1UK LETTER FROM ST. LOUIS. ET We were shown yesterday some very HTEA31 BOATfcj. liKUT HlMllhi J:I9lIlk THE DEMOCRAT. superior specimens of Tcbjcco of Kentucky LATEST STREAK COM ftlERCIAL. nn, JOIJ.Y IS UJL1SS Correpon Ter.ce or th Louisville Democrat. growth, at the Farmers Tobacco Warehouse. 1 Ul.AK l.Oll-V- II ! F T. I.nt'lB St. Lows, Jan 15. 1851. OFFICE OF THR LOUISVILLE DEMuCKT. lift FRIDAY. JANUARY 23, 1852 I'. dees seem to us it is needless to go out Tuesday hYcmiig, Jan. !t2, 1331. S SAKSAPAlll l.LA Me-sr- that is put wp In full quart bott.ts, and Conta.ru ths Editors: The holidays in our city very owing tttnely to the IT of old Kentucky for the weed, when such sam- Businesicontir.uss inactive, oi tlx Umtm a.i mum pure Poi.dura ars The Dcmlik. The machinery, furnituit. pass d eff as pleasant and bappy as possib e. suspension of navigation. paiiiia as any similar prepratioa in Amenta. Pries ples are so common here. Messrs. Watkins & oie dollar j i bottle, or bou.es tor five of FlJ-i- r has b?en considerably reduced, SCHUYLKILL, M. Ibrtlii, hx dollars. cargo of this boat has been and the writer trusts it proved &o to you. Wi Tiu stock The hue steamer Jocn It Has been a and portion of the Rowland, the inspectors at this Warehouse, will run as a regular packet tc St. Louis; eavirg wen established Let lor years ast, tha which has caused on advance. Eitra brands, fiom mauler, a, when pure and pr- n had all M sariipaiii perly wastue saved by trie ferry boat Waik-i- kinds of amusements public tea par many l.ouisviiie every .Satumay at 10 A. , and returciiig, only panacea have specimens of rare growth, which stores, we quote at 3 G0a;37 5. 6 M . true lor ail diseases oiiginalii.g fiom ties, masquerades, eaves St. Louis every Tuesday at P. impuie Stale ol the use Tte Lull wili prove a total less. cotillion parties, walling Uiey gathered during a recent tour in the Very lit'le is doing in grain. Wheat is scarce at 57c. P rfreightorpassage apply orboaidorto blood, the of meriuii .n.tox hare dunks, evil hauls in youth, bairet ne.--s. W e parties, EPOKTED FOR. THE LOUISVU.LE DAILY DEMOCRAT j2l H.hAsHAM.Js. Ac. theater, &c. The time honored Oats30c, tfom scores. Hay we quote at Jt3. baldly assert tr.a JOHN EX K A recently sunk at 4c, Tobacco growing regions of the State. We wilt above on low BILL'S LUD I CI Thi Consigns. This boat, Wo no Schuylkill leave fonts Ot SA K.SA P. KILL is ibe on y bef. custom of paying the visit," on New bear of transactions in the grjeery muket Day tr.e 6 10 M. irepara.ioi i to "annual invite the attention of the Tobacco growers, of h. at A. the pub ic taat is ou t t.c Baiubndge, near Cape Girardeau, is reported worthy of n ite. CufTee we qiute at 9- -. Fair Sugar 6a piepartd s"ii.t.y sen princi- Year's day, was more Tlllitl lO.UKE. orm lit.- r?-- i generally observed thai he especially, to the Louisville market. fr fMfr.w ples, and of ui:l strength, aii.io is .uf Le broken ia two, and wili prove a total loss, wesi 5ic. Mulisses2Ga97c. o it. oiti.fr:. .. chafed regard to pi and without ice, ever) youni, oeior neretofore. It is a glorious custom makes First Session. fine REINDEER, Mcnt- - , furniture. The We are sure that with the advantages it pre Hol lers of Mess Pork are asking $13 23if 13 50. The steamr 'eiiig ued, is .subject to the s:i iciest chru,n.i tes-- ana ereent her machinerv and strangers 8'""ery, n ater, will leave asabove as soon its bt'oie beina friends, and friends more firm. Rump Pork 10. Lard Clver-c- d .euuiiieness ascerta.ned used. sents, it will double imoortant branch of Prime 7Ja7j.. Ci.4-- ' freight has been eared without much damage. this Wasihxgtox, Jan. 22. r' i opt lis. H'i l's SarsaparuU also contains Ihe virtues of several Our beautiful theatre, kno a as "Bates's," f 3 75. Flaxseed $li?l 10. 'o hifg beyond a retail 'MF r iitiiht or pasae fly in board cr to other valuable medical roots, tlier foin.ing tt business during the year. Senate. On motion of Mr. Hall, the peti- C. BASHAM. tot eb; Lewis Wetzel has been eoM owned by Mr. James W. Bates, and managed bus ness is d in in any other artkl s. j2u couicound, and producing ii: rfti'Hiriirai-vii- mm CTLe sttsirer tion relative to flogging in the Navy was taken the known to, rid! TtiS iiiedicine. w Leu used aCCoruuij; for 11,000, to by Mr. D. Sarzedas, has a large pro- - to directions, wiilcivt triiUUl juii at Cir.cinntti, at Eberi2 sJe, rec ived the Model editor of the self styled ap. He said he could not make his FOltNEVv OllLEA?. 0lf speech e splendid steamer BELLE KEY, Key Scroiula or King's Evil, Cancers, Tumors, Eruptionsof portioa of patronage. The elegant and finish Model for , Ti toe Krysipeias, Ringworm James P. Jack. paper wants a new theme abuse, he now, but at the suggestion of many, would is ected to arrive and wni have Skin, r.rouc Sore Eyes, txi or ca. J Pa;ns ed manner in which the different pieces Lave may fire away contractors between FOR CONSUMPTION. klawjj)'mmediate ctspatcb. Te'ters, Head, Kheumat sm, 10 at the stage move for the postponement of the subject. to the Bones or Joints, old Sores ami L cers, A for the Louisville and New Or- - been put upon BALSAM or HOARHOL'ND AND NAP beard or ET steamtr the stage, reflects the highest our city and Nashville. These folks by their NORTH'S jl9hi BOGUS & RUSSELL, Swelling of tne Glands, Sypmns, Mr. Gwinnsaid if the petition be referred for Coughs, Cods, Asthma, llioiicmu, Sait Rheum, Disease of trade, over 300 feet in length, tas been credit on the proprietor Mr. Sarzedas, who Whnopiiig affections the Lans and miserable inefficiency and neglect in not hav to Cough, and other of ttie Throat Kidneys, Loss of A ppetite. Dis fa- the Naval committee, they would report a and Lungs. contracted for in Pittsburg, to eclipse the leave many steadfast friends in St. Louis as a stages, foic r. i.oti. eases arising from tne use of ing coal stove on the top of their b.ll without delay, and the Senators could 1HK COMPOUND BALSAM OF HOAR HOUND is SUNDAY PACKET. Mercury, Pain in and Fpeed. managers a remedy, w REGULAR tas mous Co ipss in rmlH, power, and genttemen. The company Csail well-nig- a p?saen- - toniu possi sing artodne properties knout SUe and Snoulders, were the cause of freezing then speak upon a astrineni-y- . RIVER, by direct proposition. The It produces a tree and easyrxpe'.toraiimi, The fine steamsr NORTH CatterJ General Desiuty, all to be far the best ever wV.l comi.-ei.