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Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 9 (2014 7) 1521-1540 ~ ~ ~

УДК 314.1 (571.511) + 314.1 (571.512)

Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Territory

Semen Ya. Palchin* Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory 122 Karl Marx str., Krasnoyarsk, 660021,

Received 09.06.2014, received in revised form 11.07.2014, accepted 29.08.2014 The present paper is the second part of the material based on the Report of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory “On the problems of realizing the constitutional rights and liberties of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2012”. The paper thoroughly analyzes the problem of realizing the economic rights of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in particular, the right to protection of their original habitat, traditional lifestyle and traditional natural resource management; the right to work and a decent life. The author not only reveals the drawbacks of the federal and regional legislation, as well as lack of law enforcement practice, but also makes recommendations and requests for authorized bodies of executive authorities and local governments to solve the existing problems. Keywords: north and arctic territories, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, legal and regulatory acts, indigenous small-numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Commissioner for rights of the indigenous small-numbered people, law enforcement practice.

Providing real economic rights directly indigenous small-numbered peoples of the affects the well-being of both individuals and Krasnoyarsk Territory (Evenki, Ents people, entire ethnic groups. Realization of economic Nganasans, , Dolgans, Selkups, Kets, rights of the indigenous small-numbered peoples ). These peoples occupy quite a enables practicing the traditional economic small area in the Evenkiysky Municipal District, activities. Below there will be presented specific Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District, experience of the Commissioner for Rights of Turukhansky District, Severo-Yeniseysky District the Indigenous Small-numbered Peoples of the of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk Territory (hereinafter referred Heads of eight economic entities involved in to as the Commissioner), law enforcement traditional economic activities of the indigenous practice of both federal and regional normative small-numbered peoples of the North asked the and legal documents governing the rights of Commissioner to pay attention to the lack of

© Siberian Federal University. All rights reserved * Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] – 1521 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory implementation of their economic rights to fishing projects on the traditional lifestyle and and hunting due to the inability to participate natural resources management of the on the equal terms with other competitors in indigenous peoples; distribution of fishing and hunting lands, as • imperfection of tax laws permitting the well as to facilitate the territory organization of RF subjects to use mineral resources traditional natural resource management of the payments for social and economic indigenous small-numbered peoples. development of the indigenous peoples; The Commissioner states the existence of • “removal” of the right of the indigenous systemic problems in ensuring economic rights. peoples to higher priority in natural To understand this issue, he uses a systematic resources management from the federal approach to it for identifying the major components legislation; of this issue, impeding the implementation of • legal uncertainty as to the ethnic identity these economic rights. of people belonging to the peoples of the The first set of problems is imperfection of North; the federal legislation. • declarative character of the series of The second set – imperfection of the regional federal laws, including the Law “On legislation. territories of traditional natural resources The third set – poor law enforcement management of the indigenous small- practices in the existing federal and regional numbered peoples of the North, Siberia legislation. and of the Russian Federation”. The right to protection of peoples’ original The Commissioner addressed the deputies habitat, traditional lifestyle and traditional of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk natural resource management Territory, referring to them as holders of a Considering the first set of problems, it is right to introduce legislative initiative into the necessary to turn to competent lawyers, experts Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. on these issues, among which the Commissioner The Commissioner recommended the deputies reckons V.A. Kriazhkov, Professor, Doctor to prepare legislative initiatives that may deal of Juridical Science, and Counselor in the with the revealed shortcomings. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The second set of the problems is connected His comprehensive review of the existing with the imperfection of the regional normative federal legislation brings to light the following and legal framework. The main legislative acts of weaknesses and vulnerable points of this issue: the Krasnoyarsk Territory regulating the sphere • lack of implementation of the indigenous of economic rights of the indigenous peoples are: peoples’ rights to get lands for lifetime • Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of inheritable possession and free use of 05.06.2008 № 5-1777 (as amended on them; 20.06.2012); • inability to obtain land spots for the • Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of traditional hunting and fishing on non- 25.11.2010 № 11-5343 (as amended on competitive basis; 24.05.2012) “On protection of the original • absence in the federal legislation of habitat and traditional lifestyle of the required standard assessment of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of possible negative impact of industrial the Krasnoyarsk Territory”; – 1522 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

• Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of • Provision of the arrangements to create 01.07.2003 № 7-1215 (as amended on the federal importance territories of 25.11.2010) “Fundamentals of legal traditional nature resource management guarantees for the indigenous small- of the indigenous small-numbered peoples numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (item “з” of Territory”; article 8); • Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of • Approval procedure of established by 18.12.2008 № 7-2660 (as amended on federal authorities in the Krasnoyarsk 01.11.2012) “On the social support of Territory restrictions of non-traditional citizens living in the Taimirsky Dolgano- for the indigenous small-numbered Nenetsky Municipal District of the peoples activity of organizations (all Krasnoyarsk Territory”; forms of federal ownership) in places of • Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of original habitat and traditional nature 18.12.2008 № 7-2658 (as amended on resource management of the indigenous 24.05.2012) “On the social support small-numbered peoples (item “и” of of citizens living in the Evenkiysky