COM Ftlercial. Nn, JOIJ.Y IS UJL1SS Correpon Ter.Ce Or Th Louisville Democrat
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1UK LETTER FROM ST. LOUIS. ET We were shown yesterday some very HTEA31 BOATfcj. liKUT HlMllhi J:I9lIlk THE DEMOCRAT. superior specimens of Tcbjcco of Kentucky LATEST STREAK COM ftlERCIAL. nn, JOIJ.Y IS UJL1SS Correpon Ter.ce or th Louisville Democrat. growth, at the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse. 1 Ul.AK l.Oll-V- II ! F T. I.nt'lB St. Lows, Jan 15. 1851. OFFICE OF THR LOUISVILLE DEMuCKT. lift FRIDAY. JANUARY 23, 1852 I'. dees seem to us it is needless to go out Tuesday hYcmiig, Jan. !t2, 1331. S SAKSAPAlll l.LA Me-sr- that is put wp In full quart bott.ts, and ths Editors: The holidays in our city very owing tttnely to the IT of old Kentucky for the weed, when such sam- Businesicontir.uss inactive, oi tlx Umtm a.i mum pure Poi.dura ars The Dcmlik. The machinery, furnituit. pass d eff as pleasant and bappy as possib e. suspension of navigation. paiiiia as any similar prepratioa in Amenta. Pries ples are so common here. Messrs. Watkins & oie dollar j i bottle, or tor five of FlJ-i- r has b?en considerably reduced, SCHUYLKILL, M. Ibrtlii, hx dollars. cargo of this boat has been and the writer trusts it proved &o to you. Wi Tiu stock The hue steamer Jocn It Has been a and portion of the Rowland, the inspectors at this Warehouse, will run as a regular packet tc St. Louis; eavirg wen established Let lor years ast, tha which has caused on advance. Eitra brands, fiom mauler, a, when pure and pr- n had all M sariipaiii perly wastue saved by trie ferry boat Waik-i- kinds of amusements public tea par many l.ouisviiie every .Satumay at 10 A. , and returciiig, only panacea have specimens of rare growth, which stores, we quote at 3 G0a;37 5. 6 M . true lor ail diseases oiiginalii.g fiom ties, masquerades, eaves St. Louis every Tuesday at P. impuie Stale ol the use Tte Lull wili prove a total less. cotillion parties, walling Uiey gathered during a recent tour in the Very lit'le is doing in grain. Wheat is scarce at 57c. P rfreightorpassage apply orboaidorto blood, the of meriuii .n.tox hare dunks, evil hauls in youth, bairet ne.--s. W e parties, EPOKTED FOR. THE LOUISVU.LE DAILY DEMOCRAT j2l H.hAsHAM.Js. Ac. theater, &c. The time honored Oats30c, tfom scores. Hay we quote at Jt3. baldly assert tr.a JOHN EX K A recently sunk at 4c, Tobacco growing regions of the State. We wilt above on low BILL'S LUD I CI Thi Consigns. This boat, Wo no Schuylkill leave fonts Ot SA K.SA P. KILL is ibe on y bef. custom of paying the visit," on New bear of transactions in the grjeery muket Day tr.e 6 10 M. irepara.ioi i to "annual invite the attention of the Tobacco growers, of h. at A. the pub ic taat is ou t t.c Baiubndge, near Cape Girardeau, is reported worthy of n ite. CufTee we qiute at 9- -. Fair Sugar 6a piepartd s"ii.t.y sen princi- Year's day, was more Tlllitl lO.UKE. orm lit.- r?-- i generally observed thai he especially, to the Louisville market. fr fMfr.w ples, and of ui:l strength, is .uf Le broken ia two, and wili prove a total loss, wesi 5ic. Mulisses2Ga97c. o it. .. chafed regard to pi and without ice, ever) youni, oeior neretofore. It is a glorious custom makes First Session. fine REINDEER, Mcnt- - , furniture. The We are sure that with the advantages it pre Hol lers of Mess Pork are asking $13 23if 13 50. The steamr 'eiiig ued, is .subject to the s:i iciest chru,n.i tes-- ana ereent her machinerv and strangers 8'""ery, n ater, will leave asabove as soon its bt'oie beina friends, and friends more firm. Rump Pork 10. Lard Clver-c- d .euuiiieness ascerta.ned used. sents, it will double imoortant branch of Prime 7Ja7j.. Ci.4-- ' freight has been eared without much damage. this Wasihxgtox, Jan. 22. r' i opt lis. H'i l's SarsaparuU also contains Ihe virtues of several Our beautiful theatre, kno a as "Bates's," f 3 75. Flaxseed $li?l 10. 'o hifg beyond a retail 'MF r iitiiht or pasae fly in board cr to other valuable medical roots, tlier tt business during the year. Senate. On motion of Mr. Hall, the peti- C. BASHAM. tot eb; Lewis Wetzel has been eoM owned by Mr. James W. Bates, and managed bus ness is d in in any other artkl s. j2u couicound, and producing ii: rfti'Hiriirai-vii- mm CTLe sttsirer tion relative to flogging in the Navy was taken the known to, rid! TtiS iiiedicine. w Leu used aCCoruuij; for 11,000, to by Mr. D. Sarzedas, has a large pro- - to directions, wiilcivt triiUUl juii at Cir.cinntti, at Eberi2 sJe, rec ived the Model editor of the self styled ap. He said he could not make his FOltNEVv OllLEA?. 