- on pupils of Malam here,) leave ger to death the beginning of the weekl Nov etc. it has received the commendation of tne meitical f "tin. master, will the first ris Dropsy, ET The txaminstion of the petitLn was then referred. jr!T-,4&r- reg between shortly for your faculty of Mobile, and several physicians if New Or i! w ater, to run as a nar packet Lumbago, J consequence of city, and I must say the friends we L.sist Haldeman give Sam Thomas, every Sun- tundice, Ablaaaowicr was postponed in that Mr. Underwood presented a petition from leans, who prescribe it in their practice which is evi- Louisville and st. Louis; leiv ng Louisvil e Costi veness, TnroaT. of o! positively the drama have a good ti ne ahead. The particular for the miserable management dence enough of its value, wuhout atftxing letters ie day, at 10 A. M.;and M. Louis, every Wednesday, at Bronuhilw. Coughs, (olds, the inclement weather, and will now the new board of Commissioners on claims be found safe in 1 M. commendation. It wiil its operation, o'clo' k, P. Weanness of th-- ; t nest, Pulinoi-ar- Odd company consists of Messrs. Jamieson, Clif- and ag in on boaril or to take place on Tuesday evening next at tte of this stage line. Mexico. pleasant eeab'e taste. freight or passage apply Affections, and a i o'ner disea.es ford, Farren, De Walden, Tom Booth, (the We have removed from ourselves all liability of empi- I.sJ.MOOKHEAD. tending to produce Cur.sumption, Liver Mr. from by manufacturing M, is Or C. B A H A M . Feliows' Hill. Borland the committee on Print ricism, submitiin? tne mode of Compia.nt, Fema.e Irreg vfrr ijes and Coni-pia- inimitable.) Salisbury, Mortimer, &c ; Mcs-dam- to coi.fi of the lullow-in- will Tees-da- and iLTWe c ill the attention of our readers to ing, pieparation Ihe iential examination C3The North River leave lui it. Louis.on ts, Sick and Nervous iiedache. Low spir- of fire reported a bill to print 3,000 additional physici ins of Mobile, who have certified to its being 13:h 10 A. M. Fiat. We understand that the alarm Farren, Bernard, Chfl jrd. Sarzedas, Salis- ths advertisements of Messrs Anderson and the at its, Nignt Sweats. Exposure or Imprudence :n Ln"?. copies of report a safe, pleasant, anil efficacious remedy foi domestic ue, a by the burn- the on the inundation of the on Chronic Constitutional Diseases, and is pri:ig and on Wednesday r:$,hi, was caused bury, Smith, Marshall, &c , &c. We regret Dutton, being innocent in its effects the Fystem of the most LUCIVILLb A D T. LOCI summer di ink, and e erjil tome for system, in our columns Since the holi lower Mississippi, which was agreed to. delicate infant, or aged invalid: UEtilLAK the and ing of the res.dence of Mr. Tin.bc rlake, on the the closing of the inquiry is a gentle and pleasant r urgativr, far superior theatre, an1 the days this firm has moved to Main street, and Drs R. Lee Fearn. A. Lopez, J. H. Woodcock, F. Blue Licit or Congress Mr. Hunter introduced a joint resolution au- Chieu-tse- , PACKET W'er, Sa.ts.or Fiat L ck road, about one mile from the city. constantly made, "When will the company A. Koss, N. Walkley, L. P. H. Lewis, J. B. Js Seidu: iPowders. ow occupy the large and substantial buildinj; thorizing the Postmaster General to employ Karle, C. A. Woodruff, A. B. C. M. D , E. Our informant s;atesthat the house was entire- return?"' Gaillard, M. D, Drs. Murphey aud Conriell , of , The new nnd etezar.t steamer G. . SPAKH AWK, q q q adjoining the Bank of Louisville. Their stock ice boats as a to s ? s q n fire occurred about 12 for mail purposes on the Potomac A lat.uua. Clement?, piaster, willruti rejjiar racket st. ly des.royed. The The democrats Lad a beautiful parade, as ready-mad- e Proprietor'-I'wu- t g L uisville of clothing ij extensive and pre- river. The trade sjpr';ed at pries. Louis, during th season; leavu ever" KtlU: KFAUl! KEtDlll Forsaleby NORTH Sc BUKKILL.bo Fourthst., Tl'ES JAY at 10 A. M., and St. Lou s, every FRIDAY o'clock cn Wednesday night. military and citizens, on the 8th of January, a Tlie truly won Jerful an I reuiirkaoie cures toat sent choice assortment of every article of Several private bills engrossed yesterday, janl3 Oeneial Agtn s tor the West. at4P M. Mil nd were joined passage apply onboard or to come under our litiuieJiate observit. on rave it.oretr.au to erect a large (from the fact of the occasion) gentleman's wear. The goods are manufac- For freight or us a );. John Bull is preparing were taken up and passed. 16y jS C. BASHAM. convinced that Doctor Kuilis re: man. arul tfla C by a numoer of Flour. bbU best qydl;ry;auiily Floor his Fluid Extract of Mrs.ipjui.a is tne most va ua&.e Sarsapa-n'la- . wbigs. This wss gratifying. tured express.y for A. C?"Tiie fine 'tfamer Sprhawk, will ieave on I his t'a warehouse for the manufacture of his their own sales, and of Numerous resolutions of enquiry as to the received and for sale by of e extracts tne I V. the H) A. M. comhinatiou veetab that science ol trust we always will be united in any tribute nol dtf . H. t'OPH. xh.at y has yet produaeJ. A ;l success to the The constant den.and for this valuable course are such as will recommend themselves. propriety of abolishing spirit in- chemisti Doctor rations and his new we Lou .ei- - Couti-r- . to the memory of national achievements. "1 A W I have for 5,1-0- gal. in en;erpn.se,jy Beside real- IT Will inr. ei order FOii C1NCINNA TI. We w our j:':0o ot tne preparation renders it necessary. creasing the monthly pay of enlisted men in y l jiis of ( ttavvbi Wine. Persons hivin: such for a?ree t'i nei Courier, that Dr. The pro- Hu;; a . a.id a rned:-ein- su- weather has moJerated, and we look for iJTAll kinds of choice Groceries may be sale will pUr.se on me with S. MAIL MORNING LINE. is ereit nun ins Sars ipan'la jrea.'tr izing the proprietor a rplendid fortune, this the Navy, were adopted. call samples. ami we ij:. v;in.eu a speedy resumption cured in W. II .POPE. are ton tuat tie Ooctor. Hiiii of navigation. abundance at the old established stand jiuliiu hisSarsafiirtila, will create a fur more entn is Mc excre-men- t perior preparation of Sarsaparilla has restortd A resolution was adopted, authorising a con- Should this prove acceptable, it will give me of Messrs W. G. Stewart & on Market, J. Wm INKtVLl.M), eit than Burnu ii uii wita Jenny L.nd. We throughout the land. Co, wou d not have oil r rea to under ' d us as classing thousands to health tract with John C. Rives, for the publication (8LCCESS0R TO NKWLAND & TRABLE,) lers pleasure to correspond with the Democrat. between 4h and 5 h streets. MORNING LINE. the Doctor an I his Saisapaii la w::a 'an urn and Jenny of the Senate debates in the Daily , a I o." tCTJam-- s B.riicy, who was tie candidate of Yours truly, NED. Globe, at Woieale iroctr, eoricarding aai Comrnusin Mtrthax!, trnnifrHCN Vit A K 1.1 X.... C apt. Summon. Lind oocause who s;.ciid T.eir tloi'ar lot a bou.e XT We call