Blessed John XXIII
The CatholicWitness The Newspaper of the Diocese of Harrisburg April 11, 2014 Vol 48 No. 7 CNS IMAGE SANTA SUBITO! Short Pontificate, Long Blessed John Paul Brought Impact: Blessed John XXIII Moral force to World Stage Catholic News Service ing challenges unfolding in the world Catholic News Service Within the Church, the pope was just – and, by inviting non-Catholics to as vigorous and no less controversial. Although he served as pope for less the council, to work toward Christian Blessed John Paul II, who will be He disciplined dissenting theologians, than five years, Blessed John XXIII left unity. canonized April 27, was one of the excommunicated self-styled “tradi- one of the most lasting legacies in the As pope from 1958 to 1963, Blessed most forceful moral leaders of the tionalists,” and upheld often unpopu- Catholic Church’s history by conven- John launched an extensive renewal modern age. lar Church positions like its opposition ing the Second Vatican Council. of the Church when he convoked the He brought a philosopher’s intel- to artificial birth control. At the same A plump, elderly, smiling Italian of council, which set in motion major re- lect, a pilgrim’s spiritual intensity time, he pushed Catholic social teach- peasant origins, the future pope had an forms with regard to the Church and and an actor’s flair for the dramatic ing into relatively new areas such as illustrious career as a papal diplomat in its structure, the liturgy, ecumenism, to his role as head of the universal bioethics, international economics, rac- Bulgaria, Turkey and postwar France.
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