0lf speech e splendid steamer BELLE KEY, Key Scroiula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptionsof portioa of patronage. The elegant and finish Model for , Ti toe Krysipeias, Ringworm James P. Jack. paper wants a new theme abuse, he now, but at the suggestion of many, would is ected to arrive and wni have Skin, r.rouc Sore Eyes, txi or ca. J Pa;ns ed manner in which the different pieces Lave may fire away contractors between FOR CONSUMPTION. klawjj)'mmediate ctspatcb. Te'ters, Head, Kheumat sm, 10 at the stage move for the postponement of the subject. to the Bones or Joints, old Sores ami L cers, A for the Louisville and New Or- - been put upon BALSAM or HOARHOL'ND AND NAP beard or ET steamtr the stage, reflects the highest our city and Nashville. These folks by their NORTH'S jl9hi BOGUS & RUSSELL, Swelling of tne Glands, Sypmns, Mr. Gwinnsaid if the petition be referred for Coughs, Cods, Asthma, llioiicmu, Sait Rheum, Disease of trade, over 300 feet in length, tas been credit on the proprietor Mr. Sarzedas, who Whnopiiig affections the Lans and miserable inefficiency and neglect in not hav to Cough, and other of ttie Throat Kidneys, Loss of A ppetite. Dis fa- the Naval committee, they would report a and Lungs. contracted for in Pittsburg, to eclipse the leave many steadfast friends in St. Louis as a stages, foic r. i.oti. eases arising from tne use of ing coal stove on the top of their b.ll without delay, and the Senators could 1HK COMPOUND BALSAM OF HOAR HOUND is SUNDAY PACKET. Mercury, Pain in and Fpeed. managers a remedy, w REGULAR tas mous Co ipss in rmlH, power, and genttemen. The company Csail well-nig- a p?saen- - toniu possi sing artodne properties knout SUe and Snoulders, were the cause of freezing then speak upon a astrineni-y- . RIVER, by direct proposition. The It produces a tree and easyrxpe'.toraiimi, The fine steamsr NORTH CatterJ General Desiuty, all to be far the best ever wV.l comi.-ei.- on pupils of Malam here,) leave ger to death the beginning of the weekl Nov etc. it has received the commendation of tne meitical f "tin. master, will the first ris Dropsy, ET The txaminstion of the petitLn was then referred. jr!T-,4&r- reg between shortly for your faculty of Mobile, and several physicians if New Or i! w ater, to run as a nar packet Lumbago, J consequence of city, and I must say the friends we L.sist Haldeman give Sam Thomas, every Sun- tundice, Ablaaaowicr was postponed in that Mr. Underwood presented a petition from leans, who prescribe it in their practice which is evi- Louisville and st. Louis; leiv ng Louisvil e Costi veness, TnroaT. of o! positively the drama have a good ti ne ahead. The particular for the miserable management dence enough of its value, wuhout atftxing letters ie day, at 10 A. M.;and M. Louis, every Wednesday, at Bronuhilw. Coughs, (olds, the inclement weather, and will now the new board of Commissioners on claims be found safe in 1 M. commendation. It wiil its operation, o'clo' k, P. Weanness of th-- ; t nest, Pulinoi-ar- Odd company consists of Messrs. Jamieson, Clif- and ag in on boaril or to take place on Tuesday evening next at tte of this stage line. Mexico. pleasant eeab'e taste. freight or passage apply Affections, and a i o'ner ford, Farren, De Walden, Tom Booth, (the We have removed from ourselves all liability of empi- I.sJ.MOOKHEAD. tending to produce Cur.sumption, Liver Mr. from by manufacturing M, is Or C. B A H A M . Feliows' Hill. Borland the committee on Print ricism, submitiin? tne mode of Compia.nt, Fema.e Irreg vfrr ijes and Coni-pia- inimitable.) Salisbury, Mortimer, &c ; Mcs-dam- to of the lullow-in- will Tees-da- and iLTWe c ill the attention of our readers to ing, pieparation Ihe iential examination C3The North River leave lui it. Louis.on ts, Sick and Nervous iiedache. Low spir- of fire reported a bill to print 3,000 additional physici ins of Mobile, who have certified to its being 13:h 10 A. M. Fiat. We understand that the alarm Farren, Bernard, Chfl jrd. Sarzedas, Salis- ths advertisements of Messrs Anderson and the at its, Nignt Sweats.