the attention of readers to the t7,50 per column, .Yo. 410 Main streel, LnnimvUie, Ay., KVH McLullos. Bull's sis.ipanli.iwi. .jet its equivalent, m I e 1 S in com- Siramrr Tfcl.K;H CPr. Q i the liberty party in 14, and who has, D rcpoc-fu- y in'or:ii his iriends and the pub it suit nte tnat iiny, a el rearing lae div iiw Messrs. WrOUL th? e limlid anil fisl steamers, wiU leivetlie p c f m opposed any card of Barber dt Hunter in our columns The bill granting 1,800,000 acres of land to ly that he has purctiied Ihr tntue One 'i Jenny, and fiiiiiin eir t i:ii.u? ten to iwen. mon with liis party heretofore, snow in some parts of the Allegheny Line tlo.it, t::e loot ol Tiard street, prt-tt- ar th-- iia-li- CThe ' of vVm. C. Tr.thue in the late of Newi.nnl Mai' Whirl from tv it ili.irs, it js yav;L r for u to day. Iowa, to aid in interest hrm y '0 w t the construction of Railroads i I -- th-- t'ui at o'cu ck A.M. One objection e 'ia .e bu l Sa sp a , scheme of colon zirg the nero race, has mountains is sa d to be six feet deep. A i'r1)!':, ti it h will continue Wnoie-al- liro-rery- . j 'i. and on nnljo-i- it is rt pleasan'. to !..e taste, iiu in that State, was taken up. Messrs Hunter Forwarding and Cim.uission Business at the ol! For fret'r.t or pssae api 'v boird or to t , favor of the KCS-KL- L, tna-- changed Lis ground, anl is row in O Mr. H. H. Forsyth has been elected Pres- stand. BOGus & invigorating ie system, oi,.e in the of mail to be from snd Underwood, opposed the bill, and Messrs rmw on hand a noC'3 Auet.ts Mra.ter'3 Wnarf. listing it, it is eqjal to tine rhrv.-.-.- emigration of free blacks. O Tte eastern is forwarded He has !ar;? and caretully selec'ed dtf r 'e;;:ai, ident, T. S. Bell, Secretary, and Jas. D. Reed ol ft es to w.ilch he would Larforne'sbest, drinking Wi.ker' iiniit juiej Douglas and Atchison, supported it; but with- s'ock drocenes. invi'ethe Ls-- Cincinati to Louisville ria Lexington during the Treasurer of the People's Telegraph Company. attention of country and ci'y dealers, asiurins ynu en'; e:! it. a ad-- tm T he above c hp:, .ieni rv 'ices fror tre , U" The Ohio Legislature Lave before them nspensiou of navigation. out coming to any defin.tc action the Senate j thit iiottiin sh .il bs wa'iting on his ! f to his hou;e to tneir 1 'he Louisville Courier iinl De nocrat were e'.:oi!ed y la w usury, which, it is interest. A 'M . 1'sf) , : most stringent against urned. Dec d.Vw W. N LA i). S liMJSiS r8 Geo. D. Ptentiff, the ais'in 'j.si.eu ed of tee IT" A man named William Murphey was ar- LouisviUf. lf J. EV fl g laid, is received with favcr. Lot i3v;!!e Journal, in tbe foilow 'n,' r:ei ;..tr e: CO" Tte river is still closed, and will remain rested by efficer Krider, cf the First Ward, on House. Mr. called up h:3 resolu- The copsitnfrship lure'D'ore There is no duut in the world 1. tlie teti;tss ot Dr. so a in VJrvoi.iTienU under tV-- st;.Ie ol CHlPMAN 'JLK LAS11 K ;,! , and tne ex'ei ente n s S.irs ri i. a. i . o: until rise the river takes place. tion to close WEEK -. Cin- a the debate ou the Mexican indem- liy ci.m- - is. h t- U We rect-ivt- by the cars yesterday Wednesday night, for stealing watch from MAN & Cn., ii hereby disio.ved. v m. T. Btrtlev is 1" j si iei uric ; f.ie city ive ap? 't s : a gr:; de-- nity bill at 2 o'clock to morrow, which was charg d wiln the l q :i tatioii of the afTi-r- of the firm, :!? Sarsnpi iia.aud, a rat tt better, tte papers of Monday. We have received XJ The Lebanon Star says the and John Faust, his Murphy was taken ODD FELLOWS' HALL. pii ,ip ilau I tt ) I a cinnati milleniura and i fully empov.eied to the name for that purpjse. AT 'mr uSifni; "emti.d s.e. T.t-- n l ;i - agreed to. M K V ated Ja ,ne his, f io pmrrs no mail from Ujo- J that point since the n the extension of the Little Miami railrcai before Judge Joyce yesterday morning, and com- ANN A COLEMAN, ce!n mei'i Mr. Briggs called up Lis WM. T. BAril LEV , Surviving runner. coneiuer. e of !'nr ui p'oj i'iou- - sr.i'r of th- wea'h cne, bui'.i a grani'.-- pa ce in i'c..-'- p .11, si en si ri. s mitted in default $800 bail. resolution enqui- IN higH,a"td L'r. 1'- .- no ch t 'i d of Eavije'icn. through that tow n are both foretold in prophesy. of dec31, 1311. sti.ee tl.e conini-- i ceiiiei.t ot tre exh bi'o " of l,i: un vei sj, ring into the legality of the e.ection of Mr. 4'rltfiiir;! I'aisitii's of one tw'te as hi in is tn jt. : is, e ire to.d, veiy ii Dl It! Ft'" for tiiiii t wdli IMiouhiur .ee-- - at a'l, a he dif- A Bernhersel, delegate from h'rn-e'- r sr- Ma Stabbed. Two Irishmen got into a Fashionable Conversation hiring a Morn- O horse attached to a sleigh took fright Utah. Mr. B. spoke Tti r. Tiie undcr.isne! have finds .i a rs d a: e vry - bf ;rv:ul n en - CO.PVt a pii- iii ; for pu: o e uf f w h triv-.-e- be- - ing Miss Lucy, yes erday off. some time in favor tuei :is j iransr.cn nij and women, miry jn l.'oi.i ?reil ficulty a c ff;e house on Main street, Call nearlv out of cn Fifth it. snd ran At the corner of the resolution. , th-- r :t a gen ral t o i bjsr ui.ter - stie o! ADAM and EVE distil ces t; loo'i oroii r hei e ard to esi iea'h, wuri tne of walking from her : tween Preston and Fioyd, on Wednesday tight, exertion cf Fifth and Jefferson, a negro was thrown out Mr. Stephens, cf Geoigis, was opposed to BaKILEV, JOHNSON lie CO. I X P A l A D I S E , hi in tor tii'i' woiideif'i! restoi itiuii to ce.iit'i. 1 c papa'.s carriage in the street to the door of her WM. T. BARTLFY, wi'.li sll ni ei'raor iinar y rient. is i.aurail ery severely .tab- and his leg broken. the resolution; he could not con- .OHN-O- l ni'i-.-s- t ! in wr..ch one of then: was friend in e Place. ste anything KOnT. A. The A rent ha r rctui't to pr us Ms ti? ONE very re;rini; yet e trut 'lit 'lic-i'ir- s janl dltKt-wiR- i ChAS. F. JOHNsON. W E r K M i K E , that a ii.vrrt o! the Fine Ar" cit!"S wi'i, in justice totnemseives, a f.ttn z bed in side. The doltulty originated about Lucy On, .Marie ! h w do you do? How nected witn the election of Mr. Bcrnhtnsel, to sive it' tte O Geo. J. D.cks has been elected Mayor of niiiy unbi.'tp the cipiM'uirv f h In Idu e two of Ihe t'j the ins nig'iishC'l man who ' a r.iaiie as g.oi ions a game of cards. No arrest was made. del'gti ed I am to sec ou! H- w have you been warrant any inference of fraud. Tf IEAt' fin.t.sl woiks of Ait ver . x ii .t it , an I ackiiwlti-'t- a canipai -- n asia nt hu tea isesasGeii. Scot: n.aoe over B- - f. you ? Natchez, Pendleton. r h by nave virile tl trie since were at the ball, lal Thura lav even-life- Mr. Bernhensel with much vehemance, de- it is now Hie heg nuin of the yea an! the openin? as su tl who im. agiit.it