Windows Project Z 1_ CDROM to Q: drive 2_ Make your computer a part of the VTOURS workgroup & computer is Student# 3_ Windows Explorer – List View; don’t hide known extensions, show Preview Pane 4_ Change your Window pane to not Transparent 5_ People to be included in your User List:  Your name with Administration Privileges;  Paule Smith with a logon name of psmith – put him in Sales Group. 6_ Change computer location from Public to Work. 7_ Increase Taskbar size (if not already) and pin something to Task Bar. 8_ Map a “P” drive to a folder on Tom2/Public using command 9_ Install a Network based HP5Laser printer from 10_ Create a folder called “Logfiles” with encryption. 11_ Create a hidden “Budget” folder only the people in Sales Group can access. 12_ Pick 5 MMC snap-in’s with Local Policy – save as “My Console” in your Desktop. 13_ Install Windows Sidebar CPU meter. 14_ Create a System Restore point called “Sat_2013” 15_ Back up the Registry File to My Documents. 16_ Edit MSCONFIG for UAC control. 17_ Archive any notifications (bottom right). 18_ Do a Disk Cleanup. 19_Check how much video ram (dxdiag) 20_ Do a disk check for C: drive upon reboot. 21_ Open Notepad and do a TaskList and TaskKill command. 22_ Do an Aero Rotate and Snap with two Text documents open. 23_ Review HomeGroup 24_ Install an .exe program in Compatibility Mode. 25_ Reboot into SafeMode and do a Disk Repair (note Memory Diagnostic). 26_ Review Disk Management. 27_ Review GPEDIT.MSC 28_ Review Bitlocker 29_ Review Net Stop and Command. 30_ Review the FLAG + R, +E, +D, +P, +L, +TAB commands. 31_Review Windows Easy Transfer 32 Review the command Project Z Steps 1_ Right Click Computer icon; ; right click; move 2_ Computer Properties; advanced; computer name 3_ Menu Bar; Tools; Folder Options; View

4_ Right Click desktop; Personalize; Window color; checkbox 5_ Right Click Computer icon; Manage/Users 6_ Right Click Network; Properties; active network right pane (Network Sharing Center)

7_ Right Click Taskbar; Right Click on icon; pin A B_ Right Click Computer (or Network); choose Map drive. Or “NET USE G: \\Tom2\Public” 9_ computer; double click on it (or Add Printer); Local; TCP

10_ Right Click Logfile; Properties; General tab; Advanced; checkbox 11_ Create Folder “Budget$”, Right Click and share; add Sales Group (must create group first) 12_ type MMC or Command Prompt MMC (Don’t forget about right click Run As…)

13_ Right Click Desktop; Gadgets; CPU 14_ Type RSTRUl.exe or Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools 15_ Type REGEDlT; choose File > Export

16_ Type MSCONFlG; Tools tab; select UAC > Launch; move slider. 17_ Open Action Center (Flag icon bottom right); Right Click Archive 18_ Type CLEANMGR.exe

19_ Type DXDlAG or MSlNF032 > Components 20_ Type “CHKDSK /f” or Right Click C:\ drive; Properties; Tools; Error check 21_ CMD; type tasklist then type “taskkill /pid ####” or “taskkill /lm notepad.exe”

22_ Flag+TAB; grab and drag border to each side of screen for Aero Snap 23_ Control Panel > Homegroup (Network and Internet) 24_ Right click on .exe; Properties > Compatibility > checkbox

25_ Go into Safe Mode (F8 upon bootup); select Repair Disk 26_ Right Click Computer icon; Manage; Disk Management 27_ Type GPEDlT.msc; go to Computer > Windows Settings > Security Settings

28_ Type GPEDlT.msc; go Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > BitLocker Drive Encryption > Drives; then Enable. 29_ Type “Net Stop Spooler”; and “Net Start Spooler” 30_ FLAG+R=Run; +E=Explorer; +D=Desktop; +P=Projector; +L=Lock; +Tab=AreoRotate

31_StartI > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools 32_ Open CMD in Admin mode; type “diskpart”, “list disk”, “list volume”, and “clean all”