and now my daughter is able to be around noon. Admission to the fair grounds, lor Individ- ! where Gen. a all of the time. also rides ten Gregg dismounted portion of ; us a thd house Site or fif- The fowls Sy*Givc trial, and you will surely be eatisfled. THE only exhibited were the turkeys uals, 25 cents; for carriages -single teams, 25 the two regimeuts aud sent them out as skir- Reprinted from advance sheets of the Richmond teen miles without auy trouble or Inconvenlence.and TO AFFLICTED I mishers. After by Mr. Anderson, and a coop of Bolton Greys cents; double teams 50 cent*—not to Include stubbornly contesting the Edition, with fine and faithful likenesses of itoue- No Old Gwodii m hatrrer In Store. I think In a short time she will be restored to perfect ground for over two hours were ordered wall” and his has DR. W. by Mr. F. Winslow. ! passengers. they successor, Gen. Ewell. health. Since ray daughter been doctoring, I aVDEVIXG, to fall back and as were slowly, they doing so heard r»t a cases that Sirs. 3!anch< s The examination of the trial of Members' to admit to both exhibi- ! have great many IMedical stock, family tickets, a heavy rebel Infantry force was discovered on Electrician, PRICE $1.25. FEUCHTWANGER & ZUNDER, ter has cured. 1 think if any per»on deserves pat- and matched horses, and the drag oc- i tions the entire $1.00. These each and at the same time No. 11 puliing during show, flank, three regi- it is the one who tries to e the health llapp's Block, ments ronage, preserv the The with the stone on will be sold to all who wish for them. of cavalry, having made a wide Xew Good. cupied day. drag j detour, 1 Dry Stoic, of the sick and suffering; and 1 know that she uses CORKER OrCOSTGRRSa A.VD ELK STREET*, attacked them in the rear. At this time the It 4180 lbs. effort which lies in her to benefit TITOULD annoaneete the tiwteee et weighed 10th Y. O. L. Sanborn every power her respectfully X. were sent to support Gen. ! & Co., v t Portlaud and that he has been it this IK THE HALL. Race.—There was an race over Gregg, 81 Middle Street-near the Post Sarah L. Rrights, vicinity, impromptu and Itee's on the re!>cl Office, patients. four months. that time we have treated battery opened cavalry, 33 George clt> During The of the course in the Fair but Exchange St., Portland,.*!e. Krights. a large numter ef patients with wmderfh! saeaate. display fruits, flowers, vegetables, Grounds, yesterday owing to the short range of their guns r.o rOKTLAXD, MK. | ocl3 oe$ tf Abut E. K rights, and caring person* in *neh a ebarft space ef time that of the and manufactured arti- afternoon, between the horse of Mr. J. Grant, serious damage was inflicted on the rebels. dkvltlT products dairy, j Emma Heights. the question I* eften asked do tkey stay eared- Te and one 1 The 4th and 13th were now this Question we will that all that da* eat cles was very good, and the| hall was ! named by Mr. Anderson. It was for pressed severely Brunswick, Maine, August fi/A. say sftgr thronged in our centre and at the cured we will doctor the second time ter % mile in front, broke, same aetatef. with visitors. We give a list of some of the 100, heats, best 3 5, in harness.— This, with thesaceeee we have met with, is a at re j ; time they wore attacked on the flank and in TROW & ONE OF TIIF. GREATEST CURES on RECORD. ! Grant’s horse was driven JOHNSON, guarantee that onr services are appreciated. Thera* articles exhibited: by Isaac Woodruff, i the rear, but the men cut their a way through No. 103 middle 3Irs. MARcaiwrKa—Dear Madam .-—Thinking lore, lest patients should delay eomn