Water Resources of the Grand Rapids Area, Michigan
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GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 323 WATER RESOURCES OF THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, MICHIGAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Douglas McKay, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. E. Wrather, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY CIRCULAR 323 WATER RESOURCES OF THE GRAND RAPIDS AREA, MICHIGAN By G. J. Stramel, C. O. Wisler, and L. B. Laird Washington, D. C., 1964 Free on application to the Geok .deal Surv r, Washii ton 26 D. C. PREFACE This report is one of a series concerning the water Those who have contributed data for the report are: resources of selected industrial areas of national im J. G. Rulison, chief, Water Resources Section, Geo portance and has been prepared at the request of the logical Survey Division, Michigan Department of Con Business and Defense Services Administration of the servation; L. F. Oeming and Norman Billings of the Department of Commerce. It is intended to provide Michigan Water Resources Commission; Paul Goebel, information of value for national defense and related mayor, G. E. Bean, city manager, C. W. Darling, serv purposes as well as basic data on the water resources ice director, Lester Harris, city chemist, Millard of the Grand Rapids area. The series is being pre Moore, city engineer, John Knoll, engineer, and Henry pared in the Water Resources Division with the Spenski, registrar, of the city of Grand Rapids; Hewey assistance of J. B. Graham and K. A. MacKichan Cork, city manager, and Clifford Paige,' city engineer, of the Water Utilization Section, Technical Coordina of East Grand Rapids; Kenneth Jones, supervisor, and tion Branch. This report was prepared by G. J. Paul Spellman, engineer, of Wyoming Township; Calvin Stramel, under the supervision of J. G. Ferris, dis DeBoer, water superintendent, city of Grandville; John trict engineer (Ground Water Branch); by C. O. Wisler, Kasselman, industrial commissioner, Grand Rapids under the supervision of A. D. Ash, district engineer Chamber of Commerce. Well-drilling contractors, (Surface Water Branch); and by L. B. Laird, under C. S. Raymer of Grand Rapids, and the Layne-Northern the supervision of W. L. Lamar, district chemist Company, Inc., of Lansing, provided many well rec - (Quality of Water Branch). ords and other pertinent information related to ground water. Most of the water-resources data in this report have been collected by the U. S. Geological Survey in co Appreciation is expressed to the firms of Hamilton, operation with agencies of the State of Michigan and Weeber, and Ward, and Williams and Works for the local governments. Additional data were obtained reports and data which they generously provided. from industries in the Grand Rapids area. II CONTENTS Page Page Abstract............................ 1 Ground water Continued Introduction....................... 1 Water-bearing formations Continued Purpose of this report...... 1 Bedrock Continued Description of area.......... 1 Michigan formation.......................... 27 Climate......................... 2 Bayport limestone........................... 27 Sources of water................ 2 Other bedrock formations................. 27 Surface water..................... 5 Glacial drift...................................... 28 Lake Michigan................ 5 Moraines and till plains ........... ........ 28 Grand River................... 5 Outwash plains................................ 28 Average discharge........ 5 Lake plains.................................... 29 Flow characteristics..... 5 Chemical quality............................. 30 Floods........................ 5 Public water supplies................................ 30 Chemical quality.......... 11 Grand Rapids........................................ 30 Tributary streams........... 16 East Grand Rapids................................. 32 Thornapple River......... 16 Wyoming Township................................ 35 Rogue River................ 18 Grandville............................................ 35 Small streams............. 18 Rockford.............................................. 35 Chemical quality.......... 18 Private industrial and commercial supplies.. 38 Ground water..................... 20 Irrigation and rural supplies...................... 38 Occurrence.................... 20 Potentialities........................................... 38 Water-bearing formation^. 21 Surface water....................................... 38 Bedrock...................... 21 Ground water..................................... .. 39 Coldwater shale........ 21 Water laws.............................................. 39 Marshall formation.... 21 Selected references.................................. 40 ILLUSTRATIONS Page Plate 1. Map of the Grand Rapids area showing where water resources data have been collected and the area served by the Grand Rapids Water Department...................................................... In pocket 2. Map of the Grand Rapids area showing glacial deposits and their water-bearing properties... In pocket 3. Geological map of the Grand Rapids area showing bedrock formations and their water bearing properties................................................................................................. In pocket Figure 1. Population growth in the Grand Rapids area, 1850 1950................................................. 2 2. Monthly air temperatures at Grand Rapids, 1886 1952.................................................. 2 3. Precipitation records at Grand Rapids......................................................................... 3 4. Map of the Grand River basin...................................................................................... 6 5. Duration of records at gaging stations in the Grand River basin........................................ 7 6. Daily flow of Grand River at Grand Rapids, 1938........................................................... 8 7. Monthly flow of Grand River at Grand Rapids, 1930 52.................................................. 9 8. Duration curve of daily flow, Grand River at Grand Rapids.............................................. 10 9. Lowest average discharge of Grand River at Grand Rapids, 1930 52................................ 11 10. Storage graph for Grand River at Grand Rapids, 1930 52............................................... 12 11. Peak flood stages on the Grand River at Grand Rapids, 1904 52...................................... 13 12. Profiles of floods of March 1904 and March 1948 and of protective works, Grand River at Grand Rapids............................................................... ........................................ 14 13. Map showing the area of Grand Rapids inundated in the flood of March 1904........................ 15 14. Maximum, minimum, and average hardness of Grand River water at Grand Rapids, 1930 39 16 15. Duration curve of daily flow, Thornapple River near Hastings.......................................... 17 16. Flood peaks of 1,000 cubic feet per second or more on the Thornapple River near Hastings, 1944 52.............................................................................................................. 18 17. Monthly flow of the Thornapple River near Hastings, 1944 52........................................ 19 18. Water level in an observation well in Grandville, 1950 52.............................................. 21 19. Topography of the bedrock surface of the Grand Rapids area............................................ 22 20. Generalized geologic sections, A-A 1 and B-B 1 ............................................................... 23 21. Composition of water from selected wells in the Marshall formation in the Grand Rapids area 25 III IV CONTENTS Page Figure 22. Generalized diagram showing how water is induced to flow from a river to a pumped well........... 29 23. Composition of water from selected wells in the glacial drift in the Grand Rapids area.............. 31 24. Annual pumpage by the city of Grand Rapids, 1913 51........................................................ 32 25. Maximum daily, maximum monthly, and average annual pumpage by the city of Grand Rapids, 1913 52................................................................................................................... 33 26. Daily pumpage by the city of Grand Rapids and daily temperature of Lake Michigan water, 1951.. 34 27. Pumpage from Reeds Lake by the city of East Grand Rapids and lake levels, 1931 52.............. 36 28. Maximum and minimum daily pumpage by the city of East Grand Rapids, 1945 52.................... 37 29. Temperature of water from Reeds Lake, 1950..................................................................... 37 TABLES Page Table 1. Chemical quality of water from Lake Michigan and selected streams in the Grand Rapids area....... 4 2. Temperature of Grand River water at Grand Rapids, 1930 39....................... ..................... 16 3. Discharge measurements of streams tributary to the Grand River in the Grand Rapids area.......... 20 4. Probable duration of low flows of small streams in Grand Rapids area, 1944 52........................ 20 5. Water-bearing properties of the geologic formations in the Grand Rapids area........................... 24 6. Chemical quality of water from selected wells in the Grand Rapids area.................................... 26 7. Total hardness of ground water from Wyoming Township wells............................................... 30 8. Chemical quality of public water supplies in the Grand Rapids area..........................................