Mexicans. AS I I A .liiiissio.i wh-n- wer-- 2 express train from Oh wasn't the of that tall uf In bjslns season, hnl tra ie ?n conim-n- e the Fast Train Tte rai 8prarance of 9 ti tne ti I 3 at Bni'.i 'nfly : y as-- c nied the truth the charges made agaiost l.im. nas .tec ii ninih tetarded and krpt batk,(uing iu the 0;.en if n nvirmrg iiiht. girl in pink perf-ctl- (rith'fui? Is your 13 The livtr epposite this city has been j d : w imotiii-- IO of 101 miles, this l illciniti't'eil rv rv r ml') l.l. Syracuse to Rjchester.a He 'o s'age of ihe liver, lush fie gti's, ce.iVc .we is one m"t ; I on sent tne certificate of election to the Chair c John Bull's SarsapiriHa gretest fet tle awi the piano? Beautiful shawil Father rtamed by ac'ual measurement to be less oi fUlei.l tint wu! he a Urce buii i one - t o hours aud forty min- than there veiy es piedit 'nes no in i si n.iii- luiii afewc'ajs sin;c, in says to be read to th s .season in this n I ot nonm rce. Be- eisleice. I'if he is going to send to Paris to get me a half a mile wide. the House, showing the purity titer articles Firemen's Ball. where t he const if u'ioii is t' Silitae I, the ne evrrjy ing well awa e of the stuck of Tchbcco in tt;e ' utes. sr.awl in the I home-mad- e siiml Hi of Kur Vo , 1. is lessened, w iifii the t X r o' na'ure aic :.)ii spring. Ccu'i bear of his character. Mr. Carter and others spoke ry For Ihe nir ilfihinlf rk hau ls of our ti'y ami loun ii erchai ts, ami 'utlher ! w i i f 111 ? K ficiet t, or ure si over wroccnt , en r 'i.ce shaw la! How do you I Monsieur I A r the b.' of M II A NIC a beau- kt Eprty? in more our stock of Maiiufuctuied on hand is n .t BtIL ivt d il Albora BoacALis On Moiday night, State Convention of Colored People. This favor of it. jf K E .1 Y b I U!) ts pale ai cii.r'ess, the suens'h 'eebie i hut old Le.if i i fi r FI CO f will cuen .t ti e.ilu. Beutif.il man, ht? Now, don't laugh. ! nr::e. and tittle marke' ting t' niaioi. aiu't body I VV ll'l-M- Y V the sinrif troubled arm depr tre hea.Iti . tiful display "f u,c aurora Lorealis lighted up , has now heen in five days and Mr. , i F K L . ' ' H 111 i E EN IN if , tiuho session Briggs finally withdrew the resolution actui irg pn pii-e- itini lee in e a'suie-- it is ti hr intetr t Vl'ltj niii.dsh'ken.aidt.i,-tueiiyliehaip'ies(jestM- Merit-- for I am sure I don't care anything ab ut - e'. -Sh- -lhy y frW- Ke 13 uni'er tlie n ana of the 21 t. pnbab turn tins evening. of all 'igiueil in aie of Tub:.ci o to rtii')' H2 j'li.enl Sar-o- p sovere-g- the north. ,W, ! I brauM-iu- aj tne .Ianufactiued i :l a is a :t s. riiml n, a l lor the present, promising; to renew it. - I tcn hull's ren.edv On, must be g'lii'g! L's s- n r wii-- h n I'n" sen lenieP: k On Sjturuuy a letter from James G Birney, call and i inline our ck am!, ij an r.i?. !e nut tne pe r fm in. u e hei ilut j , es ti e s th- - first we heard cf The Marie, vpry A. Y. J. Thnii:a., iists ue iu f Th is have iu day, isn't n? when are 501 coming (Liberty Parly Mr. Disney introduced a resolution which mt ol tne lines' old Le u, viz: whole sy stent . candidate lor President,) in the ' (JO L. V. inti J. Davis, ire imtur. tierces, p boxes K. F. Pound Lump Ti.fat co, MiMuri; in:er, txce-ses- . editor may have swallowed a light pro- to see mt? Oh, dear! what a beautiful pin C lenmrct o'st.inctinns, hei ks rreavs pur "torch Con cn'.i was read and received y was adopted, calling ou President for luU K 5 1 N. S. P. implop, r 'in, with mai the do J. B' own' l.u.i p ouacio,.Visouri sn a- h ii I nr a Tnat pin was give a to ytu; now I know it was, (.e Gray, Wil tmn 4 ur'ijs, J hea.i Dloo!,s m;n r's i aid hHipmss. cession" or something else; thus we may ac- demonstrations of applause Mr. Biuier, as Mexi- 'lernie ee L a ; r;e l iy e use n ss Marie, relative to the payment cf the M. Haul, Jos'p'1 it. Veilemery. Werels Ites ger.r ' utoi t' i.f med cn e. don't deny it. Henry is coming up to u do Gallagher's B. Pound Lump Tobacco, Ken sca-- for well as h's brother-i- law, Gerritt Suii'h, has E. Green, F.uihaiks. we woui.l see ff ess autf ;i mij, m d unnn pi.rness count his optical iI.umuii. sse me I him I do rcal-V- ; can indemnity. luchy Le I: Georse F.J h this eventrg, but ha'e years M iniot e tr.eni tnan now exists. he.l m a n tre for been a most decided and uncouiprorn K B' B. B. Missouri A SrLE 0 BANDOF C C las been eniged ti.e do J. owii's Pound Lump, ll j of disease, rosy c d snicerd pl-- , out he Las a beauuiul mustache, hasn't he, I he iljuse went into committee of e place the heK wni the ising opponent of every for colini-z- i then the end Teiines-- Leaf for ttie occasion I Some entered premises of Dr. morn-.ng- , scheme the lid we Snout have snii.es intend of 'ears, urid O tticvts the Marit? Oh, de.tr! i 's Vrry warm. Good 1 Ponn-- L An e'eennt M.pPER will hi served up. 'ate; of free of on bill. Mr. do N. t iin.i Tubicco, Missouri and a hap-- long !;ie pistcad i f oi e i u1 ion the coiored people the United whole the Mexican instalment A suffic e t numrer of Caniagcs wi I be in a'tendance noit ty J. VauJerbiice on Wednesday night, aud carried Marie? Don'i speak oi Henry in eonrec'ion Tfonessee Leal; by cjnii-.e- u!T-i-ii S ates, but within the last year lis sentiments to all al s lisease, or made mie!i:le nd my Edingtoa opposed lh? bill at some length, and do C Galianhef 5 L imp, a good article, made answer pen d off in triumph tour geese. with nane to any one; for I'm sure it will undergone a in to I'ue sivn or the meeuiigsof affliction. At thtt cniual tern the "'um of have change, and the letter ot Kei.tui ky Le it; wntcli i of er. e l wit. so rout h ft.V ' - li a'ter. Ur ?er, never ainuuut to anything. I hate him awfudy contended s rougly against the efforts of foreign 'I o the Manise-- to La invi'aln-i.i- e," J ihe Convention he takes s'rong ground in favor do B. Funis oi L'o.S To Pcu ds, Ker.turky isn Bj-i'- isarsiparn a to e'.er' a must beneficial 1 Genilenien'.s Ticke.s 3. i. funl I'm sure do Adieu." Boston Museum. Leaf; Pnteot .1 g c r We a of emigration. His letter will have great banks who had given out that it must and effect. A ii"ies approac n i tms .sis be tip- s y' O" i.oticed quite number of persons Oo No. I 5 Lump Tobacco, Missouri jli.13 iltd weight. Messrs mide from prised ot in s tact, an avail tuei.iscives of tins va uab s Haro-worker- should pass without needless discussion. Leat; who reside in JrflVrsonville in our city yester Distinoi isuto Men alwais s. meUicine. The subjt-c-t of emigration has been the prin-cip- Grey and Fo dj N i. 1 8 Luin Tobirco, Leaf When we read the lives of distinguished men vler lollowed. Vv day. Tte ice is so Lard 'hat we learn several itne discussed during the On e h ive a!s- a lot of Sp Cig irs, varyii g in pi ice in any department, we find always session The House ad- t2U to !0 a lot ol common A It FA IMF! I. II. r them cele committee then rose and the oi'i iter thousand; also, a tit e'eighs crossed above the island. . Friday, the John M. Langston, (a ( How r a. Inula t Mul, u In'e ?Ki'l, and bra'.ed for th amount of r they c uid per-orm- igars, which we wiilteli tow. lb graduate of addressed the C nvention journed. MlssKLM XN CO., a rosy colored th-e- How o t. r. do we et pe n, De nes' Caesar, dliee,) t g 'h-- so he henes, Juhui Hcnrv the tor hour; janildtf Sixth St., bet iveeu Main an.l MarKt t. not possf.ssi " ilesii'etatiini devou'ij to (D big packet, No. 2, N-- w nearly two in support of immiferation. 