article 8); Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk • Regulation determining the list and terms Territory”. of economic activity restrictions for The article 12 of the Krasnoyarsk Territory’s organizations of all forms of ownership in Charter declares protection of the rights to places of original habitat and traditional traditional land use, management and crafts for nature resource management of the the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in North. This law proclaims that the main way the Krasnoyarsk Territory (item “л” of for organizing and ensuring the protection of article 8); the original habitat and traditional lifestyle of • Provision of ethnological expertise (item the indigenous peoples is to create, protect and “д” of article 8); use territories of traditional nature resource • Provision of procedure of granting management. The formation of such territories inventory to people exposed to the law would provide the most efficient realization of (item “в” of article 16); economic rights of the indigenous peoples, but • Provision of organization of training, for that it is necessary to develop and approve a retraining and advanced training in number of subordinate legislative acts, namely: occupations necessary to the indigenous • Provision of the regional importance small-numbered peoples’ communities territories of traditional nature resource for the implementation of traditional management of the indigenous small- economic activity (item “з” of article numbered peoples (item “б” of article 8); 16). • Procedure of creating the territories of The Commissioner appealed to the traditional nature resource management Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to of the indigenous small-numbered peoples accelerate the development and adoption of and list of documents that are necessary these legal and regulatory acts. Otherwise, for making a decision on the creation of violations of economic rights of the indigenous these territories (item “ж” of article 8); small-numbered peoples will go on. – 1523 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Commissioner promotes consistently request of Khatanga residents to create around the issue of creating the territories of traditional each these Territories. nature resource management. Thus, this issue Representatives of the indigenous small- was raised at a meeting with the Governor of the numbered peoples’ communities, who work in the Krasnoyarsk Territory L. Kuznetsov in October central part of Taimyr, where hunting and fishing 2011. After the meeting, certain instructions were are popular activities, made similar requests to given to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Commissioner. Forestry of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In April The Commissioner appealed to the local 2012 the Commissioner received a letter from authorities of Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky the First Deputy of Minister S. Yu Vasin. This Municipal District with recommendation to letter revealed a decision to support offered by expand the geography of Territories or at least the administration of the Taimirsky Dolgano- reserve land for them in territorial planning Nenetsky Municipal District proposition to create scheme till 2030. the local importance territories of traditional Territories’ organization is topical in terms nature resource management. The district of formation of compensatory mechanisms in administration has appointed a working group the case of industrial development of natural to review the preliminary proposals for creating resources of these Territories. the territories of traditional nature resource One of the most important steps in this management of the indigenous small-numbered direction has already been made: methodology peoples (hereinafter referred to as Territories) in for calculating the amount of damages inflicted this municipal district. The Commissioner, his to the indigenous small-numbered peoples public representatives and other public figures living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and to their suggested the creation of cluster Territories within associations, as a result of economic and other the rural settlements Karaul and Khatanga, as activities of both organizations of all forms of well as within the urban settlement , ownership and individuals in places of original except for the territory of the city itself. However, habitat and traditional economic activities of these proposals were not supported by the local these peoples (hereinafter – Methodology) was administration. The proposal of the district approved on December 11, 2012. authorities includes creating Territories only in Adoption of Methodology indicates places of deer farming. consistent recognition by the authorities of the Submitting some proposals the Krasnoyarsk Territory of rights of the indigenous Commissioner relied on the opinion of the small-numbered peoples and also emphasizes indigenous population, expressed in their appeals the role of the Commisioner in defending these and personal conversations. He is not the one who rights, as the requirement to develop and approve defends this plan. In October 2012, it was held this Methodology was made in the report of the the joint meeting of the Public Council under the Commissioner of 2011. Following the hearings chairmanship of Head of the Taimirsky Dolgano- of the report by the Legislative Assembly of the Nenetsky Municipal District and Coordinating Krasnoyarsk Territory on June, 20, 2012, the Council of the Association of Indigenous authorities adopted a regulation No. 2-350П, item Peoples of Taimyr (Krasnoyarsk Territory). At 3.11 of which recommends the Government of this meeting the Head of the rural settlement the Krasnoyarsk Territory to develop and test the Khatanga A. Kuleshov publicly expressed a above-mentioned Methodology. – 1524 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Another argument in favour of Territories’ social responsibility. For example, the ISO 26000 organizations might be the obligation of standard, adopted in 2010 by the International the Russian Federation to contribute to the Organization for Standardization, has a dedicated International Decade of Biodiversity, as to human rights chapter, which establishes proclaimed by the United Nations in 2011. corporate responsibility to respect human rights One of the goals of the Federal Law “On and rights of the indigenous peoples. the traditional nature resource management These Guidelines are set in the UN Global territories of the indigenous small-numbered Compact, one of the signatories of which is the peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East of the company “Rosneft”. Russian Federation” is preservation of biological The European Commission on Corporate diversity on the traditional nature resource Responsibility last October made a statement, management territories. in which it expressed its wish that all businesses Thus, the Territories’ organization in the would take responsibility for the respect of human Krasnoyarsk Territory and in Taimirsky Dolgano- rights as defined in the Guidelines. After this Nenetsky Municipal District in particular will statement, the European Commission initiated become a contribution of the Krasnoyarsk development projects based on