Northern Union Outlook for 1962
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L UTLOOK "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me: be- Nevada. Iowa September 4, 1962 cause He hath annointed Me to preach Volume 26 Number 17 good tidings. ' Isaiah 61:1 EXTEND THE MESSAGE The recent Million Dollar Offering The Sacrificial System was a success and the Northern Un- ion went over the top in the funds it BY M. H. JENSEN raised for this offering. Now these In the old sacrificial system two properly represent the Son of God. funds are going through the normal things stand out. The members of Yet, I have seen clothing offered to channels and are on their way to do God's church in the wilderness were the Lord that looked just about like their work in providing laborers and instructed not to come before the that old sheep, had about as many facilities to hasten on the message of Lord empty handed. The reason is things wrong, and about as bad. This salvation in the entire world. The clear. It would show a lack of inter- ought not so to be. The clothing may Northern Union as well as the for- est, cold form, no love. True love not be new, but the blemishes can be eign fields will benefit from your must find expression in gift.; and mended and the spots cleaned. The liberality. deeds. Every true lover must give Bible does say something about a At the General Conference Session something. Love compels it. Second, needle and thread and fuller's soap. we were told that 99 per cent of the the offering or sacrifice must not So it would be altogether Biblical to peoples of the world are in areas be a lame gift. This was especially use all three. Let's do it and bring to where the message of salvation is true of the sacrificial lamb. It must the Lord an offering without spot or being preached. Jesus said, "Go ye be without spot or blemish. Again the blemish, a clean offering. into all the world and preach to ev- reason is obvious. That lamb stood Remember the clothes you give ery creature." These statistics indi- for something. It represented the represent something, they stand for cate that 1 per cent of every crea- spotless Lamb of God, the Prince something. It is your gift of love to ture is left to be reached. of heaven, the Saviour of men. your Lord. Many may see in that un- On September 8 an offering will be In God's church in those days the blemished, spotless garment the taken in all of our churches to help lamb was not the only sacrifice man cleansing power of the Gospel. They reach this 1 per cent. Missions Ex- could make. He could give a dove, may also recognize that what the tension means just that and your meal, oil, a heifer, or a sheaf of love of Christ, through you, has done continued loyal support of this offer- wheat. But whatever a person for that garment, the blood of Christ ing will aid in reaching out into un- brought to his God, must be the best can do for their life. We should re- entered territories. he could afford. Not a blemished, or member also that on every piece of Let us each one be liberal in the worthless offering. Everything offered clothing are the words, "Seventh- support of the September 8 Missions had a meaning, it stood for some- day Adventist Church." It represents Extension Offering. thing. What it stood for must be rep- you, your church, your Lord, His resented aright. love, His cleansing power. As some In a sense our entire welfare pro- disaster victim walks out of a Sev- gram is a sacrificial system. We may enth-day Adventist welfare center clothes just lifted our glorious mes- not be offering a lamb on an altar in and down the street, just how is sage onto a higher plain in the minds the sense the worshippers of Old lour church, your Lord, represented of all those who saw them. Let's keep Testament times did, but we should by the clothing he wears? the standard high, our gifts to our bring our gift to the Lord in the same My heart has been thrilled again Lord without spot or blemish. Re- spirit. Back there, God told them and again as I have heard city, state membering the words of our Lord, plainly that a blind, broken, maimed and government officials comment "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch sheep, one with tumors, scurvy and in glowing terms on the nice cloth- as ye have done it unto one of the scabs would not be accepted. (Lev. ing Seventh-day Adventists were least of these My brethren, ye have 22:22) Such an offering could not giving to people. These beautiful done it unto Me" NORTHERN UNION OUTLOOK "Lost And Found" be creative and learn skills. Eighty- Rapid City for their third year there four MV honors were earned in Mrs. Olga Estey is beginning her sec- At General Conference these three activities. ond year at Hot Springs. Alton Fin- Session Everyone who participated in an layson is starting his fourth year at A number of items that were lost activity did not necessarily qualify Huron and Mrs. Ethel Brinley is be- during the time of the General Con- for the MV honor. For example, over ginning her seventh year at Sioux ference Session in San Francisco 50 came out every day for archery Falls. At this time, Redfield has no were found and turned in to the but only two qualified in skill. This permanent teacher in spite of our locating office, but not claimed. is a natural situation. Nevertheless, cross-country searching. These items are now in the Pacific 171 honors were completed by the Certainly, the parents and church- Union Conference office, and among campers. This is an average of two men of these communities are ful- them are three watches, a pair of per person, while many completed filling the words of the Testimonies," binoculars, several Bibles and other more than that. Others, mainly "As we go forward in establishing miscellaneous items. If you lost any- first-year campers, did not accom- church schools, we shall find a work thing while attending the General plish so much, but will next year. to be done for the children in places Conference Session, please write to Don Sales was the camp pastor where it has been thought a school the Pacific Union Conference, Box and his unique chemical illustrations could not be maintained. As far as 146, Glendale 5, California, giving kept everyone interested. On Friday possible, all our children should a description of the lost item; and night M. L. Hale was our guest have the privilege of a Christian edu- if it is in the material on hand, it speaker and on Sabbath morning cation. To provide this we must will be sent to you. F. W. Bieber led us in a consecra- sometimes establish home church Several items were lost that were tion service. His first call was for schools. It would be well if several not turned in to the "Lost and baptismal candidates; thirty-eight families in a neighborhood would Found" department. Among these boys and girls responded and their unite to employ a humble, God-fear- was an Omego wristwatch with the names are being sent to their dis- ing teacher to give to the parents name Douglas on the face. Other trict pastors. Other calls were for that help that is needed in educating items that came to our attention were those who would dedicate themselves their children. This will be a great traveler's checks, Bibles, purses, etc. to some special work such as the blessing to many isolated groups of If you found anything at the Gen- ministry, teaching, and medical Sabbathkeepers. ." Counsels to eral Conference Session, and do not Parents and Teachers, work; a number stood for each call. p. 158. know where to return it, please no- Are your children learning lessons What will next year's camp bring tify the Pacific Union Conference at of salvation and Christian living in for your boys and girls? Only God the same address as given above. their school? Approximately two- knows, but plan., are already being W. J. BLACKER, Secretary-Treasurer thirds of our South Dakota children made to make it better yet, with Pacific Union Conference are in church school. If you wish greater purpose. Start planning your children to have this God-de- now for your children to enjoy this signed education, there are two ave- week of Christian fellowship. SOUTH DAKOTA nues of action: to move to one of NEVILLE GEORGE Conference of Seventh-day Adventists these communities that have a school 217 North Grand, Pierre, S. Dakota MV Secretary F. W. Bieber, President M. L. Hale, Secretary Make wills and legacies to South Dakota Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists Two New Church Schools NORTHERN UNION OUTLOOK Editorial Office: Open 400 North Lilac Drive, Junior Camp Gains After a year and a half of plan- Minneapolis 22, Minnesota L. H. Netteburg Editor 38 Divisions ning and waiting for teachers Bates- Mildred V. Nylund Assistant Editor Every activity planned for this land and Ridgeview have now open- ed their church schools. past camp had one or more purposes. Volume 26 September 4, 1962 Number 17 Water skiing and archery were the William Kromminga and family are situated at Batesland as pastor- Published weekly by the Northern two recreational pursuits, along with Union Col.ference of Seventh-day Ad- free swimming.