1. 1: v Y i The Pittsburg Clipper Fourth of France, Lord Bicui, Sir Issac From 1'litnbMri;. s i: ACADCJ1 wished," irvrliog to Cosiiii tits luti.o , marries, amis, He pointed to significant ne iriy g , to Mum a e the fact that -i- BY tM M A. B. ami toiorti matetu to re"oie einti.ai.i is being fitted up, and will shortly comme-n- Franklin, Washington, Napoleon d.ffrrent KK-- II ircMnc-. J. 'LAIN, ton, one of I'll rsaiTito, Jan. i2. of wtiii ill easi; has deprived them o' , am! tno, eveiy the distinguished gentlemen who . 600 h .If boxes OK BaOAD VAT THE SLIM) A8TLUM. t'.it. a as they wtre in their intellectual and moral is Sardines; SIUItT, Sill wii h y lo '..ie K.ii.' running cs regular weekly packet between to The weather cold and clear. d- in.ui sm, .r.u?cr:..a istte had written letters tne Convention had hear- qr - do: tw 1? bv qualities were all renowned as hard workers af- bes' st.ie' c k:i ii. siiin ri,...vr $ cf Kossuth hxs not yet ariived, bat is expected tins 200 whole do do; Boys e th;j he.iues. n Louisvilie and Pittsburg. tily approved the poiiry of general emigra- A few more will receivetl into Academy. tvf., T f rb.,l n: r. er ir. in in U'e read how many days they could supportthe Received steamer Georeetowu an ! foi low by f,r,n,j ternoon of to rale tebms Pfea qua uT kb. o i o.), pu hfa,"i and tion and the devotion cf these men to the best moirotv. ' uiaK'ng it e. vigntos, at. fatigue of a march; how early they rose; A. BOK1K, Wholesale I onfettioi er, U every n n i CTIt is stated on good authority that the low interests of the black race was unquestioned 22. For Kiig'.Ua H.anches, i rn ty to niu'e vessel, and t ? iu t:ie yei'ow - Pittsburs, jan!9 No. 50 Third frtieet. 15 to the bl on d nesbne-- s late they atched; how many years they spent th-r- Dj d , Lang add Mj'.rier.iat'.cs, and darti touienante cf He e was Hie -. boilers of the George Warhington were over contended a natural rtpellency The weather is clear and becoming colder. . L"i es, i- ii. l .11 he .1 c of p it. is ami iur s. in the field, in the cabinet, in the court; tow 5 . vou'h two con- Kru't cases Brandy Fruit, a?sirteJ. Ji : : iTectiial old. many between the uces, growing out of K'JSu:h left CUirsvi'ne this forenoon at 10 o'clock. BKAVDV per ESFSKs.NCKS. ai'.d use S ii.'j leitie.iv. fourteen yeert secretaries they kept in employment; in s'ennier Georgetown and for site low word lo 5': it a h:i t is ei.cugn sciousness, on the part of the whites, that they He will Pittsburg to night to parade, as be by BOK1E, P;of. N. II. Hirr.ey, "A de u it nt. short, how hard they worked. Everett's Dis reach avoid A. Wholesale CoifecM. Her Rev. Mr. HMey, ButiT, for t.ie ladies. were oppressors, and janl9 an I Vi al Bcrks Indelible Writing Ink. We ca'.l courses. the amona the blacks is sick. Great excitement here. Troops are awaiiius Fruiterer. No. 5o Third st. Win. Ku:h irdson; L. L. Waireii, B. er. they were oppressed. He dcc22 dim V y er-- s wi'h, that warned his race to escoi t him aud thousands are walklog out to meet NO It IKS e earnes i who are 'uTerrg tte atter.tion of cur readers to this new and w tn-- tlesii :s fie r to ia'1 n 1 r. Jonn Memory It is exquis- that hen they decided to remain in this coun SI i irails fresh Dates: any of i.i: tiwt to. The of Dead. an him. a ' oi-- J improved w riting ink. It is prepared by James the try, they tamely and meanly assented to 21 bags s ft shelled Almonds; Bull's a;;eiit, and get of lljt 's ramiiy urnai, ite and thing our nature, w hen the Slid fi r of .ty, we f i e x beiuhul in that 20 boxes P. lira i; pie CO.M'dEKCI L Zrdis; tne sae r.uiaa that absorption and of Cheese; LOUiSVILLK COLLEGE. a Burns, Druggist, corner of 6'.h and Market, and be is by some tran- extinction their race. He From ltnlilmorc. 70 ?;i:!e individual win not be found nnwi.i'S.' o nve II l's heart touched and softened quarter boxes Raisn s; Piu.'-r- i would to e Bauding, coratr Third an n ttreeti. l a e er i c I ec, l.t g, a; t fin mern-oi- y never conseut this. Mr. Langston's Baltimore, Jan. 22. 60 boxes Layer ai: apnr r;;:., jf e.i.'in?, t in should be tried by those who wish to procure quil happiness or affectionate feeling, the do; .or to scathing denunciation of all who would assent The Washington Republic denies the correctness of 73 do MR do; THE B iard of TiU't'tes cf the Louis same time, t ttat it is imp.-s- bie 'he ctoi puniwn of the dead comes over it most powerfully i 1 ml? ge. on ne ti.a ajtouti such ink ss w ill make an endur.ng record of all 'ust received per Telegraph and for sale lew h y le I'onntietti (i.i Institut the tenia part of nuoi?er oi teit d cf l. t;j the policy of amalgamation will be remember- the statement that the friends of .Mr. Fillmore waited di-- h s ..n ..a. Tn and irresistably. It would almost seem as though janlt) A. BOKIE, No 30 Third St. - weiiaiid fiVoiabty known a.n'er ihe Kg cures perfurm-j- by Sirsi: artoon: o. tried, lcst- t S- written entries. We saw an experiment our better thoughts d were ed by all who heard it. It was an able effort. upon huu recently and requested his withdrawal from 'i'j-.- a ecion of Protestor Boyd), lake plea testimony voiui t rly nit.vere-- en Dr. Bun's rsn;a. ai sympathies charms as,.3-- i an l iinlivi-- entirely A resolution recommending military organi- Presidential canvass, whereas, on the contrary, tliej I'runrit HiOsiiiall jars, put up ex;'resji Sdic hi ii. ii s im th t t.iev have enured ine Ce tiila, from we known in which the common ink used was in is the . 1 li virtue of which the soul enabled to hold IlifcWH use. and for sale low bv of Mr. S. D HAYDKN, whje expert-- r.ce and as both in ic an private e.his zation for the purpose of rendering efficient aid advi-e- d suffer his to be si effaced by a solution of oxal c acid, while the some vague and mysterious intercourse with hul him to n.ime used. jinl'J A. BOKIE, No. 50 Third st. a Teaciier of Writing are '. Mr. H. is now to United S case tl 0111 e Fjurtt the spirits of those whom we dearly loved in the ates, in of foreign invasion The bay is still closed with ice as far down as Rappa- inttarg-- uf the Wnting Deputinett, rcaty to L(j ir. Join Ball's pvinc ;;i i street. in Burns' was not hurt in the Lis w jir",-'-i- fo ."