the widely used Territory to the International Decade of regulations of the Guidelines for three industrial Biodiversity of the UN. sectors, including oil and gas industry. In The Commissioner appealed to the addition, the European Commission announced Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with its intention to issue periodic progress reports on the recommendation to include in the regional the implementation of the Guidelines. plan of preparation for and implementation Sustainable development and conservation of of the International Decade for Biodiversity biodiversity are human rights. Today, a sign of good under the aegis of the UN necessary creating manners in the world is the publication of reports the regional importance traditional nature of companies on Sustainable Development. And resource management territories for the in some countries it is a mandatory requirement indigenous small-numbered peoples of the of the rules of stock exchanges. North. Given the close integration between Russia The Commissioner appealed to the and the EU, as well as the increasing role on the representatives from business sphere, who European market of large industrial companies work in places of original habitat and economic operating on the territory of the region, activities of the indigenous small-numbered establishing civilized relationships with the peoples with the recommendation to actively indigenous peoples will be a strategically correct cooperate with these indigenous peoples, step. to assist them in their development, and to Making proposals and recommendations, encourage their biodiversity conservation the Commissioner relies on the approved on programs. April 30, 2012 Fundamentals of state policy in Activities of industrial companies in the field of environmental development of the this way will correspond to the Guidelines on Russian Federation until 2030 (hereinafter – Business and Human Rights, adopted by the Fundamentals). Human Rights Council of the UN, which, in turn, The most important points of Fundamentals are incorporated into international standards of are given below. – 1525 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

• A strategic aim of state policy in the field the indigenous small-numbered peoples. Their of environmental development is to solve decision-making is guided by stereotypes and social and economic problems, ensuring prejudices about them which sometimes lead to environmentally correct economic mishaps. So according to some pseudo-experts growth; a term “fisheries to meet personal needs” is • Realizing every human right to perceived solely as a requirement to eat fish. It is healthy environment, strengthening the good, however, they do not require people to eat legislation in the field of environmental fish right from the fishing nets. Any truly educated protection; professionals understand that personal needs • Priority of conserving natural ecological (requirements) are not limited to food. These are systems, natural landscapes and natural complex needs including physiological, spiritual systems; and moral needs, as well as material needs for life • Participation of citizens, public and activities. other non-profit organizations in solving Activities to meet personal needs problems in the field of environmental (requirements) are regulated by the “National protection and ecological safety; Classification of Occupation. OK 010-93” • Consideration of the views of citizens (adopted by Decree of the State Standard of and NGOs in decision-making on the Russian Federation of 30.12.1993, № 298) planning and implementation of (hereinafter – Classification). economic activity, which can have a In 62nd subgroup of Classification there are negative impact on the environment. skilled agricultural workers, as well as employees The last words of Fundamentals cover public of hunting and fishery, producing goods for organizations of the indigenous small-numbered personal consumption. And here it is said that peoples of the North. Their involvement in skilled workers producing goods for personal discussing issues of environmental safety is a consumption, among other things, hunt wild strategic matter that affects the future of the animals and fish for food, shelter and aminimum fragile Arctic ecosystem. cash income for themselves and family members. The third set of issues concerning To achieve these goals the workers carry out the economic rights’ realization include insufficient following duties: hunt wild animals and birds law enforcement practice of the existing federal in order to obtain meat, fur and other products; and regional legislation. fish and collect other species of aquatic flora and Unfortunately, it is one of the pet peeves. fauna; made simple tools, as well as carry out the The chairman of the Legislative Assembly sale of agricultural products on the market or of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.V. Uss somehow via procurement organizations. brought these words: “Even Catherine II said: Therefore, the sale of hunting and fishing ‘If a statesman gets confused, if he thinks badly products to meet personal needs (requirements) is and takes the wrong steps, the whole nation not only possible, but absolutely legitimate. experiences the adverse effects of this”. The Classification of occupations separates a Commisioner agrees 100% with A.V. Uss. class of skilled workers, involved in agricultural Officials often interpret existing regional and production, hunting and fishing for personal federal legislation on the basis of life experience consumption, and a class of skilled workers in central Russia and meager knowledge about doing the same activities (agricultural production, – 1526 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory hunting and fishing) with a market orientation. a public representative of the Commissioner as That means that members of the community, having such (verbatim): “Implementation of a tender for these types of economic activity, can produce and the contract for the provision of fishing land to sell products for personal consumption and in this sustain the traditional way of life and traditional case, their income is not taxed in accordance with economic activities of the indigenous small- the paragraph 16 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of numbered peoples will lead to a redistribution of the Russian Federation: existing fishing lands, competition among the “... revenues (excluding remuneration indigenous peoples and social unrest”. for employees), received by members of duly Following the logic of the mal-officials, registered kinship and family communities of the the indigenous small-numbered peoples are not small-numbered peoples of the North , engaged allowed to have fishing areas to ensure their in traditional sectors of management, including traditional way of life and exercise their economic selling products of traditional harvesting and development. Therefore, we will continue to hunting”. They also have the right to sell their “push” the indigenous peoples in commercial products as specially hired skilled workers, if fishing, expose them to deliberately unrealistic this is part of their duties. They can sell these conditions, for example, the obligatory presence to procurement centres, wholesalers, sales of a fish processing plant, and