Arneral Assembly Diatr
UNITED NATIONS arneral Assembly Diatr. GENERAL A/43/605 15 Srgtomter 1988 ORIGINALI ENGLISH Forty-third rresaion Item 94 of the proviaionel agenda* ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN on the of A11.Farmr rLi.rem Rwort of S m Nnud CONTENTS - ma 1 - 10 2 11 - 13 4 Convention -- ..- - * A/43/150, 88-22528 0489i (E) / , I A/43/605 Englirh Page 2 I. IblTIODUCTIO~ 1CI , The General Arrrmbly, by it8 rorolution 34/180 of 111 Daaombor 1919, adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forma of Dirarimination againrt Womrn and opened it for rignaturo , rr:ifiaationor l aaa~8ion~ Sinao 1980, the Aarombly har annually adopted roaolutionr in which it invited or urged all Rater that had not yet done 80 to rip, ratify or aaardo to thr Convention (rrrolutionr 35/140, 361131, 37/64, 35/109, 40/39, 41/100 and 42/60), In aaaordanaa with thovo rorolutiona, the Ioarotary-Gonaral ha8 annually rubmittrd roportr on the rtatu8 of the Convention on th8 Elimination of All Form8 of Dirarimination againrt Women since the thirty-fifth roarion of the Graarrl &88ombly in 1950 (A/35/425, A/36/295 and Add.1, A/37/349 and Add.1, A/30/338, A/39/416, A/40/623, A/41/600 and Add,1 and A/42/627), Sinlao the inaoption of the Committoo on the Elimination of Diacriminntion againat Wornon, th8 A88wnbly ha8 8180 regularly oonridwed the Committee'8 roportr on it8 aativiti88, A/ rubmittod in aaaordanao with article 21 of the Convention, 2, In it8 rrrolutionr SO/130 of 14 Dooombrr 1984, 40/39 of 29 Novombor 1985, 41/108 of 4 Docombor 1966 and 42/60 of 24 lrrbruary
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