? m niu.,: writing article may was, we believe, adopted. 16C biles Cotton, received per Cornelia, cl issss, and prove to his ; u;ms and th.e coninijiiity Lo'itsvilie, Ky., iere a.l ' ies life. Alas, how often and how long those hannock river. COTTON.I . aitdre?-I- . least by the same process. Auother resolution, constituting the members by jupreiaacy as a Teitheroi CuiMras-hT- and also that be otiidj3ui patient angels hover above us, watching lor The wca'her is cold, aud tl.e thermometer is falling. fc Li. ii actions, of State Central oticio lania R AW.SON, BACON CO. ali who J.isirc it miy netome, under lis the spell whicli is so seldom uttered and so soon the Committee agents ex Haltimork, 22. easy, r pi 1, and eie nt writers. State .lliitual Fire Hint ranee Co.. M-- , t 10 M. Naval force estimated as fol ! the underground railroad was adopted. A Hocr.s- -9 to 12 A. 2 to 5, an 7 to P. HAsmsBiRa, isn nsvlva .x; a. CT Russia's is forgotten Dickens. No New York market. Telegraph office still in Jersey RAlMi'V".. Kii-ins- ; or system of cipher to be used by those negro steal- eirly.ai clas-e- aie now b f rnW. s 56, iH). lows: Four ships of the line of 120 guns each; City. 104 da do do; Ijf"Teriiis and will be mule on a:1-- t aptal ers in telegraphing to each was nioJcra'.e, huon Jf;-- r O Few sighta are more pitiable than men, other discussed. Received per Georgetown an l for sate by icatiou. jan!3dlw giw THIS Co.ipanv is rJ j 100 110 26 on-- an-.- 6 ahips of tte line of to guns each; In the course of the discussion, Mr. Clark, jiriia Sc tor tr.e ."i- - s great in intellect and industrygumption and ol Nr. L.oaix. KAWSON, BACON CO. SO to 90 18 ships stated in From A. t;iss o. r.s.ss, an I .nstmf s e tn ships of the line of guns each, go aheadativeness who are small in holiness this city, that cne year, a count was 'w or ML.'in:! by St. Louis, Jan. 22. OYSTEKS s fs 70 &0 guns 4 frigates of nd honesty. field of kept the lorwardmg agent at one point on CntKMJ. Western Reserve OYSTERS! Cip mi "fei ted 111 Ms I ompany on of the line of to each; Giants in the lowest Weather this morning is extremely cold, at 8 A. M Ciieese; e. Insurance as action, they are dwarfs in the highest; and the Ohio river, and the total cumber of fugi li 0 do Durhum Farm do; reasou.tbii terms as 111. ot irr iii cry. CO guns each; 24 frigates of 40 to 53 guns each; 2 degrees below zero. Modera- 15:) A I ,1. combine as a tive slaves "put inrough" to Uanaaa was one the thermometer stood do Nutmeg do; for sal : by D. :!. t si KON... G r.i' Ice. t. beads sound and tough walnut janl9 RAWSON, BACON 4V ilecC-- ii". :. U tViwe IIS Lvu vi war steamers, and above 40 corvettes, thirty-eight- . ted since noon, and wind Is in the south with appearance CO. Fo.it. st.. !e. 31 hundred and Is there no force hip-fi;- beam with hearts as rotten as any potato dis '. B. Kr h: r tindiiu, 3 f ct ,iroinp".u!e a 1 main- uf Milder weather. Yum iio.l II t j s r - schooners, Ac. The number of seamen covered in the Emerald Isle. competent to break up this extensive system of itt ntf Paper. 77, deit'i g of t , Al. T, C; I. o d t .j ' COTT:N Vo. Street, : negro stealingi nothing Nothing new in markets. 2j31 bMic t often Yaru Pajerj .it Third toliowinj i.;:r.u-n- n ..n. J. F. Bui: t?. A. D. & tained by Russia is estimated at 42,000. It is else. 10J d d3 do da do; 4.4-r.- . o news fiom below . iixl2 ADJUI.MN.J VALHH;i'scin I'j., B.iir.eisi H. S aW . A. oir.ev at Law; o. V. lirai- - Gatttte. do do ilo do c'o; - Love op Liberty Hereditary. In the "Life loo ?232 t.l narJ 01 I d., ..Iv c Dealers, Moz-r- Ha l; Fre lei.tlt There are5 or 4 New Orleans boats between here and 75 do 2vx2S do Butting itoj IVdi-- The Mobile Advertiser, in a paragraph of Kossuth," lecently published Pi.rtno- - iJlU a ul sina.l cans. Hjoer, Chtii.il it A. Jeager, i in ( hin at d ET in the 15H 13x-- do do K Cairo. da "; LnO o"o caailiuproved i'ice, ;n s iia.i roai.u ca;is, ci.jfenswre. !19 ..uta s.ieet; h.Ge 'se, City Hutn. says: logical Journal, we find the following: OM 5L MBVfrtVl Y Af ICI-- In store low by ISAAC CK'OMIH, A relative to the Mobile and Ohio railroad, "It linUKKU and forste r sale .ow by Wall sirret; t . .di. er. Grocer. corner Ti ird and BEAK GttASS LAND FOK j.inia Wholesale Paper Dealer. 477 Mam already may show what Uood runs in the veins of this SALK. jirlSdtf joh.n a. Mri. i;m.i . s'reets. "Thirty three miUs of the road are modern hero, to state that the chronic'e of his TWO .s n.ki.liill.nri.ii.irn. ..1.. From Stw York. a great Hie , 2 r5UtiGI-T- i Pnprr. graded and bridged, with part of the seventeen lying on Ohio river tnl flnntt road, New York Jan. reams blue Paper, suitable for druggists; D!SOLiriON. Tfftk and nrrl Urraia. ancestors shows that of them, at dif 3 01 a WV BHII.I.IANT the siiriiest t :ha' n pv superstructure in readiness to be laid down, and i miles from the city Louisvilie, con. ji There was no lives lost by the breaking up of the IblJ ilo 19i23 do do; Cop heretofore ex;slln-- between th? ferent times, have been executed for political 21 Et do, da irineiship aii.-- Itoni nt-- ect ol Pure large tailing 7U acres aiiuiwu Enia.i irame dwellings. ruiU 60 18x24 do rHE a f.f::i of diseises the teeth. air 's si the iron rans to be upon it. With the high nf ri vei. da white ilo, do; s.;ii rs, trading ider fe .McG.iAl .i necessary to b. aitii as ood ii e: but g offences against despotic rule." farm is ina tUte tutivati jii, well improved, (! : mutu-t- is:o r.n.i 60 do 2232 do do, do dc G KY, is th s d iy iliis.jiveJ 7 All : spo- 1: Dumber of men now employed, the company ou sores usareu, me in 1 ne teftti ar jy junisnt ton''ai:iv bn m an n. ouui iesi woodland. land In store and for sale by fjjn'91 ISA AC C ROM IE. claims a a t the concern w i present lay a mile and a of the best quality, abjve i.igti wat-- r From Albany. Dersons havins r un atr. opht re, und hence many ai'se h t n contemplate they can down mark, and cmi. I ;hos w,;l - you same for siUlenient, mnl a indebted make e- h i L "s rr"Mr. Jones, said the defendant was ii bs surpased lor rit m.es r noil, fertility lo 22 the i irs are iiever s't .ut.'