to refuse to organizations, since they act as commodity conclude contracts with them, since they do not producers on behalf of their employers, i.e. have these fish processing plants for some reason. communities themselves. The situation is not a fictional one, it took place Someone may be misled by the term “skilled in 2011, when a variety of fishing lands were workers”. Usually it is used in relation to some asked for by 74 households and 73 of them have profession. Classifier in the preamble gives an got refusal to conclude contracts because of the explanation along the following lines: “In contrast lack of this very plant, this situation occurred to the term profession, the term occupation also even in those areas where there was no means any kind of activities, including requiring competition. no special training, which brings any earnings Practice of generating different excuses is or income”. And further on: “In the classification still here. of occupations one takes into account that a S., the head of household, addressed the certain level of qualification can be achieved not Commissioner. She told indignantly about the only thanks to vocational education or special new initiative of the Taimyr authorities to require training, but often enough it is achieved in the the presence of snowmobile’s and boat motors’ course of practical experience”. inspections when fixing quotas for aquatic And we should give the latest addition to biological resources. This is an obviously this part: All-Russian Classifier of occupations impossible condition as there are no specialized corresponds to the International Standard inspection centres on the territory of Taimyr, Classification of Occupations. Many regulatory she said. Neither are registration bodies of and legislative acts have been built on its very snowmobiles in the settlements of the area. This basis. means, people will be forced to go to Dudinka According to the Commissioner, the words of or , to spend tens of thousands rubles, to Head of Taimyr S.V. Baturin have no grounds. The live in these cities for weeks, instead of keeping latter stated in a written response to S.S. Chuprin, traditional economic activities. – 1527 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The Commissioner notes a manic aspiration Article 25 of the Federal law “On fishery of some officials to create barriers to the economic and preservation of aquatic biological resources” development of the indigenous peoples by using entitles the indigenous people to fish without the red tape method. People who are involved in permission and without fishing sites. However, traditional harvesting, fishing and hunting are members of society regularly indicate that the forced to travel regularly to Dudinka because of indigenous peoples are exposed to administrative paperwork. penalties carrying out fishery without permissions. For example, the Rules of Fishery for the “No representative of the indigenous small- West Siberian Fishery Basin demand to present numbered s peoples of the North on the territory data of production (catch) of aquatic biological Taimyr was fined in 2012 , answered the territorial resources according to the areas of production body of Federal State Institution “Rosrybolovstvo” (catch) and (or) fishery sites to relevant territorial at working conference with the senior managers fishery organs no later than the 18th and 3rd days of “Yeniseyrybolovstvo” at the beginning of of each month stating the condition for the 15th December, 2012. An additional question was day and the last day of the month, i.e. every two asked about how to determine a nationality of weeks. There is a dilemma: either to catch fish, Rules of fishery violators; the answer was that or to be engaged in paperwork in the regional the inspectors do not keep records according to centre. the nationality and that their duties do not include The 19th century conspicuous statesman M. definition of an ethnic origin. Thus, it turns out that M. Speransky in the Charter on Management the inspectors fine citizens, without determining of Foreigners of 1822 introduced such a norm: their nationality, and, accordingly, the indigenous § 254. “Opposite to that, we shall penalize the representatives fall in the category of citizens officials for a delay of or for calling them exposed to this penalty. Furthermore, distorted, from the far”. or rather incomplete data are transferred to the Besides, according to the Rules of fishery Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry of fishermen have to keep separate account of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. So a blissful picture is production (catch) and reception by types of painted in such a way. aquatic biological resources taking into account The Commissioner pleaded the heads of weight, dimensional ratio of fish types in a catch. Federal State Institution “Yeniseyrybvod” That is each fisherman has to have scales and to recommend inspectors supervising the roulette, and therefore light. But it is a problematic preservation of aquatic biological resources to issue in tundra or taiga conditions. introduce in the protocols on administrative The Commissioner appealed to the violations additional records of nationality of Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry people who broke the Rules on fishery, with of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with a their consent. recommendation to initiate amendments to the Analysis of existing legal and regulatory Rules of Fishery for the West Siberian Fishery acts suggests that Taimyr permits traditional Basin to simplify fishing regulations for people fishing without obtaining special permits engaged in fishing in order to keep traditional (documents) only within the limits established way of life and traditional economic activities by the Decree of Government of the Krasnoyarsk of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of Territory of 20.04.2009, № 210-п. At the same the North. time representatives of the indigenous small- – 1528 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory numbered peoples have the right to carry out this ago acquired $4 million ruble wing-in-ground type of traditional fishing in any water basin, effect vehicle, but still has not put it on its balance even if it has been transferred for further use sheet and has not presented it to the members of to someone else. According to the order of the the agricultural cooperative that raises doubts Russian Federation Federal Agency for Fishery to its presence, and numerous questions arise of 04.03.2009 № 166, Decree of the Government for a significant monetary maintenance for the of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 07.12.2009, administrative and managerial staff, as subsidies №632-п, contains a provision on the need for are targeted at husbandry and are applications to sign up until September 1. From focused on breeding domestic reindeer, but not the analysis of the above regulations, it follows on financing the administrative and managerial that this procedure, including a requirement for staff. admission documents until September 1, may It was also noted that the company “Piasino concern only traditional fishery, carried out Limited” (its founder is the Administration of in case of the provision of a fishing