Northamptonshire. 43
DIRECTORY.] NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. BRIXWORTH. 43 Wall Letter Box, Nobottle, cleared at 4.30 p.m. week master ; Mrs. Dickinson, mistress ; & Miss Belton, days only infants' mistress -- Public Elementary School, Little Brington (mixed & Carriers to Northampton. John Yeomans, Little Bring infants), enlarged in 1892-3 at the cost of Earl Spencer ton, wed. & sat. & Mrs. Isabella Stowe & Son & & now holding 180 children; average attendance, boys Wm. Geo. Threadgold, Great Brington, wed. & sat & girls, 120; infants, 35; Tom Franklin Dickinson, • GREAT BRINGTON. Threadgold Wm.Geo. grazier&carrier Manning Sophia (Mrs.), baker & gcr Goodall Mrs. Spencer cottage Treadgold John, gardener to Lady Middleton George, farmer Bumpbery Lady, The Cottage Hnmphery Redley J ames, butcher Martin Rev. William B.D. Rectory Stowe Isabella (Mrs.) & Son, carriers Spokes Mary (Mrs.), farmer Morley Alexander Lucy Yea Woolman William, boot maker Williams Waiter, blacksmith W orley Richard, shopkeeper I W orley George, grazier COMMERCIAL. LI'rl'LE BRINGTON. I Wykes Alfred, assessor & collector of _\lthorp Estate Office (Alexander taxes, St. J ames' place L. Y. l\Iorley, agent) Alien William Clarence Hanwell,l Wykes Arthur Edwin, assistant over Beard Frederick D. & Son, tailors White house seer & rate collector Dixon William, farmer Garratt John, The Laurels Wykes John Webb, estate agent, sur Gouda Charles, blacksmith Lewis J ames veyor, valuer & farmer Harris Charles Albert, grocer Wykes Rev. Theophilus (Baptist), Yeomans Jn. Britannia inn, & carrier Kimbell Eaton, farmer, The Grange Woodbine cottage Morley Alexander Lucy Yea, agent to Wykes John lYebb, The Cedars ~OBOTTLE. Earl Spencer K.G COMMERCIAL. Ashby Charles, grazier Phillips Wm. farmer, Rectory farm Bates William Oliver, Ye Olde Sara- Cave George William, farmer, No- Reading Room & Library (Edward J.
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