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Pdf | 261.99 Kb LIBYA COMPLEX EMERGENCY 8° 12° Original Map Courtesy24° of the UN Cartographic Section 0 100 200 mi 16° 20° The boundaries and names used on this map do !0 not imply official endorsement or acceptance 0 100 200 300 km by the U.S. Government. !0 Mediterranean TUNISIA Sea GREECE • A total of 434,939 people have Qarqanah Sfax7 !0 crossed into Tunisia as of May 25th • ~5,350 residing in transit sites in Ra’s Ajdir as of May 23th 34° • A total of 301,608 people have 34° 7 !0Djerba • ~1,497 residing in camps near the !0 Dahiba border as of May 23th crossed into Egypt as of May 25th !0 Ra’s Ajdir • ~540 residing in transit sites !0 Zawiyah Susah in Salloum as of May 24th Ben Gardane !0 Zuwarah !0 !0 4 Tripoli !0 7 !0 Al Bayda 7 Derna Remada 1 2 Khums Gulf Marj 7 Tataouine Aziziyah Zlitan Tobruk 3 5 !0 of 6 !0 Dahiba Benghazi Marsa Gharyan Misratah !0 7ALAL MARAJMARAJ Salloum RG EL JENEIN Yefran Sidra DERNADERNA Matruh E Wazin Bani Tarhunah Adam !0 Zintan N A F U S A Walid Nalut Sidi Omar J A B A L BENGHAZIBENGHAZI NALUTNALUT Surt Sinawin MISRATAHMISRATAH Ghadamis/ 7 Ajdabiya Fort Saint Debdeb Bin Jawwad Qaryah !0 Q AT U M M K I H J A U W A ash Sharqiyah Ras !0 Brega I N R I 30°Borj 7 Dirj D AT A 7 M 30° A M M A L H I M An Lanuf Messouda Ghadamis H A R A L Nawfaliyah Uqayla Jaghbub El Wahat ALAL JABALJABAL ALAL GHARBIGHARBI SURTSURT A L G E R I SIRTE DESERT Awjilah ALAL BUTNANBUTNAN Hun Waddan Jalu A total of 19,632 people Maradah GREAT SAND SEA have crossed into ALAL WAHATWAHAT Algeria as of May 25th Zillah E G Y P T WADIWADI ASHASH SHATISHATI Al Fuqaha LIBYAN DESERT Birak 7 ALAL JAFRAHJAFRAH Adiri (SAHARA) TIRINE PLAIN A L H A R U J SABHASABHA C K M O U N TA 7Sabha B L A I N S Awbari Tarat Tmassah GHATGHAT WADIWADI ALAL HAYATHAYAT 26° T 26° STAFA Umm al MA AK Marzuq Aranib Uwaynat AS Tazirbu M Zighan 7 Ghat Waw al Kabir Qatrun ALAL MURZUQMURZUQ Tin Alkoum A total of 27,068 people RABIANAH Madrusah have crossed into Chad SAND SEA Al Wigh Kufrah Tahrami as of May 25th Rabyanah Jawf INFORM IC AT T I M O U ALAL KAFRAHKAFRAH H IO E S N TA P S B I N A N I S R T U G N O I T E G Toummo U A total of 2,800 people S A A D KEY ID F have crossed into Sudan /DCHA/O Location of reported conflict in as of May 25th 22° recent days* A total of 68,867 people Awaynat 22° Location of formerly reported have crossed into Niger Ma'tan as Sarra conflict* as of May 25th Crossing Point/Transit Camp** Point of Departure*** Î! National Capital Major City CHAD Other City NIGER 7 Airport LIBYA !0 Sea Port KEY TO SHABIYAHS SUDAN Highway 1 AN NUQAT AL KHAMS Road 2 AZ ZAWIYAH 18° 18° *SOURCE: Various Media Reports 3 AL JAFARAH **SOURCE: OCHA, MapAction 4 TARABULUS ***SOURCE: OCHA, UNHCR Population Migration numbers from IOM 5 AL MARQAB 6 AL JABAL AL AKHDAR 05/26/11 12° 16° 20° 24°.
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