site. Thus, Taimyr) received in 2011 6.010.055 rubles by the the systematic interpretation of the law implies resolution of the Government of the Krasnoyarsk that current collection of applications for quotas Territory dated February 8, 2011, № 79-п, which to traditional fishery is not based on any law. regulates the provision of financial support for In particular, the Resolution of the Taimirsky production from traditional economic activities Municipal District Administration of 27.01.2012 of the indigenous small-numbered peoples, “On granting aquatic biological resources to use which is almost 22 % of the total allocated for keeping the traditional economic activity of funds for financial support in the district, at the the indigenous small-numbered peoples living same time it was pointed out (literally), that “the in the Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal purpose of providing financial support is to solve District for 2012” is illegal and revocable. the problems of employment of the indigenous Economic empowerment of the indigenous small-numbered peoples, the promotion and peoples is implemented by public organizations. support of different types of traditional economic Thus, on 19 March 2012, in Dudinka there was activities of the indigenous small-numbered held a round table on “Efficiency of state support peoples of the North” (paragraph 1.2. Procedure measures aimed at keeping traditional economic of resolution). And if the household does not solve activities of the indigenous small-numbered these problems, it shall not receive financial peoples of Taimyr” due to the initiative of the support, and, according to our data, there are no Association of the Indigenous Small-numbered any indigenous peoples in the company “Piasino Peoples of Taimyr (the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Limited”, and hunting and fishing carried out by The roundtable participants adopted the resolution, people of other nationalities do not match the one of item of which condemned the position of category “traditional economic activity of the the district administration, having taken no part indigenous small-numbered peoples”. in the round table. Also it was noted that the heads General Director of the company “Piasino of several business entities abused the financial Limited” does not work in this position anymore, support paid them from the regional budget; they and the company has been sold by Taimyr’s use trust funds for reaching questionable goals. authorities to the businessmen from Norilsk. I Examples were given of agricultural production would not like to think that Taimyr’s authorities cooperative “Iara-Tanama”, which three years cover their tracks in such a way, but rather I – 1529 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory would like to see that law enforcement bodies husbandry. Only reindeer husbandry has a more will clarify this case. powerful ethnos-saving factor. That is due to Peculiar interpretation of the Federal Law the traditional hunting the indigenous peoples “On hunting and the preservation of hunting’s of tundra or taiga retain their native languages, resources and introduction in certain legislative special culture of use of wildlife. These people acts of the Russian Federation” has given rise accompany their actions while hunting with rites to a precedent in the Evenkia. Association of and rituals, according to the tradition the first the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the take is shared with the elderly, single mothers, North of Evenkiysky Municipal District of disabled and poor relatives. The purpose of profit, the Krasnoyarsk Territory “Arun” (“Revival”) as a rule, is not a key factor. Hunting products announced that it has some data on citizens are sold to cover costs related to the maintenance who do not belong to the indigenous small- of traditional hunting, and for the formation of numbered peoples of the North, who have been financial and material stocks for the next hunt. given the right to free taking of wildlife by Unsatisfactory law enforcement practice has the representatives of local governments and such an aspect. The Commissioner was given officials of service for the protection, control and the information from non-profit organization regulation of use of wildlife and its environment of traditional trades and crafts subjects “Union in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (81 citizens in the of the indigenous small-numbered peoples’ settlements of Baykit’s group only). According communities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” about to the views of leaders of this public organization, difficulties with the registration of leases of forest this right has been granted illegally. The public lands. As explained by the non-governmental prosecutor’s office of the Krasnoyarsk Territory organization leaders, currently legal entities of responded by Submission of 07.09.2012, № 7/1-09- the indigenous small-numbered peoples having 2012, “On elimination of violations of legislation long-term licenses for the use of wildlife and on hunting and preservation of hunting’s leases of forest lands due to the inactivity of the resources” being sent to the head of service for Forest Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: the protection, control and regulation of use of – can’t produce the state registration of wildlife and its environment. Officials of service these contracts; were brought to administrative responsibility. – can’t get conclusion of the state expertise However, this has not brought clarity to this on forest development projects, which matter. Does every person who goes hunting with are required to develop and submit under a rifle to taiga or tundra should be treated as equal lease contracts, as specified by the to the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the aforesaid agency; North? Does hunting serves him as the basis of – can’t record the leased land in state the existence? Many people do not distinguish cadastral registration lists. between hunting for sustaining the traditional way By the Decree of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of life from amateur, sports and even commercial Arbitration Court, 29 March 2010, case number hunting. A33-22160/2009, inactivity of the Krasnoyarsk Hunting for keeping the traditional way of Territory Forest Agency was declared unlawful. life of the indigenous small-numbered peoples It is expressed in the non-preparation and non- plays a saving role for the whole ethnos. Exactly publication of any legal act which is required the same can be said about as the reindeer for state registration of lease agreement of forest – 1530 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory area, which should have been concluded between on forest areas, will not be able to get state the Krasnoyarsk Territory Forest Agency and the registration of lease agreement on forest areas, community of the indigenous small-numbered whereby such contracts will be recognized peoples. as not concluded , thus not there will not be Until now the Krasnoyarsk Territory Forest fulfilled obligations for long-term licenses for Agency has not eliminated the revealed violations wildlife use in full. of the rights and legitimate interests of the The Commissioner addressed community of the indigenous small-numbered