.l to 'lie r' ,h' tcu-- . J I r. locomotives, constructed jt and Alb vkx, Jan. Kill Paper Mary WGra"h. who is - half per diem. Two a did you by be su t STKAAIBllAT pa inent to Ar.n inne anthoiiseJ H A V EL'S FCK'FI- D lHAKI OA L '! gentleman, what man that?" cality, and could divided to gardner. rioteis white Steamboat Bill Paper; of in liq i ii. OoT!!.f.Tfc by Boston Locomotive Manufactory, weigh- Inths cass of the trial of the Syiacuse slave to use the name the firm ia df ci isdiy tiie oe t r medv yet d.sto ' sti-- i J the "W do mean by Why, a man .M'ut mm irpg near trie one awe, one mi'e frorn lO t .do a 1x2-- asst'd col'd do do; 1.l'i AICli vie.! 'or bat I that? that by coun A. a i ti, and gu , neu r s ing each seventeen tons, of the most approved the Oiiio river aud rUi.k road, con'aining 100 a.rj- to day pending, a mo. ion was made piisoiiei's In sale by teeth it the pays his bi Is the first time they are presented sure and for low Louisville, Jin. 1 janSdl tl)W. G vKY. c nil' power, are mi es frj'ii the city 'if L tuisvilie. an 1 SIS milt's :rnm seltokquash ihe indictment and the Court adjourned ISAAC CROMIE arising lr ni nous teeth, i.nl rcn'f'sti.e gi.tTis modern construction, aud of treat may Jinl9 hea thy. Al. iPat t an ex a to him." Jones' definition not be so pol trie Islington Turnpike and Kai.i,,ad; about 75 a.cres govern- aree bari and company propose to make c until to.morrow to allow ti.ue for the removal of t'N t Cen'.T er s i landed, the isbed aa Chesterfield's, who will say it is eaied.ti.e rest in woodland wtll set in blue gra?s. W WAGGONER respectfully intor I.IUAML Li.ht:.J. ce let xti but u.t.ty 01 ave 'en fear o, com but llILLIAM 1 1. . . t a trial tr;n ovrr the six miles ol road already Ih.s Uim :s i i a high state of cultivation and .in it ment witnesses from Buffalo. V and pub lb t he ved h's wu i. !iw ..r cr..i.i h.ith. N in it ol tne bai and sr't: t substai tes not more his r his friends the ic has rem - hand-om- e just? nete-sar- y h r l.y m xe-- w hn. n cu- - pleted, on Saturday next A depot of two good w.vt buildings and other Wood Engravin? ffice, to Ihe South side of Mtrktt Tfo srroes. e,t, ei on la.nl or 011 the we Tern wti are sent wit it. at i die 11 nigs io 011 1 1 V lated t' injure thr cf t e t. a view accomodate iwo large rrr.ilie. Sail From t'incinauti. street, opp-.s:t- Freiieiick's Hall, and ver Thoinpsoir reaiouabie terms, utfiie, all iticet. m!"el erchitec ure, and erected also with be a very v Hauet's r"d: Ii- - I Chan nil 1'oi.th Paaie entire A A from Brook farm could made desirable dairy farm, or if Jan. 22, M. Stible, wnere he wi i sliil comiut I Hn Wood Ecgrnvini r JAMES m. MUO.th, Aseut Jules i. at the ter Little Afpair. young man Cincinnati, ly fr un obj as c a- :r 11 v a 1 tt to convenience, is nearly completed neiessary be divided no as to make two or muie gar- busme-s- , executing work in a aim ..7 Jeiieisou Lie Ins. to., t ihC.nn.iti. dee ihn ct.ou, 'h; it is lyn, IN . Y , by mails foi Louis- the inm.ncr fo r.ied minus of the road in this city. under sentence of death hang dens. The Postrnas er gives notice that the charging reasonable as heretofore. Views n buddings. prepared is tru,i po.dsr woi d buint exfresa.y me, in California, asked the Sheriff, on the eve The above tracts of land are well watered, anil ville and the south are to be sent via Lexington, ami cf S'ores, Bid Heads, Newspaper Heads, Vig Hfc A. FLOOD, iV r ine purpose in aa irou cy'n.der. 1 iie t'.i.ei 1. giet'i inteuir J. i my as 1 etes-ar- 1 say, ff, ie hea.ihy locations. Terms easy. For r.irihi-- r li,r..r are nettes, and all fancy wo'k. executed in a workmanlike en's are are to prepue th ar as soon as ning previous to his execution: "I Sber for St. Louis via Richmond, Ia. The Fasterojnails Blind Show Cas! Maker, No. 64 11 ST The St. Louis papers state that mat ion apply lo manner, with propjrtiona'.e prices. VEXITIAX anl coal in this form, at d iu tbentsives ai cu'iieit now what hour of the day is that little affair of mine Jim; w. i.KAlli, Real Estate Ag't. to be sent via Baltimore during the suspension of navi- te'vveen Ma n and MarKe-- .Vest side, ous. The Purine d Ct arcoai o. lb Pa e w ii. iiop.it Ihe nver opens. Bates' theatrical company, dr. janla '3m respec-.fuli- informs his friends and the rub.ic, that he ' the coming off"" Between Jefferson Market on J:d ht., Louisvile gation. most beautiful and br niaut w;n!rr:f s o he toe'h, ket will start for Louisville to Jan23 Jtf ' keens co 1st mt.y ar.j makes to orier vm Hum the gums hear by. ami ms ths b: eatii pui auj swaai. playing in ttat city, anl Show Cases, of a superior quality, wmch for dura. XT The New Ycrk Post thinks the result of TTOORE or CAMPBELL, Meamboat Agent, snd For sale whole sa.e and nu. by open the theatre here. LOT FOK NALK 1JL Commission, Receiving, and Forwarding Mer bility and neatness wi.l vie with any in the x.ouisvi.ie G. 3ICPCL IS, Louis Napoleon's usurpation will be his flight. IIOltiAU K1CIIAIID ITI. ITIOOISC, chants, have removed to Ho. 41 Wall street, betw een rnaret. Wig Manufacturer and Fast) M.-r-e, On &th tlreet btticeen Greet & Walnut, M renowned Fakir of Siva will pay our possibly leaving his bead as a legacy to the near IVUnut, Mam nd Water. det59 B. OU Riled re painted and tiirrmedat short Janlj 5o. 8i Fouitn bet Mi u ana Xarket. IT Tte City Bill Poster and Distributor. notice, and on reasonable te ms. janfitf dear citizens" of Paris. property ia city another visit ahortly. THIS a most desirable location, anil expense iu every lV4l'l'ilKs-- A new lot juat re o 1 x ; : : tfljjjj from to IT AVI NG been at large placing ai for it o r extends Pinh Cei.tre, and has upon it an ol city, and at the re ved.of various styles, Gold and Ml THK Bb.crlber,ttiankful thi koofIiu: to four journeymen JiaLexcellent brick H tune with IT nrominent corner the different patrorage they hive receive J since theyaiMlji IHLH .VI. ( (.Reported lor the Lou lie Democrat. 1 O Punch wants know if several roums. front. hole sandothernubticpiar.es, PLACARD HO A K US of ver, of most approvd makers, wh th J ItlflllM., lug oii6 h and Stable on if--f have Id rrsiettuliy inform lhe-- i dyers can earn three pounds a day by dying! Ceutre street. A eood I am prepare. man any maues n y assortnieiit very complete. opened, win Successor of S. M. Jt C. Wurren,) fOl.lCH ClIl'KT. argain wi i ba given iu Hie larue dimensions, better other nie- they still a fine sssoiiment of 3. above property in exchange W country to give pub. icity to any VVarranted to give sat .fK lion by ds that hare KOoTS and spend it all, what it would cost each man tor ii' poster in me es'ern Ti and bund. OVXr.V WOOD, stiiiirii.Tls a 0? Hon. Jour Jorn, Judge. giues. business that may be entrus ed to my care. 