Acme Elementary Monthly News Acme Elementary Phone 360-383-2045 Fax 360-383-2049 District Weather and Operations Line 360-383-2070 Email:
[email protected] Mt. Baker School District Web Site: January 4, 2021 MT. BAKER SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION STAMENTMENT The Mt. Baker School District, working with the community, will provide all students a strong educational foundation upon which they can build their futures. as productive citizens in our changing world. Counselor Corner A Message from Mrs. Takata Happy New Year! I hope you found time to relax and con- Dear Acme Elementary Families, nect with the people and things important to you over Welcome to 2021!! Our Acme staff is looking forward to winter break. This month we honor Martin Luther King returning to learning on site and virtually with our students. Jr.. As we are entering into a new period of learning, it is essen- “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” - Martin tial that ALL families complete the MBSD Quarterly Attesta- Luther King Jr. tion Form by January 8. This form is just one of the safety For this moment in time, MLK Jr.’s message of hope is components that have been put into place so we can have students on our campus. This attestation is for the period of what resonates most for me. Through some of the dark- time from January 11-March 26. Please make sure you com- ness of this past year, the stars still shone bright and I plete this form one time for every child you have.