A.A. Klishas, the senator from the Krasnoyarsk peoples and it does not even perform the decision Territory, chairman of the Federation Council of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Arbitration Court. Committee on Constitutional Legislation, In accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 Judicial and Legal Affairs, Development of of Article 72 of the Forest Code of Russian Civil Society, with a request to get involved Federation from 04.12.2006 № 200- ФЗ, by lease in this problem, given that its solution is agreement of a forest area, which is in state or impossible without the execution of the municipal property, the landlord gives the tenant financial obligations of the federal budget. a forest area for one or more purposes. Violation of the economic rights of the An object of lease can only be forest areas indigenous small-numbered peoples is fostered owned by the state or municipality and having by the reduction in staff number of employees state cadastral registration. supervising the state of the environment. On behalf of the Ministry of Economic Insufficient number of inspectors of hunting Development of the Russian Federation and fishing, their inability to make regular of 27.07.2010 № 20321- ИМ/Д23 on the visits to the places where fish is caught; and Krasnoyarsk Territory a forest area as a part also weak interaction at the municipal level of forest lands are subject to state registration. between local governments, law enforcement But cadastral information about the coordinates agencies, veterinary service representatives and of the characteristic points of the boundaries is representatives of the territorial service for the absent, i.e. the territories are enlisted in cadastral protection, control and regulation of the use of registration only declaratively. Territories that wildlife and its environment of the Krasnoyarsk are provided for the use of the indigenous small- Territory while organizing seasonal hunt in public numbered peoples are registered as being in the areas and in the territories where the indigenous ownership of the Russian Federation. small-numbered peoples’ communities perform In addition, the Federal Law “On the Federal their traditional economic activities. The Budget for 2011 and the planning period of 2012 compliance with the requirements of legislation and 2013” from 13.12.2010 № 357 – ФЗ did not in the sphere of nature land management is poor allocate funds for activities to implement state too, which ends up in encouraging malevolent cadastral registration. As a result, in the next two citizens to start illegal hunting and illegal use of years the executive authorities of the Krasnoyarsk aquatic biological resources. As a consequence, Territory won’t register forest areas as part of sable and wild reindeer are wildly shot; catch of forest lands in due order. valuable fish species is done fast and loose. Thus, the legal entities of the indigenous We should mention the fact that bad small-numbered peoples, having long-term performance of official duties by employees licenses for wildlife use and lease agreements from law enforcement agencies and territorial – 1531 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory service for the protection, control and regulation regulation. Thus, citizens who were carrying out of the use of wildlife and its environment in the illegal hunting were allowed to continue illegal Krasnoyarsk Territory regarding the elimination activities on the unknown grounds for more than of illegal acts of citizens in hunting and making two calendar weeks, i.e., they were permitted sustainable documentation on witnessing the to complete their criminal actions (illegal circumstances of the administrative offenses hunting). One of the so-called offenders during in the territories, where the indigenous small- 2012 was twice prosecuted for offenses in the numbered peoples perform their traditional sphere of the hunting, which are enlisted in by economic activities. Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian According to the information obtained Federation. from the non-profit organization of traditional Authorized representatives of the land management, harvesting, hunting and Commissioner became aware of the mass fishing “Union of the communities of the shooting of wild reindeer right in Khatanga rural indigenous small-numbered peoples of the settlement. Hunters threw insides, blood and North of Evenkiysky Municipal District of the guts off right into the river, and we need to note Krasnoyarsk Territory”, the authorized officials that downstream there is the water intake of the during their trip to the place of an offense in the settlement. territory of traditional economic activities of the Such barbaric attitude to nature has become community of the indigenous small-numbered possible partly because in the Taimirsky Dolgano- peoples “Kunnoir” (translated as “Crying out”) Nenetsky Municipal District has a reduced for some unknown reason did not prevent the structure of “Rosprirodnadzor” (Russian Federal illegal acts committed by those citizens, who Service for Supervision of Natural Resource do not belong to the indigenous small-numbered Usage). According to the Commissioner, peoples. These offenders were witnessed as the reduction of this structure at the Taimyr illegal hunting without proper documents. Peninsula is a mistake. Dozens of large industrial The authorities only made ​​a protocol about companies are already operating in the area and administrative offense”. conducting their activities in 26 licensed areas. Besides that, offenders were not arrested and The whole territory of the region is defined as the were not delivered to law enforcement agencies, place of original habitat and traditional economic they were allowed to keep their gun (traps). Even activities of the indigenous small-numbered their rifled firearms were not withdrawn despite peoples of the North. Uncontrolled activity of the absence of the licensing documents. industrial companies sometimes causes serious Illegal activities concerning hunting sable damage to the original habitat of the indigenous were qualified as an administrative offense by peoples. local authorities. One should take into account The Commissioner was asked by the Noskov that the protocol has not specified by some settlement in tundra reindeer herders V. and Ia. unknown reason a number of the found harvested to react to this ecological character crime. The sable skins. herders attached to their application ​​photos According to the protocol the period, and videos showing the large-scale soil cover within which the detected violations should disturbance of tundra stretching for tens of be eliminated, shall not exceed 14 days from kilometers, near the river Iakovlevka. According the moment of issuing the corresponding to them, in the summer time the whole neighboring – 1532 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory region of the tundra was traveled through they got safe only because it was still light. K. by heavy crawler tractors and cross-country citizen testified to the Commissioner for he asked vehicles serving the licensed oilfield mined by the the repairers to mark the rope with light lights or company “Rosneft”. by other means and they just laughed in response. For the Commissioner, who grew