'Ihe large sstVFfL VM KENDRICK S"OEou to live? jn2Jdtf J.W.CRAIG. has dec 27 Maiket street, one door above 1 bird. Warren's ImprsTfd F!re end Watsr.praar Thus bat. Jan. 22, 1652 share of business heretofore given me enabled me to tCatStiecial atten'ioii given to Watcli repan iug. mike arrangements that cannot be surpased. 'Ihe 1&nl6 - C'O.T1lol lO.I HO(U, has been decided in California that Mr my I John Bowes, Presley Means, and Samuel itt It most careful and attentive men are in employ, and 0Vlv A UUIII), prepared to m;iie cor.tracts 011 ftvorsbie If; The subscribers baving been opened ""'T I by express s solid (S terms. breaking Eilen Davis's head, did mfMj my work to he djne emcieutly, and to the CMS'Vrtft vV.iei lust receive A D K ET DK A L--k He- hi wors. Haskins, in 1 suarantee WHOLES LE AS AIL wili esccute i.i tivsbest t drunk. Bail in 1200 for 3 months. about a mouth, aie grateiul 1 tneir Inenus cie C to 1 anannarar.U Shrapse, 'or perfeci satisfaction of my empioyeis, or no charge will O slbVEit JFPKB anl TE SET, which in KKS BJOI.S, SHOES, PiHr m"" short notice. not intend to kill her. ujcial manner they have encouraged them, and n't dee tn something in anl Murphy, felony, stealing a watch be made. vite tie attention of ise in want of god GAJls, o. l MafKet dool has i ui Allor lerv ;;rt at his ortce shall have prompt attea William tnemselves to use their best endeavoisto promote I sale Si ilieot.osa the The care will be given to the distributing of an h indsoiue in that tine. For at 1 nisd. dec 13 tion. Satis'sctory rsferences can 9 two were bedfellowa O. W. Holmes, in one of his poems, says it.teiesto' men patrons, ny always ing eoo l 71 riven. from John Faust. The O ktet arti circulars, medical woiks of any description, capis, no. jinlG WM. KENUrtiCK, Fourthst 011 street, . ele Ol KOU I S on SeMing Kt Green ner Third O.Tce hour I never hea.d hearty laugh from out and bttOES baud, and mod an I ail otner re- tn-- IS during the night, took Faust' "And tices, invitations, kiuus oi printing that K Koala a t vS-- v 7 A. M.. aud to I o'clock P. M. Murphy got ,up etate prices. OvKN h WoOD, publicity. My terms are niodeiate, and Just received 7 stipe nor ten pin C'AHt Ureftnna. villain's throat " jaua Market street, one door quire general Hallo. As the season is a ivancuig we Aid In tr rfriii' from uider the pillow, and hid it n above Third. orders promptly attended to. 1 respectfully refer lo any 'Pr.PiJL Balls, 41, 5. 51, 6. 6i. 7, 71 Foi thun'u cut i watch 7. MANSFIELD'S. &tf them low.foi cash. day a good respec'able house in the city. jaril6 uv tci 01 n EIMV'D TI A. board pde. Faust found it the following (JO" Mr Paine, of gas notoriety, is a lineal VK have still assortment if FUR left at the Journal. Courier, or Democrat of uuu.i J. AKIM C'i.. which we will sell 20 per cent, below Orders HOLES LE GROCK-t- A.'ID CAPS, Printing ni I O C.o h COMMIt'S'Oct was advised by an officer to let it remain descendant, on the mothers side, or the man o fice, or at Taylor's Book snd Job Rooms, 9d f"vii.-ci.- Cloths. Just receive I MKKl'H He cosl.t close them out. street, will meet wilh prompt attention. Leggins water proof, ( r e xTVi ADO' Ine naai- - nn Bi.IiIm.-a- -lJ w ?IT. A. 360 Ma: ,1 . Lau.in.lle. An. who set the river on fire. S. Third Letters W Coats, Capes, and si A fi M . B Destsrs Kub of all kin a sharp look-ou- t on the place janl7 P. BARBER & CO. a distance, to me, oox 47, MA.NSFlhLU'S assortment, lur sale low at in Is. in. fsr tit there, and keep from directed Louisville th ap at jinl6 o cW7 Ml of a will he attended to with accuracy and despatch. ow km woorv. Hof i f.on stm Unsih 5ns. jaaJ did so, and the following night saw Murphy Since champagne became a common bev Hly. L'nderahlri and .11 Jusi received He O E.YTItA l.nre Karens to Bell. Robinson & Co., druggists; John Vi;mil,EK.itMT ifflT. 1 ICE'. DISSOLUTION more Shaker, Flunnel, Shaker knit. Cashmere. sgem VV Woo'en Core lorls, bright color, fi r sale OP I.)C1HTILI.E the place and get the watch. Faust pur erage, the wealth ol Newark, N. J., has Bull Co.;Thos. W. Andrews, rroiectinn insu dtzen P. The e xis'ing b HVDKOrATIIIC IMOITCrG go to Lambs' Wool. Country Flannel, Canton Flannel, and H cheap at MANSHELD S than quadrupled. Singular coincidence, isn'l it? ranee Company ; T. R. Nelson, bookseller; O. Mn fianl6J iween the undersigned is this nay i solved by rpHlSstablishmf nt, located or. Secon!tin, between w latter threw the watch Diill Cotton; Half Hjse. extra sizes. Fur ralr chep al dc mutual sued Murphy, hen the rrat & CJo.. banking house; Pientice Weissinser U consent, Mr. tvidiaui Turner rctiiing (rum the cm cern. Walnut and Chestnut, is aw opes for tne reception jai.16 MANSFIELD'S. H. Wil It ATM, Cup, Ar.,Sl kalsalr.rr required of Murphy in $S00 to editors Louisville Journal t Ishsm Hendersoni J. Is still larger C.H KKNT, of patients ind those desirous of availing iheu..elvessf away. Bail CT Punch has a carncature representini Placide, New Ourjobbirg stcck than weT - A wt II ill- -. 16 ler & Co.. druggists. Thomas Orleans has be C. DUVLL, the benefit- or Water Cure." a Jut received Ivory La. A. Warner, National Cin des re, ant to cleared tut tomake with me Louis Napoleon with dead goose, labelled best q iality, sizes Wm. treisuier Theatre. waya T- sh we tnt re WM. 1 Persons wishing to consul will either call at Bill.! Balls, spring - huieis M 2i,2, 2,. VV. Preston; W. N. Hal editor for our stock. UKER. my on by Henry Germley and Bar- "La Republ que," which he haseviscera ed to For sale cheap at 19a Main street. cinna i. Ohioi C lera.n. fore five the greatest bargains in the West or elsewhere odlc. JsTsrsoa streat, above Third, uf at t Commonwealth i nr Louisville Courier; Harney k Hughes, editors of astabiiahmanL janl6 A. D. MANSFIELD. i' lan 17 day find a golden egg. Democrat. dir r. a.blKHr.Ka iu. Cf.P4ItTKR!IiP.-Wehiv- e this- 'S'ocia. OaeUikkwtf B. C A SPA RI. M. D. West n. p. w. Diamissed. the 1"I I tholomew rtMi KA I Kit) A 1. liMblsaail Kearlaa Fall. HOWAKD.an tie Frederick Lippermen, up on warrant for as- 87 The mm who found one of the umbrellas OIM.IAUO Csie Leathers Jast eeived 2oO(i LIKK.P'tKKKvTKU'. Just received a full L Silk and Cotton, white, brow n, and flesh colored will herexfter he continued unJer 'h style sn firm of fPAK aa4 Pltea. L Leather, assorted sizes best quality For tale Nautilus and Circular Gum Tights; a so a good assortment uf So, ingen's Fells ami Dafll,UUiALL CO. i:. H. KKIXT. JL SO Koper, d that everybody lost was lately seen in this city bNsTar sault and battery on Wm. cheap at Cloth Preservers, for sal cheap at Masks for renting. C. DUVALL, 60 do Pitch; for sale ky The sheriff is after Lisa. Jaulf MANSFIELD'S. janJS MANSFIELD'S. TAYLOR & ARMSTRONG L.G.HOWARD. man. Heard and dismissed. janlJ Jl JanlS E. J. MARTIN CO.