up in The Prosecutor’s department of Taimirsky a family of reindeer herders, images of the Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal District has not blasphemous attitude to the nature, the ruthless seen in this death any components of the crime destruction of reindeer moss and lichens have and refused to start a criminal case. become the best proof of ineffectiveness of the The Commissioner makes here a statement authorities assigned to monitor compliance with that he will seek further review of the investigation the constitutional rights of citizens to the safe materials, insist on beginning criminal case and environment. Relevant materials were then sent find real perpetrators, guilty in the death of to the Public Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk citizen P. Territory. The Commissioner appealed to the heads Right to Work and Decent Life of the territorial department of the Federal Right to work and decent life for the Service for Supervision of Natural Resources indigenous peoples is associated with their of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with a rights to protection of their original habitat and recommendation to recreate their department to undertake entrepreneurial activity through in Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal keeping the traditional economic activities of the District, taking into account the availability indigenous peoples. The existence of problems of staff units in the rural settlement of Karaul in the implementation of these rights entails a and Khatanga. reduction of income, impairment of life standard, The original habitat of the indigenous an increase in injuries, sometimes fatal ones. peoples as a result of the activities of industrial The materials of the Accounts Chamber of companies is getting unsafe for reindeer herders, the Krasnoyarsk Territory have witnessed a recent hunters and fishermen. years’ trend of the increased number of citizens In October 2012, near the village Tukhard a with incomes below the minimum subsistence tragic accident happened to citizen P. Two children level. In Evenkia this number went up from 1,283 were left without a single parent, i.e. they became people in 2009 to 4,668 people in 2011. Figures orphans. The inhabitants of Tukhard stated that are common, they do not take into account the a young father was a non-drinker, hardworking national characteristic of the district inhabitants, man of respect among fellow countrymen. Citizen but there is no doubt that the number of the P. was returning from fishing home on his boat by indigenous peoples falling in this category is the Bol’shaya Kheta river in the dark and came sufficient. According to the same year materials, across a taut rope, which made him thrown out the average monthly salary of the fishermen, who of the boat into the cold water, where he drowned are almost 100% representatives of the northern eventually. The taut rope was pulled by the ethnic groups, was 3,900 rubles. The average professional divers to produce necessary repairs monthly salary of hunters was 5,200 rubles. The in the gas pipeline running along the bottom of subsistence minimum level in the Evenk region the river. A few days earlier the rope had almost for able-bodied population is 14,705 rubles. hit two people, returning by boat to their village, The average monthly salary of reindeer herder – 1533 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Evenkia was higher than that of hunters and Average monthly wage of reindeer herders fishermen, but, unfortunately, it also fell short of living in Noskov and Tukhard, according to the the minimum subsistence level, it was only 8,100 data of agricultural production cooperatives rubles. “Iara-Tanama” and “Suzun”, also does not reach At the Taimyr Peninsula the situation is no minimum subsistence level, although households’ better, although the local authorities are trying owners are making efforts to rectify the situation. to sugarcoat it. Thus, the achievements there Unfortunately, these measures are not sufficient; included the situation on the labor market, namely instead, the government should make more the reduction of unemployment: as for 01.01.2011 meaningful and effective efforts to remedy the 645 people were registered in employment situation. services and by 01.01.2012 this number fell to 586 For example, S.A. Sizonenko, the head people. of cooperative “Suzun” has However, we know that the citizens, who taken all the critical remarks with positive and preserve traditional lifestyle and (or) carry constructive attitude. Thus, two years ago the out different kinds of traditional economic Commissioner analyzed the applications from activities of the indigenous peoples, receive workers and cooperative members, in which they compensation in the amount of 4000 rubles asked for proper documentation of their property a month and they are not registered in the shares by cooperative’s heads. S.A. Sizonenko, employment services as unemployed. being the chairman of the cooperative, eagerly In 2009, the number of such people was eliminated these discrepancies and, moreover, 1,941, in 2010 – 1,963, in 2011 – 1,842. Revenues introduced into his daily routine regular of these citizens are 3-3.5 times lower than the consultations with experienced workers – former minimum subsistence level in the area (for the heads of reindeer farms in the times of the Soviet able-bodied population it is 12,573 rubles, in the Union. The result of these measures is a steady rural settlement of Khatanga – 14 608 rubles). increase in the number of domesticated reindeer These people do not registered in employment and the highest salary in the herder industry at the services due to the necessity to go on the Taimyr Peninsula. Although, consider it again, it dole once in two weeks, which is impossible is not equal to 12,573 rubles, which is minimum in their living conditions. In fact, it is hidden subsistence level in the district. unemployment; if we take it in consideration Heads of deer farms offer to increase with the situation on the labor market will be compensation (benefits) for herders up to fundamentally different. 6,000 rubles per month, as reindeer herding According to the report of the administration is critical for the development of some ethnic of Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal groups. The Commissioner agrees with them District, the average monthly wage of fisherman and recommends the Government of the (they are primarily the indigenous people) is 3,632 Krasnoyarsk Territory to seek the possibility rubles 90 kopecks. of increasing the amount of compensation to a Average monthly wage of reindeer herders specified amount. in Khatanga is 2,570 rubles. Given the benefits This measure will reduce social tension in (4,000 rubles per month) the total income of the area. herders is 6,570 rubles, which is two and a half It may be interesting to see the dynamics times less than minimum subsistence level. of the number of applications for social support – 1534 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory received from the citizens, who are the indigenous Violation of labor rights of the northern small-numbered peoples of Taimyr. ethnic groups happens partly due to the reduced number of bodies, assigned to implement control 2009 2010 2011 2 641 (26,2 %) 3 146 (31,1 %) 3 408 (33,6 %) in the field of labor relations. A female citizen T., the worker of municipal Conclusions of the Accounts Chamber of the housing and maintenance utilities enterprise Krasnoyarsk Territory: every third indigenous “Taimyr”, located in the settlement of Ust’-Avam, resident of the region has the right to get social referred to the Commissioner requesting for her support, while this right arises due to insufficient labor rights’ protection. T. is pregnant, she has funds of these people to cover their basic two minor children at the age of 3 and 6 years old. expenditures. The employer made her quit of her own accord. The Commissioner repeatedly called The Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the authorities to Taimyr with the protects her rights and bans to dismiss pregnant recommendation to cease violations of the women by the will of employers. indigenous peoples’ rights to have access to In order to protect the female citizen T. labor hunting and fishing lands. The indigenous rights, letters were sent to the Prosecutor’s Office people should also a priority while using of Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky Municipal aquatic biological resources, as well as District and to State Labor Inspection Service getting licenses on wildlife. They should in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which is directly not overcome bureaucratic obstacles to responsible for Taimirsky Dolgano-Nenetsky carrying out their traditional economic Municipal District. Both bodies did not determine activities. The authorities must create areas the infringement of rights. The Prosecutor’s of traditional use of natural resources. All Office of the District wrote back an excuse that these measures will improve the socio- the complainant is on vacation now, any evidence economic situation. of making her quit of her own accord have not However, local authorities prefer only to been discovered, the prosecutor’s response increase the burden on the regional budget in measures are not planned. In the opinion of the the case of provision of social support. The Commissioner, the Prosecutor’s Office exhibits Krasnoyarsk Territories’ authorities fulfill only formal control of the violation of rights. their obligations, but the district authorities are There are some reasons for this anyway. It is an obliged to create conditions to ensure the rights unaffordable luxury both for the employees of of the indigenous peoples to their economic the Prosecutor’s Office and for the employees of development, community activities for the State Labor Inspection Service to visit a remote indigenous peoples, especially since they are Ust’-Avam settlement by a helicopter and to live endowed with the state power by the law of the there about one-two weeks while waiting for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. next helicopter to get them back home. Article 132 of the Constitution of the Soon there was received one more employees’ Russian Federation in terms of control over complaint from the same enterprise of this remote the implementation of delegated state powers area. Now people blamed the heads of municipal can become the reason for claim to the public enterprise “Taimyr” for inappropriate conditions authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, who of work. It turned out impossible to restore work ineffectively. citizen’s labor rights with the help of government – 1535 – Semen Ya. Palchin. Problems of Economic Rights of the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples in the Krasnoyarsk Territory bodies. State Labor Inspection Service honestly case. S.I. Makovskaia, First Deputy Minister, replied in their letter (literally): “Bearing in mind assured the Commissioner and M. that “at that municipal housing and maintenance utilities present time a procedure of personnel and staff enterprise “Taimyr”, located in the settlement of reduction is not being made”. Moreover, M. was Ust’-Avam, is to be reduced in staff and as the given guarantees of compliance with the Labor routine audit of municipal enterprise “Taimyr” is Code of the Russian Federation if the procedure not planned in 2012, it is impossible to organize of personnel and staff reduction takes place. the unscheduled inspection of the information Conclusions: in the Russian Federation got”. and one of its subjects – the Krasnoyarsk Some worrying news came from Territory – there is an extensive normative and Turukhansky District. Being anxious about legal framework, the task of which is to create their probable dismissal, the employees of the legal mechanisms to implement the rights of the laboratory referred to Office of indigenous peoples prescribed by the Russian the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Constitution. However, this legislation and Krasnoyarsk Territory. its enforcement practices are to be amended. A female citizen M. informed the Numerous examples from the work of the Commissioner of her acquaintance with the order Commissioner for rights of the indigenous of new staff list, which has no her position. The small-numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk female citizen M. raises her five years old minor Territory suggest that in the Krasnoyarsk daughter alone. The situation is made worse by a Territory there is a need in the Commissioner possible eviction from corporate housing in the for effective realization of the rights of the case of her position is reduced. In the view of M. indigenous small-numbered peoples. It is she would be fired because of her nationality. necessary to develop further the normative and The Commissioner for Human Rights in the legal framework to solve the real problems of Krasnoyarsk Territory addressed the Ministry the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk Territory more quickly and with Territory with the request to pay attention to this greater soсial response.

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Проблемы реализации экономических прав коренных малочисленных народов Красноярского края

С. Я. Пальчин Аппарат Уполномоченного по правам человека в Красноярском крае Россия, 660021, Красноярск, ул. Карла Маркса, 122

Настоящая статья представляет собой вторую часть материала, основанного на Докладе Уполномоченного по правам коренных малочисленных народов в Красноярском крае «О проблемах реализации конституционных прав и свобод коренных малочисленных народов на территории Красноярского края в 2012 году». В статье подробно анализируются проблемы реализации экономических прав коренных малочисленных народов Красноярского края. В частности, речь идет о следующих правах: право на защиту исконной среды обитания, традиционного образа жизни и традиционного природопользования; право на труд и достойную жизнь. В статье не только раскрываются проблемы федерального и регионального законодательства, а также недостаточность правоприменительной практики, но и формулируются рекомендации и просьбы, которые выдвигает Уполномоченный орган исполнительной власти и местного самоуправления для решения существующих проблемных ситуаций. Ключевые слова: северные и арктические территории, Красноярский край, нормативно- правовая база, коренные малочисленные народы Красноярского края, Уполномоченный по правам коренных малочисленных народов, правоприменительная практика.